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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-10-10

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
01:25 scottangel joined #evergreen
01:26 Jaysal joined #evergreen
07:08 collum joined #evergreen
08:06 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:14 cbrown joined #evergreen
08:15 collum joined #evergreen
08:30 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
08:35 redavis joined #evergreen
08:46 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:10 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:12 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:15 sandbergja joined #evergreen
09:18 sandbergja Beating a dead horse time
09:18 sandbergja So, yesterday I learned that you can install gitlab with 2 commands: run a script to add an apt source and then sudo apt-get gitlab-ce.
09:18 sandbergja The ansible for it, courtesy of my colleagues: https://github.com/pulibrary/princeton_ansible​/blob/main/roles/gitlab/tasks/main.yml#L45-L58
09:18 * redavis listens to sandbergja
09:18 sandbergja There's a dnf version for RHEL-like systems as well
09:18 collum joined #evergreen
09:18 sandbergja And I fully recognize that there is more to switching to self-hosted gitlab than just installing it: long-term maintenance and of course switching all of our workflows to the new system.
09:18 sandbergja But dang!  Just wanted to say that installing Gitlab is not a barrier to switching to self-hosted Gitlab.  And obviously it wouldn't be a barrier to Github or hosted Gitlab either.
09:18 Dyrcona Uh huh. I've done that, then you have to worry about upgrades breaking things, which is what happened to me, so I moved everything to Github.
09:19 csharp_ sandbergja: we run gitlab-ce internally here too
09:19 sandbergja Dyrcona: good to know!
09:19 csharp_ upgrades are annoying, yes
09:19 sandbergja csharp_: good to know as well
09:19 Dyrcona For me, it just stopped working, and I didn't have time to fix it. The "gitlab community" was little to no help.
09:19 sandbergja :-(
09:20 Dyrcona Basically, pay for support or get lost.
09:20 Dyrcona I'm not a fan of the "freemium" model.
09:20 csharp_ sandbergja: "annoying" = "you have to upgrade point-release-by-point-release, but APT naturally offers to install the most recent version, so you have to track down the version numbers and pass them to apt"
09:21 Dyrcona I'm also not a fan of the Github model, either, but what can you do other than host something yourself?
09:21 sandbergja very good to know csharp_
09:21 csharp_ I haven't hit anything that requires support beyond stack exchange-esque things
09:21 Dyrcona Also, what csharp_ just said. That might have been my issue...
09:22 Dyrcona I think we should just move to Github at this point and drop Lp, too.
09:22 Dyrcona If we're going to change what we're doing with git that is.
09:22 sandbergja sounds great to me!
09:23 sandbergja I'll confess to being a little tired of reading through long launchpad threads to try to understand which of 5 possible branches I'm actually supposed to review (and guessing wrong on multiple occassions).
09:23 Dyrcona Running gitolite is easier than running gitlab in my experience. It has fewer features, but do we need those features?
09:23 Dyrcona Yeah, same here, but we'd probably still have that problem with gitlab/github issues.
09:23 sandbergja one of the features that gitlab provides (including in CE) is the ability to automatically run all our tests on each merge request
09:24 Dyrcona We could do that with a post-receive hook in git.
09:24 csharp_ adding insult to injury, APT tries to install the most recent release and then you get scolded for trying to skip versions :-/
09:25 csharp_ re: "long launchpad threads" that seems to be a process problem rather than a software problem, but I completely agree
09:25 sandbergja hmmmmmm that does sound annoying
09:26 csharp_ also, I lose patience when the 1:1 bug to fix ratio is broken - I *hate* omnibus bugs and megafixes
09:26 Dyrcona I screwed up with a duplicate bug yesterday and pushed something that part of an omnibus branch. Again, more of a process than Lp issue.
09:26 Dyrcona :)
09:26 Dyrcona Birds of a feather... csharp_ and I.
09:27 csharp_ @hate omnibus bugs
09:27 pinesol csharp_: The operation succeeded.  csharp_ hates omnibus bugs.
09:27 Dyrcona Speaking of.... I'm going to push the omnibus OPAC accessibility branch.
09:27 csharp_ Dyrcona++
09:27 redavis Dyrcona++
09:28 sandbergja Dyrcona++
09:28 csharp_ let the great untangling begin!
09:28 redavis I'd be interesting in exploring what it would actually take to move from LP to Github.
09:29 Dyrcona I think we got stuck on export Lp bugs and importing them as issues. I don't know if we ever figured that out.
09:29 sandbergja yeah, I suppose that if somebody has already opened a PR/MR for a particular branch, and then supersedes that PR/MR with a new PR/MR with a new branch, we still have the problem of determining which one to use.  But our current software solution practically invites many branches per pull request
09:29 Dyrcona FWIW, we could run our own Launchpad. It's F/OSS also.
09:29 sandbergja No thanks hahaha
09:31 redavis I just know that this has been an ongoing issue/conversation for several years. If we're finding that LP is a bottleneck/efficiency stealer, it's worth the time (somebody's time) to make it a priority.
09:31 redavis Also, having both LP and Git and etc. etc. for "all the places" is confusing to most "similar" communities.
09:32 Dyrcona redavis: I added you sign off to the omnibus branch because you signed off on some of the fixes. Ditto for Christineb.
09:33 redavis Dyrcona++ #it was def a collab (not branch)
09:33 Dyrcona Well, if we hosted our Lp or Gitlab, git and the issues would be in the same place. Same thing with moving to Github.
09:33 sandbergja I dunno, it's just... every other project I'm a committer for has already run the test so I can review the results as part of my review, gives me a nice UI to review changes rather than having to determine a base commit and then count multiple commits, gives me a cute green button to press rather than having to count commits again...  I get some
09:33 sandbergja of the reasons why we make it harder than other communities do, but that doesn't make it any more enjoyable/productive for me.
09:33 csharp_ redavis: inertia is hard to break
09:33 redavis Ahh, that makes sense.
09:34 Dyrcona I suppose we could move our git to Launchpad as well. There's already a mirror there. We could make it the main repo. Our working repo is a bit unusual. Most projects don't have something like that.
09:34 csharp_ the giant battleship that is the Evergreen project has always been hard to change
09:34 redavis csharp_, it is. I appreciate inertia, but also hate it.
09:34 * redavis likes to be the iceberg sometimes.
09:34 csharp_ @decide battleship or titanic
09:34 pinesol csharp_: go with battleship
09:34 csharp_ pinesol: yep
09:35 pinesol csharp_: Beyond here be dragons.
09:35 csharp_ pinesol: scary
09:35 pinesol csharp_: Try running autogen
09:35 sandbergja heh
09:35 redavis I dunno...six battleships have sunk and only one titanic.
09:35 redavis out of context math
09:35 sandbergja redavis++
09:35 csharp_ and one Lusitania and one Britannic
09:36 redavis lol, true true, that but that's a criteria change. (stats are malleable)
09:36 Dyrcona Every seen Clark and Dawe's "The Front Fell Off?"
09:37 Dyrcona https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m5qxZm_​JqM&pp=ygUSdGhlIGZyb250IGZlbGwgb2Zm
09:37 redavis lol, no. But i'm looking it up. Right now. And also, sandbergja, "we make it harder than other communities do" needs to be addressed.
09:38 sandbergja Dyrcona++
09:38 Dyrcona I don't think we intentionally make it hard than other communities do.
09:38 csharp_ Dyrcona: ha!
09:38 redavis We've been wrestling with it for a long time, and inertia does explain a lot, but doesn't get to be a justification. (Hmm, I might be in THAT mode this morning)
09:38 Dyrcona s/hard/harder/
09:38 sandbergja "some of them are built so that the front doesn't fall off at all"
09:38 csharp_ Dyrcona: we've had multiple dev conversations over the years that feel exactly like that
09:39 Dyrcona Those two were hilarious together. They did a mockumentary of the 2000 Olympics in Sydney.
09:39 redavis Dyrcona++ #so funny
09:39 redavis "cardboard's out"
09:40 pinesol News from commits: LP2048666 OPAC advanced search form submit button <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=299eab​6fe0d57554f8f84178bd3e76fcf6c41e25>
09:40 pinesol News from commits: LP2043042 Checkbox fixes for holds, circs tables <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=392698​899e6c8ed4a086fa86f13782b11abe43b2>
09:40 pinesol News from commits: LP2048666 OPAC accessibility: omnibus corrections <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=3c9357​4db7cc09650ba3274e9d4b66149df0b138>
09:40 pinesol News from commits: LP2048677 OPAC login form labels, errors, tooltips <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=f8577d​4e2eb340f10e42ead68512d0750237bc6c>
09:40 pinesol News from commits: LP1467645 OPAC Call Number Browse redesign <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=c5dcb2​415906edc5d11b8623f55fac205ce3187e>
09:40 pinesol News from commits: LP1467645 OPAC My Account table and form accessibility <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=b8231b​8fd1f14218c9977bec11fb99e5bfdd1b34>
09:40 pinesol News from commits: LP1894900 OPAC Search and browse form accessibility <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=6dbe16​baea073d2dbd7caf1be6cbd49c32cbae06>
09:40 pinesol News from commits: LP1467645 OPAC search results: eliminate tables <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=eb4142​2ce21bd14ef1b0f1a771532d1bfc189902>
09:40 pinesol News from commits: LP2048666 OPAC Headings, landmarks, semantic HTML <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=e0839a​79905cd8f0304566e21f92a1e316ad5ac1>
09:40 pinesol News from commits: LP2048666 OPAC accessibility: omnibus foundation <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=6c9e92​c14c9e5154c6c60cfce0e55189fb87c0c8>
09:41 csharp_ holy craznap!
09:41 redavis whooooof
09:41 sandbergja wowza
09:41 csharp_ @band add The Omnibus Foundation
09:41 pinesol csharp_: Band 'The Omnibus Foundation' added to list
09:41 redavis lol
09:43 Dyrcona Now, to update release notes...
09:43 sandbergja Dyrcona: I agree that we don't intentionally try to make it harder than other communities.  But I think it's one of those things where if we're not constantly working to make it easier, it just automatically gets harder.
09:44 Dyrcona sandbergja: I agree for the most part. It's a lack of effort in this area. I mean, look at our translation situation with POEditor and git integration.
09:45 sandbergja yeah...
09:45 Dyrcona I'm not meaning to single any one individual out on this. I'm as guilty as anyone.
09:45 Dyrcona It comes down to too much work and not enough hands.
09:46 sandbergja And I would also add: how does the community prioritize things given that there is too much work and not enough hands?
09:47 * redavis is still listening
09:47 Dyrcona Well, that generally comes down to the priorities of the institutions that employ most of the people who do the work, individual volunteers excepted.
09:48 Dyrcona Since what we have "works." Infrastructure is not a high priority.
09:48 redavis Also, dropping this - https://www.hbs.edu/ris/Publication%20Files/24​-038_51f8444f-502c-4139-8bf2-56eb4b65c58a.pdf
09:49 Dyrcona redavis++ I'll save that for later.
09:50 sandbergja And funders as well (since redavis' ears are already burning hahaha).  I muse what would happen if ECDI could pay for experienced community members to review the huge backlog of pull requests.  To me, it would have a great ROI: you'd get a ton of new features and bug fixes merged to main, rather than new pull requests sitting in a queue with 90
09:50 sandbergja other pull requests.
09:53 redavis ECDI is undergoing strategic planning right now. I have a lot of ideas about what it SHOULD do...but also what it's limitations are.
09:53 sandbergja redavis++
09:54 redavis And I think there is also the question of the Evergreen Project strategic plan (also in process but much further along) and how it might take on some roles...
09:54 redavis Or work with ECDI.
09:54 sandbergja good point
09:55 Dyrcona Many other large, F/OSS projects have a 501c3 (or equivalent) foundation that can take donations. One of our problems is that a lot of our users are government entities, who cannot donate.
09:55 redavis I think you've hit a nail squarely on the head though.  It is unreasonable to expect free labor for these very high level things. And, from an infrastructure standpoint, there is "the way we've always done it" and that just not working anymore.  People are getting disillusioned and burned out.
09:56 Dyrcona Sometimes more than once.... :(
09:56 redavis I guess I shouldn't speak for "people." But that's the sense I've been getting.
09:56 mmorgan @quote add <sandbergja> if we're not constantly working to make it easier, it just automatically gets harder.
09:56 pinesol mmorgan: The operation succeeded.  Quote #248 added.
09:57 redavis Dyrcona, I [think] we're getting closer to that point with TEP potentially acting as that foundation...sort of. I don't want to speak for the org, but that's my read.
09:57 sandbergja Dyrcona: yeah, plus many of those large projects have the funding of the huge corporations that use that software
09:57 redavis sandbergja++ #I think that's where the membership model comes in.
09:58 Dyrcona sandbergja: Sometimes those corporations give less than you think, but yes.
09:58 redavis We don't have "huge corporations" but we have organizations and individuals.
09:58 sandbergja ha, well that wouldn't surprise me :-)
10:00 redavis We need to find our Dolly Parton or Jane Batten.
10:06 sandbergja I have to say that the people who run our community's infrastructure now (I'm thinking Dyrcona, csharp_, gmcharlt, Bmagic off the top of my head): you all do an amazing job -- we do have infrastructure that is reliable, gets the job done, is available to the whole community, and y'all are very responsive.  I don't want my grumbling to imply
10:06 sandbergja otherwise.
10:06 redavis sandbergja++
10:06 sandbergja So yes, let's find our own Dolly Parton and we'll be good!
10:07 Dyrcona sandbergja: I took everything you said as constructive criticism. I know we could do better. It's a matter of consensus and time.
10:08 mmorgan Dyrcona++ csharp_++ gmcharlt++ Bmagic++
10:08 redavis Also, all the people who DO keep this community upright (which it IS) and the software rolling (which it DOES)++
10:08 mmorgan sandbergja++
10:08 redavis Dyrcona++ csharp_++ gmcharlt++ Bmagic++ sandbergja++ mmorgan++
10:09 redavis (and more, for sure)
10:13 Dyrcona csharp_++ gmcharlt++ Bmagic++ sandbergja++ mmorgan++ redavis++
10:13 Dyrcona So, I'm going to update release notes a little early before I forget to add some acknowledgements.
10:14 redavis Dyrcona, if you find something you think I can help with, let me know.
10:15 Dyrcona redavis: Thanks! I will. I'm just going to add the Canadian NNELS and the list of testers I got from abneiman. I'll hold off on adding release notes for the actual changes until next week.
10:24 Dyrcona redavis: I'm adding a special paragraph and list in the acknowledgments.
10:38 redavis Dyrcona++ #love it
10:40 pinesol News from commits: docs: Fix spelling of C/W MARS, Inc. in 3.14 release notes <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=98ec58​460608c227ad5330657f5a0abb12cd444c>
10:40 pinesol News from commits: docs: Add acknowledgments to 3.14 release notes <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=26f227​b3a6f5fe733e0b6097f25a14a19415460a>
10:45 sleary Dyrcona++
10:48 sleary redavis Dyrcona sandbergja csharp_ I put in a Hack-a-way agenda item to talk about GitHub/Launchpad again with a link to GitHub's Projects feature. I think it will make our spreadsheet warriors cry with how much easier it would be to wrangle large sets of bugs for releases, bug squashing, long term projects (I have one for accessibility, for example), and recurring task lists like the buildmaster sheet
10:48 Dyrcona sleary++
10:48 redavis sleary, it's getting done (accessibility). I'm not sure why, but this feels VERY important. Wait, I think I DO know why. https://nccconlinelearning.com/wp-content/uplo​ads/2023/07/clearning-a-path-for-ada.png?w=583
10:49 redavis sleary++
10:49 * redavis is a spreadsheet warrior
10:49 sleary redavis 100%
10:49 sleary Once I have time to finish marking all the duplicates that we just knocked out with that omnibus, I'll run the stats again and show y'all a pie chart of how many accessibility bugs we've closed
10:50 redavis love, love, love, love, etc., forever
10:51 sleary my rough estimate is about 75% total, staff + OPAC. Now, that's only the ones that have been reported... :) So we'll draw a veil over some of the older AngularJS screens
10:51 Dyrcona I count 34 duplicates on bug 204866. I might have missed one or two. I just counted as I moused over them.
10:51 pinesol Launchpad bug 197559 in python-central (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #204866 deskbar-applet crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197559
10:51 sleary Dyrcona there are a lot more. I think it's close to 60
10:51 Dyrcona 2048666
10:51 Dyrcona bug 2048666
10:51 pinesol Launchpad bug 2048666 in Evergreen "Landmarks and headings in the OPAC" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2048666
10:51 Dyrcona I missed a 6.
10:52 Dyrcona sleary: I basically opened each duplicate and checked the OPAC for a fix. I didn't use a screen reader, but it looks like Christineb checked those.
10:53 sleary She was wrangling feedback directly from the NNELS testers who were checking with screen readers
10:53 sleary that's why it was trickling in piecemeal
10:54 Dyrcona OK. Makes sense.
10:54 sleary I haven't finished marking all the duplicates yet
10:54 Dyrcona :)
10:54 sleary still slinging code as fast as I can
10:56 Dyrcona Christineb++
11:16 Rogan throwing a question into the void to see if anyone knows.  PayPal is currently offering two payment options, Payflow LINK and Payflow Pro. Evergreen has support for Payflow Pro and "Paypal".  Does anyone know if Payflow LINK is just rebranded "PayPal"?
11:16 Rogan also a pox upon their website but that's neither here nor there
11:17 redavis I'm unfamiliar with Payflow in any version.
11:17 redavis Oh, hold on.
11:18 redavis It looks like a way to use Paypal to work with other payment processors.
11:19 redavis https://www.papercut.com/kb/​Main/PayPalPaymentGateways/
11:26 Rogan yeah, from what I understand PayPal "standard" (not their actual product name I'm sure) is what we support currently
11:28 redavis that's my understanding. But my understanding is mostly supposition and surface level.
11:49 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
12:00 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:44 csharp_ @decide OpenSRF or DOPEnsrf
12:44 pinesol csharp_: That's a tough one...
12:45 redavis csharp_++
12:45 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:48 jmurray-isl csharp_ Not to be confused with D'oh!penSRF...?
12:49 redavis jmurray-isl++ #!!!!!!!
12:49 redavis d'oh!penSRF
13:06 jihpringle joined #evergreen
13:46 csharp_ jmurray-isl++
14:19 Dyrcona Am I not supposed to be able to login as admin with concerto on 3.14?
14:19 redavis You definitely should be able to
14:19 abneiman I was able to on butternut
14:20 Dyrcona it didn't work just now, but I could login as a  a regular staff user.
14:20 Dyrcona Oh! never mind. I checked command history and I typoed an option to eg_db_config.
14:30 Dyrcona Hm... On a stock Evergreen with Angular circ patches, I'm not getting the Angular circ menu to turn up.
14:32 Dyrcona I enabled it for CONS, when I log in at BR1, I don't see it. This worked on another system with customizations.
14:33 Dyrcona Are permissions involved? It shows up if I'm admin, but not if I'm br1mtownsend.
14:36 sleary I think you have to log out and back in
14:37 Dyrcona Well, I've done that several times. It just has not shown up if I log in as br1mtownsend. When I log in as admin, it's there.
14:39 sleary hmmm, I don't recall seeing any permissions involved there
14:40 Dyrcona It seems to work OK on a system that was upgraded from earlier releases with customization and production data... This is odd. I might look into it more tomorrow.
14:47 Dyrcona I'll clean out /openils/var/web and reinstall later.
14:47 Dyrcona This isn't exactly a fresh installation either.
14:53 jihpringle joined #evergreen
14:54 sandbergja joined #evergreen
14:55 sandbergja Dyrcona: there is a permission ACCESS_ANGULAR_CIRC
14:55 Dyrcona sandbergja: That's probably it. I'll check the Circulators group.
15:05 kworstell_isl_ joined #evergreen
15:09 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
15:09 sleary huh, TIL!
15:32 Dyrcona sandbergja++ That was it: ACCESS_ANGULAR_CIRC.
15:33 redavis sandbergja++
15:33 sleary sandbergja++
15:35 Dyrcona I guess the reason it works on the other server is that both of us looking at it have the EVERYTHING permission.
15:37 csharp_ @band add The EVERYTHING Permission
15:37 pinesol csharp_: Band 'The EVERYTHING Permission' added to list
15:52 scottangel So... I'm kind of stuck here. I'm trying to use this 3rd part library ngx-charts but Evergreen is running older versions of Angular and I can't seem to get these dependencies to act right. I have no idea what versions of angular->node->ngx-charts I'm supposed to use. I've run into this problem before and I do the same dumb thing everyone else on stackoverflow suggest which is --legacy-peer-deps. I don't think this is acceptable
15:52 scottangel with Evergreen. Any ideas?
15:52 abneiman Dyrcona et al. when are you calling the merge pause for RC? I have some docs things and I'm wondering if I can still push them tomorrow.
15:52 Dyrcona abneiman: Tomorrow should be OK>
15:52 abneiman thanks!
16:12 Dyrcona Grabbing 1443:
16:41 pinesol News from commits: LP2065344: Stamping DB upgrade <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=f3e00e​06c57e3f80378bd2930a131df647a1c53d>
16:41 pinesol News from commits: LP2065344 AngCirc: color repairs for dark mode <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=b41024​9fa39dad8ada68996defa56982f90dfaac>
16:41 pinesol News from commits: LP2065344 AngCirc: align patron billing grid styles <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=a7602c​e9a331c5813911c7b6f2ce0541762e81a0>
16:42 pinesol News from commits: LP2065344 Angular Circ: Side navigation <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=4734b8​701dc04c53f3091c9911cbf3d4a256ef29>
16:42 pinesol News from commits: LP2065344 Angular Circ: Notes and Messages <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=0c8223​ca499c0dc7bbbf74f7239e2707250595d9>
16:42 pinesol News from commits: LP2065344 Shared depth selector component <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=67f4ee​61abb6e1f87b908b5ff2db8fba313020e9>
16:42 pinesol News from commits: LP2065344 Angular Circ: accessibility cleanup <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=3fdc7e​5c6a1cf21989dba82b4093ed2f3ef4d66a>
16:43 sleary Dyrcona++
16:43 Dyrcona sleary++ phasefx++
16:44 Dyrcona everyone++
16:48 Dyrcona Evergreen is done. We can all go home, now. :)
16:49 abneiman Dyrcona++ sleary++ phasefx++ berick++
17:00 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:42 pinesol News from commits: Docs: 3.14 misc docs updates <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=a877b0​378526a9e623c6f277f376e56bdb72b358>
17:59 sleary scottangel I have run into that issue with other 3rd-party things, and the only solution I know of is to look through the older releases to find one that's compatible with Angular 15
17:59 sleary and/or light a fire under someone to fund work on the Angular 18 upgrade :/
18:04 jihpringle joined #evergreen
18:07 sandbergja joined #evergreen
18:13 sandbergja scottangel: what error are you getting when trying to add ngx-charts?  If anything, it seems like they might be further behind on Angular upgrades than Evergreen: the package.json at https://www.npmjs.com/package/@sw​imlane/ngx-charts?activeTab=code has a peer dependency on ng >=12.0.0, while evergreen uses 15.  Which honestly seems like it should
18:13 sandbergja match the >==12.0.0 criteria.
18:22 sandbergja ahhhh, I get "ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree" when I try to add it. :-(  I don't understand why npm doesn't think 15.0.4 is greater or equal to 12.0.0.  npm dependency math is beyond me.
18:24 sandbergja I guess another option would be to use d3 directly.
18:28 sleary there's an Angular version of the Visa charts library, which has a great reputation for accessibility (I haven't tried this version) https://developer.visa.com/pages​/chart-components/charts-angular
18:34 sandbergja sleary++
18:36 sandbergja that's cool that they use web components too
18:40 sandbergja joined #evergreen
18:44 sleary sandbergja I'll be back later tonight to look at PRs. Leave me a note here if there are any you want me to look at!
18:47 sandbergja sleary++
18:52 sandbergja Thanks so much for offering, sleary!  I would appreciate feedback on bug 1895695 and/or bug 2060351, particularly with a view to how we want opac js to be in a future ideal state.  Also would really appreciate your thoughts on bug 2082036, especially if you can see any potential pitfalls.
18:52 pinesol Launchpad bug 1895695 in Evergreen "Wishlist: add a link tracker for the course materials module" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1895695
18:52 pinesol Launchpad bug 2060351 in Evergreen "OPAC advanced search: selecting a shelving location group doesn't update the shelving locations" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2060351
18:52 pinesol Launchpad bug 2082036 in Evergreen "Cannot add languages to the Angular language picker or translation dialog from the tarball" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2082036
19:02 sandbergja that first one apparently needs srs rebasing though, I'll try to power through that momentarily
19:04 Christineb joined #evergreen
19:07 sandbergja okay, rebased!

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