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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-09-11

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
06:24 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
07:29 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:02 ian1 joined #evergreen
08:11 ian1 joined #evergreen
08:17 dguarrac joined #evergreen
08:21 ian1 left #evergreen
08:30 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:45 mantis joined #evergreen
09:43 cbrown joined #evergreen
10:58 redavis joined #evergreen
11:17 Christineb joined #evergreen
12:04 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
12:05 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:56 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
13:11 Dyrcona eeevil: After I added the MFA branch to a rel_3_13_3 branch and resolved a conflict in Makefile.install for Ubuntu Focal, I get a warning from CBOR::XS that the Perl version is not supported. The warning makes it should like the Perl version is too recent. This is on Ubuntu 22.04. I told it to proceed anyway, but wondered if you had encountered that warning before?
13:13 eeevil I did not, but IIUC JBoyer did see that, and did tell it to proceed. it's basically a module dependency's owner is persnickety and throws up a warning because they don't like an change that perl5 maintainers made
13:13 eeevil (also, jfyi, it's /definitely not/ meant to be backported to 3.13)
13:14 eeevil s/an change/a change to perl's internals/
13:14 Dyrcona I gotcha on both points. I'm using 3.13 because it is the closest thing to main that I have that can send email, at least I think it can send email.
13:15 Dyrcona Do you think there are breaking changes between 3.13 and main that would affect the MFA functionality?
13:15 Dyrcona I have not actually run the installation, yet.
13:16 * Dyrcona finds out. :)
13:20 Dyrcona Warnings from ng build but no errors.
13:20 JBoyer The CBOR::XS author has a sad because a change to perl /5.22/ broke his cooperative multitasking stuff and just added that noisemaker to every module he authored before trying to spin up a fork for a hot minute.
13:22 redavis lol, "the ...author has a sad..."
13:23 Dyrcona OK.
13:23 Dyrcona I didn't read the whole screed.
13:23 Dyrcona :)
13:24 Dyrcona Hrm. I forgot that I have to configure opensrf.xml. This is gonna take more than the 15 minutes that I told everyone here.
13:24 JBoyer I was unreasonably curious that day. I can't say it was a valuable use of those few minutes.
13:25 * JBoyer has visions of live Eg installs at conferences
13:25 JBoyer (in a good way, mind)
13:36 * redavis also have visions of live Eg installs at conferences
13:41 Dyrcona When Linux Fests were a thing, installations on people's hardware was a thing.
13:52 jeff ah yes, installfests.
13:53 csharp_ @band add Evergreen Installation Race
13:53 pinesol csharp_: Band 'Evergreen Installation Race' added to list
13:54 csharp_ @who was at the conference when [someone] won the EG installation race?
13:54 pinesol mmorgan was at the conference when BDorsey won the EG installation race.
13:54 redavis Noice!!
13:58 Dyrcona Well, compilation and configuration went ok. Services started OK. No idea if the MFA actually works on 3.13.
13:58 Dyrcona Yet...
14:05 JBoyer Its a Right Hoot when someone sets MFA to enabled on the entire staff tree and there are shared accounts in use. (such as 'admin', say.)
14:05 Dyrcona eeevil: That "BUG FIX" commit included in the branch: Is it intended to be part of this or just included to make sure that things work? I seem to recall seeing a different LP for that issue.
14:05 JBoyer Er, required, that is.
14:06 redavis A hot hoot.  JBoyer, I can't even.
14:06 Dyrcona Can it work with something like Google Authenticator app? Is that the totp or is that for yubi key/fobs only?
14:06 redavis Dyrcona, yes
14:07 redavis that's the TOTP.  yubikeys are the web auth
14:07 redavis IIRC.
14:07 Dyrcona redavis++ Thanks for the clarification. I've never used a yubi key before.
14:07 eeevil Dyrcona: re bug fix, I am pretty sure it's needed
14:08 eeevil but it may have another bug ... I didn't find one in a quick scan
14:08 JBoyer I think the only thing "missing" is PassKeys, which are new enough that there isn't great support (or demand) for them.
14:08 redavis Dyrcona, me either.  It was handy that Jane had a couple "laying around."
14:09 Dyrcona eeevil: Cool. I saw it mentioned somewhere recently, and I thought it was a ticket email, maybe it was one of the lists.
14:09 redavis Dyrcona, if it's helpful and you haven't already seen them, here are the MFA specs - https://yeti.equinoxoli.org/dev​/public/techspecs/mfa_specs.pdf
14:10 eeevil in chrome, you can use your android phone that's logged into the same google account as a webauthn device. it asks you to unlock your phone (fingerprint, pin, etc)
14:10 Dyrcona redavis: I have them, thanks! It has been a while since I looked at them.
14:10 redavis they give a little more info on the factors
14:10 redavis Dyrcona++
14:10 Dyrcona eeevil: That's always fun since my phone is logged into multiple Google accounts. :)
14:11 eeevil Dyrcona: well, any that overlap ;)
14:11 jihpringle joined #evergreen
14:12 Dyrcona Yeah, sometimes it's automatic, sometimes I have to choose which account.
14:12 eeevil and, with multi-cred=true, you can add as many yubi keys, phones, etc to one account ... um, shared second factors!
14:13 redavis No.  SHARING.  (minor toddler tantrum writ to intimidate end users that just won't get their own dang accounts)
14:13 Dyrcona OK. I just got informed that logging into the server is silently failing, and I think that is because I forgot to manually start websockets. This one doesn't have the service set up.
14:14 Dyrcona Err, no. That's not it.
14:18 jeff multiple hwardware devices (in the original FIDO U2F / traditional yubikey context) on a single account should almost always be supported. it's annoying when it isn't, though that's generally in a situation where I'm the user, not the service operator.
14:18 jeff "hwardwware". nice. :-P
14:19 jeff ugh. can't even reproduce typos reliably. it's like my terminal hasas hiccups. :-P
14:19 eeevil jeff: indeed! (and, really, adding someone's $thing to an account's MFA is actually a less-bad way to share accounts)
14:20 Dyrcona Oh, right! It probably helps to run the db upgrade script. :(
14:20 jeff even when there's no sharing of the account between users: hardware tokens can break or be lost. you usually want more than one assigned to your account if you don't want to be locked out.
14:20 eeevil +1
14:25 Dyrcona All right. I can login now that I've run the db upgrade and restarted services.
14:40 Dyrcona OK now that I have allowed MFA for may permission group. I'm not able to login to the staff. I have not made it required.
14:42 abowling joined #evergreen
14:43 redavis Dyrcona, did you allow it for all permission groups or one specifically?
14:46 Dyrcona 1 specifically... the one I'm in.
14:48 redavis Is this a localized server environment or test w/ concerto?
14:50 Dyrcona It's basically a copy of our production that has been upgraded to 3.13.3.
14:50 Dyrcona I think I have to do more configuration before I can actually turn it on. I'll check the documentation.
14:51 redavis Got it.  I was going to see if you wanted someone to take a look if had an anonymous dataset.  But...n/m.  I ain't an expert at all, but did fuss around with it a lot.
14:53 abneiman still some open spots on the BuildMaster sheet for next week if anyone's available: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gZayHfF7qK​0zwLMEAXt-PbKBMiAM_F6EZguqzIYceBY/edit?usp=sharing
14:54 abneiman (shameless plug)
14:55 redavis specifically someone to test Bmagic's 3.13.4 tarball.
14:55 mantis left #evergreen
14:56 Dyrcona I'm getting something about undefined factors. I have more set up to do.
14:57 Dyrcona Doesn't help I'm trying to do something else time sensitive, and I think I missed it.
14:57 redavis Dyrcona, I'm not sure what the default opensrf settings are, if all the factors are enabled or not.
14:57 Dyrcona I think it's looking something up in the database, but I could be wrong. I did enable some factors in opensrf.xml.
14:58 redavis ++
15:00 Dyrcona In opensrf.xml, I enabled auth_mfa, totp, email, and webauthn. I left sms enabled=false because we no longer use an email gateways for sms.
15:01 redavis do you use an action trigger through message bee?
15:02 redavis (not sure that really describes the function...)
15:02 Dyrcona We do, but it's not active on this server anyway.
15:03 redavis Yeah, and I think that'll be need additional development.  This project is first crack.
15:04 Dyrcona There are a couple of Lp bugs that talk around the matter of using a third party SMS service, and I have an idea for some specific things, but I haven't looked at how to do it for MFA.
15:05 Dyrcona Right. There are some global flags that i should look at....
15:05 JBoyer Dyrcona, make sure that the upgrade script inserted data into every table it created, I thought at one time there may be a difference between created and upgraded dbs, and can't remember which had a problem
15:05 redavis Yes to the global flags.
15:06 redavis I think, when the API project is completed, that might also have some play in the 3rd party sms provider/mfa conversation.
15:07 redavis That's end of Jan25, iirc.
15:07 redavis so...maybe 4.0 release?  maybe.
15:07 redavis (making some assumptions about 4.0 as well...like that's next...which it might not be)
15:11 Dyrcona JBoyer: config.mfa_factor has 5 rows.
15:13 collum joined #evergreen
15:14 JBoyer Ok, that's the one that was missed, so I'm just remembering old problems. Don't mind me!
15:18 Dyrcona Well, the error makes it seem like that is empty. I'll double check the IDL.
15:19 Dyrcona The object is in the IDL. I suppose I should check the reporter's IDL also.
15:24 redavis sandbergja++
15:27 Dyrcona So, do I have to configure any specific group factors? The config.group_mfa_factor_map is empty, but I sort of assumed that was normal.
15:28 Dyrcona If I try to configure multi-factor authentication for my account, I get this console error:ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'factors') TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'factors')
15:29 Dyrcona I did reinstall prerequisites and did npm install again.
15:31 redavis If the opensrf component is set (it is), and you've reviewed the global flag settings, it should just be a matter of enabling and/or requiring for permission groups.
15:31 redavis But what you're describing seems like something additional.
15:33 Dyrcona redavis: I need to look at the global flags again. I don't think I actually enabled anything.
15:34 redavis Those are kinda more settings than enabling.  The enabling is in opensrf...though now I'm questioning myself and going to check.
15:37 Dyrcona Well, I have another system that was upgraded to main last week. I could try it there. Maybe it just doesn't work on 3.13.3.
15:38 redavis Hmm, it should.
15:41 Dyrcona redavis++
15:41 Dyrcona I think I need to configure the mfa factors allowed for the group.
15:41 redavis Yes.  And that's in the permission group editor.
15:42 redavis You know this.  I'm being pedantic. Ignore ignore ignore
15:43 Dyrcona It is, but I can't change anything....
15:44 redavis Hmmmmmmmmm...there's permissions that might need to be added as well.
15:44 redavis To your permission group
15:44 Dyrcona I'm network/global admin. I should have everything...
15:46 Dyrcona OK I added ADMIN_MFA. I probably have to log out and log back in.
15:46 redavis You do
15:47 redavis I don't really know how permission granting for admin accounts work - as in...is it the initial setup admin account or a high level permission group in your org? It gets a little crazy, from my experience.
15:51 Dyrcona I don't see how to edi the group mfa factors.
15:51 redavis In the permission group editor?
15:53 Dyrcona Oh... that's not exactly intuitive, but maybe I overthunk it.... I had to check the box that says "Assigned Directly." I had no idea what that meant.
15:56 Dyrcona Yay! It works.
15:56 redavis ++
15:56 redavis And I just found out that my authenticator app is requiring me to get a subscription. "no thank you, sir."
15:57 jeff which authenticator app is that?
15:58 redavis I think it was authenticator7 by teamswift or something like.  Getting Google authenticator
16:02 redavis And it worked.  Beautiful.  Honestly, that's my pref although something like a Yubikey would be nice as well.  The email is subject to all of the idiosyncrasies of email.  Mine is routing through too many services to be able to rely on its timeliness.  Some library staff are going to get feisty about personal devices, of course.  And yubikeys (and other such things) aren't free.  So, some logistical things will need to be
16:02 redavis worked out.
16:03 Dyrcona I don't think many places will adopt this, not locally. Be nice to have an option to require it if you're not in the library. However that is determined.
16:04 Dyrcona We'll have to convince our directors to lose the shared circulation accounts, too.
16:04 Dyrcona Maybe we'll get "lucky" and the MA legislature will enact a law to require all MA government, state and local, systems to be protected by MFA....
16:04 redavis Some places will be required to adopt it. One of the big pushes for this were state agencies that are going to require something like it as a compliance matter related to patron privacy and data protection.
16:05 Dyrcona Don't tell them about SIP2. :)
16:05 redavis NC was very hard after it, as was GA and grumblings from IN as well.
16:05 redavis lol, I won't tell anyone about SIP2.  Until the "after days"
16:07 Dyrcona I think this works well enough to put in for 3.14 beta. Any bugs turn up we can fix them before the final release.
16:08 redavis Yes. And it's going to need some broader scope production testing as well.  There will invariably be some tickets that spin off from it, but I think it's a very solid and functional big first step.
16:08 redavis For something that a lot of people concede is necessary but feel like it's a PITA.
16:09 Dyrcona It just means I have to get up to get my phone out of my pants when working from home. :)
16:09 redavis see?  It's actually SAVING you from a PITA.
16:09 Dyrcona I already do this for Github, Gmail/Google, payroll/time clock, etc.
16:10 Dyrcona redavis++ # Down with sciatica!
16:10 redavis ++, exactly
16:10 redavis okay, with that, there is laundry and decidedly domestic stuff that is screaming at me (in my head).  I'll talk to y'all later.
16:10 Dyrcona I want to do a couple of minutes research on where I heard about the failure to login if translations are enabled.
16:16 Dyrcona IDK. Maybe it was in the MFA Lp bug. I'm not finding anything in email.
16:18 Dyrcona grabbing 1433
16:31 eeevil Dyrcona: I've only read to 3:29, but you have to go to the perm group and use the new tab (MFA Factors, I think it's labeled) to enable specific factors for the group (they're inherited, jfyi)
16:32 eeevil ah, nm! you got it working
16:35 Dyrcona Oh crap, and I think I pushed the wrong branch...
16:36 Dyrcona Oh, never mind, I did do the fix and rebase branch.... I hate that nagging self doubt...
16:38 Dyrcona eeevil++
16:39 eeevil Dyrcona++
16:40 Dyrcona This will pose an interesting situation when making the versioned database upgrade script.
16:40 Dyrcona It has that one part that has to run before the rest of the transaction.
16:40 eeevil aye, I wish it didn't have to be that way, but, enums...
16:41 Dyrcona I made a not, probably to myself, in the db upgrade stamp commit message.
16:41 Dyrcona s/not/note/
16:41 Dyrcona jeff has problems with extra letters. I seem to have the problem of dropping letters.
16:47 pinesol News from commits: LP2071636: Stamp Database Upgrade Script <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=63c03d​dce71bc3a3321278ab54368d13f7af7b9a>
16:47 pinesol News from commits: LP#2071636: Docs: Multi Factor Authentication documentation <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=45c754​5920448b59496b3aa073c7fcf0dafb686d>
16:47 pinesol News from commits: LP#2071636: Release note <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=ea0747​82864655070e8b192cbf7bfe238c9408d2>
16:47 pinesol News from commits: LP#2071636: Staff client MFA <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=998290​dc035191e8f9db722e27accee05262e378>
16:47 pinesol News from commits: BUG FIX: use anonymous lookup for locales so the login page works properly <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=d71948​53c89fedf48298d73a94db43b2ec28ecfd>
16:59 Bmagic I added this as a keyword index into config.metabib_field "//marc:datafield[@tag='590'​]/marc:subfield[@code='a']"
17:00 Bmagic and it seems to be working. But what isn't working is searching for things that are in both the 245a and the 590a. No quotes, just two words in the keyword search. One for context like "carrots" (found in the title) and "childlit" (found in the 590) - Evergreen says no results
17:01 Bmagic I'm struggling to understand why Evergreen wouldn't get a hit on carrots and a hit on childlit and give results
17:02 Dyrcona @dunno
17:02 pinesol Dyrcona: http://xkcd.com/1739/
17:03 Bmagic maybe if I put the 590a index somewhere else? Like the virtual index?
17:04 Dyrcona I'm about to pop out, but I'd probably have to see the whole row. Also, does it work for other keywords from different fields?
17:05 Bmagic good thought, I'll see about that
17:05 Dyrcona Have you tried using and '&&' in the search.
17:05 Bmagic no, thanks! I'll try that
17:06 Dyrcona You also did a reingest, right?
17:06 Bmagic yeah, reingest
17:06 Dyrcona OK. Thought so, but always worth asking.
17:06 Bmagic and we know the reingest worked because the results work when searching for only things in the 590a
17:06 Dyrcona I'm signing out for now. I'll be back tomorrow.
17:07 Bmagic lata
17:07 * Dyrcona is also not a total search expert.
17:09 mmorgan Bmagic: I'm on my way out also, but this is sounding familiar. I think you're on the right track with the virtual index. Though I'm fresh out of brain cells for today!
17:09 Bmagic ha!
17:10 Bmagic I think the answer is: the two words don't appear in the same row in metabib.keyword_field_entry
17:10 mmorgan Yes! We've definitely noticed that issue.
17:10 Bmagic they appear in two different rows, and Evergreen requires each of the search terms to apper in the same row
17:11 mmorgan Tomorrow's another day! Hopefully with regenerated brain cells :)
17:12 Bmagic so, now that I know the problem, what's my solution? I think it has to do with the virtual index
17:12 Bmagic laters!
17:12 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:31 eeevil Bmagic: sounds like you did a partial reingest, or you have keyword not marked as a combined class, or you need to add the new one to the "everything" virtual index. appearing in different rows doesn't mean much on its own
17:31 abneiman Dyrcona++ eevil++ redavis++ (and the rest of ECDI) # YAY FOR MFA
17:31 Guest6 joined #evergreen
17:31 abneiman eeevil++ rather
17:32 eeevil abneiman++
17:33 Bmagic eeevil++ # I'll look at those things, I can rule out the partial reingest thought
17:33 Bmagic though*
17:33 eeevil right on. now, having tossed those out, I run away!
17:33 Bmagic laters
17:38 Guest6 Hello. In web staff client for holding "Pickup Location" shows Short (Policy) Names. I want to show organisation unit names. How can I do this?
17:40 Bmagic eeevil: combined was set to no, so I set it to yes. That didn't fix it, but maybe we need to reingest after that? I just reingested the one record that I'm testing with and it doesn't to seem to have solved it. I didn't restart Evergreen though
17:41 Bmagic Guest6: is this while placing a hold? Or are you creating/editing a hold policy?
17:48 Guest6 Yes, while pacing hold.
17:49 Guest6 while placing hold.
18:01 Bmagic WHen a patron is placing a hold, they should be able to choose their pickup location from a dropdown menu. If that dropdown menu isn't populating then maybe you need to run autogen?
18:03 Bmagic Maybe you're asking about the dropdown menu (in the staff client) showing the short names for the org units rather than the long names?
18:04 Bmagic If that's the case, then I think the answer is: you can't change the staff client org unit dropdown on the holds placement screen to have the long names instead of the short names. Not without editing the Evergreen code. I don't think it's a setting that you can change
18:04 Bmagic Guest6 ^^
18:12 Guest6 Thank you. I will try to rename them to shorter names that are more understandable for the staff.
18:50 jihpringle Guest6 - if you;re running a version of Evergreen with the setting "Include Full Library Names in Library Selector?" checking that box will change the library names to the full ones in the staff client place hold screen
18:50 jihpringle Administration -> Workstation to find the setting
18:51 Guest6 I have 3.12 version
18:52 jihpringle you should have the setting, we have it in 3.11
18:52 jihpringle once you check it you need to log out and back in for it to take affect
18:52 Guest6 thank you
18:53 jihpringle it'll change the library from shortcode to full name across most angular interfaces - circulation is still angularjs so you'll still see the shortcodes used there
19:01 Guest6 I have a problem with Evergreen translation. The web works very well when I switch between languages. But the  web staff client gets confused with the languages.
19:03 Guest6 for sitename/eg/staff url it shows translated page, for sitename/eg2/staff url it shows english
19:09 jihpringle Guest6: I think you may be running into this bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1843918
19:09 pinesol Launchpad bug 1843918 in Evergreen "New angular interfaces are not translated" [Undecided,Confirmed]
19:11 jihpringle for questions around translations I would recommend trying the general discussion list as you're more likely to connect there with others using Evergreen with translations
19:11 jihpringle https://evergreen-ils.org/​communicate/mailing-lists/
19:13 Guest6 Thank you very much
20:50 sandbergja joined #evergreen
20:50 sandbergja claiming 1434
20:59 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
21:19 pinesol News from commits: LP1840773 follow-up: address ng lint failure <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=699690​565d1b1572226499fcfa796a826c894fac>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: LP1840773: stamp upgrade script <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=1eb401​0dd9a1e76d9cc21c7e400cd3a301a57d07>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: LP1840773 follow-up: make setTimeout's return type depend on its environment (integer... <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=1877e1​0af5bb5f327547a5d75e3412677e503e53>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: LP1847130 ng lint --fix <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=0c410c​d4fc778bf1ebf1912fe00d4d5a2110a896>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: LP1847130 SCKO Rebase repairs; Lint <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=bf62ba​9869e984d867386052e2461458a29b8c6b>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: LP1847130 SCKO Linting <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=55d94f​1eb089e7a8bb1ab18536793bde04a447ce>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: LP1847130 SCKO mix-o-fixes <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=81dc64​43a51db2e289cd490b0ddda76e6770dc4c>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: LP1847130 Fix some BS4 CSS rules <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=bf4bc3​895079b67cbd90111df09dfafd3a27836c>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: lp1847130: Add password visibility toggle to patron login <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=9cac48​3d7398c5461fda615b09639781a8a9f146>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: lp1847130: reuse the password visibility toggle in the selfcheck staff login <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=0d2aaa​c874e79b59222c93b18507555cd3f4f745>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: lp1847130: use staff login type, not persistent, to start the selfcheck <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=87e204​06654ffa6082377dcd7afa235654c3e982>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: lp1847130: Some more routes that needed to be updated from scko to selfcheck <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=b054dd​fc572d6cca6213c447c29434389da2cac3>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: lp1847130: Use /staff/selfcheck, rather than /staff/scko, as route to the selfcheck <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=d17c00​7dbadb8e08964fe3c98a8449fd88a89c89>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: LP1847130 Touch friendly buttons for Angular self checkout <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=902db0​be05763ddb2811a5fb37adbb965b5db4e8>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: lp1840773: add a missing string <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=760a62​55529a3777abb1f5f77ed62f2504d6808f>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: lp1840773: show email receipt option to any patron with an email address <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=d3b029​da0421e7385400a7218fbfe13621cbfa51>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: lp1840773: make sure Login Failed badge displays on login failure <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=fb1671​e3ff29dc2d9398a60948d16907afd92b49>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: lp1840773: don't allow login without workstation if the root org does not permit it <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=b61b10​b68e51ae7c827dcf282f315c06a2ab2a55>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: lp1840773: Clear item barcode after form submission <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=0403e3​908c51f618feb00d7d835c610b3740b1ca>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: lp1840773: fix compile error <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=ef4a0c​6cd1bf091758a4af1f71ea9fbbfc734b70>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: lp1840773: Don't assume each day has hours of operation set <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=bb2be0​90eec986a21721bd32c4d61958568dfad4>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: lp1840773: add alt text and landmarks <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=d04b14​69d84c0adf9b161ea16f0e2d6b5fd71fb8>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: LP1840773 SCKO patron login on Enter ; sanity checks <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=3509be​54d6d0f0b173443ef05dfb55ad40e3d22d>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: LP1840773 SCKO Renewals continued; login failed message <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=d0cc1e​25741bb537001b3684f5fa7d80442fa4b7>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: LP1840773 Renewals <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=9a005a​90adde94d6f2d99d1aff1d839e09b465c1>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: LP1840773 SCKO Angular Minor Fixes <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=2921f8​bb9ab9f513860fdca9aabbae4409640320>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: LP1840773 Auth logout broadcast honors auth domain <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=fb1237​3694505b758699c44424bfa70011f07b2b>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: LP1840773 SCKO Angular Print Session Checkouts <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=aeaaf2​2c2ed51e530b0ee0a90d8d0ba214b8398d>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: LP1840773 SCKO Angular Hatch Accessible <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=0fff6b​df6c52cdaa5ea9cad7465bf74a4dbc108e>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: LP1840773 SCKO Angular / Release Notes <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=8d046f​7558015c7299239a0868a3b348b98d3be3>
21:19 pinesol News from commits: LP1840773 SCKO Angular <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=f5cf61​ba221d2bbe561b037ae22ca484473fc288>

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