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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-09-10

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
07:04 collum joined #evergreen
08:04 cbrown joined #evergreen
08:24 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:43 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:49 dguarrac joined #evergreen
08:51 mantis joined #evergreen
09:16 redavis joined #evergreen
11:14 csharp_ what versions of postgresql are people running?  currently thinking of targeting PG 15 for a late-fall upgrade
11:15 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:18 ian2 joined #evergreen
11:19 berick csharp_: 10 now, 14 in the Fall
11:22 jeffdavis we've been on PG14 for a year-ish
11:24 ian2 Hi all. I'm trying to move all action triggers to the system level for a large library system for simplicity. So far, at least hold ready notices are causing problems. We suspect its because the pickup location wont match the system level id. Has anyone tried this or have any input on the subject? Is it even possible?
11:25 csharp_ berick: jeffdavis: thanks!
11:26 csharp_ ian2: so the action_triggers were previously by branch? or by consortium (top-level)?
11:27 csharp_ also "for simplicity" - you might need to elaborate :-)
11:27 ian2 Branch level. I meant to mention that.
11:27 csharp_ ah
11:27 ian2 By simplicity I mean like the DRY principle. Most of the branch notices are very similar and the system requested this change.
11:27 csharp_ got it
11:28 ian2 So far, I have been able to trigger a welcome notice, but hold ready isnt cooperating
11:28 csharp_ ian2: I would guess that the templates need updating if they aren't showing the correct unit?  would you be able to pastebin the problem template and share the link?
11:29 ian2 I would think the template was the problem if the notice was even triggering.
11:29 csharp_ oh
11:29 csharp_ do you see any error messages in the logs?
11:30 ian2 Yeah. Nothing is showing up in the action_trigger.event table
11:30 ian2 Which logs?
11:30 csharp_ depending on your log setup, the opensrf system logs for the server running the action_trigger_runner.pl process
11:31 csharp_ on a default install, that would be in /openils/var/log/osrfsys.log, but hopefully that's not how you have it configured on a production system
11:32 ian2 Ill take a look
11:32 mmorgan ian2: FWIW we have system level hold notifications successfully working for the child branches.
11:32 csharp_ if configured to work with syslog, it would be in /var/log/evergreen/YYYY/MM/DD and be divided by service and hour
11:33 csharp_ (again, lots of possibilities in how it might be configured)
11:33 csharp_ all of our A/T stuff is set at the consortium level
11:33 ian2 @mmorgan Thats good to know. Should mean its possible.
11:33 pinesol ian2: uh huh.. please tell me more about that
11:34 csharp_ ian2: @ will trigger pinesbot - to address someone directly do nick:
11:34 csharp_ pinesol: bad
11:34 pinesol csharp_: PHRASING!!!
11:34 ian2 csharp_ were looking into the logs now. Im not sure what our log configuration is like on this server so I had to pass that off to someone else.
11:34 csharp_ ok
11:34 ian2 got it
11:35 ian2 mmorgan: was there anything specific ya'll had to do to set it up?
11:37 csharp_ ian2: logs information that's probably useful: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BJ7kSr5Lf​PkxXRhcrYjNyPlbT9PlNFHg6zL-tyetnKA/edit?pli=1
11:38 csharp_ that doc or something like it needs to go into the official documentation
11:38 csharp_ I'll submit a docs pull request at some point
11:38 mmorgan ian2: Not really, we originally had a single hold.available trigger at the CONS level, but moved them all down to system and branch level during covid times by cloning the CONS one and editing the owner. Then we could enable when appropriate.
11:41 mmorgan ian2: I assume you're testing by checking in a held item so that it goes on the Holds Shelf?
11:42 ian2 You assume correct
11:42 mmorgan :)
12:17 Bmagic csharp_: PG15 is working for us, but I've been limiting it to Evergreen 3.12 and higher. I can't say for previous versions of EG
12:17 Bmagic and disable JIT!
12:24 BDorsey joined #evergreen
12:39 collum joined #evergreen
14:02 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
14:33 csharp_ Bmagic: cool - thank you - we're on 3.12 and moving to 3.14 in February
14:34 csharp_ Bmagic: looking to port over my logs documentation into current EG and looking for a suitable category that encompasses server admin
14:34 csharp_ looks like Evergreen/docs/modules/admin/pages has similarly server-y sorts of things
14:35 csharp_ question is open to anyone - picking on Bmagic because I know he's done docs work
14:35 jeff how many folk do what kind of analysis of logs, and would be potentially disrupted by changes in logging format?
14:35 csharp_ jeff: it's a good question I don't have an answer to
14:37 csharp_ also wondering if we need to explicitly have a "Linux administration" section of the docs (don't like that term, but so many admin, sysadmin, etc. terms are already used and overloaded with meaning)
14:37 csharp_ continuing our recent discussions about what "admin" means
14:37 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
14:52 shulabramble joined #evergreen
14:54 sandbergja joined #evergreen
14:58 Bmagic Dev meeting in a minute
14:59 eeevil jeff: I suspect for enough benefit we could all cope with a formatting change ... are you thinking of logging json or some such?
14:59 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
15:00 Bmagic #startmeeting 2024-09-10 - Developer Meeting
15:00 pinesol Meeting started Tue Sep 10 15:00:18 2024 US/Eastern.  The chair is Bmagic. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00 pinesol Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:00 pinesol The meeting name has been set to '2024_09_10___developer_meeting'
15:00 collum joined #evergreen
15:00 Bmagic #info Agenda at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/do​ku.php?id=dev:meetings:2024-09-10
15:00 Bmagic #topic Introductions
15:00 Bmagic #info Bmagic = Blake GH, MOBIUS
15:00 Dyrcona #info Dyrcona = Jason Stephenson, C/W MARS, Inc.
15:00 eeevil #info eeevil = Mike Rylander, EOLI
15:00 csharp_ #info csharp_ = Chris Sharp, GPLS
15:00 collum #info collum = Garry Collum, KCPL
15:00 shulabramble #info shulabramble = Shula Link, GCHRL
15:00 dluch #info dluch = Debbie Luchenbill, MOBIUS
15:01 berick #info berick Bill Erickson, KCLS
15:01 abneiman #info abneiman = Andrea Buntz Neiman, EOLI
15:02 mmorgan #info mmorgan = Michele Morgan, NOBLE
15:02 sandbergja #info sandbergja = Jane Sandberg, PUL
15:02 Bmagic welcome everyone!
15:02 sleary #info sleary = Stephanie Leary, EOLI
15:02 jeff #info jeff = Jeff Godin, Traverse Area District Library (TADL)
15:02 Bmagic #topic Action Items from Last Meeting
15:02 Bmagic #info eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets
15:03 sleary the cataloging meeting is running a little long today; some people will be with us in a moment
15:03 eeevil Bmagic: one day, he will.
15:03 terranm joined #evergreen
15:03 Bmagic sleary: no prob
15:03 Bmagic #action eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets
15:03 Bmagic probably the same for the next one
15:03 Bmagic #info gmcharlt - create a Git commit message type and update bug 2051946
15:04 pinesol Launchpad bug 2051946 in Evergreen "institute a Git commit message template" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2051946 - Assigned to Galen Charlton (gmc)
15:04 terranm #info terranm = Terran McCanna, PINES
15:05 Bmagic #action gmcharlt - create a Git commit message type and update bug 2051946
15:05 pinesol Launchpad bug 2051946 in Evergreen "institute a Git commit message template" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2051946 - Assigned to Galen Charlton (gmc)
15:05 redavis joined #evergreen
15:05 Bmagic redavis: welcome, just in time for your action item!
15:05 redavis #info redavis = Ruth Frasur Davis, ECDI
15:05 Bmagic #info redavis will look at making a regular calendar event for translation work in lock step with point releases
15:06 redavis Hah!  Okay, well, I've discovered I'm not sure how to do anything in lockstep.  Other than be mindful that there needs to be time for translations.
15:07 Bmagic maybe the release manager(s) should do the calendar piece?
15:07 csharp_ @who is mindful and demure?
15:07 pinesol troy is mindful and demure.
15:07 Dyrcona Time has been set aside in the 3.14 release plan for translations.
15:08 redavis In doing the regular maintenance releases, it seems reasonable to perhaps note that translations might lag behind by a release.
15:08 Bmagic good point
15:09 Bmagic I'm not sure if we're dancing around making an official change to our workflow or not
15:09 redavis For a major release, it's "easy" to build in a translation period.  For point releases, because the expectation is that they happen more regularly with a much quicker turnaround, making a longer merge pause doesn't seem like a great idea.
15:09 abneiman is it reasonable (since we're better at regular point releases) that we could have a convention of, say, translations for x.y.4 features go in to x.y.5?
15:10 redavis abneiman++ #my recommendation exactly.
15:10 jvwoolf #info jvwoolf is Jessica Woolford, Bibliomation
15:10 Dyrcona We could also just not backport string changes.... *ducks*
15:10 Bmagic and the change really boils down to some language to that effect in the release email/blog post?
15:10 jvwoolf (Sorry for the tardiness, will read the backscroll!)
15:11 Bmagic jvwoolf: no worries at all
15:11 shulabramble abneiman++
15:11 sleary backporting strings is necessary for many accessibility changes, which often involve ARIA labels. Sorry.
15:11 abneiman that ^^
15:11 abneiman Bmagic: words in the post but also communication to / from the point release teams and translation folks
15:12 Bmagic so maybe a reminder every month, prior to point release via email to the list?
15:12 redavis I'm gonna defer on wording.  It's worth noting that once a version goes out of support in terms of new releases (other than security), there might be one more release that is exclusively translation content
15:13 abneiman this is also where we should get input from our translators, none of whom are here I believe
15:13 Dyrcona Am I mistaken that the main concern was having time for translations during a major release? Did we discuss point releases much (at all?) during that meeting?
15:13 redavis The action item was about point releases.
15:14 jihpringle joined #evergreen
15:14 Bmagic I think we can table this?
15:14 redavis It seems like the major release issue isn't one. If I'm understanding things
15:15 Bmagic should someone send a message out to the community with a suggestion/idea on how to move forward?
15:15 abneiman maybe the point-release aspect can be a hackaway discussion, and before that, we can intentionally solicit feedback from translators
15:16 abneiman if so, I can take that action item (solicitation of feedback)
15:16 dluch abneiman++
15:16 redavis I think that's a good idea.
15:16 redavis abneiman++
15:17 Bmagic #action abneiman will intentionally solicit feedback from translators about translation work in lock step with point releases
15:17 redavis And I'd like to ask that my action item not be carried forward.
15:17 Bmagic :)
15:17 Bmagic ok abneiman++
15:17 abneiman and it's more of a two-step than a lockstep, but whatevs. Moving on!
15:17 Bmagic gotta keep our schedule!
15:17 Bmagic #info Dyrcona will look into git integration with POEditor
15:17 Dyrcona I looked into it, and the POEditor project owner has to set up the git integration.
15:18 Bmagic do we need to send message to gmcharlt in order to proceed?
15:19 redavis It might have already been done but, if not, yes.
15:19 Dyrcona I contacted gmcharlt through the form on POEditor.
15:20 Bmagic #action waiting on
15:20 Bmagic whoops
15:20 Bmagic #action waiting on gmcharlt for access to POEditor for git integration
15:20 Bmagic #info sleary and sandbergja will create/consolidate the test writing wiki page(s)
15:21 sleary sandbergja and I will meet later this week to work on that
15:21 sleary carry forward, please
15:21 Bmagic #action sleary and sandbergja will create/consolidate the test writing wiki page(s)
15:21 Bmagic #info sandbergja will make it easier for folks to know how to run the tests in single file mode and all-mode
15:21 Bmagic I guess that's the same thing?
15:21 sleary yes
15:21 Bmagic #info berick and jeff will look at making Hatch look better in the chrome store, so that it's not removed
15:21 Bmagic #info     berick: added pullrequest for bug 2076921
15:21 pinesol Launchpad bug 2076921 in Evergreen "Hatch: Chrome Extension Requires Redevelopment" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2076921 - Assigned to Jeff Godin (jgodin)
15:21 jeff berick has a branch / pullrequest for the Manifest V3 changes, and I've just grabbed the bug to test. The changes look like they were "routine" and not "we hav to completely change our approach", so I'm cautiously optimistic. :-)
15:22 berick yeah, was less intrusive than I expected
15:22 Bmagic jeff++
15:22 Bmagic berick++
15:22 mmorgan berick++
15:22 mmorgan jeff++
15:22 jeff other testing welcome, especially if you feel your environment may be unusual (though this changes the extension, and not the native messenger / locally installed bits)
15:22 csharp_ jeff++
15:22 csharp_ berick++
15:22 shulabramble jeff++ berick++
15:22 terranm67 joined #evergreen
15:22 berick hatch is luckily a pretty simple extension, the extension part anyway
15:22 jeff berick++
15:22 dluch berick++ jeff++
15:23 Bmagic who is the one that installs/updates the extension in the store?
15:23 berick i should have access
15:23 berick galen does too, maybe others
15:23 jeff I think the next step assuming successful testing will be to do a short beta test in the Chrome web store, to ensure that the V2 -> V3 upgrade doesn't introduce any unexpected "hey you have to re-re-enable this 'sideloaded' extension" problems, etc.
15:23 Bmagic jeff: perfect
15:24 Bmagic we need a sign-off, merge, and beta version in the store?
15:24 berick and likely some docs around Firefox, since I had to break the manifests into one file per browser
15:25 jeff prettyty much. please carry forward as testing in progress, and I hope/expect we should have progress to report next meeting.
15:25 jeff assuming my keyboard / terminal stops repeating my letters. :-P
15:25 dluch lol
15:26 Bmagic #action bug 2076921 expected to get more testing and merged, and beta uploaded to store
15:26 pinesol Launchpad bug 2076921 in Evergreen "Hatch: Chrome Extension Requires Redevelopment" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2076921 - Assigned to Jeff Godin (jgodin)
15:26 Bmagic #info Bmagic will work on upgrading the version of DokuWiki
15:26 Bmagic I did it! Thank you, thank you
15:26 Bmagic just kidding, I did nothing
15:26 Bmagic csharp_ did though! right?
15:26 sleary the wiki has been upgraded
15:26 sleary I added the tags plugin while I was there
15:26 csharp_ it was sleary I think
15:26 Bmagic sleary++
15:27 dluch sleary++
15:27 mmorgan sleary++
15:27 shulabramble sleary++
15:27 Bmagic #topic Evergreen
15:27 Dyrcona sleary++
15:27 sandbergja sleary++
15:27 Bmagic #info Point releases 9/18 - signups here BuildMaster Coordination
15:27 Bmagic #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gZayHfF7qK​0zwLMEAXt-PbKBMiAM_F6EZguqzIYceBY/edit?usp=sharing
15:29 Bmagic funny, we have a Hatch topic but we've pretty much covered it already
15:29 redavis Bmagic++ abneiman++
15:30 Bmagic get your signups!
15:30 Bmagic #topic Documentation
15:30 Bmagic #info  Documentation Interest Group (DIG) met on Sept. 5
15:30 Bmagic #info      Defined many terms to run through Vale (https://vale.sh/) for documentation consistency checks
15:30 Bmagic #info      Discussed last Vale spreadsheet and getting as many of those fixed by October's meeting as possible
15:31 Bmagic #info      October's meeting with focus on 3.14 documentation needs
15:31 Bmagic #info      Question (went to listserv, too): This bug: https://docs.evergreen-ils.org/docs/l​atest/opac/visibility_on_the_web.html is orphaned in the docs. Is it still a valid page? Is the part about SKOS Support that says “This is an experimental, "under-the-hood" feature that will be built upon in subsequent releases.” correct? Is it still an experimental feature?
15:31 Bmagic #link https://vale.sh/
15:31 Bmagic #link https://docs.evergreen-ils.org/docs/l​atest/opac/visibility_on_the_web.html
15:33 Bmagic I think* it's related to Dan Scotts work?
15:33 Bmagic https://stuff.coffeecode.net/2017​/evergreen-progressive-web-app/#/
15:33 dluch That last one, the Question...on the email, it was identified as added by sandbergja and the repective release notes and launchpad bug. But is it still experimental? Does it need to be not orphaned anymore
15:33 dluch ?
15:33 Bmagic maybe not related, but it reminds me of his 2017 presentation
15:34 sandbergja Just a note regarding vale: there is a pull request ready on bug 2076555, to make sure that we keep up our high standards in future docs work :-)
15:34 pinesol Launchpad bug 2076555 in Evergreen "Add vale for linting documentation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2076555
15:34 dluch sandbergja++
15:34 terranm joined #evergreen
15:34 sleary sandbergja++
15:34 Bmagic sandbergja++
15:35 redavis sandbergja++
15:35 shulabramble sandbergja++
15:36 dluch And if no one knows anymore, does that mean we can lose that section/page?
15:36 Bmagic I think it should be linked in the nav somewhere
15:36 sleary I don't think we should lose that--but I'm just now looking at it. I will review
15:36 abneiman Bmagic: within the OPAC section? or elsewhere?
15:37 dluch Thanks, sleary!
15:37 Bmagic maybe system admin
15:37 * abneiman thinks it belongs elsewhere
15:37 abneiman yeah, admin, or what we used to call admin_initial_setup
15:37 Bmagic "System Configuration and Customization"
15:37 * dluch agrees with abneiman
15:37 * sleary disagrees :) but will have more thoughts later
15:38 Bmagic #info  Next DIG meeting is October 3.
15:38 dluch :-D
15:38 Bmagic anything else on docs?
15:38 dluch Not from me! Unless there are questions?
15:39 Bmagic other than: I think our docs site is really rockin' these days
15:39 dluch DIG++
15:39 Bmagic DIG++ # indeed
15:40 Bmagic I was worried we wouldn't make this meeting in an hour, and now I starting to feel like we're going to end early :)
15:40 Bmagic #topic Launchpad Status (as of noon Eastern)
15:40 Bmagic incoming!!!
15:40 Bmagic #info Open Bugs - 3141
15:40 Bmagic #info Pullrequests - 71
15:40 Bmagic #info Signedoff - 24
15:40 Bmagic #info Needswork - 87
15:40 Bmagic #info Needstestplan - 3
15:40 Bmagic #info Needsrebase - 26
15:41 Bmagic #topic Launchpad Status since last meeting
15:41 Bmagic #info Bugs Added - 61
15:41 Bmagic #info Pullrequest tag Added - 40
15:41 Bmagic #info Signedoff tag Added - 10
15:41 Bmagic #info Needswork tag Added - 13
15:41 Bmagic #info Needstestplan tag Added - 3
15:41 Bmagic #info Needsrebase tag Added - 6
15:41 Bmagic #info Fix Committed - 40
15:41 Bmagic #topic New Business - Preparing for OPAC template upgrade to Bootstrap 5: rewrite jQuery-specific JS wherever possible, please. - SL
15:41 sleary ah, that's me
15:41 redavis I've created (for my own purposes) a tracking spreadsheet of LP tickets for 3.14 - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nVuknGBCOS​UxBFId0bORVrJYw4Un0mD0kqr67d_AJ84/edit?usp=sharing
15:42 Bmagic yummy! tracking
15:42 redavis Just a note that there are several things that have signoffs and need someone to commit to committing them.
15:42 jvwoolf redavis++
15:42 jvwoolf It's a beautiful thing
15:42 redavis Keeping in mind that there will also be a merge pause for the upcoming point releases...so...plan accordingly?
15:42 dluch redavis++
15:42 sleary so I've been working on accessibility in the Bootstrap OPAC templates (PR forthcoming) and, as part of that project, assessing what it would take to upgrade our default theme to Bootstrap 5. The changes would be extensive enough that I'm not recommending that we do it in this branch/release, but...
15:43 redavis sleary, maybe next?
15:43 sleary Bootstrap 5 doesn't require jQuery as a dependency anymore, so it would behoove us to get rid of our jQuery code wherever we can and slim down our page load
15:43 Bmagic RIP jQuery
15:43 sleary there is not much, and I think I'm removing about 90% of it as part of this project: the password eye, dialogs, and tooltips
15:43 Bmagic you were such a good friend
15:44 sleary (not removing those features, just removing the jQuery-specific code)
15:44 sleary upshot: if you find any jQuery that is *not* related to any of those three things, and you can rewrite it as vanilla JS, please do so
15:44 dluch Sounds like a good candidate for Evergreen 4.0...
15:44 sleary indeed
15:44 jeff sleary++ thanks!
15:44 dluch sleary++
15:44 redavis yes, and also "slim down our page load"
15:45 redavis that's a thing of delight and beauty
15:45 redavis sleary++
15:45 Bmagic carousels?
15:45 sleary performance is the next big topic on my to-do list, now that we've made a significant dent in accessibility issues
15:45 sleary Bmagic good question. I haven't looked closely at Glide yet
15:45 jeff sleary: "don't introduce any new jQuery-specific JS", "rewrite/remove as encountered" for now, and then active hunting will be part of the final prep for upgrpgrading to Bootstrap 5?
15:46 sleary jeff: exactly
15:46 jeff there are those fun doubled letters making new words for me again. "upgrpgrading"
15:46 sleary I will send that to the list; I added this ~15 minutes before the meeting :)
15:47 sandbergja A note that I'm also trying to remove dojo from the opac js.  So... I don't think anybody was planning to do so, but don't add any new dojo to the opac either plz?
15:47 sleary sandbergja++
15:47 dluch sandbergja++
15:47 Dyrcona Well, we have plans to eliminate dojo completely, so sandbergja++
15:47 sleary I will fill this in with more info later: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.or​g/doku.php?id=opac:bootstrap5
15:48 Bmagic Glide is "Dependency-free"
15:48 sleary Bmagic++
15:48 jeffdavis ebook API stuff needs to be rewritten to not be dojo-based - I presumed we'd move it to jQuery, would be good to know if there should be a different target for that
15:48 sandbergja woah nice, way to go Glide!
15:48 Bmagic #link https://wiki.evergreen-ils.or​g/doku.php?id=opac:bootstrap5
15:48 jeff At the appropriate time, I recommend we drive a stake through both jQuery and Dojo, just to be safe.
15:48 sleary jeffdavis yes please. I can lend a hand with rewrites
15:48 redavis jeff++
15:49 sleary jeff++
15:49 sandbergja jeffdavis: I'm glad you mentioned that, I was wondering about that
15:49 Bmagic sure! It seems like we don't have a lot* of jQuery and dojo code integrated anymore
15:49 dluch jeffdavis++
15:49 sandbergja can it be accurately tested with the test ebook, or would it need to be done with an Overdrive subscription?
15:49 dluch jeff++
15:49 Bmagic jeffdavis++ jeff++
15:49 sleary Bmagic that is my impression, but there may be random pockets of stuff I haven't unearthed
15:50 Bmagic fewer_dependencies++
15:50 jeffdavis sandbergja: it's been a long time since I touched it, but the test stuff ought to be enough to confirm that the UI is working IIRC
15:50 sleary and I will note that it will still be possible to include jQuery if you want it for your custom theme; I just want to eliminate its weight from our default templates, since most of what it does can be done in plain JS these days
15:51 Bmagic sleary++ # yes!
15:51 Bmagic ok, anything else on that?
15:52 sandbergja just to return to my favorite soapbox, it's much easier to write automated tests for opac js behavior that does not rely on external dependencies
15:52 sandbergja so fewer_dependencies++ for that reason too!
15:52 sleary sandbergja++ automated_testing++
15:52 shulabramble plain_js++
15:53 Bmagic a win, win, and probably another win too
15:53 Bmagic less is more and more is better and better is...
15:53 Bmagic That just about wraps us up, but I'd like to add two things real quick, since we're all here
15:53 Bmagic #topic redis
15:53 Bmagic anyone had a look at this more?
15:54 sleary I believe berick is using it in production now?
15:54 berick yes
15:54 berick in production app and sip servers
15:54 Bmagic It's planned for OpenSRF 4.0. bug 2017941
15:54 pinesol Launchpad bug 2017941 in OpenSRF "Migrate from Ejabberd to Redis for OpenSRF Messaging" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2017941
15:55 sandbergja let's merge it!
15:55 sandbergja at least that's my vote
15:55 Bmagic we're running it on production as well
15:55 Bmagic I figured the only way we're going to know if it "works" is to do it for real
15:56 jeffdavis There was a question about Redis vs Valkey, wasn't there?
15:56 Bmagic with a finger on a button waiting for it to break, ready to swap containers back to ejabberd
15:56 Bmagic jeffdavis: right, I think* we're still waiting on Valkey to get "ready" ?
15:56 berick jeffdavis: that question is basically answered.  redis ok for now, when valkey is ready,we'll migrate
15:57 jeffdavis ah ok
15:57 Bmagic I know i said quick, so I just wanted to bring it up "real quick" - I think I got what I wanted
15:57 Bmagic #topic passing the dev-meet-runner-torch
15:58 Bmagic anyone want to take my place? I've been at this for more than a year now
15:59 Bmagic ok then.... lol
15:59 * csharp_ turns up music to drown out the crickets
15:59 shulabramble I'd be willing to give it a swing.
15:59 csharp_ shulabramble++
15:59 Bmagic shulabramble++
15:59 sandbergja shulabramble++
16:00 mmorgan shulabramble++
16:00 sleary shulabramble++
16:00 dluch shulabramble++
16:00 redavis shulabramble++
16:00 redavis bmagic++
16:00 dluch bmagic++
16:00 Bmagic thank you! I don't think anyone will fight you
16:00 Bmagic I'll talk to you offline if you would like to go over the details
16:01 jeffdavis shulabramble++ Bmagic++
16:01 Bmagic #topic Announcements
16:01 Bmagic #info Next Meeting is October 8, 2024
16:01 shulabramble That would be lovely, thank you.
16:01 Bmagic #info Hack-A-Way, November 12-14 in Boston, MA
16:01 Bmagic #endmeeting
16:01 pinesol Meeting ended Tue Sep 10 16:01:24 2024 US/Eastern.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)
16:01 pinesol Minutes:        http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergr​een/2024/evergreen.2024-09-10-15.00.html
16:01 pinesol Minutes (text): http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergr​een/2024/evergreen.2024-09-10-15.00.txt
16:01 pinesol Log:            http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergree​n/2024/evergreen.2024-09-10-15.00.log.html
16:02 abneiman Bmagic++
16:02 shulabramble bmagic I think you have my email? That's usually the easiest and best way to contact me.
16:02 shulabramble bmagic++
16:02 sleary Bmagic++
16:02 dluch Bmagic++
16:02 mmorgan Bmagic++
16:03 Bmagic shulabramble: will do
16:04 Dyrcona Bmagic++
16:04 Bmagic thanks everyone!
16:05 sandbergja Bmagic++
16:05 sandbergja shulabramble++
16:05 sandbergja the_torch++
16:09 mantis left #evergreen
16:11 jvwoolf left #evergreen
16:15 Bmagic I guess we're skipping the dev meeting in November due to Hack-a-way
16:15 Bmagic it would be the 12th
16:28 eeevil Bmagic: oh, we'll have it. THUNDERDOME STYLE! ;)
16:31 Bmagic eeevil++
16:31 Bmagic Looking forward to watching from the side
16:31 * Bmagic rips off his shirt
16:33 berick Two developers enter!  Two develpers leave with an improved understanding of the requirements!
16:34 Bmagic speaking of thunderdomes, my wife and I finished the latest Mad Max. Chris Hemsworth really impressed me. That film was excellent, for a 5th installment
16:34 * berick keeps meaing to watch that
16:34 Bmagic you can barely recognize him. I think they gave him a nose prosthetic
16:36 Bmagic pretty sure there was a .5 second flash of Mel Gibson with his back to the camera leaning on his classic 1980's muscle car from the first movie
17:00 jihpringle joined #evergreen
17:10 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:13 pinesol News from commits: LP#2077354: eg-tree range selection and filtering <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=1bfe22​e92aff0aa0e723b83332defcdf3f2f51c2>

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