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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-09-04

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
03:18 stompro__ joined #evergreen
03:18 kworstell_isl_ joined #evergreen
07:19 BDorsey joined #evergreen
07:27 collum joined #evergreen
08:11 cbrown joined #evergreen
08:33 dguarrac joined #evergreen
08:58 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
10:24 csharp_ @who can I blame for scheduling tree maintenance on the first day in a long time when we can have all our windows open?
10:24 pinesol kworstell_isl_ can I blame for scheduling tree maintenance on the first day in a long time when we can have all our windows open.
10:24 csharp_ @blame The Trees
10:24 pinesol csharp_: The Trees stole bshum's tux doll!
10:25 csharp_ @praise The Lorax
10:25 * pinesol The Lorax LOVES the RESISTANCE!
10:25 csharp_ @blame [band] for all my problems
10:25 pinesol csharp_: Virus Squash Week stole bshum's tux doll! for all csharp_'s problems
10:28 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
10:40 * Bmagic waves at bshum
10:40 * bshum waves back at Bmagic
10:40 Bmagic @coffee bshum
10:40 * pinesol brews and pours a cup of Ka'u Coffee Natural Dried, and sends it sliding down the bar to bshum
10:41 bshum I still don't drink coffee,  but thanks all the same ;)
10:41 Bmagic haha, I had a feeling in the back on my mind that was the case
10:42 Bmagic it's not calories when it's digital. It goes into a different stomach
10:42 bshum I just never got used to the taste of it
10:43 Bmagic coffee obstinance takes real guts
10:45 jmurray-isl To each their own. Quality coffee is life. :)
10:47 bshum @dessert
10:47 * pinesol grabs some boxes of Samoa cookies for bshum
10:47 bshum I won't say no to some desserts though
10:48 Dyrcona @dessert bshum
10:48 * pinesol grabs some Caramel popcorn with Himalayan pink salt for bshum
10:49 * Dyrcona struggles with window resizing bugs after upgrading to Ubuntu 24.04.
10:50 Dyrcona My editor's initial window opens just fine, but if I open a new window it opens small. I can probably fix this in my editor's configuration, but the Internet says it might be a bug in mutter (the window manager).
10:54 csharp_ bshum: did pinesol summon you? (you popped up after two occurrences of "stole bshum's tux doll!" @blames
10:54 csharp_ @band add coffee obstinance
10:54 pinesol csharp_: Band 'coffee obstinance' added to list
11:03 bshum csharp_: Haha, no, my IRC client highlights every time my name is mentioned ;)
11:03 bshum for any reason
11:03 bshum I just check my client periodically from time to time
11:03 bshum pinesol is a pretty good taskmaster though...
11:03 pinesol bshum: zarro boogs found
11:08 collum joined #evergreen
11:42 Dyrcona I suspect some kind of desktop geometry saving is interfering with this.
11:47 jihpringle joined #evergreen
11:51 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
12:10 Dyrcona Logs are useless of course.
12:10 Dyrcona Heh... wrong tab, but yes, they are ....
12:11 * Dyrcona was looking into an acquisitions question.
12:31 collum joined #evergreen
12:33 jihpringle joined #evergreen
13:54 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
14:51 Bmagic when a report template folder is shared at the consortium level, we want it to be for cloning and read-only. We just found out that it was possible for someone to save their own template in that folder. Is that a bug? I'm aware of bug 1948985 and bug 1948983
14:51 pinesol Launchpad bug 1948985 in Evergreen "More Granular Permissions for Creating Report Templates and Viewing Output" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1948985
14:51 pinesol Launchpad bug 1948983 in Evergreen "Reports Administrator Permission to View Other Users Templates, Reports, and Output" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1948983
14:52 jihpringle Bmagic: is that in angular reports?
14:52 Bmagic yes, sorry, 3.13
14:53 jihpringle I've seen that in testing, I thought it got reported but maybe not
14:53 Bmagic should it be a bug? Or are "we" (the community) assuming that when you share a template folder, it's fair game for adding templates?
14:54 jihpringle for us, it would definitely be a bug
14:54 jihpringle it would make our shared consortium template folders unusable if anyone can save into them
14:54 Bmagic I've never thought about it before, and* I've never seen a staff member save a template to a shared folder, because I think* there was an understanding that it was for reading/cloning only
14:56 jihpringle as far as I can see it's not possible in the pre-angular reporter
14:56 Bmagic hmm, interesting
14:56 jihpringle when cloning a template you are forced to pick ones of your own folders
14:56 jihpringle and there's no option to create a new template in a shared folder
14:57 Bmagic ok, so it's a regression perhaps (is that what we would classify it by?)
14:57 Bmagic by/as
14:58 jihpringle ya, I think regression
14:58 Bmagic I think* bug 1948985 would address it, so maybe we don't need another* bug report
14:58 pinesol Launchpad bug 1948985 in Evergreen "More Granular Permissions for Creating Report Templates and Viewing Output" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1948985
14:59 Bmagic but it is a new* issue with Angular reports
14:59 Bmagic I'll write a new report for it I guess
14:59 abneiman Bmagic: curious for details on this one, as IIRC (and as jihpringle mentioned) this was disovered & fixed during the run up to 3.13
15:00 Bmagic we have a consortium on 3.13.0, and a staff member cloned a template into another staff member's shared folder. Maybe it was fixed later? 3.13.1 or .2?
15:01 abneiman on a stock 3.13.1 test system, a CONS-shared folder behaves as expected (i.e. templates can be used to create a new report, or cloned into one of your own folders). I am NOT seeing that a user can choose a shared folder as a destination for a clone.
15:01 Bmagic what about simple reports?
15:01 Bmagic maybe a loophole
15:02 abneiman simple reports doesn't support sharing or folders
15:02 jihpringle I think it was happening when you went to clone from shared folder and then canceled it partway through, instead of cancelling the clone it created the template in the shared folder it came from
15:03 jihpringle (I tested quite a while ago and haven't tested on a 3.13 server)
15:05 Bmagic I'm testing
15:10 Bmagic must be something on 3.13.0, because bugsquash.mobiusconsortium.org doesn't allow it
15:20 abneiman dunno, the only difference between 3.13.0 and 3.13.1 is a handful of security patches. I had Christine Burns' original comment about the cloning issue (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ever​green/+bug/1993823/comments/8) in my internal feedback list with a note "resolved 4/17"
15:20 pinesol Launchpad bug 1993823 in Evergreen "wishlist: Angular Reports Interface" [Wishlist,Fix released]
15:20 Bmagic ok, on the production machine, it's not apparently possible either
15:20 Bmagic somehow, two different staff members were able to pull it off
15:21 abneiman I can try to track down the precise commit, but, I'm rather certain this went into 3.13.0 fixed (at least fixed for the case provided in comment #8, linked above)
15:22 Dyrcona HDMI-- # Too finicky
15:22 abneiman anyway I have to run but I'd be interested in other details of how this happened, Bmagic
15:23 Bmagic me too! I don't see how they did it. It's not in the UI on production
15:24 Dyrcona It's just one of those things, like the purchase orders I'm looking at that silently fail to create EDI messages, though everything looks right to be able to do that.
15:40 Dyrcona OK. If I run edi_order_pusher.pl in test mode on one fo the PO ids, it produces output.
15:54 Dyrcona So, when I ran the order pusher on each purchase order id, they worked. For some reason, these purchase orders were not getting picked up by the order pusher otherwise, even though they turn up when I run the equivalent SQL query to get all of the active pos.
16:06 Bmagic UHG
16:06 Bmagic that's annoying
17:59 jihpringle joined #evergreen
19:39 jihpringle joined #evergreen
23:52 pinesol News from commits: LP2078985 Remove duplicate jQuery <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=a62ecb​8ed8384dfff26051617235371ab567741a>

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