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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-07-29

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
07:36 collum joined #evergreen
08:04 cbrown joined #evergreen
08:40 ian1 joined #evergreen
08:47 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:53 ian1 joined #evergreen
09:02 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:02 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
09:05 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:23 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
09:23 jvwoolf left #evergreen
09:41 Dyrcona So, "cloud" services are great, until the provider has an outage. -- There's no such thing as "the cloud." There's only someone else's computer.
09:46 mantis joined #evergreen
10:25 dmoore_doppel joined #evergreen
10:25 cbrown_ joined #evergreen
10:26 Bmagic Dyrcona++
10:36 redavis joined #evergreen
11:32 ian1 joined #evergreen
11:41 csharp_ Dyrcona: hey, you, get off of my cloud
11:42 csharp_ boomers may have ruined civilation, but they sure had some catchy tunes
11:42 csharp_ civilization also
11:47 redavis I think civilizations just come to ruin.  And then new ones wander in.
11:48 redavis And I turn 50 today, so now I know everything.  Get off my lawn.
11:48 Dyrcona Heh.
11:49 berick redavis++
11:49 Dyrcona redavis: Happy birthday!
11:49 mmorgan1 @dessert 41 redavis
11:49 * pinesol grabs some birthday cake with lots of candles for redavis
11:49 redavis Hah!!! (and thank you)
11:50 * redavis thinks about humming to "Burnin' down the house."
11:55 jihpringle joined #evergreen
11:55 redavis I just pushed some commits to my own Evergreen repo and am now going to go die.  Thanks all.  It's been fun.
11:56 Dyrcona Ummm?
11:57 redavis I get dramatic, Dyrcona.  This is documented.
11:57 * Dyrcona knows! redavis++
11:57 * redavis laughs
11:58 redavis Just muddling through adding back keyboard shortcut text...without really knowing how to actually do anything. sleary hmu if you have a moment, but it's no big deal if you don't.
12:15 Dyrcona Hm.. When I try to integrate GitHub with POEditor, I get the message that I need to upgrade the plan. I also see it mentioned somewhere else that only the owner can set this up.
12:16 redavis Hmm, we know we have the plan, but need to gmcharlt to set it up.
12:16 redavis might need
12:17 redavis or intermediate for someone else to set it up
12:17 Dyrcona yeah, I think the treasurer has to login to POEditor to start it at least.
12:18 redavis that might be Katie then...  if there's something I can do to help move it along somehow, let me know.
12:27 csharp_ redavis: Happy Birthday and welcome to our fifties!
12:27 * csharp_ hit the big five-oh back in December
12:28 redavis csharp_++ #thanks! I have some great company.  Also, it's weird.  And congrats to you too.
12:34 mmorgan left #evergreen
12:36 Dyrcona Well, I have contacted the owner through the POEditor interface.
12:37 mmorgan joined #evergreen
12:37 jihpringle Dyrcona I was cc'd on the email and it shows the To as Galen (Bmagic and Evergreen Project Treasurer were also cc'd)
12:46 Dyrcona OK.
12:46 ian1 joined #evergreen
12:47 Dyrcona jihpringle: I wonder if that means you could set it up, too?
12:48 jihpringle maybe? if I go to Integrations I see GitHub as an option but I didn't want to poke too far without knowing what I'm doing
12:49 Dyrcona That's all right. When I click on it, I'm told to upgrade. I wasn't asking you to set it up, just wondering if you're also an "owner."
12:50 jihpringle I think I'm a manager
12:51 jihpringle if I click on GitHub it also asks me to upgrade the plan
12:51 smayo joined #evergreen
12:54 Dyrcona OK. I didn't get the email, and I'm an admin or whatever it's called.
12:54 Dyrcona I was told we have the github integration available. Maybe something still has to be done with the account.
12:56 Dyrcona My ultimate goal is to get the integration going and then add webhooks to Github to automatically update the strings in POEditor. I'm pretty sure that's possible. Then we can skip the import steps when building releases.
14:02 ian1 joined #evergreen
14:05 sleary Galen is on vacation for the next couple of weeks
14:05 sleary redavis: happy birthday! And I can chat after code review if you like!
14:05 csharp_ how conVEEENient
14:08 redavis sleary, I'm in strategic plan meeting right now, but will try to also hop into code review if there's time.
14:56 Dyrcona Bmagic: I don't know what is converting '2024-02-31' into '2024-03-02', but every layer that I put '2024-02-31' into tells me it is not a valid date.
14:56 Bmagic interesting
15:01 Bmagic it must be adding seconds since epoch and then converting to date
15:02 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
15:02 Bmagic like taking the year by itself, then adding 2 months, then adding 31 days
15:07 Bmagic something like this (but not this) select to_date('2024','YYYY') + interval '1 months' + interval '31 days'
15:12 csharp_ has anyone done work to add "rel=no-follow" or whatever it is that crawlers are supposed to respond to to prevent OPAC searches going nuts?
15:19 Dyrcona csharp_: CW MARS had some rel=nofollow links, but it wasn't very systematic.
15:20 Dyrcona Bmagic: That is what's going on somewhere. There's code like that several places in the Perl.
15:21 Dyrcona csharp_: We added them routinely on links that opened a new window or tab. maybe somewhere else, too.
15:23 Dyrcona looks like mostly in opac extras and record summary.
15:24 Dyrcona Can't say how much it helped.
15:30 jeffdavis csharp_: mylist links appear to have rel=nofollow already in most places, and that doesn't seem to stop crawlers any more than our robots.txt does :(
15:31 jeffdavis I'd be very happy if it worked though, we do a whole lot of IP-based blocking of webcrawlers these days
15:40 collum joined #evergreen
15:46 JBoyer Yeah, if they don't read robots.txt they're not going to pay attention to rel="no-follow". I've added a fistful of /8's to either nginx or iptables to tell them to get lost.
15:58 csharp_ okay, well, misery loves company
15:58 csharp_ we've blocked hundreds of Chinese/Singaporean ranges via iptables over the last few weeks
15:59 csharp_ Dyrcona++ jeffdavis++ JBoyer++
16:00 Dyrcona csharp_: There's a site where you can get data files with all of the know IP ranges by country.
16:00 csharp_ yes, we've been looking into that
16:01 csharp_ even talked to ITS about them doing it via the Palo Alto
16:01 csharp_ I hate sledgehammer approaches, but this is miserable
16:01 Dyrcona www.nirsoft.net
16:02 Dyrcona Sometimes, you have to. You really want have enough legitimate traffic from China for it to matter.
16:02 csharp_ right, we've come to that conclusion too
16:25 ian1 joined #evergreen
16:42 collum joined #evergreen
17:02 mantis left #evergreen
17:05 mmorgan1 left #evergreen
17:07 jihpringle joined #evergreen
17:37 sandbergja joined #evergreen
17:43 collum joined #evergreen
17:46 sandbergja csharp_: in case it is helpful, here's a list of some IP ranges that we're blocking at the Palo Alto level -- a lot of them are from tencent data centers that were hitting us hard a few months ago.  Our palo alto firewall regularly refreshes itself by reading a text file that ansible generates from this list.
17:54 jihpringle joined #evergreen
18:45 collum joined #evergreen
19:45 collum joined #evergreen
20:46 collum joined #evergreen
21:48 collum joined #evergreen
22:48 collum joined #evergreen
23:49 collum joined #evergreen

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