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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-07-26

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
06:08 redavis joined #evergreen
07:17 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
07:54 BDorsey joined #evergreen
07:55 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
08:35 ian1 joined #evergreen
08:37 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
08:49 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:53 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:01 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:03 Dyrcona From the offline block list generator: Segmentation fault (core dumped). That's newish.... I suspect I know what happened, but I'm going to run it manually.
09:08 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
09:08 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
09:22 Dyrcona git: because all code should be committed.
09:22 Dyrcona C++: because all coders should be committed.
09:24 * Dyrcona spent a couple of hours this morning debugging 2 issues a C++ program this morning, only to discover that 1 was in a library the program uses and updating that library resolved, and the second one is still unresolved but appears to be either another issue with that library or something to do with the environment and Wayland.
09:26 Dyrcona Wayland: because X is too complicated.
09:26 Dyrcona X: because Wayland is too simple to work correctly. :P
09:27 Dyrcona Oh, hey! The offline block list didn't segfault just now.... Go figure..... *mumble* watched pots *mumble*
09:35 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
09:40 pinesol News from commits: LP2037656: Add installation support for PostgreSQL 16 <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=53e7da​05d7ecb7d6be9754751078ab35f8127955>
09:58 * Dyrcona ponders if it is worth it to set this machine up so it will dump core files when these things happen.
10:10 pinesol News from commits: LP#2073993 - Docs: Action Trigger template example has a small error. <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=c47362​3fce2e1b43455bc99c8c4700c26755ab3c>
10:14 Dyrcona Looks like I won't be getting my issue resolved, unless I take it upon myself: QGnomePlatform project is unmaintained a no longer actively developed.
10:21 Dyrcona So much abandonware.
10:23 * Dyrcona suspects the other alternatives may not work with Wayland.....
10:26 Dyrcona I wonder if clients can even parse our block list. Looks like the first barcode begins with a ' '.
10:57 cbrown joined #evergreen
10:58 ian1 joined #evergreen
11:32 ian1 joined #evergreen
11:32 mantis joined #evergreen
11:32 mantis could use some guidance on this error I got when applying 3.11.7 to our servers from 3.11.4
11:32 mantis /usr/share/perl5/Error.pm:465', ilsevent: '', textcode: 'RESOURCE_IN_USE', desc: 'Resource is in use at this time'}
11:33 mantis I ran a browser test after compiling the Angular files
11:33 mantis We never use the booking module so this is kind of new to me
11:33 mantis '/usr/local/share/perl/5.30.0/Op​enILS/Application/Booking.pm:213 /usr/local/share/perl/5.30.0​/OpenSRF/Application.pm:628
11:35 Dyrcona mantis: Disable booking in the configuration.
11:35 Dyrcona If you don't use it.
11:35 mantis thanks!
11:52 mantis Chrome Headless 126.0.6478.182 (Linux x86_64): Executed 101 of 101 (1 FAILED) (2.932 secs / 2.761 secs)
11:52 mantis Firefox 128.0 (Ubuntu 0.0.0): Executed 50 of 101 (1 FAILED) (0 secs / 2.642 secs)
11:52 mantis Firefox 128.0 (Ubuntu 0.0.0) CashReportsComponent alerts the user if end date is before start date FAILED
11:52 mantis NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError(DynamicTestModule)[PrintService -> PrintService]:
11:52 mantis NullInjectorError: No provider for PrintService! in vendor.js (line 66717)
11:52 mantis error properties: Object({ ngTempTokenPath: null, ngTokenPath: [ 'PrintService', 'PrintService' ] })
12:05 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:07 mantis I'm also testing out Hatch and the Print button within Cash Reports
12:07 Dyrcona Don't know. Open a bug on Lp.
12:07 mantis okie doke
12:08 mantis Dyrcona++
12:08 Dyrcona I am almost never run those tests.
12:13 mantis looks like we need a template for the cash reports now because as far as I know, with Hatch enabled, it doesn't print
12:50 Stompro Anyone here work with Cloudlibrary?
12:51 Stompro I've been asked to setup auth, and I'm having trouble with them not being willing to explain how they want to encrypt sip2.
12:52 Stompro I keep asking for details, but all they will repeat is "If the customer can provide a PEM certificate with RSA key, we can create a digital certificate or server certificate to use SSL/TLS encryption protocols. Currently we do not support Stunnel."
12:58 ian1 joined #evergreen
13:07 Dyrcona Stompro: That's your answer, then. They don't encrypt SIP2, if they even use it.
13:09 Stompro Why would they keep referencing tls keys if they don't support encryption of some sort... that is what I don't get.  If they just said, we don't support encryption of sip2, sure.
13:10 Stompro I have other vendors that don't run stunnel on their end, they just make native tls connections from their software to our stunnel endpoint and that works fine.
13:11 Dyrcona Well, maybe that's it.
13:12 Dyrcona You can use certs with ssh tunnels. I'm not sure about stunnel.
13:13 Dyrcona The answer is yes, and it was just a quick search away... But, you probably knew that already. :)
13:14 Stompro I've just not run into implementation support being this unhelpful before when I've asked for more details.
13:14 Stompro oclc--
13:18 Dyrcona IDK. I'm just trying to refactor the World in Rust.
13:19 * berick wakes up
13:20 redavis Dyrcona, that feels like the right type of energy - refactor the world in rust.
13:21 * redavis is listening to a podcast about Maximum Overdrive and Stephen King's short story "Trucks" though.
13:21 redavis My perception of energy types might be just a little off right now.
13:21 Dyrcona :)
13:22 Dyrcona I'm just playing with some Rust examples, experimenting with closures and iterators.
13:22 redavis Dyrcona++
13:23 Dyrcona I'm listening to all of my music on shuffle. Right now, "Bill Lee" by Warrne Zevon is playing... "Sometimes I say things I shouldn't, like ..." [harmonica music]
13:24 redavis Nice!
13:27 jeffdavis Stompro: not sure about Cloudlibrary specifically, but those kinds of communication troubles are fairly common when you try to do anything other than unencrypted SIP, in my experience.
13:34 csharp_ sip2--
13:35 csharp_ probably only a devastating hack will cause anyone to change that practice
13:36 Stompro jeffdavis, Overdrive has a fantastic authentication department I've found, they know all about the ins and outs of encrypting sip2.  And we had stunnel encrypted sip2 with OCLC for our VDX ILL system, but that was a whole different division at OCLC I'm sure.
13:37 Stompro We have no non encrypted external sip2 setups right now, so we have had good luck with it so far.
13:41 Stompro I sent an email to the general list just in case someone else has this setup.
13:41 Dyrcona Stompro: I was just reading that email.
14:01 jeffdavis Yep, we've had good experiences with Overdrive auth folks too.
14:10 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
14:22 Dyrcona mantis++ sandbergja++
15:17 mantis sandbergja++
15:18 Dyrcona mantis: Your signoff commit is a bit messy. I'm going to cherry-pick sandbergja's branch and add your signoff when I do mine. If you want some help, let me know. I'd be happy to do a tutorial.
15:18 mantis yeah I'm sorry about that
15:18 mantis I think the issue is I did the cherry pick before the commit
15:18 mantis not sure what you can do to help that
15:19 Dyrcona Well, you can rebase it, or make a new branch with a new cherry-pick. I'd base the new branch on 3.11, 3.12, or 3.13.
15:22 mantis should I delete the existing signoff branch first?
15:22 Dyrcona You can if you really want to.
15:22 mantis er well lemme try the rebase
15:23 Dyrcona Whatever happened it looks like you're the author of the commit, so that should be fixed.
15:24 mantis sorry, I never did a git rebase before but I have the signoff branch checked out and it's also in cherrypick
15:24 mantis would it be 'git rebase lp2074220-backport-2069098-signoff'?
15:24 Dyrcona At this point I'd skip the rebase.
15:25 Dyrcona I'd do this: git branch -D local_branch_name #whatever it is called locally
15:26 Dyrcona git checkout -b user/gmonti/lp2074220-backport-2069098-signoff origin/rel_3_13
15:27 Dyrcona git cherry-pick -s working/user/sandbergja/lp2074220-backport-2069098
15:27 Dyrcona git push -f working HEAD
15:27 mantis ok no git commit?
15:27 Dyrcona No, commit isn't necessary with cherry-pick.
15:29 mantis thank you !  Dyrcona++
15:30 Dyrcona Oh. I just noticed it looks like your original branch was based on something else...
15:32 Dyrcona hey! That's already a lot of signoffs. I wonder if I should even bother testing this... :)
15:32 Dyrcona mantis++
15:32 mantis ah I see
15:32 mantis that must had been it then
15:33 mantis because I've done the same procedure listed in the new dev wiki and it wasn't an issue before
15:33 mantis though to be honest I really like the commands you written down here
15:33 Dyrcona mantis: Where's the link? I'd like to look at the instructions.
15:33 mantis sure
15:33 mantis https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/​doku.php?id=newdevs:git:signoff
15:34 Dyrcona My commands make a few assumptions: 1) I name my local branches the same as they'll on the remote. This simplifies the push... 2) the -f was used on push to replace the branch that you pushed earlier.
15:36 Dyrcona So, that `git checkout -b` line in the instructions assumes that you're on a branch based on main or something else useful. When in doubt you should specify the branch you want to base your new branch on. Usually, that's main, but in this specific case it needed to be either 3.12 or 3.13.
15:36 Dyrcona If you cherry-picked sandbergja's commt on main, you'd get a conflict.
15:36 mantis I think that's what happened
15:36 mantis ok thanks for the xplanation
15:37 Dyrcona I may update those instructions later.
15:37 mantis I got it Dyrcona
15:37 mantis I'm doing another signoff right now anyway
15:39 Dyrcona I think steps 5 and 6 in those instructions are "wrong." Step 5 should not be there if you're signing off someone else's commit.
15:42 mantis that's my question
15:42 mantis I added some examples for checking out branches based on versions
15:42 mantis what do you suggest for step 5?
15:42 Dyrcona If you're signing off someone else's commit, you don't do step 5. It should be deleted.
15:43 Dyrcona Step 6 adds your signoff to their commit when you cherry-pick.
15:45 Dyrcona It's also good hygiene to do a fetch and pull before doing these steps. If that's in the instructions, I'm sorry if I missed it.
15:46 mantis yeah I think it's there
15:46 Dyrcona I may push this to 3.11 anyway, event though we won't release it.
15:46 mantis Make sure that your local repository is up to date:git checkout maingit fetch –allgit pull
15:46 mantis step 3
15:47 Dyrcona OK. I'm doing two things at the same time, and I don't have a SMP CPU in my head. :)
15:47 Dyrcona My brain is single core. :)
15:48 mantis lol
15:48 Dyrcona I also should have at least gone ahead and installed OpenSRF on my VMs when I made new ones recently. That would have saved me some time right now. :)
16:13 Dyrcona A commit with 7 sign offs has to be good, right? :)
16:14 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
16:18 mmorgan Dyrcona: The more the better! :)
16:49 mantis left #evergreen
17:05 mmorgan left #evergreen
18:30 jihpringle joined #evergreen

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