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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-07-23

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
07:05 collum joined #evergreen
07:30 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
07:41 ian1 joined #evergreen
07:57 BDorsey joined #evergreen
07:57 cbrown-isl joined #evergreen
08:27 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
08:40 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:41 dguarrac joined #evergreen
08:42 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
08:47 redavis joined #evergreen
08:59 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:02 dmoore_beta joined #evergreen
09:30 Guest14 joined #evergreen
09:52 cbrown joined #evergreen
10:01 mantis joined #evergreen
10:01 mantis running through the 3.11.6 ver install on a test server and I got a lot of these errors when building our Angular files
10:01 mantis ex; Error: src/main.ts:1:32 - error TS2307: Cannot find module '@angular/core' or its corresponding type declarations.
10:01 mantis not sure why this is a problem now
10:03 JBoyer mantis, that looks like you're either running the "build from git" instructions when you don't need to or if you are installing from git maybe missed one of the pre-req install steps?
10:03 mantis this is the command
10:03 mantis ng build --configuration production
10:04 JBoyer The npm install step is what I'm wondering about, that's what pulls down things like angular core and friends.
10:04 mantis I know it's technically outdated
10:05 mantis also run into this after running CHROME_BIN=/usr/bin/chromium-browser npm run test
10:05 mantis 23 07 2024 09:59:20.061:ERROR [karma-server]: Error: Found 1 load error
10:05 mantis at Server.<anonymous> (/home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-3.11.6-biblio/Open-IL​S/src/eg2/node_modules/karma/lib/server.js:243:26)
10:05 mantis at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:631:28)
10:05 mantis at Server.emit (node:events:529:35)
10:05 mantis at Server.emit (node:domain:489:12)
10:05 mantis at emitListeningNT (node:net:1851:10)
10:05 ian1 joined #evergreen
10:06 JBoyer is there anything in /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-3.11.6-b​iblio/Open-ILS/src/eg2/node_modules and was a different version of Evergreen installed previously?
10:06 mantis I'll check
10:07 Dyrcona mantis: Are you using the tarball or git?
10:07 mantis git
10:08 Dyrcona Did you do sudo make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install <distro>-<release>-developer ?
10:08 mantis yes
10:08 mantis sudo make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install ubuntu-focalsudo make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install ubuntu-focal-developer
10:09 Dyrcona And you did `npm install` before `ng build` in the Open-ILS/src/eg2 directory?
10:09 mantis yes
10:10 mantis this is the order
10:10 mantis cd ~/Evergreen-ILS-3.11.6-biblio/Open-ILS/src/eg2npm installng build --configuration production
10:11 Dyrcona This "Evergreen-ILS-3.11.6-biblio" conerns me. I assume you have non-standard changes in there?
10:12 Dyrcona Also, does this make a difference `ng build --configuration=production` ? /me isn't sure if the = is required or optional.
10:12 mantis we've been using these naming conventions for our folders for a while and I don't think it was an issue
10:13 mantis it's just the directory we have on this server that is after we run code prep with diff files to compare to our customizations and I didn't see nay conflicts
10:13 Dyrcona OK. The naming implies to me it's not stock but has custom branches applied that's all.
10:13 Dyrcona No conflicts does not mean no problems.
10:14 mantis right
10:14 mantis checking out the node nodules
10:14 mantis *modules
10:14 Dyrcona Is this machine clean. Has it had Evergreen installed before, perhaps an older release?
10:15 Dyrcona If you said before, I'm sorry that I missed it in the scroll back.
10:16 Dyrcona If nothing else works, you could try deleting and reinstalling node. I have a script to delete node: https://pastebin.com/CP4bPZLz
10:18 mantis Yeah it had Evergreen 3.11.4 on here
10:18 mantis though I am comparing angular/core directories and there are a couple of differences
10:18 Dyrcona Well, that's not old enough to cause issues with different node versions.
10:18 mantis esm2020 and testing folders are not in evgtest2
10:19 mantis Dyrcona++
10:19 mantis I'll try the reinstallation
10:20 Dyrcona I wonder if something made it into 3.11.6 that should not have? I built it. It installed fine from the tarball, but I did not attempt an upgrade.
10:20 mantis should I remove the node_modules before or after running the build commands?
10:21 Dyrcona BTW, I am working on Lp2060734 again today. I've made a couple of releases with it, and I'm about to test the results of those releases on Debian Bookworm and Ubuntu 24.04, so I'm also in the middle of doing installations.
10:21 Dyrcona Lp 2060734
10:21 pinesol Launchpad bug 2060734 in Evergreen "Various changes to the release process" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2060734 - Assigned to Jason Stephenson (jstephenson)
10:23 Dyrcona I should build one from git, maybe.
10:24 sleary mantis before
10:24 mmorgan mantis: 3.11.7 is the release just out that Dyrcona built. Is that the one you are installing?
10:24 mantis I'm running 3.11.6
10:24 Dyrcona sleary++ I missed the question. I was looking something up.
10:24 mantis sorry installing 3.11.6
10:25 mantis sleary++
10:25 mmorgan Ok! Just making sure.
10:25 Dyrcona Oh, right..... Too many versions... Too much information...
10:26 Dyrcona Try 3.11.7, then, it's the latest. :)
10:28 mantis removing the node_modules folder was the right call
10:28 mantis JBoyer++
10:28 mantis Drycona++
10:29 JBoyer glad to hear things are working again1
10:31 mantis hooray
10:33 Dyrcona Pro tip: It helps to have Ejabberd running when you try to register the accounts.
10:34 Dyrcona guess who forgot to restart it?
10:34 Dyrcona @who forgot to restart Ejabberd
10:34 pinesol kworstell-isl forgot to restart Ejabberd.
10:42 Dyrcona I should script this again or look into ansible.
10:48 ian1 joined #evergreen
11:00 csharp_ @who 's the boss?
11:00 pinesol Jaysal 's the boss.
11:09 ian1 Angela Bauer is the boss
11:09 csharp_ ian1: well, yeah :-)
11:10 ian1 Sorry. Want paying attention and saw a joke opportunity. lol
11:10 csharp_ ian1: always jump on a joke opportunity
11:10 ian1 8-)
11:10 csharp_ @quote random
11:10 pinesol csharp_: Quote #138: "< JBoyer> I accidentally bought some Rooibos red tea and I think I've stumbled onto a terrorist plot. It smells like a cup of cigarettes and tastes like tobacco and licorice." (added by csharp at 09:27 AM, January 28, 2016)
11:37 ian1 joined #evergreen
11:45 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:50 ian1 joined #evergreen
11:52 Dyrcona Does anyone know OTTOTH of a branch with a database upgrade other than the reports permissions branch? (I've applied it already for my test purposes.)
11:52 Dyrcona I think I have one hanging around maybe. It might have gone in.
11:56 Dyrcona I can use Lp 1835953
11:57 pinesol Launchpad bug 1835953 in Evergreen "Circulation auto renewal remaining should not be nullable" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1835953
11:57 Dyrcona Hm... something wrong with my configuration. The two tests that depend on apache failed.
11:59 Dyrcona I'll look into it after lunch.
12:03 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:19 JBoyer To this day I do not understand rooibos tea. (At least that one, I know there's more than one type.)
12:40 Dyrcona Looks like my problem was nginx needed a restart.
12:41 * Dyrcona has never had rooibos tea.
12:42 Dyrcona Ok. gonna test my fake upgrade from 3.14.0 to 3.14.1, then I'll do 3.14.1 to 3.14.2.... :)
12:46 Dyrcona Think I'll do somethin' unorthodox... I'll reinstall the 3.14.0 schema and data, then run the db upgrade, and then install 3.14.1. After that, I'll run the tests.
13:01 cbrown_isl joined #evergreen
13:03 Dyrcona So, that works...
13:05 cbrown joined #evergreen
13:05 Dyrcona Ok, there's an issue with the potential update tot he make_release script. If one doesn't manually remove the INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('3.14.1', :eg_version); line, it's still there when the next one is added.
13:05 Dyrcona It should be relatively simple to take care of.
13:48 berick are we clear to merge stuff to main?  thinking about looking at bug 2054842
13:48 pinesol Launchpad bug 2054842 in OpenSRF "Add Installation on Ubuntu 24.04" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2054842
14:01 ian1 joined #evergreen
14:05 sandbergja joined #evergreen
14:06 sandbergja berick: yes, please merge to main to your heart's content
14:13 Dyrcona berick: I was thinking of making an OpenSRF 3.3 backport of that branch that preserves support for Ubuntu Focal Fossa 20.04. The current OpenSRF branch removes it.
14:15 Dyrcona sandbergja: I'm looking at Lp 2060734 and have made a couple of changes. O
14:15 pinesol Launchpad bug 2060734 in Evergreen "Various changes to the release process" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2060734 - Assigned to Jason Stephenson (jstephenson)
14:15 sandbergja Dyrcona++
14:15 Dyrcona I'd like your opinion on https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=wor​king/Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=856c73​ece974e7f2c7dd8c456d3df6f1d8273e04
14:17 Dyrcona sandbergja: I think an alternate way of doing that would be to add +dev to the version in 002.schema.config.sql and add a sed earlier to remove such lines if they exist.
14:18 sandbergja It looks good to me!
14:19 Dyrcona OK. I moderately prefer deleting the line over modifying it.
14:19 sandbergja agree, it does seem cleaner
14:21 Dyrcona OK. That's the one we'll go with. I'm basically done. I'll update the Lp bug and add some instructions for testing it in a comment. I exercised just about everything it does.
14:24 Dyrcona I'm going to give that commit another test or two first.
14:25 sandbergja woo hoo!  Thanks so much, Dyrcona!
14:33 Dyrcona sandbergja++ This branch will make certain aspects of the releases so much easier.
14:34 sandbergja I'm glad!  And we as a community can keep chipping away at it.
14:36 Dyrcona Dojo stalling again. I shouldna cleaned the release directory out.
15:30 pinesol News from commits: LP 2054842: Add support of Ubuntu 24.04 Noble Numbat <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=c99c13​af05f103820e12c8c91b355ba3b88cb9d9>
15:35 Dyrcona berick++
15:39 Dyrcona I'm going to make a branch to "backport" Ubuntu 24.04 to OpenSRF rel_3_3 while keeping Ubuntu 2.04. I'm not sure that we want to force a new OpenSRF release for Evergreen 3.14. I'll make a new Lp bug.
15:49 smayo joined #evergreen
15:50 mantis left #evergreen
17:09 mmorgan left #evergreen
18:56 jihpringle joined #evergreen

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