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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-07-22

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
04:59 dmoore_doppel joined #evergreen
07:22 collum joined #evergreen
07:58 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:14 cbrown-isl joined #evergreen
08:33 ian1 joined #evergreen
08:54 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
08:54 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:04 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
09:11 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:47 ian1 joined #evergreen
09:50 ian1 Good morning yall. I'm trying to make updates to the canned searches in kpac, but running into problems using item_lang as the search parameter. We want it to be simpler to find works in languages other than English. Can anyone help point me in the right direction? Simply updating `kpac.xml` to include cells with: `item_lang:jpn` doesnt appear to be enough. Clicking the resulting tile spins for a long while until eventually returning
09:50 ian1 no results.
09:56 csharp_ ian1: have you attempted troubleshooting why the query fails to return?
09:57 csharp_ e.g., postgresql logs, etc?
09:57 csharp_ or just error logs?
09:57 ian1 Not super familiar with the codebase nor where to look. Can you point me in the right direction?
09:57 ian1 None of the above so far.
09:57 csharp_ ian1: do you have command-line access to the server?
09:57 ian1 I do. I have it running locally now
09:58 csharp_ ok, logs by default for OpenSRF/Evergreen live in /openils/var/log if you installed via the general instructions
09:59 csharp_ PostgreSQL logs are in /var/log/postgresql probably, but if you haven't modified the postgres configuration they may be sparse
09:59 ian1 Okay. Let me dig into that and get back to you. Thanks!
09:59 csharp_ looking in /openils/var/log/osrfsys.log might be a good start
10:02 mmorgan ian1: Also, can you paste here the url from the page where you fail to get results?
10:03 mantis joined #evergreen
10:03 ian1 Here's the end of the URL: `results?trail=400%2F420;nosp​rop=1;query=item_lang%3Apor`
10:03 ian1 This one is for portuguese instead of japanese
10:04 mantis sorry if I missed this, but is the 3.11.6 release officially out?
10:06 mmorgan mantis: Point releases are out! https://evergreen-ils.org/
10:08 mantis sweet thanks!
10:17 redavis joined #evergreen
10:27 ian1 It appears we may not have postgresql logs enabled for our test servers. I was able to get this log from `/openils/var/log/osrfsys.log`:
10:27 ian1 [2024-07-22 09:59:55] /usr/sbin/apache2 [ACT:20655:Search.pm:480:17214480092065521] EGWeb: [bre search] item_lang:por filter_group_entry(4) depth(0)
10:28 ian1 lol. It grabbed ':' 'p' and made an emoji, but let it be known that was not in the logs.
11:03 Dyrcona ian1: Emojis depend on the client. I turned them off for this reason.
11:07 Dyrcona ian1: PostgreSQL also doesn't log much by default, sometimes not even bad queries. In this case I think you have a long-running query.
11:07 Dyrcona Oh, bummer.
11:09 Dyrcona @later tell ian1 If you set log_min_duration_statement to 5000 in postgresql.conf it will log queries that run for more than 5 secords. This might help you find the offending query. You can then EXPLAIN ANALYZE the query and see if you need to update indexes or something like that.
11:09 pinesol Dyrcona: The operation succeeded.
11:11 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:14 ian1 joined #evergreen
11:16 ian1 Just walked away and I see I missed some chat in the logs. The query is definitely very long running. I don't know why that might be and I don't know why the results are empty. If I used the `item_lang` field in a traditional search in opac it returns results no problem.
11:17 Dyrcona KPAC might not run the exact same query. It probably add audience filters. If you can get PostgreSQL to log the query, you can attempt to see what's wrong.
11:18 ian1 I assumed that and added audience filters in my OPAC search in an attempt to simulate that. Let me check on enabling the logs and once again come back to you guys. Thank you as always.
11:30 ian1 It looks like the postgreSQL log options for our test servers are outside my jurisdiction for now. I can try to test this locally for now and ping my server admin when hes back in office. I'm using the dev version of the evergreen-ils docker image. As far as I can tell, it doesnt have test data by default, but if I can load some up, I can definitely change the log settings there. Any suggestions?
11:38 Dyrcona Test data is not the same as production data. My suspicion is you likely need to do a vacuum analyze or possibly a reindex in production. You might also be missing an index.
11:40 ian1 Makes sense. This might have to wait until I have access to someone with the authority to do that here. Appreciate the discussion.
11:42 Dyrcona It might be good to ask about getting a test environment with production data for situations like this.
11:45 mmorgan ian1: As Dyrcona says, production data is the ultimate test, but testing on a limited dataset is valuable also to confirm the logic works.
11:52 ian1 Heard. Thanks everyone. :-D
12:00 ian1 joined #evergreen
12:01 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:33 JBoyer ian1, it looks like you may have put the language search in your kpac config like this: item_lang:jpn rather than the format it's expecting: item_lang(jpn)
12:35 JBoyer You can see in the example file that indexes (su: ti: and au: for subject, title, and author) to identify searches, additional fields ( / attributes? I'm not 100% on the lingo) use paranthesis and are pulled out speically by the query parser to do their thing.
12:37 JBoyer Like the Entertainment example: su:entertainment sort(pubdate)#descending  - Look in the Subject index for entertainment, then sort the results by publication date (descending).
12:38 JBoyer The syntax is somewhere on the wiki, because there are a lot of options in there.
12:47 ian1 Well. Thats certainly easy enough to try out. Thank you
13:29 Stompro joined #evergreen
14:07 ian1 joined #evergreen
14:14 sleary I have the syntax page open, as it happens: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?i​d=documentation:technical:search_grammar
14:50 ian1 Thanks sleary!
15:08 jeffdavis Our trademark policy refers to the Software Freedom Conservancy - something for the oversight board to update? https://evergreen-ils.org/trademark-policy/
15:14 redavis jeffdavis++ #yep.  TEP is in the process of retooling the trademark subcommittee and general expectations/policies/etc.
15:14 jeffdavis Sounds good, thanks redavis!
15:48 Dyrcona Someone has introduced .DS_Store (Apple-specific configuration for the Finder) files in the Evergreen git repo under the docs hierarchy. We should probably delete them and add the pattern to .gitignore if it is not there.
16:02 Dyrcona Dojo download in make_release is stuck again.
16:02 Dyrcona I don't think I can just stop it, put a local copy in place, and have it pick up where it left off....
16:45 mantis left #evergreen
17:03 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:14 Guest14 joined #evergreen
17:15 Guest74 joined #evergreen

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