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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-07-19

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
05:49 dmoore_beta joined #evergreen
08:13 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:33 ian1 joined #evergreen
08:34 cbrown-isl joined #evergreen
08:34 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:41 ian1 Good morning, everyone. I'm looking to get a local test environment up and running. Any recommendations?
08:42 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
08:53 stompro joined #evergreen
08:58 ian1 joined #evergreen
09:01 mmorgan ian1: There's lots of good info on the New Devs working group wiki page: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.o​rg/doku.php?id=newdevs:start
09:02 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:12 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:12 mantis joined #evergreen
09:15 ian1 Thank you. I'll definitely start there
09:23 redavis joined #evergreen
09:27 mmorgan ian1: FWIW, I've used both VirtualBox and Docker and have found Docker to be the shallower learning curve to get an enviroment up and running. I like the persistence of the VirtualBox images, though.
09:29 mmorgan Feel free to ask questions as you explore!
09:39 ian1 I initially ran through the install instructions on virtual box running ubuntu jammy, but I like doing my development on Windows primarily. Docker is looking attractive. How long does it take to reset the server to test new changes? I'm coming from a lot of front-end web dev stuff. I miss hot reload. :'(
09:47 berick mmorgan: building virtualbox images manually or w/ ansible?
09:53 mmorgan berick: ansible!
09:54 berick ok, good, just making sure you're not typing all that stuff :)
09:55 mmorgan :)
09:56 berick Bmagic: do your docker images install EG every time from scratch or do you have some that are just ready to run?
09:57 BDorsey joined #evergreen
09:57 mmorgan ian1: I mostly use docker to spin up an instance from a specific git branch. If you're working on angular changes, I know you can drop a file somehwere and it rebuilds the angular.
09:59 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
10:01 ian1 joined #evergreen
10:01 mmorgan My experience with the docker images is that they install from scratch every time. I may certainly be missing something, though!
10:02 sleary I think Bmagic is still on vacation
10:02 berick mmorgan: that's what I was thinking, thanks.
10:02 kworstell_isl_ joined #evergreen
10:02 berick well deserved
10:04 sleary ah ha, we do have a recording of the New Devs meeting on Docker, ian1: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.p​hp?id=newdevs:meetings:agenda-2023-04
10:07 sleary and: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/​doku.php?id=newdevs:testserver
10:08 cbrown-isl joined #evergreen
10:11 ian1 Thanks. Sorting through the docs and video now.
10:32 ian1 joined #evergreen
10:48 sleary ian1 once you get up and running, this might be helpful: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Ck2pQe9Wn8​hk4Rqq5dn_ERb6UkXjdxEDVbWHlxwEdeM/edit?usp=sharing (although you can ignore everything about Dojo; those pieces have since been replaced)
10:48 sleary the Evergreen file structure is like an archeological dig site with six or seven layers
10:50 mmorgan sleary: LOL! Indeed it is!
10:52 ian1 Heard. Thanks again. Attempting to spin up the dev docker image as I type
10:52 mmorgan ian1++
10:54 mmorgan May be my laptop, but I find that spinning up the container takes a long time.
10:55 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
11:05 mmorgan abneiman++ Dyrcona++ redavis++ sandbergja++
11:06 redavis mmorgan++ Dyrcona++ abneiman++ sandbergja++
11:09 Bmagic berick: I build a container image which freezes the state of an Evergreen-installed system. Then the image can be transported/copied/pushed to repo. And booted when needed, which does stuff like start services to get it up and ready for connections
11:10 Bmagic I am in Belgium at the moment
11:16 redavis Bmagic, hope you're having a great time and NOT having to build containers full of Evergreen right now.
11:16 ian1 With regard to the docker imager, I am getting an error saying that the autoreconf -i command failed due to a conflict between AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([m4]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS=-I m4 in the configure.ac file. As far as I can tell this is the only part failing so far. Safe to assume I'm not the first to see this?
11:20 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
11:21 Bmagic ian1: which image are you using? The dev image?
11:22 ian1 Yes. The dev image
11:22 ian1 That seemed the most suited to my purposes
11:23 Bmagic Double check the run command. Make sure the -v path is exact. Use git bash for windows to clone the evergreen repo (because it does it differently than git desktop), then use windows powershell prompt to run the container
11:24 ian1 Okie doke. I'll try that
11:24 Bmagic We've seen issues with low memory machines. 8GB system memory is not enough sometimes
11:25 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:26 Bmagic There is a trick when installing git bash for windows. Do not* allow it to install with the default "windows line endings convert to unix line endings" you want "checkout as is"
11:27 Bmagic If you've already installed git bash for windows, and didn't change that setting, then you can change the setting after the fact. I bet your issue is windows line endings on the git repo on your hard drive
11:27 ian1 Yeah. I only use git bash and as-is should be set up already. I double checked the path and it looked good. Re cloning for good measure and I'll let you know when I hit the end again.
11:29 Bmagic You can check to see what line endings are by inspecting a random file in the repo on your disk. It should be unix line endings (LF)
11:30 ian1 I ran `git config --global core.autocrlf` which returned `false` and cloned a fresh copy.
11:30 ian1 That could have been the problem before, but hopefully it wont be now.
11:31 Bmagic Another thing is the hostname for your launched container. Don't let docker assign a random hostname because it can randomly assign a name that starts with a digit, which breaks opensrf
11:31 ian1 Oops. I did let that happen automatically, but no digit so fingers crossed
11:32 Bmagic :)
11:35 Bmagic On a fresh clone of the repo, you'll be on "main" which may or may not be stable at any given time. We hope it is stable of course, but you might have better luck switching the branch to a release such as tags/rel_3_12_3
11:37 ian1 =-O
11:41 ian1 Success. Thank you again. idk if im doing this right but... mmorgan++ Bmagic++
11:42 mmorgan ian1++
11:42 mmorgan If it works, you're doing it right enough :)
11:42 ian1 I meant the ++'s lol
11:43 mmorgan lol!!
11:44 redavis ian1, welcome to karma.  You are "one of us." ian1++
11:45 Bmagic ian1++
11:45 redavis also, core knowledge for later - Bmagic is a spy
11:46 Bmagic lol, yep, <--- once a spy, always a spy
11:46 redavis Bmagic++
11:46 Bmagic except for that one time when Justin switched my card mid-game
11:47 redavis the good ol' days...
11:47 Bmagic It was a simple time
11:52 ian1 joined #evergreen
12:19 ian1 joined #evergreen
12:35 ian1 joined #evergreen
12:53 stompro Anybody running Crowdstrike?  Wonder if I could get a discount if I reached out to their sales next week?
13:25 book` joined #evergreen
14:31 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
14:45 ian1 joined #evergreen
15:10 Rogan stompro I sense a corporate rebranding in its earliest stages
15:11 Rogan "your system is so secure you can't even get in it"
15:14 stompro Security is really a balance between usability and security... we thought we would go all in on the security and ignore the usability today.
15:21 Rogan can't remember the actual quote but Bruce Schneier has a good one to the effect of "the least secure system is one so inconvenient that the users start finding ways to bypass its security"
16:38 csharp_ stompro++
16:59 mantis left #evergreen
17:11 mmorgan left #evergreen
20:57 JBoyer joined #evergreen

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