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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-06-24

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
07:01 collum joined #evergreen
07:43 redavis joined #evergreen
07:44 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
08:10 cbrown-isl joined #evergreen
08:17 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:41 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:01 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:02 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:03 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:43 Bmagic Dyrcona: some tests mangle the database to a degree that makes subsequent runs fail
09:59 mantis joined #evergreen
10:18 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
11:37 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:50 mantis left #evergreen
11:52 jihpringle joined #evergreen
11:54 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
12:00 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
13:15 Dyrcona Bmagic: I know that. I have been running eg_db_config to rebuild the database between each test run.
13:17 Dyrcona The routine is: eg_db_config ...; osrf_control --start-all ; autogen.sh -u; make livecheck
13:18 Dyrcona There's a --stop-all missing, but anyway.
13:18 Bmagic sounds like it could be a PG compatibility thing
13:19 Dyrcona Well, yeah, except that it is Pg 16 locally and remotely. Looks like when the Pg16 is remote 3 tests consistently fail. I could try with Pg 10 to see what happens.
13:19 Dyrcona I'm looking at other stuff right now, though.
13:21 Dyrcona I'll give it a run through on Pg 10...why not?
13:24 Bmagic I like your atitude
13:24 Bmagic the cut of your jib
13:25 Dyrcona I also have not disabled jit. I'm going to see if that makes a difference on the remote Pg.
13:45 Dyrcona Even more tests failed remotely on Pg 10.
13:50 Dyrcona Yeahp. the same tests fail on Pg 16 when talking to a remote db server even with jit disabled.
13:50 Dyrcona The same tests and more failed on Pg 10 when talking to a remote db server.
14:00 Dyrcona Figured out why 18 kept failing: stuck lock file.
14:02 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
14:18 Dyrcona So, it's looking like maybe it is an Ubuntu 24 thing.
14:22 Dyrcona Hm... cover uploader and bib summary failed on ubuntu 22 talking to remote pg 10.
14:22 Dyrcona I know the first relies on autogen, which I ran....
15:04 mantis joined #evergreen
15:20 jvwoolf left #evergreen
15:42 Dyrcona I think I need to set up another vm with a different distro and just main on it to test the tests. The failures are inconsistent when I try to use one of my other vms to test. Pretty consistent with Ubuntu 24, so I suspect that's the issue, though it's weird it only happens when using a remotely hosted db.
15:45 Bmagic that is pretty weird (and interesting)
15:46 Dyrcona yeah. I've got an Ubuntu 22.04 vm that I've not finished setting up. I'm going to put the same branches on it and see what happens.
15:53 Dyrcona Ugh! ejabberd on ubuntu 22.....
16:35 Bmagic grabbing 1421
16:55 Dyrcona Wow. It takes a long time to load the database over the Internet/VPN....
16:59 mantis left #evergreen
17:07 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:07 pinesol News from commits: LP2069098: get Angular tests compiling and passing again <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=6d99c8​b8fba481f59fd24c3931b193d27e5a0a9a>
17:07 pinesol News from commits: LP#2047442 Stamping upgrade script 1421 <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=133e67​e839b2c4209ea962394d89043d97678b12>
17:07 pinesol News from commits: LP2047442: Add URLs to copy tags export in SuperCat/unAPI <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=569cef​b02987516049ada8dd22b0d9047da6e246>
17:07 pinesol News from commits: LP2047442: Add Copy Tags to SuperCat/unAPI <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=3be9d3​071a6108f67ef25dc447b7ccf27a5ad3dc>
19:07 pinesol News from commits: LP#2026206: Treat empty or WS granularity as NULL <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=f0a419​ca62950277439f2d5b65b432abc1ce3851>

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