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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-06-14

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
07:25 collum joined #evergreen
07:37 csharp_ bshum++ #ilbot
07:58 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
08:02 cbrown-isl joined #evergreen
08:24 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:40 dguarrac joined #evergreen
08:44 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:51 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
08:55 mmorgan Good Evergreen! Update the pickup location of an in transit hold, and the transit is updated accordingly :)
08:59 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:04 kmlussier joined #evergreen
09:04 kmlussier bshum++
10:04 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
11:27 Christineb joined #evergreen
12:01 dmoore joined #evergreen
12:04 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:54 collum joined #evergreen
14:25 sandbergja joined #evergreen
14:28 csharp_ the bots, I a-hate them-a
14:28 sandbergja csharp_: sorry they are going after you.  Any particular pattern that you are seeing?
14:30 sandbergja very rude of them to choose late in the day on Friday
14:30 sandbergja berick: I was playing a little with `cargo clippy` on kcls/evergreen-universe-rs.  Would you find a PR useful that adds it to Github Actions and makes its recommended changes?
14:30 csharp_ sandbergja: actually right now it's the EG project webserver
14:30 csharp_ not sure what got them so interested
14:30 sandbergja oh no :-(
14:30 csharp_ meh, it's ok
14:30 Dyrcona csharp_: It's there. That's all it takes.
14:31 csharp_ iptables -I INPUT -s IP -j DROP
14:31 csharp_ it's like the server put on cologne or something, oy
14:32 sandbergja heh
14:32 Dyrcona csharp_: Must be related to little Bobby Tables. :)
14:32 berick sandbergja: i need to experiment with that some, but yeah I'm def. interested.
14:33 * berick does some quick reading
14:33 sandbergja @band add little bobby iptables
14:33 pinesol sandbergja: Band 'little bobby iptables' added to list
14:33 csharp_ sandbergja++
14:33 sandbergja berick++
14:34 sandbergja csharp_++ # fighting those bots
14:35 Dyrcona "Everybody was Kung Fu fighting...."
14:35 Dyrcona Did they *have* to name it clippy, though.....
14:35 csharp_ and if Amazonbot doesn't want to crawl nice, it won't be welcome here no more either
14:35 Dyrcona sandbergja++ berick++ csharp_++
14:36 csharp_ slow down, buy a server a drink first!
14:36 Dyrcona sandbergja: I started looking at the release branch today. I think I'll actually run it in a bit.
14:37 sandbergja Thanks, Dyrcona!  Looking forward to hearing how it goes.
14:39 Dyrcona Well, I'll skip the rest and just do a make_release.
14:44 Dyrcona Empty strings... Maybe I should have done the translations import.
14:44 Dyrcona Don't think it will affect things since this is not a real release.
14:57 Dyrcona Looks like it froze on dojo.
14:58 Dyrcona The dojo download that is.
14:58 Dyrcona @blame THE BOTZ
14:58 pinesol Dyrcona: THE BOTZ was monkeying around too much on the prod servers!
14:58 berick sandbergja: just ran clippy w/ the defaults and I'm fully on board.  the suggestions are really useful w/o being overbearing
15:00 sandbergja nice!  I'll send a PR your way.
15:00 berick looks like --fix can't get everythying.  not surprising.  so still need to run it locally in some cases
15:00 berick sandbergja++
15:02 sandbergja I am really enjoying learning Rust.  It's been such a positive experience!
15:03 berick sandbergja: you'll get hooked
15:03 Dyrcona I am trying to learn Rust, but the progress has been slow because I've not put in the time.
15:03 Dyrcona Also, my build is hung trying to download dojo from evergreen-ils.org....
15:04 sandbergja dojo--
15:04 sandbergja maybe it thinks you are a bot :-(
15:04 Dyrcona Could be. I didn't think of that, but perhaps.
15:04 Dyrcona I just assume csharp_ had rebooted or something.
15:05 sandbergja We've been holding a book club reading Rust book this year, it's been super helpful.  Maybe we could do an Evergreen version of that?
15:05 Dyrcona If I already have dojo in the correct place will it still try to download it?
15:05 berick Dyrcona: https://download.dojotoolkit.org/rel​ease-1.3.3/dojo-release-1.3.3.tar.gz
15:05 Dyrcona I've been going through the Rust book slowly. I made it to error handling.
15:06 Dyrcona berick: Thanks! I've already got dojo on this vm. I just need to double check that make_release won't download it if it already exists locally.
15:06 sandbergja that's farther than we've gotten hahaha.  Unsurprisingly, we have spent a lot of time on the ownership chapter
15:07 Dyrcona yeah. if [ ! -f ../dojo.tgz ].... I just have to rename it.
15:08 Dyrcona Yeah, the ownership seems tricky.. Just pass everything as a reference is my take away. :)
15:08 sandbergja heh, seriously!
15:09 sandbergja we did try an experiment this week in one of our rails apps, we rewrote a method in Rust, and then used ffi to let Ruby find the compiled dynamic library.  All of our ruby tests still passed, it was pretty cool.  Lots of glue code though :-(
15:09 berick neat!
15:10 Dyrcona Yeah. Sound neat. I was think of doing crazy stuff at some point like hooking up the LibreOffice API.
15:10 sandbergja ooh, cool
15:10 Dyrcona I will likely not get to it unless I win the lottery or something like that.
15:11 Dyrcona O
15:12 Dyrcona I'll try this again without renaming my local dojo to see if it gets stuck again. If so, csharp_ has some adjusting to do.
15:13 berick Dyrcona: Bmagic told me that's been a thing for a while, the dojo downloading thing
15:14 Dyrcona OK. I haven't built a tarball in a while.
15:15 Dyrcona I usually grab it from the dojo web site for my development needs.
15:16 Dyrcona Now that you mention it, I remember Bmagic telling me about this in the past few months, but I guess I didn't fully understand the issue.
15:19 Dyrcona Oh, right... how to pass alternate ssh port to rsync....
15:22 Dyrcona I'll grab the other one from previews, too. Maybe something is wrong with one of them.
15:24 Dyrcona They look the same.
15:25 Dyrcona Checksum the same, so the file is not corrupt.
15:28 Dyrcona Looks like the download failed again.
15:29 Dyrcona yeah the file on the vm is smaller.
15:34 Dyrcona Well, I guess it didn't try to download again because the partially downloaded file was there. :)
15:41 Dyrcona I get errors from eg2 stuff: Error occurs in the template of component SortOrderSelectComponent.
15:42 Dyrcona Error: src/app/staff/catalog/prefs.component.html:77:33 - error TS2339: Property 'pref' does not exist on type 'PreferencesComponent'.
15:43 Dyrcona I suspect that this has more to do with using the latest main over anything sandbergja changed.
15:43 Dyrcona Bleh: fatal: tag 'rel_3_14_0' already exists
15:44 Dyrcona I'll have to start over and delete the tag.
15:45 sandbergja Dyrcona: was that angular error from `ng build` or the tests?
15:46 Dyrcona sandbergja: I'm not sure. Let me check the scroll back.
15:46 sandbergja hmmmm... I wonder if it would be good to have a "clobber" option for the git tag, in case you have to re-run it
15:46 Dyrcona The warnings and errors come after "Browser application bundle generation complete."
15:47 sandbergja ah gotcha
15:48 Dyrcona It doesn't say it is running tests, yet. I could try a manual build from git later to see what happens.
15:48 Dyrcona I'm going to git clean -xfd to make sure. I think I did that earlier.
15:48 Bmagic Dyrcona berick: I solved by downloading the file manually via web browser (theory is that the browser is more error tolerante compared to wget) - then put the resulting download file in ../release/dojo..... (exact path is mentinoed in the build bash script) - and if the file exists, then it doesn't waste time wgeting a fresh copy
15:49 Dyrcona Bmagic: I just did more or less the same, but used rsync to pull both dojo.tgz from the server and compare them on my laptop before sending one to the vm where I'm playing around.
15:49 Bmagic I speculate that there's a firewall/IDP/IDS between the VM and the internet under csharp_'s perview maybe. Not really sure, never spent the time to puzzle that completely out
15:50 Dyrcona Yeah, could be. My download froze at 92%.
15:50 Bmagic yep, exactly 92% for me too!
15:50 Bmagic ha! Furthermore: to add to the stack of clues to help narrow the issue: my browser also failed to download it once or twice
15:51 Dyrcona Well, we could commit dojo.tgz to extras or somewhere, and then it will be there when we check out and won't have to download it.
15:51 Bmagic I shelled into lupin and copied that file around the hard drive a couple of times and overwrote the original dojo.tgz in the downloads folder, thinking that maybe it was occupying a faulty spot on the disk blocks
15:52 Dyrcona Bmagic: That explains the different time stamps on the files. :)
15:52 Bmagic so dumb
15:52 Dyrcona I wonder if there's a limit on the Apache for a single get request or something?
15:53 Dyrcona The file is about 5MB, and looks like stops somewhere around 4MB.
15:53 Bmagic what a silly problem
15:54 Bmagic maybe that spot on the hard drive (SSD) reached it maximum number of reads for an SSD life, lol
15:54 Dyrcona The original dojo is only 2.5MB, i.e. the official one from dojo.org. I suspect this is our "custom" dojo with all the Evergreen dojo mingled in.
15:54 Bmagic "block life" (you know, like thug life)
15:54 Bmagic these streets is hard
15:55 Dyrcona Well, it's usually number of writes you have to worry about, not reads... :)
15:55 Dyrcona These streets is static....
15:55 Bmagic you're killing my joke
15:55 Dyrcona Dem streets be hard...spinnin' rust.
15:56 Bmagic :)
15:56 Dyrcona Speaking of Killing Joke(s), is it time to link to The Eighties again? :P
15:56 Bmagic yes please
15:57 Dyrcona https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1U1Ue_5kq​8&pp=ygUVa2lsbGluZyBqb2tlIGVpZ2h0aWVz
15:57 Dyrcona I gotta step away for a few. Be back in a huff.....
15:58 Bmagic that video is timeless
16:12 kmlussier left #evergreen
16:44 Dyrcona Well, I got a tarball and md5 checksum file. That looks good.
16:59 Dyrcona make check fails. That could the current state of main, though.
17:00 Dyrcona make livecheck is going to fail because I forgot about restarting apache.
17:00 Dyrcona If it doesn't, I will be surprised.
17:02 Dyrcona Well, I do it again Monday. I should do this with current main, minus the tarball, too.

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