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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-06-07

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
08:10 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:17 cbrown-isl joined #evergreen
08:19 redavis joined #evergreen
08:22 redavis joined #evergreen
08:37 dguarrac joined #evergreen
08:45 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
09:04 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
09:52 redavis joined #evergreen
10:43 dguarrac_ joined #evergreen
12:05 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:09 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
13:03 Dyrcona Friday--
13:05 redavis friday_in_theory++
13:05 redavis friday_in_practice--
13:06 Dyrcona It's a bad day for mistakes, like running SQL on the wrong db.
13:07 redavis Hmm, that's annoying.  Sorry that happened on your Friday.
13:07 Dyrcona redavis++
13:07 Dyrcona Well, I thought I'd have nothing to do today.... :)
13:08 redavis The universe just trying to keep your mind active :D.
13:08 mantis joined #evergreen
13:08 Dyrcona At any rate, I did manage to the part I was testing to work, so I can recover some of the changed data from a table where I was backing up the data before the update.
13:08 Dyrcona I've got 15 holds and 12 hold notifications to fix manually. So the damage isn't that bad.
13:09 redavis Was this productive data?  Oh, 15 hold and 12 notifications...that's a backstroke on a hot day in the shade.
13:09 redavis lol, productive?
13:09 redavis production
13:10 Dyrcona yeah, I meant to run the script on training, but forgot that the production db was hardcoded in the script. Also, I can't figure out how to make training not see production.
13:11 Dyrcona Oh. It's only 11 holds.
13:11 Dyrcona That's a little better. :)
13:11 redavis Even better!
13:16 * Dyrcona takes a breath. Rushing will not help.
13:18 Dyrcona Turns out that I can only fix 6 of them. The other 5 don't have a default carrier set.
13:19 redavis So, they were bad anyway? "bad"
13:22 Dyrcona Well, not necessarily. There was a brief moment where only a bogus carrier was available.
13:22 redavis Oh
13:24 Dyrcona I have also probably re-activated some that should have been left deactivated.
13:26 Dyrcona I have to reload a dump since I've already run this script everywhere else.
13:39 Dyrcona And, to make a bad situation worse, it looks like something else is wrong with our Aspen exports....
13:46 redavis I'm a little bit glad to be stepped back just a moment (or forever) from Aspen. (hopefully...maybe...just a moment)
13:47 eeevil Dyrcona: if the broken holds aren't the users' first holds (and they requests SMS before) maybe you can pull their carrier from an old hold? (if I'm understanding correctly)
13:47 eeevil requested*
13:48 Dyrcona eevil: Thanks! I'll look.
13:48 * Dyrcona didn't think of that, yet.
13:49 Dyrcona It's only 3 patrons...
13:51 Dyrcona eeevil++ I can fix two of them, at least.
13:56 Dyrcona Well, that fixed four of the 5 holds.
13:56 Dyrcona Now, to trigger some events...
14:15 Dyrcona I, for one, wish sms_notify to be a simple boolean field.
15:44 jihpringle joined #evergreen
16:32 Christineb joined #evergreen
16:48 jihpringle joined #evergreen
16:55 mantis left #evergreen
17:17 jihpringle joined #evergreen

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