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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-05-24

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
05:12 sleary joined #evergreen
07:17 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
07:45 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:12 sleary joined #evergreen
08:33 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:58 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:23 mantis1 joined #evergreen
09:42 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
10:05 dguarrac joined #evergreen
10:11 Guest82 joined #evergreen
10:11 Guest82 Hello and good bye. :)
10:12 sleary joined #evergreen
10:15 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
10:35 BDorsey joined #evergreen
10:35 redavis joined #evergreen
10:44 sleary joined #evergreen
10:51 redavis_reloaded joined #evergreen
11:27 Christineb joined #evergreen
12:05 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:07 smayo joined #evergreen
12:10 BDorsey joined #evergreen
12:16 jihpringle joined #evergreen
13:01 dmoore joined #evergreen
13:02 Dyrcona Grr. I hit this 'ERROR:  retention_interval requires max_delay' on one event but not others.
13:02 Dyrcona They all have the same retention_interval so it must be something about the hook, I guess.
13:04 Dyrcona Hrm... It says the hook is passive, but I'm copying values from another event with the same hook, and it doesn't have a max_delay....
13:06 Dyrcona And the hook doesn't exist....
13:06 * Dyrcona checks for typos.
13:07 Dyrcona OK. It's an odd one: au.sms_text.test. That dot between text & test is usually a comma, and I should have copy and pasted instead of typing.
13:07 Bmagic :)
13:34 LindaJansova joined #evergreen
13:36 * Dyrcona is having one of "those" days where the brain and fingers cannot get it together. typos--
13:38 Dyrcona @decide Monty Python or Stanely Kubrick
13:38 pinesol Dyrcona: go with Stanely Kubrick
13:38 Dyrcona pinesol: You have a very dark sense of humor.
13:38 pinesol Dyrcona: As great as you are man, you'll never be greater than yourself.
13:39 Dyrcona berick: Have you got a suggestion for running test SMS messages through the XML notice generator? I was thinking of running it once per minute, but I guess I'll have to check with Unique support about what they might expect.
13:40 Dyrcona @decide underscore or comma
13:40 pinesol Dyrcona: go with underscore
13:41 Dyrcona pinesol++
14:15 berick Dyrcona: yeah just depends on how often UMS checks for files.  i'm not sure.  our most frequently run notice is locker-checkout-email every 5 minutes
14:16 berick i'm sure i asked a while back but don't remember how often they check .. be good to know
14:18 Dyrcona berick: Thanks! I'm considering which template to use. It should probably be simple.
14:19 berick oh, there's a FOR_TEXT flag in generate-notices.sh .. should just work
14:19 berick we send SMSs too
14:19 Dyrcona Yeah, I've added that.
14:21 Dyrcona I'm looking at curbside. (We have one library, at least, still using it.) I might need some new templates.
14:21 Dyrcona Maybe not.
14:39 Dyrcona "1, 2, 5!"
14:49 Dyrcona hmm.. Don't think sending test SMS is gonna work this way. The staff client expect an almost immediate response. With NOOP_True, it will always report success won't it?
14:51 Dyrcona Eh, no.... There's no template output, so the staff client will always report failure. Staff will not like that.
14:59 berick Dyrcona: oh you're trying to use open-ils.actor.event.test_notification ?
15:00 berick yeah that would take some changes to tie-in a 3rd party sms generator
15:00 Dyrcona berick: No, the staff client uses it. I'm just trying to figure out how that would work.
15:01 berick right, yeah, it should basically work, but like you said, the UI will not get the output it may currently be expecting
15:01 Dyrcona That's the conclusion I'm coming to, unless we hack the staff client.
15:02 Dyrcona It looks like it might only fire 1 event, even if two are configured... I should test that, though.
15:02 Dyrcona I'll enable my test event and see what happens on a test system.
15:07 Dyrcona With both events active, neither got created.
15:11 Dyrcona The default event from Evergreen by itself works. My custom event does not. The latter reports a failure and the event fails to get created. I'll check if the validation needs anything, but I think the validator is NOOP_True.
15:12 Dyrcona Huh... I wonder if I'm looking at the correct database...
15:14 Bmagic anyone seen this: overdues get account_adjusted when going lost, then lost is returned and they are generated again but this time over the max limit by exactly two rows.
15:14 Bmagic so if it's a 10 dollar max, the re-genreation will go up to 10.40 *20 cents a day)
15:15 Dyrcona Bmagic: That sounds familiar and sound like the thing that adjustment was supposed to fix, but that has been a long time.
15:16 Dyrcona And... duh! My events were getting created. I was looking on id = 524 or id = 529 and should have event_def not id.
15:16 Bmagic Dyrcona++ # sharp eyes
15:17 Bmagic so, my thing is a bug?
15:17 Dyrcona Bmagic: Could be. There might already be a Lp about it. I know lost items and restored fines are tricky.
15:18 Dyrcona Computers are bad at math, honsetly....Perl is even worse.
15:18 Dyrcona @who is the typo maven
15:18 pinesol book` is the typo maven.
15:18 Dyrcona Nah, that should be me.
15:18 Bmagic found this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1741929
15:18 pinesol Launchpad bug 1741929 in Evergreen "Overdue fines not adjusted correctly on backdated lost items" [Undecided,Confirmed]
15:19 Dyrcona Was the checkin backdated?
15:20 Bmagic I'm checking on that. Is there a way to tell in the db?
15:20 Dyrcona Gimme a sec....
15:20 mmorgan Bmagic: checkin_time vs. checkin_scan_time
15:21 Dyrcona mmorgan++ I was just about to say that.
15:21 mmorgan But that bug sounds different than what you're describing
15:21 Bmagic ha! so that's what that column is for
15:21 mmorgan :)
15:21 Bmagic nope, not backdated
15:22 Dyrcona On my events thing: with both events enabled only 1 fires. In any case the event that fires is set to complete, so we can't use this as-is for test text messages.
15:22 Bmagic Dyrcona: that's what I was thinking
15:22 Bmagic (on your thing)
15:23 Dyrcona Yeah, I just had to run it to make sure.
15:23 Dyrcona My test system does fire my test event with both enabled, but that's probably just "luck."
15:30 mmorgan Bmagic: Is the max_fine in the circ properly set to 10?
15:30 Bmagic mmorgan: yes
15:30 Bmagic technicall 10.00
15:31 * mmorgan nods
15:31 Bmagic I could see maybe going over by one because the compare logic checks after it applies the 20 cents. But two loops? it should have broken out of the loop if the total was greater than 10
15:31 mmorgan Sounds like a bug, but I don't see one. Is the ou setting circ.lost.generate_overdue_on_checkin set to true? Still should exceed the max, but that could be a factor.
15:32 mmorgan *NOT exceed
15:36 Bmagic another clue I just noticed: the timestamp on the first billing line for the re-generation batch, is dated exactly one day after the old batch of overdues stopped. So it would seem that the logic is setup to re-generate the overdues starting at the day after the LOST billing was created, and walking through the days up to today (the day the item was returned) - ignoring the max_fine ?
15:37 Bmagic according to the setting English: "Enabling this setting causes retroactive creation of not-yet-existing overdue fines on lost item checkin, up to the point of checkin time (or max fines is reached)."
15:39 mmorgan Bmagic: Found bug 1786312. Was the due date on the circ extended?
15:39 pinesol Launchpad bug 1786312 in Evergreen "Extending circ due date can result in exceeding max fines" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1786312
15:39 Bmagic hmm
15:41 Bmagic when you extend a due date, the code updates due_date in action.circulation?
15:41 Bmagic if that's the case, then no, I don't think this example was extended because due_date - xact_start = 21 days, which is what it says it was suppose to be
15:41 mmorgan Bmagic: Yes, when you edit a due date (as opposed to renewing)
15:42 mmorgan Ok, then that's not it. Incidentally, there's a pullrequest on that bug from 2022 :-(
15:42 Bmagic darn, I was hoping that was the bug for this issue
15:42 Bmagic oh man, we're really slacking on pull requests
15:43 mmorgan Any of the billings voided?
15:43 mmorgan just grasping at straws...
15:44 Bmagic good thought: none are voided
15:45 Bmagic maybe daylight saving time was a factor.. these overdues spanned March 10th
15:46 mmorgan Oh, good thought.
15:46 mmorgan Or timezone?
15:46 Bmagic actually, that might be it
15:46 mmorgan Or both?
15:46 Bmagic because the billing_ts skipped march 10th
15:47 Bmagic there are exactly 50 20 cent billings for the original generation of the fines, adding up to 10 bucks, but it took an extra day to get there, because it skipped march 10th!
15:49 * mmorgan is glad we are (mostly) fine free!
15:49 Bmagic and* leap year is in there
15:50 Bmagic so that's two odd days in the history... 2 days * 20 cents is 40 cents, and that's the descrepancy I'm looking for
15:50 Bmagic it was a freak gasoline fight accident
15:51 mmorgan Was the eclipse and solar flare in there too? ;-)
15:51 Dyrcona March 10th... That was time change day, yeah? Does the fine generator run at 2:00 am. I saw errors in our logs from that day saying '2:00 am doesn't exist.'
15:52 Bmagic yep, I had to Google it but yeah, March 10th was DS Spring forward
15:53 Dyrcona I don't know where this '2:00 doesn't exist' nonsense comes, but Vixie cron never had a problem with it.
15:53 Bmagic really? that's some funky log message
15:53 Dyrcona It's not exactly that, but it amounts to that.
15:53 Bmagic the gen fines crontab: 30 7-20 * * *
15:54 Bmagic something about our "1 second before midnight" sql logic is scratching my head righ tnow
15:54 Dyrcona I'm not sure this is the fine generator either. I think that gets calculated with the checkin.
15:54 mmorgan Maybe pinesol was writing logs that day.
15:54 Dyrcona It's probably safe to blame systemd. Why not?
15:59 Bmagic man, what a weird deal
16:25 jeffdavis We've had issues in the past with fine generation and DST. I don't have details ready to hand though.
16:32 smayo joined #evergreen
17:03 mantis1 left #evergreen
17:13 mmorgan left #evergreen

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