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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-05-08

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
00:32 rlefaive joined #evergreen
00:46 sleary joined #evergreen
01:02 JBoyer joined #evergreen
03:46 rlefaive joined #evergreen
06:09 rlefaive joined #evergreen
07:35 redavis joined #evergreen
08:20 cbrown-isl joined #evergreen
08:22 rlefaive joined #evergreen
08:33 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:39 sleary joined #evergreen
09:07 kmlussier joined #evergreen
09:16 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:18 kmlussier1 joined #evergreen
09:30 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
09:32 smayo joined #evergreen
10:00 sleary joined #evergreen
10:06 cbrown-isl joined #evergreen
10:11 kmlussier joined #evergreen
11:02 abowling joined #evergreen
11:15 abowling1 joined #evergreen
11:17 abowling1 joined #evergreen
11:25 rlefaive joined #evergreen
11:38 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:53 cbrown-isl joined #evergreen
11:53 kmlussier @coffee [someone]
11:53 * pinesol brews and pours a cup of Sumatra Lake Tawar, and sends it sliding down the bar to jvwoolf
11:53 kmlussier @tea [someone]
11:53 * pinesol brews and pours a pot of Organic Bangkok (Green Tea with Coconut, Ginger and Vanilla), and sends it sliding down the bar to jonadab (http://ratetea.com/tea/harney/bangkok/2217/)
11:57 jihpringle joined #evergreen
11:58 berick oh yeah, coffee.  good idea.
12:00 kmlussier berick: I've never known morning coffee to be a bad idea.
12:02 berick ah yeah my internal dialog was "yet more coffee?"
12:45 jihpringle joined #evergreen
13:10 jihpringle joined #evergreen
13:25 jihpringle joined #evergreen
13:29 Dyrcona @blame The weather
13:29 pinesol Dyrcona: The weather is the SPY!
13:31 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
13:35 smayo joined #evergreen
13:38 kmlussier1 joined #evergreen
13:39 smayo Is Angular binding the values I need? Or is it binding me? Perhaps it is I who have gone bananas inside this box
13:41 smayo [(smayo)]
13:42 berick if it's a combobox, beware
13:43 kmlussier1 left #evergreen
13:46 redavis (am I the only one that has a child of an age who has caused me to immediately think of the binding of isaac game?)
13:51 Dyrcona redavis: Most likely, yes.
13:52 redavis lol, more's the pity. Then no one else has to recall "kitten cannon" either.  They were the best of times.  They were the worst of times (when my youngest was in high school).
14:06 Bmagic One of my favorite games that I played on a computer when I was in kindergarten, was on a PC (looking back, it was probably an 8088 running DOS 4 roughly) - a game called "Bouncing Babies" LOL
14:06 Bmagic ....and of course there's a youtube video of someone playing it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hypjQwgrus4
14:18 Stompro Could someone remind me how to clear out hatch eg.workstation.all when it gets corrupted with duplicate entries?
14:28 berick Stompro: manually delete the eg.workstation.all and eg.workstation.default files.
14:28 berick i don't recall OTTOMH where they are in Windows.
14:28 berick c:\\ProgramData maybe?
14:29 Stompro Thanks, I'll search for them.
14:29 berick there will be files per EG host
14:29 Stompro Found them, C:\ProgramData\Hatch
14:30 redavis bmagic, lol!
14:31 Stompro berick++
14:36 berick Bmagic: kind of like https://xkcd.com/2916/
14:42 rlefaive joined #evergreen
14:52 sleary joined #evergreen
15:09 eeevil redavis: I'm in the process of finalizing the ACQ omnibranch for merger, re your request to hit you up for sign off, if you want to just sign off on LP I can include you on the commits
15:10 redavis eeevil, heading over right now.
15:10 redavis also eeevil++
15:11 eeevil wheee! thanks!
15:13 redavis bam! (my grandma was named Bobby, so I figure I can get away with a bam!)
15:36 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
15:40 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
15:44 kmlussier joined #evergreen
15:59 Dyrcona "Grab ahold of that fistful of rain."
16:02 jihpringle joined #evergreen
16:16 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
16:17 kworstell_isl_ joined #evergreen
16:26 eeevil grabbing 1407 and 1408
16:27 pinesol News from commits: LP#2039609: Documentation and Release Notes <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=df0a2d​a82f408c0e7236b9f33cc1f5e548d9d2eb>
16:27 pinesol News from commits: LP#2039609: Angular ACQ sprints A and B <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=33323e​8443105e6b5c17029fc818110c15900bc8>
16:27 pinesol News from commits: LP#2039609: Additional infrastructure improvements <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=634e61​2129f062dcce90aa4b70b2ee529329cc1f>
16:27 pinesol News from commits: LP#2039609: Supporting infrastructure improvement <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=3a0237​1233cc4ee7064dd8d814017be1fea273b9>
16:28 Dyrcona eeevil++
16:29 berick eeevil++ # indeed
16:30 eeevil db seed data commit followup coming
16:36 abneiman I would like the record to reflect that the last dojo interfaces now have Angular equivalents merged: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cu1x9xv33i​aTc2ow82OCyB56-40pHQw7SlS6bnqqiFU/edit?usp=sharing
16:37 abneiman dojo--
16:37 abneiman angular++
16:37 * berick rubs eyes
16:37 abneiman eeevil++ phasefx++ sleary++ redavis++
16:37 berick woohoo!
16:38 berick (<abneiman> eeevil++ phasefx++ sleary++ redavis++)++
16:38 Dyrcona phasefx++ sleary++ redavis++
16:38 Dyrcona @karma
16:38 pinesol Dyrcona: Highest karma: "Dyrcona" (7), "eeevil" (5), "Bmagic" (3), "csharp_" (3), and "phasefx" (3).  Lowest karma: "comcast" (-8), "NSA" (-1), "runaround" (-1), "dojo" (-1), and "pinesol" (1).  You (Dyrcona) are ranked 1 out of 21.
16:38 abneiman and if we can get reports merged COUGH COUGH - sorry, came back from CT with some crud - then only the old user perms editor remains in a non-Ang/AngJS intnerface
16:38 abneiman dojo--
16:39 abneiman just to differentiate it from NSA and the others
16:39 Dyrcona Dojo ain't that bad... if only we'd kept up....
16:39 abneiman sure, but three frameworks ain't great either
16:39 abneiman now we have two! until the dawn of wangular.
16:39 eeevil and, db upgrade stuff should be happy now
16:40 sleary eeevil++ phasefx++ redavis++ dojo--
16:43 eeevil you know, I was really enamored with dojo when it first came out, and I think it pushed a lot of things forward. but I'm glad we're finally going to be free of it.
16:43 eeevil "the web framework is dead. long live the web framework."
16:44 abneiman whatever it once was, moving past it is definitely a milestone worthy of community accolades!
16:57 pinesol News from commits: Stamping upgrade scripts and refifying baseline schema <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=47efcb​672454d1fafb31171046c6b1769772cb15>
17:00 abneiman and also, berick++ dmoore++ KCLS++ for doing other angular ports and / or funding angular ports
17:04 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:09 jvwoolf left #evergreen
17:31 rlefaive joined #evergreen
17:42 kmlussier left #evergreen
18:20 dmoore_doppel joined #evergreen
18:27 dmoore_beta joined #evergreen
19:34 jihpringle joined #evergreen
20:34 rlefaive joined #evergreen
21:56 sleary joined #evergreen
22:36 rlefaive joined #evergreen

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