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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-04-22

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
07:26 collum joined #evergreen
08:05 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
08:19 jeff joined #evergreen
08:40 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:48 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:13 Stompro joined #evergreen
09:25 stephengwills joined #evergreen
09:41 redavis joined #evergreen
09:57 jihpringle joined #evergreen
09:59 sleary joined #evergreen
10:49 dguarrac joined #evergreen
11:14 csharp_ pinesol: do you have a greeting for conference attendees?
11:14 pinesol csharp_: have you tried local mean solar time for the named city as the reference point?
11:16 berick that works
11:33 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:37 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
12:28 b_bonner joined #evergreen
12:38 JBoyer Meeting chat, conference chat; Xhibit in phull effect in pheedloop
12:43 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
12:47 csharp_ I'm not able to send chats in pheedloop for some reason
12:51 Dyrcona text chat apparently doesn't work in Chrome on Linux either. At least, it is not working for me.
12:52 stompro_home joined #evergreen
12:53 Dyrcona Had to disable the ad blocker.
13:07 Bmagic I granted my browser access to my mic and camera, then it looked like I was broadcast in Bill's presentation! LOL, I don't think anyone other than myself could see it, but I ended up denying my browser access to mic and camera. I couldn't find controls in the UI
13:12 Bmagic I'm slowly realizing that Pheedloop has embedded zoom, and the chats are not equal
13:25 Dyrcona Yeahp.
13:25 Dyrcona Pheedloop chat <> zoom chat
13:37 csharp_ yeah - and if you have fullscreened the zoom meeting, the PL chat is not visible :-/
13:40 jeff right, unless it's the embedded zoom chat in pheedloop, which is visible, but all from the same zoom participant of "Evergreen Zoom Conferences" with the participant's first name present in the message? :-)
13:41 jeff the part I had fun with was finding the "leave audio" in the embed so that I didn't have two audio feeds running :-)
13:42 csharp_ berick in stereo!
13:43 csharp_ see my session "Zoom for Audio Production"
13:44 csharp_ @band add Beefy VMs
13:44 pinesol csharp_: Band 'Beefy VMs' added to list
13:57 Bmagic sleary here?
13:58 Dyrcona Quadraphonics!
14:11 csharp_ Dyrcona++
14:12 jeff Does anyone know how quickly video recordings of today's events will be made available?
14:19 csharp_ might ask in PL since I don't see mantis in here
14:47 csharp_ @band add Redis Bus
14:47 pinesol csharp_: Band 'Redis Bus' added to list
14:54 eeevil truly distributed EG with Perl in WebAssembly: https://webperl.zero-g.net/
14:55 Dyrcona berick++
14:56 Dyrcona I'd really like to replace Perl with Rust. The move I've used Perl over the years, the less I like it.
14:57 Dyrcona Apparently, I'm not that great with English, either..... s/move/more/ :)
15:07 Bmagic berick++
15:17 sandbergja joined #evergreen
15:17 sandbergja berick++
15:19 sandbergja I would love to see Rust as an option.  But I think a project of "we have to rewrite all C/Perl in Rust" would suck a lot of energy out of the project.
15:21 sandbergja My vote would be to add all this great Rust stuff, without an obligation to rewrite existing code
15:21 Dyrcona It's true about sucking life out of the project, kind of like constantly rewriting the staff client... /me ducks and runs.
15:22 berick sandbergja: yeah, i agree. i'm certainly not proposing a burn-it-all-down mandate a la Angular
15:23 Dyrcona There's not that much C to replace, compared to Perl.
15:24 redavis joined #evergreen
15:26 jeff @dunno add The {0} can also watch this recording if it’s stored in the cloud.
15:26 pinesol jeff: The operation succeeded.  Dunno #86 added.
15:26 jeff @who can also watch this recording if it's stored in the cloud?
15:26 pinesol eeevil can also watch this recording if it's stored in the cloud.
15:26 jeff durn right.
15:27 eeevil TO THE CLOUD!
15:27 sandbergja heh
15:28 Dyrcona The Sixties wants its computing paradigm back. :)
15:28 jvwoolf left #evergreen
16:42 stompro_home I'm really glad I got to hear so many people pronounce redis today... before I've ever said it out loud.
16:43 csharp_ I keep wanted to say/type "reddit"
16:43 csharp_ *wanting
16:43 csharp_ valkey is better - sounds heroic, like valkyrie (not sure if that's intended)
16:51 b_bonner to diss again.
17:28 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:41 jeff it's actually short for Valcony.
17:41 jeff (I am very much kidding)
17:42 jeff and that was indeed a very obscure reference, sorry.
19:52 stephengwills left #evergreen
20:45 stompro_home joined #evergreen
22:28 sleary joined #evergreen
23:46 sleary joined #evergreen

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