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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-02-02

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
07:45 collum joined #evergreen
08:14 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:27 redavis joined #evergreen
08:35 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:02 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:04 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:05 Dyrcona Anyone ever gotten "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" from offline-blocklist.pl before? Looks like it happened to us last night.
09:22 Bmagic Dyrcona: not that I've noticed. But the results of that code aren't used?
09:27 Dyrcona Bmagic: It's used by offline circulation isn't it? It used to be available in the the XUL client, but IIRC it had to be fetched manually.
09:34 Dyrcona I'm running it manually now.
09:36 Dyrcona Grr. Insert can have only 1 ON COnFLICT clause. I'd actually like to do something different depending on which constraint triggers.
09:36 Dyrcona Totally unrelated to offline blocklist, of course.
09:39 Dyrcona This mean that I can't really test this update in its entirety. I'm updating some information related to users and my test database doesn't have all of the users from production.
09:40 Dyrcona i suppose I could do the insert/update with a select statement or add a where exists....
09:46 Dyrcona No? "and exists (select 1 from actor.usr where id = <user_id>) didn't help.
09:46 Dyrcona Oh, duh....
09:47 Dyrcona InSERT doesn't have a "where" clause... That where clause is for the DO UPDATE from the on conflict. It's Friday, innit?
09:47 redavis joined #evergreen
09:47 Dyrcona Bmagic: Looks like offline-blocklist finished and the output is 18MB.
09:49 Dyrcona Maybe the AND EXISTS will work if I remove the rule from the constraint...
09:51 Dyrcona Nope. Do update requires inference specification or constraint name. Guess I can't really test the update, though it "worked" for the ones that existed, so it's good. Hopefully all of the users exist in production.
10:01 berick hey, Ubuntu, how about I pay you *not* to advertise Ubuntu Pro at me?  bleh.
10:01 berick maybe time to mix up the ol' desktop OS
10:02 Dyrcona berick: Have you considered Arch? I use it on my personal laptop.
10:03 berick I used to use Arch a lot.  maybe I'll see how things are looking over there
10:06 Dyrcona It's probably much the same. Installation and set up are still manual, at least when I set it up last August, but I learned a lot. Enough that I'm tempted to really try Linux from Scratch on my next spare hardware.
10:09 Dyrcona Ironcially, Arch isn't "supported" by Dell on their hardware, but it runs better than Ubuntu 22.04 which is.
10:22 Dyrcona In case anyone is curious, I switched to Arch because I got tired of Snaps and permissions issues. GIMP couldn't open files on removable media without changing the Snap permissions, and any time the Snap updated, the permissions needed to be reset.
10:57 sandbergja joined #evergreen
11:03 sandbergja Good morning, Evergreen!  We'll be working on point releases today, so please hold off on pushing to rel_3_12 and rel_3_11 until we give the all clear :-D
11:04 sandbergja Also, abneiman and redavis and I will be meeting at 12pm eastern to coordinate on zoom (https://princeton.zoom.us/my/sandbergja)  please join if you'd like to help out, or just learn more about the release process.
11:05 redavis ++
11:11 redavis also sandbergja++ abneiman++
11:18 mmorgan sandbergja++ abneiman++ redavis++
11:19 mmorgan My bandwidth is low today, but I'll try to drop in.
11:33 redavis We're experts at low bandwidth. Come join us for the lulz.
11:58 mantis joined #evergreen
12:03 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:24 pinesol News from commits: Docs: draft release notes for 3.12.1 and 3.11.3 <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=715af4​fd4fd75efdd8ff8843f20fc438ba2540f9>
12:27 Bmagic does Evergreen support a setting to automatically check (or uncheck) the patron hold preferences check boxes on a fresh patron registration page load?
12:27 Bmagic hold notification* preferences I mean
12:33 Bmagic sandbergja++ # release wrangling. I'm in
12:38 mmorgan Bmagic: Not currently, see bug 1901726
12:38 pinesol Launchpad bug 1901726 in Evergreen "Required Fields Based on Hold Notification Preferences Too Strict" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1901726
13:01 abneiman sandbergja++ redavis++ mmorgan++ Bmagic++ # rmaking point releases happen
13:02 mmorgan abneiman++
13:32 sandbergja The 3.12.1 tarball finished building.  I'm going to try installing it and running the tests
13:40 jihpringle joined #evergreen
13:44 sandbergja So far, the perl unit tests, perl live tests, pgtap, and angularjs unit tests have passed.  Waiting on  angular unit and e2e tests, OPAC js tests, and C tests.
13:47 sandbergja I <3 tests, but dang, that is a lot of testing frameworks
13:47 sandbergja I think two of them are my fault hahaha
13:47 Dyrcona sandbergja++
13:48 Dyrcona Well, we need more tests, and maybe fewer frameworks.
13:48 sandbergja +1
13:49 Dyrcona I suppose we can drop 1 of the frameworks, or at least 1 set of tests, when AngularJS is finally gone.
13:49 sandbergja Oh, one test question that I've been meaning to ask forever.  What is the distinction between pgtap regression tests and just regular pgtap tests?
13:51 Dyrcona The regression tests are, I think, meant to check that certain database changes have not been undone.
13:52 Dyrcona I added a regression test to my branch for Lp 1835953 to make sure that the columns have the not null constraint.
13:52 pinesol Launchpad bug 1835953 in Evergreen "Circulation auto renewal remaining should not be nullable" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1835953
13:53 sandbergja Dyrcona++
13:54 sandbergja I like that example!
13:58 Dyrcona That branch makes a few updates to the pgtap tests and the sample data load.
14:08 sandbergja 3.12.1 tarball tested and it passed!
14:09 sandbergja I've uploaded the release directory here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PVlP​VhJ8UtUUH7Yu1JRSsJkr1TOo0Fgv?usp=drive_link -- gmcharlt: could you please upload it to lupin?
14:21 sandbergja I pushed my working branch to tags/rel_3_12_1.  I also added the upgrade script to the rel_3_12 and main branches.  Does that seem as it should be?
14:21 Dyrcona Yes, that sounds right. Let me have a look.
14:22 sandbergja Dyrcona++
14:22 Dyrcona Looks good to me. I can copy the files to Lupin if gmcharlt hasn't gotten to it, yet.
14:25 sandbergja Dyrcona: that would be great, thank you!
14:25 pinesol News from commits: Forward-port 3.12.1 upgrade script <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=b97c74​69d355bd00ff217cd25c3c4cc101a5e403>
14:30 Dyrcona I've put the files in my home on Lupin. Are we waiting for 3.11.2 before doing the rest?
14:33 sandbergja Yeah, that is what we were thinking
14:34 Dyrcona Ok.
14:35 sandbergja I can volunteer to build 3.11.3, but won't get to it until Monday
14:35 sandbergja If somebody else is willing to build it today, that would make it all the faster (and unblock abneiman and redavis on the launchpad and publicity steps)
14:36 Dyrcona Oh. I though Bmagic migt be working on it. I can't do the translations.
14:37 Bmagic The translation dance (if I understand correctly) - is applicable only when a new minor branch is created (AKA 3.13)
14:37 Bmagic otherwise, it's a matter of cloning the bzr branch from LP and pulling the latest for any given EG branch
14:37 Dyrcona IDK. I thought at one point we started doing them for bug updates, too.
14:40 Bmagic LP knows about whole "series" 3.11, 3.12. Point releases will grab the latest from LP (and POEditor) for the respective series
14:40 Dyrcona I can build it without translations. I did 3.11.2, IIRC.
14:43 Bmagic Any updates to the translations, I believe, are applied to the series branch (rel_3_12) and that can be done outside of a point release, just anytime someone wants to. Such that when a point release is cut (tags/rel_3_12_1) it would include any translation commit that came down from rel_3_12
14:45 Dyrcona I think we should just move the translations into the main repo. That's how other projects that I've worked on do it (Battle for Wesnoth, Monero, BitCoin).
14:45 Bmagic a reasonable suggestion IMO, but I'm sure a larger discussion is required
14:46 sandbergja Dyrcona++
14:46 Dyrcona Yeahp. I think the original goal of POEditor was to make it easier for translators, but other than Czech, I don't think we really have any at the moment.
14:46 Dyrcona left #evergreen
14:47 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
14:47 sandbergja The angular translations are also in a format that launchpad translations can't handle.  That's another piece.
14:47 Dyrcona I was looking at the wrong window and typed, Ctrl+w....
14:47 Bmagic It's possible that the strings for 3.12 arn't applicable to 3.11 and so on. A feature was included in 3.12 that contained some new strings. And only needs to the corisponding translations for that branch. I suppose it wouldn't be a bad thing to include them for 3.11 even though that patch isn't in 3.11
14:48 Dyrcona We have had point release patches that touch strings in the past. I think we need to come up with some rules about what is and what isn't back portable as far as patches go.
14:48 * Dyrcona thinks we may backport too much.
14:50 sandbergja there were a few changes to angular strings between 3.12.0 and 3.12.1 fwiw.  And also some new translations that needed to be brought in.
14:51 Dyrcona I'll fire up a vm and build 3.11.3.
14:52 sandbergja Thanks, Dyrcona!
14:55 sandbergja I think it would be nice to have regular syncing between the repo, launchpad, and poeditor.  Like something that regularly checks for new translations and just creates a commit in the repo, so we don't have to worry about it.
14:56 sandbergja or we just maintain them in the repo as Dyrcona said.
14:57 sandbergja If I remember right, Eva did a comparison between launchpad, poeditor, and just editing files directly, with a list of pros and cons.
15:25 Dyrcona So, do I bother with make newpot and all of that?
15:28 Dyrcona Looks like Bmagic did 3.11.2. I must have done 3.10.3.
16:00 Bmagic I've not done any release work today
16:01 Dyrcona Bmagic: I'm talking about last time.
16:02 Bmagic on point releases, I believe we skip down to Translations, Part 2: update_pofiles steps. new pot would be applied to the main branch of the evergreen release series. AKA rel_3_12. And not* against tags/rel_3_12_1. At least that's the way I understand it. Please feel free to correct me!
16:03 Dyrcona Don't know if I'll finish testing this today. We'll see.
16:03 Dyrcona Bmagic: newpot was done the previous two times on 3.11, so I did it again.
16:03 Dyrcona The commits are there anyway.
16:04 Bmagic ok, that's fine. It's ok if it's done against the point release tags branch, though I believe the design intension was to have new pot run ahead of time, at some frequency, independent of the point release cycle
16:04 Dyrcona Should I test with OpenSRF main or 3.2.4?
16:05 Bmagic I'm not sure it matters today if you use main opensrf or 3.2.4. Is there a commit difference between them?
16:06 Dyrcona Yeah, I'm going with main because I already installed the prerequisites.
16:06 Dyrcona I did that reflexively before I started working on release building.
16:10 Dyrcona asciidoc: WARNING: RELEASE_NOTES_3_11.adoc: line 86: section title out of sequence: expected level 2, got level 3
16:10 Dyrcona Yuk.
16:11 Bmagic yeah, that happens. But I believe the HTML comes out "ok"
16:11 Bmagic Do I have a point release assigned to me?
16:16 Dyrcona I fixed the syntax and regenerated the HTML. I'll have to update the tarball.
16:16 Dyrcona No, you don't have a point release assigned to you. I don't think we're using the spreadsheet this time.
16:18 Dyrcona oof. I just realized that I've been using markdown link syntax when I've been writing release notes lately. I'll have to fix those, I think.
16:22 Dyrcona I'm not going to be able to test this today.
16:25 pinesol News from commits: Fix syntax in 3.11 release notes <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=2d50b1​8103dcf0480467bfcab5b3ce2f173a7f38>
16:27 Dyrcona i can probably test the db upgrade scripts without too much setup.
16:29 Dyrcona nah, I'll have to test this later.
16:30 Dyrcona I pushed the tag branch and copied the files to lupin where I can get them later to test.
16:30 Dyrcona I'll have to see if I can test this tomorrow some time, but I've got stuff to do.
16:34 Dyrcona I've put the release files here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Ey​s7BQV4TdDcgs8QtXy6XJ46QC8CMbyK?usp=sharing
16:35 Dyrcona If anyone else wants to test. Also, let me know if you can't access that or the contents. It should be shared with anyone who has the link.
16:35 sandbergja Dyrcona++
16:35 sandbergja I can run the automated tests on that tarball this afternoon
16:36 Dyrcona sandbergja++
16:53 sandbergja It would be nice if we could make the perl live tests and nightwatch e2e tests faster too.  I suspect that's a barrier to people running them regularly.
17:06 jihpringle joined #evergreen
17:09 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:16 sandbergja all tests are passing for that 3.11.3 tarball, except for 3 of the nightwatch tests (for vandelay, holdings view, and acq providers).  I didn't see anything obviously amiss with those screens, fwiw.  It is not specific to the tarball.  I get the same failures after installing rel_3_11 from source.
17:16 sandbergja I think we should investigate them, but I don't think they need to block the release or anything.
17:17 sandbergja abneiman++ redavis++ Bmagic++ Dyrcona++ mmorgan++ # thanks for helping with these releases!
17:38 book` joined #evergreen
19:27 jihpringle joined #evergreen

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