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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-01-17

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
01:56 bshum joined #evergreen
07:22 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
07:35 redavis joined #evergreen
08:00 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:34 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:19 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:23 Dyrcona ugh.. 3.6GB of logs in 9 hours. I don't feel like wading through that.
09:39 dguarrac joined #evergreen
10:18 sandbergja joined #evergreen
10:58 kmlussier joined #evergreen
11:06 mantis1 joined #evergreen
11:16 Rogan I do wonder how many actual hours it would take to read that many logs in detail would take versus grepping / analysis tools. I think I'd rather re-read Lord of the Rings for the 15th time (or however many times I've read it).
11:17 Dyrcona I would rather reread The Lord of the Rings. In the end, I ignored the logs, since I pretty much only care about the state action_trigger.event entries.
11:20 jeffdavis grepping logfiles vs reading LOTR by way of the index
11:20 berick eh
11:21 berick heh
11:24 Dyrcona left #evergreen
11:25 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
11:29 mmorgan @decide grep log files or read LOTR
11:29 pinesol mmorgan: go with read LOTR
11:29 Bmagic It's a dangerous business, Rogan, going out your door and reading logs. You read line one of the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.
11:30 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
11:31 Dyrcona Bmagic++
11:31 mmorgan Bmagic++
11:32 Bmagic It's funny you all mention LOTR, I'm currently reading it (again)!
11:34 Bmagic I'm constantly surprised about stuff that I don't remember. Like farmer Maggot has a scene with the hobbits as they are first leaving the Shire. And there's another scene with another farmer "Fatty" a day later. The movie script writter felt that those weren't worthy of screentime I guess
11:35 kmlussier Bmagic: That fits with our 2024 statewide reading challenge. The challenge for January is to re-read something you've read before.
11:36 * kmlussier is hesitant to confess in this space she has never read any Tolkien.
11:37 Bmagic oh! haha! I saw it at a book shop a couple months ago. The 50th year anniversary edition with a new forward and preface. Some very interesting things about the history of each publishing of the original. So many typo's and errors from the typesetters in Britain, and again a different set of errors introduced by the USA printers. And the 30 year fallout to correct those things. Plus issues with the original manuscript
11:38 Bmagic The dumb dumbs in the USA, for example, thought that the American readers would want "Elves" to be spelled "elfs"
11:40 * Dyrcona didn't know there was a reading challenge.
11:42 Dyrcona https://www.massbook.org/readingchallenge That looks almost like my normal reading cycle. :)
11:42 Bmagic no way am I finishing LOTR in one month. Maybe in a year!
11:43 Bmagic If it's not program code, it's gonna be awhile :)
11:43 Dyrcona Heh.
11:44 Dyrcona my $potagonist = new Hobbit("Frodo", "Baggins");
11:44 Bmagic lol
11:44 Dyrcona modulo typos.
11:44 Bmagic Dyrcona++
11:45 Bmagic That reminds me, there is* a gihub project out there somewhere that turns stuff into code syntax... I just can't remember what it was called or even what the point was
11:45 Dyrcona The point is humor.
11:45 Bmagic well, yeah! But it was also functional
11:47 Dyrcona Somewhere I have a disc with code to turn plain English text into "Pig Latin." A friend wrote it years ago.
11:48 Bmagic ./big_latin < lotr.txt > lotr_pig_latin.txt
11:48 Bmagic man, I'm not batting very well with this keyboard today
11:49 Dyrcona :)
11:49 Dyrcona I can blame it on switching from QWERTY to AZERTY from time to time. :)
11:50 Dyrcona <narrator>But, he really couldn't blame it on that.</narrator>
11:50 Bmagic You got my imaginiation flowing. I'm thinking Wonder years and Fred Savage now
11:53 Dyrcona :)
11:54 Dyrcona I haven't used AZERTY in over 20 years. I used to type in French a lot. I could switch pretty easily after a while.
11:55 * Dyrcona wonders if the ADB to USB adapter would work with a PC running Linux, but I suspect the keys won't map correctly.
12:00 mantis1 Remember T9 typing?
12:00 mantis1 I think that's what the keypad version was
12:00 mantis1 T8 or T9
12:06 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:08 Bmagic mantis1: I'm not familiar. I've heard of "ten key", but don't personally use it. Mostly because of numlock. It's annoying when you start to use it and it doesn't come out like you expect. The top row numbers on the keyboard always (mostly) type a number
12:09 mantis1 Bmagic: I like to put that kind of typing under the wing of my mudane talents
12:09 Bmagic :)
12:10 Dyrcona mantis1: Is that one of those "chording" keyboards?
12:11 mantis1 Dyrcona: lol I think so but I never heard them referred to as that
12:11 mantis1 that's funny
12:11 Dyrcona OIC... It's not. :)
12:12 Dyrcona There are keyboards with fewer keys and you press them in different combinations to get different keys from a standard keyboard. It's supposed to be be faster and more comfortable. I've never used one.
12:13 Dyrcona https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T9_(predictive_text)
12:13 Dyrcona https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chorded_keyboard
12:13 mantis1 Dyrcona: I was way off
12:29 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
12:34 csharp_ as my daughter used to say as a toddler, "no fanks"
12:34 mmorgan :)
12:34 csharp_ I'll take my good ol' QWERTY and I'll like it!
12:38 jvwoolf1 joined #evergreen
12:44 jonadab My main objection to QWERTY is that the thumbs are underutilized.  I'd like to see a shift key and a ctrl key, positioned below the space bar where they can be easily hit by the thumbs, avoiding the need to hyperextend the pinkies so frequently.
12:44 berick csharp_: was your daughter Michael Caine?
12:45 Dyrcona berick: Ha!
12:45 Dyrcona Most keyboards layouts are designed to slow you down.
12:46 Dyrcona From the days of mechanical typewriters.
12:51 Dyrcona It is on the calendar to do monthly releases today, but I suppose no one feels up to it?
12:52 * Dyrcona is still getting over something...
12:53 Dyrcona I think we need to have a larger conversation about releases in general, not just monthly releases.
12:58 sandbergja I could build a point release this afternoon (Pacific time)
13:00 Dyrcona I would but I can't do the translations.
13:02 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
13:03 jvwoolf1 joined #evergreen
13:14 sandbergja I'm happy to upload any translation files that anybody emails me
13:21 Dyrcona Well, I'm not going to be able to work on releases today.
13:55 kmlussier left #evergreen
14:01 smayo joined #evergreen
14:10 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
14:50 Bmagic anyone had an isue with transit slips for items going to fill a patron hold, using the standard transit slip instead of the hold transit slip? I just figured out that it has something to do with the staff permissions. If I'm logged in as the staff account, Evergreen chooses the standard transit slip. If I'm logged in as the admin account, it chooses the hold transit slip and the patron data is available for me to put into the slip
14:50 mantis1 Bmagic: that came up a couple times before
14:51 Bmagic I would imagine this is by design, but my querstion is: which permission(s) do I need to give the staff account, such that Evergreen will choose the hold transit slip template?
14:52 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
14:53 jvwoolf1 joined #evergreen
14:55 jvwoolf2 joined #evergreen
14:55 mmorgan Bmagic: Interesting. Our transit and hold transit slips are configured to be identical, we never want to include patron info on a transit slip. I'm surprised that a permission would cause the different slip to be printed. I would have suspected that maybe the hold was cancelled or retargeted.
14:58 Bmagic It almost has* to be permission related. I checked in an item with the staff account verrsus the admin account. All other variable are the same, same workstation, same browser, same registered workstation. In the former case, it used the transit slip template, and in the ladder case, it used the (correct) holds transit slip template. I assume it's permission to read the remote patron details (that the nuts and bolts would need in order
14:58 Bmagic to generate the holds transit slip)
15:10 mmorgan Bmagic: Same item?
15:13 Bmagic yep
15:42 mmorgan Bmagic: Maybe these perms for au in the idl? VIEW_USER user_request.view
15:56 mantis1 left #evergreen
16:01 dluch Good call, mmorgan, thanks!
16:02 Bmagic mmorgan++ #trying it now
17:08 mmorgan left #evergreen
18:25 jihpringle joined #evergreen
19:05 jihpringle joined #evergreen
22:26 Guest92 joined #evergreen

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