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IRC log for #evergreen, 2023-11-28

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
03:00 Rogan joined #evergreen
07:18 collum joined #evergreen
07:59 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:32 sandbergja joined #evergreen
08:33 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:46 pinesol News from commits: LP2036265: Treat Authtoken User as Container Owner When UserId Not Supplied <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=8c3563​58897334a6206a2450be8c0f4b68259610>
08:47 dguarrac joined #evergreen
08:47 redavis joined #evergreen
09:16 pinesol News from commits: LP2023418: Ignore system and user psqlrc settings when determining Pg version <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=8a2504​a10f974c449920f1121cb181526b7d127c>
09:42 kmlussier joined #evergreen
09:42 kmlussier Good morning #evergreen!
09:42 kmlussier @coffee [someone]
09:42 * pinesol brews and pours a cup of Kenya Ndiara Full Flavor Roast, and sends it sliding down the bar to jweston
09:42 kmlussier @tea [someone]
09:42 * pinesol brews and pours a pot of Chamomile (Sachet), and sends it sliding down the bar to tsadok (http://ratetea.com/tea/harn​ey/chamomile-sachet/5103/)
09:55 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
10:10 smayo joined #evergreen
11:02 briank joined #evergreen
11:39 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
12:03 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:10 redavis JBoyer, I'm pinging you out but I'd value feedback from anyone on this.  As most of you know, the courier system in Indiana has been going through some "tumult."  This has become a huge problem for our consortium.  Currently, we have a bunch of holds in courier limbo.  Some libraries have mentioned marking these items to "lost" so that holds could be retargeted.  Of course, marking an item to lost triggers a bunch of things.  But, what about marking
12:10 redavis items that went into the "in transit" status between a certain date range to "missing?"  Are there considerations to this that I'm not thinking of?
12:16 csharp_ redavis: you probably want the transits to stay as is until they are resolved
12:16 redavis I'll need more context for why...if you can provide it.
12:16 csharp_ not sure which statuses cancel transits
12:16 redavis It doesn't matter if the transits are cancelled at this point.
12:17 csharp_ redavis: there is a percentage of those that are certainly sitting on library shelves
12:17 redavis Hmm, that's a good point.
12:18 csharp_ redavis: I would consider picking (or creating) a status and just having the sys admin run a batch change on the items - then you have the items in a non-holdable status but the transit data is still there
12:18 csharp_ since "Lost" and "Missing" already have meanings for staff, maybe a different one
12:19 csharp_ libraries love to blame the courier for things, especially if there's a known problem with the courier in question
12:19 csharp_ we're having similar complaints in PINES land
12:19 redavis Ah hah!  I like that idea.  Of creating a special status.  As someone that doesn't know all the sys admin things, does something like autogen need to be run when a new status is created?
12:20 redavis And also, gross on the "similar complaints in PINES land."
12:20 mmorgan redavis: So, if I am reading this right, the issue is that some of these in transit items are captured for holds, and it's the holds you want to retarget, not necessarily the item's status you want to change?
12:21 csharp_ redavis: no autogen
12:22 redavis That's correct mmorgan, although having a different status has some benefits in terms of reporting as well.
12:22 redavis csharp_++
12:22 csharp_ redavis: exactly that - you (or your successors) are going to want to be able to track the problem
12:22 redavis yes.  That exactly.
12:23 csharp_ when RFP time rolls around, you can use that data to negotiate
12:23 * csharp_ swims slowly back into his grumpy tech guy lane
12:23 redavis Oh, that's a whole 'nother thing that I can't talk about in an open channel.
12:23 csharp_ redavis: no doubt
12:24 * redavis mumbles curmudgeonly things.
12:24 csharp_ government procurement will elicit lots of NSFW content, for sure
12:25 redavis Oh, crap.  That stuff was NSFW?  That explains some of my problems.
12:26 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
12:26 mmorgan Yes a different status can be useful, but if there was a way to gather the holds associated with the captured in transit items and retarget them, that would unstick the holds. Not sure of a clean way to do that, though.
12:27 berick you can get the hold IDs from action.hold_transit_copy
12:27 berick run a srfsh command to retarget the pile
12:29 berick open-ils.hold-targeter.target will take an array of hold IDs
12:38 redavis mmorgan++ berick++
13:03 kmlussier Missing in Transit is a status we used to use at my former place of work to differentiate from those that were missing from the shelf.
14:04 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
14:41 redavis We created something similar a new status "Lost in Transit."
14:42 redavis In terms of the srfsh command, is there a repo of sorts where such commands might live or...some additional guidance?
14:47 redavis kmlussier++
14:51 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
14:52 JBoyer csharp_++ mmorgan++ berick++ kmlussier++
15:08 jmurray_isl To rephrase redavis' question, does there exist a list of available srfsh commands and expected inputs?  Or would one be expected to dig through the perl to find what srfsh commands are available?
15:10 JBoyer jmurray_isl, redavis, using srfsh you can make pretty much any Evergreen API call that any other part of the system can. There's a special "login" command that shorthands the login process, but otherwise you'd send it requests just like the OPAC or other Evergreen services do.
15:11 JBoyer The short answer though, is that there isn't really a good place to look up all of the various Eg API calls though (that I can recall).
15:11 jmurray_isl JBoyer++
15:12 JBoyer There used to be an extension that could be installed so you could query a server and it would list the api for a service and it's expected params, but I've lost track of that and if it even still exists.
15:42 jeff sounds like docgen.xsl. in looking for the docs on it, I found this claim: "the primary mechanism for displaying this documentation in human-readable format, "docgen.xsl", is currently broken"
15:42 jeff which is surprising, but I haven't used it in a while, so I guess I'll verify. :-)
15:48 pinesol News from commits: LP#2044858 - Z39.50 Source Changes and reloading open-ils.search <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=730e5c​85ad3ce0498a8c085b4576dbe017ba26cc>
16:02 jvwoolf left #evergreen
16:54 sandbergja joined #evergreen
17:16 mmorgan left #evergreen
18:05 kmlussier left #evergreen
20:06 Bmagic joined #evergreen
20:06 scottangel joined #evergreen
20:06 abneiman joined #evergreen
20:06 sleary joined #evergreen
20:07 JBoyer joined #evergreen

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