Time |
Nick |
Message |
07:24 |
collum joined #evergreen |
07:35 |
kmlussier joined #evergreen |
07:48 |
BDorsey joined #evergreen |
08:05 |
redavis joined #evergreen |
08:32 |
sandbergja joined #evergreen |
08:52 |
mmorgan joined #evergreen |
08:54 |
Rogan joined #evergreen |
08:54 |
dguarrac joined #evergreen |
09:32 |
mantis1 joined #evergreen |
09:34 |
tlittle joined #evergreen |
09:48 |
berick |
drive home was good, but I got a ticket in Ohio for going 11mph over the limit. i mean... |
09:55 |
kmlussier1 joined #evergreen |
10:03 |
kmlussier1 |
@who drove way too fast through Ohio |
10:03 |
pinesol |
StomproJ drove way too fast through Ohio. |
10:04 |
StomproJ |
I did not... and why do I have two IRC clients running on the same machine... too many workspaces :-) |
10:04 |
Bmagic |
I had a great hack-a-way! Thanks to everyone! Rogan++ redavis++ and anyone else who helped make it such a success! |
10:05 |
mmorgan |
Stompro: have you cloned yourself? |
10:05 |
mmorgan |
redavis++ Rogan++ |
10:07 |
redavis |
Bmagic++ mmorgan++ |
10:08 |
redavis |
kmlussier1, Ohio was built to drive way too fast through. |
10:08 |
* redavis |
will drive way too fast through Ohio tomorrow morning. |
11:00 |
briank joined #evergreen |
11:08 |
sleary joined #evergreen |
11:18 |
Bmagic |
hmmm csharp_ it seems the docs and wiki server are inaccessible at the moment |
11:18 |
berick |
yeah git's not happy |
11:18 |
Bmagic |
oh, yeah, that's down too :) |
11:38 |
eglogbot joined #evergreen |
11:38 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Welcome to #evergreen (https://evergreen-ils.org). This channel is publicly logged. Logs for today: http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/evergreen/today |
11:46 |
Stompro |
We could look up the correct order once for each bib, and use insert_fields_before once for all the 852s in one call, that looks like it would not be too inefficient. |
11:48 |
Stompro |
I'll try that and see how it compares to append... or use insert_grouped_field once to use it's ordering, and Insert_fields_after for the remaining items. |
11:48 |
dbriem joined #evergreen |
11:55 |
Bmagic |
hopefully someone here has permissions to edit the community website's nav bar. I edited one of the pages but I don;t seem to have permissions to mess with the nav bar |
11:56 |
sleary |
I probaby can, one sec |
11:59 |
Stompro |
Calling insert_grouped_field 122,512 times results in 234,275,686 MARC::Field::tag comparisons. What is that in big O notation... O(2^N).. no, that isn't right. O(n log n)? |
12:00 |
sleary |
Bmagic nav bar updated. Can we put in a redirect to deal with the /eg change? |
12:00 |
Bmagic |
sleary: we talked about that at the hackaway, and we decided not to, but it's starting to look like we should. Though, the problem with redirects, is we won't find all the places where it's wrong :) |
12:05 |
sleary |
Bmagic: that's what analytics would be good for. Though I'm not sure we have Google Analytics running on this site. csharp_ do you happen to know? |
12:14 |
jihpringle joined #evergreen |
12:17 |
sleary |
I can probably a the redirect later, but I am running on fumes after spending the night in Dallas thanks to storms, and I have UI group in [checks watch] less than two hours, so if someone else beats me to it, that would be awesome |
12:18 |
sleary |
a ... add ... what is typing, anyway |
12:33 |
Bmagic |
I can do the redirect (apache style) |
12:33 |
csharp_ |
kickin' it freestyle |
12:34 |
Bmagic |
oh yeah </bueller> |
12:34 |
csharp_ |
Bmagic: re: outage earlier - another DDoS at the ITS level |
12:34 |
Bmagic |
csharp_++ # OMG, wow |
12:35 |
csharp_ |
they're mitigating as they find them |
12:35 |
csharp_ |
hard to prevent before they happen |
12:35 |
Bmagic |
I feel for them |
12:35 |
csharp_ |
yeah... |
12:42 |
Bmagic |
DDoS is one of the things that scares me from a sysadmin perspective. And one of the reasons in my list of reasons that we migrated to GCP. Having their network+A.I. automatically detecting and mitigating those sorts of things is nice |
12:46 |
bgillap joined #evergreen |
12:46 |
bgillap |
Hello. Any idea when I should watch out for 2024 conference details? |
12:47 |
redavis |
bgillap, there will be info up at https://evergreen-ils.org by the end of November at the latest. |
12:47 |
bgillap |
Faaaantastic |
12:47 |
bgillap |
Thanks |
12:48 |
redavis |
I can give you some insider info though. Hold on. |
12:50 |
redavis |
It's going to be an online conference for 2024 and is going to happen April 22-24. |
12:50 |
bgillap |
Online only? |
12:50 |
Bmagic |
redavis++ |
12:50 |
redavis |
For 2024 yes. We're also in the midst of soliciting site proposals for 2025 for in-person. |
12:51 |
bgillap |
What about people running meetings during the conference? We have some exciting opac design stuff happening over here again nobody has seen yet. |
12:52 |
jihpringle |
conference session proposals for the 2024 conference are due December 18th - https://evergreen-ils.org/2024-conference-call-to-program-proposals-open/ |
12:52 |
bgillap |
Gracias. I knew I saw something about this fly through my inbox. |
12:52 |
redavis |
Early Bird registration is tentatively set to open December 1, 2023, and thank you jihpringle. |
12:52 |
bgillap |
Alright, hopefully we can get our butts in gear. |
12:52 |
redavis |
bgillap++ jihpringle++ |
12:56 |
bgillap |
Actually online works well for us, we have some database documentation too but we're reaching out to the documentation group first. I'm just waiting on whoever Maggie emailed to respond. |
12:56 |
bgillap |
I'm pretty excited if you can't tell lol. |
12:57 |
redavis |
bgillap, dluch and abneiman are good doc contacts. |
12:57 |
smayo joined #evergreen |
12:57 |
redavis |
lol, we LOVE excitement. But it's also the day after the end of the EVGILS hackaway, so please pardon our fatigue. |
12:58 |
bgillap |
Yeah I figured :) |
13:02 |
Bmagic |
sleary: apache redirect is in place now <frowny face> |
13:04 |
redavis_reboot joined #evergreen |
13:04 |
abneiman |
bgillap: for docs, please email evergreen-documentation list.evergreen-ils.org - thank you for sharing docs! I am (technically) out till next week but you can ping me here or email abneiman equinoxoli.org if you have questions & I'll get back to you next week |
13:05 |
abneiman |
Bmagic++ # redirects |
13:05 |
Bmagic |
abneiman: thanks :) bookmarks-- |
13:06 |
abneiman |
Redavis++ Rogan++ # hackaway |
13:06 |
abneiman |
berick++ # got a fast car |
13:07 |
collum |
Agreed redavis++ Rogan++ |
13:08 |
redavis joined #evergreen |
13:08 |
redavis |
Y'all are kind hoomans and it was delightful to recycle air with you. |
13:11 |
abneiman |
<3 |
13:11 |
jihpringle joined #evergreen |
13:14 |
bgillap |
Thanks abneiman. I'll forward that on. |
13:40 |
mmorgan |
terranm++ # First commit (belated :)) |
13:53 |
sleary joined #evergreen |
14:59 |
mmorgan1 joined #evergreen |
15:44 |
JonHGeorg joined #evergreen |
15:47 |
JonHGeorg |
I have a question. A staff member accidentally deleted one of their user buckets. Is there a way to undelete it? I've looked through the schema and when I query it under container.user_bucket I can see it listed under that user but there are no deleted flags in those tables to change the values of. Am I looking in the wrong place? |
15:49 |
jihpringle joined #evergreen |
16:29 |
mantis1 |
JohHGeorg: there is |
16:32 |
mantis1 |
er well at least I thought there was |
16:32 |
mantis1 |
I do have a query that populates users in a particular bucket to a new one though |
16:35 |
mantis1 |
I'll send a separate message |
16:39 |
smayo joined #evergreen |
16:39 |
JonHGeorg joined #evergreen |
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sandbergja joined #evergreen |
16:44 |
mantis1 |
JonHGeorg and for everyone else's info |
16:44 |
mantis1 |
if you delete the user bucket itself and not the users in it, the bucket only deletes from the account's list |
16:45 |
mantis1 |
you can still type in the ID number when you click 'Shared Bucket' and it comes up |
16:45 |
mantis1 |
as long as the bucket is still in the container.user_bucket table, then it's on the server and you just have to look it up by ID # |
16:45 |
mantis1 |
sorry for the runaround; I hope it answers the question |
16:58 |
mantis1 left #evergreen |
16:59 |
JonHGeorg |
That does answer my question. I'll let the staff member know. Thank you! |
17:08 |
mmorgan1 left #evergreen |
17:29 |
scottangel |
You all are awesome! That is all... |
17:38 |
JonHGeorg |
I concur. You all are awesome. Thank again for the help. |