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IRC log for #evergreen, 2023-10-06

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
00:41 jblyberg joined #evergreen
07:27 collum joined #evergreen
07:37 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
07:38 redavis joined #evergreen
07:59 bott-grpl joined #evergreen
08:09 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:29 sandbergja joined #evergreen
08:39 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:49 Stompro Hmm, lsb_release isn't installed on my debian bookworm containers... so my postgres repos were not set correctly since that relies on lsb_release -c
08:57 Stompro the lsb-release package may need to be included as a debian dependency.
08:59 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
10:16 Stompro I saw an article about replacing memcached/redis as a caching server by using postgresql unlogged tables.  https://martinheinz.dev/blog/105
10:17 Stompro Plus an older article about the performance of Postgres vs Redis vs memcached - https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com/en/pos​tgresql-vs-redis-vs-memcached-performance/
10:19 Stompro Our memcache cache size never seems to get that large, less than 3G of memory used, so would probably fit on our DB server without any trouble.
10:22 kmlussier joined #evergreen
10:55 briank joined #evergreen
11:20 Dyrcona Stompro: We had 3 memcached servers running at one point, each consistently using over 2GB, so typically 6+GB. Unlogged tables might work. I'll save those articles for later.
11:21 Stompro That second article wasn't that great, the benchmarking wasn't very well done.
11:22 Dyrcona Benchmarking can be tricky.
11:29 Dyrcona gmcharlt | Stompro: Apropos Lp 2038664, something like this might work: grep VERSION_CODENAME /etc/os-release | sed s/VERSION_CODENAME=//
11:29 pinesol Launchpad bug 2038664 in Evergreen "Debian Bookworm install - lsb-release package dependency" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2038664
11:30 Dyrcona Or even a single line of sed... It would be nice if there was a standard way to do this.... :P
11:32 Stompro I know, like a linux standard, that was installed as part of the base system.
11:35 Dyrcona Exactly! :)
11:36 Dyrcona S'allright, I also deal with BSD on occasion. That
11:36 Dyrcona 's a whole other story.
11:37 Stompro My BSD is limited to PfSense and Freenas (trunas core) usage.
11:37 Dyrcona I'm OK with installing lsb-release. It works for now.
11:39 Dyrcona I've used OpenBSD and FreeBSD for various purposes for years. My primary desktop was FreeBSD for over a decade.
11:43 Dyrcona My current home router is a little, low power PC with OpenBSD.
11:53 Dyrcona Thinking about the unlogged table for cache thing, and having read the Cybetec article, but not the other, I don't know that it would really buy us anything. We'd still be looking at connection limits, etc., with PostgreSQL. I wish I still had some of the data, but I recall looking at the stats on our memcached servers a few times in the past, and they were often hammered. Not sure we'd want to add that load to PostgreSQL
11:54 Dyrcona It would be an interesting concept to try, though. It might turn out to be great.
12:00 Dyrcona So, I've started reading the first article, and I wonder how this is going to work with varying times to live for cache keys, like authsessions. I suppose we already have that info in org unit settings, so we could use that somehow. Maybe an additional column on the cache table?
12:08 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:11 JBoyer Dyrcona, I think the hope for storing authtokens in Pg isn't that it's used directly, but polled when memcached doesn't have an authtoken more as a fallback.
12:12 JBoyer Oops, or I missed Stompro's earlier mention about doing pretty much that. :)
12:14 JBoyer Anyway, there's room for more than 1 cache system, so long as service is less likely to fall over when one has trouble rather than more likely.
12:14 jeff oh hey, missed some conversation here related to bug 2038664 before I commented. oops!
12:14 pinesol Launchpad bug 2038664 in Evergreen "Debian Bookworm install - lsb-release package dependency" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2038664
12:16 jeff anyway, Stompro++ Dyrcona++ gmcharlt++
12:16 Dyrcona JBoyer: Well, I'd also be concerned about max connections on the database as well. We've had many connections to memcached in the past.
12:16 Dyrcona heh... also/as well. redundant much. :)
12:17 Dyrcona jeff++
12:19 jeff I was amused that we use lsb_release -sc and lsb_release -cs. :-)
12:20 Stompro jeff++ thanks for the details.  The proxmoxVE container template for Bookworm seems to not be installing/containing lsb-release in my specific case.
12:37 Dyrcona libvirt/qemu VMs do seem to get lsb_release installed.
12:37 Dyrcona It wouldn't hurt to add it to the prerequisites.
12:37 jeff There are various things that can pull the package in, including cloud-init and open-vm-tools, etc.
12:37 Dyrcona In my case it's probably cloud-init.
12:38 Dyrcona Well, they're both installed. :)
12:38 Dyrcona Oh, I should check the bookworm vm, shouldn't I?
12:40 Dyrcona Huh. Neither is installed on the Bookworm VM, but an Ubuntu VM has them both.
12:40 Dyrcona I guess it doesn't matter.
12:42 Dyrcona JBoyer: Do you have a query handy (that you could share) that you use to feed marc_export for Aspen?
12:43 Dyrcona I wonder if I should skip non-member org_unit and opac_visible = FALSE locations, or does it mater with --exclude-hidden. (I'm getting some mild pressure to send them something soon, and it takes all night to get a regular export on my test systems.)
12:50 Dyrcona `apt-cache rdepends --installed lsb-release` says python3-apt.
12:52 kmlussier joined #evergreen
12:55 Bmagic I know I've asked this before: why do we keep rows in the metabib schema for deleted bibs?
12:56 Dyrcona So staff can find them to undelete them if necessary.
12:57 Bmagic and a better question might be: is it safe to wipe that stuff out? Like if a bib has been deleted more than x years, might be time
12:58 Dyrcona Well, it will come back with an ingest, i.e. pingest or some other is run, but there's no real harm in deleting it.
12:58 Dyrcona You might be surprised how often deleted stuff comes back.
12:59 Dyrcona ...Particularly copies.
12:59 Bmagic oh really! that's a bummer
13:00 Dyrcona I seem to recall there's an option to skip deleted records on the db ingest functions or somewhere, but I'm about to grab some lunch, so I leave that as an exercise for the reader. :)
13:01 Bmagic have a good lunch!
13:17 jeffdavis I've deleted metabib field entry rows for our deleted bibs before and it didn't cause any obvious harm
13:18 jeffdavis but yes, they do come back
13:48 JBoyer Dyrcona, I do. rhamby put some together that I made some changes to. Will throw a tarball someplace.
13:51 jihpringle joined #evergreen
14:39 JBoyer not so much "someplace" as "at your sigio email" because lots going on.
15:58 jihpringle joined #evergreen
16:03 Dyrcona JBoyer++ Thanks for the scripts!
17:06 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:39 jihpringle joined #evergreen
17:57 sandbergja joined #evergreen

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