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IRC log for #evergreen, 2023-08-23

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
02:40 eglogbot joined #evergreen
02:40 Topic for #evergreen is now Welcome to #evergreen (https://evergreen-ils.org). This channel is publicly logged. Logs for today: http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/evergreen/today
06:25 JBoyer jeffdavis, sorry! I missed that when I posted my gist. You'll probably want to change it to ss:mc-ctx so it uses the StorageService that has buildMap=1 (I think that has additional "stuff" for Sessions) Though I should probably re-read those several pages of the wiki to see if it even matters to have one with the map and one without, especially if they both have the same prefix.
07:17 rfrasur joined #evergreen
07:33 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:21 tlittle joined #evergreen
08:22 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
08:41 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:46 mantis1 joined #evergreen
09:09 jeffdavis Ah ok, thanks, I couldn't figure out when to use mc vs mc-ctx
09:12 smayo joined #evergreen
09:44 terranm joined #evergreen
09:45 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
10:11 BDorsey joined #evergreen
10:25 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
10:27 Dyrcona "...that'll be gone soon enough." Made me chuckle.
10:28 berick heh
10:28 berick progress is being made
10:31 Dyrcona Yeah, albeit slowly.
10:41 Dyrcona ubuntu--
10:42 Dyrcona So, I've switched to Arc on my main personal laptop, and Ubuntu feels like a prison in more ways than one.
10:42 Dyrcona s/Arc/Arch/
10:42 Dyrcona Also, busted packages lately on Ubuntu 20.04, but this is off topic.
10:43 berick Arch is fun.  but also, xubuntu++
10:44 Dyrcona Arch will test/improve your actual Linux chops. I've come to appreciate systemd. I still don't like, but I don't dislike it as much as I used to. :)
10:58 Dyrcona I'm trying to install vanilla Gnome on Ubuntu 20.04, but package dependencies are out of sync.
11:02 Dyrcona I like how apt says "you have held broken packages." But I have no held packages. Neither of the ways to check (aptmark, dpkg) say I have held packages.
11:03 berick Dyrcona: maybe start w/ a server install so you don't have all that existing Gnome stuff?
11:04 Dyrcona Well, I'm trying to update my work laptop to regular gnome. I don't want to reinstall the O/S.
11:05 Dyrcona One issue is adwaita-icon-theme-full wants adwaita-icon-theme 3.36.0 but I've got adwaita-icon-theme 3.36.1. The vanilla Gnome packages are obviously ignored by the maintainers.
11:06 Dyrcona The other package issues are similar. Some package wants an older version than what I've got installed. I don't feel like fixing all of that right now.
11:09 Dyrcona Back to a more Evergreen-related topic, and related to my first comment this morning: I just want to clarify something about websockets and OpenSRF/Evergreen. If I were to write some client code to use remotely, I could do everything with websockets, correct? I wouldn't need to implement client code for the HTTP translator for anything, would I?
11:13 mdriscoll joined #evergreen
11:16 berick Dyrcona: you can do everything w/ websockets, but the data it passes around are low-level opensrf messages, similar to the translator
11:16 berick iow, not like the json gateway, which just gives you an array of responses
11:18 Dyrcona berick: Thanks! I might as well implement both if the message parsing is going to be the same. (I'm not saying that I'll do it soon.)
11:18 scottangel_ I've got a new dev question. Where would I find information about retrieving data from the database from within javascript? This is what I have but I'm getting null. $scope.hide_strict_barcode_checkbox = setting['ui.circ.hide_patron_strict_barcode']; Not really sure where to look on the wiki. I tried doing some searches but the results were irrelevant.
11:19 scottangel_ Sorry, that's all within the egCore.org.settings('ui.circ.hide_patron​_strict_barcode').then(function(setting) { // code here }
11:23 Dyrcona Well there's a typo on this line: https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Eve​rgreen.git;a=blob;f=Open-ILS/src/eg2/src/app​/staff/circ/checkin/checkin.component.ts;h=f​95481f00fbba91313dca69286cebf24f4312b84#l134
11:23 berick scottangel_: egCore.org.settings(...) is pulling data from the database.  beware org setting values are cached, though
11:24 berick so if the value is changed elsewhere, it may require a login/out to clear the cache
11:24 Dyrcona Oh, never mind me. I missed the line where "sets" is actually set.
11:25 scottangel_ crap. that's right. I forgot about the login/logout. lol I bet that works now.
11:27 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:37 StomproJ bmagic, did the setup for bug #1862834, the CNAMES for the hostname with eg or staff prefix get into any of the Mobius servers?
11:37 pinesol Launchpad bug 1862834 in Evergreen 3.11 "regex based url building that can match hostnames" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1862834
11:38 Dyrcona StomproJ: If not, you should be able to fake it with host file entries, even on Windows.
11:38 Dyrcona Or, are you asking about them being added to the Apache/nginx configuration?
11:40 Dyrcona I should stop jumping to conclusions.
11:41 StomproJ I'm not sure what the plan was... I was just going to check if bmagic had setup something before I work on it myself.
11:42 BrianK joined #evergreen
12:02 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:05 rfrasur joined #evergreen
12:09 Bmagic_ StomproJ: I forgot about that! I'll get on it
12:10 Bmagic joined #evergreen
12:10 StomproJ Bmagic, it is ok, I have a test system setup now to test it.
12:10 Bmagic don't need me to do anything?
12:10 StomproJ Nope, but thank you.
12:11 Bmagic sorry! I know I said I would do that
12:12 berick fwiw, Dyrcona's suggestion of just adding a hosts entry should work too
12:14 Bmagic berick: but the certificates are a problem?
12:14 Dyrcona Not if you use a wildcard certificate.
12:14 Bmagic these are letsencrypt FQDN certs
12:14 Dyrcona or you can click through the warnings.
12:15 Dyrcona Well, clicking through the warnings it is. :)
12:15 Dyrcona cnames won't help in that case.
12:15 Bmagic I've noticed that I can no longer do that with Firefox/Chrome
12:15 berick Bmagic: type "thisisunsafe" on the cert error page
12:16 berick in Chrome
12:16 Bmagic if the URL that you are on is a name (not an IP) - the browser won't let you click through the ssl warning. Unless you go into the deep settings about::config
12:16 Bmagic berick: there's a magic word you can just "type" whilst on the error page?
12:16 berick yup
12:16 Bmagic lol
12:17 Bmagic berick++
12:19 Dyrcona Y'know its the combination of snaps and apparmor that made me flee Ubuntu on my personal laptop. I tried to open some files in Firefox, and it said, sorry I can't do that. I did some digging and found out it was mostly apparmor, but disabling apparmor didn't fix it because snaps are special. Changing the apparmor config only lasts until the next snap refresh. So I kicked off the training wheels and switch to a distro with
12:19 Dyrcona wer. ;)
12:19 Dyrcona It's related because "developers know better than you" what's safe and what's not safe. :)
12:20 Bmagic what distro did you move to?
12:20 Dyrcona Arch
12:20 Bmagic A popular choice
12:20 Bmagic I think you're in good hands over there
12:20 Dyrcona It's almost a DIY, but not so much as LFS.
12:20 StomproJ Is there a config switch to go back to using AngularJS interfaces?
12:20 Dyrcona Yeah, last I checked it's as popular as Ubuntu and Debian.
12:20 Bmagic I played with this flavor for a little while https://xerolinux.xyz/
12:20 berick Dyrcona: not jumping straight to *BSD?
12:21 Dyrcona berick: I used FreeBSD on the desktop for over a decade. I find its more painful on a laptop.
12:21 berick yeah...
12:22 Bmagic I noticed all of the laptops that were running Linux, couldn't use the projector at the conference.
12:22 Dyrcona I still run FreeBSD on my peronsal mail/web/file server and OpenBSD on my home router.
12:22 Dyrcona Mine had almost zero trouble.
12:22 berick another one i've been meaning to try https://voidlinux.org/
12:23 berick yeah i don't have issues w/ projectors generally
12:23 Dyrcona StomproJ: I don't think there is such a switch in the config.
12:23 StomproJ Thanks, I wasn't sure if that was a thing or not.
12:24 Dyrcona StomproJ: You can mangle the templates, and there's a way to switch out the Angular staff catalog, IIRC.
12:24 Bmagic voidlinux! Awesome. reading their splash page, I'd imagine I would be in for a gentoo expierence
12:25 Dyrcona Bmagic: I also have an ARM laptop with Manjaro KDE preinstalled. Manjaro is an Arch derivative. I'm considering migrating it to Arm for ARM, but that's a bigger project because I have to make an image and flash the machine.
12:26 Bmagic https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/common​s/a/ad/2023_Linux_Distributions_Timeline.svg
12:26 Dyrcona Heh, "Arm for ARM" should be Arch for ARM.
12:26 Bmagic voidlinux is on there! At the bottom with all the other little lines of origins
12:27 * Dyrcona has considered trying to install Evergreen on an Arch virtual machine, but rolling release distros may not be suitable for production use.
12:29 Dyrcona My first distro was Slackware, but it has fallen too far behind for my taste these days.
12:44 * Dyrcona tries to get 3 auto-renewals that got error state after successfully renewing to generate the notification events. This is gonna require some Perl.
12:46 Dyrcona I don't think I need to auth to do it, either.
13:03 sharpsie I started with Debian in 2007 and moved to Ubuntu and landed on Fedora since 2014 or so
13:04 sharpsie one of these days I will get back to my RHEL/Rocky branches :-/
13:09 Dyrcona Actually, I misspoke. My first distro was MkLinux on a PPC 601 PowerMac back in '96 or so. I didn't get to Slackware until '99. (I tend to discount MkLinux, 'cause it was Linux on a Mach microkernel and developed mostly by Apple and OSF at first, then the community took over.)
13:10 Dyrcona I still have the old machine in the attic.
13:11 Dyrcona Man, 60MHz and 64MB of RAM seemed like a lot back then, even if it took 3 days to compile all of KDE. :)
13:17 Dyrcona Weird. My work laptop just hung, and I thought I'd fixed that with a kernel switch.
13:20 jeffdavis heh, 27 years of Linux on the desktop and it still hangs on us sometimes
13:20 Bmagic Dyrcona: it detected those keystrokes which, when composed together, spelled sentences that spoke ill of it. So it kernel paniced
13:20 Dyrcona Heh.
13:21 Dyrcona Well, this is different. Looks like there was a timeout talking to the NVMe drive or the bus, I'm not sure which. The kernel parameter fixes a known issue with Intel graphics on some Dell models where the screen freezes briefly every now and then.
13:22 Dyrcona Log says it reset the nvme bus, so that was likely why it froze.
13:23 Dyrcona Don't think there's a kernel parameter for that one. :)
13:23 jeffdavis I stick to stock Ubuntu on Thinkpads and it usually goes pretty smoothly, but I ran into some trouble with suspend last time I tried a fresh 22.04 install which was aggravating (surely this shouldn't be a problem anymore?)
13:23 jeffdavis 15 years on Ubuntu, I'm getting old
13:23 Bmagic I think the babylonians had it right: use clay tablets
13:24 jeffdavis definitely have days where I think libraries should go back to card catalogues
13:24 Dyrcona Heh. I was ranting last night about how computing seems to be going backwards when it comes to literacy, compared to the history of human writing.
13:25 berick jeffdavis: same.  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1347924/2​0-04-freezes-after-waking-up-from-suspend
13:25 berick easy fix, fortunately
13:26 jeffdavis sweet, thanks! bookmarked for my next attempt.
13:26 Dyrcona I got suspend to disk working on the Arch laptop. Even my "normal" suspend does hibernate thanks to a little systemd configuration. Works great. Suspend is basically turning it off. Also, kernel 6.4 rocks. The laptop seems faster than when it was on 5.15.
13:29 Dyrcona Also, nothing wrong with card catalogs and paper records. I'm not always convinced that "progress" is progress.
13:30 Dyrcona All right, what was I doing? Oh, yeah, devising a cstore search to find error state event for event_def 124.
13:34 rfrasur joined #evergreen
13:36 berick all this Bug Squash Pie has me feeling saucy.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/opensrf/+bug/2032835
13:36 pinesol Launchpad bug 2032835 in OpenSRF "Discussion: Merge OpenSRF Into Evergreen?" [Wishlist,New]
13:36 Dyrcona If I want to cast a timestamp to a date, I suppose I have to use the cast function?
13:37 Dyrcona I imagine '::date' will confuse things, but I'll give a try. Worst thing is I'll get an error.
13:39 rfrasur joined #evergreen
13:39 Dyrcona Yeah, 'add_time::date' => 'somevalue' doesn't work.
13:42 Dyrcona ooh. That's gonna be tricky. I want to cast the field value as well as the comparison value, and the latter is gonna be the function now().
13:44 Dyrcona berick: Do you know if any of these work with cstore: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/sql-​expressions.html#SQL-SYNTAX-TYPE-CASTS ? I've never tried before.
13:45 berick Dyrcona: for date specifically, i know you can do stuff like this w/ json_query...
13:45 berick {"select":{"bre":[{"column":"cre​ate_date","transform":"date"}]}
13:46 berick IIRC you can give the column an alias then use the alias the in the "where" part...  mabye, I'd have to verify that
13:47 Dyrcona Ok. Thanks. I'm about to try that in a where {"add_time":{"=":{"transform":"date"},​"value":{"now":{"transform":"date}}}}
13:48 Dyrcona Except in Perl syntax.
13:48 terranm joined #evergreen
13:51 Dyrcona That's not quite right.
13:51 berick Dyrcona: another approach... "where":{"create_date":{"between":["2022-12-01", "2022-12-02"]}}
13:51 Dyrcona Yeah, but I don't want to hardcode the dates or have to calculate them in the Perl.
13:52 Dyrcona I might do the latter if I can't get this to work.
13:54 Dyrcona An array works: {"add_time":{"=":{"transform":"date"},"value": ["dae", "now"]}}
13:54 berick nice
13:54 Dyrcona Well dae should be date. I didn't copy and paste, 'cause of Perl syntax.
13:58 Dyrcona Now that I have my events, I just need to figure out what user data I need for the notify event, and what state the autorenew event needs to be in, etc. :)
14:00 Dyrcona Hmm.. Just to make sure that I'm getting ones that have renewed, maybe I should join with action circulation....
14:09 jeffdavis I went ahead and added "Merge OpenSRF into EG?" to the agenda for the next dev meeting, seems worth some discussion. (I think it's a good idea.)
14:12 Dyrcona This is a bad sign: "nvme nvme0: controller is down; will reset" my laptop did the freeze again. I suspect a hardware issue is developing.
14:12 berick jeffdavis++
14:12 Dyrcona jeffdavis++ I think so, too. It has been suggested before.
14:13 * Dyrcona runs a quick backup.
14:21 Dyrcona Looking through journalctl, there are a lot more nvme errors than just for the two times the laptop "froze."
14:22 Dyrcona I'm still not sure if it's the SSD or the controller, but the last error implies the controller has an issue.
14:26 * Dyrcona is all over the place today.
14:28 Dyrcona Back to my cstore/Perl utility. I started this to just fix autorenewals that had renewed, but got stuck in error state, and didn't create the notify event. I then modified the main query slightly so I can fix all of our stuck aurorenewal events including those that did not renew.
14:29 Dyrcona Now, I'm considering changing it more to fix all of our stuck events. I've got a crude process for that already, but this one could do a more thorough job.
14:30 Dyrcona Assuming of course that the laptop holds together.
14:32 Dyrcona Eh, no. If I do the latter, I'd want to only look at events from the day before or older because we might run at a bad time and pick up events that haven't yet processed because of delay or that are in the middle of reacting or something.
14:34 Dyrcona I just figured out how to do "add_time::date = now()::date" and I don't want to figure out "add_time::date = now()::date - '1 day'::interval"
14:34 Dyrcona Y'know just for grins....
14:39 Dyrcona Yeah, that latter one is not so obvious.
14:48 Dyrcona It seems kind of crazy that the start time and update time on this one event are an hour and 25 minutes apart, but I guess the start_time is set when the event is picked up, the system runs through a bunch of events along the way.
15:06 mantis1 left #evergreen
15:41 jihpringle joined #evergreen
15:57 * Dyrcona is forgetting basic stuff, like do I need a transaction for $editor->update_schema_table($obj)? I don't think so. I'll try it I can always fix i in the database if I got it wrong.
15:58 Dyrcona Never mind. That was dumb. I do need a transaction.
16:05 Dyrcona I think it worked!
16:05 Dyrcona At least on the three that renewed.
16:08 Dyrcona The AutorenewNotify events were created and the error events were set to complete.
16:56 bgillap_ joined #evergreen
17:03 bgillap__ joined #evergreen
17:06 bgillap joined #evergreen
17:07 bgillap_ joined #evergreen
17:14 mmorgan left #evergreen
18:35 jeffdavis here's a new one: EG services suddenly started failing with "Transport error in recv()" errors in the EG logs. Our ejabberd logs show errors like this:
18:35 jeffdavis [error] <0.17325.30> CRASH REPORT Process <0.17325.30> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: {process_limit,{max_queue,10003}} in p1_server:terminate/7 line 864
18:35 jeffdavis [error] <0.579.0> Supervisor ejabberd_c2s_sup had child undefined started with {ejabberd_c2s,start_link,undefined} at <0.17325.30> exit with reason {process_limit,{max_queue,10003}} in context child_terminated
18:37 jeffdavis It happened on multiple bricks pretty much simultaneously, even though they don't share services. Things worked fine again after restarting EG services.
18:49 jonadab Hmm.  What would cause it to reach a process limit?  Leftover processes not exiting for some reason maybe?
18:51 jonadab Roughly how long had EG been up and running when the problem occurred?
18:53 jeffdavis 1 week at most since the last EG service restart
19:17 jonadab Hmm.  That hardly seems like it would have accumulated more of a long-term process leak than ever before on your setup.
19:20 jeffdavis looking further, the cause appears to be tens of thousands of open-ils.auth.session.delete calls for a single authtoken over a 4-minute period :(
19:30 jeffdavis we've seen this once before, where the client (I presume) floods us with a high volume of repeat open-ils.auth.session.delete calls until open-ils.auth falls over
19:30 jeffdavis not sure how to reproduce
19:34 jeffdavis worth noting that the open-ils.auth service didn't die, it just stopped working once ejabberd freaked out - some sort of graceful recovery in that case might be good
22:19 bgillap__ joined #evergreen

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