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IRC log for #evergreen, 2023-08-21

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
07:39 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
08:04 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:30 Rogan joined #evergreen
08:32 collum joined #evergreen
08:35 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:01 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
09:10 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:33 terranm joined #evergreen
09:35 terranm Happy Bug Squashing Week!
09:36 terranm The tracking spreadsheet is at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kAdsJ9H​k9iW6cW9S9uAiosutIo_eBtFE7zRQy8iczbY/edit#gid=0
09:40 rfrasur joined #evergreen
09:41 Bmagic I'm having trouble with the cs-CZ installation for Evergreen. I realize that we have three different places/configurations: OPAC/AngularJS/Angular. I thought I remembered the OPAC having a dropdown to switch the language. So far, I've not been able to get that to manifest. Looking at the code, I think it's looking for cs-cz folder
09:41 Bmagic my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($path, $locale->code);        build_tree_js($types, $tree, File::Spec->catfile($dir, $filename));
09:42 Dyrcona Bmagic: You may have to do something in the database to turn that on.
09:43 Bmagic /openils/var/templates/locale# ls -l
09:43 Bmagic I see all the po files there
09:50 StomproJ joined #evergreen
09:52 Bmagic my $tree = $e->request(            'open-ils.cstore.direct.config​.metabib_field.search.atomic',            {   facet_field     => 't' },            {   no_i18n         => $locale->code ? 0 : 1,   ....
09:53 Bmagic seems to indicate that there is a column called "no_i18n" for the table config.metabib_field?
09:54 berick Bmagic: no_i18n tells cstore not to load translations for whatever data you are fetching
09:55 berick it's a general purpose cstore query flag
09:55 Bmagic I see
09:56 Bmagic If I understand the execution, get_locales() will fetch all of the rows in config.i18n_locale - Which in my database includes cs-CZ  and 8 others
09:58 berick Bmagic: eg_vhost.conf -> <Location /eg> -> OILSWebLocale settings?
09:59 Bmagic PerlAddVar OILSWebLocale "cs"
09:59 Bmagic PerlAddVar OILSWebLocale "/openils/var/data/locale/bootstrap-opac/cs-CZ.po"
10:00 Bmagic I checked that path, the file is there
10:02 Dyrcona Maybe your locale should be "cs-CZ"?
10:03 Bmagic I'll try that
10:06 Bmagic no dice
10:06 Bmagic I tried cs-CZ, cs_cz
10:07 _collum joined #evergreen
10:08 collum_ joined #evergreen
10:08 Bmagic I'd like to also mention that the Angular ng build process emites this message: "Locale data for 'cs-CZ' cannot be found. Using locale data for 'cs'"
10:13 Dyrcona You can ask on the list and maybe Vaclav can answer you tomorrow. I think it's after their work hours now.
10:13 dguarrac joined #evergreen
10:13 Bmagic I know I've figured this out before
10:14 Bmagic there's only so many places to check
10:14 Dyrcona I got Spanish working years ago, but I'm fuzzy on it, now.
10:14 berick yeah, those are the things...  i'm puzzled it's not working
10:14 berick trying here, same deal
10:15 Bmagic On the Angular side, I'm pretty sure our translation file is messed up. but I'm trying to focus on one thing at a time. Right now, it's OPAC
10:15 berick Bmagic: mind sharing your .po files?
10:15 berick i tried empty ones and I that's making it mad on my end
10:16 berick Base class package "OpenILS::WWW::EGWeb::I18N::en" is empty.
10:16 berick (from my apache error log)
10:19 Bmagic sure, I can share my po files
10:19 Bmagic mind cluing me into the folder that you want me to share?
10:19 Bmagic /openils/var/data/locale/bootstrap-opac/cs-CZ.po ?
10:20 Bmagic there's another bunch here: /openils/var/templates/locale
10:20 berick checking..
10:21 berick PerlAddVar OILSWebLocale "en"
10:21 berick PerlAddVar OILSWebLocale "/openils/var/data/locale/bo​otstrap-opac/messages.en.po"
10:21 berick PerlAddVar OILSWebLocale "cs"
10:21 berick PerlAddVar OILSWebLocale "/openils/var/data/locale/bootstrap-opac/cs-CZ.po"
10:21 Bmagic kinda funny, I'm having a hard time finding an AngularJS interface (that's a good thing)
10:21 berick heh
10:22 Bmagic /openils/var/data/locale/bo​otstrap-opac/messages.en.po   <--- file does not exist
10:22 berick your en file may be named something else
10:23 Bmagic here's my cs-CZ.po https://dropbox.mobiuscons​ortium.org/pickup/cs-CZ.po
10:23 berick Bmagic++
10:24 Bmagic the cs-CZ file is the only* file in that folder (bootstrap-opac)
10:24 berick k
10:24 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
10:27 berick Bmagic: are you seeing this error in your apache error log?  still showing for me after putting files into place.
10:27 berick Base class package "OpenILS::WWW::EGWeb::I18N::en" is empty.
10:29 Bmagic that log line doesn't appear in my apache2/other_vhosts_access.log nor error.log
10:29 berick well dang
10:30 Bmagic were you able to get the OPAC to show the dropdown?
10:31 berick no, i'm still getting the error.  on 2 VMs now
10:34 Bmagic building evergreen included these things:
10:34 Bmagic cd build/i18n && mkdir locale && make newpot && make LOCALE=fr-CA updatepo && make LOCALE=es-ES updatepo && make LOCALE=cs-CZ updatepo && make LOCALE=ar-JO updatepo && make LOCALE=fr-CA install && make LOCALE=es-ES install && make LOCALE=cs-CZ install && make LOCALE=ar-JO install
10:36 Bmagic nothing special for AngularJS and Angular
10:36 Bmagic cd Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/staff/ && npm run build-prod
10:37 Bmagic cd Open-ILS/src/eg2/ && npm install && ng build --configuration=production
10:39 Bmagic I got it to change to czech! But no dropdown. I had to change the default language in eg_vhosts.conf
10:40 Bmagic https://bugsquash.mobiusconsortium.org
10:40 Bmagic PerlAddVar OILSWebDefaultLocale "cs_cz"
10:41 Bmagic I bet the dropdown would appear if the english translation file existed in /openils/var/data/locale/bo​otstrap-opac/messages.en.po
10:43 berick ok mine's working now.  had to change the OILSWebLocale values to en_us and cs_cz.  it didn't like the shorter names
10:43 Bmagic yep, that's what I did too
10:43 berick also, I just now realized the picker as at the bottom of the page :\
10:43 berick been looking at the wrong spot
10:43 Bmagic OMG, that was my problem the whole time I bet
10:43 Bmagic I could have swore it was top right or left
10:44 berick it is on tpac
10:44 Bmagic yep, bootstrap
10:44 Bmagic messed me up
10:44 * berick mutters something about assuming things
10:44 Bmagic I'm still concerned about the lack of messages.en.po
10:45 Bmagic did that file appear for you?
10:45 berick Bmagic: no.  and it shouldn't be necessary since it's the default locale
10:46 berick i just removed mine and it still works.  i had just copied a file into place
10:46 Bmagic ok
10:46 Bmagic I can't find a copy of the file
10:46 berick i used the cs-CZ file
10:47 berick just wanted something that had the right shape
10:48 Bmagic I'm exploring adding another language. Chose es-ES, tried make LOCALE=es-ES updatepo and I got no resulting files
10:50 Bmagic I'm willing to move on. The staff client isn't getting the language options. It's there in the dropdown (top right in the staff client). Take a look https://bugsquash.mobiusconsort​ium.org/eg2/cs-CZ/staff/splash
10:51 Bmagic Is it possible that we just don't have those words translated? I see a couple of czech words after switching
10:53 BrianK joined #evergreen
10:54 berick Bmagic: i see translations on angjs pages, but not angular (in my quick poke around)
10:54 Bmagic ok, what's the trick then?
10:55 kworstell_isl_ joined #evergreen
10:55 berick ang does require its own build steps..
10:55 * berick tries
10:56 Bmagic When building eg2, I get this "Locale data for 'cs-CZ' cannot be found. Using locale data for 'cs'."
10:56 Bmagic I edited package.json, tried a couple of ideas
11:00 mdriscoll joined #evergreen
11:00 Bmagic diffing the two output folders web/eg2/[en-US|cs-CZ] I am actually seeing czech on the cs-CZ  *.js files, so that's good. I wonder if it could be browser caching the JS?
11:04 Bmagic a clue! Looking at the browser network tab, I see that it's sourcing it's JS files from the en-US folder on the server even though the URL that I'm on is cs-CZ and the language selected is the same
11:06 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:07 berick Bmagic: you have one of these in eg_vhost.conf? <Directory "/openils/var/web/eg2/cs-CZ">
11:07 Bmagic Back to eg_vhosts, I have my cs-CZ section uncommented
11:08 Bmagic right
11:08 Bmagic RewriteRule ^/eg2/(.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}/eg2/en-US/$1 [NE,R=307,L]
11:08 Bmagic that would suggest a default of English? Or should I comment that out??
11:09 Bmagic Is Angular designed for the user to choose?
11:09 berick you can leave that.  it only comes into play when no locale is selected
11:09 berick yes, there will be a locale picker
11:09 Bmagic right, I see that
11:10 Bmagic it doesn't do anything (for Angular interfaces, on my installation) - I must have something mis configured in eg_vhost
11:10 Bmagic here's my block (sorry for the paste)
11:10 Bmagic <Directory "/openils/var/web/eg2/cs-CZ">
11:10 Bmagic FallbackResource /eg2/cs-CZ/index.html
11:10 Bmagic <Files "index.html">
11:10 Bmagic <IfModule mod_headers.c>
11:10 Bmagic Header set Cache-Control "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
11:10 Bmagic Header set Pragma "no-cache"
11:10 Bmagic Header set Expires 0
11:10 Bmagic </IfModule>
11:10 Bmagic </Files>
11:11 Bmagic </Directory>
11:11 berick i'm the same place as you now
11:12 berick looks like cs-CZ/index.html is not looking in the right place, kinda what you said
11:13 berick there's an old bit of sed in package.json that probably still needs to be run (but not that whole line)
11:13 Bmagic I'm guessing that there is something that needs to tell the browser to go and fetch the cs-CZ JS files instead of the en-US ones. Is that the index.html file?
11:13 berick yeah
11:13 Bmagic something interesting, looking at the index.html file, it doesn't specify a locale for any of it's calls.  <script src="/eg2/runtime.5550830d92c75c35.js" type="module"></script>
11:14 Bmagic that would get rewritten to en-US because it's not specified
11:14 berick yeah, that's the issue
11:14 Bmagic there's a sed command in the package.json file that does some string replacement magic
11:16 Bmagic reading that sed command, it seems it's only dealing with part of the index.html file and not the <script> stuff
11:16 berick yeah it just changes the IDL and the long
11:16 berick er, lang
11:17 berick other parts of that command do stuff we might need, though.  --base-href, probably, maybe --deploy-url too
11:18 berick may still need a way to build cs-CZ separately
11:18 berick so those flags can be changed
11:20 Bmagic changing the rewrite rule worked, now it's cs-CZ lang all over the page
11:21 Bmagic but can't go back to en-US
11:35 mantis1 joined #evergreen
11:42 mantis1 left #evergreen
11:46 sharpsie @who is a fan of the R.E.M. 1984 hit "Don't Go Back to en-US"?
11:46 pinesol Bmagic is a fan of the R.E.M. 1984 hit Don't Go Back to en-US.
11:46 sharpsie pinesol: nicely done
11:46 pinesol sharpsie: Your computer account is overdrawn. Please reauthorize.
11:47 sharpsie @karma reports
11:47 pinesol sharpsie: reports has neutral karma.
11:47 sharpsie reports++
11:47 sharpsie also,
11:47 sharpsie reports--
11:47 sharpsie reports+-
11:47 sharpsie @karma reports
11:47 pinesol sharpsie: Karma for "reports" has been increased 2 times and decreased 2 times for a total karma of 0.
11:47 sharpsie yass
11:49 Bmagic sharpsie++
11:49 Bmagic pinesol++
11:50 Bmagic berick: seems like we need a LP report for this issue?
11:51 berick Bmagic: think so, yes
11:51 mantis1 joined #evergreen
11:51 Bmagic on it
11:57 Bmagic bug 2032430
11:57 pinesol Launchpad bug 2032430 in Evergreen "i18n Angular index.html does not link to appropriate subfolder" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2032430
11:57 Bmagic Hopefully I captured the issue in the description. Please feel free to augment
12:01 bgillap_ joined #evergreen
12:01 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:03 bgillap joined #evergreen
12:14 berick Bmagic: got a cs-CZ fm_IDL.xml handy?
12:15 Bmagic not sure, let me see what it looks like
12:16 Bmagic not seeing that emitted in the cs-CZ context. Where would you expect that?
12:16 berick might be in /openils/var/web/reports/
12:17 Bmagic nadda
12:17 Bmagic there's one there, but it's full of English
12:18 Bmagic well, wait, <field reporter:label='&field.vaq.id.label;' name='id' reporter:selector='name' reporter:datatype='id' />
12:18 berick oh ...
12:18 Bmagic kinda odd right?
12:18 berick maybe it's a runtime translation.  been a while..
12:19 Bmagic <class id='vst' controller='open-ils.cstore open-ils.pcrud' oils_obj:fieldmapper='vandelay::session_tracker' oils_persist:tablename='vandelay.session_tracker' reporter:label='&class.vst.label;'>
12:20 berick i think that's it.  fm_IDL.dtd is used as the basis for runtime translation
12:20 Bmagic you want that file then?
12:21 berick looks like I have one for cs-CZ.  build/i18n/po/fm_IDL.dtd/cs-CZ.po
12:21 Bmagic https://dropbox.mobiusconso​rtium.org/pickup/fm_IDL.xml
12:21 Bmagic That link will make your browser mad
12:26 berick Bmagic: what are you using as your locale building guide?
12:26 terranm joined #evergreen
12:50 StomproJ Does anyone remember where the list of official terms for things is?  Item vs Copy and the like.
12:56 Dyrcona StomproJ: It's glossary.adoc, I think.
12:56 jihpringle I'm not sure we have an official list, my recollection is that the item vs copy discussion was in a LP bug
12:56 Dyrcona https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergree​n.git;a=blob;f=docs/modules/appendix/page​s/glossary.adoc;h=a95e4bfe162792d0c91fad5​39ddf373d1213bb71;hb=refs/heads/master
12:56 jihpringle DIG has a bit in the style guide as well - https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=ever​green-docs:dig_style_guide#standard_terminology
12:56 Dyrcona The wiki link needs to be updated to main...
12:57 Dyrcona https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergre​en.git;a=blob;f=docs/modules/appendix/pa​ges/glossary.adoc;h=a95e4bfe162792d0c91f​ad539ddf373d1213bb71;hb=refs/heads/main <- Proper link.
12:59 jihpringle you can also find it in the docs - https://docs.evergreen-ils.org/eg/​docs/latest/appendix/glossary.html
12:59 * Dyrcona updated the wiki to remove the commit and go to the latest in the main branch.
13:00 book`_ joined #evergreen
13:00 StomproJ Thank you, I wasn't sure about "Record Bucket" vs "Title Bucket", but the Glossary doesn't really clear it up.
13:04 StomproJ Actually, it does clear it up, we just have a custom splash page that uses "Title Bucket" that was confusing me.
13:28 book` joined #evergreen
13:36 Dyrcona I suspect there is an issue with drones going away and the rest of the system not handling it. I say this because we're still having issues with autorenewal events, and on the latest two, I see messages about a circ drone being not connected to the network at the same time that some trigger process errors while doing autorenewals.
13:37 Dyrcona I suspect that circ drone was doing the renewals and went away before the "client" was done with it. I wonder if something is just failing to notify OpenSRF properly?
13:40 Dyrcona Exactly 1,000 'CALL:' entries for that drone's PID in the logs. It definitely looks like a problem with "normal" shutdown.
13:50 Dyrcona Hm.. Could be a race condition with shut down notification and requests being sent to a drone. I assume being connected would have something to do with it, too.
13:57 Dyrcona The problem is that the not connected error is reported by a different trigger process than the one that reports that creates the error events, and I can find no evidence in the logs of these 3 processes communicating with each other.
14:05 Dyrcona So, maybe this is it: The process that got the not connected error from the circ drone is doing the autorenewals. The process that updated the events to 'error' state is the process doing the event creation for the notify event.
14:08 Dyrcona This is one of those times where I think our logs don't log the right things. We log too much of some information and not enough of other things. It would be useful to know which drone is talking to which other drone in cases like this.
14:08 Dyrcona No, I'm not cranking the debug level to 11. I'd fill the disk in about 5 seconds.
14:11 Dyrcona So, the one that got the error from the circ drone was doing autorenewals but it was also doing some other events, too.
14:15 Bmagic berick: After I had issues, I started looking through the wiki. I ended up on this page https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/​doku.php?id=newdevs:i18n&amp;s[]=eg&s[]=vhost&s[]=conf
14:16 Bmagic There's a nugget here https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.p​hp?id=scratchpad:random_magic_spells
14:26 kmlussier joined #evergreen
14:58 Dyrcona It would also be nice if the stderr logs had timestamps.
15:01 Dyrcona They don't even have timestamps in the osrfsys.log.
15:03 Dyrcona So, the error means I'm getting a failure to find hooks. I bet I'll also find the "returned no results" messages, too.
15:03 Dyrcona This looks a lot like last Thursday.
15:05 Dyrcona What do ya know? "request returned no data" coincides with the time stamp of the other log entries.
15:06 * Dyrcona thinks we might just need to spread jobs out even more.
16:59 mantis1 left #evergreen
17:03 mmorgan left #evergreen
18:22 pinesol News from commits: LP1913815 More exact match fixes <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=9b2606​ee0655522f334fe9d5abf20900ca26f0be>
18:22 pinesol News from commits: lp1913815 Course Browse Case-Sensitivity Edge Case Cont'd <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=e5b4f0​cfa19f652be565516376409e11c2dad549>
18:22 pinesol News from commits: lp1913815 Score Course Browse Corrections <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=8ce58d​a2511acb6fdef7c0b1acc8dbe593c996b1>
18:22 pinesol News from commits: lp1913815 Case-insensitive edge-case <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=969e13​d1748ddb0fd6001f57bd5b4ebcc6e3bc8b>
18:22 pinesol News from commits: lp1913815 Course Browse Owning Lib Support <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=c542b5​32dbac87edac5cf55d46f92da02e88089a>
18:22 pinesol News from commits: lp1913815 Browse for Course Fixes <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=8c41e4​906c187026b9c431f783dd9c19671d0243>
18:36 jihpringle joined #evergreen
19:22 pinesol News from commits: LP#2009281 Recent patrons duplication issues <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=afcd1c​d8b5aa29af8e83c710106d0d0748e1403e>

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