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IRC log for #evergreen, 2023-07-20

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
07:04 JBoyer I've been kind of letting the MFA discussion pass me by, but I would throw a note out there that while we're messing around in that area Passkeys would be an interesting feature to support.
07:25 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
07:32 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
07:52 rfrasur joined #evergreen
07:58 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
08:00 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:05 collum joined #evergreen
08:31 mantis joined #evergreen
08:38 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
08:40 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
08:41 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:55 sandbergja joined #evergreen
09:00 sharpsie jeffdavis++
09:25 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
09:59 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
10:15 sandbergja joined #evergreen
10:18 sandbergja abneiman: Bmagic: mmorgan1: okay to use this channel (rather than #evergreen-release) to keep discussion of today's point releases more visible?  I don't think these are security releases.
10:20 sandbergja Also, which releases are we even doing hahaha?  3.11.1 and 3.10.3?
10:25 abneiman +1 from me. 3.11.1 & 3.10.3 for sure - there's 3 commits for 3.9.4 but two of them are docs; though we're technically not at the 18-month mark for 3.9 yet - so I'm not sure if we're releasing those or not
10:26 abneiman this is the non-docs bug on 3.9.3: https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1887866
10:26 pinesol Launchpad bug 1887866 in Evergreen 3.9 "Web Staff Client - Accessibility of Angular JS Shared Directives" [Medium,Fix committed]
10:27 abneiman Also, I won't be doing release notes till after 1pm ET (just for coordination/scheduling purpopses)
10:45 BrianK joined #evergreen
10:47 sandbergja joined #evergreen
10:48 Stompro joined #evergreen
10:59 mmorgan +1 to using this channel for release discussion
11:30 sharpsie re the value too big bug, seeing that public.right_trunc already exists as a wrapper around substring and should do what's needed, right?
11:31 sharpsie referenced in config.index_normalizer
11:31 sharpsie but I'm still learning how that works
11:41 sharpsie eeevil: I'm going to run this by you - could our "reasonable" truncation length issue (be that 1000/2048 chars) be resolved by adding a row to config.metabib_field_index_norm_map referencing the right_trunc function with the chosen number in params?
11:42 sharpsie the normalization trigger appears to process any of those with params included
12:03 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:04 rfrasur joined #evergreen
12:20 abneiman rfrasur++ # best presentation buddy
12:20 rfrasur Awwwwwwwwww....
12:21 rfrasur abneiman++ # backatcha
12:21 abneiman even if we do talk too much :-D
12:21 berick rfrasur: abneiman: recorded?
12:21 rfrasur Eh.  We don't. We talk just enough to keep it real.
12:21 rfrasur berick, yep
12:21 abneiman berick: yep! and you got several shout-outs
12:22 berick woohoo (x2)
12:22 rfrasur berick++
12:22 abneiman berick++ # indeed
12:23 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
12:41 jeff Where were you two presenting?
13:07 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
13:25 rfrasur jeff, EquinoxEDU
13:25 rfrasur It was a redux of the conference presentation
13:47 abneiman jeff: it will be posted here when the video is ready https://vimeo.com/showcase/8317842
13:48 abneiman also, mmorgan sandbergja Bmagic I'm starting release notes now - will post branch here when finished
13:48 sandbergja abneiman++
13:48 abneiman I will just do 3.10 and 3.11 unless someone weighs in on the actuality of a 3.9 release
13:48 mmorgan abneiman++
13:49 sandbergja 3.10 and 3.11 sounds fair to me!
13:49 mmorgan +1
13:51 * mmorgan has been tied up most of the morning :-/
13:52 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
14:17 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
14:27 sleary joined #evergreen
14:30 BAMkubasa joined #evergreen
14:35 BAMkubasa so, if a patron places a hold on something that their system doesn't have and they can't currently get because of age hold protection, they are prevented from placing the hold and get the ITEM_AGE_PROTECTED error. a staff account however can override this. we have a staff request to make it so that the hold can be placed, but the hold lingers until
14:35 BAMkubasa the item is available. Is this a configurable scenario, or does that ITEM_AGE_PROTECTED prevention happen for patrons because that item may or may not be eventually available and could end up as a hopeless hold?
14:39 jihpringle BAMkubasa: the system is assuming that the item will fill the hold once the age protection period has passed
14:43 BAMkubasa jihpringle you're saying it doesn't prevent the registering of the hold request, but it is recorded and just unable to be targeted til the age protection ages out and then the targeter can target a copy?
14:43 jihpringle if the hold should never be filled for that patron you'd want to adjust your hold policies so that holds are always blocked for that circumstance
14:45 jihpringle yup. the hold is placed and Evergreen will check the eligible item table every 24 hours to see if anything can fill the hold
14:47 jihpringle eventually the hold will be filled, become hopeless (if the item under hold protection can no longer fill holds), or expire
14:47 jihpringle we've written an explanation for our libraries around hold filling - http://docs.libraries.coop/sitk​a/_holds_filling_explained.html
14:51 BAMkubasa I appreciate it jihpringle!
14:51 jihpringle np :)
15:06 abneiman got delayed but release notes are here: https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Ev​ergreen.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user/ab​neiman/docs-ReleaseNotes-3-11-1-and-3-10-3
15:06 abneiman sandbergja mmorgan Bmagic ^^
15:09 sandbergja abneiman++
15:11 mantis left #evergreen
15:13 sandbergja Am I good to cherry-pick those release notes into the release branches and main?
15:14 abneiman sandbergja: +1 AFAIK, I only pushed them to working in case there was other stuff that needed to go in
15:14 abneiman I guess I could've put them directly in main, sorry
15:16 sandbergja abneiman: sounds good to me.  And no worries -- a commit's a commit, wherever it is! :-D
15:16 abneiman :-D
15:19 Bmagic cool, let me know when a core committer has that merged and the release branches are ready for build. I'll build one or two. Shall we use: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gZay​HfF7qK0zwLMEAXt-PbKBMiAM_F6EZguqzIYceBY/edit (also, it seems that we're using the gneeral IRC channel now so I'm continuing here instead of #evergreen-release)
15:21 sandbergja main, rel_3_11, and rel_3_10 are notes-ified.  Thanks again abneiman!
15:21 abneiman sandbergja++
15:21 sandbergja +1 to using the spreadsheet.  I could build one as well, but would not kick it off until 4:30 eastern
15:25 sandbergja I'll check back in an hour, and if nobody else has claimed it on the spreadsheet, I can build the 3.11.1 tarball.
15:33 mmorgan abneiman++
15:33 mmorgan sandbergja++
15:37 Bmagic I was about to upload rel_3_10 translations to POEditor (from src/locale/messages.xmb) - is that appropriate?
15:39 pinesol News from commits: Docs: release notes for 3.11.1 and 3.10.3 <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=3a26a0​3309ced30903b89cf5481d0993e3e7dc39>
15:41 Bmagic gmcharlt sandbergja ?
15:41 mmorgan Bmagic: I don't for sure know the answer, but want to say yes based on https://wiki.evergreen-ils​.org/doku.php?id=poeditor
15:42 Bmagic mmorgan: yeah, that's what I'm referring to as well. And it would seem that we should* dance this dance on point release times but I wasn't entirely positive
15:42 Bmagic another layer is the POEditor UI changed and doesn't match the instructions
15:42 gmcharlt Bmagic: if possible please point me at the branches you're working on - there's at least one security fix I want to merge
15:43 Bmagic gmcharlt: I was going to tarball rel_3_10
15:47 Bmagic Should I put a working collab branch out there for tags/rel_3_10_3 ? so you can add to it? I believe I can also do the cherry picking/merging on my local branch from said security branch
15:49 gmcharlt please push a wokring branch for tags/rel_3_10_3
15:49 gmcharlt who is working on the 3.11 tarball?
15:52 Bmagic gmcharlt: working/collab/blake/tags/rel_3_10_3
15:52 Bmagic not sure anyone has claimed 3.11 yet. Though, I'm happy to do tha tone too :)
15:52 gmcharlt if you don't mind...
15:53 Bmagic I don't mind, I'll make a collab branch for 3.11, just a sec
15:54 Bmagic gmcharlt: collab/blake/tags/rel_3_11_1
16:12 Bmagic I'm still pending on translations. I'm pretty sure we don't* do all of the tranlsation steps for point releases. (newpot, etc). But I wasn't sure on weather or not I should provide POEditor a fresh copy of messages.xmb with tag "rel_3_10" and another upload for 3.11 with tag rel_3_11 - "For New Terms"
16:12 Bmagic But it seems it wouldn't matter for this tarball whether I did that or not
16:37 sleary joined #evergreen
16:46 Bmagic gmcharlt?
16:47 gmcharlt Bmagic: in the nature of expedience, the xmb upload can be skipped; I'll be done with the other branches in ~30 minutes
16:47 jvwoolf left #evergreen
16:47 Bmagic ok great, perfect
17:05 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:46 Bmagic gmcharlt: headed home. I can pick it up in the morning. Or if we need to finish tonight, I can do that too :)
17:46 gmcharlt i'm working on the branches and will have them in the security repo before I leave, but tomorrow morning is OK for the release
17:47 Bmagic gmcharlt++
17:50 * gmcharlt got slammed with a dozen things in the past hour
17:54 gmcharlt anyway, the list of branches in the security repo are:
17:54 gmcharlt release/main_2023_07
17:54 gmcharlt release/rel_3_11_2023_07
17:54 gmcharlt release/rel_3_11_1 (corresponds to the tag branch)
17:54 gmcharlt release/rel_3_10_2023_07
17:54 gmcharlt release/rel_3_10_3 (corresponds to the tag branch)
17:58 Bmagic ok great. I guess you didn't need my working collab branch after all?
18:32 sandbergja joined #evergreen
18:33 gmcharlt apparently not - I take it that the DB scripts you'll be doing later
18:38 sandbergja joined #evergreen
20:00 Stompro joined #evergreen

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