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If I find any that need fixing, I'll try using the offset trick on them. (I may switch to testing on Pg 15.)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l15" class="new nick nick_pinesol dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517494"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517494">10:11</a></td> <td style="color: #4e00a3" class="nick">pinesol</td> <td class="msg ">Launchpad bug 1999274 in Evergreen 3.10 "Performance of Search on PostgreSQL Versions 12+" [Medium,Confirmed] <a href="https://launchpad.net/bugs/1999274" title="https://launchpad.net/bugs/1999274">https://launchpad.net/bugs/1999274</a></td> </tr> <tr id="id_l16" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona"> <td class="time" id="i_517495"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517495">10:11</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">If I find (m)any more, I may change the bug summary for accuracy's sake.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l17" class="new special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517496"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517496">10:27</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">jmurray-isl joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l18" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517497"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517497">10:54</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">sleary joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l19" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517498"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517498">11:17</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">Christineb joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l20" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona"> <td class="time" id="i_517499"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517499">11:34</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">I'm trying to add some code in load_rresults in Search.pm to block queries that match a certain regex when POSTed. So far it isn't working. Has anyone done this before?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l21" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona"> <td class="time" id="i_517500"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517500">11:45</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">My POST is working. If I change it to a keyword search that returns something, I do get the results in the output.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l22" class="new nick nick_Bmagic dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517501"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517501">11:51</a></td> <td style="color: #9d6200" class="nick">Bmagic</td> <td class="msg ">got a patch I could look at?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l23" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona"> <td class="time" id="i_517502"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517502">11:53</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">Bmagic: I'll share it after lunch, and by "not working" I mean the query is getting to the database.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l24" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona"> <td class="time" id="i_517503"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517503">11:54</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">I have an idea for a slightly different take on it.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l25" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona"> <td class="time" id="i_517504"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517504">11:55</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">Bmagic: You can see it at the tip of the egdev/rel_3_10 branch in the private CWMARS repo on github.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l26" class="new nick nick_Bmagic dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517505"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517505">11:55</a></td> <td style="color: #9d6200" class="nick">Bmagic</td> <td class="msg ">Wouldn't it be cool if we could specify the regex in a config somewhere for the filter? As we see different and new malicious attempts on the system, we'd need to update the filter (I would think)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l27" class="cont nick nick_Bmagic dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517506"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517506">11:56</a></td> <td style="color: #9d6200" class="nick">Bmagic</td> <td class="msg ">Dyrcona++</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l28" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona"> <td class="time" id="i_517507"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517507">11:56</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">Yeah that would be good.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l29" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona"> <td class="time" id="i_517508"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517508">11:57</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">My current attempt probably doesn't take into account something in how the query gets mangled. I was thinking of moving the check to above the preparation step.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l30" class="new special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517509"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517509">12:02</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">jihpringle joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l31" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517510"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517510">12:28</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">jeff joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l32" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517513"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517513">12:34</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">collum joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l33" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517514"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517514">12:45</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">collum joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l34" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517515"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517515">13:16</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">jvwoolf joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l35" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona"> <td class="time" id="i_517516"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517516">13:18</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">Bmagic++</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l36" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona"> <td class="time" id="i_517517"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517517">13:19</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">So, it turns out that my original attempt was OK. Just copying the modified file into place and restarting Apache wasn't enough for the change to take effect. I ended up doing an install, restarting Evergreen services, and restarting Apache.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l37" class="new special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517518"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517518">15:10</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">jihpringle joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l38" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517519"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517519">15:24</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">sleary joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l39" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517520"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517520">16:31</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">jvwoolf left #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l40" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517521"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517521">16:41</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">sleary joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l41" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517522"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517522">17:08</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">mmorgan left #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l42" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517523"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517523">19:00</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">phasefx joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l43" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517524"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517524">19:00</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">scottangel joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l44" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517525"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517525">19:00</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">tsadok joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l45" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517526"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517526">19:00</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">Stompro joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l46" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_517527"><a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12#i_517527">19:00</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">jweston joined #evergreen</td> </tr> </table> </form> <span id="bottom" /> <p> <a href="/evergreen/2022-12-11" rel="prev"> ← Previous day</a> | <a href="/">Channels</a> | <a href="/evergreen/">#evergreen index</a> | <a href="/evergreen/today">Today</a> | <a href="/evergreen/2022-12-13" rel="next"> Next day →</a> | <a href="/evergreen/search">Search</a> | <a href="http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Airc.evergreen-ils.org+inurl%3Aevergreen">Google Search</a> | <a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12/text">Plain-Text</a> | <a href="/evergreen/2022-12-12/summary">summary</a> | <a href="https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=evergreen">Join Webchat</a> </p> <div id="footer"> <p>Powered by <a href="http://moritz.faui2k3.org/en/ilbot">ilbot</a>. <strong>Any questions? 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