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IRC log for #evergreen, 2022-10-03

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
07:21 collum joined #evergreen
07:42 BDorsey joined #evergreen
07:54 mantis1 joined #evergreen
08:16 rfrasur joined #evergreen
08:27 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
08:34 Dyrcona "Do It Again" seems like a good vibe to start a new week.
08:37 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:48 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
09:50 stephengwills joined #evergreen
10:27 csharp_ Dyrcona++
10:27 csharp_ sandbergja++
10:33 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
10:52 dguarrac joined #evergreen
11:31 sleary joined #evergreen
12:12 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:26 Christineb joined #evergreen
13:45 mantis1 Doing some 3.9 testing.  Can anyone explain the Org selector now supports entry styling a bit further than what's in the release notes?
13:45 mantis1 "The Org Selector now supports the ability to pass in an object composed of an array of Org Unit IDs and a function returning a CSS key value pair."
13:49 jeff more information may be in bug 1739277
13:49 pinesol Launchpad bug 1739277 in Evergreen 3.8 "web client: holdings view owning libraries not marked in drop down menu" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1739277
13:50 jeff commit d51454b and commit 625c862 have an example and the first (only?) implementation
13:52 jeff commit d51454b497e1d7ea01ebeac533259820f4a6786e
13:52 * jeff nudges pinesol
13:52 * jeff shrugs
13:53 jeffdavis pinesol is tired from reporting all those commits over the weekend
13:53 pinesol jeffdavis: Have you run autogen.sh?
13:53 jeff it lets you pass a function that is run for each entry in the org unit selector, and if the function returns a css key/value, that style is applied to the entry in the org unit selector.
13:55 jeff and i guess in actuality, the function just returns a string that's interpreted as a css class name.
13:56 jeff so, the "CSS key value pair" in the release notes seems off, or I'm looking at the wrong feature/code. :-)
14:05 tlittle joined #evergreen
14:11 tlittle I updated my test server now that the Acq purchase order work is in master, and when opening PO's I get this console error: "open-ils.acq.lineitem.retrieve.batch failed! stat=404 msg=Method [open-ils.acq.lineitem.retrieve.batch] not found for OpenILS::Application::Acq". I can see that API/method is in Lineitem.pm, so why would it be telling me it
14:11 tlittle can't see it? I don't know if this is just something I've done incorrectly or if there's something actually missing. I never saw this message on the EOLI test server, so idk what's up
14:14 Dyrcona tlittle: You did a "make install"?
14:17 tlittle Yes, I think so. I have a script that csharp_made for Terran and I so that probably obfuscates troubleshooting a bit, but it looks like that's what it did
14:18 Dyrcona Did the script or you stop and restart services?
14:18 Dyrcona osrf_control in this case.
14:19 tlittle I don't *see* that in there, but I could be wrong. I manually restarted these services, fwiw: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/​doku.php?id=newdevs:restarting
14:20 Dyrcona OK. That's a bit out of date, but should have worked.
14:21 Dyrcona Do you know that Linux this is installed on: Debian or Ubuntu and the version?
14:21 tlittle That I don't know :\
14:22 Dyrcona OK. Can you run this on the command line: `perl --version`
14:22 Dyrcona You don't need the quotes.
14:23 tlittle This is perl 5, version 26, subversion 1 (v5.26.1) built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
14:23 Dyrcona OK. Cool.
14:23 Dyrcona What happens when you run this: `perl -c /usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1​/OpenILS/Application/Acq.pm`
14:24 tlittle Syntax OK
14:24 Dyrcona Hmm.....
14:24 Dyrcona I was hoping that would report a problem.
14:25 Dyrcona Try this one: `perl -c /usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/Open​ILS/Application/Acq/Lineitem.pm`
14:26 tlittle Oh there we go
14:26 tlittle A whole bunch of subs "redefined"
14:26 tlittle Also, I just searched and I don't see acq.lineitem.retrieve.batch. Ah ha!
14:26 tlittle But why isn't it there?
14:26 Dyrcona Yeah, but the last line says Syntax OK?
14:26 tlittle Yes
14:27 tlittle Because it is in Lineitem.pm in home/opensrf/Evergreen/.../Acq/Lineitem.pm
14:28 Dyrcona OK. It looks like it didn't get installed properly.
14:29 JBoyer Well, for better or worse a /very/ large number of Eg API names are generated and never actually appear in their full form. There may be a generic function in that file that basically looks at the api name passed in and does one thing if it contains "retrieve" and something else if it includes "batch" and so on.
14:29 Dyrcona Do you see it if you do `grep batch /usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/Open​ILS/Application/Acq/Lineitem.pm`
14:29 JBoyer And it took me so long to type that that you found that it wasn't even the case. :)
14:29 * JBoyer disappears
14:30 tlittle Nope, it just came up with lineitem_note_CUD_batch, not the lineitem.retrieve.batch
14:30 Dyrcona OK. Can you cd to the Evergreen directory?
14:31 Dyrcona You see it there, right? `grep batch ./Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/Open​ILS/Application/Acq/Lineitem.pm`
14:31 tlittle Yep, it's there
14:31 Dyrcona JBoyer: Yeah, this one has a full api_name entry.
14:31 Dyrcona OK. Let's run `make`
14:32 Dyrcona That should output a lot of "gibberish" as it does things.
14:32 tlittle A bunch of gibberish and then -- "configure: error: Could not find osrf_config."
14:32 Dyrcona OK!
14:33 Dyrcona Does `echo $PATH` have /openils/bin in it?
14:33 tlittle It doesn't look like it
14:34 Dyrcona So, type this: `PATH=$PATH:/openils/bin`
14:34 Dyrcona You definitely need to skip the quotes on this one.
14:35 tlittle Ok, done, just back to the prompt
14:35 Dyrcona Do the echo $PATH again to make sure it stuck.
14:35 tlittle See it now!
14:35 Dyrcona Now, try the make
14:35 tlittle Appears to be no errors this time
14:36 Dyrcona All right! Now, type `sudo make install`
14:37 tlittle Done, but I got an error for "recipe for target 'webcore-install' failed, "recipe for target 'install-am' failed" and "recipe for target 'install-recursive' failed"
14:37 tlittle 3 errors I guess
14:37 Dyrcona OK. We probably have to back up a could of steps.
14:37 Dyrcona You said you had a script to do everything for you?
14:37 tlittle Yessir
14:38 Dyrcona does `ls -l ~/.bash_aliases` do anything?
14:39 tlittle -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 137 Dec 15  2020 /root/.bash-aliases
14:40 Dyrcona You're root, not opensrf?
14:40 tlittle Shoot, I am
14:40 tlittle Ugggh. Ok, changed
14:41 Dyrcona Try the ls and echo $PATH again.
14:41 tlittle Ok this time I don't get antyhing
14:42 Dyrcona Do this one again: `PATH=$PATH:/openils/bin`
14:42 tlittle OK done
14:43 Dyrcona So you won't have to do it again, do this: `echo 'PATH=$PATH:/openils/bin' >> ~/.bash_aliases`
14:43 Dyrcona You want the single quotes on the inside to hide the $ from the shell.
14:43 tlittle Done
14:43 Dyrcona Now, I suggest trying your script again.
14:44 tlittle So, if it's not too long to type out....what did I actually just do?
14:44 tlittle Like what was I missing?
14:44 Dyrcona The PATH is where Linux looks for programs to run. You adding /openils/bin to the end of the PATH.
14:45 Dyrcona Evergreen needs some thing from /openils/bin to be able to build itself and to run properly.
14:46 tlittle Huh. So is that something that the script should do each time it runs, or that's just a config thing that needs to be set once?
14:47 Dyrcona It needs to be set once in .bash_aliases or .bashrc. I prefer to put it in .bash_aliases and leave .bashrc untouched.
14:47 Dyrcona When you login, the system reads .profile and then .bashrc. The latter has a line to read .bash_aliases if it is there.
14:48 Dyrcona So you could put it any of those three.
14:48 Dyrcona When you do it on the command line, it sets it until you change it or logout.
14:49 tlittle Ahh, neat! TIL. Thank you SO much--I would have never figured that out on my own, and now I know. :)
14:49 tlittle Dyrcona++
14:49 mmorgan Dyrcona++
14:49 mmorgan tlittle++
14:50 * csharp_ tunes in...
14:55 csharp_ tlittle: the script we use has the line: su - opensrf -c "cd $EG_REPODIR && PATH=$PATH:/openils/bin autoreconf -i && PATH=$PATH:/openils/bin ./configure --prefix=/openils --sysconfdir=/openils/conf && make"
14:55 csharp_ so it should have done it correctly - let me know if you need my direct help on the server
14:55 Dyrcona tlittle++
14:58 Dyrcona csharp_: You might have needed the PATH=$PATH:/openils/bin before the make.
14:58 sleary joined #evergreen
14:58 Dyrcona I have forgotten to set it a couple of times when building Evergreen by hand, so I make a habit of adding it to .bash_aliases.
14:59 csharp_ Dyrcona: it's defined in ~/.bashrc, but I guess autotools doesn't know about it
15:00 csharp_ and I've never needed to prepend it to make, but it couldn't hurt
15:01 Dyrcona Well, funny thing about .bashrc: # If not running interactively, don't do anything
15:02 * Dyrcona pretty much never uses su.
15:02 Dyrcona You know all of those cron lines that do . ~/.bashrc? Useless....
15:03 csharp_ yeah
15:05 Dyrcona "su -" is supposed to give you the user's environment like you logged in, though, so I don't know what's going on. I had tlittle try the make step by itself and that blew up.
15:06 Dyrcona I just configure sudo and don't bother with su.
15:09 Dyrcona csharp_: Is this script run as root?
15:15 Dyrcona I also gave up on scripted installation a few years ago.
15:16 Dyrcona The ansible stuff looks interesting, and I'm getting a taste of that working with Blake and MOBIUS.
15:23 Dyrcona tlittle: Is it working for you?
15:27 tlittle Dyrcona I got distracted, giving it a crack now
15:32 tlittle Great success! All appears well
15:32 csharp_ Dyrcona: yes, run as root/sudo
15:33 Dyrcona That's good! After what csharp_ said, I'm not entirely sure my suggestion helped. You could try checking opensrf's .bashrc for /openils/bin. If it is there, then I don't know what might have happened.
15:33 csharp_ and I set that script up for terranm and tlittle so they can reinstall things per git branch at will
15:34 tlittle I've never had a problem with the script before, which is why I was so baffled. But it works now and it didn't before, so I'm calling it a win
15:34 csharp_ I use it too for convenience, though I'm trying to get more acquainted with Ansible and hopefully get away from clunky as hell bash
15:34 Dyrcona OK. Sounds like it usually works, so I dunno. I was just going by the normal installation procedures and what tlittle said was happening.
15:34 csharp_ yeah
15:35 Dyrcona Bash scripts don't have to be clunky. :) "Some of my best friends are bash scripts." :)
15:35 csharp_ failures have usually been caused by something at the git level (e.g., git chokes when changing branches because of conflicts, overwritten files, etc.)
15:35 csharp_ oh, I love bash (except when I don't) :-)
15:36 Dyrcona Or that lovely package lock or something.
15:36 csharp_ yeah
15:36 Dyrcona Can't switch branches your changes to X will be lost...
15:36 csharp_ right
15:36 csharp_ @love bash
15:36 pinesol csharp_: The operation succeeded.  csharp_ loves bash.
15:36 Dyrcona I've been using Python a bit more for things that I might have done in bash.
15:36 csharp_ @love git
15:36 pinesol csharp_: The operation succeeded.  csharp_ loves git.
15:36 Dyrcona @loves
15:36 pinesol Dyrcona loves git; sed; OpenBSD; gnu/emacs; git-quickpick; tmux; and #evergreen
15:37 Dyrcona @hates
15:37 pinesol Dyrcona hates JavaScript; and Launchpad Search
15:37 csharp_ yeah, I'm happy with the Perl stuff I've been writing over the last couple of years too
15:37 sleary joined #evergreen
15:38 Dyrcona Oddly enough, working on Evergreen has soured me on Perl. I also don't trust Python for bigger projects, though I know that people do that.
15:38 Dyrcona I still probably write more Perl than anything else.
15:39 Dyrcona Or, maybe plpgsql....
15:39 csharp_ one of these days I'll get comfortable with PG functions pgsql/plpgsql
15:40 Dyrcona The biggest downside to Python is when your editor tries to be overly helpful with indentation and you end up in a state of total brokenness.
15:40 csharp_ I'm not sure exactly why I get thrown by it - I guess I need to do it more
15:40 csharp_ heh - I've been dealing with that with YAML stuff, since it cares about indentation too
15:41 Dyrcona csharp_: I use a lot of DO blocks in update scripts. I see people write things that create a function, call it, then drop it. A DO block would work just as well.
15:41 * csharp_ glances at miker who loves whitespace-as-syntax :-)
15:41 Dyrcona :)
15:41 Dyrcona There's a language called whitespace that seems to be binary converted to whitespace.
15:42 Dyrcona I think the maintainer of YAML::Tiny said, People who say they like YAML have never tried to write a YAML parser.
15:43 Dyrcona We have so many "standards," most of them bad. :)
15:45 csharp_ yes
15:46 csharp_ your mention of "whitespace" reminded me of this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LOLCODE
15:48 csharp_ "Rockstar is a computer programming language designed for creating programs that are also hair metal power ballads created by Dylan Beattie."
15:48 csharp_ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/​Esoteric_programming_language
15:48 csharp_ @blame wikipedia wormholes
15:48 pinesol csharp_: wikipedia wormholes is the SPY!
15:51 Dyrcona Heh.
16:41 jvwoolf left #evergreen
17:08 mmorgan left #evergreen
18:40 stephengwills left #evergreen

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