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IRC log for #evergreen, 2022-03-09

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Time Nick Message
06:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
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11:51 miker @later tell Dyrcona no, currently not possible to say "ORDERY BY ... NULLS LAST" but ... it would be nearly trivial to add a peer to "direction" called, say, "nulls" that checks for "first" or "last" values and does that
11:51 pinesol miker: The operation succeeded.
12:05 mmorgan phasefx: re: cover image uploader discussion yesterday. Here's a public link to some images:
12:06 mmorgan https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_S​rHH7GZPVwdhCZLquVmn9cw3q3saxco?usp=sharing
12:06 mmorgan On my test system, of the six files, beebe and the two starting with test all work, cones and the two starting with LOT fail.
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13:32 Dyrcona miker: That's what I was thinking. I'll implement it and open a Lp bug when/if the mood strikes.
13:53 jihpringle joined #evergreen
14:19 Keith-isl Afternoon, folks! Bit of a long shot, but out of curiosity, does anyone have any sites that are using Chromebooks for circulation workstations? I don't have one to play with, and a migrating site is curious about any considerations for using them (especially when it comes to printing).
14:20 jeff you will not be able to run Hatch on a Chrome OS device.
14:20 jeff I would not expect a happy printing experience to a receipt printer.
14:21 csharp_ Keith-isl: we have a few libraries piloting Chrome OS for circ stations - I can get you a contact if you want
14:21 jeff For a library that does no receipts, hold slips, or transit slips, or does a few but is okay with a printer prompt and printing them on the default printer (say, letter sized paper to a network printer that the Chrome OS device can print to), great.
14:22 jeff Also, keep in mind that since you don't have Hatch, your workstation association is going to be per-user-per-device.
14:22 Keith-isl jeff Yeah, lack of Hatch was my first red flag. :\ I've bypassed Hatch and just used silent printing in Chrome to do things, but that doesn't feel like a great strategy.
14:22 jeff there will be no "this device is always workstation XYZ no matter what user logs in"
14:23 jeff while we've brainstormed a bunch of printing options that involve networked receipt printers or an intermediate host that Evergreen can send the job to without needing Hatch, I'm not aware of any implementations of that kind of thing yet.
14:23 Keith-isl csharp_ That would be fantastic if you could pass along
14:28 Keith-isl I salute any soul brave enough to risk the sanity hit of considering any network receipt printer related options. :)
14:32 jeff yeah... they're neat when they work, but the number of network receipt printers that I can say I'm a fan of is... zero.
14:32 Keith-isl I treat them with the same appreciation and wariness as a coiled rattlesnake.
14:35 Keith-isl Could you elaborate more on the workstation association aspect of Hatch? I know that a lot of workstation information is saved in Hatch, but I'm not sure I'm aware of the implications of a Hatch-ed vs. Hatch-less workstation. In my angled viewpoint, different Windows logins wouldn't preserve workstation information even if Hatch was installed, yeah?
14:36 Keith-isl For Chromebooks I'm assuming it would be similar - each user is essentially logging into their own Chrome profile that would have a different set of workstation(s) saved.
14:37 jeff If you set up Hatch so that it stores settings in %ProgramData%, on a Windows workstation any users logging in to the staff client in a browser that has the Hatch browser plugin enabled should be presented with a list of workstations that all other users on that machine see. If they're creating a new workstation, it should default to the Windows name of the computer (because Hatch supplies this data).
14:37 jeff Whatever default workstation is set, will be used by default.
14:38 jeff Since a Chrome OS device will not have Hatch the Java application installed, all information on workstations will be stored in the browser local storage for each user.
14:38 jeff If you are logging in to a specific Chrome OS device for the first time, you will have no workstations registered.
14:40 Keith-isl That's interesting - I didn't realize that Chrome could store workstations across different Windows logins.
14:40 jeff On subsequent logins, you'll have the workstations that you've configured under your Chrome OS account... unless the Chrome OS device is configured to NOT store/preserve local profile data, in which case you'll need to re-register a workstation each and every time you log in to Evergreen after logging into Chrome OS.
14:40 jeff Yes, that's one of the primary advantages of Hatch, other than the printing aspects.
14:41 jeff (at least, as I see it)
14:41 Keith-isl I always just assumed Hatch provided some level of protection against staff blowing away workstations by clearing the entire cache.
14:42 jeff but you may still have to go out of your way to make it work. I think the hatch.properties file TRIES to store settings in %ProgramData%\Hatch by default, but I know at one point the permissions on that file weren't correct, and the hardcoded default was to store in the user profile.
14:43 Keith-isl +++ I have learned much this day. Thank you!
14:44 jeff Also, something you'll run into in a mixed Chrome OS / Chrome on other operating systems environment: if your users have the Hatch browser plugin installed and enabled, trying to log in to Evergreen on Chrome OS (where Hatch the Java app is not installed) will likely fail / lead to partially-loaded staff interfaces with Hatch-related errors in the browser console.
14:44 jeff I think (but can't recall if we've tested) that the Hatch extension being installed/enabled is something that syncs by default when you're logged into Chrome with sync enabled.
14:45 Keith-isl Oh yeah, we've definitely run across that before with new Windows machines and users logging into Chrome accounts before installing the Hatch Windows app. ><
14:45 jeff The long term solution there is to have the Hatch browser extension fail more gracefully when Hatch the Java app isn't available.
14:49 Keith-isl Yeah, that would be ideal - the Hatch extension breaking things if it can't communicate with the Java app has been a source of many tickets.
16:18 * Dyrcona dislikes some of the choices made in BOOPAC. It's more difficult to customize than was TTOPAC.
16:19 jihpringle joined #evergreen
16:24 Dyrcona Adding 856 subfield 3 to the record summary is going to require major surgery, as an example.
16:56 Keith-isl Did we miss the opportunity to retroactively name the Template TOolkit OPAC "TTOOPAC?"
16:56 Keith-isl I feel like an opportunity was missed.
16:56 mmorgan :)
16:56 Keith-isl "I'm telling you, TTOOPAC is still alive out there."
17:02 mmorgan left #evergreen
18:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
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