Time |
Nick |
Message |
02:24 |
JBoyer joined #evergreen |
06:00 |
pinesol |
News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live> |
07:13 |
rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen |
07:49 |
collum joined #evergreen |
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rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen |
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rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen |
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rfrasur joined #evergreen |
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Dyrcona joined #evergreen |
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troy joined #evergreen |
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akilsdonk_ joined #evergreen |
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jweston joined #evergreen |
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jvwoolf joined #evergreen |
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mmorgan joined #evergreen |
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mantis joined #evergreen |
09:25 |
Dyrcona |
&#8212; I think that should be — or em dash. |
09:26 |
Dyrcona |
So, something's going on, but not sure where the bug actually is just yet. |
09:29 |
Dyrcona |
Bleh.. Comment spam on blogger. Almost makes me want to delete it. |
09:31 |
Dyrcona |
"It" being my old Evergreen blog, though I've been thinking of picking it up again. |
10:06 |
Keith-isl joined #evergreen |
10:15 |
Keith_isl joined #evergreen |
12:17 |
jihpringle joined #evergreen |
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collum joined #evergreen |
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collum joined #evergreen |
12:48 |
Dyrcona |
Stupid git trick of the day: Want to make the same change in a different file that you just made in another? Before adding or committing the change do: git diff | patch <other file> |
12:55 |
jeff |
now i want to see what happens when i do that, then git diff | patch third-file |
12:57 |
Dyrcona |
Hunk #1 succeeded at 67 (offset -20 lines). |
12:57 |
jeff |
(where at least the first two files are included in the output of the git diff command) |
12:58 |
Dyrcona |
jeff: That might break. :) |
12:58 |
Dyrcona |
Also, I had to rm <other file>.orig 'cause I forgot to say no backups to patch. |
12:59 |
Dyrcona |
Admittedly, it's of limited utility, but I have a use case where file b started as a copy of file a. I made an edit to file b that I wanted to put in file a, and I was feeling lazy and figured that git diff trick would work, so I tried it. |
13:01 |
* jeff |
nods |
13:02 |
Dyrcona |
Also, I'm tempted to put in another patch that I tested. I hesitate because it accesses a Perl object's internals, and it could break in a future release of the Perl package, though I doubt it. |
13:06 |
Dyrcona |
@praise Encapsulation |
13:06 |
* pinesol |
Encapsulation LOVES the RESISTANCE! |
13:31 |
dluch |
Reminder: DIG Meeting starts in 30 minutes! |
13:56 |
alynn26 joined #evergreen |
13:56 |
alynn_away joined #evergreen |
13:56 |
alynn_26 joined #evergreen |
14:00 |
dluch |
#startmeeting 2022-03-03 - Documentation Interest Group Meeting |
14:00 |
pinesol |
Meeting started Thu Mar 3 14:00:33 2022 US/Eastern. The chair is dluch. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. |
14:00 |
pinesol |
Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. |
14:00 |
pinesol |
The meeting name has been set to '2022_03_03___documentation_interest_group_meeting' |
14:00 |
dluch |
#topic Agenda |
14:00 |
dluch |
#info The agenda can be found here: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:dig_meetings:20220303-agenda |
14:00 |
dluch |
#info The agenda and minutes from the February meeting can be found here: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:dig_meetings:20220203-agenda |
14:00 |
dluch |
Welcome everyone! Today's meeting will be business, followed by collaboration and working on documentation, if there's time. |
14:01 |
dluch |
#topic Helpful Information: Documentation contributions and collaboration |
14:01 |
dluch |
#info You can find the Documentation Needs List at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:documentation_needs |
14:01 |
dluch |
#info DIG Roles can be found at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:digparticipants |
14:01 |
alynn_26 |
#info alynn_26 is Lynn Floyd |
14:01 |
dluch |
#topic Introductions |
14:01 |
dluch |
Please paste "#info <username> is <name>, <affiliation>" to identify who you are and what organization, if any, you represent. |
14:01 |
dluch |
#info dluch is Debbie Luchenbill, MOBIUS |
14:02 |
jihpringle |
#info jihpringle is Jennifer Pringle, BC Libraries Cooperative |
14:02 |
mantis |
#info mantis is Gina Monti, Bibliomation |
14:02 |
abneiman |
#info abneiman is Andrea Buntz Neiman, Equinox |
14:03 |
mantis |
alynn_26: nice to see ya! |
14:03 |
dluch |
Thank you all for coming! If you come in later, feel free to introduce yourself when you arrive. |
14:03 |
dluch |
#topic Old and Ongoing Business |
14:03 |
dluch |
#info Check-in - How's everyone doing? |
14:03 |
mantis |
Doing alright. I think most of the OPAC docs are done. One of my branches got merged. |
14:03 |
alynn_26 |
I'm looking for work, anyone got any?:) |
14:04 |
dluch |
mantis: Woot! |
14:04 |
alynn_26 |
mantis++ |
14:04 |
abneiman |
I saw my first daffodil today <3 |
14:04 |
dluch |
mantis++ |
14:04 |
dluch |
abneiman: So cool!! |
14:04 |
Dyrcona |
abneiman++ # We got snow this morning. |
14:05 |
abneiman |
Dyrcona: that's a bummer - we still may see snow, but it's getting less and less likely |
14:05 |
dluch |
It was 81 (27) yesterday but I haven't seen any flowers. And it's going to snow next week. |
14:06 |
jihpringle |
we got snow on Monday but the sun is now out and the snow is melting fast |
14:06 |
jihpringle |
I'm ready for spring :) |
14:06 |
dluch |
:-) |
14:06 |
alynn_26 |
It going to be a pretty weekend here, but then back to the 40'S for us in Indiana |
14:07 |
dluch |
#info Previous Action Items |
14:07 |
dluch |
How are these coming? |
14:07 |
dluch |
I'll take them in order... |
14:08 |
dluch |
How are these coming? |
14:08 |
dluch |
I'll take them in order... |
14:08 |
dluch |
1. dluch and jweston will look at the wiki's Documentation Needs List (linked at the beginning) to ensure that undocumented features listed are still relevant in the 3.8 context. |
14:08 |
dluch |
I'm sorry, y'all, I still haven't done anything with this. jweston? |
14:08 |
dluch |
Does this kind of fall into the reorg project? |
14:09 |
jihpringle |
I think the reorg project replaces this |
14:09 |
abneiman |
yeah, agreed |
14:09 |
dluch |
That was kinda what I was thinking, too. I'm going to remove this action |
14:09 |
jihpringle |
maybe what needs to be done is making sure any undocumented things are on the reorg spreadsheet |
14:09 |
dluch |
And also, probably, this one? |
14:09 |
jihpringle |
and retiring the wiki page |
14:09 |
dluch |
2. dluch and jweston (and whoever else wants to) will see what documentation is missing from the Documentation Needs List for newest releases. |
14:10 |
dluch |
jihpringle++ |
14:10 |
alynn_26 |
I would think that this is part of the reorg project also. |
14:10 |
jihpringle |
agreed |
14:10 |
dluch |
Cool. Getting rid of them! |
14:10 |
dluch |
3. alynn26 and Bmagic will investigate some possible options for adding pdf generating to our documentation site |
14:10 |
dluch |
Any news on this one? |
14:11 |
alynn_26 |
No. I have time now, I will investigate this further. |
14:11 |
dluch |
Great, thank you! |
14:11 |
alynn26 |
Also the next one. |
14:12 |
dluch |
#action alynn26 and Bmagic will investigate some possible options for adding pdf generating to our documentation site |
14:12 |
dluch |
#action alynn26 will look into Evergreen's Antora CSS to see why anything that is a heading 4 ==== or lower is not rendering properly formatted in Antora. Example: "Sort By Geographic Proximity" at https://docs.evergreen-ils.org/eg/docs/latest/opac/using_the_public_access_catalog.html#_viewing_a_record |
14:12 |
dluch |
alynn26++ |
14:12 |
dluch |
5. dluch will get the October recording processed and posted--unless she already did. |
14:12 |
abneiman |
alynn26++ |
14:12 |
dluch |
She did not. But will get to it this afternoon. Same for February. |
14:13 |
dluch |
#action dluch will get the October and February meeting recordings processed and posted |
14:13 |
dluch |
6. jweston will talk to jihpringle and mantis about the documentation and images review spreadsheets, create a Google doc for drafting a contribution guide, and send the link to the docs mailing list for everyone to help. |
14:14 |
dluch |
This was done, yes? |
14:14 |
jihpringle |
yes, I think so |
14:14 |
mantis |
yeah I don't think we need the image review spreadsheet anymore |
14:14 |
mantis |
since it's more or less consolidated with the master spreadsheet we have |
14:14 |
jihpringle |
we added it to the existing spreadsheet |
14:14 |
dluch |
Sweet |
14:14 |
abneiman |
one spreadsheet to rule them all |
14:15 |
dluch |
jihpringle++ mantis++ jweston++ |
14:15 |
dluch |
theonespreadsheet++ |
14:15 |
dluch |
dbs will see if it's possible to trigger a rebuild using something like a particular branch name, like docs-build or something hacky |
14:15 |
dluch |
7. |
14:15 |
dluch |
dbs had this done right after the January meeting and the answer is yes. "My #action is done, the answer is "yes" (no hacks needed, other than to wait for the mirror to happen): https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/ci_cd_for_external_repos/" |
14:16 |
Keith_isl joined #evergreen |
14:16 |
dluch |
dbs++ |
14:16 |
dluch |
Next... |
14:16 |
alynn26 |
dbs++ |
14:16 |
dluch |
#info February Zoom Meeting--Recap, Decisions, and Follow-up |
14:17 |
dluch |
Take a look at the link at the beginning for the February agenda and notes. We did have a few action items from that meeting. (and feel free to correct my notes if I missed anything!) |
14:17 |
dluch |
We talked about picking some completed documentation at the meeting today to send to General for review. jihpringle volunteered to blurb it and send it out. We can maybe table that until New Business, if everyone's okay with that? |
14:17 |
dluch |
jihpringle also was going to talk to rhamby about setting up a DIG playlist on our YouTube channel. |
14:17 |
jihpringle |
I completely forgot about the blurb |
14:18 |
mantis |
+1 new business |
14:18 |
dluch |
jihpringle: did you have time to get to that yet? |
14:18 |
dluch |
jihpringle: no worries! Are you still okay doing that? |
14:18 |
rhamby |
she did touch base with me about who/how it can be done and I replied but if she replied since I missed it |
14:19 |
jihpringle |
yes, I'm still good to do the blurb |
14:19 |
rhamby |
bascially I just need to know what videos in what order you want and what the play list is to be called |
14:19 |
dluch |
jihpringle++ |
14:19 |
jihpringle |
rhamby you did not miss a follow up, it's on my list :) |
14:19 |
jihpringle |
dluch: once the October video is available we should have everything for the playlist for now |
14:20 |
dluch |
#action jihpringle will blurb some completed documentation and send it out to General for review |
14:20 |
dluch |
Thanks, rhamby! |
14:20 |
dluch |
jihpringle++ |
14:21 |
dluch |
We also decided that DIG needed more docs committers, since abneiman is the only one left. More on that in New Business, too. |
14:21 |
dluch |
Anyone else who was there want to add anything? |
14:22 |
abneiman |
♫ one is the lonliest number ♫ |
14:22 |
dluch |
lol |
14:22 |
dluch |
#info Docs organization: Progress |
14:22 |
dluch |
How are things going? |
14:23 |
mantis |
uh |
14:23 |
mantis |
there was one comment about how the admin pages were organized in a somewhat weird way during the new dev meeting |
14:24 |
mantis |
After rummaging through, I start to understand why it's like this but I would be open to other opinions on it |
14:24 |
abneiman |
mantis: the admin pages themselves, or the docs about said? |
14:24 |
alynn26 |
I actually have a commit redoing them. out there |
14:24 |
alynn26 |
I think it is in github. |
14:24 |
dluch |
oh, great! |
14:25 |
dluch |
alynn26++ |
14:25 |
mantis |
alynn26++ thank you! |
14:25 |
dluch |
abneiman: the docs, I'm pretty sure |
14:25 |
mantis |
Docs yes |
14:26 |
dluch |
mantis++ |
14:26 |
abneiman |
I mean, in context that makes sense, but also I just hate that the admin pages are alphabetized instead of classified |
14:26 |
abneiman |
mantis++ alynn26++ |
14:26 |
mantis |
I agree with that |
14:26 |
* abneiman |
secretly hoped that alynn26's patch was to reorder the admin pages in the interface :) |
14:27 |
mantis |
in any case i'm glad the work on the docs are addressing this |
14:27 |
mantis |
that's a big help! |
14:27 |
dluch |
abneiman++ :-D |
14:27 |
dluch |
#info April Show & Tell |
14:27 |
dluch |
April's Meeting, on Zoom, will be a presentation from abneiman and mantis on GitLab stuff (or GitHub? I couldn't remember, lol) |
14:27 |
dluch |
abneiman and/or mantis: either of you want to say more? |
14:28 |
abneiman |
uh, I hope it's github |
14:28 |
abneiman |
because as little as I know about github I know less about gitlab :) |
14:28 |
dluch |
abneiman++ |
14:28 |
csharp_ |
abneiman: they are more similar than different, UI-wise |
14:29 |
dluch |
April's Meeting, on Zoom, will be a presentation from abneiman and mantis on GitHub stuff |
14:29 |
dluch |
:-) |
14:29 |
Dyrcona |
We should pick one and migrate. |
14:29 |
abneiman |
csharp_++ # let's keep my presentation to one semi-familiar interface at a time tho |
14:29 |
csharp_ |
abneiman++ |
14:29 |
abneiman |
Dyrcona: you're not wrong. That's been a conversation for a while. |
14:29 |
mantis |
github++ |
14:29 |
dluch |
Yep |
14:30 |
mantis |
I still need the credentials though so I can stumble my way through it |
14:30 |
dluch |
Well, I am excited about your presentation! |
14:30 |
mantis |
I mean smoothly venture over the high seas |
14:30 |
dluch |
mantis++ |
14:30 |
dluch |
Yes, will get to that asap |
14:30 |
abneiman |
mantis and I will stumble gracefully through the high seas |
14:30 |
abneiman |
or something |
14:31 |
dluch |
Excellent! |
14:31 |
dluch |
That's all I have for old or ongoing business to discuss. Anything I missed that someone would like to talk about? |
14:32 |
dluch |
#topic New Business |
14:32 |
dluch |
#info New documentation committers!! |
14:32 |
dluch |
Congratulations to mantis, Bmagic, and alynn26, who we chosen by consensus and agreed to become our newest docs committers!! |
14:32 |
dluch |
/me waves Kermit arms |
14:32 |
mantis |
lol |
14:33 |
jihpringle |
mantis++ Bmagic++ alynn26++ |
14:33 |
dluch |
lol, I did that wrong |
14:33 |
alynn26 |
Thanks. |
14:33 |
alynn26 |
Now to figure out how to do that. |
14:33 |
dluch |
I still need to get in touch with the core committers group to get them set up with permissions for this role. I'm sorry I haven't done that yet. (Any core committers here? :-) ) |
14:33 |
abneiman |
mantis++ Bmagic++ alynn26++ |
14:34 |
dluch |
mantis++ Bmagic++ alynn26++ |
14:34 |
mantis |
Bmagic++ alyn266++ |
14:34 |
alynn26 |
mantiss++ Bmagic++ |
14:34 |
dluch |
#action dluch will get in touch with the core committers group to get mantis, Bmagic, and alynn26 set up as documentation committers |
14:35 |
dluch |
#info Committing docs pushes--during meeting? |
14:35 |
csharp_ |
dluch: email gitadmin evergreen-ils.org |
14:35 |
dluch |
I admit that I wrote down very little that made sense in my notes about this... |
14:35 |
dluch |
csharp_++ |
14:36 |
mantis |
lol |
14:36 |
mantis |
I was going to ask for some clarification |
14:36 |
dluch |
One other thing we talked about in February was whether or not it would be helpful for abneiman to take time during the DIG meetings to do committs? Would that be helpful since you're already here, or would that be too much going on at once? abneiman, we talked about this before you came in February. New docs committers, if you have thoughts about the idea, feel free to comment, too. |
14:36 |
csharp_ |
if those three aren't already keyed they will need to provide SSH public keys to gitadmin |
14:36 |
csharp_ |
but I think they are already |
14:36 |
abneiman |
in general, calendaring things is a way to ensure they get done, yes |
14:36 |
mantis |
abneiman: I don't know how committing works with your procedure. Is there enough time during a meeting to make it happen? |
14:37 |
abneiman |
yes, if I'm prepared, LOL (I am not prepared today) |
14:37 |
abneiman |
the process I followed is from Jane & I think it's documented though |
14:37 |
mantis |
should we reply to announcement emails with branches ready to go prior to the meeting? |
14:37 |
dluch |
csharp, thanks! |
14:38 |
abneiman |
well, I thought we were going to try to pivot to github commits (I do git command line right now) so we can take advantage of the new build-testing plugin |
14:38 |
abneiman |
that's what I'm supposed to teach myself this month before I talk to y'all about it in April :) |
14:38 |
dluch |
Correct (I think) |
14:38 |
dluch |
:-) |
14:39 |
mantis |
I see |
14:39 |
alynn26 |
abneiman++ |
14:40 |
dluch |
abneiman++ |
14:40 |
abneiman |
anyway I"m rusty, I haven't actually pushed anything since 3.8 and / or the last set of point release notes |
14:40 |
* Dyrcona |
can add the docs committers right now. |
14:40 |
mantis |
Dyrcona++ |
14:40 |
abneiman |
Dyrcona++ |
14:41 |
Dyrcona |
alynn26: Do you use lfloyd in the Evergreen working repository? |
14:41 |
alynn26 |
yes, I do. |
14:41 |
Dyrcona |
Do you still have access to that ssh key or do you need to send a new one? |
14:41 |
alynn26 |
I still have access. |
14:41 |
dluch |
Dyrcona++ |
14:42 |
alynn26 |
Dyrcona++ |
14:42 |
Dyrcona |
So, I'm adding Bmagic (blake), mantis (gmonti), and alynn26 (lfloyd). Anyone else? |
14:42 |
dluch |
Dyrcona: That's it! |
14:43 |
dluch |
Thank you!! |
14:43 |
mantis |
my github account is gmontimantis if that hellps |
14:44 |
Dyrcona |
mantis: No. I have to use the "name" associated with your key on git.evergreen-ils.org. |
14:44 |
mantis |
cool thank you! |
14:45 |
Dyrcona |
I'm double-checking for typos before I make it official. |
14:46 |
Dyrcona |
OK. It's official. |
14:46 |
Bmagic |
Dyrcona++ |
14:46 |
dluch |
Dyrcona++ |
14:46 |
dluch |
Woohoo!! |
14:46 |
mantis |
Dyrcona++ |
14:46 |
jihpringle |
Dyrcona++ |
14:47 |
dluch |
#info Show and Tell Topic for June or just Conference? |
14:47 |
dluch |
Do we want to have a Zoom meeting in early June? If so, what do want to cover? Any volunteers? |
14:47 |
dluch |
:-) |
14:47 |
mantis |
I say just conference |
14:48 |
dluch |
We will have a DIG meeting during the Hackfest |
14:48 |
abneiman |
+1 to just conference |
14:48 |
dluch |
Excellent. I was hoping you'd say that! lol |
14:49 |
dluch |
Speaking of... |
14:49 |
dluch |
#info Conference |
14:49 |
jihpringle |
also +1 to just conference, but we may want to talk in May about any DIG recruiting we want to do in conjunction with the conference |
14:49 |
dluch |
jihpringle: good idea! |
14:49 |
mantis |
jihpringle++ |
14:49 |
dluch |
jihpringle++ |
14:49 |
dluch |
The Evergreen International Online Conference will be June 13-16. Call for proposals has gone out. Anyone submitting a docs-related thing? Or have an idea for one? |
14:49 |
abneiman |
good call jihpringle |
14:50 |
dluch |
I can do the lightning talk again this year |
14:50 |
mantis |
One of my goals for the conference or Hackfest is to try to talk to devs in helping out with a few of the docs |
14:50 |
alynn26 |
dluch++ |
14:51 |
alynn26 |
mantis++ |
14:51 |
dluch |
mantis++ |
14:51 |
mantis |
I don't know where that would fit in there but that's my thought |
14:51 |
dluch |
Probably Hackfest? |
14:51 |
mantis |
+1 hackfest |
14:51 |
alynn26 |
I can do by basic of ASCIIDOC again, or do we want to do one about the DOc Reorg |
14:51 |
jihpringle |
would it be useful to do a session to talk about docs, the review, and what community members can do to help? |
14:51 |
alynn26 |
jihpringle, that was my thoughts |
14:51 |
dluch |
Yes, to both of those |
14:52 |
mantis |
+1 Asciidoc and also the doc reorg |
14:52 |
mantis |
can jihpringle do her cool presentation on GitHub desktop? |
14:52 |
mantis |
I can't stress enough that it made it so much easier for me to submit after seeing that |
14:52 |
jihpringle |
definitely willing to if it would be helpful :) |
14:52 |
mantis |
jihpringle++ |
14:52 |
alynn26 |
+1 |
14:52 |
dluch |
+1 |
14:53 |
dluch |
alynn26++ jihpringle++ |
14:53 |
dluch |
DIG rules the world! Er...conference! ;-) |
14:54 |
jihpringle |
I could frame it as an easy to submit docs session, and start with how people can contribute without needing to touch git and then finish with the demo |
14:54 |
jihpringle |
for those who are adventurous |
14:54 |
dluch |
+1 that sounds like a great plan |
14:54 |
jihpringle |
try to draw more people in without having them feel like they don't have the technical skills to help |
14:54 |
* alynn26 |
lol |
14:55 |
alynn26 |
I will get my presentation submitted. |
14:55 |
jihpringle |
I'll write up a proposal :) |
14:55 |
dluch |
Thanks! |
14:56 |
dluch |
#info Documentation to send for review |
14:56 |
dluch |
We're getting close to time, so if we need to table this, it's okay. But... |
14:56 |
dluch |
What completed documentation is a good candidate for this new procedure we're going to try out? |
14:56 |
dluch |
IIRC, it was going to be completed docs that didn't already have a pull request. Is that right? |
14:57 |
mantis |
Does it need to be an entire page? |
14:57 |
mantis |
Oh is this for the new commit procedure with Git Hub? |
14:59 |
abneiman |
so with a whole new page, you need to also show a new menu entry. With an edited page you don't. And I'd recommend using something with screenshots so that can be covered as well. |
14:59 |
alynn26 |
How about this one. I do have a pull request for it. https://github.com/evergreen-library-system/Evergreen/pull/142/files |
14:59 |
abneiman |
show new menu entry = show how to add a menu entry |
15:00 |
dluch |
mantis: for the idea of sending out completed documentation quarterly to General to ask people to review (?) |
15:00 |
mantis |
Oh I see |
15:00 |
abneiman |
oh I also misunderstood, lol |
15:00 |
abneiman |
yes, +1 to sending completed docs for review |
15:00 |
abneiman |
if they're in adoc even better |
15:01 |
abneiman |
but they don't need to be |
15:01 |
dluch |
I have to admit I'm fuzzy on my recollection of what the discussion around this was |
15:01 |
dluch |
Okay, cool |
15:01 |
mantis |
+1 |
15:01 |
jihpringle |
I think I need to watch the video from February :) |
15:01 |
mantis |
I also did a lot of changes to the OPAC version that could work |
15:01 |
abneiman |
hahaha same jihpringle |
15:01 |
mantis |
If you want something more recent |
15:01 |
alynn26 |
+1 on that |
15:02 |
jihpringle |
I know I was part of the conversation but I'm also fuzzy about it |
15:02 |
dluch |
Me, too, lol. Let's just wait on this one. We can talk about it on the discussion list, maybe? |
15:02 |
abneiman |
+1 |
15:02 |
mantis |
+1 discussion list |
15:02 |
jihpringle |
+1 |
15:02 |
alynn26 |
+1 |
15:02 |
dluch |
Alright, then... |
15:02 |
dluch |
#info Our next meeting will be on April 7, on Zoom. I'll post the link on the agenda about a week prior to the meeting. |
15:03 |
dluch |
Unless anyone has pressing new business, I'll close us out |
15:04 |
dluch |
Thanks for being here, everyone! |
15:04 |
dluch |
#endmeeting |
15:04 |
pinesol |
Meeting ended Thu Mar 3 15:04:04 2022 US/Eastern. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) |
15:04 |
pinesol |
Minutes: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2022/evergreen.2022-03-03-14.00.html |
15:04 |
pinesol |
Minutes (text): http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2022/evergreen.2022-03-03-14.00.txt |
15:04 |
pinesol |
Log: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2022/evergreen.2022-03-03-14.00.log.html |
15:04 |
Bmagic |
dluch++ |
15:04 |
alynn26 |
dluch++ |
15:04 |
jihpringle |
dluch++ |
15:04 |
abneiman |
dluch++ |
15:04 |
mantis |
dluch++ |
15:50 |
alynn26 joined #evergreen |
15:58 |
Dyrcona |
Anyone know off the top their head what happens if you check in a claims returned item? |
16:11 |
jihpringle |
I think it depends on your library settings |
16:12 |
Dyrcona |
<John_Cleese>Naturellement.</John_Cleese> |
16:12 |
* Dyrcona |
thinks he'll just try it on a test database next week and see what happens. :) |
16:13 |
Dyrcona |
jihpringle++ |
16:15 |
Dyrcona |
I'm likely to be asked to checkin and delete a bunch of old clams returned items. |
16:15 |
jihpringle |
Dyrcona: the item gets checked in (with an item alert to tell you it was claimed returned) and goes to reshelving and then bills may be voided depending on your library settings (at least that's what happens on our test server) |
16:15 |
Dyrcona |
Maybe I should share this program. I have one that will checkin and delete copies from a spreadsheet. |
16:16 |
Dyrcona |
jihpringle: Thanks for looking. |
16:16 |
Dyrcona |
I suspect it might do the same here. |
16:16 |
jihpringle |
np :) |
16:17 |
Dyrcona |
My program does all overrides, noop, and void_overdues. |
16:19 |
Dyrcona |
My suspicion is it will work on claims returned just as well as it works on lost, long overdue, and missing. |
16:24 |
Dyrcona |
Well, it's about that time. I'll catch everyone again tomorrow! |
17:05 |
mmorgan left #evergreen |
18:00 |
pinesol |
News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live> |
19:47 |
jvwoolf joined #evergreen |
20:01 |
jvwoolf left #evergreen |
20:28 |
Guest30 joined #evergreen |
20:28 |
Guest30 |
21:55 |
JBoyer joined #evergreen |
23:03 |
pinesol |
News from commits: Revising 'Using the Public Access Catalog' page <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=baf0bf696aca4999a48e4e1dbf06bfc8aa37eff7> |