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IRC log for #evergreen, 2021-07-08

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
06:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
07:11 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
07:30 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
07:42 mantis joined #evergreen
08:15 rfrasur joined #evergreen
08:23 collum joined #evergreen
08:30 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:42 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:15 rfrasur joined #evergreen
10:02 jihpringle joined #evergreen
11:29 Dyrcona JBoyer: While running my modified Clark in testing, I did get a logged error message from the main process that it failed to connect to the db server. Crazy thing is it says 'no route to host' as if the network went down.
11:29 Dyrcona Lp 1933984
11:30 pinesol Launchpad bug 1933984 in OpenSRF "Reporter Logging Improvements" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1933984
11:30 Dyrcona Services on the test VM are all still connected.
11:35 Dyrcona Our Internet was up and down at the time, but I'm not sure how that would affect the LAN. Anyway, messages are going to syslog as I intended.
12:10 JBoyer Dyrcona, that's interesting. And it kept working? (maybe failed a dns lookup or something)
12:55 Dyrcona No, it crashed.
12:55 Dyrcona I was connecting via IP address, but it could be trying to do a dns lookup behind the scenes.
12:59 Dyrcona Jul  8 10:03:52 jasontest Clark Kent, waiting for trouble: [ERR :23018:clark-kent.pl:34:] Reporter died with error: DBI connect('dbname=jasontest;host=10.250.6​0.60;port=5432;application_name='Clark Kent (state)'','evergreen',...) failed: could not connect to server: No route to host#012#011Is the server running on host "" and accepting#012#011TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
13:01 Dyrcona Yes, it was running and accepting connections. I wager that I'll get similar messages next time it crashes in production.
13:14 Dyrcona Anyway, JBoyer++
13:16 JBoyer Dyrcona++
13:18 JBoyer Agreed about getting that same message on crashing, or something very similar. I don't suppose it's possible anything was changing re: MAC addresses on a bridged port?
13:18 JBoyer (That sort of thing shouldn't matter, but it can cause a brief hiccup or delay sometimes)
13:20 Dyrcona AFAIK, there was nothing going on but our Internet may have been down. Maybe someone booted a switch or something?
13:22 Dyrcona At least I'm getting log messages when it crashes. :)
13:30 dluch Notice: 30 minutes until the DIG meeting
14:00 dluch #startmeeting 2021-07-08 - Documentation Interest Group Meeting
14:00 pinesol Meeting started Thu Jul  8 14:00:11 2021 US/Eastern.  The chair is dluch. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:00 pinesol Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
14:00 pinesol The meeting name has been set to '2021_07_08___documentatio​n_interest_group_meeting'
14:00 dluch #topic Agenda
14:00 dluch #info The agenda can be found here:  https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=​evergreen-docs:dig_meetings:20210708-agenda
14:00 dluch Welcome everyone!  Today's meeting will be business, followed by collaboration and working on documentation, if there's time.
14:01 dluch #topic Introductions
14:01 alynn26 #info alynn26 is Lynn Floyd, Evergreen Indiana
14:01 dluch Please paste "#info <username> is <name>, <affiliation>" to identify who you are and what organization, if any, you represent.
14:01 dluch #info dluch is Debbie Luchenbill, MOBIUS
14:01 abneiman #info abneiman is Andrea Buntz Neiman, Equinox
14:02 mantis #info gmonti is Gina Monti, Bibliomation
14:02 dluch jihpringle let me know that she wasn't going to be able to make it today
14:03 dluch Thank you all for coming! If you come in later, feel free to introduce yourself when you arrive.
14:03 dluch #topic Helpful Information: Documentation contributions and collaboration
14:03 dluch #info You can find the Documentation Needs List at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php​?id=evergreen-docs:documentation_needs
14:03 dluch #info DIG Roles can be found at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.p​hp?id=evergreen-docs:digparticipants
14:03 dluch #topic Old and Ongoing Business
14:03 dluch #info Check-in - How's everyone doing?
14:04 mantis Pretty good! I started contributing to the small projects finally
14:04 abneiman I'm OK, but my cats are mad that we're under Kitty Tropical Storm Protocol, which means everyone is inside and this is a Grave Injustice.
14:04 abneiman mantis++
14:04 dluch mantis++
14:04 alynn26 Good. back in office full time
14:05 dluch abneiman: Oh, my! Grave Injustice, indeed. lol
14:05 mantis alynn26++ for giving me great advice on using the GitHub
14:06 alynn26 mantis, anytime.
14:06 dluch mantis: I realized that you had emailed me a very long time ago and I was in the middle of a big project and completely forgot to get back to you. I'm sorry!
14:06 mantis dluch not a problem!
14:06 alynn26 mantis++ for making contributions.
14:07 dluch I'm back in the office 2 days a week now, usually. Still weird.
14:09 dluch #info Previous Action Items
14:09 dluch How are these coming?
14:09 dluch I'll take them in order...
14:09 dluch 1. sandbergja will make a video for proof of concept in the Quick Starts section
14:09 dluch sandbergja isn't here, I don't think, so I'll keep carrying that over
14:09 dluch #action sandbergja will make a video for proof of concept in the Quick Starts section
14:10 alynn26 there are some videos that were added to the youtube channel
14:10 dluch 2. https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=ev​ergreen-docs:how-to-contribute-documentation has fixme tags that need to be addressed
14:10 dluch There were two left, as of Tuesday.
14:11 dluch I meant to ask Bmagic to update the one about build instructions for Antora, but forgot.
14:11 dluch Anyone else interested in taking those on? (If not, I'll voluntell Bmagic to do them.)
14:12 dluch alynn26 none of the added videos were about that Quick Starts section thing, though, were they?
14:12 alynn26 I would have to go look.
14:12 dluch But ++++ for all the video contributors!
14:13 dluch 3. dluch and jweston will look at the wiki's Documentation Needs List (linked at the beginning) to ensure that undocumented features listed are still relevant in the 3.6 context. Also, go through 3.6 and see what other documentation is missing from it. And also 3.7.
14:13 dluch I have still done nothing with the document jweston created or met with her. I'm sorry! Will add this to my priority list for this month.
14:13 dluch #action dluch and jweston will look at the wiki's Documentation Needs List (linked at the beginning) to ensure that undocumented features listed are still relevant in the 3.6 context. Also, go through 3.6 and see what other documentation is missing from it. And also 3.7.
14:13 dluch 4. dluch will sign up for a lightning round slot to do a DIG plug.
14:14 dluch I did this! Thanks to alynn26 for sending me the slides she'd used before so I had a starting place!
14:14 dluch alynn26++
14:14 dluch #info Online Conference--Docs Recap
14:15 dluch The Evergreen International Online Conference was May 24-27, with the Hackfest on the 28th.
14:15 dluch You can find links to the session recordings and slides on the conference website, at https://evergreen-ils.org/conference/2021-​evergreen-international-online-conference/​2021-schedule/2021-program-descriptions/
14:15 alynn26 I just looked at Youtube.  There are several quick start videos loaded.
14:15 dluch Thanks to sandbergja, alynn26, and Bmagic for doing doc-related sessions! We also had a great hackfest, with several new people dropping in and working on documentation. Yay!
14:15 alynn26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E6qIzVCDe0
14:15 dluch Anything else folks want to talk about related to the conference?
14:15 dluch Thanks, alynn26!
14:17 dluch That's all I have for old or ongoing business to discuss. Anything I missed that someone would like to talk about?
14:17 dluch Okay, moving on...
14:17 dluch #topic New Business
14:17 dluch #info Docs PDFs
14:18 dluch This was a topic we didn't get to at the May meeting. There's been a question about where our pdfs are for the newer docs.
14:18 dluch At our August 2020 meeting, that topic came up, and Bmagic noted that having a pdf option native in Antora was on the roadmap: https://docs.antora.org/an​tora/2.1/project/roadmap/
14:18 dluch However, it doesn't seem like much has been done since then: https://gitlab.com/antora/antora/-/issues/349.
14:18 dluch Does anyone have other information or ideas related to the pdfs? Is it something we maybe want to have Evergreeners tackle for the Antora community?
14:19 dluch Or, we can discuss at a future meeting
14:20 abneiman I know there's been some community request for PFDing, but does anyone have a sense of the needed lift to make this happen for Antora?
14:20 abneiman I mean, I think it would be a great thing if someone among us could contribute this to Antora, but I have no sense of the needed scope
14:21 dluch I don't. Bmagic might, but appears to be at lunch, presently
14:21 dluch Okay, let's hold off on this discussion, then, for now
14:21 alynn26 abneiman, there is some information in the issue information.
14:22 * abneiman did not read the entire issue thread
14:22 alynn26 I scanned most of it.
14:23 dluch It's been almost 2 months now, since I looked at it, so remember basically nothing.
14:23 abneiman so what's your sense, alynn26? feasible for an Evergreener?
14:25 dluch I'm going to go ahead and add for next time
14:25 dluch #action DIG will investigate Antora's pdf roadmap and its feasability for Evergreeners to do, and/or other ideas about pdfs
14:25 alynn26 I will do some additional research. to see.
14:25 alynn26 In another meeting also.
14:26 dluch alynn26++
14:26 dluch #info Show and Tell Topic for October
14:26 dluch At the October Zoom meeting, we'll be having a demonstration on how to contribute documentation you've already created for something else (aka, your home library/consortium/district), from jihpringle and alynn26.  Do you all have anything you want to add? :-)
14:27 dluch Oops, lol, jihpringle isn't here. She said she is still willing to do it, though :-)
14:27 dluch I'm excited!
14:27 alynn26 We have not even talked about so, no comments currently.
14:27 alynn26 Thanks for the reminder.
14:27 dluch Okee-dokee
14:28 dluch #info Updating directory of IRC usernames: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/d​oku.php?id=community:irc_channel
14:28 dluch Gina?
14:28 dluch mantis
14:28 dluch (sorry)
14:28 mantis I was talking to someone off list and realized that this is pretty outdated
14:28 mantis Just wanted to bring that up; not sure what the best way to propose gathering info
14:29 dluch Cool. DIG does not maintain the wiki pages, though it does need updating. The Outreach Committee has been working on wiki page updates. abneiman, is that a page that has been looked at yet?
14:29 abneiman not AFAIK
14:29 abneiman but gosh is it outdated
14:29 mantis I could bring this up during Outreach if that's preferable
14:30 abneiman at the very least we might want to split the table between current/active and former users
14:30 alynn26 That works for me.
14:30 dluch And we can all help out and go make sure ours are correct, however. :-)
14:30 dluch abneiman, yeah good idea
14:30 alynn26 Mine is.  Yeah.
14:31 mantis Alrighty I'll bring this to the outreach meeting but thanks for taking time to look at it
14:31 abneiman I think otherwise, maybe reminding newer community members that that page is a(n optional) thing, if they want to add themselves?
14:31 dluch mantis++
14:31 dluch abneiman sounds reasonable
14:32 dluch (also, abneiman sounds reasonable. lol)
14:32 abneiman hahahaha
14:32 alynn26 ++
14:32 dluch Is there any other new business for the good of the order?
14:32 abneiman yes - apologies for not adding to the agenda
14:33 dluch abneiman: go ahead
14:33 abneiman (and this may pivot into collab time nicely, anyway)
14:33 abneiman but two things I've noticed - one is that the index page is not generating: https://docs.evergreen-ils.org/e​g/docs/latest/shared/index.html
14:33 abneiman (and hasn't for a while)
14:34 abneiman and two, is that anything that is a heading 4 ==== or lower is not rendering properly in Antora
14:34 abneiman (or rather, is not formatting in any special way)
14:34 alynn26 if I remember correctly there is an issue with the index generation with Antora.  I am trying to remember what it is.
14:35 alynn26 Can you give me an example for heading 4.
14:35 abneiman see for example on the 2nd issue, this page: https://docs.evergreen-ils.org/eg/d​ocs/latest/opac/using_the_public_ac​cess_catalog.html#_viewing_a_record and the subheading "Sort By Geographic Proximity" which doesn't have heading formatting or a link in the right-hand (or top-of-page) TOC
14:37 abneiman (not a great example becaues really, that page should probably be split into a couple pages, but it's the one I had handy)
14:37 dluch Hmm. Yes, I see
14:37 abneiman anyway, I don't know how to fix either, but I wanted to bring them to the attention of the group
14:38 dluch abneiman++
14:38 alynn26 for the right side, I think it is an antora setting that does that.  As for the actual display, I think it mostlikely is something not set up in the CSS.
14:38 dluch I can make another generic action item so we don't forget, if that seems useful
14:39 alynn26 I think an action item would be good. for both issues. Headings 4 and The index.
14:39 abneiman +1 to action item(s)
14:40 dluch #action DIG will investigate the index page not generating: https://docs.evergreen-ils.org/e​g/docs/latest/shared/index.html
14:41 dluch #action DIG will investigate why anything that is a heading 4 ==== or lower is not rendering properly formatted in Antora. Example: "Sort By Geographic Proximity" at https://docs.evergreen-ils.org/eg/d​ocs/latest/opac/using_the_public_ac​cess_catalog.html#_viewing_a_record
14:41 dluch Anything else?
14:43 dluch Alrighty, then...
14:43 dluch #topic Collaboration time
14:43 dluch What is everyone planning to work on today?  Please let us know here, and feel free to talk and work with each other.  If you'd like extra accountability, I can make an action item to show up in the minutes, but it's not necessary.
14:44 dluch I just discovered that I have gel soap under one of my fingernails, because I  stuck it in my mouth. I am going to go rinse it off real quick. *facepalm*
14:45 abneiman I found a couple more orphan pages that I'm going to give homes to.
14:45 dluch abnieman++
14:46 abneiman Oh, and last week I updated the LSE table to include jump-to links, because I was reading a lot in that table and the lack of said links were irritating me: https://docs.evergreen-ils.org/eg/docs/latest​/admin/librarysettings.html#settings_overview
14:46 alynn26 cool, that was a feature I was wanting to add to it.
14:46 abneiman I only backported it to 3.7 thought since the commit was foolishly bundled with some 3.7+ stuff /facepalm
14:46 dluch Oh, very nice!!
14:47 mantis I was eyeing this TLD one https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1837753
14:47 pinesol Launchpad bug 1837753 in Evergreen "Docs use acronym TLD without defining it" [Undecided,New]
14:47 dluch mantis++
14:47 mantis But I'm unsure what the goal is unless it's a very simple "This means this" addition
14:48 dluch Yep, I think that's it.
14:48 abneiman mantis: maybe change the first instance to read "top-level domain (TLD)", and also add it to the glossary?
14:49 dluch Lol. I was just about to say the same thing!
14:49 mantis there was a suggestion to add some explanation of this but I was just unsure what to say unless what is provided as one of the comments is appropriate
14:49 alynn26 I think I actually have done this, but it's not commited yet.
14:51 dluch I don't know about defining it on the page, since the references are in code blocks. But maybe in the glossary
14:52 mantis I'll work on it and if it's a duplicate edit, you can just delete my pull request
14:52 dluch ++
14:52 jeff I'd suggest that "Multiple TLDs for Branch 1" be changed to "Multiple hostnames for Branch 1" and "Branches 2 and 3 don't have alternate TLDs" to "Branches 2 and 3 don't have alternate hostnames"
14:53 abneiman jeff
14:53 abneiman jeff++
14:53 dluch jeff++
14:53 dluch eliminates the problem completely, lol
14:53 alynn26 jeff++ , that actually makes more since.
14:54 alynn26 I cannot find it in my branches anyway.
14:55 mantis jeff++
14:55 mantis Does anyone know the file path for this page?
14:57 abneiman mantis: looking, sec
14:59 abneiman mantis: docs/modules/admin/pages/a​pache_rewrite_tricks.adoc
15:00 abneiman here's the Antora page: https://docs.evergreen-ils.org/eg/docs/​latest/admin/apache_rewrite_tricks.html
15:00 mantis thanks so much
15:00 dluch We are at time. But feel free to continue working and collaborating! :-)
15:00 dluch Our next meeting will be on August 5, on Zoom. I'll post the link on the agenda about a week prior to the meeting.
15:01 dluch Thanks for being here, everyone!
15:01 dluch #endmeeting
15:01 pinesol Meeting ended Thu Jul  8 15:01:13 2021 US/Eastern.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)
15:01 pinesol Minutes:        http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergr​een/2021/evergreen.2021-07-08-14.00.html
15:01 pinesol Minutes (text): http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergr​een/2021/evergreen.2021-07-08-14.00.txt
15:01 pinesol Log:            http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergree​n/2021/evergreen.2021-07-08-14.00.log.html
15:02 abneiman dluch++
15:04 alynn26 looking at the heading 4==== it looks like it is not defined in the CSS.  for the sidebar.
15:34 Bmagic dluch++
15:42 devted dluch++
15:53 alynn26 dluch++
16:34 jihpringle joined #evergreen
17:05 jeff I find myself wanting to create a new search format that ends up just being a combination of two other search formats. I suppose there isn't a "better" way to do that, and I shouldn't worry about needing to reingest the affected records to make it happen.
17:06 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:07 jeff example: we want to be able to search for items that are Type o, p, or r (this includes existing definitions for "Kit" and "Equipment, games, toys")
17:11 berick jeff: you mean like config.composite_attr_entry_definition ?
17:13 berick e.g. /eg2/en-US/staff/admin/server/confi​g/coded_value_map/composite_def/614
17:14 berick (in 3.7 anyway)
17:18 jeff yes.
17:20 jeff a config.coded_value_map of ctype search_format with a config.composite_attr_entry_definition of [{"_attr":"item_type","_val":"p"},{"_attr":"item_t​ype","_val":"r"},{"_attr":"item_type","_val":"o"}]
17:21 jeff I can create that and reingest the relevant records (anything with one of those item_types), and it was just the fact that it's an OR combination of two existing search_format types that made me question myself.
17:23 berick oh, like a recursive composite definition
17:23 jeff yeah, I'm pretty sure I can do a search that combines two search_format entries, but there's no UI that constructs such queries that I'm aware of.
17:27 jeff a reingest of these types is not too much trouble.
17:36 jihpringle joined #evergreen
18:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>

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