Time |
Nick |
Message |
05:05 |
dluch joined #evergreen |
05:58 |
sandbergja joined #evergreen |
07:17 |
rfrasur joined #evergreen |
07:41 |
rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen |
07:47 |
Dyrcona joined #evergreen |
08:21 |
mmorgan joined #evergreen |
08:43 |
mantis1 joined #evergreen |
08:55 |
Stompro joined #evergreen |
09:04 |
Dyrcona |
A song for our time, though it's over 20 years old: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVrsysLIUAM |
09:09 |
rfrasur |
Dyrcona++ |
09:09 |
Dyrcona |
rfrasur: Glad you like it. :) |
09:10 |
rfrasur |
I love the barking dog lots. And the song. |
09:12 |
Dyrcona |
:) |
09:13 |
Dyrcona |
For anyone who works in a library or even for libraries, which is most of us, I think this might be good to listen to: https://www.imls.gov/webinars/mitigating-covid-19-when-managing-paper-based-circulating-and-other-types-collections |
09:13 |
Dyrcona |
Call it personal development. |
09:17 |
rfrasur |
++ |
09:17 |
Dyrcona |
s/personal/professional/ duh! |
09:19 |
mmorgan |
Dyrcona++ |
09:19 |
alynn26 joined #evergreen |
09:20 |
alynn26 joined #evergreen |
09:44 |
sandbergja joined #evergreen |
10:10 |
Dyrcona |
Rescheduled medical appointments, again and again.... |
10:20 |
rfrasur |
And for awhile, I suspect |
10:26 |
Dyrcona |
Yeah... |
10:27 |
rfrasur |
I'm closing on a house today. Of all the asinine things in the world. |
10:28 |
* Dyrcona |
looks at the training server crash and suspects some update to set a bunch of dates to 4/1/2020 or thereabouts, because it looks like the daily triggers caused pgsql_tmp to fill up. |
10:28 |
Dyrcona |
That's great! rfrasur++ |
10:28 |
Dyrcona |
Meanwhile, I can't my eyes checked for new glasses or my teeth cleaned. :) |
10:29 |
csharp |
rfrasur: congrats! I've been thinking about all the people trying to buy/sell houses right now and it has to be scary and weird |
10:29 |
rfrasur |
I think it could be? I dunno. In different times, I'd probably be more excited. In times as they are, I'm just glad to get it over with. Am buying with middlin' son who is in Seattle, who will be going to a UPS store to deal with PoA stuff later today, too. It's a crazy thing. |
10:30 |
alynn26 |
Dyrcona, Break your glasses and they will. My husband broke his, and we got him a new pair. |
10:30 |
rfrasur |
csharp, this whole process has been crazy and weird. Add in the VA/NFCU, etc. etc. |
10:30 |
rfrasur |
alynn26++ # yep, just karmaed ya up for suggesting broken glasses. |
10:31 |
Dyrcona |
Buying and selling real estate is weird. |
10:31 |
rfrasur |
(and used the word "karmaed"; the world is ending...not really) |
10:31 |
Dyrcona |
The world is always ending...gradually, then suddenly. |
10:32 |
rfrasur |
Dyrcona, I've done it before. It was nothing like this crazy insanity of a ride. |
10:32 |
rfrasur |
Dyrcona++ (and beginning) |
10:32 |
Dyrcona |
Well, to quote a Danish songwriter: "Every ending is a new beginning." |
10:32 |
Dyrcona |
Tina Dico, for those who are interested. |
10:33 |
Dyrcona |
Yay! Now ,I get to wade through a 7.7GB log file! |
10:34 |
alynn26 |
Dyrcona, you can do it. |
10:34 |
csharp |
Dyrcona: oof |
10:34 |
Dyrcona |
alynn26++ # For encouragement and the suggestion of breaking my glasses. |
10:34 |
csharp |
or better yet, break an older pair :-P |
10:35 |
alynn26 |
csharp, better idea, they want know the difference. |
10:35 |
Dyrcona |
Seems like a lot was going on the night of April 1st. |
10:36 |
Dyrcona |
I've had the same glasses since '98 or so. |
10:36 |
Dyrcona |
I don't have an older pair, but do I have a spare pair....In my car, I think. |
10:36 |
alynn26 |
You really need a new pair |
10:36 |
Dyrcona |
I do. |
10:37 |
Dyrcona |
I have for a couple of years. My prescription changed recently, but only slightly, so I didn't bother. |
10:37 |
rfrasur |
lol, Dyrcona - can we all right letters of recommendation to your optometrist? |
10:38 |
Dyrcona |
Thanks, but what's another month, and then another, after 20 years? |
10:38 |
* rfrasur |
, meanwhile, had to look around for her glasses that have become more and more invaluable. |
10:38 |
berick |
the baller move is to walk in and break them in front of the eye dr. |
10:39 |
Dyrcona |
berick++ |
10:40 |
Dyrcona |
So, thinking about the age of the data on the training server, I suspect it was one of the mark lost/overdue triggers that blew up on Wednesday "morning." |
10:41 |
csharp |
berick++ |
10:42 |
rfrasur |
berick++ |
10:42 |
mantis1 joined #evergreen |
10:43 |
Dyrcona |
Yeahp... 33,116 items that were due on 3/3/20. |
10:44 |
alynn26 |
That would do that. |
10:44 |
Dyrcona |
And, 15,691 due on the 17th. |
10:47 |
Dyrcona |
Think I'll stop running action triggers for a while on training. |
10:47 |
Dyrcona |
So, either mark lost or some combination of mark lost and some of our overdue triggers. |
10:50 |
JBoyer |
berick++ |
11:22 |
Dyrcona |
Well, now, I'm stumped because it turns out that the overdue and mark lost triggers don't appear to have been set up to run on the training server.... |
11:26 |
abowling joined #evergreen |
11:27 |
abowling left #evergreen |
11:29 |
Dyrcona |
Didn't look there would be that many items to autorenew. That one did run. |
11:30 |
abowling joined #evergreen |
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jonadab joined #evergreen |
11:31 |
abowling left #evergreen |
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abowling joined #evergreen |
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mrisher joined #evergreen |
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collum joined #evergreen |
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khuckins joined #evergreen |
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jihpringle joined #evergreen |
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dbwells_ joined #evergreen |
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collum_ joined #evergreen |
13:40 |
dluch |
Notice -- 20 minutes until the DIG meeting |
13:56 |
collum joined #evergreen |
13:56 |
dluch |
4 minutes to DIG! |
14:00 |
dluch |
#startmeeting 2020-04-02 - Documentation Interest Group Meeting |
14:00 |
pinesol |
Meeting started Thu Apr 2 14:00:10 2020 US/Eastern. The chair is dluch. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. |
14:00 |
pinesol |
Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. |
14:00 |
Topic for #evergreen is now (Meeting topic: 2020-04-02 - Documentation Interest Group Meeting) |
14:00 |
pinesol |
The meeting name has been set to '2020_04_02___documentation_interest_group_meeting' |
14:00 |
dluch |
#topic Agenda |
14:00 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Agenda (Meeting topic: 2020-04-02 - Documentation Interest Group Meeting) |
14:00 |
dluch |
#info The agenda can be found here: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:dig_meetings:20200402-agenda |
14:01 |
dluch |
Welcome everyone! Today's meeting will be some discussion and updates but hopefully we'll still have lots of time for collaboration and working on documentation. |
14:01 |
dluch |
#topic Introductions |
14:01 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Introductions (Meeting topic: 2020-04-02 - Documentation Interest Group Meeting) |
14:01 |
dluch |
Please paste "#info <username> is <name>, <affiliation>" to identify who you are and what organization, if any, you represent. |
14:01 |
alynn26 |
#info alynn26 is Lynn Floyd, Evergreen Indiana |
14:01 |
dluch |
#info dluch is Debbie Luchenbill, MOBIUS |
14:02 |
jihpringle |
#info jihpringle is Jennifer Pringle, BC Libraries Cooperative (Sitka) |
14:02 |
abneiman |
#info abneiman is Andrea Buntz Neiman, Equinox |
14:02 |
jonadab joined #evergreen |
14:02 |
adurrence joined #evergreen |
14:03 |
dluch |
If you're just joining us for the DIG meeting, Please paste "#info <username> is <name>, <affiliation>" to identify who you are and what organization, if any, you represent. |
14:04 |
Bmagic |
#info Bmagic is Blake GH, MOBIUS |
14:05 |
dluch |
Thank you all for coming! If you join in later, feel free to introduce yourself when you arrive. |
14:05 |
adurrence |
#info adurrence is April Durrence, NC Cardinal |
14:05 |
dluch |
#topic Helpful Information: Documentation contributions and collaboration |
14:05 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Helpful Information: Documentation contributions and collaboration (Meeting topic: 2020-04-02 - Documentation Interest Group Meeting) |
14:05 |
dluch |
#info You can find the Documentation Needs List at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:documentation_needs |
14:06 |
dluch |
#info DIG Roles can be found at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:digparticipants |
14:06 |
dluch |
We are going to do some quick business items, but let's try to get through them fairly quickly... |
14:06 |
dluch |
(Also, dang, this is a lot harder with only one screen, lol!) |
14:06 |
dluch |
#topic Business |
14:06 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Business (Meeting topic: 2020-04-02 - Documentation Interest Group Meeting) |
14:06 |
dluch |
#info Update on Documentation server move |
14:07 |
dluch |
gmcharlt: (or anyone) This is done, yes? |
14:08 |
dluch |
We had a meeting a couple weeks ago (?) right before everything went wonky, and several of us got logins |
14:08 |
alynn26 |
I was hoping to attend that meeting, but I had another one at the same time. |
14:09 |
dluch |
alynn26: \Yes, I remember now. gmcharlt was also going to get you access |
14:09 |
Bmagic |
Server is up and running. Bare bones right now |
14:09 |
dbwells joined #evergreen |
14:09 |
Bmagic |
eg-docs.georgialibraries.org/prod/ |
14:09 |
dluch |
Okay, thanks. |
14:10 |
alynn26 |
what can we do to help flesh it out. |
14:11 |
Bmagic |
The antora stuff is on there right now - I'm not sure about any other pieces that need to be hosted there (if any). I think there are some. Perhaps the SQL->HTML generator? |
14:11 |
alynn26 |
It looks really good. |
14:12 |
dluch |
Yes, it does! |
14:12 |
Bmagic |
All of the legacy documentation will need to be copied over. Keeping the links the same |
14:12 |
dluch |
Yeah, that's what I was remembering, too...we'll need to copy stuff over |
14:13 |
dluch |
I'm going to move on, and we can talk about it in more depth next meeting or after business, maybe, in collaboration time. |
14:13 |
dluch |
#info Quick update on Antora progress |
14:13 |
dluch |
remingtron and bmagic: Where are we with Antora nav progress? |
14:14 |
Bmagic |
I made some tweaks to it during the server setup. I think* it's all been addressed |
14:14 |
dluch |
Awesome! |
14:14 |
dluch |
bmagic++ |
14:14 |
alynn26 |
Bmagic++ |
14:14 |
alynn26 |
Remingtron++ |
14:15 |
dluch |
So, are you still wanting us to go in and look for more things to tweak? |
14:15 |
dluch |
remingtron++ |
14:15 |
Bmagic |
need click-through's and testing though |
14:15 |
alynn26 |
I did notice the index was not working. |
14:16 |
dluch |
Haha, okay, cool. We have that as an action item from last meeting...everyone go through and test things, so keep doing that! |
14:16 |
Bmagic |
I had a thought the other day> If we merge this branch into master, it will delete the current docs stuff (which is fine as long as all of the latest stuff has been forwarded to the antora branch as well) - I was trying to think of a way we could query our git repo to see if there are any non-merged branches that touch /docs/* files? |
14:16 |
abneiman |
Bmagic: very good thought |
14:16 |
abneiman |
(n.b. I have no idea how to do that, though) |
14:17 |
Bmagic |
probably some clever bash tricks for it. Haven't looked into it further than just thinking about it. |
14:17 |
dluch |
So, bmagic: you good doing some more exploring/thinking about it? |
14:18 |
Bmagic |
yes |
14:18 |
dluch |
Sweet |
14:18 |
dluch |
Want an action item for it? |
14:18 |
alynn26 |
Bmagic++ exploring++ |
14:18 |
Bmagic |
sure |
14:19 |
dluch |
#action bmagic will think about and explore how to query our git repo to see if there are any non-merged branches that touch /doc/* files |
14:19 |
dluch |
bmagic++ |
14:19 |
dluch |
#info Quick update on DIG Bug Squashing Week Activity |
14:20 |
dluch |
I know here it was totally insane during Bug Squashing Week, so I did nothing. I assume the same for you all. Did anyone get docs worked on at all? |
14:20 |
dluch |
With the 3.5 release getting pushed back a bit, we have a little more time, so that's good. |
14:20 |
alynn26 |
I had plans for Bug Squashing week, then the Governer sent us all home. |
14:21 |
alynn26 |
I've not even looked at them recently. To many other issues getting staff connected remotely. |
14:21 |
dluch |
Yep, me, too (well, not the governor, but our city and county sent us home, lol) |
14:21 |
abneiman |
I had good intentions for BSW (even told Bmagic I'd look at docs stuff) but then everything happened |
14:22 |
dluch |
Yep. I think we're all in the same boat. Let's not stress too much about it atm, but try working on docs as we can squeeze it in. |
14:22 |
Bmagic |
what happend? |
14:22 |
Bmagic |
(lol) |
14:22 |
dluch |
eyeroll |
14:22 |
abneiman |
ha! |
14:23 |
alynn26 |
Bmagic, have you seen the news? :) |
14:23 |
alynn26 |
lol |
14:23 |
dluch |
Okay, moving on, lol |
14:23 |
dluch |
#info Discussion: Ways to promote DIG info and Docs-related sessions without in-person Conference |
14:23 |
dluch |
We had several DIG- and docs-related sessions for the conference in Atlanta, which is now cancelled, of course. |
14:24 |
dluch |
As you hopefully saw earlier, Outreach Committee is working on organizing a virtual conference |
14:24 |
alynn26 |
I am planning on doing the AsciiDoc Session if there is an Virtual conference. |
14:24 |
alynn26 |
or when |
14:24 |
dluch |
alynn26++ |
14:24 |
adurrence |
virtual conference ++ |
14:24 |
dluch |
definitely |
14:24 |
abneiman |
let's say "when" :) |
14:24 |
* abneiman |
crosses fingers |
14:24 |
alynn26 |
Also, I can do the presentation anytime for anyone. |
14:25 |
dluch |
and abneiman++ for spearheading it! |
14:25 |
adurrence |
abneiman++ |
14:25 |
dluch |
I forgot to change up the agenda after we had the outreach meeting yesterday, so I guess really discussion should be on whether other folks are willing/able to do their presentation for virtual conference |
14:26 |
adurrence |
I think Benjamin and I will be glad to do ours - depending on timeframe and barring conflicts |
14:27 |
dluch |
Excellent! adurrence++ benjamin++ (I don't know what his nick is, lol) |
14:27 |
adurrence |
(me neither) |
14:27 |
adurrence |
lol |
14:28 |
abneiman |
all planned presenters should've received an email from me this morning, asking if they are willing to retool their presentation(s) for a virtual conference - so if you are a presenter please let me know if you want to partake (abneiman equinoxinitiative.org) |
14:28 |
Bmagic |
maybe BAMkubasa |
14:28 |
adurrence |
yep, we haven't had a chance to chat about it yet |
14:28 |
abneiman |
and if interest groups want virtual space to meet, that's cool too, but similarly let me know |
14:28 |
adurrence |
sound right |
14:28 |
dluch |
Thanks, abneiman! So, we don't need to hash it out here, jusst let abneiman know! |
14:29 |
dluch |
I was thinking that since IGs have dedicated meeting times already set up, we probably didn't need one...but there's something to be said for seeing each other... |
14:30 |
dluch |
(also, my s key is only working half the time, lol. Weird!) |
14:30 |
abneiman |
yeah, the groups that meet regularly probably don't need to do something special, but groups that only meet at the conference might want to get something together. |
14:30 |
dluch |
True |
14:31 |
dluch |
I'm going to move on to the next discussion thing, then we should still have good time for collaboration |
14:31 |
dluch |
#info May DIG meeting |
14:31 |
dluch |
The plan we decided on at the last meeting was to hold this April meeting, then have the in-person hackfest and DIG meeting at conference, and no May meeting. Since there's no conference, I think it would be fine to have the May meeting. But I'm also fine if everyone would like to not do so. Thoughts? |
14:32 |
alynn26 |
I say lets have the May meeting. Hopefully, we will have time to do some docuementation between now and then. |
14:32 |
abneiman |
+1 to May meeting |
14:33 |
dluch |
Great, thanks! May meeting it is! |
14:33 |
dluch |
#info We will catch up on other action items at business at the next meeting |
14:33 |
dluch |
#info Anything else pressing? |
14:34 |
dluch |
Hearing nothing, we will move on to |
14:34 |
dluch |
#topic Collaboration time |
14:34 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Collaboration time (Meeting topic: 2020-04-02 - Documentation Interest Group Meeting) |
14:35 |
dluch |
What is everyone planning to work on today? Please let us know here, and feel free to talk and work with each other. If you'd like extra accountability, I can make an action item to show up in the minutes, but it's not necessary. |
14:36 |
Bmagic |
The landing page on the antora docs still has a <title>untitled</title> |
14:36 |
Bmagic |
<title>Untitled :: Evergreen Documentation</title> |
14:39 |
dluch |
Like, should it just be Evergreen Documentation with the Untitled removed? |
14:41 |
dluch |
Also, everyone, in my haste hopping back and forth between my meeting outline and here, I forgot to just ask at the beginning...How is everyone doing right now? |
14:42 |
abneiman |
dluch: this tweet really summed it up... https://twitter.com/MeredithIreland/status/1245359302300360712 |
14:43 |
adurrence |
:) |
14:43 |
jihpringle |
yup :) |
14:44 |
dluch |
LOL, that's perfect |
14:44 |
Dyrcona |
abneiman++ |
14:45 |
alynn26 |
https://twitter.com/UnHelpDesk/status/1239915255054155776/photo/1 |
14:45 |
dluch |
alynn26++ |
14:45 |
dluch |
also perfect |
14:46 |
dluch |
(though I was the vpn person earlier this week, lol) |
14:46 |
abneiman |
Bmagic: question - (this may have been previously answered but I can't recall) - will past versions of docs be moved over to Antora? If not, there should be a) an easy to find link to past versions and b) an indication of what versions you're looking at in antora |
14:46 |
abneiman |
alynn26++ |
14:47 |
abneiman |
so maybe that should be in the title, if possible: "3.4 :: Evergreen Documentation" |
14:47 |
alynn26 |
The other issue is people crashing our Reporter, Wanting ridiculous reports. |
14:47 |
dluch |
Good point, abneiman! |
14:47 |
alynn26 |
I'm thinking title should be Evergreen Documentation :: 3.4. |
14:48 |
dluch |
alynn26: lol |
14:48 |
dluch |
Hmm. Yes, alynn26, that does seem more logical |
14:48 |
abneiman |
alynn26: so, since it shows in the browser tab, I was thinking that having the "narrower term" (so to speak) made sense first. But not a hill to die on. |
14:49 |
alynn26 |
I see your point their also. |
14:49 |
dluch |
Ohhh, I didn't think about that |
14:49 |
alynn26 |
Either way would work for me. |
14:51 |
dluch |
yep |
14:59 |
dluch |
We are just about at time. Thanks for all the great work, everyone! Feel free to keep going after the meeting! |
14:59 |
jgoodson joined #evergreen |
14:59 |
jweston joined #evergreen |
14:59 |
dluch |
The next meeting will be May 7. Same time, same place. Business meeting first then collaboration time (if there's time). |
14:59 |
phasefx_ joined #evergreen |
14:59 |
dluch |
Please continue using the email list and/or Launchpad for questions and other things that come up in between meetings. |
15:00 |
dluch |
Thanks for coming! |
15:00 |
dluch |
#endmeeting |
15:00 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Welcome to the #evergreen library system channel! | We are publicly logged: http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/evergreen | Large pastes at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org | Can't speak? Make sure your nickname is registered and that you are identified to freenode services: https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration |
15:00 |
pinesol |
Meeting ended Thu Apr 2 15:00:08 2020 US/Eastern. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) |
15:00 |
pinesol |
Minutes: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2020/evergreen.2020-04-02-14.00.html |
15:00 |
pinesol |
Minutes (text): http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2020/evergreen.2020-04-02-14.00.txt |
15:00 |
pinesol |
Log: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2020/evergreen.2020-04-02-14.00.log.html |
15:00 |
lbarry joined #evergreen |
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felicia joined #evergreen |
15:00 |
abneiman |
dluch++ |
15:00 |
alynn26 |
dluch++ |
15:00 |
adurrence |
dluch++ |
15:02 |
jihpringle |
dluch++ |
15:22 |
Bmagic |
abneiman: the last I heard - the plan was to NOT port older docs to antora - just moving forward with antora from {whenever we start} |
15:24 |
Bmagic |
The older docs will live in their current format with links to them on the new server |
15:30 |
mantis1 left #evergreen |
15:31 |
abneiman |
Bmagic: that was my recollection as well, thanks |
15:41 |
rfrasur joined #evergreen |
17:11 |
mmorgan left #evergreen |
17:16 |
dbwells joined #evergreen |
21:52 |
AFloyd__ joined #evergreen |
22:35 |
csharp |
oooh - raku is cool (previously known as Perl6) |
22:35 |
csharp |
https://raku.guide |
22:35 |
csharp |
weird blend of perl and python |