Time |
Nick |
Message |
02:12 |
sandbergja joined #evergreen |
06:58 |
agoben joined #evergreen |
07:07 |
rjackson_isl joined #evergreen |
07:12 |
bos20k joined #evergreen |
08:38 |
mmorgan joined #evergreen |
08:53 |
tlittle joined #evergreen |
09:11 |
aabbee joined #evergreen |
09:12 |
Dyrcona joined #evergreen |
09:14 |
Dyrcona |
So, at this early hour, we have 588 and 654 connections to memcached. |
09:16 |
jvwoolf joined #evergreen |
09:42 |
Dyrcona |
systemd-- # For the man page not making certain things explicit. |
09:44 |
Dyrcona |
Oh, hey! The service man page explains something that ought to be in the more general unit man page. |
09:45 |
Dyrcona |
I had mad the correct assumption, but it's nice to have it spelled out. |
09:45 |
Dyrcona |
s/mad/made/ |
10:08 |
collum joined #evergreen |
10:08 |
sandbergja joined #evergreen |
10:42 |
mmorgan |
I don't see any way to see last workstation activity. Am I missing it? |
10:43 |
mmorgan |
That is, the last time a staff user logged in at certain actor.workstation. |
10:47 |
mmorgan |
I'm sure we have a lot of entries in actor.workstations that haven't been accessed for years, and it's hard to keep track of workstation settings on the server side with all those defunct workstations, especially those with very similar names. |
10:48 |
Dyrcona |
mmorgan: You can't find that out unless you have all of your evergreen logs from forever. |
10:49 |
Dyrcona |
You can find out the workstations that have been used from grepping the logs. |
10:49 |
* mmorgan |
was hoping there was something in the db, rather than having to go to the logs for that. |
10:50 |
Dyrcona |
I'm pretty sure that we all have many workstations that are no longer used. |
10:50 |
mmorgan |
I do see the logins in the logs, by workstation name rather than id, which I didn't expect. |
10:50 |
Dyrcona |
Yeah, it's the workstation name that is sent by the client. |
10:50 |
mmorgan |
Oh, that makes sense. |
10:51 |
Dyrcona |
So, you could gather all those up, then possibly delete the ones that aren't on the list. |
10:51 |
* mmorgan |
had a question today about lost receipt templates, turned out the workstation had been reregistered under a slightly different name. |
10:51 |
Dyrcona |
However, I seem to recall there being some places in the database where workstation is recorded by id. |
10:52 |
mmorgan |
Yes, workstations are recorded in lots of places, circs for one, so it wouldn't be easy to delete them. |
10:53 |
Dyrcona |
You'd have to check the constraints to see what happens. |
10:54 |
berick |
if deleting gets too dirty, could also rename them to mark them as obviously out-of-use |
10:54 |
mmorgan |
It would be convenient, though when looking at the different workstation names that are only different because of case and spacing, to have some idea of when they were last used. |
10:57 |
berick |
mmorgan: bug it! a last login time field on the workstation would be useful |
10:58 |
* mmorgan |
will bug it! |
10:58 |
mmorgan |
Wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything! |
10:59 |
jeff |
...or a logins table, and avoid updating actor.workstation on each and every login. |
10:59 |
jeff |
but useful any way you spell it. |
11:00 |
mmorgan |
At the very least a create date would be useful. |
11:02 |
pinesol |
News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live> |
11:02 |
jeff |
all the metadata. |
11:02 |
jeff |
create date, creating user, etc. :-) |
11:04 |
zbanks joined #evergreen |
11:21 |
Dyrcona |
Sure is a lot of noise in the apache logs... "unitialized value" etc. |
11:22 |
Dyrcona |
Also, has anyone else noticed this after setting up the nginx proxy? |
11:22 |
Dyrcona |
2019-09-05 11:18:20 bh2 root: [Thu Sep 05 11:18:20.323202 2019] [ssl:info] [pid 27046] (32)Broken pipe: [client ::1:37724] AH02008: SSL library error 1 in handshake (server localhost:443) |
11:22 |
Dyrcona |
2019-09-05 11:18:20 bh2 root: [Thu Sep 05 11:18:20.323333 2019] [ssl:info] [pid 27046] SSL Library Error: error:140760FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:unknown protocol -- speaking not SSL to HTTPS port!? |
11:22 |
Dyrcona |
2 |
11:29 |
jeff |
sounds like internal dummy connections: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/HTTPD/InternalDummyConnection |
11:29 |
jeff |
see the bit I added a while back under "SSL Considerations" |
11:30 |
jeff |
"You can work around this by ensuring that the last Listen directive in your server configuration is not using SSL. In a typical setup, this would mean that "Listen 443" would come before "Listen 80". |
11:30 |
jeff |
" |
11:30 |
* jeff |
checks in on https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=39653 |
11:31 |
Dyrcona |
well, that's RESOLVED FIXED." |
11:32 |
Dyrcona |
I think the port should be 7443 in our case, so I'll see if there is somewhere to configure that after other things calm down. |
11:32 |
Dyrcona |
And, yes, we have SSL before non-SSL in our configuration. |
11:32 |
jeff |
do you have any non-SSL ports? |
11:33 |
Dyrcona |
Yes, 7080 per the README. |
11:33 |
jeff |
are you using websocketd? |
11:34 |
Dyrcona |
I was trying to find "unusual" activity in our apache logs, but there's too much noise, and to me this SSL warning is noise. |
11:34 |
Dyrcona |
Yes using websocketd. |
11:34 |
Dyrcona |
I've bigger problems that I'm dealing with this week, like memcached, etc. I just thought I'd ask if there was a quick fix that someone else had come across. |
11:36 |
jeff |
if it's not internal dummy connections, i'd try a packet capture to see what is being sent if anything from the client -- could be a clue as to if it's something like AC loopback requests, etc. |
11:38 |
Dyrcona |
Looks like dummy connection on IPV6.. ::1 |
11:48 |
jihpringle joined #evergreen |
11:49 |
stephengwills joined #evergreen |
12:41 |
collum joined #evergreen |
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collum_ joined #evergreen |
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collum__ joined #evergreen |
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collum joined #evergreen |
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collum_ joined #evergreen |
13:07 |
zbanks joined #evergreen |
13:12 |
rsoulliere joined #evergreen |
13:12 |
Dyrcona |
berick: PhantomJS is dead, i.e. archived, and the person who was going to take it over and modernize it, gave up. |
13:13 |
* Dyrcona |
considered doing so, since it uses Qt Webkit, but no time.... |
13:13 |
Dyrcona |
We should find an alternative for testing JS, like headless Chromium if that really is an option. |
13:13 |
berick |
Dyrcona: i agree |
13:14 |
Dyrcona |
Again, I'm short on time, so.... It's easy for me to say these things. :) |
13:19 |
khuckins joined #evergreen |
13:19 |
sandbergja |
In my (very limited) experimentation, headless Chrome needs some very specific settings in order to work in Docker |
13:19 |
sandbergja |
And I haven't quite figured out what those settings are |
13:20 |
sandbergja |
Not that it should dissuade us from moving to headless Chrome/Chromium |
13:20 |
sandbergja |
but just something to keep an eye on if/when we move in that direction |
13:21 |
sandbergja |
Because BMagic's docker containers are great! |
13:21 |
Bmagic |
why thank you |
13:21 |
sandbergja |
:-D |
13:21 |
Bmagic |
:) |
13:26 |
berick |
sandbergja: have you also tried heading chrome in a non-Docker situation? |
13:26 |
berick |
*headless |
13:28 |
sandbergja |
berick: nope, not yet |
13:28 |
berick |
k |
13:29 |
berick |
i'm guessing whatever issues you ran into on Docker would be the same for any server |
13:32 |
dluch |
30 minute notice! DIG Meeting starts in 30 minutes. |
13:55 |
dluch |
5 minutes to DIG! |
13:56 |
alynn26_away joined #evergreen |
14:00 |
dluch |
#startmeeting 2019-09-05 - Documentation Interest Group Meeting |
14:00 |
pinesol |
Meeting started Thu Sep 5 14:00:12 2019 US/Eastern. The chair is dluch. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. |
14:00 |
pinesol |
Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. |
14:00 |
Topic for #evergreen is now (Meeting topic: 2019-09-05 - Documentation Interest Group Meeting) |
14:00 |
pinesol |
The meeting name has been set to '2019_09_05___documentation_interest_group_meeting' |
14:00 |
dluch |
#info The agenda can be found here: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:dig_meetings:20190905-agenda |
14:00 |
dluch |
Welcome everyone! Today's meeting will be business, followed by collaboration and working on documentation. |
14:00 |
dluch |
#topic Introductions |
14:00 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Introductions (Meeting topic: 2019-09-05 - Documentation Interest Group Meeting) |
14:00 |
dluch |
Please paste "#info <username> is <name>, <affiliation>" to identify who you are and what organization, if any, you represent. |
14:00 |
dluch |
#info dluch is Debbie Luchenbill, MOBIUS |
14:01 |
sandbergja |
#info sandbergja is Jane Sandberg, Linn-Benton Community College |
14:01 |
rsoulliere |
#info rsoulliere is Robert Soulliere, Mohawk College |
14:01 |
jihpringle |
#info jihpringle is Jennifer Pringle, BC Libraries Cooperative (Sitka) |
14:01 |
alynn26 |
#info alynn26 is Lynn Floyd, Anderson County Library, SCLends |
14:03 |
dluch |
Thank you all for coming! If you come in later, feel free to introduce yourself when you arrive. |
14:03 |
dluch |
#topic Ongoing Information: Documentation contributions and collaboration |
14:03 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Ongoing Information: Documentation contributions and collaboration (Meeting topic: 2019-09-05 - Documentation Interest Group Meeting) |
14:03 |
dluch |
#info You can find the Documentation Needs List at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:documentation_needs |
14:03 |
dluch |
#info DIG Roles can be found at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:digparticipants |
14:03 |
dluch |
If anyone would like to fill a particular role, please feel free to volunteer! |
14:04 |
dluch |
#topic Old and Ongoing Business |
14:04 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Old and Ongoing Business (Meeting topic: 2019-09-05 - Documentation Interest Group Meeting) |
14:04 |
dluch |
#info Previous Action Items |
14:04 |
dluch |
How are we doing on these? I'll take them in order... |
14:04 |
dluch |
#1, adding ideas for simple topics in the Quick Starts section of the wiki (https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:documentation_needs, scroll past the Easy Tasks section). I see a few there |
14:05 |
dluch |
Any comments or discussion on this one? |
14:05 |
dluch |
And should we continue having it as an action item? |
14:08 |
dluch |
Well, hearing crickets, I will go ahead and leave it on |
14:08 |
dluch |
#action Everyone will continue adding ideas for simple topics to the Quick Starts section of the wiki |
14:08 |
dluch |
#2, sandbergja: video for proof of concept there? |
14:08 |
sandbergja |
I will have to defer that until next time |
14:09 |
dluch |
Okay, cool |
14:09 |
dluch |
#action sandbergja will create a video to go with the proof of concept for Quick Starts |
14:09 |
bwillis joined #evergreen |
14:09 |
remingtron |
#info remingtron is Remington Steed, Hekman Library (Calvin University) |
14:10 |
dluch |
#3, abneiman: Did CWG talk about MARC Edit, right-clicking, and accessibility? Or will that be a future meeting? |
14:10 |
dluch |
I don't think abneiman is here...sandbergja or anyone else on the CWG meeting, do you remember? |
14:10 |
dluch |
(I don't remember, lol) |
14:10 |
sandbergja |
There was a brief discussion |
14:11 |
dluch |
Should we keep it as an action item? |
14:11 |
sandbergja |
I think we can let it be on CWG's plate for now. :-) |
14:11 |
dluch |
Awesome |
14:11 |
dluch |
#4, I updated the style guide with our changes from the July meeting. |
14:11 |
sandbergja |
dluch++ |
14:12 |
dluch |
#5, abneiman and I worked with jweston and did the IRC and DIG intro session for CWG on July 30. Several new folks were at the August DIG meeting (and, hopefully, back today)! See the August minutes for links to the recording and notes. We also gave a brief recap at the August CWG meeting. |
14:12 |
dluch |
abneiman++, jweston++ |
14:12 |
dluch |
#6, August DIG meeting did focus on cataloging docs and welcoming CWG folks to DIG! |
14:13 |
dluch |
And we got some great additions! |
14:13 |
dluch |
#7, DIG will get a backup person(s) for future docs manual updates. |
14:13 |
jweston |
"#info jweston is Jennifer Weston, Equinox |
14:14 |
dluch |
This came up because rsoulliere was on sabbatical (welcome back, rsoulliere!) and we needed the 3.3 docs broken into manuals. |
14:14 |
jweston |
apologies for joining late - on another call |
14:14 |
dluch |
We decided it would be a good idea to have one or more people to help out, in cases like this. I'd imagine you would start by working with rsoulliere to find out how/what he does. |
14:14 |
dluch |
jweston: no worries! |
14:14 |
jweston |
CWG will take the action item for MARC Edit |
14:15 |
bwillis |
#info bwillis is Beth Willis, NOBLE |
14:15 |
dluch |
Excellent, thank you! |
14:15 |
dluch |
#action CWG will talk about MARC Edit, right-clicking, and accessibility |
14:15 |
sandbergja |
catalogers++ |
14:15 |
dluch |
Is anyone interested in taking on this role (re #7 above)? |
14:16 |
cmorgan joined #evergreen |
14:16 |
sandbergja |
I think an answer to action item #7 might become clearer after some discussion of New Business c |
14:17 |
dluch |
Okay. We'll table that until later, then. |
14:17 |
dluch |
#8, dbs did give the broken out manuals a shot during the August meeting...he put them at http://evergreen-ils.org/~denials/. Thanks again, dbs! |
14:17 |
dluch |
dbs++ |
14:17 |
rsoulliere |
I will have more info about the server situation. |
14:17 |
remingtron |
dbs++ |
14:17 |
dluch |
Then sandberja made a copy of the docs on a test page, http://docs-testing.evergreen-ils.org/. Thanks, sandberja! |
14:17 |
dluch |
sandbergja++ |
14:17 |
jweston |
dbs++ |
14:17 |
dluch |
Thanks, rsoulliere |
14:17 |
remingtron |
sandbergja++ |
14:17 |
jweston |
sandbergja++ |
14:18 |
dluch |
So, I had a question about if it is okay to move that to the official docs? But should that wait until later, too? |
14:19 |
sandbergja |
I think that goes with rsoulliere's conversation about servers |
14:19 |
dluch |
Cool. |
14:19 |
dluch |
Any other old or ongoing business to discuss? |
14:20 |
dluch |
Okay, moving on... |
14:20 |
dluch |
#topic New Business |
14:20 |
Topic for #evergreen is now New Business (Meeting topic: 2019-09-05 - Documentation Interest Group Meeting) |
14:20 |
dluch |
#info Adding 3.3 documentation nees to our wiki page (see link above) |
14:20 |
dluch |
We have some things needed from 3.2 but nothing added for 3.3, as far as I can tell. |
14:20 |
dluch |
Can we make an action item for everyone to add to it or would someone like to spearhead the process? |
14:21 |
remingtron |
I'm seeing some for 3.3 already on the needs list |
14:21 |
remingtron |
dluch: is anything specific missing that you're aware of? |
14:22 |
dluch |
In the Easy list? I don't see any in the main "undocumneted" section |
14:22 |
remingtron |
yeah, I see some under "Architecture", "Cataloging", ... |
14:22 |
dluch |
remingtron: No, honestly, I haven't looked at it at all, I just saw there weren't any [3.3] designated things. Maybe we don't need them |
14:23 |
dluch |
Ha! Yep, I see 'em now. |
14:23 |
remingtron |
there aren't any in the first few subsections (like "Administration"), but I think those were completed already |
14:23 |
sandbergja |
There are a few features where the release notes were just really good, so I just copy/pasted them into the official docs, rather than adding them to the docs needs |
14:24 |
sandbergja |
So there are probably a few features missing from the docs list because of that |
14:25 |
remingtron |
sandbergja: missing? or completed-before-they-could-be-added? :) |
14:25 |
sandbergja |
missing, but missing in a good way? :-) |
14:25 |
dluch |
:-) |
14:25 |
dluch |
Okay, great. So, we can just let that one be, then. |
14:25 |
dluch |
But, if anyone does see anything not documented, add it to the wiki or send it to the list! |
14:25 |
dluch |
#info New Docs committer: Andrea Buntz Neiman! |
14:26 |
dluch |
abneiman was added as a new docs committer in August! Congratulations, abneiman! |
14:26 |
dluch |
That means that she will be able to push documentation commits to master. |
14:26 |
jweston |
abneiman++ |
14:26 |
dluch |
abneiman++ |
14:26 |
sandbergja |
abneiman++ |
14:26 |
alynn26 |
abneiman++ |
14:26 |
dluch |
And thanks to sandbergja and the rest of the docs committers for taking this action! |
14:27 |
remingtron |
has she been given the powers, or do we need to request that still? |
14:27 |
sandbergja |
I think we need to request it still |
14:27 |
sandbergja |
remingtron: do you know the process for that? |
14:28 |
remingtron |
my process would be: read the "git" and "contributing" wiki pages, and if that doesn't answer it, ask core committers who can do it |
14:28 |
dluch |
So, will someone who's already a docs committer take that on? |
14:30 |
sandbergja |
I can do that |
14:30 |
dluch |
sandbergja++ |
14:30 |
remingtron |
sounds like gmcharlt might be a git admin |
14:30 |
remingtron |
based on this page: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=website_administration |
14:31 |
dluch |
#action sandbergja will explore how to and then request abneiman be given docs committing privileges |
14:31 |
jweston |
is there a list of docs committers -- so we can routinely thank you all? |
14:31 |
gmcharlt |
remingtron: ayup |
14:32 |
sandbergja |
gmcharlt: what's your preferred way for DIG to request that someone (abneiman) get docs commit privileges? |
14:32 |
gmcharlt |
jweston: at the moment, rsoulliere ysuarez Hilary Caws-Elwitt akilsdonk rsteed stompro sandbergja jpresley |
14:32 |
gmcharlt |
sandbergja: emai to gitadmin evergreen-ils.org |
14:32 |
sandbergja |
gmcharlt++ |
14:32 |
sandbergja |
thanks! Will do |
14:32 |
jweston |
gmcharlt++ |
14:33 |
dluch |
Awesome. |
14:33 |
dluch |
gmcharlt++ |
14:33 |
dluch |
#info Documentation server needs |
14:34 |
dluch |
I wasn't sure who added this one, but rsoulliere, it was you, I assume |
14:34 |
rsoulliere |
At Mohawk, library access to servers required to maintain the docs is being questioned by IT. We are still negotiating with our IT overlords to regain access. Could http://docs-testing.evergreen-ils.org be made the live docs server since it is working? In fact, we should probably have multiple servers at a few institutions in a mirror set up for mo |
14:34 |
rsoulliere |
re reliability/redundancy going forward. |
14:34 |
dluch |
Take it away! |
14:37 |
dluch |
redundancy does sound like a good idea |
14:37 |
gmcharlt |
rsoulliere: from the perspective of a member of the infrastructure team... we would be happy to accommodate |
14:37 |
gmcharlt |
specificaly, working out a plan to put on a new docs VM on the hosting platform that GPLS and BOR are kindly continuing to donate to the project |
14:37 |
dluch |
gmcharlt: I was just in the middle of typing a question about that. Good, thanks! |
14:38 |
gmcharlt |
if docs-testing becomes the new one, we'll need to plan on moving it to the new GPLS hosting anyway, but we can readily sort out such details |
14:39 |
rsoulliere |
Was there any assistance you needed from me by working on the server or developing a git repo with the tools/instructions for setting up? Or was that covered? |
14:39 |
dluch |
so, is that something the infrastructure team can take on to tackle? |
14:40 |
gmcharlt |
yeah, in conjunction with rsoulliere (and yeah, I think we would want help and/or infodumps to make sure that the setup is suitable for the docs needs) |
14:40 |
gmcharlt |
feel free to give me joint action item |
14:41 |
dluch |
excellent, thank you all! |
14:41 |
sandbergja |
One question I have: BMagic has been talking about moving our docs generation to use antora |
14:41 |
sandbergja |
And I'm wondering how that fits in |
14:41 |
sandbergja |
(or doesn't) |
14:41 |
dluch |
#action gmcharlt and rsoulliere will work together to move the docs server |
14:42 |
dluch |
Hmm. Good question |
14:42 |
sandbergja |
It seems like the server moving will have to happen sooner rather than later, while antora might be more of a project |
14:43 |
sandbergja |
(my impressions, at least) |
14:43 |
dluch |
Agreed |
14:43 |
remingtron |
agreed |
14:43 |
gmcharlt |
also agreed; I don't think implementing Antora woudl be a big deal from the infrastructure team's POV (in terms of providing access and server resources) |
14:44 |
gmcharlt |
but probably best to focus on the move first |
14:44 |
sandbergja |
that sounds like a plan, then |
14:44 |
dluch |
Yes! |
14:44 |
dluch |
Are we ready to move on, then, or do you have more on this, rsoulliere? (or anyone) |
14:45 |
rsoulliere |
I am good to move on. |
14:45 |
dluch |
#info October meeting date |
14:45 |
sandbergja |
rsoulliere++ |
14:45 |
sandbergja |
gmcharlt++ |
14:45 |
dluch |
I'm going to be at the Missouri Library Association conference when we'd normally have our next DIG meeting, October 3. Would it be okay to reschedule to the 10th instead? Or someone could volunteer to facilitate on the 3rd, without me. |
14:46 |
dluch |
(and yes, rsoulliere++, gmcharlt++ !!) |
14:46 |
sandbergja |
The 10th works for me |
14:46 |
jihpringle |
for me too |
14:46 |
remingtron |
me too |
14:46 |
jweston |
me too |
14:47 |
dluch |
Okay, great! |
14:47 |
dluch |
#agree to move the October DIG meeting to the 10th. |
14:47 |
dluch |
Is there any other new business we need to discuss? |
14:48 |
alynn26 |
me three. |
14:49 |
dluch |
Alrighty, then... |
14:49 |
dluch |
#topic Collaboration time |
14:49 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Collaboration time (Meeting topic: 2019-09-05 - Documentation Interest Group Meeting) |
14:49 |
dluch |
We have about 10 minutes left. Do we want to use it for collaboration/working time or just end the meeting early? |
14:52 |
dluch |
Hearing nothing, I'm going to vote for ending the meeting ;-) |
14:52 |
dluch |
Thanks for all the great work, everyone! |
14:52 |
dluch |
Next meeting will be October 10. Same time, same place. It will be primarily collaboration time. |
14:52 |
alynn26 |
vote end early. |
14:52 |
jweston |
Thank you! dluch++ |
14:52 |
jihpringle |
dluch++ |
14:53 |
dluch |
#endmeeting |
14:53 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Welcome to the #evergreen library system channel! | We are publicly logged: http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/evergreen | Large pastes at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org | Can't speak? Make sure your nickname is registered and that you are identified to freenode services: https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration |
14:53 |
pinesol |
Meeting ended Thu Sep 5 14:53:06 2019 US/Eastern. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) |
14:53 |
pinesol |
Minutes: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2019/evergreen.2019-09-05-14.00.html |
14:53 |
pinesol |
Minutes (text): http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2019/evergreen.2019-09-05-14.00.txt |
14:53 |
pinesol |
Log: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2019/evergreen.2019-09-05-14.00.log.html |
14:53 |
remingtron |
dluch++ |
14:53 |
alynn26 |
dluch++ |
14:53 |
sandbergja |
dluch++ #mad DIG facilitation skills |
14:58 |
dluch |
:-) |
15:01 |
Dyrcona |
So, does anyone have automated script for updating your Evergreen cluster's O/S packages, rebooting, and restarting services in the proper order? I'm assuming a complicated, multi-brick environment with NFS and DB servers, etc., that all have to be started in a certain order. |
15:04 |
mmorgan1 joined #evergreen |
15:07 |
stephengwills |
I have wriiting that very thing on my todo list.. that doesn’t count though, I suppose. :/ |
15:08 |
bos20k |
Dyrcona: Personally, I wouldn't trust the updates so I wouldn't let them run automatically. I sort of split the difference in that I have scripts to start and stop Evergreen for me since that bit was sort of a pain. |
15:11 |
stephengwills |
seriously I have a bunch of monit scripts that restart stuff that has stopped but the issue of getting it all to come up in the right order is still unsolved across slices. |
15:15 |
Dyrcona |
bos20k: Well, I'm not turning on unattended updates, but I do think we should update our production systems on a regular basis, rather than whenever we get around to it. I was asked how much of that could be automated, and because of start up dependencies, my first thought was "not much." |
15:16 |
Dyrcona |
stephengwills: Thanks. I've written some things in python to run commands on various servers and have some shell aliases to do more or less the same, but I've not tackled restarting the system wholesale, yet, so sounds like we're in close proximity as far as that goes. |
15:17 |
bos20k |
I would basically agree. We have individual start and stop scripts for each Evergreen system. It helps a lot because it is just one command per machine to stop or start Evergreen. I guess I could chain it all together and kick it off from one place but I'm not sure how much I would gain if I don't trust the updates to run by themselves. |
15:21 |
stephengwills |
I wonder if this is a job for a puppet master. |
15:30 |
Dyrcona |
Dunno 'bout puppet, but I guess this is the sort of thing it is intended to manage. What's tricky is NFS has to be up before the bricks try to connect, and the routers have to be running on the brick heads before the drone servers start services, and then apache needs a start/restart after services are up. |
15:35 |
stephengwills |
right, exactly what puppet is for. I played with it briefly on a web server project but stopped because it was overkill on that project and Evergreen has been so solid for us (knock on pine wood) that it has never percolated to the top of tasks. |
15:36 |
stephengwills |
i’d be interested to head how the larger installations are managing it. |
15:36 |
stephengwills |
s/head/hear/ |
15:43 |
Dyrcona |
Well, we're not really managing it. I do all the service restarts, etc., manually. |
15:47 |
stephengwills |
well don’t feel bad, Balsam only keeps running as long as Gilligan keeps peddling. |
15:49 |
Dyrcona |
heh. :) |
15:49 |
stephengwills |
and with that, sgw dates himself and retires |
15:50 |
Dyrcona |
mmorgan1: I find it interesting how often lately people bring up topics while I am also working on them. This is in reference to your list email about preferred name on notices and templates. |
15:50 |
* Dyrcona |
has been updating templates this week for preferred name and a few other fields. |
15:51 |
Dyrcona |
stephengwills: Well, Edward G. Robinson also pedaled, and that is exactly what it feels like sometimes, that or the Red Queen.... |
15:55 |
Dyrcona |
Totally unrelated to Evergreen: Another thing that I find interesting is when a band names their album for a song that doesn't appear on that album, but appears on the next album. Both The Doors and Led Zeppelin have done this. |
15:56 |
dbs |
stephengwills: mmm, I remember lots of B&W episodes |
16:01 |
mmorgan1 |
Dyrcona: Maybe it's because we're all get the new features around the same time :) |
16:01 |
Dyrcona |
Maybe... :) |
16:04 |
Dyrcona |
mmorgan1: What I've done is add a couple of lines at the top of each template like this: first_name = user.pref_first_given_name || user.first_given_name; with a corresponding line for family_name. |
16:09 |
mmorgan1 |
Dyrcona: Yes, we're looking at the same sort of thing, but thinking that can be hard for staff users who like to tinker with their own templates to wrap their brains around. Would be much simpler if pref_name just worked |
16:11 |
Dyrcona |
I'm not sure how easy it would be to add a field that basically does that on two other fields. I think it would require some new IDL syntax and additional code in Perl and JavaScript object systems. |
16:11 |
jvwoolf left #evergreen |
16:13 |
mmorgan1 |
Dyrcona: I was wondering if that could be done just with an IDL change. |
16:13 |
Dyrcona |
mmorgan1: No, not just an IDL change as far as I know. It would need supporting code. |
16:16 |
mmorgan1 |
I was looking at some sources in the IDL that are defined by sql queries and was wondering if something like that would work |
16:18 |
Dyrcona |
Those sources are pretty much all read-only. You can update them, so it wouldn't work for actor.usr. |
16:18 |
Dyrcona |
s/can/can't/ |
16:27 |
* mmorgan1 |
will go ahead and open the bug for starters :) |
16:30 |
berick |
mmorgan1: not as simple as just an IDL change, but you could add a new IDL class with its own SQL that does the magic you want. it would also mean modifying A/T event environments and templates to load values from the new class, though. |
16:31 |
berick |
you could also add an A/T helper function that compiles the names for you |
16:32 |
berick |
still requires code and template changes, though |
16:33 |
Dyrcona |
Ah, yeah, a helper function may be the easiest route. I didn't think of that. berick++ |
16:36 |
berick |
another option could be a DB trigger to fill out pref name fields from primary name fields for any empty pref name fields. then pref_* name fields would always "just work" universally |
16:36 |
berick |
that could be hard to maintain though as the primary name changes |
16:36 |
berick |
yeah, scratch that |
16:39 |
zbanks joined #evergreen |
16:41 |
mmorgan1 |
Would a helper function work for print templates? |
16:42 |
berick |
mmorgan1: yes, anything that originates from action/trigger |
16:44 |
mmorgan1 |
web client print templates originate from action/trigger? |
16:45 |
berick |
mmorgan1: no, sorry, was thinking about overdue notices, etc. |
16:46 |
mmorgan1 |
ok, thought I'd missed something :) |
16:47 |
mmorgan1 |
It's mainly the web client print templates I'd like to streamline. |
16:50 |
mmorgan1 |
On another topic, we're seeing a lot of NOT CONNECTEDs since we've moved to the web client. |
16:51 |
pastebot |
"mmorgan1" at pasted "NOT CONNECTEDs" (57 lines) at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org/10051 |
16:53 |
mmorgan1 |
Anyone seen similar? |
16:55 |
Dyrcona |
Not that exactly, but I haven't looked. If I remember, I'll look tomorrow. |
16:55 |
* Dyrcona |
signs out. |
17:00 |
khuckins joined #evergreen |
17:12 |
mmorgan1 left #evergreen |
17:29 |
jeffdavis |
5-10 NOT CONNECTED incidents in our logs in the past 24 hours - mostly open-ils.actor, sometimes open-ils.search. I wouldn't call that a lot, but maybe worth a closer look. |
18:02 |
gmcharlt |
as a heads-up to commiters, I will be merging patches for inclusion into 3.4-beta1 tomorrow, and possibly pretty late |
18:02 |
gmcharlt |
please feel free to consider the beta-freeze cutoff end of your working day tomorrow |
18:03 |
berick |
gmcharlt++ |
18:13 |
jeffdavis |
bug 1817645 is not signed off yet but it would be nice to see it get in |
18:13 |
pinesol |
Launchpad bug 1817645 in Evergreen "Configurable patron auth and retrieval" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1817645 |
18:15 |
gmcharlt |
jeffdavis: it's on my list to look at, although I would appreciate additional eyes as well |
18:16 |
jeffdavis |
awesome, thanks |
18:43 |
stephengwills joined #evergreen |
19:05 |
stephengwills joined #evergreen |
19:27 |
stephengwills joined #evergreen |
20:56 |
HomerPublic joined #evergreen |
21:40 |
dbs |
gmcharlt: https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1517298 has a working patch for Matomo, although ideally it would use OU settings instead of config.tt2 |
21:40 |
pinesol |
Launchpad bug 1517298 in Evergreen "Catalogue should support Matomo, a privacy-sensitive alternative to Google Analytics" [Wishlist,New] |
23:02 |
pinesol |
News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live> |
23:59 |
jeff joined #evergreen |