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IRC log for #evergreen, 2019-02-14

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Time Nick Message
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07:55 gmcharlt starting maintenance on git.evergreen-ils.org
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08:52 Dyrcona gmcharlt++
08:55 gmcharlt and the maintenance is now complete
09:04 csharp gmcharlt++
09:06 JBoyer gmcharlt++
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10:08 gmcharlt git.evergreen-ils.org now has an SSL cert and redirects HTTP to HTTPS
10:09 gmcharlt this shouldn't cause any problems... but if it does, please let me know
10:09 Dyrcona It works for me.
10:14 gsams I've run into an odd issue with an item that refuses to check in, but doesn't throw a visible error.  It just sounds the error.  I checked the console and it shows "Possibly unhandled rejection'
10:16 Christineb joined #evergreen
10:18 mmorgan gsams: Anything unusual about the item? Any checkin modifiers turned on?
10:19 gsams mmorgan: As far as I can tell, there is nothing special about the item.  It's an item loaned to a different library's patron, but on return there was no method of checkin that would work.
10:20 gsams Pulled up their account and right clicked the item, tried scanning it with no modifiers, item status screen, all produce the error sound but no visible error.
10:21 JBoyer anything interesting in the logs?
10:23 JBoyer There may be nothing since an unhandled exception happens because the JS missed something, but maybe something unusual stands out.
10:26 gsams JBoyer: I'm not seeing anything, but I may need to dig a bit more.
10:26 mmorgan Any clue in item status? A transit with no Receive or Cancel time?
10:26 gsams well, maybe I am.
10:27 gsams Nothing in Item status is out of the ordinary for a checked out item.
10:27 gsams It does have a transit with no receive or cancel time
10:28 gsams only one
10:28 gsams So it's not able to write a new transit because the old one is still open I'm guessing?
10:28 JBoyer That may confuse the checkin process since it's not supposed to be possible to be checked out and in transit at the same time.
10:29 JBoyer Oh, if the item doesn't belong where it's returned that transit will break things.
10:29 mmorgan gsams: Try cancelling the transit in item status, then checking it in again.
10:29 gsams mmorgan++ #that worked
10:30 gsams I wonder what caused that to happen.
10:30 JBoyer mmorgan++ sleuthing
10:31 * mmorgan is always suspicious of hanging transits.
10:31 JBoyer gsams, it's still possible to scan items "too fast" when checking things out, one fills a hold, the second tries to send the item home. :(
10:31 JBoyer (or somehow a request is sent twice, how it happens is a little up in the air)
10:32 mmorgan Maybe when it was checked out, it was In transit? And the checkout didn't handle cancelling the transit?
10:32 JBoyer the timestamps would help answer that. I think the examples we've seen locally put the checkout and transit within a second of each other.
10:36 gsams Now I just need to figure out what happened when a library checked a book in, but ended up with a different book and barcode number displaying.
10:37 Dyrcona Bad scan? Typo if they entered it manually.
10:37 gsams Well, normally I'd think that'd be the case, but it was one library trying to fulfill a hold for another, and the item that came up instead was from a completely different third library.
10:37 Dyrcona We had a library that had their scanner on a stand with a window behind it, and it would "scan" passing cars at certain times of the day, when the reflection from the sun was just right.
10:38 Dyrcona Still could be a bad scan couples with autocomplete in the browser.
10:39 mmorgan @blame physics
10:39 pinesol mmorgan: physics is NOT CONNECTED TO THE NETWORK!!!
10:40 Dyrcona That would be...bad.
10:40 mmorgan :)
10:40 JBoyer Somebody aimed their ship at "outside" and flipped on the infinite improbability engine.
10:40 gsams I think Kurzgesagt did a video on that once.
10:41 mmorgan gsams: So different book, totally unrelated to the hold?
10:42 gsams Yeah, unrelated to the hold or either of the libraries related to the process.
10:43 gsams I think, I'm still getting more info on it
10:43 * mmorgan would tend to agree with Dyrcona, some combination of bad scan/barcode completion.
10:43 gsams The writeup was... lacking
10:44 Dyrcona gsams: Is there any other kind of writeup?
10:44 Dyrcona j/k
10:44 csharp @band add Lacking Writeup
10:44 pinesol csharp: Band 'Lacking Writeup' added to list
10:45 JBoyer Expected: not break Observed: broke Correction: un-break.
10:45 mmorgan "Possibly unhandled rejection"
10:46 JBoyer mmorgan, if that's not a band name suggestion I'll say that sprinkling a ton of .catch() methods around the client would help at least allow some things to hit the console logs
10:47 Dyrcona The "possibly" in that message is too pessimistic. There was an unhandled rejection.
10:47 mmorgan It's a better band name than error message, certainly.
10:47 JBoyer ++
10:48 Dyrcona @band add "Possibly Unhandled Rejection"
10:48 pinesol Dyrcona: Band 'Possibly Unhandled Rejection' added to list
10:48 JBoyer I heard @band is opening for the Possibly Unhandled Rejections
10:48 JBoyer Not how that works. :/
10:49 JBoyer @band is opening for the Possibly Unhandled Rejections
10:49 Dyrcona I head [band] is opening for [band]
10:49 * JBoyer throws hands up, returns to the toil.
10:49 Dyrcona Ah, [band] only works in the context of another command
10:49 Dyrcona @praise [band] for opening for [band]
10:49 * pinesol Fraud Dog is the very model of a modern major hacker for opening for The EOLI Folk
10:50 csharp @band
10:50 pinesol csharp: All The Jeffs
10:50 Dyrcona Anyway, JBoyer is right about .catch(). An "unhandled rejection" is AngularJS-speak for "an error happened and I don't know what to do with it."
10:51 Dyrcona Kind of like the network failures we throw in XUL.
10:51 csharp Unhandled Rejection is the story of basically every Valentines Day before I met my wife
10:51 JBoyer More Promise spec than Angular, but yes, it's async try/catch.
10:51 JBoyer csharp++
10:51 JBoyer csharp++
10:51 terran csharp++
10:51 Dyrcona csharp++
10:51 JBoyer 2 for that one ><
10:52 * csharp is here all week folks
10:52 Dyrcona @quote add '<csharp> Unhandled Rejection is the story of basically every Valentines Day before I met my wife'
10:52 pinesol Dyrcona: The operation succeeded.  Quote #193 added.
10:53 Dyrcona JBoyer++ for correcting my slightly erroneous statement.
10:54 JBoyer Just want the log people to know that JS has come a long way since Netscape, even if I still don't like a whole lot about it.
10:55 Dyrcona :)
10:55 csharp I'm still on the "catching every other word" level of JS fluency
10:55 csharp one of these days I'm going to have to finish all those half-started Lynda.com classes
11:00 gsams Dyrcona++
11:00 gsams csharp++
11:00 gsams JBoyer++
11:00 JBoyer There's always Javascript: The Good Parts. ;)
11:02 Dyrcona Maybe I should finish my ebook copy of that one.... :)
12:06 beanjammin joined #evergreen
12:06 Bmagic Did I miss it or is there a bug for columns in the web client grid that are not clickable (sortable) - some are blue and some are black. The "Items Overdue" column for example in the group member details is not sortable
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12:37 terran Bmagic: I've seen a number of bugs for missing columns, but don't think I've seen any for the sorting issues. There are quite a lot that aren't sortable, though.
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13:01 aabbee i'm using the latest version from git. does anyone else get a bunch of "TypeError: "$scope.patron is undefined" messages on javascript console when registering a new patron?
13:02 aabbee when opening the register patron screen (you don't have to actually save anything).
13:02 aabbee no errors when editing an existing patron.
13:04 JBoyer aabbee, have you tried an empty cache and hard reload? (someday we'll have to set up a way to change the name of the JS bundle at build time so "turn it off and back on again" is no longer the first suggestion.)
13:06 aabbee yes. i've told firefox to not keep http cache when dev console is open, and deleted it from history. i get similar errors (but not as many) in chromium: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'isnew' of undefined"
13:07 JBoyer Oh, that rings a bell. I think the last time that came up the fm_IDL.xml used by the client was out of date. try copying /openils/conf/fm_IDL.xml to /openils/var/web/reports/
13:07 Dyrcona aabbee: I was just going to paste in the error that I get in Chromium on 3.2: TypeError: Cannot read property 'isnew' of undefined
13:08 Dyrcona I think it's mostly harmless, i.e. just noise, but it should probably be made to go away.
13:09 aabbee it's louder in FF than Chromium. it doesn't seem to cause any problems, so yes, "just noise".
13:09 JBoyer Ah, that's true. Were you seeing a failure to operate aabbee, or just noting the errors messages (which would ideally not be there, no...)
13:09 aabbee just seeing the error messages. it's still functional.
13:09 JBoyer I've seen things outright break when the IDL is out of sync, but Dyrcona is right, that message is harmless.
13:10 Dyrcona JBoyer: I'm not sure that error means that the IDL is out of sync, becuase I'm 99% positive that the IDL on this system is up to date.
13:10 JBoyer I thought a proposed fix for that was posted recently.
13:10 Dyrcona And, I'm running in an incognito window to avoid cache, etc.
13:10 JBoyer I think the last time the isnew thing came up there was *also* an issue with the IDL.
13:11 Dyrcona A fix may have been posted. I can't keep up with everything. :)
13:11 aabbee Dyrcona: do you have to reregister your workstation every time you reload then?
13:11 Dyrcona Yes, with incognito windows you do.
13:12 Dyrcona Not every time I reload. Just every time I close a window and open a new one.
13:12 Dyrcona It keeps the cache while the window is open.
13:12 Dyrcona At least on Chromium it seems to.
13:13 aabbee i was trying to sort out something else ("why does prefix keep showing up even when i set au.prefix.show to false?"), and my console messages were getting drowned out by the errors on FF. /openils/conf/fm_IDL.xml /openils/var/web/reports/fm_IDL.xml are identical.
13:14 Dyrcona Yeah, bogus error messages get in the way.
13:14 * Dyrcona checks the IDL files on the server.
13:15 Dyrcona And, yes, they're identical on the server that I'm using.
13:17 aabbee tangentially related, why *does* prefix continue to show up on the patron register screen even when the org unit setting is false? skim through of the code looks like it assumes you're using the setting to force the field to remain onscreen when a user selects to show "required fields" as opposed to forcing it to go away. is that a bug, or expected?
13:17 JBoyer Sorry for the noise, the isnew errors came up during an issue where editing existing users always failed on a username check, that was caused by the IDL, the isnew thing is the JS trying to access that variable before it's set.
13:17 JBoyer irc_logs++
13:17 aabbee JBoyer: broken promises?
13:17 JBoyer That's one way to look at it, heh.
13:18 JBoyer But yes, something in the patron controller is likely getting ahead of itself.
13:18 * aabbee queues division bell by pink floyd
13:19 JBoyer And I know a lot of the UI can sometimes check various state vars frequently before first paint even. (makes stepping through the debugger great fun.)
13:19 * Dyrcona thinks the UI is doing too much, but that's a discussion for another time.
13:23 aabbee yeah, i put some console.logs in the $scope.show_field function, and was surprised by how many times it's called.
13:23 aabbee even with the ui.patron.edit.au.prefix.show to false, field_visibility.prefix is 0. this is compared (>=) to $scope.edit_passthru.vis_level which is 0 when "All Fields" is selected. to hide the prefix, i'd need to set field_visibility.prefix = -1, but i don't see a way to do that. i can't tell if this is a bug or if i'm just using the setting incorrectly.
13:24 Dyrcona Sounds like a bug.
13:24 Dyrcona If I understand correctly, you set visibility of au.prefix to 0, but it still shows up when All Fields is not checked?
13:25 aabbee yes. well -- i set the au.prefix.show to "false", but that results in field_visibility.prefix === 0
13:26 aabbee is $scope.edit_passthru.vis_level supposed to be 0 or 1 when showing "All Fields"?
13:27 aabbee looks like 0. so if i understand this, the vis_level is good, but field_visibility.prefix needs to be -1 instead of 0.
13:27 Dyrcona I'm not sure on the latter question, but it would be good to check values of ui.patron.edit.au.prefix.require and ui.patron.edit.au.prefix.suggest also.
13:27 aabbee i didn't touch suggest, but require is false.
13:28 Dyrcona Are you having this problem with other fields in the UI?
13:28 * Dyrcona would suspect yes.
13:28 aabbee i haven't tried it with anything else.
13:29 * Dyrcona has a look.
13:31 aabbee nothing in Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/​staff/circ/patron/regctl.js sets field_visibility to anything less than 0. and "All fields" sets the threshold to 0. so i don't think it'll be possible to hide anything with this setting. of course, i could just remove the field from the template, and it'll be gone.
13:33 Dyrcona Oh. I think I misunderstood the problem.
13:34 Dyrcona I thought you meant it was showing up if you did required or suggested fields. You want it to go away completely.
13:34 Dyrcona I was about to say that the field setting seems to be working as expected for me.
13:35 aabbee correct. by default, prefix shows up all the time. i want it to go away entirely. i tried setting au.prefix.show = false, and was surprised when it continued to show up.
13:35 aabbee that's why i couldn't tell if it was a bug or if i wasn't using the setting correctly.
13:36 Dyrcona It will show up if you select all fields. If you select only required fields, it will disappear.
13:36 Dyrcona If you never want the prefix to show up, then you'll have to remove it via code or the template.
13:37 aabbee of course it disappears when i select tonly required fields. it's not a required field :-)
13:37 Dyrcona I suppose that might be a bug, in all fields.
13:38 Dyrcona I don't recall what XUL does in this case, but that doesn't mean XUL wasn't buggy, either. :)
13:40 Dyrcona I think this is worthy of a Lp bug so there can be some discussion of the behavior.
13:40 aabbee i deleted the au.prefix.{show,require,suggest} settings and get the same behavior as when i explicitly set them all to false. prefix shows up with "All fields", and doesn't show up for "Required fields" or "Suggested fields". so these settings are useful for making things show up, but setting them to false isn't useful for making them go away.
13:40 Dyrcona Right, and that seems like a bug to me, but one person's bug is another's feature. :)
13:47 Dyrcona Mabye the bug is using 1 for suggested fields and 2 for shown fields, and also using 0 for the pass thru visibility?
13:48 Dyrcona I *think* it should be 2 for suggested fields, 1 for shown fields, and passthru visibility should be 1 for all fields, 2 for suggested fields, and 3 for required fields. Seems like changing that would fix it, no?
13:49 aabbee well, a field's default visibility is 0. so that would make more fields go away than you want.
13:49 Dyrcona Of course, we'd probably want to use visibility 1 and not 0 for fields where the setting isn't set.
13:50 Dyrcona :)
13:51 aabbee it might be easier say that if "au.prefix.show" is set to "false", then field_visibility.prefix should be -1.
13:53 Dyrcona I don't think the show settings are intended to do what you, I, and logic would think. :)
13:55 Dyrcona Here's the description for one of them: "The prefix field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored."
13:55 Dyrcona Setting it to false is not intended to make it go away.
13:56 aabbee right. "show" is an "opt in" setting, and can't be used for "opt out". i was confused, but the behavior is consistent and makes sense once you know what it's doing.
13:56 aabbee what i originally thought i wanted is hard (and possibly not worth messing with) because right now it can just pretend unset values are false by default. it could be confusing if we start treating "false" as a different behavior than "null".
13:56 Dyrcona So, the question is, should setting to false make it disappear when all fields is clicked? That would be a change in behavior.
13:57 Dyrcona aabbee: It's not that hard to implement. It looks like a few changes in regctl.js. I don't know if that turns up anywhere else.
13:58 Dyrcona Your idea of setting visibility to -1 is one way to do it.
13:59 Dyrcona And, yes, that would be simpler than the changes I suggested and shouldn't be too hard to maintain as a local customization.
13:59 aabbee no, the javascript is easy. (hacking the fields out of the template is also easy.) i meant that it's hard for a user to understand the difference between "false" and "null" if those two things used to mean the same thing.
13:59 Dyrcona Well, there are reasons for false and null to be different.
13:59 csharp @decide false or null
13:59 pinesol csharp: go with null
14:00 Dyrcona Though, in this case it's more like false versus undefined or not set.
14:00 aabbee bah. javascript Null was a mistake. yes, i meant undefined.
14:01 Dyrcona Well, I was thinking in terms of the database. :)
14:01 aabbee ja, the environment that makes sense :-P
14:02 aabbee @hates
14:02 pinesol aabbee hates javascript
14:02 Dyrcona The current behavior seems confusing to me, until I read the description of one of the settings again. Though, I knew it behaved that way before.
14:03 Dyrcona false basically doesn't do anything, so no point in setting it.
14:03 * Dyrcona doesn't like useless setting values.
14:03 Dyrcona @hates
14:03 pinesol Dyrcona hates JavaScript; and Launchpad Search
14:03 Dyrcona :)
14:04 Dyrcona @loves
14:04 pinesol Dyrcona loves git; sed; OpenBSD; gnu/emacs; git-quickpick; and tmux
14:04 aabbee @loves
14:04 pinesol aabbee: aabbee doesn't seem to love anything.
14:04 aabbee truf.
14:07 Dyrcona Setting show to true makes the field show up regardless of which set of fields you've clicked on.
14:07 aabbee bug 1815950
14:07 pinesol Launchpad bug 1815950 in Evergreen "fields should be hidden when the relevant ".show" org unit setting is false" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1815950
14:08 aabbee let me know if i should edit that. i'm just going to strip this particular field from the template for now, but it'd be neat if this worked by eg4, when the angularjs (and .tt2) stuff goes away so i don't have to do it again :-)
14:11 aabbee Dyrcona++
14:17 Dyrcona aabbee++ # I added a comment describing how I think it should work.
14:17 Dyrcona We could probably get this in by 3.4 unless someone has a really strong objection to the change.
14:24 aabbee > can you delete an org_unit setting from an org unit via the client
14:24 aabbee yes, but it's an older dojo interface. the "edit" button brings up a dialog that has a "delete" button.
14:25 Dyrcona I thought so, but it has been ages since I've used that interface. Other people do that here, and when I need to do, I just insert, update or delete in the database.
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15:50 sandbergja berick: do you have a publically available demo server with your angular staff catalog branch (like the one you showed to the Cataloging Working Group)?
15:55 csharp here's a weird one: I have a library that when trying to register a new workstation and after selecting their branch, the name disappears from the field and they can't register the station
15:55 csharp I can confirm the behavior on my own workstation
15:55 csharp I've cleared the cache, run autogen, then cleared the cache again - same thing
15:55 csharp and no other library on the list that I've tried has the same behavior
15:56 csharp I thought it might be because the unit is OPAC visible = false, but others that are not opac visible register fine
15:57 csharp vendor.bundle.js:6 TypeError: Cannot read property 'shortname' of undefined at t.$scope.register_ws (app.js:925)
15:57 csharp that's from the end user - I haven't seen that error in FF on my own station yet
15:59 csharp same behavior in Chrome (also no console error in my case)
15:59 csharp it appears in the box for a split second, then disappears
15:59 csharp @monologue
15:59 pinesol csharp: Your current monologue is at least 10 lines long.
16:00 Dyrcona csharp: can_have_users on the org unit?
16:01 Dyrcona or ou_type. I forget where that lives.
16:02 csharp yes (it's in ou type) it's a branch - nothing special
16:02 csharp name is HCLS-HQS
16:02 csharp so no weird unicode or anything
16:03 * csharp renames the branch HCLS-🦕
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16:05 csharp actually...
16:05 csharp looking at the existing ws names, looks like there's a trailing space
16:06 bshum Of course there is
16:07 csharp that's it
16:07 csharp jeez
16:08 csharp so my unicode joke wasn't terribly off the mark :-)
16:08 sandbergja csharp: I liked your unicode joke!
16:08 csharp sandbergja: :-)
16:09 csharp 🦄 🐷 🦁 😀
16:10 littlet csharp++
16:14 jvwoolf left #evergreen
16:17 csharp argh - still not working - don't know if that's stubborn cache or what
16:17 csharp I made the name change, then ran autogen, then cleared caceh
16:17 csharp cache
16:18 bshum You ran autogen and restarted apache right?  Or reloaded, etc.
16:20 csharp not apache, no
16:21 Dyrcona Shouldn't have to restart apache after autogen.
16:21 bshum I don't know if that's changed with web client, don't listen to me
16:21 Dyrcona never had to, really.
16:21 Dyrcona :)
16:21 bshum Uh...
16:21 bshum In my experience, I always had to
16:21 bshum But /shrug, maybe I'm remembering wrong
16:22 Dyrcona My experience has been different. You do have to restart apache after restarting a few services, but not every service.
16:23 Dyrcona It may just be the router that requires an apache restart now that I think about it, but usually a good idea to restart apache after restarting services.
16:24 jihpringle csharp: could the cookies in the browser be hanging onto the old branch code?
16:24 Dyrcona Unrelated, I like how Google's top hits for Postgresql documentation searches always seem to pick on documentation for unsupported releases. I usually get 8.4 or 9.3 docs, unless I search for something added later.
16:24 csharp probably
16:24 Dyrcona Try with an incognito or private browsing window.
16:25 csharp jihpringle++ # yep
16:25 csharp cookies+-
16:26 jihpringle workstation registration issues always seem to come down to cookies for us :)
16:26 bshum Talking about cookies makes me wish I had some to snack on :(
16:27 Dyrcona @dessert bshum
16:27 * pinesol grabs some chocolate croissants for bshum
16:28 csharp @hate cookies
16:28 pinesol csharp: The operation succeeded.  csharp hates cookies.
16:28 csharp @love Cookies
16:28 pinesol csharp: But csharp already hates Cookies!
16:28 csharp heh
16:28 Dyrcona So, my latest search turns up a link to the 8.2 documentation after a couple of stack overflow links...Really, Google?
16:28 csharp @blame cookies
16:28 pinesol csharp: cookies stole csharp's ice cream!
16:28 csharp @whocares cookies
16:28 pinesol csharp hates cookies
16:29 Dyrcona csharp: Have you tried in an incognito or private window? That bypasses cookies and cache, etc. on the browser.
16:29 aabbee Dyrcona: i added a patch (two whole lines!) to bug 1815950
16:29 pinesol Launchpad bug 1815950 in Evergreen "fields should be hidden when the relevant ".show" org unit setting is false" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1815950
16:29 csharp yeah - I have, just knew that wasn't going to solve it for the libraries involved
16:30 csharp hopefully the fact that the complaint was "I can't register a workstation" means they aren't losing too much in the way of preexisting data
16:31 Dyrcona aabbee: Cool.
16:36 jihpringle anyone using the Evergreen self check in 3.1 or 3.2 with audio alerts set to True and hearing the alerts?
16:38 jihpringle or has the audio alerts set to True and also not hearing them?
16:45 bshum So, you're saying you're not hearing the sounds?  :)
16:45 Dyrcona jihpringle: I have been told that the sounds do not work for us on 3.0, either.
16:46 Dyrcona That's even after making sure that the files were copied into the correct locations and seeing the files being served in the apache log files.
16:46 Dyrcona I didn't get any farther than that.
16:46 bshum Ah darn, I was going to say the file thing
16:46 bshum I guess that's not the only reason it's broken then :\
16:50 jihpringle thanks Drycona: I'll report it as a bug
17:00 jihpringle https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1815968
17:00 pinesol Launchpad bug 1815968 in Evergreen "Evergreen Self Check: Audio Alerts Don't Sound" [Undecided,New]
17:23 mmorgan left #evergreen
18:17 bshum berick: One thing I just remembered about 18.04.1 is that it has a missing universe repo, so you have to add it manually before starting the ansible stuff or else it'll bomb unhappily.
18:17 bshum I see that 18.04.2 is along, I'll try getting a fresh VM built with that ISO and see if they fixed that universe repo missing problem
18:18 bshum Or maybe this is the new normal...
18:19 bshum Oh, hmm, they haven't updated the link on ubuntu.com, it's still pointed at 18.04.1 server
18:21 bshum Reading the 18.04.2 notes, they may have fixed it
18:25 bshum I guess they'll eventually fix up the links.  In the meantime, found the 18.04.2 ISO and will try building that all out
18:36 bshum Whew, 18.04.2 is good.  One less thing to worry about during installs :D
18:37 * bshum lets ansible do its thing while he eats
22:57 * Dyrcona has not experienced the problem with 18.04.1 that bshum mentioned earlier because I use the alternate server install image with the old style installer.
22:57 stephengwills joined #evergreen

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