Time |
Nick |
Message |
02:19 |
ivyl15 joined #evergreen |
03:43 |
beanjammin joined #evergreen |
04:13 |
transistor3 joined #evergreen |
04:14 |
DaftHatter joined #evergreen |
04:28 |
xer0x_ joined #evergreen |
05:54 |
ChrisMorrisOrg17 joined #evergreen |
07:22 |
mcs_26 joined #evergreen |
07:43 |
bdljohn joined #evergreen |
08:01 |
Dyrcona joined #evergreen |
08:40 |
mmorgan joined #evergreen |
08:42 |
agoben joined #evergreen |
08:44 |
rlefaive joined #evergreen |
08:51 |
kmlussier joined #evergreen |
09:05 |
lsach joined #evergreen |
09:10 |
Prospero_1 joined #evergreen |
09:29 |
yboston joined #evergreen |
09:34 |
jvwoolf joined #evergreen |
09:55 |
bshum |
"unable to locate package libmarc-xml-perl" *grumbles to himself* |
09:55 |
Dyrcona |
Yeahp. |
09:55 |
Dyrcona |
Welcome to Ubuntu 18! |
09:56 |
Dyrcona |
Someone from this project needs to join MOTU and package up all of our prerequisites. |
10:08 |
pinesol |
[evergreen|Sam Link] Bug #1783345 - Normalized add to bucket modal - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=9157e87> |
10:08 |
pinesol |
[evergreen|Kathy Lussier] LP#1783345: Make one more change in case - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=5876118> |
10:10 |
jvwoolf1 joined #evergreen |
10:11 |
jvwoolf1 left #evergreen |
10:15 |
jvwoolf joined #evergreen |
10:24 |
khuckins joined #evergreen |
10:24 |
berick |
bshum++ # bug 1793356 |
10:24 |
pinesol |
Launchpad bug 1793356 in OpenSRF "Ejabberd strips custom XML attributes" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1793356 - Assigned to Jason Stephenson (jstephenson) |
10:25 |
berick |
bshum: how'd you resolve the libmarc-xml-perl isssue... cpan? |
10:26 |
bshum |
berick: That's what I'm doing right now. I haven't resolved it all yet, but putting that (and two others) into the CPAN list allowed me to proceed with the next steps, etc. |
10:26 |
berick |
gotcha |
10:26 |
bshum |
I'm up to the PG10 part, where I think I'm going to get hit with https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1730726 |
10:26 |
pinesol |
Launchpad bug 1730726 in Evergreen "Support for PostgreSQL 10" [Undecided,New] |
10:26 |
bshum |
And the errors with unapi there |
10:26 |
berick |
wonder what's up marc-xml.. maybe the package just isn't upgraded yet. |
10:26 |
berick |
bshum: oh, going for PG 10.. bold |
10:26 |
bshum |
berick: But hey, on the plus side, npm ran happily enough |
10:27 |
berick |
;) |
10:27 |
bshum |
berick: PG10 is the default for Ubuntu 18 |
10:27 |
bshum |
We could add the PG apt repo and only install up to 9.6 I guess |
10:27 |
bshum |
To match what we're doing with Stretch |
10:27 |
* bshum |
will consider that as an option to get a working system proceeding so that we can test the rest of it |
10:28 |
pinesol |
[evergreen|Jason Boyer] LP1792371: Fix De-select Whole Page Action - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=5f4b487> |
10:29 |
bshum |
Oh for randomness, now that eg_startup is in apache_24 folder, we need to add it to the .gitignore too |
10:30 |
berick |
bshum: well, pg10 prep is certainly appreciated. if that's a pre-req for adopting the 18.04 install target, though, it will push it back. |
10:30 |
berick |
but maybe that's OK *shrug* |
10:31 |
bshum |
berick: In the past, we've tried to keep up with the current packaged version with the distro, unless we needed something newer. We haven't usually added the repo to use an older version... |
10:31 |
bshum |
But hey, first time, right? :D |
10:33 |
bshum |
You know, maybe it's good we killed off Wheezy support in master |
10:33 |
bshum |
PostgreSQL removed Wheezy from their apt sources too |
10:33 |
bshum |
So if anyone were trying it, it would probably have bombed out, trying to setup the apt source and getting the newer PG version |
10:34 |
* bshum |
feels less adventurous and will try setting up the apt source and getting PG 9.6 on his Ubuntu 18 |
10:34 |
bshum |
But PG 10 will be my next mountain :) |
10:36 |
bshum |
It'll probably bomb somewhere else anyways, lol |
10:37 |
berick |
heh |
10:38 |
collum joined #evergreen |
10:41 |
bshum |
Eww |
10:42 |
bshum |
Trying to install PG 9.6 brings up a very unhappy looking "warning" |
10:42 |
bshum |
Where they tell you that 9.6 is obsolete, and you should install 10 instead |
10:43 |
bshum |
Must be a package thing with the repo |
10:43 |
berick |
that was fast |
10:43 |
* bshum |
clicks OK and proceeds anyways |
10:43 |
bshum |
:D |
10:44 |
bshum |
Well their site says it's still supported through 2021 |
10:45 |
bshum |
I don't know why this warning popped up |
10:45 |
* bshum |
will test that further the next installs |
10:47 |
bshum |
And concerto DB created with PG 9.6 on Ubuntu 18.04. Moment of truth, firing up open-ils services... |
10:48 |
bshum |
And search works in tpac |
10:49 |
bshum |
Whee |
10:49 |
bshum |
Now to setup my websockets and see if the web client can open... lol |
10:49 |
berick |
woohoo |
10:49 |
bshum |
berick++ |
10:50 |
JBoyer |
bshum++ # What does this button do... |
10:52 |
Dyrcona |
bshum++ |
10:52 |
* Dyrcona |
is still working on getting OpenSRF to work with a clean Ubuntu 18 vm. |
10:54 |
bshum |
Staff client logs in for me too. |
10:54 |
bshum |
I'll test more of the parts later on |
10:54 |
bshum |
And get all the changes I recommend for OpenSRF and Evergreen into some branches for further testing |
10:56 |
bshum |
Unrelated, there are "ads" in my Ubuntu 18 terminal screen |
10:56 |
bshum |
"here's how to make a kiosk, look at this tutorial URL" |
10:56 |
bshum |
"here's entertainment tips to use with Ubuntu" |
10:56 |
Dyrcona |
Yes, I've seen those. |
10:56 |
bshum |
That's just weird |
10:56 |
Dyrcona |
No, just stupid. |
10:59 |
berick |
ugh |
11:04 |
DarkSoul12 joined #evergreen |
11:04 |
DarkSoul12 was kicked by jeff: spam |
11:08 |
collum |
bshum: /etc/default/motd-news |
11:08 |
collum |
set ENABLED=0 |
11:08 |
bshum |
collum++ # cool, thanks :) |
11:09 |
khuckins_ joined #evergreen |
11:09 |
Dyrcona |
collum++ |
11:10 |
gsams joined #evergreen |
11:10 |
Dyrcona |
I suppose if it was off by default, no one would know that "feature" was there. :) |
11:15 |
Dyrcona |
Betchya, you can just disable motd and get similar results. :) |
11:19 |
Dyrcona |
For the logs: sudo sed -E -e 's/(ENABLED=)1/\10/' -i /etc/default/motd-news |
11:24 |
collum |
Just tried disabling motd. You also lose the system information. You can do it granularly in /etc/update-motd.d, if you want to retain some of the info. |
11:28 |
Dyrcona |
Yeah, that's how it works. :) |
11:29 |
Dyrcona |
Anyway, I have conflicts to resolve and a branch to push. :) |
11:54 |
beanjammin joined #evergreen |
11:59 |
rlefaive joined #evergreen |
12:15 |
jihpringle joined #evergreen |
12:27 |
rlefaive joined #evergreen |
12:33 |
pinesol |
[evergreen|Mike Rylander] LP#1732761: Batch item edit and multiple values per field - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=b98f8ef> |
12:33 |
pinesol |
[evergreen|Mike Rylander] LP#1732761: Fetch locations immediately for display - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=443ed53> |
12:33 |
pinesol |
[evergreen|Mike Rylander] LP#1732761: Chain the promises to avoid races - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=140ff94> |
12:45 |
khuckins joined #evergreen |
13:04 |
rlefaive_ joined #evergreen |
13:04 |
Dyrcona |
kmlussier: Are you sure we want that as won't fix for 3.0? I could have a look at resolving the conflicts in 3.0. (I seem to have some practice at that.) |
13:04 |
kmlussier |
Dyrcona: If you want to look at it, go ahead. |
13:05 |
Dyrcona |
I'll at least see how big the differences are. |
13:08 |
Dyrcona |
First conflict looks like it has to do with the consistent terminology branch and is easy. |
13:12 |
hbrennan joined #evergreen |
13:17 |
rlefaive joined #evergreen |
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Zharf24 joined #evergreen |
13:19 |
Dyrcona |
Last one looks easy, too. |
13:23 |
bdljohn joined #evergreen |
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yboston joined #evergreen |
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p_l5 joined #evergreen |
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rlefaive joined #evergreen |
13:40 |
Dyrcona |
Work for me on 3.0. I'm gonna push it. |
13:46 |
afterl joined #evergreen |
13:49 |
terran joined #evergreen |
13:54 |
kmlussier joined #evergreen |
13:54 |
kmlussier |
Dyrcona++ |
13:55 |
kmlussier |
Yeah, it was the last commit that I wasn't sure about. |
13:55 |
miker |
T-5 mins to EOB meeting... |
13:56 |
sthomas joined #evergreen |
13:57 |
kmlussier |
miker: I added a couple of Outreach voting items to the agenda. Carried over from last month. |
13:57 |
miker |
cool, thanks! |
14:00 |
miker |
I'll give it one more minute for a couple outstanding EOB members to arrive |
14:00 |
JBoyer |
I like to think we're all outstanding, in our own ways. |
14:01 |
yboston joined #evergreen |
14:01 |
hbrennan |
JBoyer: Ha! |
14:02 |
* miker |
was going to change his nick as a joke, but then would probably be de-voiced... |
14:02 |
miker |
ok, let's get started... |
14:02 |
miker |
#startmeeting 2018-09-20 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-09-20 |
14:02 |
pinesol |
Meeting started Thu Sep 20 14:02:47 2018 US/Eastern. The chair is miker. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. |
14:02 |
pinesol |
Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. |
14:02 |
Topic for #evergreen is now (Meeting topic: 2018-09-20 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-09-20) |
14:02 |
pinesol |
The meeting name has been set to '2018_09_20___eob_meeting____https___wiki_evergreen_ils_org_doku_php_id_governance_minutes_2018_09_20' |
14:02 |
miker |
#topic Introductions -- announce yourself, please |
14:02 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Introductions -- announce yourself, please (Meeting topic: 2018-09-20 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-09-20) |
14:03 |
miker |
#info miker = Mike Rylander, EOLI |
14:03 |
hbrennan |
#info hbrennan is Holly Brennan, Homer Public Library, Alaska |
14:03 |
rgagnon joined #evergreen |
14:03 |
JBoyer |
#info JBoyer = Jason Boyer, IN State Lib |
14:03 |
collum |
#info collum is Garry Collum, Kenton County Public Library |
14:03 |
agoben |
#info agoben = Anna Goben, Evergreen Indiana |
14:03 |
sthomas |
#info sthomas is Scott Thomas, PaILS |
14:03 |
jvwoolf |
#info jvwoolf is Jessica Woolford, Bibliomation |
14:03 |
rgagnon |
#info rgagnon is Ron Gagnon, NOBLE |
14:03 |
terran |
#info terran is Terran McCanna, PINES |
14:03 |
miker |
hello all! |
14:04 |
miker |
diving right in |
14:04 |
miker |
#topic Approval or Correction of Minutes: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2018/evergreen.2018-08-16-14.00.html |
14:04 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Approval or Correction of Minutes: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2018/evergreen.2018-08-16-14.00.html (Meeting topic: 2018-09-20 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-09-20) |
14:04 |
miker |
Any additions/changes for discussion? |
14:05 |
miker |
hearing nothing... |
14:05 |
miker |
#startvote Approve 2018-08-16 meeting minutes? yes, no |
14:05 |
pinesol |
Begin voting on: Approve 2018-08-16 meeting minutes? Valid vote options are yes, no. |
14:05 |
pinesol |
Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. |
14:05 |
miker |
#vote yes |
14:05 |
rgagnon |
#vote Yes |
14:05 |
sthomas |
#vote yes |
14:05 |
hbrennan |
#vote yes |
14:05 |
agoben |
#vote yes |
14:05 |
JBoyer |
# vote yes |
14:05 |
JBoyer |
#vote yes |
14:05 |
collum |
#vote yes |
14:05 |
jvwoolf |
#vote yes |
14:05 |
miker |
#endvote |
14:05 |
pinesol |
Voted on "Approve 2018-08-16 meeting minutes?" Results are |
14:05 |
pinesol |
yes (8): rgagnon, JBoyer, agoben, miker, collum, sthomas, hbrennan, jvwoolf |
14:05 |
miker |
On to officer reports |
14:05 |
miker |
#topic Chair report |
14:05 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Chair report (Meeting topic: 2018-09-20 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-09-20) |
14:06 |
miker |
As last month, nothing much here that won't be discussed later |
14:06 |
miker |
so... |
14:06 |
miker |
#topic Financial report |
14:06 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Financial report (Meeting topic: 2018-09-20 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-09-20) |
14:06 |
miker |
the first interesting topic! |
14:06 |
miker |
#info The 2017 (yes, 2017) Conference venue payment is now reflected in the ledger. Balance is now $105,149.26, but not all 2018 Conference expenses are reflected. NOTE: we'll need that for the IRS for 1023, IIRC. |
14:06 |
miker |
Depeding on existing 2019 Conference fees already paid, and based on the 2017 numbers, we probably have a balance more like $60k-$80k. |
14:07 |
miker |
for reference, https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:financials:update_2018_09_20 |
14:08 |
miker |
afterl: can we credit you with prodding SFC into getting the 2017 conference stuff updated? |
14:08 |
afterl |
miker: yes, absolutely |
14:08 |
miker |
afterl++ |
14:08 |
JBoyer |
afterl++ |
14:08 |
agoben |
afterl++ |
14:08 |
jvwoolf |
afterl++ |
14:08 |
sthomas |
afterl++ |
14:08 |
miker |
now, in 2 years, we'll have the 2018 numbers... |
14:08 |
rgagnon |
afterl++ |
14:08 |
miker |
</snark> |
14:09 |
terran |
afterl++ |
14:10 |
miker |
but more seriously, I think we should ask for a pre-finalized financial statement, with known but unreconciled 2018 expenses |
14:10 |
miker |
because we will have 2019 expenses coming, and we'll need a balance sheet for the for 1023, I believe |
14:11 |
miker |
afterl: with your recent success, do you feel empowered to extract that from SFC? :) |
14:11 |
sthomas |
For 1023 need from SFC Revenue and Expenses for current tax year and three previous tax years. |
14:11 |
afterl |
miker: yes, I will try |
14:12 |
miker |
sthomas: thank you for the clarification! |
14:12 |
sthomas |
Do you think I can get that from stuff we have around on the wiki? |
14:12 |
miker |
sthomas: if not directly from the wiki then from gmcharlt in a yearly revenue/expense breakdown report |
14:13 |
sthomas |
I'll try to track it down. |
14:13 |
miker |
but, we don't have up to date info for the current tax year (there are known expenses that aren't reflected in the data we can access directly) |
14:13 |
sthomas |
Well, if I can at least get the previous year's from what we have, it gets us closer. |
14:14 |
sthomas |
That is the only thing holding us up. |
14:14 |
miker |
it doesn't have to be penny-perfect, of course, but if there are big ones we should include those |
14:14 |
sthomas |
Understood |
14:14 |
miker |
(I want to talk about the form 1023 some more, in a bit, too) |
14:15 |
miker |
anything else to discuss re the financial report? |
14:15 |
miker |
ok, moving on |
14:15 |
miker |
#topic SFC Update |
14:15 |
Topic for #evergreen is now SFC Update (Meeting topic: 2018-09-20 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-09-20) |
14:15 |
miker |
kmlussier: is the logo contract worked out with SFC now? |
14:16 |
miker |
(getting the smaller stuff out of the way...) |
14:16 |
kmlussier |
miker: Yes, it's all set. afterl can get credit for that too! |
14:16 |
miker |
awesome! |
14:16 |
kmlussier |
afterl++ |
14:16 |
miker |
afterl++ |
14:16 |
collum |
afterl++ |
14:16 |
terran |
afterl++ kmlussier++ |
14:16 |
miker |
kmlussier++ |
14:16 |
sthomas |
afterl++ |
14:16 |
rgagnon |
afterl++ |
14:16 |
JBoyer |
Sounds like afterl is building all kinds of bridges! |
14:17 |
miker |
she is the best of us |
14:17 |
jvwoolf |
afterl++ kmlussier++ |
14:17 |
miker |
but now |
14:17 |
miker |
#info MOBIUS invoices for legal work |
14:17 |
miker |
I was promptly diverted from working on that, and then failed to pick it back up. I see there was some other engagement last week, but haven't had a chance to go back and digest what went back and forth. I saw Donna sent the EOB/MOBIUS agreement to us, but did someone send it to Karen or another at SFC? |
14:18 |
sthomas |
Yes. I did. |
14:18 |
sthomas |
Several days ago. No reply. |
14:18 |
miker |
sthomas: thank you |
14:19 |
miker |
sthomas: was that directly, or CC'd on the sfc evergreen list? (I don't recall seeing it, but ... other sfc emails have whizzed by me) |
14:20 |
sthomas |
Would you like me to forward that email to the EOB list? I frankly can't remember if I did. |
14:20 |
miker |
sthomas: not the public list, as the doc has our signatures |
14:20 |
miker |
but to evergreen sfconservancy.org would be good |
14:21 |
sthomas |
Will do. |
14:21 |
miker |
(just for clarity, because we all don't use them every day, the evergreen sfconservancy.org list is private, intentionally, where the @lists.gapines.org one is publicly archived) |
14:21 |
miker |
sthomas++ |
14:22 |
miker |
ok, we shall see if we get a response. |
14:22 |
miker |
afterl: do you have anything else re SFC for us? |
14:23 |
afterl |
miker: no, not really. sthomas was working with them on the 2019 conference registration setup |
14:23 |
afterl |
and there is also the matter of the MOBIUS attorney fees that we need to sort out |
14:24 |
sthomas |
Well, the larger question is what do we do if SFC does not release our money? I say we give it until the next meeting. |
14:25 |
JBoyer |
One of the replies sounded as if they would do so if instructed, but they were hoping to have their concerns addressed first. |
14:25 |
miker |
sthomas: agreed, with the hope that the EOB/MOBIUS agreement will clarify the relationship |
14:25 |
JBoyer |
(would do so begrudgingly, that is to say) |
14:25 |
sthomas |
We gave them everything they asked for regarding the MOBIUS invoices. |
14:26 |
sthomas |
So that should satisfy them. A reply from them would be nice. A timely one is apparently too much to ask. |
14:27 |
afterl |
miker: do you want me to pick up on the email thread? |
14:27 |
miker |
sthomas: a forward of your correspondence to the private list may help motivate them? |
14:27 |
miker |
your planned forward, I mean |
14:28 |
miker |
afterl: it would be much appreciated. I suppose referencing sthomas' delivery of the agreement would b appropriate |
14:29 |
afterl |
miker: okay, will do |
14:29 |
miker |
afterl++ |
14:29 |
terran |
afterl++ sthomas++ |
14:29 |
rgagnon |
afterl++ sthomas++ |
14:29 |
JBoyer |
sthomas++ afterl++ |
14:29 |
collum |
afterl++ sthomas++ |
14:29 |
agoben |
afterl++ sthomas++ |
14:30 |
miker |
#action sthomas to put correspondence on the private list of record |
14:30 |
miker |
#action afterl to chase SFC now that they have what they need |
14:30 |
jvwoolf |
afterl++ sthomas++ |
14:31 |
miker |
any more SFC discussion before we move on to a legit happy topic? |
14:31 |
miker |
good! :) |
14:31 |
miker |
#topic Release manager (Bill Erickson) |
14:31 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Release manager (Bill Erickson) (Meeting topic: 2018-09-20 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-09-20) |
14:31 |
miker |
berick: updates/requests/etc to share? |
14:31 |
miker |
what's the view like from upon your 3.2 throne? |
14:32 |
berick |
hi |
14:32 |
berick |
the iron throne is prickly |
14:32 |
berick |
kidding, all is well.. |
14:32 |
berick |
we have bumped the RC to next Monday |
14:32 |
berick |
24th |
14:32 |
berick |
to give us all time to work on a few remaining critical bugs |
14:33 |
hbrennan |
berick++ |
14:33 |
berick |
if no issues arise after the RC, the general release will likely be anounced about a week after |
14:33 |
terran |
berick++ developers++ |
14:33 |
sthomas |
berick++ |
14:33 |
rgagnon |
berick++ |
14:33 |
collum |
berick++ |
14:33 |
JBoyer |
berick++ |
14:33 |
jvwoolf |
berick++ |
14:33 |
miker |
berick++ |
14:33 |
berick |
and for anyone who missed it, I posted a blog entry for the beta which summarizes the release pretty well |
14:33 |
agoben |
berick ++ |
14:33 |
berick |
https://evergreen-ils.org/evergreen-3-2-first-beta-release-available/ |
14:33 |
terran |
We at PINES are all excited about getting to move to 3.2! |
14:34 |
berick |
that's it from me unless there are questions |
14:34 |
miker |
so say we all |
14:34 |
berick |
yall++ |
14:34 |
miker |
On to committees! |
14:35 |
miker |
#topic 2019 Conference committee (Scott Thomas) |
14:35 |
Topic for #evergreen is now 2019 Conference committee (Scott Thomas) (Meeting topic: 2018-09-20 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-09-20) |
14:35 |
miker |
take it away, sthomas! |
14:35 |
sthomas |
Focus now is sponsorships and exhibitors. We should be ready to start soliciting in about 2 weeks. Web site is up https://evergreen-ils.org/conference/2019-evergreen-international-conference Keynote will be Ather Sharif http://www.athersharif.com/ SFC will host registration site. |
14:35 |
sthomas |
On schedule so far. |
14:36 |
terran |
sthomas++ |
14:36 |
agoben |
sthomas++ |
14:36 |
rgagnon |
sthomas++ |
14:36 |
collum |
sthomas++ |
14:36 |
jvwoolf |
sthomas++ |
14:36 |
JBoyer |
sthomas++ |
14:36 |
miker |
sthomas++ |
14:37 |
miker |
#topic Outreach committee (Kathy Lussier) |
14:37 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Outreach committee (Kathy Lussier) (Meeting topic: 2018-09-20 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-09-20) |
14:37 |
sthomas |
All from me unless there are questions. |
14:37 |
miker |
doh, I'm switching back, sorry |
14:37 |
miker |
#topic 2019 Conference committee (Scott Thomas) |
14:37 |
Topic for #evergreen is now 2019 Conference committee (Scott Thomas) (Meeting topic: 2018-09-20 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-09-20) |
14:38 |
miker |
sthomas: do we have a 2019-specific program committee? |
14:40 |
miker |
I guess that's a negative. ok, I'll move on. |
14:40 |
miker |
#topic Outreach committee (Kathy Lussier) |
14:40 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Outreach committee (Kathy Lussier) (Meeting topic: 2018-09-20 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-09-20) |
14:40 |
miker |
kmlussier: the floor is now yours |
14:40 |
kmlussier |
miker: Thanks! |
14:41 |
kmlussier |
I have to voting matters on the agenda carried over from the last meeting. The Outreach Committee is looking for a vote to designate the logo selected through community survey to be the official round / square logo for the community. |
14:42 |
kmlussier |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZuLOc0ykFmvlmRxYEjAWPyz7z-Ca7pNv/view?usp=sharing |
14:42 |
kmlussier |
This is the logo that received the most votes in our survey. |
14:42 |
* miker |
requests access |
14:42 |
JBoyer |
Same. |
14:42 |
agoben |
me too |
14:42 |
terran |
Same |
14:42 |
* kmlussier |
updated sharing setting to make it public. |
14:42 |
kmlussier |
Sigh... |
14:42 |
* miker |
gains access! |
14:43 |
miker |
kmlussier: thanks |
14:43 |
kmlussier |
Once approved, we will need to add the logo to our trademark. I guess we need to go through the Conservancy to do that? |
14:44 |
miker |
aye, we will |
14:44 |
kmlussier |
Should I wait for a vote before moving on to my other voting matter? |
14:44 |
miker |
sure, I'll start it now |
14:44 |
miker |
#startvote Approve small round/square Evergreen logo https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZuLOc0ykFmvlmRxYEjAWPyz7z-Ca7pNv/view? yes, no |
14:44 |
pinesol |
Begin voting on: Approve small round/square Evergreen logo https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZuLOc0ykFmvlmRxYEjAWPyz7z-Ca7pNv/view? Valid vote options are yes, no. |
14:44 |
pinesol |
Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. |
14:45 |
terran |
#vote Yes |
14:45 |
agoben |
#vote yes |
14:45 |
rgagnon |
#vote Yes |
14:45 |
miker |
#vot yes |
14:45 |
jvwoolf |
#vote yes |
14:45 |
JBoyer |
#vote yes |
14:45 |
sthomas |
#vote yes |
14:45 |
collum |
#vote yes |
14:45 |
miker |
#endvote |
14:45 |
pinesol |
Voted on "Approve small round/square Evergreen logo https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZuLOc0ykFmvlmRxYEjAWPyz7z-Ca7pNv/view?" Results are |
14:45 |
pinesol |
yes (7): rgagnon, JBoyer, jvwoolf, collum, sthomas, terran, agoben |
14:46 |
* JBoyer |
sees that miker is a fan of the POSIX vot |
14:46 |
miker |
I am... |
14:46 |
miker |
bah |
14:46 |
miker |
well, motion carries anyway. kmlussier, there's another? |
14:47 |
kmlussier |
Yes, we also have our funding request for this year. Some background is at http://list.evergreen-ils.org/pipermail/eg-oversight-board/2018-August/002249.html |
14:47 |
kmlussier |
The funding request is at: |
14:47 |
kmlussier |
#link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oScw-NHXwFnNx5O8rLxtt9UTnn2BmsIYPjuLPe0Blds/edit?usp=sharing |
14:48 |
kmlussier |
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions. |
14:48 |
terran |
That seems very reasonable to me! |
14:49 |
miker |
any questions about the changes to targetting? (I think they're good changes) |
14:49 |
JBoyer |
I do like the plan to make printing a sponsorship opportunity. |
14:49 |
kmlussier |
JBoyer: BC Libraries picked up that sponsorship last year. |
14:50 |
miker |
we're getting close to an hour, and hearing no objections |
14:50 |
miker |
#startvote Approve Outreach Committee's funding request of up to $3,345? yes, no |
14:50 |
pinesol |
Begin voting on: Approve Outreach Committee's funding request of up to $3,345? Valid vote options are yes, no. |
14:50 |
pinesol |
Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. |
14:50 |
miker |
#vote yes |
14:50 |
hbrennan |
#vote yes |
14:50 |
agoben |
#vote yes |
14:50 |
collum |
#vote yes |
14:50 |
jvwoolf |
#vote yes |
14:50 |
JBoyer |
#vote yes |
14:50 |
sthomas |
#vote yes |
14:50 |
rgagnon |
#vote yes |
14:50 |
terran |
#vote yes |
14:50 |
miker |
#endvote |
14:50 |
pinesol |
Voted on "Approve Outreach Committee's funding request of up to $3,345?" Results are |
14:50 |
pinesol |
yes (9): rgagnon, JBoyer, jvwoolf, miker, collum, sthomas, terran, hbrennan, agoben |
14:51 |
miker |
all accounted for and spelled correctly. go us! |
14:51 |
kmlussier |
Thanks everyone! |
14:51 |
miker |
kmlussier++ |
14:51 |
terran |
outreach++ kmlussier++ |
14:51 |
jvwoolf |
kmlussier++ |
14:51 |
JBoyer |
kmlussier++ |
14:51 |
collum |
kmlussier++ |
14:51 |
miker |
kmlussier: anything else outreach-ish? |
14:51 |
rgagnon |
kmlussier++ |
14:51 |
kmlussier |
miker: I can't think of anything off the top of my head. |
14:51 |
miker |
thanks |
14:52 |
miker |
on to old business |
14:52 |
miker |
#topic Update on nonprofit status |
14:52 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Update on nonprofit status (Meeting topic: 2018-09-20 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-09-20) |
14:52 |
miker |
#info sthomas has been working on IRS form 1023 with the help of the MOBIUS lawyers |
14:52 |
miker |
sthomas: what do you need, if anything, from us or other community members at this point? |
14:52 |
miker |
(financial info, as noted above, of course) |
14:52 |
sthomas |
Actually, the only thing I am waiting on are the financials. |
14:53 |
miker |
sthomas: do you have a draft, short of that, to pass around? |
14:53 |
miker |
maybe we can address anything in parallel with waiting on SFC to get us the financial data |
14:53 |
sthomas |
I can indeed. I just finished the little checkboxes yesterday. I'll share it tomorrow |
14:53 |
miker |
sthomas++ |
14:53 |
terran |
sthomas++ mobius++ |
14:54 |
rgagnon |
sthomas++ |
14:54 |
jvwoolf |
sthomas++ |
14:54 |
collum |
sthomas++ |
14:54 |
agoben |
sthomas ++ |
14:54 |
sthomas |
mobius++ |
14:54 |
JBoyer |
sthomas++ |
14:54 |
hbrennan |
sthomas++ |
14:54 |
miker |
#action sthomas will share the current draft Form 1023 with the EOB |
14:54 |
miker |
and, related |
14:54 |
miker |
#info rgagnon produced an IRS-stock COI policy branded with Evergreen for EOB to evaluate |
14:55 |
tykeal10 joined #evergreen |
14:55 |
miker |
has anyone had a chance to look at it? granted, there's really not much to say about an IRS-supplied document... |
14:55 |
sthomas |
I saw no prolems with it |
14:56 |
agoben |
Seemed pretty straighforward to me. |
14:56 |
terran |
Same |
14:56 |
jvwoolf |
Agreed |
14:56 |
miker |
however, since this is new-organization work, and will require official adoption by the Trustees of the new org, we'll need to do a consent action to bring it into effect, I believe |
14:57 |
sthomas |
This is my understanding as well. |
14:58 |
miker |
sthomas: since it's to be incorporated with the 1023, and they've created a consent action for us in the past, do you want to engage the MOBIUS lawyers to draft that? |
14:59 |
miker |
actually |
14:59 |
sthomas |
Yes |
14:59 |
miker |
why don't we ask for a basic template that we can use in the future, so we don't have to get a lawyer to create an essentially duplicated document each time |
14:59 |
hbrennan |
moseying up to the circ desk.. |
14:59 |
sthomas |
I will contact them. With that I unfortunately have to leave now for another meeting. |
15:00 |
miker |
sthomas: thank you! |
15:00 |
miker |
sthomas++ |
15:00 |
rgagnon |
Same here, medical appointment, sorry. |
15:00 |
miker |
I only have one topic left, the lawyer search, but we can discuss that in email. |
15:00 |
miker |
however |
15:00 |
miker |
jvwoolf++ |
15:01 |
miker |
for getting that ball rolling |
15:01 |
JBoyer |
yes, indeed |
15:01 |
JBoyer |
jvwoolf++ |
15:01 |
collum |
jvwoolf++ |
15:01 |
agoben |
agreed! |
15:01 |
agoben |
jvwoolf++ |
15:01 |
jihpringle joined #evergreen |
15:01 |
jvwoolf |
No problem! Please review it if you haven't had the chance to do so! I need all the help I can get. :) |
15:01 |
miker |
we're nearly short of a quorum, but if there's any other topic to discuss with most of us here, now's the time! |
15:02 |
miker |
(and, FTR, sthomas++ for suggestions on the lawyer questions) |
15:02 |
jvwoolf |
Yes sthomas++ |
15:03 |
terran |
Trying to do two meetings at a time now - jvwoolf++ |
15:03 |
miker |
hearing no new topics to discuss, I'll adjourn and thank you all for your time. you are released back into the wild! |
15:04 |
agoben |
Thanks! |
15:04 |
miker |
#endmeeting |
15:04 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Welcome to the #evergreen library system channel! | We are publicly logged: http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/evergreen | Large pastes at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org | Can't speak? Make sure your nickname is registered and that you are identified to freenode services: https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration |
15:04 |
pinesol |
Meeting ended Thu Sep 20 15:04:03 2018 US/Eastern. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) |
15:04 |
pinesol |
Minutes: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2018/evergreen.2018-09-20-14.02.html |
15:04 |
pinesol |
Minutes (text): http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2018/evergreen.2018-09-20-14.02.txt |
15:04 |
pinesol |
Log: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2018/evergreen.2018-09-20-14.02.log.html |
15:04 |
jvwoolf |
miker++ |
15:04 |
JBoyer |
miker++ |
15:04 |
agoben |
miker++ |
15:04 |
collum |
miker++ |
15:04 |
terran |
miker++ |
15:04 |
collum |
terran: I will be at that other meeting shortly |
15:04 |
terran |
collum: okay |
15:05 |
* miker |
will be sad to lose the built-in karma boost after next conference... |
15:05 |
kmlussier |
miker++ |
15:05 |
JBoyer |
I suppose you could volunteer to run all of the dev meetings, heh,. |
15:05 |
kmlussier |
miker: Plenty of opportunities to get that karma boost! :) |
15:06 |
miker |
JBoyer: mmmmmm nope |
15:06 |
miker |
kmlussier: :) |
15:18 |
jihpringle |
berick: JFYI, TPAC is now completely translated into French for 3.2 (we squeaked in with the delay) |
15:19 |
bshum |
jihpringle++ # yay, French! |
15:19 |
khuckins joined #evergreen |
15:20 |
mmorgan1 joined #evergreen |
15:20 |
berick |
jihpringle++ |
15:22 |
jihpringle |
credit goes to the Government of Manitoba, they did the translating and added most of them to launchpad :) |
15:23 |
bshum |
Should make sure we add them to the acknowledgement list for 3.2 then :) |
15:23 |
bshum |
In the release notes |
15:24 |
jihpringle |
I added a launchpad bug for it which jsandberg has already pulled so they should be credited |
15:25 |
jihpringle |
hopefully we'll be able to get them to do the new strings when it's time for 3.3 |
15:25 |
yboston joined #evergreen |
15:33 |
miker |
ugh... I hate reading commit messages where I drop words |
15:33 |
Dyrcona |
:) |
15:33 |
* Dyrcona |
also. |
15:34 |
Dyrcona |
berick | miker: I'm getting FAIL: check_transport_message on Ubuntu 18.04. I suspect it is from the changes on bug 17933556 that I already signed off on. I'll have a look. |
15:35 |
Dyrcona |
Lp 1793356 |
15:35 |
pinesol |
Launchpad bug 1793356 in OpenSRF "Ejabberd strips custom XML attributes" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1793356 |
15:35 |
Dyrcona |
1 "5" not 2. |
15:38 |
berick |
Dyrcona: ah, thanks for checking that. test likely needs a poke |
15:39 |
Dyrcona |
Yeah, I suspect it is looking for things in attributes. |
15:40 |
Dyrcona |
Yeah, looks like the sample message needs updating on line 114. |
15:43 |
Dyrcona |
And, looks like line 202 is also blowing up. |
15:46 |
computertechie9 joined #evergreen |
15:47 |
Dyrcona |
berick: Would you like me to update the bug with the test failure details? |
15:53 |
berick |
Dyrcona: oh, yeah, or just a comment that it's happening so it's not lost |
15:53 |
Dyrcona |
Will doo. |
15:53 |
Dyrcona |
do. |
15:53 |
Dyrcona |
:) |
15:55 |
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