Time |
Nick |
Message |
02:08 |
rlefaive joined #evergreen |
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RBecker joined #evergreen |
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dbwells joined #evergreen |
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remingtron joined #evergreen |
06:31 |
pinesol_green |
News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live> |
06:57 |
Dyrcona joined #evergreen |
07:15 |
rjackson_isl joined #evergreen |
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terran joined #evergreen |
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mmorgan1 joined #evergreen |
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Christineb joined #evergreen |
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miker |
JBoyer++ # copy_state |
10:33 |
yboston joined #evergreen |
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jeff joined #evergreen |
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khuckins joined #evergreen |
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beanjammin joined #evergreen |
12:23 |
Bmagic |
I would like to call out bug 1773479 - can anyone confirm it? |
12:23 |
pinesol_green |
Launchpad bug 1773479 in Evergreen "Browse search not including scoped electronic bibs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1773479 |
12:27 |
idjit |
i get the same on my test server as you show on mlnc4.noblenet |
12:28 |
Bmagic |
I suppose it's not high priority due to the general lack of use of the browse feature in the OPAC? |
12:29 |
idjit |
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ |
12:32 |
agoben joined #evergreen |
12:57 |
Dyrcona |
I'm not sure I agree that electronic resources should show up in a browse. |
12:57 |
Dyrcona |
IOW, your bug is my feature. :) |
13:14 |
yar joined #evergreen |
13:14 |
abneiman |
I agree with Dyrcona re electronic bibs in browse. At the very least it should be a YAOUS. |
13:21 |
stephengwills joined #evergreen |
13:26 |
idjit |
i'm still relatively new here. in general, how are these questions decided? is it discussion here, on the bug, sent to the mailing list, some combination thereof? |
13:27 |
idjit |
the yes/no vs true/false on bugs 1743801 and 1741347 also comes to mind. |
13:27 |
pinesol_green |
Launchpad bug 1741347 in Evergreen "Web client: display issues in Copy buckets" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1741347 |
13:27 |
pinesol_green |
Launchpad bug 1743801 in Evergreen 3.0 "web client: item status list view display issues" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1743801 |
13:28 |
Dyrcona |
idjit: It's usually worked out in the code. If someone pushes it, it goes in. |
13:29 |
Dyrcona |
However, this is a case where YAOUS (yet another org. unit setting) would be useful to give institutions the choice. |
13:29 |
idjit |
i see |
13:29 |
Dyrcona |
And, that's how disagreements are often resolved, by adding a setting, typically turned off by default. |
13:29 |
bshum |
And then noting it in the release notes, for future end-users to decide |
13:30 |
* idjit |
nods |
13:30 |
bshum |
(if we're being thorough) |
13:33 |
bshum |
Asking for community input via lists, discussions here, etc. is a nice way to make sure your feature is as accomodating the community as possible. |
13:34 |
Dyrcona |
Yeah, there was a "feature" that went in recently that someone wanted but others didn't and it wasn't noticed until upgrades. |
13:34 |
Dyrcona |
So, in the end, that was resolved by YAOUS. |
13:35 |
* bshum |
needs a YAOUS mug |
13:35 |
Dyrcona |
Fortunately, it was easy enough to back out the patch locally until it was resolved in 3.0. |
13:35 |
bshum |
I don't like the colors though. Hmm |
13:35 |
* Dyrcona |
knows where kmlussier keeps her YAOUS mug. |
13:36 |
* csharp |
likes all YAOUS guys |
13:36 |
bshum |
Oy, lol |
13:37 |
* Dyrcona |
smirks. |
13:52 |
ScottThomas joined #evergreen |
13:57 |
terran |
FYI, EOB Meeting starting in a few minutes |
14:03 |
terran |
miker: You here? |
14:04 |
miker |
terran: yes, sorry. I've been fighting my scanner for the EOB docs |
14:04 |
miker |
sorry, folks, give me just one minute |
14:04 |
terran |
Technology, am I right? |
14:04 |
agoben |
:) |
14:07 |
* Dyrcona |
gets the chips and dip an prepares to enjoy the show. :) |
14:08 |
JBoyer |
Why is the fax machine spitting out documents? Why do we have a fax machine? |
14:08 |
terran |
Ha! |
14:09 |
Dyrcona |
:) |
14:09 |
miker |
alright ... WHAT A DAY ... EOB meeting starting now |
14:09 |
miker |
#startmeeting EOB meeting, 2018-06-21 |
14:09 |
pinesol_green |
Meeting started Thu Jun 21 14:09:50 2018 US/Eastern. The chair is miker. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. |
14:09 |
pinesol_green |
Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. |
14:09 |
pinesol_green |
The meeting name has been set to 'eob_meeting__2018_06_21' |
14:10 |
miker |
#topic roll call |
14:10 |
miker |
#info miker == Mike Rylander, EOLI |
14:10 |
terran |
#info terran is Terran McCanna, Georgia PINES |
14:10 |
JBoyer |
#info JBoyer = Jason Boyer, IN State Lib |
14:10 |
agoben |
#info agoben is Anna Goben, Evergreen Indiana |
14:10 |
ScottThomas |
#info ScottThomas = Scott Thomas, PaILS |
14:10 |
collum |
#info collum is Garry Collum, KCPL |
14:10 |
miker |
#info agenda at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-06-21 |
14:11 |
miker |
#topic Approval or Correction of Minutes: May 17, 2018 |
14:11 |
miker |
are there any changes to address? |
14:11 |
rgagnon joined #evergreen |
14:12 |
miker |
rgagnon: we're just starting the first topic. agenda at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-06-21 |
14:12 |
rgagnon |
Thanks, sorry about that. |
14:12 |
miker |
did you have any minutes adjustments from last month's? |
14:13 |
miker |
rgagnon: no worries, you're only 3 minutes later than me :) |
14:13 |
rgagnon |
miker: thanks, no issues with the minutes. |
14:13 |
JBoyer |
They look fine to me too |
14:13 |
agoben |
For 4 B, shouldn't that be 2018? |
14:14 |
agoben |
Apologies if you were talking about 2017, I wasn't able to attend and just wanted to clarify. |
14:14 |
miker |
agoben: I believe there is an outstanding 2017 issue |
14:14 |
agoben |
Ok, thanks! |
14:15 |
miker |
(we expect the 2018 to be unreconsiled at this point) |
14:15 |
miker |
would anyone like to move to accept? |
14:15 |
JBoyer |
So moved. |
14:15 |
rgagnon |
Second |
14:16 |
miker |
#startvote Accept the minutes of 5/17 meeting? yes, no |
14:16 |
pinesol_green |
Begin voting on: Accept the minutes of 5/17 meeting? Valid vote options are yes, no. |
14:16 |
pinesol_green |
Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. |
14:16 |
collum |
#vote yes |
14:17 |
terran |
#vote Yes |
14:17 |
agoben |
#vote yes |
14:17 |
JBoyer |
#vote yes |
14:17 |
ScottThomas |
#vote yes |
14:17 |
miker |
#vote yes |
14:17 |
rgagnon |
#vote Yes |
14:17 |
miker |
#endvote |
14:17 |
pinesol_green |
Voted on "Accept the minutes of 5/17 meeting?" Results are |
14:17 |
pinesol_green |
yes (7): rgagnon, JBoyer, agoben, miker, collum, ScottThomas, terran |
14:18 |
miker |
great. on to #3 |
14:18 |
miker |
#topic Chair report |
14:19 |
miker |
we'll discuss the SFC/MOBIUS agreement a bit more down in the 2019 conference update |
14:19 |
miker |
but |
14:19 |
miker |
#info all incorporation documentation has been signed and delivered to Donna Bacon (corporate agent) to record in the corporate minute book |
14:19 |
miker |
so, huzzah! |
14:19 |
terran |
miker++ |
14:19 |
JBoyer |
Woot. |
14:20 |
rgagnon |
miker++ |
14:20 |
collum |
miker++ |
14:20 |
ScottThomas |
miker++ |
14:20 |
miker |
thank you all for your prompt signing efforts |
14:21 |
miker |
on a related note, I'll be asking the list admins for the EOB list to remove a couple signed documents that got there via reply, unless there are any objections |
14:21 |
miker |
all of that documentation has, however, been memorialized on the evergreen sfconservancy.org list, which is private, and which we'll request a mbox copy of at the appropriate time |
14:22 |
terran |
miker++ on the related note as well |
14:22 |
miker |
so ... unless there /are/ objections (and this is my second attempt to allow them ;) ), I'll do that this afternoon |
14:22 |
collum |
None here |
14:22 |
agoben |
No objections |
14:22 |
rgagnon |
miker: Thank you! |
14:22 |
ScottThomas |
No objections |
14:22 |
terran |
No objections |
14:23 |
miker |
cool. |
14:23 |
miker |
moving on to... |
14:23 |
miker |
#topic financial report |
14:23 |
stephengwills joined #evergreen |
14:24 |
miker |
gmcharlt: IIRC, you said that there were no updates from May, is that correct? |
14:24 |
miker |
(he asks, without warning gmcharlt) |
14:24 |
gmcharlt |
miker: correct, there were no substantive updates |
14:24 |
miker |
thank you! |
14:25 |
gmcharlt |
(twas expecting it anyway :) ) |
14:25 |
miker |
#info no substantive updates to financial report out of SFC since 5/17/18 |
14:25 |
miker |
#topic SFC updates |
14:25 |
miker |
I don't believe Amy is available |
14:25 |
miker |
her nick is not here in any case |
14:26 |
miker |
however |
14:26 |
miker |
#info final 2018 conference budget and profit/loss numbers have been sent to SFC for reconciliation |
14:27 |
miker |
did anyone have any questions, concerns, or desire for discussion regarding that spreadsheet? |
14:27 |
JBoyer |
I was curious about the CC Expenses tab. |
14:28 |
miker |
I believe that is expenses paid by SFC directly using their CC |
14:28 |
JBoyer |
There's no explanation for the last 2 entries and I can't tell what the point of the total at the bottom is. (it's only adding up 5 of the above rows) |
14:28 |
miker |
ah, indeed. good catch |
14:29 |
miker |
#action Mike to request clarification on the CC Expenses tab in EG2018 Final Numbers |
14:29 |
JBoyer |
I suppose the total could be "everything after X date in April," but that's still not very clear. |
14:29 |
terran |
JBoyer++ |
14:30 |
miker |
JBoyer: right. it may be "since last update" or some such. but we shall learn the truth! |
14:30 |
JBoyer |
miker++ # sleuthin' |
14:31 |
miker |
any other issues to investigate? the answer to the CC tab question may impact the summary numbers, of course |
14:32 |
miker |
hearing nothing, we'll move on and pass the floor to... |
14:32 |
miker |
#topic Release manager, Bill Erickson |
14:32 |
miker |
berick: what say you, sir? |
14:32 |
berick |
hi everybody |
14:33 |
berick |
with apologies, I don't have anything prepared. forgot EOB updates was an RM duty. what kind of information would be useful for these updates? |
14:33 |
* berick |
can also review old meeting notes |
14:34 |
miker |
berick: milestone status, dates, and perhaps reiteration of what you need from others? (SHAME, SHAME) I think those would be helpful |
14:34 |
JBoyer |
Well, I hear the schedule has been adjusted at least. |
14:35 |
dbwells |
berick: Don't worry, the last RM set the bar pretty low. |
14:35 |
afterl joined #evergreen |
14:35 |
berick |
dbwells: heh |
14:35 |
berick |
thanks miker |
14:35 |
JBoyer |
dbwells++ # Not at all! |
14:35 |
miker |
dbwells++ # did you learn that from watching me? |
14:35 |
berick |
JBoyer: referring to maintenance release schedule? |
14:36 |
JBoyer |
Yeah, it's not Big News, but it's something. |
14:37 |
* JBoyer |
is hoping to squeeze a couple things in yet this week... |
14:37 |
miker |
JBoyer: you and me both |
14:37 |
miker |
but, we can't pin that on berick, I think (maintenance vs release) |
14:38 |
JBoyer |
Ah, oops, |
14:38 |
miker |
alright, I think we can move on |
14:38 |
* miker |
swings spotlight away from berick and on to ... nobody? |
14:38 |
miker |
#topic 2018 Conference Committee |
14:39 |
terran |
The 2018 Evergreen Conference Committee will meet next week for the first live meeting. |
14:39 |
JBoyer |
Leftover agenda entry? |
14:39 |
terran |
Sorry, 2019... |
14:39 |
miker |
I believe Amy would have provided this, but if we have others on the committee that can provide more of an update than the financials discussed above, please speak up |
14:40 |
terran |
I don't have any further information on the 2018 results, sorry. |
14:40 |
collum |
Me either. |
14:40 |
miker |
JBoyer: there's final reconciliation, and any lingering potential issues for the board to address. |
14:40 |
JBoyer |
I wondered. |
14:40 |
miker |
then moving right along to |
14:40 |
miker |
#topic 2019 Conference Committee |
14:41 |
miker |
ScottThomas: do you want the floor? |
14:41 |
ScottThomas |
Here it is: Committee will have its first call next Wednesday. Will be the standing committee and four of us from PaILS. Contract with venue has been signed by MOBIUS and SFC has paid deposit. We should have a slogan by the end of next week and then work on a logo will begin. Started some preliminary thinking about a keynote. Mile and I talked about who will handle registrations. Most likely SFC. |
14:41 |
ScottThomas |
No I didn't type that fast. Had it ready to go in Notepad. |
14:42 |
abowling joined #evergreen |
14:42 |
miker |
#info Per Scott Thomas: Committee will have its first call next Wednesday. Will be the standing committee and four of us from PaILS. Contract with venue has been signed by MOBIUS and SFC has paid deposit. We should have a slogan by the end of next week and then work on a logo will begin. Started some preliminary thinking about a keynote. Mike and I talked about who will handle registrations. Most likely SFC. |
14:42 |
miker |
(note: corrected my name ;) ) |
14:42 |
miker |
ScottThomas++ |
14:43 |
rgagnon |
ScottThomas++ |
14:43 |
terran |
ScottThomas++ |
14:43 |
miker |
any questions for the 2019 committee before we move on? not much to say before the first meeting... |
14:43 |
collum |
ScottThomas++ |
14:43 |
terran |
Debbie Luchenbill has joined the Standing Committee |
14:43 |
JBoyer |
terran, is there a list anywhere of who's on it? |
14:44 |
miker |
and if not, shall we create on, perhaps linked off governance for now? |
14:44 |
terran |
JBoyer: Not that I'm aware of, but it's me, Garry, Amy, and Debbie - are you volunteering? :) |
14:44 |
JBoyer |
I was on it at one time, hence the question. ;) |
14:44 |
miker |
terran: I think he might have been |
14:45 |
terran |
I can look for it, and either update it or create it (and add JBoyer...?) |
14:45 |
miker |
would anyone like to take an action to create a wiki page, linked from somewhere logical, to record that? ... well, that answers my question :) |
14:45 |
JBoyer |
Sure, I'll stay on or join up, depending on one's POV. |
14:46 |
miker |
#action Terran will create/update a Standing Conference Committee list |
14:46 |
terran |
JBoyer++ |
14:46 |
miker |
JBoyer++ |
14:46 |
miker |
terran++ |
14:46 |
JBoyer |
terran++ |
14:46 |
collum |
JBoyer++ |
14:46 |
rgagnon |
JBoyer++ |
14:46 |
ScottThomas |
terran++ |
14:46 |
ScottThomas |
JBoyer++ |
14:47 |
miker |
ok, moving on to the next topic: |
14:47 |
miker |
#topic Outreach Committee |
14:47 |
miker |
oh no! no Kathy! |
14:48 |
miker |
rhamby: are you on the outreach committee like I recall? |
14:49 |
rgagnon |
I am on it, but missed the last meeting for my Board meeting, so don't have anything. |
14:49 |
miker |
rgagnon: ah, ok, thank you |
14:49 |
rgagnon |
We are having a program at ALA on Saturday afternoon about hosting alternatives, though. |
14:49 |
rhamby |
miker: I am |
14:50 |
miker |
rhamby: other than the ALA program, are their updates from Outreach since mid-May? |
14:50 |
rhamby |
we are finalizing the selection for the new mini logo and making some initial plans for merchandise next year as well getting the existing merchandise trasnferred to mobius |
14:51 |
miker |
thanks! |
14:51 |
terran |
rhamby++ outreach++ |
14:51 |
rhamby |
the new small format logo is in the hands of the designer and we'll probably have the high resolution and vector formats ready for the community within the month |
14:52 |
rhamby |
(nothing else) |
14:53 |
miker |
#info Outreach is finalizing the selection for the new mini logo (expecting hi-res and vector format files within the month), making some initial plans for merchandise next year, and getting the existing merchandise trasnferred to mobius |
14:53 |
miker |
#info Outreach is also running a program on Open Source and hosting alternatives on Saturday, June 23, at ALA |
14:53 |
miker |
thanks, both of you |
14:54 |
miker |
on to old biz |
14:54 |
miker |
#topic Update on nonprofit status (current task: by-laws) |
14:54 |
miker |
task: complete |
14:54 |
ScottThomas |
miker++ |
14:54 |
miker |
thank you all again for your input on that. our though now will be helpful to our future selves |
14:54 |
miker |
*thought |
14:55 |
miker |
the new current task is about to be the IRS form 1023 |
14:56 |
miker |
FTR, that's the form where we define our nonprofit purpose and convince the IRS that we're a charitable org. which should not be difficult, just ... detailed |
14:56 |
miker |
and the other old biz: |
14:56 |
miker |
#topic Search for an Evergreen lawyer |
14:57 |
miker |
live got in the way, so I did not make headway on that. I'm setting a new deadline for myself of June 30 to produce a shortlist for the board |
14:57 |
miker |
#action by June 30 Mike will produce a shortlist of MO lawyers for the board to consider |
14:58 |
collum |
miker++ |
14:58 |
terran |
miker++ |
14:58 |
rgagnon |
miker++ |
14:58 |
agoben |
miker++ |
14:58 |
ScottThomas |
miker++ |
14:58 |
miker |
thanks folks |
14:59 |
miker |
on to new business. I have none, until we hear back from the MOBIUS lawyers on next steps, but I would like to prime the pump and look for a prospective cat wrangler for the Form 1023 work |
14:59 |
miker |
would anyone be interested in PM'ing that to help keep us on track? |
15:00 |
ScottThomas |
I will. |
15:00 |
JBoyer |
ScottThomas++ |
15:00 |
terran |
ScottThomas++ |
15:00 |
agoben |
ScottThomas++ |
15:00 |
miker |
ScottThomas++ |
15:00 |
collum |
ScottThomas++ |
15:00 |
rgagnon |
ScottThomas++ |
15:00 |
miker |
ScottThomas: thanks! |
15:01 |
miker |
#info Scott has volunteered to wrangle the Form 1023 work when it begins |
15:01 |
miker |
note, though, there will be plenty of work to go around :) |
15:01 |
stephengwills joined #evergreen |
15:02 |
miker |
Opening the floor to any new business... |
15:02 |
* JBoyer |
has none |
15:02 |
terran |
Question: At what point will we need to start meeting in a format that uses audio to meet MO requirements? |
15:03 |
miker |
terran: well, we have to have an initial meeting on the phone. but ... |
15:04 |
miker |
we can meet in IRC (or other ways) and then pass around a consent action document to say "we all agree to what happened there" |
15:04 |
miker |
if there are things that have to be voted on in order to proceed |
15:04 |
miker |
such as budget changes and such |
15:04 |
miker |
day-to-day stuff, committee reporting, etc, that only has to happen once a year where we can all hear each other |
15:04 |
terran |
Thanks, I was unclear on that in the back-and-forth emails. |
15:06 |
miker |
np, it was not obvious (and different from many states we're variously familiar with) |
15:06 |
miker |
ok, with no other new business raised, may we have a move to adjourn? |
15:06 |
rgagnon |
So moved |
15:07 |
JBoyer |
Seconded. |
15:07 |
miker |
I'll not force a vote for this ... |
15:07 |
miker |
#endmeeting |
15:07 |
pinesol_green |
Meeting ended Thu Jun 21 15:07:26 2018 US/Eastern. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) |
15:07 |
pinesol_green |
Minutes: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2018/evergreen.2018-06-21-14.09.html |
15:07 |
pinesol_green |
Minutes (text): http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2018/evergreen.2018-06-21-14.09.txt |
15:07 |
pinesol_green |
Log: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2018/evergreen.2018-06-21-14.09.log.html |
15:07 |
miker |
thank you all for coming! |
15:07 |
terran |
Thanks everybody! |
15:07 |
JBoyer |
I don't think Robert's Rules needs a vote for that one. |
15:07 |
JBoyer |
miker++ |
15:07 |
agoben |
miker++ |
15:07 |
agoben |
Thanks all! |
15:08 |
terran |
miker++ |
15:08 |
* miker |
needs to create a template for future miker |
15:11 |
abowling1 joined #evergreen |
15:17 |
Dyrcona |
According to Robert's Rules the meeting chair can adjourn the meeting at any time without a motion or a vote. |
15:17 |
Dyrcona |
At least, that's what I've been told. I've not actually read Robert's Rules. :) |
15:17 |
miker |
Dyrcona: you realize I'm now going to be completely drunk with power, don't you? |
15:17 |
Dyrcona |
:) |
15:18 |
miker |
thankfully we decided /not/ to mandate Robert's Rules in the bylaws |
15:18 |
berick |
don't make me pull this meeting over |
15:19 |
* miker |
is no parliamentarian |
15:20 |
Dyrcona |
:) |
15:23 |
miker |
great, now I'm falling down a wikipedia hole... |
15:25 |
idjit |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki_rabbit_hole |
15:25 |
* idjit |
loves that there's a wikipedia page for that. |
15:26 |
berick |
hah |
15:26 |
miker |
and now I'll learn about wikiracing... |
15:39 |
jihpringle joined #evergreen |
15:41 |
rhamby |
I feel down a rabbit hole last night reading about the history of regency in Norway. |
15:41 |
rhamby |
s/feel/fell/ |
16:33 |
Bmagic |
Dyrcona: RE electronic bibs in browse. - I don't know if was clear, but older versions of Evergreen do have CONS level electronic bibs in browse. The newer versions of EG eliminated this feature. |
16:34 |
Dyrcona |
Bmagic: I realized after I commented that I didn't completely understand your bug before I commented. |
16:34 |
Dyrcona |
busy... |
16:37 |
Dyrcona |
In light of that misunderstanding, I retract my opinion on the matter. :) |
16:38 |
Bmagic |
:) no worries. I didn't know you commented on LP until you said you did just now. I added a comment as well. |
16:43 |
mmorgan joined #evergreen |
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afterl left #evergreen |
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beanjammin joined #evergreen |
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pinesol_green |
News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live> |
21:44 |
stephengwills joined #evergreen |
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stephengwills left #evergreen |