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IRC log for #evergreen, 2017-06-27

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
00:47 Jillianne joined #evergreen
01:11 b_bonner_ joined #evergreen
01:13 pastebot joined #evergreen
01:16 RBecker joined #evergreen
01:36 pastebot0 joined #evergreen
01:36 BigRig joined #evergreen
01:37 mnsri_ joined #evergreen
01:39 abneiman joined #evergreen
04:31 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Failure <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
05:27 pinesol_green` joined #evergreen
05:28 Bmagic_ joined #evergreen
05:29 jeffdavi1 joined #evergreen
05:30 genpaku_ joined #evergreen
06:40 rlefaive joined #evergreen
07:10 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
07:26 agoben joined #evergreen
08:47 bos20k joined #evergreen
08:48 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:49 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:15 yboston joined #evergreen
09:41 maryj joined #evergreen
09:41 maryj_ joined #evergreen
09:53 Dyrcona Signing off on your own commits twice is kosher, right? :)
10:00 * bshum has seen it happen before
10:01 rlefaive_ joined #evergreen
10:05 * JBoyer is sure this works.
10:05 * JBoyer is super sure now.
10:05 JBoyer Ship it!
10:07 jwoodard joined #evergreen
10:07 * jeff is now picturing the "i have a doubt / i don't" exchange from the fifth element with the same character playing both sides of the conversation
10:08 Christineb joined #evergreen
10:12 Dyrcona Well, one of the two commits had a conflict resolution by someone else, so I'm really signing off on the resolution.
10:13 Dyrcona The other commit has two other sign offs after my first one from 2014, so I'm signing off that it still works. :)
10:13 Dyrcona Plus, it's easier to cherry-pick all of the commits and sign them all at once. :)
10:14 Dyrcona I should see the fifth element.
10:15 frank___ joined #evergreen
10:15 frank___ Hi all, I am still trying to upgrade from 2.8.4 to 2.12.3, (from one sorver to another too), all the migration is fine, but when I test creating a marc record something weird hapends, for example, If I create/import a new record with this "©" character, it is saved in the database with an strange character "�", but if I re-open the same marc record register, and replace the character with the correct one it is saved correctl
10:16 bshum Dyrcona: WHAT?  You haven't seen the Fifth Element?!
10:16 Dyrcona No, I have not, just bits and pieces.
10:17 Freddy_Enrique joined #evergreen
10:17 Freddy_Enrique Hello Ev folks
10:17 Dyrcona frank___: How are you creating the record in the first place?
10:18 Dyrcona And, release note is done. I'll commit and push for circ history download happiness..... That only took 4 years. :P
10:18 frank___ Dyrcona: yes,
10:23 pinesol_green [evergreen|Jason Stephenson] LP 1208875: Fix circ history CSV download for many circulations. - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=d344816>
10:23 pinesol_green [evergreen|Jason Stephenson] LP#1208875: Use text/csv MIME for circ history CSV. - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=d2732d6>
10:23 pinesol_green [evergreen|Jason Etheridge] lp1208875 make _get_circ_history_csv work with fetch_user_circ_history - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=abf4fc5>
10:23 pinesol_green [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1208875: follow-up to standardize extract fields - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=292d0fd>
10:23 pinesol_green [evergreen|Jason Stephenson] LP#1208875: Add Release Note - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=1dea2ca>
10:23 Dyrcona frank___: You are creating the marc record using the client or web staff client? How are you entering the copyright symbol?
10:24 Dyrcona collaboration++ :)
10:24 frank___ Dyrcona: I am creating it in staff client (Cataloging>>Create New marc record option)
10:25 Dyrcona Are you adding the copyright symbol using the symbol menu or are you typing it in?
10:29 frank___ I am typing it, but the weird thing is that the first time I save it it save as the weird character, If I reopen the same marc record and retype the copyright character and save it, it saves correctly
10:30 Dyrcona frank___: That is strange. There is a symbol menu that you you can use. The copyright symbol is on it. I forget the key sequence to bring it up though.
10:30 Dyrcona You could try that and see if it works better with a new record.
10:30 frank___ ok, let me try
10:33 Dyrcona phasefx++ gmcharlt++
10:35 abneiman Dyrcona++ for 1208875 test -- will make lots of people happy!
10:51 dbs frank___: that sounds very familiar, I think we fought a similar battle when we upgraded to 2.9 or 2.10 (lots of French in use here)... I'll try to look at my notes about that
10:52 dbs frank___: but check first to be 100% sure that your MARC record templates are correctly saved in UTF8 encoding
10:52 dbs (our battle had more to do with MARC record copy catalogying from Z39.50 I think)
10:53 frank___ dbs: actually that happens too, If I import a z39.50 record and if it has characters it is saved wit weird characters
10:56 frank___ The templates are correctly saved in UTF8: Books.xml: text/plain; charset=utf-8
11:06 Dyrcona Yeah, all bets are off with z39.50. You get what you get, which what the other side has.
11:06 Dyrcona I keep omitting verbs today.
11:06 Dyrcona "Is" in particular.
11:13 Freddy_Enrique it happens to me.... many times
11:20 dbs Trying to remember if the problem was with our yaz setup
11:22 abowling joined #evergreen
11:24 rlefaive joined #evergreen
11:24 dbs frank___: do your marc record templates have LDR09 = 'a' to indicate UTF8 encoding?
11:27 frank___ This is as follow, <record>   <leader>00620nam a2200205zi 4500</leader>,
11:41 dbs LGTM for new MARC records. Maybe Apache is sending ISO-8859-1 encoding headers by default and it needs to be taught to serve and accept UTF8 by default?
11:45 _adb joined #evergreen
11:55 frank___ dbs: How could I check that?
11:55 miker @later tell JBoyer I think your branch on 1700773 may be for a different bug...
11:55 pinesol_green miker: The operation succeeded.
12:02 rlefaive_ joined #evergreen
12:15 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:20 jeffdavis joined #evergreen
12:30 b_bonner left #evergreen
15:30 dbs frank___: try the equivalent of 'curl -I https://laurentian.concat.​ca/eg/opac/record/123456' for your library hostname and a working record ID
15:30 dbs The line "Content-Type: text/html; encoding=utf8; charset=UTF-8" is in ours, would be interesting to see what's in yours
15:31 mmorgan Does anyone have a tool for identifying barcodes with bad check digits in the database?
15:33 frank___ dbs: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2017 17:12:23 GMT Server: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) Cache-Control: max-age=5 Expires: Mon, 26 Jun 2017 17:12:28 GMT Content-Type: text/html; encoding=utf8  root@xenus:/openils/var/templates/marc#
15:34 frank___ dbs: it doesn have charset
15:46 dbs frank___: hmm. in my case "a2enconf charset" enables /etc/apache2/conf-available/charset.conf
15:48 dbs assuming charset.conf says "AddDefaultCharset UTF-8", then: sudo su -; a2enconf charset && /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
15:49 dbs Not saying this will necessarily fix your cataloguing issues but worth a try.
15:51 Dyrcona How come everybody does sudo su - when sudo -i does the same thing?
15:52 frank___ dbs: yes, I did it, it already shows "Content-Type: text/html; encoding=utf8; charset=UTF-8" when run the curl command, but it is still saving it whit the � character, If I reopen the same marc record and replace it with the correct one  "©", it is saved correctly
15:52 dbs frank___: dang
15:53 dbs Dyrcona: because it's the unix philosophy of each command doing one thing well; you learn "su -", and then you learn "sudo <x>", and you combine the two.
15:53 frank___ it just happend with I create new marc record
15:55 Dyrcona dbs: I know the UNIX philosophy, but sudo -i is less typing. :)
15:57 dbs Dyrcona: Yes, but you asked why everyone does X and I explained a (possible) reason; rather than having to learn one more thing about sudo, they can just pipe it together
15:57 dbs An alternative reason might be that everybody else is dumb or lazy
15:57 Dyrcona I'm just yanking chains...
15:57 * dbs often feels like both
15:58 * Dyrcona also. :)
15:58 dbs Chain yanked :)
15:59 dbs frank___: ahhh, did you happen to do an upgrade of the database server as well?
16:00 dbs In my notes from last year, "The source of the problem stems back to a database server upgrade back in June; one of the functions in our database was subtly impacted by that upgrade"
16:00 dbs Of course in that note I didn't list the exact function
16:01 frank___ actually what I am doing is install it in a new server, I installed the last posgres version
16:01 frank___ yes, could be a function in the db,
16:02 frank___ because the weird thing is that it just happend with new records
16:04 miker Dyrcona: less chain-yank-y, there are differences depending on the contents of sudoers, IIRC, wrt propagation (or not) of existing env settings, etc. IIRC, `sudo su -` is closer to logging in as root from a terminal
16:05 dbs frank___: not finding any notes about what function was causing the problem (sigh), will look a bit more
16:06 dbs self from 10 months ago says "I just had to audit all of our client and Evergreen server code first before I narrowed the problem down to the database server--I've now updated the duplicate function that was causing the problem with the correct code"
16:07 dbs I know I ran into painful problems with hstore getting duplicated when we dumped from 9.1 and restored into a 9.4 database
16:09 dbs frank___: http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/​evergreen/2016-09-07#i_265438
16:11 dbs so it might be as simple as something like "DROP FUNCTION public.maintain_control_numbers()" ?
16:12 * dbs does not enjoy reliving last September
16:21 b_bonner joined #evergreen
16:27 frank___ dbs: let me try
16:31 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Failure <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
16:34 jwoodard joined #evergreen
16:35 frank___ dbs: It works
16:35 frank___ excellent
16:36 frank___ there was a duplicate function public.maintain_control_numbers() and evergreen.maintain_control_numbers()
16:37 frank___ I deleted the first one
16:49 bshum dbs++ logs++
16:51 Dyrcona dbs++
16:51 Jillianne joined #evergreen
17:12 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:20 jihpringle joined #evergreen
17:21 Dyrcona Well, I've caused enough chaos for one day. :)
18:04 frank___ dbs: thanks, and regards from México

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