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IRC log for #evergreen, 2017-04-05

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Time Nick Message
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05:01 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
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08:20 dbs_flies About to make the final hop to CVG! Oh the anticipa...
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08:52 gsams I'm looking forward to the preconferences today
08:56 Bmagic gsams++
08:58 jeff i dunno. the one on protecting patron privacy looks pretty boring...
08:58 * jeff grins
09:00 ningalls_ena joined #evergreen
09:00 gsams jeff++
09:01 gsams I'm in for the usual suspects this morning
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09:06 gsams rhamby++
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09:22 csharp berick: https://pastebin.com/Dt9PynvX
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09:33 berick csharp: https://pastebin.com/qx36CSUJ
09:34 csharp Bmagic: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1n7PrAAm​JlWNWozJ0hXN0yVv9p-0WHlgjN5ZBSh5Jtdk/edit#gid=0 - acq interest group spreadsheet
09:38 berick csharp: /openils/bin/test_json_query "$(cat json.txt | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g')"
09:39 kmlussier joined #evergreen
09:39 tspindler rhamby:  we are in the EOB, did you talk to SPI, i'm trying to remember who talked to them
09:44 hbrennan joined #evergreen
09:48 kmlussier The QA and core committer discussions from the https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/​doku.php?id=dev:hackfest:eg2017 agenda will be discussed at 2 p.m. in the hackfest room.
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10:00 phasefx alynn26: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/filter/limitTo
10:07 phasefx berick: current webstaff print receipt environment, does it pull in library settings like circ.staff_client.receipt.alert_text ?
10:14 abowling1 joined #evergreen
10:24 phasefx berick: looks like I'm going to have to work on that same problem anyway, need to pull in CSS via library settings like cat.label.font.family for spine labels
10:25 phasefx or data to combine with CSS, rather
10:26 * phasefx needs to resist the urge (or be very careful) to not let folks pull in data like credit card processor auth credentials from library settings :D
10:28 kmlussier @later tell jeffdavis I was just showing your work off to the OverdriveAPI guy. I noticed that my e-items out tab is only showing 1 of my 2 checkouts.
10:28 pinesol_green kmlussier: The operation succeeded.
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10:43 kmlussier Just checked out a 3rd overdrive title, but it still shows just one in my current e-item checkouts. I get the correct count in the dashboard.
10:50 phasefx {{settings['cat.label.font.family']}}
10:53 Bmagic Dyrcona: bug 1659928
10:53 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1659928 in Evergreen "SIP is not respecting standing penalties for charge ok and hold ok" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1659928
10:53 terran_ joined #evergreen
10:54 Dyrcona OK. I might have a look later.
10:59 kmlussier I see metadata about the missing titles when I look at the logs - https://pastebin.com/vbsevmYt
10:59 * kmlussier may file a bug, but isn't sure if it's a bug or a problem with her configuration.
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11:15 Dyrcona Speaking of SIPServer, it would be nice if someone could look at my branches for bug 1542495
11:15 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1542495 in SIPServer "OpenILS::SIP::clean_text() can crash" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1542495
11:17 Dyrcona and bug 1463943
11:17 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1463943 in SIPServer "Non-ascii Unicode characters in messages cause SIP client problems" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463943
11:17 Dyrcona They go together.
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11:28 dbs_flies ...tion
11:29 gsams dbs_flies++
11:31 csharp dbs++
11:37 jeffdavis joined #evergreen
12:00 * bshum has landed
12:01 mdriscoll Dyrcona: I've got both of those running on my production sip server.  I'll put some notes on launchpad.
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13:58 bshum dbwells: remingtron: https://asciinema.org/
13:58 tsbere CmptrWz1
13:59 Stompro Bmagic++ kmlussier++, Thanks for finding bugs for me.
13:59 tsbere Sixteen lines of binary stuff pasted into a window and one chunk ends up elsewhere
13:59 * tsbere scratches his head trying to figure out how that worked
14:00 tsbere Not that I meant to paste the binary stuff where I did, granted...
14:01 tsbere Then again, I did accidentally paste it into a program that knows how to "type" into other places. >_>
14:04 tsbere I stand corrected: I have found bits of what I pasted in word, excel, two different open text files, and an email draft I had open. :/
14:15 phasefx I can't really hear very well, but is the idea to alter populate_copy and friends from the current concerto load scripts to give the same behavior for bib ids > 0 and < some number, and do something new and different for additional bibs where id > some number?
14:17 phasefx actually, doesn't sound like that at all :)
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15:54 gsams csharp++ #I appreciate your work, it's nice to have a solid refresher.
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17:01 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
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17:30 pinesol_green [evergreen|Dan Scott] Install a modern Node.js - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=33e365b>
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18:34 sandbergja_ Is anybody still around today who is familiar with Trigger.pm?
19:21 Bmagic It's game on tonight around 9 or so,  after we return from dinner.
20:39 phasefx https://www.humblebundle.co​m/books/python-book-bundle
20:40 phasefx @later tell kmlussier https://www.humblebundle.co​m/books/python-book-bundle
20:40 pinesol_green phasefx: The operation succeeded.
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22:37 jeff @later tell sandbergja what questions did you have about Trigger.pm?
22:37 pinesol_green jeff: The operation succeeded.

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