Time |
Nick |
Message |
07:19 |
rjackson_isl joined #evergreen |
07:22 |
agoben joined #evergreen |
07:39 |
TARA joined #evergreen |
07:45 |
JBoyer joined #evergreen |
08:54 |
bos20k joined #evergreen |
09:02 |
Dyrcona joined #evergreen |
09:03 |
rjackson_isl joined #evergreen |
09:12 |
bos20k joined #evergreen |
09:19 |
maryj joined #evergreen |
09:32 |
kmlussier joined #evergreen |
09:40 |
collum joined #evergreen |
09:59 |
collum_ joined #evergreen |
10:12 |
csharp |
32e415a2 |
10:12 |
pinesol_green |
csharp: [evergreen|Mike Rylander] LP#902255: Protect against hold double-capture - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=32e415a> |
10:15 |
jwoodard joined #evergreen |
10:18 |
dbs |
@later tell gmcharlt keydir/dbs key4.pub in gitolite-admin does the job |
10:18 |
pinesol_green |
dbs: The operation succeeded. |
10:25 |
abowling joined #evergreen |
10:26 |
collum joined #evergreen |
10:39 |
kmlussier joined #evergreen |
11:04 |
Christineb joined #evergreen |
11:09 |
Callender_ joined #evergreen |
11:32 |
bmills1 joined #evergreen |
11:32 |
bmills1 joined #evergreen |
12:08 |
sandbergja joined #evergreen |
12:10 |
berick |
wow. just realized I wrote a series of perl live tests based on data I thought came from concerto, but must have come from me. |
12:11 |
* berick |
adds to concerto |
12:11 |
jeff |
heh. |
12:15 |
brahmina joined #evergreen |
12:25 |
jvwoolf joined #evergreen |
12:46 |
eady joined #evergreen |
13:09 |
jihpringle joined #evergreen |
13:47 |
Dyrcona |
Is it just me, or does $opt_pid_dir in osrf_control override what's in opensrf.xml? |
13:47 |
Dyrcona |
Also, is that really the desired behavior? |
13:49 |
Dyrcona |
I guess, though, services can't look up where to put their pid files from settings until it is running, and settings, at least, needs to know where to put its pid file when it starts up. |
13:55 |
kmlussier joined #evergreen |
13:56 |
jeffdavis |
Are there issues with using Dojo in the OPAC when the OPAC is embedded within the web client? |
13:59 |
jeffdavis |
I know some staff client interfaces are being reimplemented in the web client in a way that doesn't use Dojo, but I am assuming/hoping that that's because those interfaces use Dojo much more heavily than the OPAC does. |
14:00 |
berick |
jeffdavis: i have not encountered any problems mixing the 2. |
14:01 |
jeffdavis |
excellent, thanks |
14:02 |
berick |
btw, the goal is to migrate all interfaces away from Dojo, partly to avoid multiple JS frameworks, and partly because the version of dojo we're using is crazy old. |
14:03 |
jeffdavis |
Right. The ebook API integration I'm working on does use Dojo, but very lightly (for cookies and other basic things); should be easy to switch it to something else when that time comes. |
14:03 |
jeffdavis |
Finding documentation for our version of Dojo was fun :) |
14:06 |
* dbs |
led a hands-on workshop on Angular 2 last night (now that the final release has been cut). It's a little different. |
14:07 |
berick |
dbs: yeah... read some of the docs. i'm not ready to dive in just yet. |
14:16 |
bmills joined #evergreen |
14:43 |
gmcharlt |
the next development meeting will begin in precisely 1020 seconds! |
14:44 |
* bshum |
grabs popcorn |
14:44 |
kmlussier |
gmcharlt: Are you sure it wasn't 1019 seconds by the time you hit Enter? |
14:45 |
gmcharlt |
no... no, I am not sure |
14:45 |
* gmcharlt |
suffers brief existential crisis |
14:45 |
kmlussier |
My job here is done. |
14:45 |
gmcharlt |
heh |
14:46 |
* berick |
removes gmcharlt freenode from ntp server pool |
14:46 |
Dyrcona |
heh |
15:00 |
gmcharlt |
the clock hath ticked over |
15:00 |
gmcharlt |
#startmeeting Evergreen Development Meeting, 6 October 2016 |
15:00 |
pinesol_green |
Meeting started Wed Oct 5 15:00:53 2016 US/Eastern. The chair is gmcharlt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. |
15:00 |
pinesol_green |
Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. |
15:00 |
pinesol_green |
The meeting name has been set to 'evergreen_development_meeting__6_october_2016' |
15:01 |
gmcharlt |
#info Agenda is https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=dev:meetings:2016-10-05 |
15:01 |
gmcharlt |
#topic Introductions |
15:01 |
gmcharlt |
#info gmcharlt = Galen Charlton, Equinox |
15:01 |
Dyrcona |
#info dyrcona = Jason Stephenson, C/W MARS |
15:01 |
Bmagic |
#info Bmagic = Blake GH, MOBIUS |
15:01 |
kmlussier |
#info kmlussier is Kathy Lussier, MassLNC |
15:01 |
jeff |
#info jeff is Jeff Godin, Traverse Area District Library (TADL) |
15:01 |
abowling |
#info abowling = Adam Bowling, Emerald Data Networks |
15:02 |
jeffdavis |
#info jeffdavis = Jeff Davis, BC Libraries Cooperative (Sitka) |
15:02 |
miker |
#info miker = Mike Rylander, Equinox |
15:02 |
csharp |
#info csharp = Chris Sharp, GPLS |
15:03 |
dbwells |
#info dbwells = Dan Wells, Hekman Library (Calvin College) |
15:03 |
remingtron |
#info remingtron = Remington Steed, Hekman Library (Calvin College) |
15:04 |
phasefx |
#info phasefx = Jason Etheridge, Equinox |
15:04 |
gmcharlt |
OK |
15:04 |
bshum |
#info bshum = Ben Shum, evergreener |
15:04 |
berick |
#info berick Bill Erickson King County (KCLS) |
15:04 |
gmcharlt |
#topic Action items from previous meeting |
15:05 |
gmcharlt |
#info gmcharlt has not yet cut OpenSRF 2.5-alpha; am now targetting a release of the alpha before the Hack-a-way, with goal of releasing 2.5.0 during it |
15:05 |
gmcharlt |
#action gmcharlt to cut OpenSRF 2.5-alpha before hack-a-way |
15:06 |
gmcharlt |
at this point, all current and new pullrequests that are added in the next two weeks will be looked at |
15:06 |
* miker |
warms up his pullrequest-adding fingers |
15:06 |
gmcharlt |
if there are questions, let's hold them for the OpenSRF release section of the agenda |
15:06 |
gmcharlt |
next action item: miker, you were to make a please-look-at-me list of pull requests |
15:07 |
miker |
heh ... I did, for some folks. they looked, I merged some |
15:07 |
miker |
and then there was 2.11 :) |
15:07 |
gmcharlt |
#info miker coordinated some pullrequest review during the 2.11 release process |
15:08 |
gmcharlt |
next up, Dyrcona and I were to create guidelines for distinguishing sheep from lions^W^W^W bug fixes from new features |
15:08 |
gmcharlt |
so, I think we'll just carry that over, Dyrcona? |
15:08 |
Dyrcona |
Yeah, we could discuss it at the hackaway. |
15:09 |
dbs |
#info dbs = Dan Scott, Laurentian University |
15:09 |
gmcharlt |
OK, I've gone ahead and added that to the list of discussion topics |
15:10 |
gmcharlt |
#info Creating guidelines for distinguishing bugfixes from new features is now on the hackaway agenda |
15:11 |
gmcharlt |
next up - moving mod_perl from OpenSRF to Evergreen can still happen in OpenSRF 2.5.0, but may need to be deferred to 2.12/3.0 on the Evergreen side |
15:11 |
gmcharlt |
I'm inclined to just have furhter discussion take place in LP (bug 1579219, specifically) |
15:11 |
pinesol_green |
Launchpad bug 1579219 in OpenSRF "don't require mod_perl as an OpenSRF dependency" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1579219 |
15:12 |
gmcharlt |
next up: miker to send message announcing alpha release |
15:12 |
miker |
I would prefer it /not/ happen in a patch-level release, btw |
15:12 |
gmcharlt |
and well, GENERAL RELEASE happened |
15:12 |
miker |
re opensrf and mod_perl |
15:12 |
* csharp |
agrees |
15:12 |
gmcharlt |
yup |
15:12 |
* abowling |
agrees, too |
15:13 |
gmcharlt |
next up - web client sprint 3 testing... is underway |
15:13 |
gmcharlt |
and finally, here I am, leading the September^W October development meeting |
15:13 |
gmcharlt |
so, I think that does it for action items |
15:13 |
kmlussier |
:) |
15:13 |
gmcharlt |
so, let's move on |
15:14 |
gmcharlt |
#topic OpenSRF release info |
15:14 |
gmcharlt |
and, to repeat myself |
15:14 |
gmcharlt |
#info gmcharlt has not yet cut OpenSRF 2.5-alpha; am now targetting a release of the alpha before the Hack-a-way, with goal of releasing 2.5.0 during it |
15:14 |
gmcharlt |
#action gmcharlt to cut OpenSRF 2.5-alpha before hack-a-way |
15:15 |
gmcharlt |
#info the window for OpenSRF pullrequests for inclusion in 2.5.0-alpha will be open until 24 October |
15:16 |
gmcharlt |
any questions or comments before we move on to Evergreen? |
15:17 |
gmcharlt |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Wi8Fv0AJA4 |
15:17 |
gmcharlt |
OK |
15:17 |
gmcharlt |
#topic Evergreen release |
15:18 |
gmcharlt |
miker: dbwells: I hear allegations that there was an Evergreen release of some note recently. Is this true? |
15:18 |
miker |
as it happens, it is! |
15:18 |
kmlussier |
miker++ dbwells++ |
15:19 |
miker |
it happened essentially on time (thanks, dbwells) and then I promptly went on vacation before announcing it |
15:19 |
kmlussier |
:) |
15:19 |
miker |
which I finally did yesterday :) |
15:19 |
Bmagic |
miker++ dbwells++ |
15:19 |
kmlussier |
Should the announcement go on the blog too? |
15:19 |
Dyrcona |
miker++ dbwells++ |
15:19 |
miker |
kmlussier: I actually thought your press release would be better there... |
15:19 |
abowling |
miker++ dbwells++ |
15:20 |
gmcharlt |
well, we've got a couple audiences |
15:20 |
gmcharlt |
I could put together a traditional announcement for the blog, then the PR could be distributed once that's up? |
15:20 |
gmcharlt |
I can get the post up this afternoon |
15:21 |
kmlussier |
miker: Sure, I can do that. Generally, I think of the press release as being for an external audience. Not sure what the blog's audience really is. |
15:21 |
miker |
gmcharlt: sure, if you want to just steal the email, go for it. I'm not sure I have a blog login |
15:21 |
ssieb joined #evergreen |
15:21 |
dbwells |
Overall, I felt like the first go at a split manager/builder went well. There are areas to improve, but I would support keeping the same structure for the next release. |
15:21 |
* kmlussier |
was just about to hit 'Send' on press release e-mails, but will hold off. |
15:22 |
gmcharlt |
#action gmcharlt will post blog announcement of 2.11 this afternoon |
15:22 |
dbwells |
I can think of one or two things I would do differently, which I can pass along to the next person. |
15:22 |
gmcharlt |
#action kmlussier will start sending the press release out thereafter |
15:22 |
mmorgan joined #evergreen |
15:23 |
miker |
dbwells: I agree ... and have other thoughts. :) we should set aside some specific time at the hackaway to discuss in more detail (after dust settling occures) |
15:23 |
dbwells |
miker: sounds good |
15:24 |
gmcharlt |
miker: dbwells: I've added a topic to the hack-a-way agenda for that |
15:24 |
miker |
gmcharlt++ |
15:24 |
dbwells |
another thrilling round of "don't do what Dan did" |
15:24 |
gmcharlt |
so, on to maintenance releases |
15:25 |
gmcharlt |
miker: dbwells: y |
15:25 |
gmcharlt |
y'all are prepared to do a 2.11.1 later this month? |
15:25 |
miker |
I will be out of pocket on the normal date ... if I'm to be involved it'll need to slip a week |
15:26 |
miker |
which, really, isn't terrible -- there are several bug fixes to test and pull in, and .0 is not a brown bag |
15:26 |
dbwells |
I should be available to handle 2.11.1. |
15:26 |
dbwells |
If need be. |
15:27 |
dbwells |
10/19? |
15:27 |
gmcharlt |
dbwells: yeah |
15:28 |
gmcharlt |
#info 2.11.1 and 2.10.8 will be released on 10/19 |
15:28 |
gmcharlt |
so, I think that takes us to new business |
15:28 |
gmcharlt |
#topic Hack-a-away |
15:29 |
gmcharlt |
#info Agenda is https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=hack-a-way-2016-agenda |
15:29 |
dbwells |
I will plan on rolling it unless miker asks me to hold off at that time. |
15:29 |
gmcharlt |
dbwells++ |
15:29 |
miker |
dbwells: cool |
15:30 |
gmcharlt |
anything to say about the hack-a-way itself? |
15:30 |
kmlussier |
I think the EOB was looking for some guidelines on when they could be pulling people for their meetings. |
15:30 |
miker |
so, I've been asked by the EOB, many of whom plan to attend the hack-a-way, if we could identify some times when it would be ... |
15:31 |
kmlussier |
miker: Jinx! |
15:31 |
miker |
heh ... what kmlussier said :) |
15:31 |
abowling |
as the lone (former) local, if you have any logistical questions about town (i.e. getting around, eating, etc.), feel free to ping me |
15:31 |
abowling |
*the lone local in the meeting |
15:32 |
miker |
basically, will there be some built-in down times, or times (like full group discussion times) when meetings should be avoided, and if so, can we try to identify those times |
15:33 |
kmlussier |
I've only been to two hack-a-ways, but my recollection is that we generally meet at the beginning of the day, maybe after lunch, and maybe at the end of the day. Is that about right? |
15:33 |
kmlussier |
Of course, I don't know what start of day means. |
15:33 |
gmcharlt |
start of coffee? |
15:33 |
miker |
kmlussier: coffee+15min? |
15:33 |
Dyrcona |
Sounds 'bout right. |
15:34 |
kmlussier |
gmcharlt: I'll need coffee long before start of day if I'm supposed to be functional. |
15:34 |
gmcharlt |
my gut feeling is that mid-afternoon is a good time to allow people to trickle away |
15:34 |
miker |
so, before lunch, and mid-afternoon? |
15:34 |
miker |
man, I'm just typing too slow today |
15:35 |
miker |
I wasn't at the last one, but I recall mid-afternoon being a good target at the ones before |
15:35 |
kmlussier |
That's because you have your pullrequest-adding fingers on. They type more slowly. |
15:35 |
csharp |
is it an open or closed meeting? |
15:35 |
* kmlussier |
does not know. |
15:35 |
* csharp |
may not go even if it's open, but was wondering |
15:36 |
miker |
probably open ... no request for an executive session has been made |
15:36 |
csharp |
ok thanks |
15:37 |
miker |
...YET! |
15:37 |
miker |
;) |
15:37 |
gmcharlt |
ok, so I think we have enough for an #info - before lunch and mid-afternoon? |
15:37 |
miker |
yes. I have observed and will report |
15:37 |
miker |
thanks! |
15:38 |
gmcharlt |
#info The hack-a-way will arrange time so that periods before lunch and mid-afternoon are reserved for individual and small-group activities (easing ability of EOB members to meet) |
15:38 |
gmcharlt |
so, moving on |
15:38 |
gmcharlt |
#topic Evergreen.next release manager |
15:39 |
gmcharlt |
I note that this interesets with one of the top items on the hack-a-way agenda |
15:39 |
gmcharlt |
namely, Browser client – path to completion and release of a 3.0 in 2017 |
15:39 |
miker |
first, we're going to build a wall ... wait |
15:41 |
miker |
whoever ends up the .next RM will (if all goes even just OK) get to usher in the web client and 3.0 ... so, here's a call for names |
15:41 |
* miker |
points at the ring, waits for hats |
15:41 |
kmlussier |
miker: Do we know for sure it's going to be 3.0? I know, that's for discussion at the hack-a-way. |
15:41 |
dbwells |
Sorry for being slow, but am confused about the meeting reserved times. They seem a little broad. What times will the developer discussions be? |
15:42 |
miker |
kmlussier: there is no "sure", but that's the plan, and seems very achievable right now |
15:42 |
kmlussier |
I know we often wait until the hack-a-way before formally electing a release manager, but I always like trying to find somebody as soon as a release is done to give them more time to work on the release. |
15:43 |
gmcharlt |
dbwells: times like start to mid-morning, after lunch, late afternoon before close |
15:43 |
kmlussier |
I should say 'as soon as the previous release is done.' |
15:43 |
miker |
kmlussier: right, me too :) |
15:44 |
dbwells |
gmcharlt: It seems to me that those are all the worse times. But I don't think its a very big deal, and will be quiet now :) |
15:45 |
miker |
well, the ring remains prepared to accept hats ... shall we just pick it up officially at the hack-a-way? |
15:45 |
kmlussier |
Does somebody want to put an e-mail out to see if there is a volunteer? I think that's what we've done a few times in the past. |
15:45 |
dbwells |
The Hack-a-way is really pretty close, I think it makes enough sense to wait. |
15:46 |
gmcharlt |
I have a suggestion for splitting the difference |
15:46 |
miker |
kmlussier: how about right before the hack-a-way? |
15:46 |
gmcharlt |
now that the cat has been belled, we can give people time to think about it |
15:46 |
kmlussier |
Cat has been belled? |
15:47 |
gmcharlt |
then I could send out the call for nominations on the 17th, closing on the 28th, with decision to be made second day of the hackawya |
15:47 |
dbwells |
kmlussier: my thoughts exactly! :) |
15:47 |
gmcharlt |
kmlussier: cat as in asking people to seriously think about it |
15:47 |
csharp |
@band add The Belled Cats |
15:47 |
pinesol_green |
csharp: Leave me alone, I'm busy right now. |
15:47 |
jeffdavis |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belling_the_cat explains all |
15:48 |
jeffdavis |
+1 to gmcharlt's proposal |
15:48 |
kmlussier |
+1 |
15:49 |
miker |
+1 |
15:49 |
* miker |
waits for everyone to finish the wiki page |
15:50 |
dbwells |
+1 |
15:50 |
phasefx |
+1 |
15:50 |
remingtron |
+1 |
15:50 |
jeff |
+1 |
15:50 |
csharp |
+1 |
15:51 |
gmcharlt |
#action gmcharlt will send out a call for RM nominations on 10/17, closing on 10/28, with voting to occur second day of hack-a-way |
15:51 |
gmcharlt |
OK, then finally |
15:51 |
gmcharlt |
#topic Feedback request - bug 1629108 |
15:51 |
pinesol_green |
Launchpad bug 1629108 in Evergreen "Metarecord constituents search result page should use standard search code" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629108 - Assigned to Blake GH (blake-j) |
15:51 |
gmcharlt |
#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1629108 |
15:52 |
Bmagic |
Thats me |
15:53 |
Dyrcona |
If it leads to more consistent search results, then I'm for it. |
15:54 |
Bmagic |
After many hours of looking at the brokeness of metarecords, I found that one of the root causes is the search code. Metarecord constituent search page does not use the standard search routine. |
15:54 |
miker |
the "from_" prefix gives me a twitch, but I don't have a better suggestion ATM |
15:54 |
Bmagic |
miker: that was your suggestion, lol |
15:54 |
miker |
hat's why I have nothing better, I guess :) |
15:55 |
gmcharlt |
part_of_metarecord? |
15:55 |
Bmagic |
https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1403907/comments/24 |
15:55 |
pinesol_green |
Launchpad bug 1403907 in Evergreen "E-resources not included in ver 2.7.1 Group formats and editions search" [Medium,Confirmed] - Assigned to Blake GH (blake-j) |
15:55 |
miker |
consituents_of() ;) |
15:56 |
gmcharlt |
"constituents" might be conflated with the notion that it has something to do with monograph parts or boundwiths |
15:56 |
miker |
so, yes, I like the implementation ... and I'm not good at naming things. :) |
15:56 |
miker |
gmcharlt: aye |
15:56 |
gmcharlt |
so I (mildly) prefer names that including "metarecord" or "metabib" |
15:56 |
gmcharlt |
but naming aside, I think the current patch looks like a reasonable direction to pursue |
15:57 |
miker |
Bmagic: I'm impressed at just how /little/ code it took, esp inside the mod_perl. solid work |
15:57 |
miker |
that's my feedback |
15:57 |
gmcharlt |
agreed |
15:57 |
Bmagic |
glad to hear it |
15:57 |
Bmagic |
it isn't much code change, but it took some time to find those little places... :) |
15:58 |
csharp |
Bmagic++ |
15:58 |
gmcharlt |
my only other feedback at the moment is it would be nice to either squawk if the filter values contain non-numeric values, or silently drop them |
15:58 |
gmcharlt |
i.e., to catch it before it generates an SQL error |
15:58 |
jeff |
minor, but not so minor that i'm not taking time to say it: i realize that the total number of changed lines (once whitespace is included) will grow, but it would be nice to avoid the "if (0)" method of commenting out now-dead code in OpenILS::EGCatLoader::Search::load_rresults |
15:58 |
dbs |
jeff++ |
15:58 |
miker |
jeff: +1, yes |
15:58 |
gmcharlt |
indeed (although I'm assuming that the current patch is more a proof-of-concept than a final, polished version) |
15:58 |
Bmagic |
jeff: oh for sure, I left it there so that it wouldn't look like I changed that entire block |
15:59 |
jeff |
(though in this case, with gitweb as the diff tool, it did make the simplicity of the change more apparent.) |
15:59 |
Bmagic |
that is what I was going for |
15:59 |
gmcharlt |
great |
16:00 |
gmcharlt |
so, Bmagic, do you have the feedback you were looking for? |
16:00 |
Bmagic |
Yep, just making sure it was the "right" direction |
16:00 |
gmcharlt |
OK |
16:00 |
gmcharlt |
so, now that 3600 seconds (or so) have passsed... |
16:00 |
gmcharlt |
#endmeeting |
16:00 |
pinesol_green |
Meeting ended Wed Oct 5 16:00:45 2016 US/Eastern. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) |
16:00 |
pinesol_green |
Minutes: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2016/evergreen.2016-10-05-15.00.html |
16:00 |
pinesol_green |
Minutes (text): http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2016/evergreen.2016-10-05-15.00.txt |
16:00 |
pinesol_green |
Log: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2016/evergreen.2016-10-05-15.00.log.html |
16:00 |
gmcharlt |
thanks, everybody! |
16:00 |
csharp |
gmcharlt++ |
16:00 |
berick |
thanks gmcharlt |
16:00 |
jeff |
gmcharlt++ |
16:00 |
miker |
gmcharlt++ # fearless leader |
16:00 |
Bmagic |
gmcharlt++ |
16:00 |
kmlussier |
gmcharlt++ |
16:01 |
abowling |
gmcharlt++ |
16:01 |
remingtron |
Bmagic++ #for diving into the code |
16:01 |
* csharp |
re-adds gmcharlt freenode to NTP sources |
16:01 |
remingtron |
gmcharlt++ |
16:01 |
dbwells |
gmcharlt++ |
16:02 |
kmlussier |
Bmagic++ |
16:02 |
Dyrcona |
gmcharlt++ |
16:02 |
* phasefx |
wants to throw out one thing post-meeting, live tester is showing some failed tests: http://testing.esilibrary.com/~live/ I can scrutinize later, but someone may get the itch sooner |
16:03 |
kmlussier |
phasefx: csharp had thoughts on the transit status failure yesterday afternoon. |
16:03 |
phasefx |
rock |
16:03 |
Dyrcona |
paper |
16:03 |
phasefx |
rock bug paper |
16:04 |
kmlussier |
Speaking of live tests, did we ever figure out why the results aren't posting to the channel anymore? Was it related to the RSS feed? |
16:04 |
jeff |
I think it was something along those lines. I can volunteer to look into it again. |
16:04 |
gmcharlt |
dbs: your key is in place now - sorry abou the delay |
16:05 |
dbs |
gmcharlt++ |
16:05 |
jeff |
I think it came down to supybot not thinking that the new test results were new. |
16:05 |
dbs |
thank you |
16:05 |
Dyrcona |
I meant to fix that one Perl test some time ago, but new job got me sidetracked. |
16:20 |
kmlussier |
@quote random |
16:20 |
pinesol_green |
kmlussier: Quote #159: "< jeff> Oh honey, he's teasing you. Nobody has two library card numbers." (added by csharp at 10:09 AM, August 25, 2016) |
16:21 |
kmlussier |
I think I was on vacation for that one. |
16:21 |
abowling |
what's a re-run? |
16:22 |
gmcharlt |
https://evergreen-ils.org/evergreen-2-11-0-released/ |
16:22 |
kmlussier |
Wasn't he a character from some 70s tv sitcom? |
16:22 |
kmlussier |
gmcharlt++ |
16:23 |
Dyrcona |
kmlussier: I believe so. |
16:25 |
brahmina joined #evergreen |
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bmills joined #evergreen |
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mmorgan left #evergreen |
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jvwoolf left #evergreen |
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ssieb joined #evergreen |
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dcook joined #evergreen |