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IRC log for #evergreen, 2016-09-29

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
00:57 abowling joined #evergreen
05:48 dbwells joined #evergreen
07:18 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
08:01 collum joined #evergreen
08:07 tspindler joined #evergreen
08:30 remingtron joined #evergreen
08:31 csharp hmm, I'm trying to generate the log warnings for bug 1624491, but I'm not able to and I'm not seeing the prox_cache uninitialization warnings on PINES production or test servers :-/
08:32 pinesol_green csharp: Error: Could not gather data from Launchpad for bug #1624491 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1624491). The error has been logged
08:32 csharp pinesol_green: why not?
08:32 pinesol_green Factoid 'why not?' not found
08:32 pinesol_green csharp: You probably want hard-boiled eggs.
08:33 csharp @reload
08:33 pinesol_green csharp: (reload <plugin>) -- Unloads and subsequently reloads the plugin by name; use the 'list' command to see a list of the currently loaded plugins.
08:34 rlefaive joined #evergreen
08:34 csharp bug 1624491
08:34 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1624491 in Evergreen master "Avoid uninit warning for prox_cache in open-ils.circ.hold.is_possible" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1624491
08:35 csharp okay - just needed a @reload of the bugtracker plugin
08:35 csharp it was gonna be a long day without that :-)
08:37 csharp dbs: I'd love to sign off on your bug, but I'm not able to replicate the original problem right now - I know I've seen those in our logs before though :-/
08:38 remingtron_ joined #evergreen
08:38 dbwells_ joined #evergreen
08:38 csharp and there are a couple of other uninitialized warnings generated by open-ils.circ.title_hold.is_possible
08:38 csharp Use of uninitialized value $depth in numeric eq (==) at /usr/local/share/perl/5.18.2/Op​enILS/Application/Circ/Holds.pm line 2555. (for instance)
08:44 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:49 rhamby graced: incoming
08:58 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
09:02 mmorgan2 joined #evergreen
09:03 terran joined #evergreen
09:05 mdriscoll joined #evergreen
09:19 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
09:24 csharp StomproJosh: I'm looking at your fix for bug 1616220.  With your fixes applied, I'm still seeing many of the same sorts of CSS errors - are you also seeing a lot of them even after your fix, or might I be doing something wrong? :-)
09:24 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1616220 in Evergreen "XUL Staff Client CSS Fixes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1616220
09:26 yboston joined #evergreen
09:27 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:33 mdriscoll_ joined #evergreen
09:33 kmlussier joined #evergreen
09:35 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:40 kbutler joined #evergreen
09:41 jlundgren joined #evergreen
09:43 krvmga joined #evergreen
09:45 dbs csharp: thanks! it's a trickier one to replicate due to the caching variance, I think.
09:48 kmlussier Happy Bug Squashing Day!
09:48 csharp kmlussier: and also with you
09:49 * dbs wonders if anyone keeps MaxRequestWorkers below 500 for mpm_prefork.conf
09:49 dbs (sez the guy whose server ate through 10GB of free RAM overnight and OOMed again)
09:51 csharp dbs: our 6-apache-server setup is set to 150 for each one
09:56 dbs 150!
09:56 dbs Oh, duh, sorry - I meant MaxConnectionsPerChild
09:57 csharp oh, we have 10000 for that
09:57 berick 5k here
09:57 dbs we're having massive memory leaks in the apache children
09:57 jeff we're running with... 0? that's surprising to me.
09:58 dbs The only two modules that I can think of that we run that most sites probably don't run are open-ils.resolver and open-ils.auth_proxy
10:00 dbs Not sure if there's an easy way to figure out where a memory leak is occurring in apache with a bunch of c and perl mods
10:00 jeff in test systems earlier this year, i could trigger high memory utilization in apache children. setting MaxConnectionsPerChild seemed to be a solid workaround, and i did have to set it pretty low.
10:01 dbs jeff: interesting - but you don't need that workaround any more?
10:01 jeff i'd have to look at notes, but first thing i'd try would be comparing things handled by EGCatLoader with something like static files.
10:02 jlundgren joined #evergreen
10:02 jeff dbs: we don't, but we also don't have much touching apache other than staff clients, some small controlled scraping, and things like jacket images.
10:02 jeff dbs: in particular, we have no non-staff search traffic hitting apache.
10:03 jeff so no patrons and no search engine traffic on results / record pages.
10:03 dbs jeff: z39.50?
10:03 jeff i expect running with MaxConnectionsPerChild 0 would be causing us more problems otherwise.
10:04 jeff average VM with apache and opensrf services running is using 13G of memory
10:05 dbs Yeah, it's been very weird going from 2.7 "let every bot in the world scrape at any pace" to 2.10 "aggressively deny bots and take other measures to limit traffic"
10:06 dbs Never ran into an OOM on 2.7. But that was also Ubuntu 12.04 so there's 3 evergreen versions + major OS changes at play.
10:06 dbs (Apache 2.2->2.4, Perl, etc)
10:06 jeff what MaxConnectionsPerChild are you running at currently?
10:06 dbs 500
10:06 jeff and what value for MaxKeepAliveRequests?
10:07 dbs 500
10:07 berick keepalive is 1 second?
10:07 dbs keepalive is 5 seconds
10:07 jeff MaxKeepAliveRequests 100; KeepAliveTimeout 5; MaxConnectionsPerChild 0
10:08 berick dbs: i assume it was 5 seconds before?
10:08 * berick has always run w/ a 1 second timeout to keep apache counts under control
10:09 jeff dbs: when you're experiencing low memory conditions, is it a handful of apache processes with high memory utilization, or is it lots of apache instances with low/medium utilization?
10:09 berick of course, if the number of apache procs is not high, then the timeout is not the issue
10:09 dbs It was 1 on the old system. We initially matched the old system, and saw very slow response times, so we tried bringing that up and saw better response times
10:11 dbs jeff: we get a medium number of apache instances with high memory utilization (top ones over 3% RAM usage on a 16GB machine, all the way down to the newer apache instances with about 1% of RAM)
10:12 dbs Once you tip over 40 apache processes with an average of > 2% RAM, you're in trouble
10:12 jeff my largest apache2 process in terms of memory has 356M VIRT / 110M RES
10:12 * dbs will happily drop MaxKeepAliveRequests back to a lower number
10:13 dbs after our restart about 1/2 an hour ago, our top one is 422692 / 178280
10:13 dbs but over time, the RES will grow to enormous amounts. I've seen > 500M
10:14 jeff my oldest apache child is... minutes old.
10:14 * jeff re-checks configs
10:16 jeff dbs: how old is your largest apache child?
10:18 * csharp reads jeff's last comment out of context and chuckles
10:18 berick hah
10:19 dteston joined #evergreen
10:19 jeff yeah, my largest apache worker process was also my oldest, but had a lifetime of only 5 minutes or so.
10:19 dbs If 'ps -p "2646" -o etime=' is to be believed, 46 minutes.
10:20 Dyrcona So, I created a copy by inserting the bib record, copy and call number in the database.
10:21 Dyrcona When I try to retrieve the copy information with a SIP message 17, it times.
10:21 Dyrcona out.
10:21 Dyrcona When I look at osrfsys.log, I don't seen any red flags.
10:21 Dyrcona Anyone know what I'm missing off the top of their head?
10:22 Dyrcona If you have to look, don't bother, please.
10:23 jeff Dyrcona: master or your branch?
10:23 * dbs goes with 'ps -C /usr/sbin/apache2 -o pid,etime' and confirms his old apache children
10:23 jeff Dyrcona: have you tried running sipserver in the foreground so you don't miss warnings/errors?
10:23 Dyrcona jeff: 2.9.8 and SIPServer master no patches. Ubuntu 14.04, perl 5.18?
10:24 Dyrcona I'll try that. I don't see much oils_sip.xml and the osrfsys.log has millisecond response times.
10:24 jeff prefork or multiplex?
10:24 Dyrcona perfork.
10:24 jeff (for sipserver)
10:24 Dyrcona prefork. :)
10:25 berick there's also a log file option to oils_ctl.sh that will capture all the stderr output
10:25 berick very useful for sip deaths
10:25 csharp @decide sip deaths or apache children
10:25 pinesol_green csharp: go with apache children
10:25 jeff in theory i'm not doing anything special to ensure that apache processes don't stick around for long.
10:26 jeff in practice, i don't have any that are more than a minute or two old.
10:27 jeff StartServers 5; MinSpareServers 5; MaxSpareServers 10; MaxRequestWorkers 150; MaxConnectionsPerChild 0
10:35 Dyrcona jeff: No messages from SIPServer. :( pysip2 times out.
10:36 jeff Dyrcona: tried by hand? examine packet trace? see what sipserver logs in terms of the input and output messages?
10:36 jeff Dyrcona: if you care to share the sql you used to create the bre/acn/acp i'd be interested in trying to reproduce.
10:36 jeff if nothing else, in the interest of improving logging / error handling / avoiding this myself. ;-)
10:36 Dyrcona If I use a barcode from a copy other than the ones I added, I get a response in less than 1 second. I think I'm missing something in the database.
10:37 jeff yeah.
10:37 Dyrcona jeff: I can paste it. I was thinking of adding these to concerto for testing purposes in the future.
10:37 Dyrcona I'll bet there is some setting not switched on in concerto that I'm used to having on and that's my issue.
10:38 dbs Dyrcona: any chance the bib / volume / copy ingest triggers are failing or aren't running?
10:38 jeff ideally data that postgres allows you to insert wouldn't cause SIP to fail like that, but maybe the marcxml or something is to blame.
10:38 * dbs is wondering if acpl is populated for example
10:38 Dyrcona dbs: I'll look at that.
10:38 * dbs is on the same page as jeff
10:39 dbs also wonders if the evergreen.is_valid_marcxml() function + trigger needs to be resurrected for this kind of case :)
10:40 jeff evergreen.is_marcxml_sufficiently_non_brief_as​_to_meet_requirements_of_mods_and_sipserver()
10:40 Dyrcona dbs | jeff: http://pastebin.com/J49h8GrY
10:41 Dyrcona The marcxml was copied from C/W MARS production with the 901 tag and subfields with code 0 removed.
10:41 jeff Dyrcona: and you're inserting these into a db with concerto applied?
10:42 Dyrcona Yes.
10:42 Dyrcona Since I discovered that SIPServer won't start on Ubuntu 16.04, I'm going to move on to a branch for that and then come back to this after that.
10:42 jeff isn't this expected to fail on recent Encode.pm?
10:43 Dyrcona jeff: Yes. That was what I was testing, but this is not a recent Encode AFAIK.
10:43 jeff ah.
10:43 Dyrcona It failed on 16.04, and I'm testing 14.04 for duplication, etc.
10:44 jeff my guess right now is that you're running into the bug where sipserver doesn't properly flush the buffer on the socket.
10:44 jeff because it's not counting bytes.
10:44 Dyrcona Encode is 2.49...
10:44 jeff if you check your network packets you'll probably see that the end of message isn't being sent.
10:44 jeff so pysip2 hangs.
10:45 jeff some sip clients will hang, some will read the message as sent so far (i think).
10:45 Dyrcona I ran a loop of all the barcodes at BR1 yesterday and that worked fine. It's only failing on these new copies.
10:46 jeff ah, maybe not then -- unless they have something unique about them.
10:46 Dyrcona I'll get back to it in a bit. I want to fix the UNIVERSAL does not export anything message on Ubuntu 16.04.
10:47 dbs the bibliotheca client barfed on the "unexpected Control character" in the title of item info until I removed clean_text for that; maybe pysip2 is doing the same?
10:48 Dyrcona dbs: I doubt it, but I'll look at that.
10:49 * Dyrcona now wishes he had more RAM on his laptop, so he could run two VMs at the same time.
10:49 csharp @praise RAM
10:49 * pinesol_green the upgrade came off brilliantly, and it's all because of RAM
10:50 Dyrcona Oh, neat. Even though it works with a concerto barcode, I get this from SIPServer: Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at /usr/lib/perl/5.18/Encode.pm line 204, <STDIN> chunk 2.
10:50 Dyrcona It's the Italian record from yesterday afternoon.
10:50 dbs oldest apache process is now 1h 17minutes, and is up to 224MB / 1.3% RAM
10:50 kmlussier Lots of quiet typing at NOBLE, where we have 8 people sitting around the table working on Bug Squashing Day.
10:51 kmlussier Lots of coffee too. :)
10:51 Dyrcona Human language is hard. Why can't we all speak Perl?
10:51 dbs and we've grown from 36 apache processes to 42, whee
10:51 dbs NOBLE++
10:51 dbs kmlussier++
10:51 dbs coffee++
10:51 Christineb joined #evergreen
10:52 csharp NOBLE++
10:55 Dyrcona I'm going to test and push Bmagic's branch on Lp 1613326.  (I think I promised to do that last month, and never found my tuit.)
10:55 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1613326 in SIPServer "SIPServer UNIVERSAL removed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1613326
10:56 berick noble++ kmlussier++
10:56 jeff Dyrcona: pretty sure user/jeff/fix_universal_can will fix your "I want to fix the UNIVERSAL does not export anything message on Ubuntu 16.04" issue
10:57 Dyrcona jeff: Bmagic also has a branch. :)
10:57 jeff (if you forgive the change in style as well as the removal of the now-fatal import)
10:58 Dyrcona jeff: That's not in the working SIPServer repo.
10:59 * jeff raises eyebrow, checks
10:59 jeff gitweb says otherwise: 4 weeks agouser/jeff/fix_universal_can
11:00 jeff http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=wor​king/SIPServer.git;a=shortlog;h=ref​s/heads/user/jeff/fix_universal_can
11:00 jeff the "4 weeks ago" being a bit misleading, of course.
11:02 * dbs "discovers" mod_status and http://localhost/server_status
11:02 Dyrcona jeff: you just pushed it. 'Cause I checked out about an hour ago. I'm going with Bmagic's code. :)
11:02 jeff correct. it did not exist there before i pointed you at it.
11:03 terran kmlussier: NOBLE++ for all the Bug Squashing Day participants!
11:04 jeff Dyrcona: fair enough, but please don't merge that branch as-is without correcting the misleading/incorrect commit message.
11:05 jeff Dyrcona: do you object to the style change, or did you just look at Bmagic's branch first and have therefore already applied it locally, therefore: inertia?
11:06 Dyrcona jeff: I'll go with yours. :)
11:07 jeff hah. okay, in that case same request applies: please don't merge mine with its current WIP commit message. ;-)
11:07 kmlussier To clarify, NOBLE is hosting. We also have representation from C/W MARS and Rodgers Memorial Library.
11:07 Dyrcona I looked at Bmagic's first, but giving it some thought, the style change from UNIVERSAL::can to just $obj->can is a nice addition.
11:08 Dyrcona I'll add Bmagic's bug number and give him some credit in commit message. How's that?
11:08 jeff i'll push a new branch with a reasonable commit message and comment on the bug.
11:10 Dyrcona OK. I'll wait.
11:13 Dyrcona dbs | jeff: I'm convinced my solution to the Encode issues is not optimal. I haven't even really tested it yet, either.
11:23 brahmina joined #evergreen
11:29 Dyrcona jeff++
11:29 Bmagic jeff++
11:30 jeff updated bug 1613326
11:30 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1613326 in SIPServer "Fix deprecated (now fatal) UNIVERSAL import" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1613326
11:30 jeff Bmagic++ thanks again for getting that rolling. i had noted the deprecation log entries but failed to open a bug. :-)
11:30 pinesol_green [sipserver|Jeff Godin] LP#1613326 change UNIVERSAL::can import, style - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​SIPServer.git;a=commit;h=bb0bdfe>
11:31 Bmagic I love Evergreen
11:32 Bmagic and Dyrcona is a spy
11:32 Dyrcona Even when I'm  not. :)
11:33 jlundgren joined #evergreen
11:34 csharp viva la RESISTANCE
11:34 csharp Bmagic: make sure to bring that to the hackaway!
11:34 * Dyrcona has to listen to The Doors, now.
11:34 Bmagic oh it goes without saying!
11:34 csharp :-D
11:35 Bmagic csharp: as long as you bring your ukulele
11:35 Dyrcona :)
11:36 berick i bought the game, but haven't had a chance to play yet.  looking forward to playing at the hackaway.
11:36 Bmagic berick++ # supporting the resistance
11:36 Dyrcona Now, to figure out why my copies show up int he staff client, but don't show up in SIP2 requests....
11:47 jeff Dyrcona: on that, i still suspect that a packet trace would help you determine if the server is sending a partial response (lacking at least the end of message character) due to failing to properly flush the buffer.
11:47 * jeff opens a bug for that issue, seeing none
11:49 jihpringle joined #evergreen
11:52 * Dyrcona fires up tcpdump
12:01 Dyrcona Noice! I seem to be getting jibberish back.
12:03 Dyrcona Hrm. No. I get the 18 response and then the jibberish. Maybe dbs is right and pysip2 is choking.
12:03 jeff do you have the message terminator (CR, 0x0d)?
12:04 jeff can you compare with a successful message pair and a problematic one?
12:06 * berick confirms no CR means pysip2 will continue waiting
12:06 Dyrcona I might be able to do that.
12:07 Dyrcona I'll have tcpdump log to a file.
12:08 jeff if you're using tcpdump, depending on your version you'll want to ensure a useful snaplen.
12:08 jeff -s0 often does it
12:09 jeff though checking my advice shows that's the same as the default at least as far as Debian wheezy and jessie are concerned.
12:10 jeff and if your SIP2 packets are larger than 65535 bytes, we probably don't care what the 65536th byte looks like.
12:17 berick Dyrcona: something like this might help too: https://gist.github.com/berick/4​bf7f1593cecb4ed07667ce0fd036c10
12:17 berick when I add that, I can see the \r's in the recv buffer
12:19 Dyrcona Y'know. I may just try putting clean_text() on autoload Item fields and see what that does.
12:20 Dyrcona But first, I'll finish lunch.
12:20 jeff title/author with mangled characters were the most common trigger for us. i think that's due to a different issue in how MODS transforms are being done.
12:25 terran Bug Squashing Day Update: 6 patches have been tested & signed off on, and 3 new patches have been submitted!
12:34 jeff Dyrcona: bug 1628995
12:34 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1628995 in SIPServer "SIPServer can incorrectly calculate output message length, which can lead to clients hanging" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1628995 - Assigned to Jeff Godin (jgodin)
12:37 dbs jeff++ # different fun with encodings (bytes vs. length), heh
12:38 dbs err, bytes vs. chars for length
12:38 jeff yup!
12:40 kmlussier terran++
12:41 dbs jeff: interesting that used to be just 'print "$msg\r";' before the multiplex merge
12:41 dbs too clever by half?
12:44 Dyrcona I thought we fixed the bytes vs. chars thing at one point.
12:44 bmills joined #evergreen
12:44 jeff Dyrcona: potentially in a error detection context?
12:44 dbs we did, but that was before multiplex. or at least one time that we fixed it--yes, checksum
12:45 dbs perldoc -f length suggests "length(Encode::encode_utf8(EXPR))" to calculate bytes :)
12:45 * jeff nods
12:45 Dyrcona OIC. (finally reading jeff's bug.)
12:45 Dyrcona dbs++
12:49 dbs My longest-lived apache process is now 1h 57m old, has served 394 requests, and is 240M / 1.4% memory. For those who care about such things :)
12:50 Dyrcona dbs: I recall seeing Apache processes hit 700+MB at one point.
12:51 dbs Dyrcona: Oh yeah, we have been there before too; 600MB at least
12:53 dbs Not sure how apache routes requests to children, but most of the other apache processes are much younger (and slimmer), suggesting that this one is getting saved for special requests? Or is just being shunned because it's bigger and slower :)
12:54 * Dyrcona adds use bytes; before POSIX::write to see if that makes a difference.
12:55 Dyrcona Bingo! We have a winner!
12:56 Dyrcona pysip2 doesn't choke on the multi-byte call number.
12:56 csharp @blame testing the wrong git branch
12:56 pinesol_green csharp: testing the wrong git branch WILL PERISH UNDER MAXIMUM DELETION! DELETE. DELETE. DELETE!
12:58 Dyrcona I'm inclined to fix the length calculation as its own bug and not mix it up with the Encode changes.
12:58 jeff i don't know that that's the best / long term fix, but i'll amend my commit message and push that branch. we've been using it in production for a while.
12:59 Dyrcona Where'd you put the use bytes; out of curiosity.
12:59 Dyrcona ?
13:06 dbs makes sense to keep it locally scoped to the length() call, to avoid having any other side effects
13:07 * dbs greps to see 15 length() calls to audit to see whether use bytes would be warranted or not
13:07 Dyrcona yeah, in my test, I did the same.
13:09 dbs +1 to fixing this one little bug first
13:10 * miker thinks `require bytes; ... bytes::length()` may be better?
13:10 Dyrcona miker: It may be better.
13:10 miker or, at least, it causes the least amount of changes, I think, after reading the perldoc for bytes
13:10 Dyrcona Looking at the other lenght calls, the on in SIPServer.pm on the input might need the same treatment.
13:11 Dyrcona s/on/one/
13:11 jeff added working branch.
13:11 jeff we've been running with that change since march or may.
13:11 * dbs chuckles at "perldoc bytes" which says "bytes::length() is admittedly handy if you need to know the byte length of a Perl scalar. But a more modern way is: length(encode('UTF-8', $scalar))"
13:12 jeff saw the alternate approach on the bytes docs. looking again. i don't remember if i considered that or not.
13:12 jeff of course, there's also "Use of this module for anything other than debugging purposes is strongly discouraged."
13:13 dbs in bold, even
13:13 jeff maybe that's why this branch was flagged WIP here. :-)
13:13 * miker doesn't care about modern, personally. bytes::length() seems so much more readable
13:13 miker and that's saying something, in perl
13:15 Dyrcona :)
13:18 dbs I'm worried about adding another way of working around the same basic problem--this one where the docs explicitly say "don't use this!"--so much cognitive overload for someone coming into the code to process
13:18 * jeff nods
13:19 Dyrcona Well, I'll go along with the consensus. It would be good to wrap the encoding/bytes issues up at once with something comprehensive.
13:20 jeff i'm going to revise my working branch to use the bytes::length() approach (thanks, miker!), but i'm not going to be disappointed if the entire thing is obsoleted by something more comprehensive.
13:21 dbs But maybe short-term fix is to use bytes locally or bytes::length() to fix the immediate problem and close the bug, with a reference to a new bug that says "don't use bytes / bytes::length, use Encode"
13:21 jeff i think the bit about it being more modern to spell that ``length(encode('UTF-8', $scalar))'' raises the issue of "we don't know how things are encoded at this point, which is part of the underlying issue".
13:21 dbs so that at least we get working code in master
13:21 jeff right.
13:21 dbs jeff++
13:22 Dyrcona OK.
13:22 dbs also a comment in the code and in the commit log about the bad code smell of "use bytes" to help any future inquires as to "why the hell was this being used?" :)
13:22 Dyrcona I think a couple of other calls in Sip.pm could use that same treatment.
13:22 jeff i was going to continue to say that this fix may be immediately useful to all users of sipserver who may encounter this problem, while a more comprehensive fix that obsoletes this approach may require sipserver + evergreen changes, be part of a larger upgrade/feature/fix, etc. :-)
13:23 Dyrcona lines 95, and maybe 179 and 199
13:24 Dyrcona I misspoke about SIPServer.pm abov.
13:24 Dyrcona above.
13:29 abowling i've tackled this before, but i've slept and forgotten. trying to get a test server up and running to get rid of these darned bugs, and getting: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldbdpgsql
13:29 abowling anyone have any suggestions/memories?
13:29 abowling i have installed 9.3
13:36 berick abowling: what's the output of:  cat /etc/ld.so.conf.d/evergreen.ld.conf
13:39 abowling berick: might be part of my probelm
13:39 abowling cat: /etc/ld.so.conf.d/evergreen.ld.conf: No such file or directory
13:40 jeff miker, others: opinions on "require bytes" being in the same lexical scope as the POSIX::write / bytes::length call? I'm tempted to put it in the Sip package itself, since 1) "require bytes" shouldn't have any side effects and 2) there is a slight possibility we may find other calls to length() that should be bytes::length() before we're done.
13:40 abowling berick: root@evergreen-2-10-6-test:/etc/ld.so.conf.d# cat /etc/ld.so.conf.d/eg.conf
13:40 abowling /usr/local/lib/dbd
13:41 berick abowling: is there stuff in /usr/local/lib/dbd/ ?
13:42 abowling berick: there is, but nothing for psql
13:42 berick k, you should see libdbdpgsql.so
13:42 berick and .la
13:42 abowling berick: python2.7 python3.4
13:43 berick abowling: either libdbdpgsql.so is somewhere else (try 'find'ing it) or it was not installed.
13:43 abowling berick: grrr. found it!
13:43 berick abowling: fwiw, on ubuntu 16.04 it lives in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dbd
13:43 abowling /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/dbd/libdbdpgsql.la
13:43 Dyrcona berick: It works without any extra configuration on Ubuntu since 12.04, IIRC.
13:43 abowling what's interesting is it's 14.04. i wonder if it's hyper-v shenanigans
13:43 jeff Dyrcona: some of those calls to length() might benefit, but some may be limited to "do we have double-encoded characters in a patron barcode received as input?"
13:44 berick abowling: so add /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/dbd/ to eg.conf and 'sudo ldconfig'
13:44 abowling berick: got it. thanks!
13:44 Dyrcona jeff: I said "maybe" :)
13:45 jeff Dyrcona: since we haven't hit any problems in there, I'm also tempted to say that they've of such low priority that they don't bear investigation, focus on the more comprehensive fix that obsoletes them all. ;-)
13:45 Dyrcona jeff: Fair enough.
13:46 miker jeff: I'm for putting the require at the top of whatever file uses it
13:46 * Dyrcona agrees with miker.
13:46 berick abowling: oh, you may also need to add /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
13:55 Dyrcona I dropped the pullrequest tag on Lp 1463943
13:55 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1463943 in SIPServer "Non-ascii Unicode characters in messages cause client problems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463943 - Assigned to Jeff Godin (jgodin)
14:13 jeff Dyrcona: still working on it this week, or holding off?
14:17 Dyrcona I might hold off. I've got a bandaid in place in production.
14:17 Dyrcona If you want to tackle it, feel free.
14:21 jeff Dyrcona:
14:21 jeff heh.
14:27 Dyrcona :)
14:30 Dyrcona miker: Is it all right to mess with bug targets for 2.11? We don't have milestones for anything beyond 2.11-rc.
14:34 mmorgan Since it's bug squashing day, any thoughts on lp 1482757?
14:34 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1482757 in Evergreen "Loading records with located URIs should not delete and recreate call_numbers" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1482757
14:38 miker Dyrcona: mess away
14:39 Dyrcona miker: Will do, as bug manager.
15:04 mmorgan dbwells: I'm testing lp 1422379 and see mention of a less onerous upgrade script than originally proposed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ever​green/+bug/1422379/comments/13
15:04 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1422379 in Evergreen "Move money.billing timestamps back to moment of fine" [Medium,Triaged] - Assigned to Michele Morgan (mmorgan)
15:05 mmorgan , but don't see the alternate upgrade script, but agree that it sounds much less onerous.
15:06 kmlussier @praise bug squashers
15:06 * pinesol_green bug squashers goes to eleven
15:06 kmlussier Bad grammar.
15:06 mmorgan I've done a lot of testing, generating a lot of fines for hourly as well as daily loan periods and finesk and it looks good so far.
15:08 mmorgan Did I really say that??? Been a long day...
15:11 ethomsen joined #evergreen
15:22 jeff mmorgan: were you able to do any testing on a system with billings dating back a long ways, to Evergreen 1.2.x.x and such?
15:23 mmorgan jeff: no, I don't have access to such a system.
15:24 mmorgan Is the only concern there the upgrade script for such systems?
15:26 jeff i wouldn't say it's my *only* concern, no. :-)
15:28 mmorgan jeff: What are some of your other concerns?
15:31 jeff i should look at the upgrade script to see if they're still valid, but i do have concerns about changing existing billing timestamps.
15:31 jeff it's possible that the latest doesn't do that.
15:32 mmorgan The latest upgrade script I see does change the billing timestamps. If they shouldn't/don't need to be changed, is an upgrade script necessary?
15:33 ethomsen left #evergreen
15:33 mmorgan jeff: What are your concerns about changing existing billing timestamps?
15:39 Bmagic Anyone have some insight on this error when updating the xul client? "Update XML file malformed (200)"
15:45 jeff mmorgan: numerous. not sure i can get into them all now, but there's a good bit of conversation here: http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/​evergreen/2014-01-08#i_57827
15:45 jeff mmorgan: and probably at least one other batch later, though i've not found it in a quick search.
15:45 mmorgan jeff: Ok, thanks, will take a look.
15:45 * jeff looks at the bug again, having not done so in a while
15:54 jeff also, my data doesn't seem to match the statements in comment 6: https://bugs.launchpad.net/eve​rgreen/+bug/1422379/comments/6
15:54 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1422379 in Evergreen "Move money.billing timestamps back to moment of fine" [Medium,Triaged] - Assigned to Michele Morgan (mmorgan)
15:55 jeff either that, or i'm misinterpreting what dbwells is saying, or he misunderstood my concern. :-)
15:55 * jeff makes note to revisit and comment on that bug
15:56 * dbs retrieves a patron in the 2.10.7 webby client and sees 685 "Error: [$interpolate:interr]" console messages -- but it works ;)
15:58 jeff oh hey, with most (all?) omnibus-like webstaff branches currently merged to master, now would be the perfect time to rename the controllers! :-)
15:58 dbs definitely beta
15:58 jeff and take care of the flash of untemplated content.
15:58 jeff more bugs to create.
15:59 dbs yup yup yup!
15:59 berick jeff: rename the controllers?
16:00 berick dbs: not seeing those errors in master, fortunately
16:00 jeff berick: i'm joking, but only half. currently the controllers are all FooBarCtrl, and FooBarController is the "preferred" pattern.
16:01 berick ah
16:01 jeff berick: at least one google-recommended (authored? can't recall) tool throws errors/warnings on every single one.
16:02 miker dbs / berick: if that's the error I'm thinking of, I addressed that recently by pushing a scope.apply() call into a timeout -- it was being called during a digest
16:03 dbs miker: yeah, not seeing it on the demo webby. yayz!
16:03 dbs and 2.10 was explicitly called out as not yet production ready; 2.11 too right? So it wasn't bothering me, just amusing me :)
16:03 dbs miker++
16:03 dbs fix0rz
16:04 tspindler left #evergreen
16:05 miker dbs: yes on 2.10 ... and I wouldn't replace your staff clients with 2.11 ;)
16:06 jlundgren joined #evergreen
16:07 dbs yeah, although it feels like our XUL clients are going to explode. might be our general lagginess/performance issues, hopefully tonight's reboot with much lower maxkeepalivetimeouts / keepalive / startservers / spareservers will address that a bit
16:08 * miker crosses fingers for dbs
16:10 Bmagic I'm working on setting up some new app servers with 2.11. It would be great if the staff client from the old installation would upgrade itself. I have got this working before, but for some reason it's not working this time.
16:10 Bmagic dbs: we recently tweaked those settings and it made a big difference
16:12 Bmagic What is the magic glue for xulrunner? Which file is it reading on the server when it complains about malformed xml?
16:15 dbs Bmagic: cool, it keeps my hope alive :)
16:15 terran Bug Squashing Day Update: 8 new patches submitted, 13 patches signed off on, and 5 patches committed or released!
16:23 Bmagic terran++
16:24 Dyrcona terran: are you counting the bug status changes made by the bugmaster account earlier today?
16:36 jeff miker: if you're still around, do you remember what brought POSIX::write into the picture around the time of SIP multiplex, over print? Difference in how the file handle is passed?
16:36 miker jeff: IIRC, because net::server does terrible things to print, et al, and the way to bypass that is to use the POSIX module
16:37 Dyrcona jeff: I was thinking if we do the encoding in write_msg as in the branch that I just pulled pullrequest from we could do this "the right way."
16:42 Dyrcona Do you want me to do an example branch?
16:42 * Dyrcona can't English so good.
16:43 miker jeff: there may have been some "sip is byte-wise, and so are posix::read and ::write" thinking as well...
16:43 Dyrcona Hmm... If the message is encoded in the target encoding before length is called, does length get the correct value?
16:43 Dyrcona Sometimes, Perl gets in the way.... :)
16:43 miker we could use pack and upack instead, I guess ... :)
16:43 Dyrcona Yeah, that's the ticket.... :)
16:43 * Dyrcona gives Sip::Checksum::checksum the hairy eyeball.
16:43 abowling berick: sorry to be a pest, but this is racking my brain
16:43 abowling i have this in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/eg.conf
16:44 abowling /usr/local/lib/dbd
16:44 abowling /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu
16:44 abowling /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/dbd
16:44 Dyrcona abowling did you install libdbpgsql from source and not from a a package?
16:44 Dyrcona If you're on recent Ubuntu or even Debian, the package just works.
16:45 miker and, just to confirm the obvious, you ran ldconfig after adjusting ld.so.conf (and friends)?
16:45 abowling miker: sure did
16:45 abowling ran from package
16:46 abowling damnedest thing. i've only done this about 984 times before :)
16:49 abowling these are present:
16:49 abowling /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/dbd/libdbdpgsql.la
16:49 abowling /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/dbd/libdbdpgsql.so
16:49 Dyrcona Well, good luck. I've not had that issue with the packages, so I have no suggestions other than those that have already been offered.
16:49 * Dyrcona calls it a day.
16:50 serflog joined #evergreen
16:50 Topic for #evergreen is now Welcome to the #evergreen library system channel! | We are publicly logged: http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/evergreen | Large pastes at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org
17:01 terran Dyrcona: Yes, I counted the bugmaster changes that I saw
17:01 jvwoolf left #evergreen
17:09 dbwells mmorgan: Thanks for testing that branch!  I pushed a rebased version with the reworked upgrade script just now:  http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Everg​reen.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user/dbwells​/lp1422379_move_billing_timestamps_rebase_v3
17:16 abowling berick++
17:16 abowling berick: you led me down the trail. the fix is this: cp -R /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/* /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
17:16 abowling after that, make runs fine
17:36 pinesol_green [evergreen|Remington Steed] LP#802700 Sort funds by code and year - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=a2b809e>
19:50 dcook joined #evergreen
21:40 dbs Dear Apache: when I say "MaxConnectionsPerChild 500", you're not supposed to show children with 579 accesses in server_status, right? THOSE CHILDREN ARE SUPPOSED TO DIE.
23:29 pinesol_green [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1618992 Work log checkin/user sanity checks - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=56099a4>
23:29 pinesol_green [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1618992 Webstaff checkin error handler repairs - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=bd60cd1>
23:29 pinesol_green [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1618992 Webstaff checkin UI bib title link repair - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=4b71761>
23:38 kmlussier joined #evergreen
23:39 * kmlussier will be playing in the role of bshum this evening.
23:47 pinesol_green [evergreen|Jim Keenan] LP#1629029: Fixed missing space in line 11 - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=7f06a7b>
23:59 pinesol_green [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1565009 Webstaff patron search progress bar - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=cfb3755>

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