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IRC log for #evergreen, 2015-10-13

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
00:36 book` joined #evergreen
02:14 artunit joined #evergreen
02:26 RBecker joined #evergreen
02:26 eady joined #evergreen
03:40 Travis__ joined #evergreen
04:00 Travis__ left #evergreen
04:46 b_bonner joined #evergreen
05:02 Mark__T joined #evergreen
06:01 gsams joined #evergreen
07:40 ericar joined #evergreen
07:53 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
07:55 rlefaive joined #evergreen
07:58 jboyer-isl joined #evergreen
08:20 kmlussier miker++ gmcharlt++ # lots of web client bug fixes while some of us were taking the day off. :)
08:21 kmlussier @later tell jcamins I drive through Boston on my way to Danvers and could swing by to pick you up.
08:21 pinesol_green kmlussier: The operation succeeded.
08:34 jcamins kmlussier: thanks. We're still trying to decide what to do for a vacation, but visiting Boston and stopping by the hackaway for a day did come up as an option.
08:50 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:21 jwoodard joined #evergreen
09:31 mrpeters joined #evergreen
09:50 yboston joined #evergreen
10:00 csharp ah - one of our (non-PINES, non-Evergreen) metro systems has implemented auto-renewal
10:00 csharp http://www.ajc.com/news/news/local-govt-politi​cs/gwinnett-library-books-to-auto-renew/nnynQ/
10:07 * Dyrcona wrote a script to handle auto-renewal because the things his wife checks out for his daughter almost always go overdue.
10:08 * Dyrcona digs into field mapper to find what acplgm is.
10:41 jboyer-isl joined #evergreen
10:43 kmlussier g'morning #evergreen
10:45 Dyrcona Goood mornin', kmlussier!
10:46 Dyrcona You probably imagined Robin Williams doing that, but I imagined the cast of Hee Haw. ;)
10:48 kmlussier Hee Haw. That's a show I haven't thought about for the past couple decades.
11:04 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:25 * csharp played "Chuck Owens" in his school's 5th grade production of "Haw Hee"
11:31 jwoodard Haha old peoples shows....
11:32 jwoodard *takes cover behind desk
11:33 Dyrcona Heh. I used to watch it with my grandparents back in the day.
11:34 StomproJ Trigger event parameters question - I entered our hostname as the hostname parameter for the Password reset request definition, and in the template all the periods are removed.  Do dots need to be escaped for some reason?
11:44 dbwells Dyrcona: I'm pretty sure all my grandma ever watched on TV was Hour of Power and Hee Haw :)
11:46 Dyrcona :)
11:47 jihpringle joined #evergreen
11:49 mrpeters joined #evergreen
11:56 bmills joined #evergreen
12:05 sandbergja joined #evergreen
12:24 Bmagic I saw that there is a new featuer that allows a "default" image for missing images in the OPAC. Is there a "standard" of handling this? I was thinking of an image for all three sizes that would say something generic. Anyone accoplished this?
12:30 Bmagic I guess I should ask if anyone did anything pre-2.9 ? I do see this: http://bit.ly/1GbwkIo
12:30 Bmagic I suppose that should work, nothing about Evergreen needs to change?
12:32 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:50 remingtron joined #evergreen
13:15 rlefaive joined #evergreen
13:36 Dyrcona @eightball Make some convoluted code more convoluted, or just say, "We don't support that feature."
13:36 pinesol_green Dyrcona: Maybe...
13:42 kmlussier Dyrcona: It depends. What's the feature?
13:42 Dyrcona Placing a request for a locally-owned copy via the Commonwealth Catalog and NCIPServer.
13:43 Dyrcona It already works, in theory, but in practice, they don't send the message with the fields set correctly.
13:43 Dyrcona Of course, nothing in the NCIP standard covers what the field values should be, particularly the optional ones.
13:44 csharp miker++ # thanks for the YAOUS hint on bug 1505676
13:44 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1505676 in Evergreen "Built-in self-checkout interface renews items on subsequent scans" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1505676
13:45 Dyrcona I don't think they even use the PickupLocation element.
13:45 * Dyrcona suspected it already existed, but was too lazy to look. ;)
13:46 kmlussier I thought there was policy against placing requests for locally-owned copies via the Commonwealth Catalog. Well, I know that was the policy for VirtCat.
13:50 Dyrcona The new software can place the holds. I don't know if the old software could do that.
13:50 Dyrcona Walter basically said the capability is there, but no one is using it.
13:51 Dyrcona The capability is there in NCIPServer, but it expects something other than what it is receiving at the moment.
13:51 Dyrcona Unless the patron happens to have the same home_ou as a holdable copy, it says there are no holdable copies available.
13:51 Dyrcona More or less. It gets more complicated, but that's the gist.
13:52 Dyrcona So, if I could cleanly determine if this is a local hold versus a remote hold in a way that would hold up with different configuration, then I could easily place the hold.
13:53 * Dyrcona mutters something about the "Joy" of NCIP.
13:53 kmlussier Ah, I see. I don't think I can give you a better answer than eightball did.
13:53 * Dyrcona checks the time in NZ.
13:53 Dyrcona Yep.
13:54 * kmlussier recommends @coin
13:54 Dyrcona hmm. it would be a couple of hours before I can see what rangi thinks.
13:54 Dyrcona Doesn't look like Koha supports that capability, though.
13:55 Dyrcona I do have some changes to share with the other MassLNC partners. I just wanted to see how they fare in this Thursday's training before sharing.
13:58 kmlussier I wonder if the Maximum Z39.50 Batch Search Results is broken or if I just don't understand how it is supposed to work.
13:58 kmlussier I seem to retrieve the same number of results no matter what I set it at.
13:59 Dyrcona How are you searching z39.50?
13:59 Shae joined #evergreen
13:59 Dyrcona I mean are you searching from the Evergreen staff client and/or are you hitting an Evergreen server?
14:00 kmlussier Searching LoC from the client.
14:01 Dyrcona Dunno. Maybe they have a limit....
14:01 kmlussier Well, actually, my last attempt was a little different. I set it at 5, and I retrieved 10 results and couldn't retrieve more. With previous limits, I could keep retrieving more, even if it was above the limit I had set.
14:09 jeff hrm.
14:13 kmlussier I set the limit to 3 and then searched both LoC and the local catalog, because I'm now thinking it was intended for searching multiple sources. But I get 5 results from LoC followed by 5 for the local catalog.
14:13 kmlussier I think we talked about this in IRC a while ago, but I can't find the log.
14:17 bmills joined #evergreen
15:04 rangi morning?
15:06 Dyrcona Afternoon, rangi!
15:06 rangi :)
15:06 Dyrcona It's still yesterday here.
15:07 Dyrcona So, I wonder if the Koha version of NCIPServer handles placing a hold for the patron if it is owned locally?
15:07 rangi hmm?
15:08 Dyrcona I'm told there is a work flow where Auto-Graphics software can place a hold in the local ILS for a patron if it is owned by their home library/consortium.
15:08 Dyrcona The Evergreen side would actually do that, but hey don't send values in the messages that actually work.
15:09 rangi the RequestItem message?
15:09 Dyrcona yeah.
15:09 rangi oh yeah, values that don't work
15:09 rangi that was 99% of the time testing was, "yeah, you aren't actually sending the correct data"
15:10 rangi it's passing testing now, but I forget what we had to do to get it to work, I think we finally got them sending the correct barcodes
15:11 Dyrcona We didn't have trouble with testing until they went to production.
15:12 Dyrcona Well, a couple of little things.
15:12 Dyrcona I wasn't sure from the code if the Koha side could place a hold for a local patron in the local ILS.
15:13 Dyrcona Knowing one way or the other might help me decide if it is worth to figure out their messages to make that work with Evergreen.
15:13 rangi yup, it does do that
15:13 Dyrcona Thanks, bro'. :)
15:13 rangi at least it was in testing, it may be broken in production, but I haven't heard that :)
15:14 Dyrcona I'll bug them for some of the messages.
15:14 Dyrcona What I've got has busted codes, so I can't rely on it.
15:20 Dyrcona rangi++ # 'Cause he should get some karma here.
15:32 kmlussier rangi++ # For general awesomeness
15:38 jlitrell joined #evergreen
15:40 Dyrcona rangi will probably want to decrement my karma before too long. :)
15:41 rangi heh
16:03 Bmagic If a book jacket is not in memcache, does EG continue to probe the configured service for an image on subsequent page loads?
16:12 berick Bmagic: no
16:12 berick it caches the fact that there is no image on the service
16:13 Bmagic berick: I see, I need to force it to make the query again
16:13 berick if new images are added, yes.
16:13 berick you can manually delete an image from memcache if you reconstruct the cache key
16:14 berick a cache entry will also expire usually, say, over night.  i forget what the default cache time is
16:14 Bmagic ah, the cache key
16:14 berick if it's not accessed for a long enough period, it will expire from cache and get re-looked up
16:14 Bmagic hmmm, that sounds complex to reconstruct
16:15 Bmagic ac.$type.$format.$key
16:15 Bmagic ?
16:15 berick type will be jacket
16:16 Bmagic ac.jacket.large.bibID ?
16:16 berick yeah, that looks right.  might need to try small and medium too
16:16 Bmagic memcrm ac.jacket.large.record_1177127 --servers
16:17 Bmagic I had already ran those commands, but the resutls were "memcache error NOT FOUND"
16:17 berick hm, i don't think you need the "record_"
16:17 Bmagic so I assumed there wasn't anything in the cache
16:18 berick oh, wait
16:18 * berick looks closer
16:18 berick i guess you do
16:18 berick did you also try 'small' and 'medium' ?
16:19 Bmagic yeah, I think I might have a problem with Business::ISSN
16:20 Bmagic well, no, /usr/share/perl5/Business/ISSN.pm  exists
16:21 jboyer-isl Bmagic: I seem to remember those memc* commands being a little... peculiar about their command line params. Does moving the --servers to the front of the options make any difference?
16:22 Bmagic ill check
16:22 Bmagic memrm: ac.jacket.small.record_1177127: memcache error NOT FOUND
16:23 Bmagic for small, medium, large, all complain about NOT FOUND
16:23 jboyer-isl Maybe I was thinking of something else. :-/ Last thought: you're running this directly on your main memcache machine, yes? The same one pointed to by your app servers' apache configs?
16:23 Bmagic I assume that means that there isn't anything in the cache. And therefore, when I load the Bib in the OPAC, evergreen should* query our content provider for lc.gif
16:24 Bmagic yep, for sure, test machine
16:24 jboyer-isl Huh. Well, I suppose to make sure in that case you can just cycle the service. :D
16:26 Bmagic i did that too, I'm going to do it again and make sure. I grep the logs for lc.gif on the prod servers, and it's everywhere. Just not when I want it to!
16:26 berick Bmagic: if it's hitting the added content provider, you'll see something like this in the logs:
16:26 berick [INFO:23490:AddedContent.pm:258:1444732756234904] added content getting [timeout=3, errors_remaining=15] URL = ...
16:26 Bmagic jboyer-isl: btw, did you see that commit about the patron billing AT ?
16:27 jboyer-isl Bmagic: I just got back from a week+ off, I think I missed it. (some folders get Mark All as Read sometimes. :) )
16:28 Bmagic it was a @ later tell here in IRC
16:30 Bmagic http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=wor​king/Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=5f876​fb7eae1ff88a9a7e29df196c0f227c3e9c2
16:31 jboyer-isl joined #evergreen
16:32 Bmagic jboyer-isl: did that link come through?
16:33 jboyer-isl Bmagic: Yeah, sorry about that. Got caught up closing things for the day. I'm going to make a note of it and check it out tomorrow. Thanks!
16:33 Bmagic right on. Have a good evening!
16:33 jboyer-isl you too!
16:37 Bmagic Well, there is something going on here, I am in communication with our image service provider. They have a list of ISSN's that they cover. I found one in our catalog that does not have the image. This bib only has the ISSN.
16:38 Bmagic I would love to see the URL in the logs, but I can't get it to tell me what URL it's using. Perhaps it's not creating a URL at all?
16:54 jeff Is the provider in question Syndetic Solutions?
16:58 jeff Is the ISSN considered valid by Business::ISSN?
17:00 jeff roughly, perl -MBusiness::ISSN -e '$issn = Business::ISSN->new("12345679"); print "OK\n" if (defined($issn) && $issn->is_valid);'
17:03 Bmagic jeff: yep, syndetic
17:03 jeff is this the record? https://missourievergreen.​org/eg/opac/record/1177127
17:03 Bmagic yes
17:04 Bmagic 0068-0214
17:04 Bmagic your code snippet, I should remove the hyphen
17:04 jeff looks like it passes:
17:04 jeff $ perl -MBusiness::ISSN -e '$issn = Business::ISSN->new("0068-0214"); print "OK\n" if (defined($issn) && $issn->is_valid);'
17:04 jeff OK
17:05 Bmagic I get "OK"
17:06 Bmagic if I clear the cache, and turn up the opensrf logging to debug, I should definatly see the line for the lc.gif artwork, but I don't....
17:06 Dyrcona Syndetics only uses ISBN, IIRC.
17:06 Bmagic lol
17:06 Bmagic he left
17:06 kmlussier It's quittin' time!
17:07 Bmagic I have an email from Syndetics with an Excel sheet full of ISSN's that they have in their database. One of which is this record
17:07 * jeff nods
17:07 Bmagic Yall have a good evening!
17:12 jeff Bmagic: it's possible that your account is not configured for issn images.
17:14 jeff Bmagic: see msg for a sample url to try (with your client id)
17:18 jeff terribly pixelated, but... :-)
17:19 Bmagic k
17:20 Bmagic There has to be somewhere else that tells evergreen not to check again. It's plainly not attempting to get the image after I have restarted the services, cleared memcached and turned up the logging
17:23 Bmagic I think I am going to reboot the server! That ought to do it!
20:09 kenstir joined #evergreen
20:29 jeff Bmagic: short of "config is wrong / changed", the classic added content handlers do negative caching using a cache value of {nocontent=>1} and will bypass lookups if there is a key named ac.no_lookup in memcached. In the latter case, an INFO level log message will be logged.

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