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IRC log for #evergreen, 2015-08-28

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Time Nick Message
00:45 bshum @later tell dbs Hmm, for some reason I'm not seeing a webstaff.pot i18n file in Launchpad translations, so I wonder if maybe the sync from your bzr in LP needs some further manual tweaking to get underway.
00:45 pinesol_green bshum: The operation succeeded.
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04:56 pinesol_green Incoming from qatests: Test Success - http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html>
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06:30 pinesol_green All hail the supreme potentate, bshum has arrived!
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10:14 * dbs hails the supreme potatoe
10:14 bshum Heh
10:14 berick heh
10:15 dbs lord knows we need another dan here
10:15 Dyrcona dbs++
10:27 Dyrcona yboston: Any chance of lp 1484281 being fixed by Tuesday?
10:27 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1484281 in Evergreen "authority data may be deleted during propagation with current values of authority.control_set_authority_field" (affected: 1, heat: 10) [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1484281 - Assigned to Yamil (ysuarez)
10:28 yboston Dyrcona: yes
10:29 Dyrcona Also, how would I reproduce that? Just run authority_control_fields.pl?
10:29 Dyrcona yboston: Cool. I can help you with that if you want.
10:29 yboston Dyrcona: will try to push a fixed working branch today
10:29 Dyrcona yboston++
10:29 yboston off the top of my head
10:30 yboston I think if you open an authority to be edited in the MARC editor
10:30 yboston lets say "miles davis"
10:30 yboston if that authority record has several bib records attached
10:31 yboston if for soem reason the authority record had a subfield $4 or $e set to "cmp" or "composer"
10:31 yboston if I then edited out the $4 or $e, that cahnge will be propagated in all linked bibs
10:31 yboston the thing is that the $4 and $e shoudl exist only in the bibs and not in the auth
10:33 Dyrcona I see.
10:33 yboston with the proper fix, if for some reason an auth record (incorrectly) has subfield $4 or $e, if they are removed in the auth record, it will not propagate
10:33 Dyrcona Those are 100 fields in the auth, right?
10:33 yboston also 110
10:33 yboston not sure about the auth see (4xx) and see also (5xx)
10:33 Dyrcona Thanks. That gives mes something to look for.
10:34 Dyrcona I'll see if we have any records that might be affected.
10:34 yboston at this point I have two major things to do 1) fix the bad lien endings in one of my early working branch commit
10:34 yboston 2) write the "upgrade" code
10:34 yboston I got some great information from bshum on Monday
10:34 Dyrcona I could do #1 pretty quickly if you like.
10:34 yboston on how to write upgrade code
10:35 Dyrcona bshum++
10:35 yboston What I want to learn is what is the proper working branch live cycle
10:35 yboston like, is it OK for me to just fix that commit and just destroy my branch a recreate it, when is it OK to force push a working branch
10:36 yboston for now I was juts going to create a fresh branch...
10:36 yboston then just cherry pick my exisitng commit; fix the bad one, then just add the upgrade code
10:36 yboston I already have a pgTAP test
10:36 Dyrcona It is usually OK to force push over a working/user branch.
10:36 bshum I tend to force push mistakes away, as long as I haven't seen people pick my code up.
10:36 Dyrcona Generally not OK on a working/collab branch.
10:36 bshum And even then, I'd probably do it and tell people I did.
10:37 bshum :)
10:37 yboston that is what I thought
10:37 bshum But yes user vs. collab like Dyrcona says
10:37 yboston now if I want to do an interactive rebase, to create one nce commit for my fix?
10:37 Dyrcona Yeah, good idea to follow up with a comment on the bug about a force push.
10:37 yboston do I do it and then force push it to my original working branch?
10:37 Dyrcona Yes.
10:38 yboston or should I create a new working branch for the squashed commit?
10:38 Dyrcona That's one way.
10:38 yboston of course if the working branch has been around a whiel and I know peole have used it, I can see that is a good time to create a new workign branch?
10:38 Dyrcona Both methods are used.
10:39 Dyrcona I tend to force push over existing branches, but sometimes I make a new branch.
10:39 yboston Dyrcona & bshum: good to know
10:39 Dyrcona It's really up to you in your user branch.
10:39 yboston I had seen the phrse (forced push) in git log; not sure if it is done by git or manually?
10:39 dbs bshum: hmm, not really sure what's going on with the bzr thing
10:40 Dyrcona I personally don't have a problem with making a new test branch of my own when a force push happens.
10:40 * dbs will peek
10:40 * Dyrcona decides not to pun on bzr/bazaar/bizarre.
10:40 yboston also, I am crytal clear now that it is OK to force push on a user workign branch, though not on a collab brnach unless coordinated with others
10:40 bshum dbs: Appreciate it, it looked a little weird to me
10:41 yboston *crystal
10:41 Dyrcona yboston: pretty much. Though most of my collab branches have not really been collabs.
10:41 bshum I didn't see anything really pending in the import queue, but I wondered if there is a place we have to define new files for translation
10:41 yboston Dyrcona: makes sense
10:41 bshum Or if it just magically knew what the latest .pot files were...
10:41 yboston they were aspirational collab branches :)
10:42 Dyrcona The reasoning is partly because only the owner can push to a user branch, but anyone with working access can push to a collab branch.
10:42 yboston bshum & Dyrcona: thanks for all the info
10:42 Dyrcona yw yboston. :)
10:43 Bmagic mmorgan: Did you get that test machine to trigger to lost?
10:43 yboston Dyrcona: I knew that, but I still wanted to confirm that it is OK to force push after doign a rebase with master on my own user working branch
10:43 dbs https://code.launchpad.net​/~denials/evergreen/master looks like it is plugging along
10:44 yboston Dyrcona: then again, even though I knew that others could push to collabs, I had not realized how it would be a much bigger no-no to push to a collab branch; thank for helping me lreaize the implications
10:45 mmorgan Bmagic: Had to push it aside for a bit, so, No. Did get your message, though about the editor = 1. Thanks. I'll try looking at it this afternoon.
10:46 Bmagic mmorgan: right on, I have been gone a couple of days also. Let me know how it goes. We have this code running in production
10:46 dbs "The first time you import a template, or a translation whose language or template are not clear, you'll need to review it manually." -- I'll check the queue
10:47 mmorgan Bmagic++
10:47 mmorgan That's Awesome!
10:48 dbs AHA: https://translations.launchpad.net/evergre​en/master/+imports?field.filter_status=NEE​DS_REVIEW&amp;field.filter_extension=pot
10:48 * dbs clicks "Approve" on each of those
10:50 Dyrcona Bmagic: Most systems backdate book drop checkins assuming that they were dropped in yesterday after hours.
10:51 Dyrcona Evergreen does the same.
10:51 dbs bshum: still 145 .po files in the approval queue; not really sure why they're there though.
10:52 dbs e.g. auth.properties in fr_ca appears to differ only by the header metadata (changed 2014 instead of 2009)
10:53 Dyrcona dbs: The for loop given in the release instructions doesn't actually work to skip metadata changes.
10:53 Dyrcona dbs: All changed files end up being added and committed anyway.
10:54 dbs Dyrcona: I thought I had written to manual checking for changes; not sure if someone else tried to automate it
10:55 dbs "(This part needs automation): Then, via the magic of git diff and git add, go through all of the changed files and determine which ones actually have string changes. Recommended approach is to re-run git diff after each git add."
10:55 dbs http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/2.8​/_updating_the_translations.html
10:55 Dyrcona I'm refering to this: http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.p​hp?id=dev:release_process:evergreen:2.8
10:55 dbs So I think berick accidentally committed the lot back in 2014 if I recall correctly
10:56 Dyrcona Scroll down a bit and there's a for loop that is supposed to not commit metadata changes, but it is incorrect.
10:56 dbs Dyrcona: yeah, I didn't write that
10:56 dbwells The semi-automated step always seemed to work alright for me, from what I could tell.
10:57 Dyrcona I wrote a python script and used it for commit 9a0d5b4bd1a365b1911713f026780d0625734fcb
10:57 pinesol_green [evergreen|Jason Stephenson] Update Translations - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=9a0d5b4>
10:57 Dyrcona dbwells: Look at it carefully. All of the files get added, some files get added twice, none ever get reset.
10:57 berick it worked for me, too
10:57 berick when I used it
10:58 dbwells maybe that page is wrong
10:59 dbwells (didn't exist back when)
10:59 berick maybe
11:00 Dyrcona I know that for loop in the release instructions doesn't work.
11:00 Dyrcona Anyway, I wanted to talk about why we don't add metadata changes in the po files at the developers' meeting next week.
11:01 Dyrcona I'll post my Python to a gist sometime this weekend.
11:01 dbwells On that page, the "git add ." shouldn't be there, I think.
11:03 Dyrcona --cached would have to be removed from the next git diff in that case.
11:03 dbwells or, actually, it needs to be between the update_pofiles and the newpot step
11:04 berick dbwells: yes, that
11:04 Dyrcona Once the files are added, a git reset $file would be needed to unstage it.
11:05 Dyrcona But I just got tired of typing Return or k and then Return, so I automated it. :)
11:05 Dyrcona If you look at the beta branch, you'll see the metadata changes crept in, because I didn't notice the loop wasn't working until after I was fed up. :)
11:07 berick Dyrcona: you should document your script on the wiki page
11:07 Shae joined #evergreen
11:07 Dyrcona berick: I plan to after I add some docstrings and a copyright header/license header.
11:07 berick not having to step through every modified file would be great
11:07 berick Dyrcona++
11:08 vlewis joined #evergreen
11:09 Dyrcona Funny thing about git: most commands have --porcelain options to feed to scripts. I found git diff easier to parse without word-diff=porcelain.
11:14 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:26 dbwells Dyrcona: berick: in the meantime, I have updated http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.p​hp?id=dev:release_process:evergreen:2.8 to reflect the steps and order which worked for me, and ended up with newpot changes like this: http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=c​ommit;h=7d8628dfa3432ed005c0a07b3ffddf41833c68d4
11:26 pinesol_green [evergreen|Dan Wells] Translation updates - newpot - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=7d8628d>
11:27 buzzy joined #evergreen
11:27 berick dbwells++
11:28 Dyrcona dbwells++
11:29 dbs dbwells++
11:30 dbs Might be nice to carve the i18n part of that wiki document out into the official docs
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13:23 * dbs wonders whether tonight is the night to implement in-db circ
13:25 dbs reading http://docs.evergreen-ils.org​/2.8/_circulation_rules.html and the db schema, it doesn't look like it's possible to set circ limits by patron profile (e.g. profs can have 50 books checked out, students get 30)
13:28 Dyrcona db: It is.
13:28 Dyrcona heh.
13:28 Dyrcona I mean: dbs: It is possible.
13:29 dbwells dbs: That's still in the penaly threshold table.
13:29 dbwells or, maybe you mean using actual limit groups.  If so, nevermind me.
13:29 Dyrcona It's still possible with limit groups.
13:30 Dyrcona make a separate matchpoint for each profile group and apply a different limit to each.
13:31 dbs Thanks Dyrcona and dbwells
13:32 Dyrcona We use the penalties for total items out and use limits for certain types of items, like DVDs, etc.
13:36 Dyrcona In thinking about it, I'd make a matchpoint for faculty and another for students, leaving everything else blank,
13:36 Dyrcona and then apply the appropriate limit to each one with fall through enabled.
13:36 dbs I'm guessing permission.grp_penalty_threshold.org_unit is going to apply to actor.usr.home_ou, not asset.copy.circ_lib
13:37 Callender joined #evergreen
13:39 Dyrcona dbs: Yes, and it is aware of the hierarchy.
13:39 Dyrcona So if the depth is 0, it applies everywhere.
13:47 dbs Yeah, I think that's the opposite of what we want; university students should still be able to borrow at the medical school if they only have fines at the uni.
13:47 Dyrcona But, when the checks are made in the in db circ function, it goes by action.circulation.circ_lib
13:50 dbs I don't know why in-db circ makes me feel like I've lost 50 IQ points
13:51 Dyrcona It's different from what you're used to.
13:51 Dyrcona You could set the depth of the penalties to the branch or similar.
13:52 Dyrcona Then they'd only apply locally, if I'm thinking straight.
13:53 dbs Mmm, yeah, if it goes by action.circulation.circ_lib, then I think that would work
13:53 dbwells This is Dyrcona explaining how to use in-db circ ;)  http://devopsreactions.tumblr.com/​post/42345786031/senior-developer-​explaining-how-to-use-his-library
13:54 Shae joined #evergreen
13:54 Dyrcona That's from relatively recent memory. I was looking into the code again last week.
13:54 bshum Heh
13:54 Dyrcona heh.
13:55 dbs hah!
13:55 dbs Dyrcona++ # thanks
13:56 Dyrcona I felt like I'd lost a few IQ points trying to get AWS S3 to work yesterday.
13:57 jeff yesterday i ended up discovering that lxml.etree element trees do interesting things.
13:57 jeff as in, given a marcxml collection with various records, and iterating over it like this:
13:57 jeff for record in collection:
13:58 jeff if you use record.xpath(...) to match elements, depending on how you construct your xpath you're going to get matching elements that are siblings in the larger collection object, not contained in record itself, because record contains some connection to the parent still.
13:58 Dyrcona jeff: When I need to xml in Python, I pretty always use lxml.
13:58 Dyrcona That's documented.
13:59 Dyrcona use relative xpath to get the children. absolute xpath parses the whole document.
13:59 * Dyrcona learned the "hard" way, before he found it right there in the docs. :)
14:00 Dyrcona But, I prefer lxml's xpath over Python's xml xpath, because the former is more complete.
14:01 Dyrcona Also faster and based on libxml2.
14:01 jeff The interesting thing was that given 1000 records, it shifted over time. The first match wasn't always the first record. It changed every X or so.
14:01 Dyrcona That is interesting. I never noticed that, but I wasn't parsing that many elements.
14:05 jeff round tripping record to a string and back broke the association and "fixed" things. once i realized what was happening (after making a few test cases) i switched to relative xpath expressions and was happier.
14:05 jeff but it was a bit confusing at first.
14:05 jeff once I figured it out I recalled seeing something in the docs, but I think I just found what I was thinking of and it's almost entirely unrelated: ``Note that a string result returned by XPath is a special 'smart' object that knows about its origins. You can ask it where it came from through its getparent() method, just as you would with Elements''
14:06 Dyrcona yep.
14:06 Dyrcona I'm not sure if that behavior is unique to lxml or if it comes from libxml2.
14:10 jeff I still haven't found where it's documented. I'll let you know if I find out. :-)
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14:27 jboyer-isl People with opinions on tests: I'm torn between simplistic "is there a row with this value in this table" vs actually testing the functionality "if you insert this record, are these fields extracted as expected?"
14:28 jboyer-isl The functional tests seem more robust (if the rows or tables involved in the back end changes, the test still works) but I didn't know if there was a wider preference.
14:29 gmcharlt jboyer-isl: testing intent is better than testing implementation details
14:29 gmcharlt (as a rule of thumb)
14:29 jboyer-isl That's what I was leaning toward.
14:30 jboyer-isl I'm likely going to dump the 350+ "is there a row with these 3 fields" tests and replace them with 10-20 of the "are the correct fields extracted from this test marc" variety.
14:31 Bmagic Dyrcona: About the backdating, I think the library was being misled when the message on the UI contained a date that wasn't what they entered
14:33 tsbere jboyer-isl: Just ensure you test every combination already in the test set. ;)
14:35 jboyer-isl tsbere: easy :p  "SELECT ok((SELECT * FROM config.upgrade_log WHERE version = 'VERSION MY PATCH APPLIED'), 'fixed fields upgrade');
14:35 jboyer-isl ;)
14:41 bshum Bmagic: That's odd... I thought hyphens was fixed for SMS texting a couple versions ago.
14:41 bshum Gibberish no, it'll die on that without fault
14:42 Bmagic bshum: It might be working in the place holds interface, but not when you update the hold
14:42 bshum Ahhh, updating the hold.
14:42 bshum Gotcha
14:42 bshum Yeah I was thinking of https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1016654
14:42 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1016654 in Evergreen 2.3 "TPAC: System should disallow patrons from entering SMS number in wrong format" (affected: 3, heat: 20) [Low,Fix released]
14:42 bshum Which was fixed back in 2.3 era
14:43 bshum The fix that got pushed looks to only affect it on the A/T side of things
14:44 bshum Where it'll automatically strip out hyphens
14:44 bshum Presumably that means we can still input garbage into the fields.
14:44 Bmagic Dyrcona https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1437109 sounds like it could be the same as https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1489915
14:44 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1437109 in Evergreen "renew and edit due date features do not calculate correctly in web staff client" (affected: 3, heat: 14) [Undecided,Confirmed]
14:44 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1489915 in Evergreen "Back date checkin web based staff client reports conflicting date" (affected: 1, heat: 6) [Undecided,New]
14:45 Bmagic bshum: Oh, so it's fixed at the AT level, interesting, So the sms will not fail. Does it strip out /\D//  (any non digits)?
14:46 tsbere Bmagic: $sms_notify =~ s/[- ()]//g;
14:46 tsbere Assuming it matches m/^[- ()0-9]*$/
14:46 bshum http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=c​ommit;h=adc1e00adad32f1c3f9049b9417584b14aba3576
14:46 pinesol_green [evergreen|Thomas Berezansky] TPAC - SMS Number Munging - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=adc1e00>
14:46 bshum That's the changeset from that bug.  But yeah.
14:46 Bmagic so, it will fail if you use another character?
14:47 tsbere If you have a letter or other non-listed symbol it will not remove them
14:47 bshum And I don't think we should automatically discount letters for the field.
14:47 * tsbere frequently jams his alias in when he actually cares about getting a notification, for example
14:47 bshum Yeah, what tsbere says
14:47 tsbere In fact, the way my account is configured, the *digits* won't work.
14:47 Bmagic gotcha
14:48 Bmagic well, I suppose my bug report can be deleted then
14:48 * tsbere was getting too much spam sent to the digits version
14:52 Bmagic tsbere: was there a bug where you posted your code?
14:53 tsbere Bmagic: I believe bshum just linked to it? https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1016654
14:53 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1016654 in Evergreen 2.3 "TPAC: System should disallow patrons from entering SMS number in wrong format" (affected: 3, heat: 20) [Low,Fix released]
14:53 Bmagic oh, I see it now, sorry about that
14:53 bshum Yeah and I pulled up the exact commit hash too
14:53 tsbere That too. ;)
14:53 bshum I'm updating the bug that Bmagic filed
14:53 bshum With a link to this log
14:55 Bmagic bshum++
14:55 Bmagic tsbere++
14:56 jeff Anyone care to look at their SMS notification volume and tell me if you'd be completely opposed to paying something like $0.0075/ea? It would be nice to start to fold some of this Twilio support into Evergreen itself, or just decide that it belongs outside of Evergreen. Knowing if other Evergreen libraries are completely opposed to paying for SMS delivery would probably help there.
14:57 hopkinsju +1
14:57 bshum jeff: So what's Twilio?
14:57 * bshum steps back to the beginning of the story to understand jeff's question
14:58 hopkinsju We get a question fairly regularly about "How do we send text messages to {{Backwater pay as you go carrier}}?"
14:58 jeff one of a few providers of telephony services. they're nice, popular, offer lots of options, have a nice API.
14:59 jeff bshum: the context of my question was "we don't use SMS to email built into A/T, opting instead to pay per message", and wondered if others were interested in that kind of thing, or if the price was prohibitive.
15:00 jeff I could probably get more responses from a mailing list post, but since the query was somewhat topical and I was looking at irc... I asked here.
15:00 bshum jeff: All things considered, I think libraries pay for lots of stuff that's pointless (cough, cough, Boopsie), so I think it's worth consideration if it gets us broader/better coverage.
15:00 bshum But that being said, free is free.  And if the email gateway approach works well enough for some people, I wouldn't break that in favor of whatever you're proposing to have added.
15:01 jeff No, despite the very idea being a bit ugly, I don't think I could advocate removing the SMS to email gateway options entirely. :-)
15:01 jeff But recommending against their use becomes easier when it's a matter of "do this instead" :-)
15:02 bshum jeff: So that's 0.0075 per sms.  Is that attempt or successfully sent message?
15:02 bshum :D
15:02 * bshum doesn't mind paying for stuff that actually works, vs. paying for every attempted sending that might be failing
15:03 bshum Especially given what Bmagic noted about potential, let's call that user error :)
15:03 tsbere I believe you get better "did it go through" with most services (the gateways seem to silently drop invalid numbers)
15:03 bshum Hmm
15:04 tsbere And with the services you don't have to worry as much about carrier. If someone takes their number to another carrier it doesn't matter
15:04 hopkinsju I've received messages back from gateways - but the way our system works that would never make it all the way back to the user.
15:04 hopkinsju Right. And removing the need to know carrier is a big step forward, I think.
15:05 hopkinsju I think we will see more and more MVNO's out there.
15:05 tsbere hopkinsju: I haven't run into many gateways that have told me the number wasn't valid. A couple, yes, but not many.
15:06 hopkinsju tsbere: I don't disagree - I was more making that point that even if we *did* get a message back the user'd never see it.
15:06 tsbere Well yea, but that is going to generally be the case. I would be more interested in ensuring *staff* saw it.
15:07 hopkinsju One catch about using a paid option is that for consortial type environments, knowing who owes what would be tricky.
15:07 jeff Yeah. That's something we're going to start working on soon -- taking action when we've gotten a STOP or when the number isn't receiving the messages. Something like removing/disabling that notification method and adding a message on the patron account, almost like the other contact invalidators.
15:08 jeff bshum: to answer your question about being billed per attempt vs actual delivery, "it depends".
15:08 hopkinsju And right, overisght. Currently there's really no reason not to allow anonymous users to use the email to sms option - but where it could be abused by a bot, even something as cheap is Twilio could break a small library's bank.
15:09 jeff hopkinsju: sure there's reason to not use anonymous SMS -- almost the same as being an SMTP open relay.
15:10 jeff hopkinsju: if you're talking about the "text this call number to me" function.
15:10 hopkinsju jeff: I feel like the combination of knowing the carrier *and* the number offers some protection against that.
15:10 jeff Not really.
15:10 hopkinsju How so?
15:10 jeff it's rather trivial to get/guess that with reasonable accuracy.
15:11 jeff especially if you're targeting a single or small handful of numbers.
15:11 hopkinsju I wont' speculate about the dificulty or what constitutions reasonable accuracy, but I can say that our OPAC is not required for those attempts to be made.
15:14 jeff bshum: if you attempt to message an invalid number, you will not be billed. if you attempt to message a number that isn't actually capable of receiving SMS, a lot of the "will i be billed" answer will vary based on the remote provider, the nature of the "why can't this receive SMS", etc.
15:19 jeff bshum: typically, and on the two tests i just did, if you're sending to a landline you will not be charged.
15:19 jeff bshum: and perhaps more importantly, you'll know that the message did not go through.
15:28 jeff hopkinsju: for consortial environments, as long as you didn't mind $1/mo per billed entity, and as long as you could agree on something logical like "home_ou of user pays", billing could be reasonably well sorted out.
15:29 jeff bonus there would be that the messages would come from a number dedicated to the billed entity, and in the future could do things like actually receive texts, etc, etc.
15:32 jeff Any other concerns/issues/challenges that come to mind?
15:35 bmills joined #evergreen
15:36 * bshum can't think of anything right now, but also feels that Fridays are not his best thinking days.  :P
15:36 bshum Especially Fridays after a nice pizza lunch
15:38 bmills1 joined #evergreen
15:38 jeff Hrm. Of course, the API and the docs seem to differ on whether or not I'm going to be charged for this particular SMS.
15:39 jeff docs say "status of undelivered will still be charged", but the API call shows a cost of null USD :-)
15:40 tsbere jeff: Undelivered to a PITA carrier = charged. Undelivered to a nice carrier = no charge?
15:40 tsbere Possibly "undelivered to no carrier" not being charged...
15:41 jeff "failed" is "the carrier didn't even accept this"
15:41 jeff "undelivered" is "the carrier accepted this but we didn't get a confirmation that it was delivered"
15:41 * tsbere also has several landlines in his text message history on his phone
15:41 jeff phone phones are messy. some things are less messy with something like twilio.
15:43 jeff i still have a price of null after several minutes of it being in a status of "undelivered" (as opposed to "queued" which I expect to not have a price yet) :-)
15:44 tsbere jeff: What carrier did you attempt to send to?
15:45 jeff a voip provider called Jive, and the local cable company (who also does voip phones), Charter/Spectrum
15:45 jeff I do know that some landline carriers can/will forward SMS to landlines via some kind of voice relay. I don't have personal experience with that.
15:45 tsbere Well, I know that the local cable company here not only does phones, but also text messaging for those phones. Though they usually want you to install an app on your smartphone to use that part...
15:46 tsbere And at least one VOIP company in the area has text messaging as well, for that matter. But other "landline" providers in the area don't.
15:47 Bmagic What would cause a transaction to stay open after it was checked in ($0 fines on the circ however it was overdue long enough to get marked lost) ?
15:48 jeff one of the interesting things with a service like Twilio is that we could port our number to them and then use the library's main number for SMS :-)
15:49 tsbere Bmagic: Backdating. The fact it was lost? Many little gotchas....
15:50 Bmagic The lost trigger applied the cost of the book as a line item. Checking it in, voided those, but the transaction remained open
15:50 Bmagic This is happening on repeat
15:51 Bmagic We want it to void the bills, and close the transaction (because it goes to 0) upon checkin
15:51 Bmagic It's staying on the patrons account under "other"
15:53 mmorgan Bmagic: I've seen the situation where an item is overdue, the fine is paid, then the item is marked "Lost". Fines get voided, bill gets charged, but the previous payment on the fine zeroes out the bill. Transaction remains open, item remains on patron record as "Lost"
15:54 mmorgan Bmagic: What release are you on?
15:54 Bmagic 2.8.2
15:56 mmorgan 2.8.3 for us. I would be curious to see if what you're seeing happens in 2.9, with the conditional negative balance code.
15:57 mmorgan Bmagic: Have these transactions gone to Long Overdue before going to Lost?
15:57 Bmagic no, just straight to lost
15:58 mmorgan OK :)
16:04 bshum It's not a setting right Bmagic?  Like the one that doesn't auto close transactions?
16:06 bshum "Close transaction when lost balance equals zero"
16:06 bshum I have that set to true for our consortium, fwiw.
16:06 bshum 2.8-ish system
16:08 mmorgan bshum: Looks like it's the opposite: "Leave transaction open when lost balance equals zero"
16:08 mmorgan We have that unset, so I believe, false.
16:09 bshum Right, so I mean to do what Bmagic wants, i.e. close the transaction, that should probably be set to true.
16:10 bshum ?
16:10 tsbere bshum: Based on what mmorgan says it should be unset, or maybe outright set to false
16:10 bshum mmorgan: Or wait, you mean my setting is reversed of what your setting says?
16:10 bshum That's odd.
16:10 tsbere Depends on who is correct as to the label, I guess. >_>
16:11 * tsbere is too lazy to dig it up himself
16:11 bshum Well I just typed what my label said.
16:11 mmorgan bshum: Does yours really say "Close transaction when lost balance equals zero"? That IS odd.
16:12 bshum mmorgan: That's what it says on my screen anyways.
16:12 * bshum checks stock..
16:12 bshum Entertaining...
16:12 * mmorgan wonders what version of Evergreen bshum is REALLY running ;-)
16:13 bshum The special kind.
16:13 bshum Don't be jealous now.
16:14 bshum Oh, interesting... that's a super old setting
16:15 mmorgan Bmagic: anyway, "Leave transaction open when lost balance equals zero", is unset for us, and the transaction closes when a Lost item is checked in and the bill is voided.
16:16 bshum mmorgan: Well that is surprising indeed.
16:17 bshum The org unit setting I have is called "circ.lost.xact_finish_on_zero"
16:17 bshum And the one in stock is "circ.lost.xact_open_on_zero"
16:17 bshum And I don't have that one at all.
16:17 * berick has circ.lost.xact_open_on_zero
16:17 bshum So that's probably why my system behaves the way I think it should
16:17 berick on my dev vm
16:18 bshum Cause having mine set to true is the same as having yours unset or false
16:18 bshum So the default behavior would be to close the transactions.
16:18 bshum I guess.
16:18 jeff bshum: It'a almost as if you aren't even running Neergreve at all! What kind of bizarro world is this?
16:18 bshum It's probably something that changed in master at some point.
16:18 bshum And we didn't have the right upgrade script or something
16:19 bshum Or maybe we used the wrong upgrade script at some point in the 2.2 era...
16:19 jeff bug 793550
16:19 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 793550 in Evergreen 2.3 "xact_finish (prematurely?) set on claimed returned item if transaction balance reaches zero" (affected: 7, heat: 38) [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/793550
16:20 bshum Aha
16:20 bshum jeff++
16:20 bshum Yeah it looks like I had the earlier version of the change
16:21 Dyrcona I thought that sounded familiar. :)
16:21 bshum Yep, it changed between iterations
16:21 bshum Sigh
16:21 bshum I guess I should go fix our system
16:21 jeff I would expect that you have the setting but no code you're running uses the setting.
16:21 bshum Yeah, pretty much
16:21 jeff Effect is likely the same, but changing the setting probably wouldn't do anything. :-)
16:22 bshum Indeed.
16:22 bshum I should probably fix it though so that we're closer to stock...
16:22 bshum So that I don't have weird moments like this.
16:22 * bshum must have pushed the earlier version to production at some point during the signoff process.
16:23 bshum Oh well.
16:23 bshum Anyways... Bmagic should check how his system is set for that setting, the one mmorgan (and everyone else) says is the one :)
16:23 bshum mmorgan++
16:23 hopkinsju mmorgan++
16:24 hopkinsju Bmagic is murdering help desk tickets right now.
16:24 jeff WHY. WON'T. YOU. STAY. DEAD?
16:24 hopkinsju I'll have to do the ++ing until he get's back.
16:24 hopkinsju jeff++
16:25 mmorgan bshum++ #looking to settings in the first place
16:26 jeff our current system has an automated update that happens on solved tickets, end result being that three or so days after a ticket has been marked as solved, i see an email notification that has that ticket's subject. sometimes it catches me off guard "what? AGAIN?"
16:28 Dyrcona jeff: I would turn that off.
16:30 jeff it's part of the built-in soft/hard close, request confirmation (and "rating") from user. it... dunno. i could probably take it or leave it, but i'm not sure how users feel about it.
16:30 jeff probably just as annoyed as me.
16:30 jeff though that might be an incorrect guess. :-)
16:31 tsbere We still get "Thanks!" replies to the "the ticket was resolved" emails. And anyone replying to a ticket re-opens it...
16:31 jeff yeah. i long ago looked into an RT tweak that would deal with those, but then i just started taking the time to say "You're welcome!" :-)
16:31 jeff (and we stopped using RT)
16:46 dbs hmm. feeling close to having our in-db rules sorted out, for the most part, but not getting the expected block on checkouts when permission.grp_penalty_threshold for PATRON_EXCEEDS_FINES is exceeded
16:47 dbs PATRON_EXCEEDS_CHECKOUT_COUNT limit is being respected though. weird
16:52 dbs weird, actor.user_standing_penalty.create id= set_date= usr=foobar staff= standing_penalty=1 org_unit=105 stop_date= note= isnew= ischanged= isdeleted=
16:52 tsbere dbs: Are fine limits specified at multiple levels? Or, perhaps, can you see the message in the staff client about it?
16:52 dbs so it looks like the standing penalty for PATRON_EXCEEDS_FINES is supposed to be set, but that doesn't block circ?
16:53 mmorgan dbs: org_depth problem maybe?
16:53 dbs oh that's weird
16:54 dbs so, it looks like the penalty did get set, but only after I tried doing the extra checkout
16:54 dbs once I refreshed the patron, then it popped up with the expected alerts
16:55 dbs So I _think_ we're good. We'll see next week :)
16:55 dbs thanks, tsbere++ and mmorgan++
16:55 dbs (and Dyrcona++ and dbwells++ from earlier)
17:00 Bmagic bshum: mmorgan: sorry, I was on the phone. The setting is set to null for both "Leave transaction open when lost balance equals zero" and "Leave transaction open when long overdue balance equals zero"
17:00 Bmagic Do those need to be "false" ?
17:01 mmorgan Bmagic: For good measure, I would explicitly set them to False.
17:04 mmorgan Yay! just tried the scenario from http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/​evergreen/2015-08-28#i_199831 with the code from lp 1331174, and the transaction closed :)
17:04 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1331174 in Evergreen "Long Overdue processing needs org unit settings separate from Lost Processing" (affected: 5, heat: 22) [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1331174
17:04 jeff mmorgan++ testing
17:04 mmorgan Unfortunately, the mark lost part will need to wait until next week :-(
17:13 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:24 * dbs wonders if A/T needs to run to set the penalties that block circ
17:40 jeffdavis dbs: I'm not 100% sure, but it sounds correct to me that the PATRON_EXCEEDS_FINES penalty isn't applied until the patron tries to do something where the penalty would matter (like checkout/renew another item). I don't think it's trigger-related.
17:42 dbs jeffdavis: the problem is that the checkout that should be prevented actually succeeds; then the block kicks in
17:43 jeffdavis ah
17:52 csharp dbs: I'm pretty sure we saw that "off by one" problem with PINES too
17:52 * csharp reviews our settings
17:53 csharp our policy is $10.00 for PATRON_EXCEEDS_FINES and our setting is $10.00
17:54 csharp I don't know if that's a case of "it works as expected" or "our staff got used to how it works"
17:54 csharp I do remember confusion when we made the switch, though
17:56 dbs csharp: thanks, that's helpful!
17:58 miker dbs: with a setting of 10.00, would you expect the block at that value?  I read the setting as "max allowed fine, beyond this you're blocked"
17:59 dbs dbs: our setting is $0.01 and the next checkout was allowed even though the person had a $3.50 fine
18:00 dbs We just cut over to in-db, though, so if (say) the fine generator applies blocks to accounts at intervals, then that might just be a temporary glitch
18:00 miker ah!  I had not read up far enough
18:01 * dbs heads homewards
18:01 dbs thanks everyone :)
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20:32 Dyrcona @later tell jeff I found a solution that works for connecting to S3 on FreeBSD: https://discussion.dreamhost.com/thre​ad-146308-post-184210.html#pid184210
20:32 pinesol_green Dyrcona: The operation succeeded.
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