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href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193023">04:37</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">Stompro joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l4" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193024"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193024">04:37</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">dbs joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l5" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193025"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193025">04:37</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">mnsri joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l6" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193026"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193026">07:43</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">jboyer-isl joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l7" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193027"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193027">07:47</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">ericar joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l8" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193028"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193028">07:54</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">rjackson_isl joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l9" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193029"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193029">08:35</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">Dyrcona joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l10" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193030"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193030">08:35</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">mrpeters joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l11" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193031"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193031">08:47</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">Shae joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l12" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193032"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193032">09:01</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">mmorgan joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l13" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193033"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193033">09:25</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">yboston joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l14" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193034"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193034">09:31</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">collum joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l15" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193035"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193035">09:51</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">ericar_ joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l16" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193036"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193036">09:55</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">krvmga joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l17" class="new nick nick_krvmga"> <td class="time" id="i_193037"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193037">09:57</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">our catalog URL is <a href="http://catalog.cwmars.org" title="http://catalog.cwmars.org">http://catalog.cwmars.org</a> . i don't understand why entering this string in the basic search box doesn't find the item (title:^The daughters$ && author:^Celt, Adrienne$)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l18" class="cont nick nick_krvmga"> <td class="time" id="i_193038"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193038">09:57</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">at a glance, i don't see anything wrong with the string.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l19" class="cont nick nick_krvmga"> <td class="time" id="i_193039"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193039">09:59</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">"The daughters" and "Celt, Adrienne" are in the MARC record</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l20" class="cont nick nick_krvmga"> <td class="time" id="i_193040"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193040">09:59</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">but there are two things i notice</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l21" class="cont nick nick_krvmga"> <td class="time" id="i_193041"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193041">10:00</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">quoting what's in the 245 "The daughters :"</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l22" class="cont nick nick_krvmga"> <td class="time" id="i_193042"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193042">10:00</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">quoting what's in the 100 "Celt, Adrienne."</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l23" class="new nick nick_kmlussier dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193043"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193043">10:00</a></td> <td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td> <td class="msg ">krvmga: You need to include that ending punctuation for anchored searches to work.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l24" class="new nick nick_krvmga"> <td class="time" id="i_193044"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193044">10:01</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">the colon and the period. are those messing up the search?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l25" class="new nick nick_kmlussier dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193045"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193045">10:01</a></td> <td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td> <td class="msg ">krvmga: yes</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l26" class="new nick nick_krvmga"> <td class="time" id="i_193046"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193046">10:01</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">voila!</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l27" class="cont nick nick_krvmga"> <td class="time" id="i_193047"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193047">10:01</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">sometimes, you know, just saying these things out loud in irc is SO helpful.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l28" class="cont nick nick_krvmga"> <td class="time" id="i_193048"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193048">10:01</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">kmlussier: thx.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l29" class="cont nick nick_krvmga"> <td class="time" id="i_193049"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193049">10:03</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">hmmm...</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l30" class="cont nick nick_krvmga"> <td class="time" id="i_193050"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193050">10:04</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">i added in the punctuation and the search still didn't find the item</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l31" class="cont nick nick_krvmga"> <td class="time" id="i_193051"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193051">10:04</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">(title:^The daughters :$ && author:^Celt, Adrienne.$)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l32" class="cont nick nick_krvmga"> <td class="time" id="i_193052"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193052">10:05</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">i also tried various permutations - Adrienne with no period but "daughters" with colon, etc.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l33" class="new nick nick_kmlussier dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193053"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193053">10:05</a></td> <td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td> <td class="msg ">krvmga: Check your metabib index entries just to make sure that's how it's being indexed. It needs to exactly match what's in the metabib entries.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l34" class="new nick nick_krvmga"> <td class="time" id="i_193054"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193054">10:05</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">i will look at that now</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l35" class="cont nick nick_krvmga"> <td class="time" id="i_193055"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193055">10:06</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">kmlussier: check for this exact record, you mean?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l36" class="cont nick nick_krvmga"> <td class="time" id="i_193056"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193056">10:06</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">or check config. metabib?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l37" class="new nick nick_kmlussier dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193057"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193057">10:07</a></td> <td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td> <td class="msg ">Check in metabib.title_field_entry to see how the title is being indexed for that particular record and do the same for metabib.author_field_entry.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l38" class="new nick nick_krvmga"> <td class="time" id="i_193058"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193058">10:08</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">omw to check</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l39" class="new nick nick_kmlussier dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193059"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193059">10:10</a></td> <td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td> <td class="msg ">Looking at the record, I suspect the search would need to be for ^The daughters : a novel$</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l40" class="cont nick nick_kmlussier dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193060"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193060">10:11</a></td> <td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td> <td class="msg ">Possibly with a / at the end of it. But it all depends on what you see in the metabib entries.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l41" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona"> <td class="time" id="i_193061"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193061">10:11</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">krvmga: I suggested not using both anchors yesterday, and I meant it.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l42" class="new nick nick_krvmga dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193062"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193062">10:13</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">Dyrcona: LOL. And I take your words to heart. Unfortunately, EBSCO doesn't seem to have the same attitude. A link to this item from Novelist Plus is generating that search string and I need to figure out whether to make it an EBSCO problem or a CWMARS problem.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l43" class="new nick nick_bshum"> <td class="time" id="i_193063"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193063">10:13</a></td> <td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td> <td class="msg ">"I concur, sir, the message is authentic."</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l44" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193064"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193064">10:13</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">It's an EBSCO problem.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l45" class="new nick nick_bshum"> <td class="time" id="i_193065"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193065">10:13</a></td> <td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td> <td class="msg ">krvmga: Oh that's definitely an EBSCO problem. Why even ask?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l46" class="new nick nick_krvmga dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193066"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193066">10:14</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">bshum: lol, stahp! you're killing me.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l47" class="new nick nick_krvmga"> <td class="time" id="i_193067"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193067">10:14</a></td> <td style="color: #00746b" class="nick">* krvmga</td> <td class="msg act ">suspects bshum has been binging on submarine movies lately.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l48" class="new nick nick_kmlussier dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193068"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193068">10:15</a></td> <td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td> <td class="msg ">I suspect the search string may be different for MVLC and NOBLE since they would run across the same issues.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l49" class="new nick nick_krvmga"> <td class="time" id="i_193069"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193069">10:15</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">Dyrcona: what happens in MVLC if you go into Novelist Plus and click on a "See this in X library" link?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l50" class="new nick nick_bshum dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193070"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193070">10:18</a></td> <td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td> <td class="msg ">krvmga: Maybe... but also, I quote stuff like this all the time with my friends. I just don't always find ways of doing it in my regular day to day. So I snatch them up as I can. :)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l51" class="new nick nick_krvmga"> <td class="time" id="i_193071"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193071">10:18</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">bshum: :)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l52" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193072"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193072">10:19</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">krvmga: To be honest, I don't even know how to do that. I just set the stuff up in the back end. I don't actually use it.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l53" class="new nick nick_bshum"> <td class="time" id="i_193073"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193073">10:21</a></td> <td style="color: #483800" class="nick">* bshum</td> <td class="msg act ">doesn't know what "Novelist Plus" is, but assumes it's different from "Novelist Select"?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l54" class="new nick nick_krvmga dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193074"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193074">10:24</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">bshum: yes, novelist select is the catalog enhancement</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l55" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona"> <td class="time" id="i_193075"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193075">10:24</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">krvmga: James might know better than I if we've had problems reported with Novelist Plus. You could shoot him an email.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l56" class="new nick nick_krvmga dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193076"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193076">10:25</a></td> <td style="color: #131000" class="nick">krvmga</td> <td class="msg ">Dyrcona: thx.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l57" class="new nick nick_bshum"> <td class="time" id="i_193077"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193077">10:26</a></td> <td style="color: #483800" class="nick">* bshum</td> <td class="msg act ">doesn't have any way of testing it then.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l58" class="new nick nick_bshum dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193078"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193078">10:26</a></td> <td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td> <td class="msg ">But presumably, it's an EBSCO problem and they can adjust the URL syntax appropriately :)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l59" class="cont nick nick_bshum dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193079"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193079">10:27</a></td> <td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td> <td class="msg ">We went some rounds with them on our Novelist links back when we transitioned from JSPAC to TPAC too.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l60" class="new nick nick_bshum"> <td class="time" id="i_193080"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193080">10:28</a></td> <td style="color: #483800" class="nick">* bshum</td> <td class="msg act ">goes back to thinking about good movie quotes</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l61" class="new nick nick_bshum dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193081"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193081">10:29</a></td> <td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td> <td class="msg ">(and otherwise working)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l62" class="new special"> <td class="time" id="i_193082"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193082">10:35</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">Christineb joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l63" class="cont special"> <td class="time" id="i_193083"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193083">10:57</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">ericar_ joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l64" class="cont special"> <td class="time" id="i_193084"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193084">11:01</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">ericar_ joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l65" class="new nick nick_yboston dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193085"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193085">11:07</a></td> <td style="color: #006163" class="nick">yboston</td> <td class="msg ">Good morning, I have a questions about how folks handle the Group Penalty Threshold of patron_exceeds_checkout_count when you have a couple of branches with their own values. Lets take a simplified, if I have three branches (B1 & B2 & B3) that each are set up with patron_exceeds_checkout_count = 10.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l66" class="cont nick nick_yboston dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193086"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193086">11:07</a></td> <td style="color: #006163" class="nick">yboston</td> <td class="msg ">Do you then end up setting up a patron_exceeds_checkout_count at the system or consortium level of patron_exceeds_checkout_count = 30? I am just wondering if I should be putting a sort of global cap of maximum items out at the consortium or system level that adds up the maximum number of all the branches.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l67" class="cont nick nick_yboston dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193087"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193087">11:07</a></td> <td style="color: #006163" class="nick">yboston</td> <td class="msg ">I was thinking if I have all branches set up with the proper patron_exceeds_checkout_count, and branches are the only ones that own items, then I may not need a limit at the system or consortium/system level. Thanks in advance</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l68" class="new nick nick_mmorgan"> <td class="time" id="i_193088"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193088">11:11</a></td> <td style="color: #00b65f" class="nick">mmorgan</td> <td class="msg ">krvmga: FWIW, here is NOBLE's query string for our Ebsco custom link: bool=and&qtype=author&contains=contains&query={author}&bool=and&qtype=title&contains=contains&query="{title}"&bool=and&qtype=author&contains=contains&query=&_adv=1&locg=1&pubdate=is&date1=&date2=&sort=pubdate.descending</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l69" class="new nick nick_kmlussier dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193089"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193089">11:14</a></td> <td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td> <td class="msg ">mmorgan: Just a minute too late! :)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l70" class="cont nick nick_kmlussier dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193090"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193090">11:14</a></td> <td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td> <td class="msg ">I'll send him an email.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l71" class="new nick nick_mmorgan"> <td class="time" id="i_193091"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193091">11:15</a></td> <td style="color: #00b65f" class="nick">mmorgan</td> <td class="msg ">:-( ...just got out of a meeting.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l72" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193092"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193092">11:20</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">yboston: It should be aware of the hierarchy when looking up penalties, so if you set it at all the branches, then you don't need it on the system or consortium levels.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l73" class="new nick nick_bshum"> <td class="time" id="i_193093"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193093">11:20</a></td> <td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td> <td class="msg ">yboston: For our consortium, we mostly avoided use of the group penalty threshold for max circ items</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l74" class="cont nick nick_bshum"> <td class="time" id="i_193094"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193094">11:21</a></td> <td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td> <td class="msg ">yboston: Instead we focused on use of circ limit sets to restrict the number of materials allowed per circulation rules</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l75" class="new nick nick_yboston dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193095"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193095">11:21</a></td> <td style="color: #006163" class="nick">yboston</td> <td class="msg ">Dyrcona: thanks for the feedback, wanted to make sure my thinking made sense</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l76" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona"> <td class="time" id="i_193096"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193096">11:22</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">It's not a bad idea to set it up for the whole consortium just in case.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l77" class="new nick nick_yboston dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193097"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193097">11:22</a></td> <td style="color: #006163" class="nick">yboston</td> <td class="msg ">bshum: thanks for the feedback, for our library in Spain I will probably swithc to using circ limits sets sicne it is set up differntly than the other branches</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l78" class="cont nick nick_yboston dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193098"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193098">11:23</a></td> <td style="color: #006163" class="nick">yboston</td> <td class="msg ">Dyrcona: OK</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l79" class="cont nick nick_yboston dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193099"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193099">11:23</a></td> <td style="color: #006163" class="nick">yboston</td> <td class="msg ">Dyrcona: I agree,</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l80" class="new nick nick_bshum"> <td class="time" id="i_193100"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193100">11:23</a></td> <td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td> <td class="msg ">I think the main difference is that our libraries didn't want an actual hard block on patron activities (which is usually what ends up happening when a penalty is reached), vs. the limit set, which just restricted circulation beyond a certain point.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l81" class="cont nick nick_bshum"> <td class="time" id="i_193101"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193101">11:24</a></td> <td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td> <td class="msg ">Though one can alter the penalty block parameters</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l82" class="new nick nick_yboston dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193102"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193102">11:25</a></td> <td style="color: #006163" class="nick">yboston</td> <td class="msg ">bshum: I see your point, thanks</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l83" class="new nick nick_bshum"> <td class="time" id="i_193103"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193103">11:25</a></td> <td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td> <td class="msg ">Also, with a exceeds checkout stop, it's indiscriminate on type of material or varying locations.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l84" class="cont nick nick_bshum"> <td class="time" id="i_193104"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193104">11:25</a></td> <td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td> <td class="msg ">So 10 of anything, and boom, you're blocked. Doesn't matter if it's 5 from library A, and 5 from B.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l85" class="cont nick nick_bshum"> <td class="time" id="i_193105"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193105">11:25</a></td> <td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td> <td class="msg ">Or 5 books + 5 dvds, etc.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l86" class="cont nick nick_bshum"> <td class="time" id="i_193106"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193106">11:25</a></td> <td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td> <td class="msg ">Limit sets were just more magically delicious. And insane.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l87" class="cont nick nick_bshum"> <td class="time" id="i_193107"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193107">11:25</a></td> <td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td> <td class="msg ">So obviously we picked that.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l88" class="new nick nick_yboston dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193108"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193108">11:26</a></td> <td style="color: #006163" class="nick">yboston</td> <td class="msg ">bshum: thanks for all your examples, it adds to my understanding of the pros and cons</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l89" class="new nick nick_bshum"> <td class="time" id="i_193109"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193109">11:26</a></td> <td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td> <td class="msg ">yboston: Good luck :)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l90" class="new special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193110"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193110">11:30</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">bmills joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l91" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193111"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193111">11:34</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">buzzy joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l92" class="new nick nick_yboston"> <td class="time" id="i_193112"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193112">11:34</a></td> <td style="color: #006163" class="nick">yboston</td> <td class="msg ">bshum: thanks</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l93" class="new special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193113"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193113">11:51</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">jihpringle joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l94" class="new nick nick_dbs"> <td class="time" id="i_193114"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193114">12:36</a></td> <td style="color: #100090" class="nick">dbs</td> <td class="msg ">yay, successfully hacked around acquisition's determination to default to Date().getFullYear().toString() as the default year despite our fiscal year that starts in July :)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l95" class="cont nick nick_dbs"> <td class="time" id="i_193115"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193115">12:47</a></td> <td style="color: #100090" class="nick">dbs</td> <td class="msg ">I thought it was a bit weird that it was still defaulting to 2015 even though we do have acq.fiscal_year populated at the consortial level, but apparently that doesn't come into play in the fund grid stuff at all.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l96" class="new nick nick_kmlussier dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193116"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193116">12:49</a></td> <td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td> <td class="msg ">dbs: There are some bug reports related to that, I think.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l97" class="cont nick nick_kmlussier dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193117"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193117">12:50</a></td> <td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td> <td class="msg ">Our fiscal year also begins in July.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l98" class="new nick nick_dbs"> <td class="time" id="i_193118"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193118">12:53</a></td> <td style="color: #100090" class="nick">dbs</td> <td class="msg ">YAOUS?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l99" class="new nick nick_dbwells dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193119"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193119">12:53</a></td> <td style="color: #090028" class="nick">dbwells</td> <td class="msg ">Our fiscal year also starts in July. In the lamest of workarounds, I think we just rename our fiscal year halfway through the year to make it work :)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l100" class="new nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_193120"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193120">12:54</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">ick</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l101" class="new nick nick_dbs dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193121"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193121">12:54</a></td> <td style="color: #100090" class="nick">dbs</td> <td class="msg ">hah</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l102" class="new nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_193122"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193122">12:54</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">we also need a UI to configure FYs, but I assume that's on the Big Board™ for acq inside webby</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l103" class="new nick nick_dbs dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193123"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193123">12:56</a></td> <td style="color: #100090" class="nick">dbs</td> <td class="msg ">my workaround was to hardcode '2016' into the fund selector instead of " || Date()...", and then turn the loadFundGrid(... || Date()...) call into loadFundGrid(... || null) to rely on loadFundGrid's default</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l104" class="new nick nick_kmlussier"> <td class="time" id="i_193124"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193124">12:58</a></td> <td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td> <td class="msg ">Since acq is primarily Dojo interfaces and will most likely be moved over as is, I didn't think there was a Big Board for acq inside webby.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l105" class="cont nick nick_kmlussier"> <td class="time" id="i_193125"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193125">12:58</a></td> <td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td> <td class="msg ">Unless somebody is looking at Angularizing the acq interfaces. That would be nice!</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l106" class="new nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193126"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193126">13:03</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">yeah</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l107" class="new special"> <td class="time" id="i_193127"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193127">13:23</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">kitteh_ joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l108" class="cont special"> <td class="time" id="i_193128"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193128">13:27</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">RoganH joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l109" class="cont special"> <td class="time" id="i_193129"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193129">14:35</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">rlefaive joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l110" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193131"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193131">15:02</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">@weather 01845</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l111" class="new nick nick_pinesol_green"> <td class="time" id="i_193132"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193132">15:02</a></td> <td style="color: #bb004d" class="nick">pinesol_green</td> <td class="msg ">Dyrcona: The current temperature in WB1CHU, Lawrence, Massachusetts is 79.0°F (3:02 PM EDT on August 04, 2015). Conditions: Light Thunderstorms and Rain. Humidity: 96%. Dew Point: 77.0°F. Pressure: 29.80 in 1009 hPa (Rising). Severe Thunderstorm Watch 469 in effect until 8 PM EDT this evening...</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l112" class="new nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193133"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193133">15:05</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">okay, I've thought for years now that reports were going to be the death of me... I was wrong - it's acq!</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l113" class="cont nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193134"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193134">15:05</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">@blame acq</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l114" class="new nick nick_pinesol_green"> <td class="time" id="i_193135"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193135">15:05</a></td> <td style="color: #bb004d" class="nick">pinesol_green</td> <td class="msg ">csharp: acq 's bugfix broke csharp's feature!</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l115" class="new nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193136"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193136">15:05</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">pinesol_green: damn skippy</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l116" class="new nick nick_pinesol_green"> <td class="time" id="i_193137"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193137">15:05</a></td> <td style="color: #bb004d" class="nick">pinesol_green</td> <td class="msg ">csharp: Go away, or I'll replace you with a very small shell script!</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l117" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193138"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193138">15:05</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">hah</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l118" class="new special"> <td class="time" id="i_193139"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193139">15:05</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">jlitrell joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l119" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193140"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193140">15:05</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">acq is very picky.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l120" class="new nick nick_kmlussier"> <td class="time" id="i_193141"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193141">15:06</a></td> <td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td> <td class="msg ">csharp: What's the problem?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l121" class="new nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193142"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193142">15:06</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">kmlussier: it's mostly the formula of software + actual living people ;-)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l122" class="cont nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193143"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193143">15:07</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">basically, supporting acq is like supporting a whole new software suite</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l123" class="new nick nick_RoganH"> <td class="time" id="i_193144"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193144">15:07</a></td> <td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td> <td class="msg ">I thought living people were the bugs in the grand design.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l124" class="new nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193145"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193145">15:08</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg "><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVSlE28hOgI" title="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVSlE28hOgI">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVSlE28hOgI</a></td> </tr> <tr id="id_l125" class="cont nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193146"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193146">15:09</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">kmlussier: we're onboarding three libraries at once, and we're learning what kinds of mistakes people are going to be making in setup</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l126" class="cont nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193147"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193147">15:10</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">we have an acq-specific sandbox server for the libraries to learn on, but now that we're in production with one of them, we're seeing the rubber meet the road</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l127" class="new nick nick_kmlussier"> <td class="time" id="i_193148"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193148">15:10</a></td> <td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td> <td class="msg ">csharp: Yeah, I can see how the setup process can be difficult, especially when bringing several on at one time. I've seen a bit of that.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l128" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193149"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193149">15:11</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">csharp: I've heard that some consortia don't allow library staff anywhere near the acq setup and do it for them.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l129" class="new nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_193150"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193150">15:11</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">between permissions, org_unit hierarchies, and dojo quirks, I have my hands full</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l130" class="cont nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_193151"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193151">15:12</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">Dyrcona: yeah, we're identifying those pieces we don't want them to touch</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l131" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193152"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193152">15:12</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">Freedom Zero isn't just a philosophical stance. It is what actually happens in practice.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l132" class="new nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_193153"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193153">15:13</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">anything that EDI depends on for instance ;-)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l133" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193154"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193154">15:25</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">We let the library staff set that up and then help them fix whatever mistakes happen.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l134" class="new special"> <td class="time" id="i_193155"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193155">15:31</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">schatz joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l135" class="new nick nick_jonadab dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193156"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193156">15:32</a></td> <td style="color: #11000c" class="nick">jonadab</td> <td class="msg ">Does anyone know which documentation I should be reading to find the fastest way to turn a .MRC file into something Evergreen can import?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l136" class="new nick nick_mrpeters"> <td class="time" id="i_193157"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193157">15:33</a></td> <td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td> <td class="msg ">jonadab: is it MARC21 binary?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l137" class="new nick nick_jonadab dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193158"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193158">15:34</a></td> <td style="color: #11000c" class="nick">jonadab</td> <td class="msg ">It is clearly binary, not text based primarily.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l138" class="new nick nick_mrpeters"> <td class="time" id="i_193159"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193159">15:34</a></td> <td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td> <td class="msg ">have you tried using yaz-marcdump to view it?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l139" class="new nick nick_jonadab dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193160"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193160">15:34</a></td> <td style="color: #11000c" class="nick">jonadab</td> <td class="msg ">I have not. I will look into that.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l140" class="new nick nick_mrpeters"> <td class="time" id="i_193161"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193161">15:35</a></td> <td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td> <td class="msg ">something like so: yaz-marcdump -f MARC-8 -t UTF-8 -o marcxml yourfile.MRC >> converted.marc.xml</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l141" class="new special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193162"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193162">15:36</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">remingtron joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l142" class="new nick nick_jonadab"> <td class="time" id="i_193163"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193163">15:36</a></td> <td style="color: #000005" class="nick">* jonadab</td> <td class="msg act ">installs yaz</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l143" class="new nick nick_mrpeters dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193164"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193164">15:36</a></td> <td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td> <td class="msg ">you also want to add <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> as the first line in that converted.marc.xml file</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l144" class="new special"> <td class="time" id="i_193165"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193165">15:36</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">remingtron joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l145" class="new nick nick_mrpeters dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193166"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193166">15:36</a></td> <td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td> <td class="msg ">but to view them, yaz-marcdump yourfile.MRC | less should do the trick</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l146" class="new nick nick_dbwells"> <td class="time" id="i_193167"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193167">15:37</a></td> <td style="color: #090028" class="nick">dbwells</td> <td class="msg ">jonadab: you might find this page helpful as well. This particular solution does the xml conversion step with pymarc. <a href="http://en.flossmanuals.net/evergreen-in-action/sending-gentle-reminders-to-your-users-setting-up-notifications-and-triggers/" title="http://en.flossmanuals.net/evergreen-in-action/sending-gentle-reminders-to-your-users-setting-up-notifications-and-triggers/">http://en.flossmanuals.net/evergreen-in-action/sending-gentle-reminders-to-your-users-setting-up-notifications-and-triggers/</a></td> </tr> <tr id="id_l147" class="new nick nick_mrpeters dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193168"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193168">15:37</a></td> <td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td> <td class="msg ">but, your goal is to get them into marc.xml and then use marc2bre.pl to transform them into data for the biblio.record_entry table</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l148" class="cont nick nick_mrpeters dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193169"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193169">15:38</a></td> <td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td> <td class="msg ">and then parallel_pg_loader.pl with your .bre file as the input will push out sql files which will populate the database with your converted marc records</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l149" class="new nick nick_kmlussier"> <td class="time" id="i_193170"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193170">15:38</a></td> <td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td> <td class="msg ">Are we still planning to have a dev meeting tomorrow?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l150" class="new nick nick_mrpeters dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193171"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193171">15:38</a></td> <td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td> <td class="msg ">i have a great bash script that gmcharlt helped me make many years ago that i still find incredibly useful</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l151" class="new nick nick_jonadab"> <td class="time" id="i_193172"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193172">15:38</a></td> <td style="color: #11000c" class="nick">jonadab</td> <td class="msg ">mrpeters: Oh, that looks highly relevant. I'm getting XML output, yeah.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l152" class="new nick nick_dbwells dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193173"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193173">15:38</a></td> <td style="color: #090028" class="nick">dbwells</td> <td class="msg ">that link name I posted seems off, huh... It goes to the right page for me, though.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l153" class="new nick nick_mrpeters"> <td class="time" id="i_193174"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193174">15:39</a></td> <td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td> <td class="msg ">jonadab: i'd be happy to help get you started</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l154" class="new nick nick_jonadab dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193175"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193175">15:39</a></td> <td style="color: #11000c" class="nick">jonadab</td> <td class="msg ">dbwells: I get a page about migrating from a legacy system, which seems relevant, yeah.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l155" class="cont nick nick_jonadab dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193176"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193176">15:39</a></td> <td style="color: #11000c" class="nick">jonadab</td> <td class="msg ">I will look at that too, thanks.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l156" class="cont nick nick_jonadab dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193177"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193177">15:40</a></td> <td style="color: #11000c" class="nick">jonadab</td> <td class="msg ">mrpeters: I'm going to have a look at what you two have already shown me first, I'll be back if I have more questions :-)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l157" class="new nick nick_dbwells"> <td class="time" id="i_193178"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193178">15:41</a></td> <td style="color: #090028" class="nick">dbwells</td> <td class="msg ">jonadab: yeah, three headings in is "Migrating your bibliographic records", which assumes starting with a MARC21 file. I like that it's a little more direct, which I think removes some of the mystery behind the process. Good luck!</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l158" class="new nick nick_jonadab dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193179"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193179">15:41</a></td> <td style="color: #11000c" class="nick">jonadab</td> <td class="msg ">Ok, thanks.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l159" class="new nick nick_pastebot"> <td class="time" id="i_193180"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193180">15:41</a></td> <td style="color: #005c5c" class="nick">pastebot</td> <td class="msg ">"mrpeters" at pasted "Bash script for converting MARC21 Binary to SQL for loading into Evergreen" (67 lines) at <a href="http://paste.evergreen-ils.org/20" title="http://paste.evergreen-ils.org/20">http://paste.evergreen-ils.org/20</a></td> </tr> <tr id="id_l160" class="new nick nick_mrpeters dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193181"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193181">15:42</a></td> <td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td> <td class="msg ">just in case you want to have a look at that</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l161" class="cont nick nick_mrpeters dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193182"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193182">15:42</a></td> <td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td> <td class="msg ">the quick_metarecord_map.sql is from the random magic spells page</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l162" class="new nick nick_pastebot"> <td class="time" id="i_193183"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193183">15:42</a></td> <td style="color: #005c5c" class="nick">pastebot</td> <td class="msg ">"mrpeters" at pasted "quick_metarecord_map.sql" (31 lines) at <a href="http://paste.evergreen-ils.org/21" title="http://paste.evergreen-ils.org/21">http://paste.evergreen-ils.org/21</a></td> </tr> <tr id="id_l163" class="new nick nick_mrpeters dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193184"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193184">15:44</a></td> <td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td> <td class="msg ">and ESI has been great in continuing to offer their migration tools on their git -- git clone git://git.esilibrary.com/git/migration-tools.git</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l164" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona"> <td class="time" id="i_193185"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193185">15:45</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">kmlussier: I suppose that we should.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l165" class="new nick nick_mrpeters dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193186"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193186">15:45</a></td> <td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td> <td class="msg ">i know this says its for 2.1, and the parallel_pg_loader step has changed for ingest, but <a href="http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/2.1/html/migrating_records_using_migration_tools.html" title="http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/2.1/html/migrating_records_using_migration_tools.html">http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/2.1/html/migrating_records_using_migration_tools.html</a> is still very relevant</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l166" class="new special"> <td class="time" id="i_193187"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193187">15:47</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">maryj joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l167" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193188"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193188">15:51</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">It still puzzles me why everyone wants to delete stuff all the time. What problem are they trying to solve that a simple deleted flag doesn't?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l168" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193189"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193189">15:53</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">Horizon used to have a mechanism to actually delete stuff and then people would wonder why reports were messed up or bills or whatever.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l169" class="new nick nick_kmlussier"> <td class="time" id="i_193190"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193190">15:53</a></td> <td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td> <td class="msg ">Dyrcona: I think that's a very good question to ask.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l170" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193191"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193191">15:54</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">And yet, our folks still ask about really deleting things despite memories of those problems.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l171" class="new special"> <td class="time" id="i_193192"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193192">15:54</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">akilsdonk joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l172" class="new nick nick_jonadab dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193193"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193193">15:55</a></td> <td style="color: #11000c" class="nick">jonadab</td> <td class="msg ">Dyrcona: Same reason some people empty their trash every day even though it's only got three things in the bottom of it.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l173" class="cont nick nick_jonadab dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193194"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193194">15:56</a></td> <td style="color: #11000c" class="nick">jonadab</td> <td class="msg ">Some people just have an emotional need to "clean up" and throw things away.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l174" class="new nick nick_kmlussier"> <td class="time" id="i_193195"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193195">15:56</a></td> <td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td> <td class="msg ">In the case of very large consortia, I think there is a concern of how much space is being taken up by those deleted records.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l175" class="new nick nick_jonadab dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193196"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193196">15:57</a></td> <td style="color: #11000c" class="nick">jonadab</td> <td class="msg ">Really? Data that humans have taken the trouble to enter, taking up enough space to be a problem in the twenty-first century?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l176" class="new nick nick_berick"> <td class="time" id="i_193197"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193197">15:57</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">in EG, deleted records stay indexed, too, so there could be an actual impact on speed</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l177" class="cont nick nick_berick"> <td class="time" id="i_193198"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193198">15:57</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">well</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l178" class="cont nick nick_berick"> <td class="time" id="i_193199"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193199">15:57</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">no</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l179" class="cont nick nick_berick"> <td class="time" id="i_193200"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193200">15:57</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">that's not fair</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l180" class="cont nick nick_berick"> <td class="time" id="i_193201"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193201">15:58</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">they are filtered out, of course</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l181" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193202"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193202">15:58</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">jonadab: Well, you can do that in Evergreen, if you really make the effort, and you can throw away all kinds of additional stuff that you didn't mean to.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l182" class="new nick nick_berick"> <td class="time" id="i_193203"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193203">15:58</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">but still in the indexes</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l183" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193204"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193204">15:58</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">berick: That depends.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l184" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193205"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193205">15:58</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">Some indexes exclude deleted items.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l185" class="new nick nick_berick"> <td class="time" id="i_193206"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193206">15:58</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">Dyrcona: i'm thinking of metabib.*_field_entry (index may not be the best term there)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l186" class="new nick nick_kmlussier dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193207"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193207">15:59</a></td> <td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td> <td class="msg ">Is there a reason for that? Could we have those entries removed as soon as a record is deleted?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l187" class="new nick nick_berick"> <td class="time" id="i_193208"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193208">15:59</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">kmlussier: there is. i went down this rabbit hole not too long ago</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l188" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193209"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193209">15:59</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">kmlussier: Those are kept so staff can see them and resurrect them if necessary.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l189" class="new nick nick_berick"> <td class="time" id="i_193210"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193210">15:59</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">let me see if I can find it</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l190" class="new nick nick_jonadab dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193211"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193211">15:59</a></td> <td style="color: #11000c" class="nick">jonadab</td> <td class="msg ">Dyrcona: Believe me, I know about throwing away stuff you didn't mean to. IMO, there are two kinds of people: people who barely ever delete anything, and people who routinely waste time recreating things they've deleted.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l191" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona"> <td class="time" id="i_193212"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193212">16:00</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">jonadab++</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l192" class="new nick nick_jonadab dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193213"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193213">16:00</a></td> <td style="color: #11000c" class="nick">jonadab</td> <td class="msg ">(We're a small library, so I work with the public enough to see the latter a lot.)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l193" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona"> <td class="time" id="i_193214"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193214">16:01</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">IIRC, you can include or exclude deleted items when doing the metabib and other ingests.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l194" class="new nick nick_jonadab dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193215"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193215">16:01</a></td> <td style="color: #11000c" class="nick">jonadab</td> <td class="msg ">Of course, of the people who never delete anything, only about half are organized enough to _find_ the stuff they didn't delete when they need it again...</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l195" class="new nick nick_berick"> <td class="time" id="i_193216"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193216">16:01</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">bug <a href="https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/797238">#797238</a> also mentions an (apparent) desire to report on deleted record data</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l196" class="new nick nick_pinesol_green dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193217"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193217">16:01</a></td> <td style="color: #bb004d" class="nick">pinesol_green</td> <td class="msg ">Launchpad bug 797238 in Evergreen "Re-indexing deleted records upon modification" (affected: 1, heat: 6) [Undecided,Invalid] <a href="https://launchpad.net/bugs/797238" title="https://launchpad.net/bugs/797238">https://launchpad.net/bugs/797238</a></td> </tr> <tr id="id_l197" class="new nick nick_miker"> <td class="time" id="i_193218"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193218">16:01</a></td> <td style="color: #14000e" class="nick">miker</td> <td class="msg ">indeed you can (include/exclude deleted records), to support the #deleted modifier</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l198" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193219"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193219">16:02</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">And to answer that bug further you can force a reingest on a deleted record, but I don't think it happens automatically.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l199" class="new nick nick_berick"> <td class="time" id="i_193220"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193220">16:06</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">i started down this path before when noticing we had 32 million rows in metabib.full_rec pointing to deleted bibs.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l200" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193221"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193221">16:06</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">berick: understandable. :)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l201" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193222"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193222">16:07</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">I think the bulk of our database storage is taken up by database indexes and not data in tables, the latter including the search indexes.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l202" class="new nick nick_miker"> <td class="time" id="i_193223"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193223">16:11</a></td> <td style="color: #00071c" class="nick">* miker</td> <td class="msg act ">pines for a day when mfr is GONE</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l203" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193224"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193224">16:12</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">OOh... Looks like I missed something in that email.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l204" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193225"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193225">16:12</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">Most transactions get moved to user 1, but circulations get deleted.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l205" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193226"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193226">16:13</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">So, yah, you lose statistics.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l206" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193227"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193227">16:20</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">Hah. Evergreen doesn't allow "suicide." # No deleting yourself - UI is supposed to stop you first, though.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l207" class="new special"> <td class="time" id="i_193228"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193228">16:21</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">rlefaive joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l208" class="new nick nick_bshum dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193229"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193229">16:22</a></td> <td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td> <td class="msg ">That's funny.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l209" class="new special"> <td class="time" id="i_193230"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193230">16:35</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">mmorgan joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l210" class="cont special"> <td class="time" id="i_193231"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193231">16:42</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">schatz joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l211" class="new nick nick_kmlussier dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193232"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193232">16:46</a></td> <td style="color: #7f6f00" class="nick">* kmlussier</td> <td class="msg act ">shakes her fist at the power grid.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l212" class="new nick nick_mmorgan"> <td class="time" id="i_193233"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193233">16:47</a></td> <td style="color: #5f6000" class="nick">* mmorgan</td> <td class="msg act ">has done a fair amount of that today also</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l213" class="new nick nick_mmorgan dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193234"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193234">16:48</a></td> <td style="color: #00b65f" class="nick">mmorgan</td> <td class="msg ">actually, it was the thunderstorms, can't really blame the grid today.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l214" class="new nick nick_kmlussier"> <td class="time" id="i_193235"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193235">16:48</a></td> <td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td> <td class="msg ">I was just about to hit Save on a blog post when the power went out. :(</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l215" class="new nick nick_mmorgan dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193236"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193236">16:49</a></td> <td style="color: #00b65f" class="nick">mmorgan</td> <td class="msg ">:-(</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l216" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona"> <td class="time" id="i_193237"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193237">16:50</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">Ah, bummer.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l217" class="new nick nick_mmorgan dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193238"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193238">16:50</a></td> <td style="color: #00b65f" class="nick">mmorgan</td> <td class="msg ">can't remember what I had open and unsaved when the power went out early this afternoon.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l218" class="cont nick nick_mmorgan dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193239"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193239">16:50</a></td> <td style="color: #00b65f" class="nick">mmorgan</td> <td class="msg ">miraculously, power came back with less than 8 minutes left on the UPS :-D</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l219" class="new special"> <td class="time" id="i_193240"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193240">16:59</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">maryj joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l220" class="new nick nick_bshum dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193241"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193241">17:06</a></td> <td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td> <td class="msg ">Dyrcona++ # staff client intrigues</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l221" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona"> <td class="time" id="i_193242"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193242">17:06</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">I hope the email makes sense. :p</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l222" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona"> <td class="time" id="i_193243"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193243">17:07</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">I felt kind of rushed, since it is time to go home.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l223" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona"> <td class="time" id="i_193244"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193244">17:07</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">And, with that, I disappear.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l224" class="new special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193245"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193245">17:08</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">mmorgan left #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l225" class="new nick nick_pinesol_green"> <td class="time" id="i_193246"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193246">17:11</a></td> <td style="color: #bb004d" class="nick">pinesol_green</td> <td class="msg ">Incoming from qatests: Test Success - <a href="http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html" title="http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html">http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html</a> <<a href="http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html" title="http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html">http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html</a>></td> </tr> <tr id="id_l226" class="new special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193248"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193248">18:16</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">buzzy joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l227" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193249"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193249">18:31</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">jwoodard joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l228" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193250"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193250">18:52</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">jonadab_znc joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l229" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193251"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193251">18:53</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">eady joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l230" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193252"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193252">19:02</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">bmills joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l231" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193253"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193253">19:35</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">dcook joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l232" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193254"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193254">20:03</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">akilsdonk joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l233" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193255"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193255">20:03</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">maryj joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l234" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193256"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193256">20:46</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">rlefaive joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l235" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193257"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193257">20:58</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">bmills joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l236" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193258"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193258">21:31</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">mtj_- joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l237" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193259"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193259">21:49</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">mtj_- joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l238" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193260"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193260">21:57</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">mtj_- joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l239" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193261"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193261">22:00</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">mtj_- joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l240" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193262"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193262">22:37</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">mtj__ joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l241" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193263"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193263">23:05</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">mtj_ joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l242" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_193264"><a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04#i_193264">23:08</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">mtj_ joined #evergreen</td> </tr> </table> </form> <span id="bottom" /> <p> <a href="/evergreen/2015-08-03" rel="prev"> ← Previous day</a> | <a href="/">Channels</a> | <a href="/evergreen/">#evergreen index</a> | <a href="/evergreen/today">Today</a> | <a href="/evergreen/2015-08-05" rel="next"> Next day →</a> | <a href="/evergreen/search">Search</a> | <a href="http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Airc.evergreen-ils.org+inurl%3Aevergreen">Google Search</a> | <a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04/text">Plain-Text</a> | <a href="/evergreen/2015-08-04/summary">summary</a> | <a href="https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=evergreen">Join Webchat</a> </p> <div id="footer"> <p>Powered by <a href="http://moritz.faui2k3.org/en/ilbot">ilbot</a>. <strong>Any questions? 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