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IRC log for #evergreen, 2015-06-18

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
00:03 bshum And rel_2_7 and rel_2_8 have been updated with new server upgrade notes for the latest round of releases.
00:03 bshum Whew.
00:03 jeff bshum++
00:04 pinesol_green [evergreen|Ben Shum] Docs: Change references to release 2.8.2 for server upgrade - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=2f47631>
00:04 bshum I didn't forward port the 2.7 upgrade scripts to master or rel_2_8, since those paths have diverged.  I think that makes sense in my head.
00:04 bshum Thanks jeff, I got all nervous nilly when I realized I missed a key step in the upgrade script ports :(
00:04 bshum Rusty release maintaining
04:23 bshum joined #evergreen
04:23 pinesol_green All hail the supreme potentate, bshum has arrived!
04:23 kmlussier joined #evergreen
05:26 mceraso joined #evergreen
07:19 mrpeters joined #evergreen
07:45 gsams joined #evergreen
07:58 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
08:01 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
08:07 akilsdonk joined #evergreen
08:10 collum joined #evergreen
08:16 ericar joined #evergreen
08:23 Newziky joined #evergreen
08:33 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:49 thprokrym joined #evergreen
08:51 csharp so... looking at bug 1068646 and wondering about one of my working assumptions about migration to the web client...
08:51 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1068646 in Evergreen "Improve Consistency of terms in registration and information sheet" (affected: 5, heat: 30) [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1068646
08:51 csharp er... I meant bug 1452950, sorry
08:51 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1452950 in Evergreen "Angularize the patron editor" (affected: 2, heat: 10) [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1452950 - Assigned to Bill Erickson (berick)
08:52 csharp so if those changes are pushed in, does that effectively render the XUL staff client unusable from that point forward?
08:53 csharp in my fantasy world, we could incrementally migrate our libraries from XUL to webby, but that obviously requires preservation of existing UIs
08:54 csharp in other words, if those changes are pushed in, and the rest of the web client isn't production-ready, doesn't that strand most of us on 2.8 until the web client is done?
08:57 kmlussier csharp: It's primarily a labeling change in the web client so that it matches what shows up in the summary pane. Or are you saying you would prefer to see the labeling change in the xul client too?
08:58 csharp kmlussier: sorry - not the consistency of terminology bug - angularizing the patron editor
08:58 csharp I linked to the wrong bug initially
08:58 eeevil csharp: I don't see why the web-staff patron reg would interact with the html-in-xul one. they're all different files
08:59 csharp eeevil: okay - good - that solves it ;-)
09:06 jwoodard joined #evergreen
09:18 jeff csharp: what, you don't like our chances of having an angularjs interface work successfully in xulrunner? ;-)
09:19 yboston joined #evergreen
09:21 csharp jeff: exactly ;-)
09:22 mmorgan Hmm. Just noticed that lp 1444514 was missing a signedoff tag, and now it's targeted for 2.9. Since it's a bug can it squeeze into 2.8?
09:22 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1444514 in Evergreen 2.8 "Amnesty Mode doesn't work correctly with Backdating" (affected: 2, heat: 10) [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1444514
09:22 gmcharlt no! let's shoot for the moon! a jQuery AND Dojo AND AngularJS AND an Ember.js patron editor, all running within the XUL client!
09:23 * gmcharlt says this because I am working from home today and eeevil can't get to me ;)
09:23 jeff gmcharlt: speaking as someone who has both dojo and jQuery in our catalog... hush.
09:23 eeevil gmcharlt: I'll get working on the node.js backend rewrite as well
09:23 gmcharlt eeevil++
09:24 eeevil PL/V8 HERE WE COME!
09:24 bshum mmorgan: it has multiple series targeted, including 2.8
09:24 jeff eeevil: [recycled in-db circ scripts joke goes here again]
09:25 bshum I would not worry about it yet.
09:25 mmorgan Oh, ok. I see that now. Thanks.
09:25 * mmorgan goes to find coffee.
09:32 * csharp reimplements the perl layer in Java
09:35 jeff @coffee csharp
09:35 * pinesol_green brews and pours a cup of Ethiopia Sidamo Guji, and sends it sliding down the bar to csharp
09:37 * jeff thinks about patron phone numbers
09:43 csharp 867-5309-ee-ine
09:45 mrpeters repaste from yesterday:  "mrpeters" at pasted "could not create XPath object" (12 lines) at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org/70
09:45 mrpeters what fun have i gotten myself into with the could not create Xpath object stuff?
09:45 mrpeters i can't seem to edit any MARC in staff client, nor via the DB
09:48 jeff mrpeters: recently added broken metabib field definition?
09:49 jeff mrpeters: as often is the case when something breaks, knowing what changed gives useful context.
09:49 mrpeters hmm, i dont think i've added any other than any that might have been added with the upgrade to 2.8.0
09:49 mrpeters this is just a test system
09:49 mrpeters so it was a 2.6.2 to 2.8.0 upgrade, many months ago -- i guess nobody had tried editing MARC on it until I did yesterday
09:52 _bott_ joined #evergreen
09:55 eeevil mrpeters: you've got broken xpath in config.metabib_field ... almost certainly mismatched namespace prefix in the xpath compared to what the format dictates. the format and namespace prefix are not necessarily the same. ISTR you running into this recently. see: select name, prefix from config.xml_transform;
09:56 eeevil or, maybe you had a bad predicate ... one of the two ...
09:56 mrpeters eeevil: you are right -- we did talk about this but it was several years ago -- i was reading through those logs yesterday (so old they linked to a svn commit hehe)
09:56 pastebot "mrpeters" at pasted "xml_transform" (10 lines) at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org/71
09:58 * dbs plans to play around with adding some Polymer to the web staff client (e.g. for date picker polyfill)
10:05 csharp oooh - PG 9.5 has "UPSERT" capability that's basically INSERT, but if it fails either DO NOTHING or DO UPDATE...
10:05 csharp super handy for upgrade scripts
10:07 csharp s/has/is gonna have/
10:09 jeff csharp: that should be safe to use as soon as everyone is running on 9.5...
10:11 bshum Let's see when it's released first.
10:16 berick csharp: get back to me when the have UDPATE -- UPDATE for people who can't type.
10:16 jeff Ud Paté?
10:22 csharp berick: if you mistype something, a very slow train rolls by ;-)
10:25 berick funny thing is i mistyped that sentence.  s/the have/they have/
10:26 mrpeters fwiw regarding config.xml_transform, the tables are identical in production 2.6.2 and test 2.8.0
10:26 dbwells berick++  # I heard on the news last night you were downgraded to a depression, thought you could use a lift
10:27 * berick feels like he missed something
10:28 berick oh
10:28 berick ok
10:28 berick dbwells++
10:29 berick I'm still Tropical, though, which has a nice ring to it
10:29 csharp @eightball is a tropical depression better than a regular depression?
10:29 pinesol_green csharp: No chance.
10:29 dbwells sorry! :)
10:30 berick oh, sweet, it's heading my way
10:38 pastebot "mrpeters" at pasted "cause of my xpath errors for the logs" (38 lines) at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org/73
10:47 rfrasur joined #evergreen
11:08 dbs just got bit by https://bugs.launchpad.net/opensrf/+bug/1409055 again, but on the bright side I was able to install all of OpenSRF / Evergreen Python packages in a virtualenv without requiring a build of any other pieces
11:08 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1409055 in OpenSRF "Python: opensrf.gateway uses hardcoded HTTP connection, prevents HTTPS communication" (affected: 1, heat: 6) [Undecided,New]
11:09 rfrasur So, can you/do you work around that?
11:10 Dyrcona db: I was just thinking it would be nice if I could use it opensrf/oils with Python3. It installed in my Python 2.7 environment, but not sure if the code is valid Python 3 anyway.
11:10 dbs rfrasur: right now I work around it by modifying the source directly to use a hardcoded HTTPS connection instead :)
11:11 dbs Dyrcona: there's no way it's python3 compliant
11:11 Dyrcona dbs: That's what I thought.
11:11 * dbs has been doing all of his new python work in Python 3 for the last few months
11:11 * rfrasur is trying to learn stuff even if it's out of order and disconnected.
11:11 Dyrcona rfrasur++
11:11 dbs rfrasur++
11:11 rfrasur Meh.  no need for that.
11:11 rfrasur ty but...yeah.
11:11 Dyrcona dbs: I'm "relearning" Python with Python 3.
11:12 dbs a little use of the six module would probably handle a lot of the low hanging fruit
11:12 dbs cool!
11:12 Dyrcona I first kicked the tires around 2000 with Python 1.5 or so, then had another look about 5 years ago, and decided to get serious this time around.
11:13 bmills joined #evergreen
11:13 * rfrasur is now gonna go read to 1st and 2nd graders while they eat and color.
11:14 dbs Python3 + Flask + Jinja2 + PostgreSQL is my go-to stack for new web apps
11:14 jeff this makes me feel better about writing this twilio middleman in flask
11:14 jeff :-)
11:14 Dyrcona I haven't been doing many new web apps.
11:15 * Dyrcona forgets. First graders are past eating crayons, aren't they?
11:15 jeff i was lamenting to someone else this morning that between rails, django, mojolicious, and flask, i'm slightly conversant in too many things.
11:16 jeff (and not fluent in enough)
11:16 bmills1 joined #evergreen
11:16 Dyrcona I wish my Italian and German were better. ;)
11:17 jeff thanks to duolingo, i'm finding that my spanish hasn't atrophied as much as i thought.
11:19 * phasefx builds xulrunner with emscripten to see what happens
11:19 Dyrcona heh.. Just thought of adding circ-mode-evergreen to GNU Emacs.
11:21 Dyrcona "An LLVM-to-JavaScript Compiler" that *sounds* backwards.
11:32 Dyrcona It feels weird writing OpenSRF/Evergreen code in Python...finger memory of Perl, plus remembering to use 2.7 syntax for print.
11:35 phasefx archive.org is using emscripten for jsmess
11:35 * jeff nods
11:36 Dyrcona jsmess sounds like an appropriate name.
11:38 drigeny joined #evergreen
11:40 BigRig joined #evergreen
11:49 dbs Dyrcona: you've been able to use print() in Python 2 for pretty much forever, no?
11:52 BigRig_ joined #evergreen
11:54 Dyrcona dbs: Maybe. I got a syntax error the other day, but maybe that was running a 2.7 script with the 3.4 executable.
11:54 * Dyrcona has a lot going on right now.
11:56 dbs berick: heh, you got a patch in while I was talking and testing :)
11:56 dbs berick: maybe we could combine patch forces to support both default protocol and just allowing the user to pass in the protocol explicitly as part of the gateway argument?
11:58 Dyrcona dbs: yes, print() works in 2.7. I just changed my test script.
11:58 Dyrcona When I'm doing something Evergreen-related, I'm expecting Perl, so my fingers want to type . instead of +.
11:59 berick dbs: works for me.  i thought about that, then got lazy
11:59 Dyrcona Cool thing. I can load my JSON files with my login credentials that I use in Perl and use those almost, as-is to login via Python.
12:00 eeevil Dyrcona: switch to perl6. get + /and/ no whitespace-as-syntax!
12:00 * eeevil ducks
12:01 Dyrcona heh.
12:01 berick @love whitespace-as-syntax
12:01 pinesol_green berick: The operation succeeded.  berick loves whitespace-as-syntax.
12:01 BigRig_ joined #evergreen
12:02 Dyrcona I'm not a fan, but I can deal.
12:03 Dyrcona So, ClientResponse does not have a gather method. Maybe I should look into adding it.
12:03 eeevil berick: I will direct you to my twitter and facebook nicks in response to your love
12:03 eeevil (spaceisntsyntax, for the record)
12:04 berick eeevil: oh, i'm aware :)
12:04 bbqben joined #evergreen
12:13 * phasefx will just start coding in MarioMaker
12:14 BigRig_ joined #evergreen
12:25 bmills joined #evergreen
12:26 Dyrcona For eeevil's sake, I'll use whitespace. :)
12:28 Dyrcona Man, does it take a long time to list the archives on a DAT drive.... ;)
13:04 jeff and then you find yourself writing another query that ends in something like ORDER BY LENGTH(day_phone) DESC;
13:06 Dyrcona And then, you find this in your console, "tar: This does not look like a tar archive"
13:14 mmorgan jeff++
13:14 mmorgan Great idea for finding copies with short barcodes :-D
13:15 jpippin joined #evergreen
13:16 Dyrcona For barcodes, I'd just do where length(barcode) <> 14  or whatever length they're supposed to be.
13:20 * Dyrcona waits on the drive to read another tape.
13:22 * mmorgan used to try regular expressions, but length(barcode) works much better
13:24 Dyrcona Yep. the postgresql docs are your friend.
13:24 Dyrcona My trouble is always with the date functions.
13:24 Dyrcona I use so many different code libraries to manipulate dates, that I always have to look them up.
13:25 Dyrcona I tried using today() in postgres this morning and it didn't like it.
13:25 Dyrcona today() comes from one of the DateTime perl modules.
13:35 Dyrcona EOB meeting today, yeah?
13:35 bshum Yep, at 2 pm eastern
13:36 bshum In about 24 minutes
13:36 Dyrcona ok
13:36 Dyrcona Ooh. I think this tape is good, after cleaning the drive 3 times.
13:45 jeff tape--
13:47 Dyrcona heh.
13:49 rfrasur joined #evergreen
13:55 csharp basically the formula appears to be 1) SFC doesn't publish expectations/guidelines 2) EG people cross an unknown line 3) SFC responds to line-crossing in a scolding (at best) or litigious (at worst) manner 4) EG people feel attacked and resentful
13:55 csharp wth?
13:55 csharp sorry - I didn't mean to post that here
13:55 Dyrcona Guess not.
13:56 * csharp curses poor conference wifi :-(
13:56 csharp that's the plot of my new novel, btw - no relevance to anything real
13:56 rfrasur lol, I'd read it.
13:58 sherbert joined #evergreen
13:58 tprokrym joined #evergreen
13:58 abneiman joined #evergreen
13:58 berick go get em, csharp
13:58 miker rfrasur: Palmolive...
13:59 bshum Okay
14:00 tspindler joined #evergreen
14:00 rfrasur miker...
14:00 jpippin joined #evergreen
14:00 bshum #startmeeting 2015-06-18 - Evergreen Oversight Board Meeting
14:00 pinesol_green Meeting started Thu Jun 18 14:00:39 2015 US/Eastern.  The chair is bshum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:00 pinesol_green Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
14:00 pinesol_green The meeting name has been set to '2015_06_18___evergreen_oversight_board_meeting'
14:00 bshum #link agenda: http://list.evergreen-ils.org/pipermail/​eg-oversight-board/2015-June/001060.html
14:00 bshum #topic Introductions
14:01 bshum #info bshum = Ben Shum, Bibliomation (chair)
14:01 graced #info graced is Grace Dunbar, Equinox
14:01 abneiman #info abneiman = Andrea Buntz Neiman, Kent County Public Library
14:01 csharp #info csharp = Chris Sharp, GPLS, IRC-gaffer
14:01 yboston #info yboston = Yamil Suarez - Berklee College ofMusic
14:01 rfrasur #info rfrasur = Ruth Frasur, Evergreen Indiana
14:01 sherbert #info sherbert = Sharon Herbert, BC Libraries Cooperative/Sitka
14:01 * bshum waves at abneiman, glad you were able to make it and also cheers on your special day :)
14:02 tspindler #info tspindler = Tim Spindler, C/W MARS
14:02 abneiman bshum: :-D thanks!
14:02 bshum Cool deal, that's everybody, Chauncey sends his regrets
14:02 bshum #topic Minutes/actions from last meeting
14:02 bshum #info See: http://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.p​hp?id=governance:minutes:2015-05-14
14:03 bshum Thanks csharp for preparing that for us while he's traveling
14:03 bshum csharp++
14:03 yboston csharp++
14:04 bshum Does anyone have any notes or changes for those before we move on?
14:04 bshum (I know that we'll probably want to take some new action again on some subjects like Conservancy)
14:05 bbqben joined #evergreen
14:05 rfrasur I think that'd be under old business though, right?
14:05 bshum Old/new, sure
14:05 yboston none from me
14:06 bshum Okay then
14:06 bshum #topic EG 2015 Conference Wrap-up report
14:06 bshum Buzzy couldn't be here today, but he sent along his report to the list
14:07 bshum #link buzzy wrap-up report: http://list.evergreen-ils.org/pipermail/​eg-oversight-board/2015-June/001061.html
14:07 rfrasur bshum, if we want to continue discussion about the conservancy at this meeting, it probably need to go as old business at number 7.
14:08 bshum rfrasur: Good idea, I'll slot it around there.
14:08 rfrasur thanks :-)
14:09 bshum buzzy's update looked pretty good to me, I liked reading through all the survey results.
14:09 bshum I'll be more interested to see the final accounting, which kind of leads us to the next topic.
14:09 rfrasur Are there comments/questions about the conference that aren't reflected in the email or the pdf?
14:10 bshum Hmm, a good question.
14:10 rfrasur What did y'all think of the lanyards?  and the safety committee?
14:10 tspindler I thoujght they worked well
14:11 yboston my bad, I missed the PDf in Buzzy email. Having a quick look at the comments
14:11 * csharp didn't hear any comments about the lanyards, good or bad
14:11 rfrasur I did kinda chuckle at some of the comments...and am glad they're anonymous.
14:11 yboston The comments I got was that their use was clear
14:12 abneiman IMO lanyards were great.  Plan to save mine for next year.  But as csharp, I didn't hear any remarks positive/negative on them.
14:12 rfrasur csharp: same here...which is probably a good thing rather than a bad one.
14:12 rfrasur abneiman: same here on the "reuse."
14:12 tprokrym may I ask a question?
14:12 rfrasur Please do
14:13 * csharp is amused at the number of bacon-positive comments
14:13 tprokrym Do we now have to use those lanyards?  I was proposing to have the lanyards as a possible sponsorship?  If not, I'll change what I sent Grace.
14:13 rfrasur The plan was to reuse them at upcoming conferences and extras were purchases for that reason.
14:13 graced Yes, we are planning to continue using the lanyards which eliminates them from a sponsorship opportunity
14:13 graced :)
14:13 tprokrym I haven't read Buzzy's report yet.
14:14 graced The lanyard decision was made for this past and future conferences
14:14 rfrasur I believe they were either purchased by/at the will of EOB or Equinox...
14:14 graced EOB purchased them
14:14 rfrasur thanks...was just gonna ask you for clarification.
14:14 graced Equinox is "housing" and shipping them as needed.
14:15 tprokrym ok. doesn't affect the budget for 2016 much.
14:15 rfrasur bshum? You see anything else conference related that we should talk about?
14:16 rfrasur 2015 conference, that is.
14:16 bshum Not at this time.
14:16 bshum But I reserve the right to recall this witness.
14:17 rfrasur I think we definitely need to have it in the minutes to thank Buzzy and the Oregon crew.  It was a great time from my perspective and I had a lot to report back to my board...which is a good thing.
14:17 yboston bshum++
14:17 csharp buzzy++
14:17 rfrasur bmills++
14:17 csharp bmills++
14:17 rfrasur buzzy++
14:18 yboston bacon++
14:18 yboston buzzy++
14:18 sherbert bmills++
14:18 bshum Indeed, they did great work.
14:18 bshum Alrighty, if nothing else for now on this subject, we'll move along.
14:18 bshum #topic Financial Summary Report
14:19 bshum #info http://list.evergreen-ils.org/pipermail/​eg-oversight-board/2015-June/001059.html
14:19 bshum A note on this one...
14:19 bshum The last income entries here were for some final registrations for the conference ending in May.
14:19 bshum There's an outstanding question about some of the targeted outreach funds
14:20 * rfrasur listens intently.
14:20 bshum kmlussier was working on this last, and we may defer some of that to the Outreach Committee update later in this agenda.
14:21 rfrasur So, I have a couple questions...or ten (sorry) so that I'm up to speed on things)
14:22 bshum rfrasur: Sure :)
14:22 rfrasur 1.  Thanks to bshum for answering, in quick succession, the several emails I sent him already on this.
14:22 bshum Related, rfrasur++ for asking me some questions yesterday and getting me to look more closely at the ledger
14:23 rfrasur 2.  So, I broke all this stuff out into a spreadsheet so that I could make sure I was understanding it correctly.
14:23 rfrasur enough numbered list.  There's some things I don't understand.  Where is the line item that shows how much we pay the conservancy (and these aren't in order)?\
14:24 rfrasur (I got this to balance within a penny...but something's up.  Maybe a rounding diff between Ledger and Excel?)
14:26 rfrasur Anyone got a handle on how what we pay to the Conservancy is accounted?
14:26 tspindler is there a way to get that report with a debit and credit column, otherwise need to do what Ruth is doing
14:27 rfrasur tspindler: I'll be glad to send along the spreadsheet I put together.
14:27 bshum So, the evergreen ledger file is written in plain text.
14:27 bshum (and note I am still not an expert in this type of accounting, or any accounting at all)
14:27 rfrasur Hold on...I'll get a link for y'all.  It's a little easier to see in spreadsheet form.
14:28 bshum But let's say a transaction gets logged like, http://pastie.org/private/e4z9buuy0gytrtshdrdzvw (which contains some redacted values)
14:28 bshum So each entry contains an "income:evergreen..." something line.
14:28 rfrasur Hopefully this works https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/348671/E​OB/financial_reconciliation_2015_06_17.xlsx
14:28 bshum And also an "Income:Conservancy:Donations" line
14:29 bshum Which yields the percentage given to them
14:29 bshum (I think that particular entry is from 2011 and before we brought it up to 10%)
14:29 tspindler Thanks rfrasur, i can do it easy enough.  I just wasn't sure if it could be out put in some other way than plain text.
14:29 rfrasur Okay...so that's what the donations are.  That was a question I had as well.
14:29 Stompro Do I need to request access to working/random if I have access to working/evergreen ?
14:29 rfrasur tspindler: I have no doubt...just no need to reinvent if you don't need to.
14:30 bshum tspindler: My understanding is that there's lots of ways of interacting with the ledger file using the ledger-cli application.
14:30 bshum But I'm not familiar with all the different commands possible.
14:30 bshum Stompro: There's an EOB meeting in-progress, but hang on to your question :)
14:31 bshum So, actually rfrasur, the "donation" line in our summary is ours
14:31 rfrasur So, donations seems, in my mind, to be listed as income...
14:31 bshum The command filters only to find all "Income|Expense|Unearned Income related to "Evergreen"
14:31 bshum If I run another command for "Conservancy", I get different income for them.
14:32 tspindler thanks bshum, this is enough i don't want to belabor that piece
14:32 bshum That likely isn't counted among our assets.
14:32 tspindler formating of repot that is
14:32 bshum tspindler: Perhaps what we can do is ask our wonderful Conservancy representative to contact them to ask them for additional methods of formatting contents from the report.
14:33 * bshum eyes csharp
14:33 tspindler the numbers seem reasonable to me
14:33 csharp sure - whatever you want
14:33 bshum And maybe rfrasur can also pass along specific questions on that front to csharp
14:33 csharp yeah - was about to ask for specifics, but that doesn't have to take up meeting time
14:33 rfrasur Well, I can I just state my concern?  I'm not sure that I have a question at this point.
14:34 rfrasur My concern is that this financial report doesn't give us a complete picture as is.  And that's not a dig against a person or entity.  Just a statement.
14:35 rfrasur In the spreadsheet that I put together to run the numbers, I had to add "miscellaneous" categories that I'm assuming are there...but not included.  And if that's the case...what's the miscellaneous?
14:35 rfrasur So, I dunno csharp, can you parse some usable questions out of my concerns?
14:36 bshum rfrasur: I thought about that more last night and I wonder if maybe the reason there's not a specific sub-lineitem for each broken out category is just that the text isn't written that way.
14:36 bshum meaning that while some expenses get tagged "Conferences:Venue:Food", some are just "Conference:Venue" for example.
14:36 bshum and not given further clarifications.
14:36 csharp rfrasur: want to craft an email with your specific questions and then send it to me and probably bshum?
14:37 rfrasur bshum, that could very well be...and, if so, there needs to be some clean up.
14:37 graced Or to the EOB list?
14:37 csharp graced++ # yeah, that's better ;-)
14:37 bshum To the EOB list sounds fine to me.  We can all digest and consider it.
14:37 remingtron joined #evergreen
14:37 rfrasur csharp: graced: EOB list.  It'll take me a little while. As in a day or so.
14:37 graced rfrasur++
14:37 bshum I agree that cleanup of the ledger would be nice.
14:38 bshum I still don't know what to make of "Unearned Income" that lingers forever.
14:38 rfrasur I just know that I looked at it and thought "If I had to show this to my library board, I'd freak."
14:38 bshum Okay, so...
14:38 rfrasur That's all I have at this point on that then, I think.
14:38 bshum action item time!
14:39 bshum #action rfrasur to draft request for details and clarification for Financial Summary / Evergreen Ledger to send to EOB list
14:39 tspindler bshum: in accounting terms, unearned income relates to revenue generated but no service or product provided,  I don't kno why it is there.
14:39 rfrasur bshum++ #on it
14:39 bshum #help EOB members to assist in review and communicate concerns to Conservancy.
14:40 bshum rfrasur++ # thanks for asking the good questions, we'll sort this out :)
14:40 bshum Anything else on financials for now, before we move on?
14:40 rfrasur (My kids HATE when I ask the "good questions")
14:41 yboston rfrasur++
14:41 bshum Okay then
14:41 bshum #topic Evergreen 2.9 Release Manager's Report
14:41 * bshum thanks Dyrcona in advance
14:42 * rfrasur resists cheering for Dyrcona but then types about resisting.
14:42 Dyrcona There is not much to report, yet.
14:43 Dyrcona The dates have been added to the developers' Google calendar.
14:44 Dyrcona And, I've put up a public roadmap that anyone can add to: http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/​doku.php?id=faqs:evergreen_roadmap
14:44 csharp #info 2.9 public roadmap that anyone can add to: http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/​doku.php?id=faqs:evergreen_roadmap
14:45 bshum Cool deal
14:45 bshum Any quick questions for Dyrcona before we move on.
14:45 bshum Dyrcona++ # taking on the RM mantle
14:45 tspindler Dyrcona ++
14:45 bshum And good luck to him and all the devs and contributors as the next phase begins.
14:45 csharp Dyrcona++
14:45 rfrasur Dyrcona++
14:46 graced Dyrcona++
14:46 sherbert Dyrcona++
14:46 yboston Dyrcona++
14:46 bshum Okay then
14:46 bshum #topic Evergreen Outreach Update
14:46 bshum kmlussier sent out an email on this.
14:47 bshum #link http://list.evergreen-ils.org/pipermail/​eg-oversight-board/2015-June/001062.html
14:47 kmlussier Yes, I wasn't going to provide much of an update beyond the email, but since bshum mentioned it...
14:47 bshum in there is a call for action to appoint additional members
14:48 kmlussier I am waiting to hear on donations for the Outreach program. I did hear that we received a donation on the day it was announced, but the ledger doesn't reflect this income.
14:48 kmlussier I'm guessing they are behind in adding those donations to the ledger, but I'm still waiting for some confirmation on that guess.
14:48 rfrasur They referring to the Conservancy?
14:48 kmlussier Otherwise, the program is going well and we're almost ready to show off Evergree at ALA!
14:49 kmlussier rfrasur: Yes.
14:49 rfrasur k
14:49 bshum Thanks kmlussier, keep us posted on that with Conservancy, and if we should rope in csharp if it gets to become a longer discussion than "oops, we'll get those missing entries added soon"
14:50 bshum And good luck!  Wish I was going to ALA to help :)
14:50 kmlussier If anyone does know an Evergreener going to ALA, please encourage them to volunteer! I'm happy to buddy up with somebody.
14:50 bshum I'm going to open a quick poll to approve the additional volunteer names that kmlussier listed in her email for joining the committee?
14:51 bshum #startvote Approve volunteer additions for Meme Harlow and Ruth Frasur to Outreach Committee? Yes, no, abstain
14:51 pinesol_green Begin voting on: Approve volunteer additions for Meme Harlow and Ruth Frasur to Outreach Committee? Valid vote options are Yes, no, abstain.
14:51 pinesol_green Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.
14:52 sherbert yes
14:52 csharp #vote Yes
14:52 tspindler #vote yes
14:52 yboston #vote yes
14:52 graced #vote Yes
14:52 bshum #vote Yes
14:52 abneiman #vote yes
14:52 sherbert #vote yes
14:52 rfrasur #vote abstain
14:52 bshum Okay
14:52 bshum #endvote
14:52 bshum Hmm
14:52 pinesol_green Voted on "Approve volunteer additions for Meme Harlow and Ruth Frasur to Outreach Committee?" Results are
14:52 pinesol_green Yes (7): tspindler, abneiman, graced, csharp, bshum, sherbert, yboston
14:52 pinesol_green abstain (1): rfrasur
14:52 bshum there we go.
14:53 bshum #info Board voted to approve additions of Meme Harlow and Ruth Frasur to the Outreach Committee.
14:53 bshum Thanks, and good luck to all.
14:53 bshum Anything else for kmlussier, etc. before we move on?
14:53 csharp kmlussier++
14:53 abneiman kmlussier++
14:53 tspindler kmlussier++
14:53 graced kmlussier
14:54 sherbert kmlussier++
14:54 bbqben joined #evergreen
14:54 graced er kmlussier++
14:54 bshum kmlussier++
14:54 Dyrcona kmlussier++
14:54 bshum Okay then
14:54 rfrasur kmlussier++ #and the rest of the outreach committee
14:54 yboston kmlussier++
14:54 bshum we're on to new business now
14:54 bshum With only 5 minutes left in this hour
14:54 bshum So we'll try to make this quick
14:54 bshum #topic EG2016 Conference Updates
14:55 bshum I saw tprokrym was in the channel earlier, and apologies to you that I didn't pre-contact you
14:55 bshum Thanks for coming along anyways.
14:55 bshum What I'll generally propose for future meetings is to slot in 2016 updates in place of previous updates (obviously)
14:55 tprokrym i sent budget to grace and sponsorship descriptions.  Tony/Karen are signing contract with sheraton today.
14:55 csharp sorry all, I have to leave now :-/
14:56 bshum Thanks csharp, enjoy the rest of PGCon
14:56 csharp bshum: thanks
14:56 rfrasur see ya csharp and thank you
14:56 graced tprokrym++
14:56 bshum tprokrym++ Awesome!
14:56 rfrasur tprokrym++
14:56 sherbert tprokrym++
14:56 rfrasur So the venue is selected already?
14:57 tprokrym fyi -- johnnie pippin will join this meeting as my backup.
14:57 bshum Has the EOB voted to approve the conference budget?
14:57 graced not yet
14:57 * bshum doesn't remember seeing anything on that.
14:57 tprokrym yes.  If that is ok.  Tony has been talking with the Sheraton. They provided the best deal; they were used by Code4lib a few years ago.
14:57 abneiman tprokrym++
14:58 tprokrym so was that out of order?
14:58 graced Tanya sent it to me yesterday and I have a few quick things I want to suggest to her before I forward the budget for a vote
14:58 rfrasur Perhaps
14:58 bshum It'll probably be okay.
14:58 bshum graced: Sounds good to me.
14:58 graced There was a pressing need to move on the venue quickly, though.
14:59 tprokrym yes. they are not going to hold the space past next Monday.
14:59 graced And it's my bad for holding up the budget with Tanya.
14:59 rfrasur graced: Is the budget pretty much in line with previous ones?
14:59 graced The budget looks great.  I'm very happy with it overall.
14:59 bshum tprokrym: graced: Once you guys have had a chance to poke and prod at the budget a bit more, it'd be great if you could send it on to the EOB list for consumption.  We can discuss/vote online as necessary.
14:59 graced Will do.
15:00 bshum #action tprokrym and graced to send on new EG2016 Conference budget to EOB list.
15:00 rfrasur I think, this is probably an extenuating circumstance because of the venue timeline, but as a matter of order in the future, the budget should be approved before contracts are signed.
15:00 bshum rfrasur: Agreed :\
15:01 rfrasur tprokrym, does that also mean there's a date?
15:01 graced much like csharp, I also have to pumpkin.  Sorry folks.
15:01 tprokrym yes; april 20-23,2016.  I think that could be changed if necessary.
15:01 rfrasur graced: thank you :-)
15:02 bshum Cool deal.
15:02 tspindler a bit close to patriots day ;)
15:02 bshum Any other quick questions for tprokrym before we move on?  (I know it's the beginning of the process, so wish you guys good luck and help from all)
15:03 kmlussier tspindler: I don't think most people outside of MA know what Patriot's Day is. :)
15:03 bshum Okay then, thanks.
15:03 tprokrym I will work through grace...better next time.
15:03 rfrasur (we know...we ignore)
15:04 bshum tprokrym: Thanks!  and I'll be sure to send better reminders to everyone too
15:04 bshum Okay
15:04 rfrasur tprokrym: Very seriously, thank you for all the work so far.  It's exciting to have a venue/date so early.
15:04 bshum #topic Social phone conference call for EOB members
15:04 bshum sherbert asked about this
15:04 rfrasur I'm down for it.
15:04 tspindler were you thinking of a conference call instead of chat for a meeting?
15:05 sherbert Just wondering if others on EOB would like to have a brief meet and greet by conference call sometime in next few weeks?
15:05 bshum I think her idea was for something semi-unofficial, not business related per say.
15:05 sherbert I know many of you, but has been some time since we've chatted or seen one another
15:05 rfrasur Maybe a Google Hangout?
15:05 tspindler I'm fine with it.  Just need to plan around ALA
15:05 sherbert definitely no EOB business, just social
15:06 sherbert we can push off until after ALA
15:06 yboston I am interested
15:06 bshum sherbert: If it's okay with you, I'd like to give you an action item to help organize this through the EOB list.   I might recommend setting up a poll or something after ALA to find a good date / venue.
15:06 bshum If not, I'll make yboston help :)
15:06 sherbert will do
15:06 yboston I was going to volunteer to assist
15:06 yboston :)
15:06 bshum Awesome, you both get on the action then
15:07 sherbert cool, thx yboston
15:07 tspindler Who else is going to ALA?
15:07 bshum #action sherbert, yboston to organize a social conference call for EOB members to meet informally and chat.
15:08 bshum I think it's a great idea and something we should consider doing in the future for new board members who couldn't all make it to conference or whatnots.
15:08 bshum sherbert++
15:08 tspindler sherbert++
15:08 rfrasur sherbert++
15:08 bshum Okay, any other new business before we conclude today?
15:08 bshum (so much for being what I thought would be a short meeting...)
15:08 bshum (but I'm glad we got some good discussion in)
15:09 rfrasur Thanks all, and bshum++
15:09 bshum Okay, with thanks and regards to all.
15:09 bshum #topic Next meeting:  July 16, 2015 @ 2:00 pm Eastern
15:09 bshum We can shift that if needed, but that's the next regularly scheduled time.
15:09 bshum Thanks everyone!
15:10 yboston bshum++
15:10 * rfrasur is off to library.
15:10 bshum #endmeeting
15:10 pinesol_green Meeting ended Thu Jun 18 15:10:17 2015 US/Eastern.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)
15:10 pinesol_green Minutes:        http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergr​een/2015/evergreen.2015-06-18-14.00.html
15:10 pinesol_green Minutes (text): http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergr​een/2015/evergreen.2015-06-18-14.00.txt
15:10 pinesol_green Log:            http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergree​n/2015/evergreen.2015-06-18-14.00.log.html
15:10 kmlussier bshum++
15:10 abneiman bshum++
15:11 tprokrym quit
15:11 abneiman * abneiman to resume beer-drinking & gardening
15:11 bshum abneiman++
15:11 * bshum scrolls way back...
15:12 bshum Stompro: Did you get any out of channel help?
15:12 tspindler left #evergreen
15:13 Stompro bshum, I'm just going to try it and see if it works first, I'll ask again if I have problems.
15:13 Stompro bshum, thanks for checking back with me.
15:14 bshum Stompro: I think that working/random is its own repo and I'm unsure if it all links together.
15:14 bshum The git admins would know more about how that's all setup.
15:15 * bshum would generally infer that each repo is its own, but doesn't know that for certain.
15:15 dbs a "working" key gives you access to the random repo, but it is its own repo
15:16 bshum dbs++
15:16 bshum Cool knowledge
15:16 Dyrcona And, it certainly is random.
15:16 dbs @working         = working/Evergreen working/NCIPServer working/OpenSRF working/SIPServer working/random
15:16 pinesol_green dbs: Have you tried turning it off and back on again?
15:16 dbs from gitolite.conf in the evergreen git-admin's repo :)
15:16 bshum Ah cool, I wondered if it was organized that way.
15:16 bshum nifty
15:17 Dyrcona That @working means the users/keys in the working group.
15:17 dbs yes
15:17 Dyrcona So they have access to the repos listed.
15:18 miker bshum: the meeting intervened, but, re "palmolive": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzmTtusvj​R4&amp;start=13&amp;end=15&amp;autoplay=1 (unfortunately, end= doesn't seem to work anymore ... first second is all you need ;) )
15:18 Stompro It worked just fine, I pushed my version of a debian jessie semi-automated install script to random collab/phasefx/wheezy_installer, in the installer/jessie directory.
15:20 Dyrcona Dunno if I'll be able to make the next EOB meeting. I'll be on vacation in the woods.
15:20 Dyrcona Ironically, I get better 4G cell reception at the cabin than in my semi-urban living room.
15:20 bshum Dyrcona: It's all good
15:21 bshum We can just add a written statement or something.
15:29 phasefx kmlussier: remember when we were talking about programming books for young people?  there's another humble bundle out: https://www.humblebundle.com/books
15:30 Dyrcona phasefx++
15:58 kmlussier phasefx: Thanks!
15:58 jwoodard So after much painstaking effort I have completed my first billing report and it appears to report like I want it to.
15:59 kmlussier Excellent! jwoodard++
16:00 kmlussier I'm thinking of signing my daughter up for this - http://blog.arungupta.me/devoxx4kids-wor​kshops-redhat-summit-devnation-register/ - this weekend. Looks like it could be fun.
16:01 mmorgan Sounds like fun!
16:01 kmlussier Truth be told, I want to sign her up because it says parents can stay and I want to go. :)
16:02 * mmorgan suspected that might be the case ;-)
16:07 Dyrcona The HTML5 game session sounds like fun.
16:08 jeff the results of some cleaning of opac.default_phone values: https://gist.github.com/jeff/2df9293e6d41cd5c0f85
16:09 Dyrcona Ugh.... Phone numbers.... Horizon would let you put anything in the phone number field, so staff did.
16:09 jeff the two SELECT queries in survey_data.sql are interesting to run on a system with "real" data in it, since it shows what kinds of things you have kicking around in there.
16:10 jeff (outputs are masked -- check the query at the end of the third file to see the raw values you have lurking that the updates don't try to handle.)
16:11 berick if you dig deep enough, you'll find loose change and the TV remote.
16:14 jeff berick: those are over in day_phone
16:21 rjackson_isl I always liked the "No Phone" entries we had after migrations
16:24 * jeff nods
16:24 jeff N/A
16:24 rjackson_isl yup
16:25 jeff "NO PHONE # GIVEN"
16:25 rjackson_isl "Neighbor's phone is xxx"
16:26 jeff we used to have some great email values.
16:26 Dyrcona "Number in the box is...." <= That's my "favorite."
16:27 rjackson_isl rjackson_isl is leaving with a smile today of memories gone by!
16:27 Dyrcona Apparently, the phone number was below the ID field the way we had the Horizon patron screen laid out.
16:30 * jeff nods
16:52 Dyrcona git++
16:53 jeff [violent agreement]
16:53 jeff git++
17:04 pinesol_green Incoming from qatests: Test Failure - http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html>
17:07 jeff regarding that test failure: https://rt.cpan.org/Public/​Bug/Display.html?id=105330
17:08 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:09 jeff https://github.com/redhotpenguin/perl-Archive-Zip​/commit/9959caa2a2e27d64097420e2eab5f46ddf47726b
17:10 jeff amusingly, just moments ago.
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21:02 kmlussier @dessert
21:02 * pinesol_green grabs some Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream for kmlussier
22:52 bbqben joined #evergreen

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