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    <h1>IRC log for #evergreen, 2014-04-15</h1>

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        <tr class="head">
<tr id="id_l2" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88449"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88449">00:01</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">bshum joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l3" class="new nick nick_ATS_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88452"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88452">00:06</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ATS_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">hbrennan++</td>

<tr id="id_l4" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88453"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88453">01:28</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">eby__ joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l5" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88454"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88454">04:17</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">tfaile joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l6" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88455"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88455">05:12</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">phasefx joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l7" class="new nick nick_pinesol_green">
	<td class="time" id="i_88458"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88458">05:30</a></td>
	<td style="color: #bb004d" class="nick">pinesol_green</td>
	<td class="msg ">Incoming from qatests: Test Success - <a href="http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html" title="http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html">http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html</a> &lt;<a href="http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html" title="http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html">http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html</a>&gt;</td>

<tr id="id_l8" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88460"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88460">07:00</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">timf joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l9" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88461"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88461">07:03</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">Callender joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l10" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88462"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88462">07:04</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">tfaile joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l11" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88463"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88463">07:04</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">tfaile joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l12" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88464"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88464">07:22</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">mtate joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l13" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88466"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88466">07:31</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">mtate joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l14" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88468"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88468">07:51</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">kmlussier joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l15" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88469"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88469">07:51</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">rjackson-isl joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l16" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88470"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88470">07:54</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">collum joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l17" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88471"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88471">08:00</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">mrpeters joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l18" class="new nick nick_mrpeters">
	<td class="time" id="i_88472"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88472">08:04</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">eeevil: question about build-eg-replication.sh -- should I end up with a slon_tools.conf, in addition to the slonik scripts (which I did get) when running this or does one have to be built by hand using the schema documentation for a particular version?</td>

<tr id="id_l19" class="new nick nick_eeevil dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88473"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88473">08:10</a></td>
	<td style="color: #006b95" class="nick">eeevil</td>
	<td class="msg ">mrpeters: I have not personally maintained that script.  it looks like it cares about all the schemas that would have tables, though, so it should be close.  making sure it gets everything needed for a particular instance is left as an exercise for the reader, of course.  also, that's just one part. you also need to actually clone the schema from the master to the secondary, which is outside the scope of that script</td>

<tr id="id_l20" class="new nick nick_mrpeters">
	<td class="time" id="i_88474"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88474">08:11</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">eeevil: yeah, im familiar with setup once I have a good slon tools conf, i've just been lucky to always be upgrading, not starting from scratch on a slon_tools.conf</td>

<tr id="id_l21" class="cont nick nick_mrpeters">
	<td class="time" id="i_88475"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88475">08:11</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">so, i guess my question is....is there another process that converts the .slonik files generated by your handy script to a slon_tools.conf ?</td>

<tr id="id_l22" class="cont nick nick_mrpeters">
	<td class="time" id="i_88476"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88476">08:13</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">seems like the db info is in the preamble and store_paths slonik files, so perhaps it could, i'm just missing a step</td>

<tr id="id_l23" class="cont nick nick_mrpeters">
	<td class="time" id="i_88477"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88477">08:14</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">your script works quite well, even for not being maintained -- it seems to do a good job of getting the schema of a particular version</td>

<tr id="id_l24" class="new nick nick_eeevil dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88478"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88478">08:19</a></td>
	<td style="color: #006b95" class="nick">eeevil</td>
	<td class="msg ">looked around in some non-core repos, but I don't see one. but really all you need is to create a big list of tables and sequences, which is exactly what you get from the queries embedded in that script. so, should be relatively simple to repurpose that data</td>

<tr id="id_l25" class="new nick nick_mrpeters">
	<td class="time" id="i_88479"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88479">08:20</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">yeah 10-4, i know what one SHOULD look like, just thought i'd double check before i went the manual route</td>

<tr id="id_l26" class="cont nick nick_mrpeters">
	<td class="time" id="i_88480"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88480">08:23</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">eeevil++ thanks</td>

<tr id="id_l27" class="new nick nick_eeevil dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88481"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88481">08:23</a></td>
	<td style="color: #006b95" class="nick">eeevil</td>
	<td class="msg ">np</td>

<tr id="id_l28" class="new nick nick_mrpeters">
	<td class="time" id="i_88482"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88482">08:34</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">for the logs --- <a href="http://pastie.org/9082047" title="http://pastie.org/9082047">http://pastie.org/9082047</a>  use that, and eeevil's script (mainly, the SQL inside to generate the list of pkeyed tables and sequences for replication) and plug them in using the syntax from the few examples in that paste (and of course modify your db connection information)</td>

<tr id="id_l29" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88483"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88483">08:34</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">ericar joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l30" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88484"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88484">08:35</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">Dyrcona joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l31" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88486"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88486">08:38</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">Shae joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l32" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88487"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88487">08:40</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">RoganH joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l33" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88488"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88488">08:40</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">mmorgan joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l34" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88489"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88489">08:47</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">mrpeters++</td>

<tr id="id_l35" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88490"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88490">09:01</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Software sucks. Discuss.</td>

<tr id="id_l36" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88491"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88491">09:01</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">it means our goal is making software suck less?</td>

<tr id="id_l37" class="new nick nick_phasefx dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88492"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88492">09:01</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007f88" class="nick">phasefx</td>
	<td class="msg ">it means we should be programming vacuum cleaners</td>

<tr id="id_l38" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88493"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88493">09:02</a></td>
	<td style="color: #009034" class="nick">* csharp</td>
	<td class="msg act ">runs VACUUM ANALYZE on his living room</td>

<tr id="id_l39" class="new nick nick_phasefx dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88494"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88494">09:03</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007f88" class="nick">phasefx</td>
	<td class="msg ">it behoovers you to do that (ducks, runs)</td>

<tr id="id_l40" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88495"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88495">09:03</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">phasefx++</td>

<tr id="id_l41" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88496"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88496">09:06</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Y'know, my maternal grandfather would not allow his wife to buy a Hoover vacuum cleaner because he hated President Hoover.</td>

<tr id="id_l42" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88497"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88497">09:07</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">phasefx++</td>

<tr id="id_l43" class="new nick nick_RoganH">
	<td class="time" id="i_88498"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88498">09:07</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">I kind of miss loading punch cards as software (yes, I was a child when I helped do this).</td>

<tr id="id_l44" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88499"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88499">09:08</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Cassette tape storage..... Nah, I don't miss it.</td>

<tr id="id_l45" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88500"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88500">09:08</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">that was how UGA class registration still worked when I was there (punch cards)</td>

<tr id="id_l46" class="cont nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88501"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88501">09:09</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">it was *amazing* when we were able to register online a couple of years into it ;-)</td>

<tr id="id_l47" class="new nick nick_RoganH dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88502"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88502">09:09</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">I never used cassettes for storage, I went from punch cards to 5 1/4 floppies.</td>

<tr id="id_l48" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88503"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88503">09:09</a></td>
	<td style="color: #009034" class="nick">* csharp</td>
	<td class="msg act ">cranks up 56K modem to relive the memories</td>

<tr id="id_l49" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88504"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88504">09:10</a></td>
	<td style="color: #032c28" class="nick">* Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg act ">still has a 14.4k modem in a box, and used to share that connection among 3 computers.</td>

<tr id="id_l50" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88505"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88505">09:10</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">I think most of my Russian email spam actually comes from scripts I wrote for dial on demand being translated and posted on &quot;hacker&quot; sites.</td>

<tr id="id_l51" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88506"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88506">09:12</a></td>
	<td style="color: #032c28" class="nick">* Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg act ">is probably mistaken.</td>

<tr id="id_l52" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88507"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88507">09:15</a></td>
	<td style="color: #032c28" class="nick">* Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg act ">considers making #callahan an alias for #lucky in search. ;)</td>

<tr id="id_l53" class="new special">
	<td class="time" id="i_88508"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88508">09:18</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">mdriscoll joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l54" class="cont special">
	<td class="time" id="i_88509"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88509">09:20</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">kbeswick joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l55" class="new nick nick_jl- dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88510"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88510">09:21</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">morning</td>

<tr id="id_l56" class="cont nick nick_jl- dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88511"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88511">09:22</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">voyager besides authority and bib records, voyager also gave me 'item' records and 'mfhd' records.. do I need to treat them specially or can I import them as usual?</td>

<tr id="id_l57" class="new special">
	<td class="time" id="i_88512"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88512">09:26</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">eby__ joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l58" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88513"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88513">09:27</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">mfhd records should follow a standard and have the information in the MARC. The old export tools could supposedly import them.</td>

<tr id="id_l59" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88514"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88514">09:27</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Item records could be anything at all.</td>

<tr id="id_l60" class="new nick nick_jl-">
	<td class="time" id="i_88515"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88515">09:29</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">Dyrcona: thanks. I'm just now seeing that the item file is .txt and not .mrc</td>

<tr id="id_l61" class="cont nick nick_jl-">
	<td class="time" id="i_88516"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88516">09:29</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">lol</td>

<tr id="id_l62" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88517"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88517">09:29</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">dluch joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l63" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88518"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88518">09:30</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Open it with a text editor and see what it looks like. Chances are it is some of delimited file.</td>

<tr id="id_l64" class="new nick nick_jl- dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88519"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88519">09:30</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">2|280344|416515|Not Charged|Microfiche|||Microfiche|</td>

<tr id="id_l65" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88520"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88520">09:30</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Voyager support should also be able to provide you with some documentation, I imagine.</td>

<tr id="id_l66" class="new nick nick_jl- dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88521"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88521">09:30</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">very little</td>

<tr id="id_l67" class="cont nick nick_jl- dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88522"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88522">09:30</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">vendor lock-in</td>

<tr id="id_l68" class="new nick nick_jcamins">
	<td class="time" id="i_88523"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88523">09:30</a></td>
	<td style="color: #002f3f" class="nick">jcamins</td>
	<td class="msg ">Dyrcona: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA</td>

<tr id="id_l69" class="new nick nick_jl- dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88524"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88524">09:30</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">;)</td>

<tr id="id_l70" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88525"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88525">09:31</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Eh, well, some vendors are better than others.</td>

<tr id="id_l71" class="new nick nick_jcamins dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88526"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88526">09:32</a></td>
	<td style="color: #002f3f" class="nick">jcamins</td>
	<td class="msg ">jl-: you might find useful hints in the scripts for migrating Voyager data to Koha at <a href="https://gitorious.org/koha-toolbox" title="https://gitorious.org/koha-toolbox">https://gitorious.org/koha-toolbox</a> but I don't recall what's there.</td>

<tr id="id_l72" class="new nick nick_mrpeters">
	<td class="time" id="i_88527"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88527">09:33</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">jl-: can you paste a sample?</td>

<tr id="id_l73" class="cont nick nick_mrpeters">
	<td class="time" id="i_88528"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88528">09:33</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">maybe a few lines</td>

<tr id="id_l74" class="cont nick nick_mrpeters">
	<td class="time" id="i_88529"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88529">09:34</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">i think i've done a voyager migration before....</td>

<tr id="id_l75" class="new nick nick_jl- dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88530"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88530">09:34</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">mrpeters: from which one? items or mfhd?</td>

<tr id="id_l76" class="new nick nick_jcamins">
	<td class="time" id="i_88531"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88531">09:34</a></td>
	<td style="color: #002f3f" class="nick">jcamins</td>
	<td class="msg ">jl-: I should note that Voyager is one of the ILSes where different sites have different data formats.</td>

<tr id="id_l77" class="new nick nick_mrpeters dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88532"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88532">09:34</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">items</td>

<tr id="id_l78" class="cont nick nick_mrpeters dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88533"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88533">09:34</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">mfhd im not familiar with</td>

<tr id="id_l79" class="new nick nick_jl-">
	<td class="time" id="i_88534"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88534">09:35</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">jcamins: what are the implications of that? I've been using equinox migration tools and they have served me well so far</td>

<tr id="id_l80" class="cont nick nick_jl-">
	<td class="time" id="i_88535"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88535">09:36</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">mrpeters: <a href="http://paste.debian.net/hidden/46f59b30/" title="http://paste.debian.net/hidden/46f59b30/">http://paste.debian.net/hidden/46f59b30/</a></td>

<tr id="id_l81" class="new nick nick_jcamins dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88536"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88536">09:36</a></td>
	<td style="color: #002f3f" class="nick">jcamins</td>
	<td class="msg ">jl-: potentially you'll run into a situation where existing tools don't seem to be giving you the expected result. That's all.</td>

<tr id="id_l82" class="new nick nick_jl-">
	<td class="time" id="i_88537"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88537">09:37</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">jcamins: yes, thankfully this is a test run</td>

<tr id="id_l83" class="cont nick nick_jl-">
	<td class="time" id="i_88538"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88538">09:37</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">I've already had to do some costumizing</td>

<tr id="id_l84" class="cont nick nick_jl-">
	<td class="time" id="i_88539"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88539">09:38</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">*custom</td>

<tr id="id_l85" class="cont nick nick_jl-">
	<td class="time" id="i_88540"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88540">09:38</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">and thanks for the koha link jcamins, that is the next ILS we are wanting to test</td>

<tr id="id_l86" class="new nick nick_jcamins dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88541"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88541">09:39</a></td>
	<td style="color: #002f3f" class="nick">jcamins</td>
	<td class="msg ">There are other versions of the migration toolkit, so you might want to look around to see if anyone has anything better.</td>

<tr id="id_l87" class="new nick nick_dbs">
	<td class="time" id="i_88542"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88542">09:39</a></td>
	<td style="color: #100090" class="nick">dbs</td>
	<td class="msg ">jl-: mfhd for serials may end up going into serial.record_entry if your library doesn't circulate your serials</td>

<tr id="id_l88" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88543"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88543">09:39</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">jl-: Looking at the code that jcamins pointed out, it appears to expect some item information in the bibliographic (MARC) records. That gets matched up with other information from items.txt later.</td>

<tr id="id_l89" class="new special">
	<td class="time" id="i_88544"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88544">09:40</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">yboston joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l90" class="new nick nick_mrpeters dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88545"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88545">09:40</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">jl:  yeah, that can be converted to tab delimited real easy (that's what i would do)</td>

<tr id="id_l91" class="cont nick nick_mrpeters dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88546"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88546">09:40</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">did it include any headers?</td>

<tr id="id_l92" class="cont nick nick_mrpeters dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88547"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88547">09:40</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">i'm guessing the 2nd and 3rd colums are barcode, and a link to a bib record id, but im not sure in which order</td>

<tr id="id_l93" class="new nick nick_jl-">
	<td class="time" id="i_88548"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88548">09:41</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">mrpeters: no headers</td>

<tr id="id_l94" class="new nick nick_mrpeters dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88549"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88549">09:41</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">last column seems to be copy locations, column 5 looks to be a good choice for mapping to an eg circ_modifier</td>

<tr id="id_l95" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88550"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88550">09:41</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">jl-: You should examine a few of your bib records to see if there are what appears to be barcodes in them.</td>

<tr id="id_l96" class="new nick nick_mrpeters dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88551"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88551">09:42</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">yeah, can you do a yaz-marcdump on the marc file and paste one record?</td>

<tr id="id_l97" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88552"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88552">09:42</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">jl-: If there are not, you should find out from Voyager how to export them with item information. They should help you with that as that can be required for things other than migration away from them.</td>

<tr id="id_l98" class="new nick nick_mrpeters dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88553"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88553">09:43</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">852, 949, 999, etc. are all popular locations for that item specific info</td>

<tr id="id_l99" class="new nick nick_jl-">
	<td class="time" id="i_88554"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88554">09:43</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">sure, sec</td>

<tr id="id_l100" class="new nick nick_dbs dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88555"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88555">09:43</a></td>
	<td style="color: #800064" class="nick">* dbs</td>
	<td class="msg act ">is trying to recall whether he used Windsor's MFHD records or the item export when they migrated from Voyager to Evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l101" class="new nick nick_jl-">
	<td class="time" id="i_88556"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88556">09:44</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">mrpeters: <a href="http://paste.debian.net/hidden/74d9846b/" title="http://paste.debian.net/hidden/74d9846b/">http://paste.debian.net/hidden/74d9846b/</a></td>

<tr id="id_l102" class="new nick nick_mrpeters dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88557"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88557">09:44</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">hmmm was that done with yaz-marcdump?</td>

<tr id="id_l103" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88558"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88558">09:44</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg "><a href="https://gitorious.org/koha-toolbox/koha-migration-toolbox/source/0c34e57f14034e189383cb1269a7245bc4b2329d:migration/Voyager/biblio_masher.pl#L220" title="https://gitorious.org/koha-toolbox/koha-migration-toolbox/source/0c34e57f14034e189383cb1269a7245bc4b2329d:migration/Voyager/biblio_masher.pl#L220">https://gitorious.org/koha-toolbox/koha-migration​-toolbox/source/0c34e57f14034e189383cb1269a7245bc​4b2329d:migration/Voyager/biblio_masher.pl#L220</a></td>

<tr id="id_l104" class="new nick nick_mrpeters dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88559"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88559">09:44</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">yaz-marcdump yourbibs.mrc | less from cmd line</td>

<tr id="id_l105" class="new nick nick_jl-">
	<td class="time" id="i_88560"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88560">09:44</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">yes but then I formatted it</td>

<tr id="id_l106" class="cont nick nick_jl-">
	<td class="time" id="i_88561"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88561">09:44</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">for the sql loader</td>

<tr id="id_l107" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88562"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88562">09:45</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Beginning there can help you see what the different fields in items.txt likely are.</td>

<tr id="id_l108" class="new nick nick_jl-">
	<td class="time" id="i_88563"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88563">09:45</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">I can give you the pure marcdump file hold on</td>

<tr id="id_l109" class="new nick nick_mrpeters dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88564"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88564">09:45</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">hmm, sure doesn</td>

<tr id="id_l110" class="cont nick nick_mrpeters dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88565"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88565">09:45</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">doesnt look like this has copy info</td>

<tr id="id_l111" class="cont nick nick_mrpeters dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88566"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88566">09:45</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">but i bet &quot;15787&quot;, etc. are the bib id's</td>

<tr id="id_l112" class="cont nick nick_mrpeters dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88567"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88567">09:45</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">see if those pop up in your items text file</td>

<tr id="id_l113" class="new nick nick_jl-">
	<td class="time" id="i_88568"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88568">09:46</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">they do</td>

<tr id="id_l114" class="new nick nick_mrpeters dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88569"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88569">09:46</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">there's your linkage right there then</td>

<tr id="id_l115" class="cont nick nick_mrpeters dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88570"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88570">09:46</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">so thats good</td>

<tr id="id_l116" class="cont nick nick_mrpeters dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88571"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88571">09:46</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">i think its safe to assume the other number out of column 2 and 3 is the barcode</td>

<tr id="id_l117" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88572"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88572">09:46</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">It looks like items.txt should have the barcode.</td>

<tr id="id_l118" class="new nick nick_jl- dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88573"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88573">09:47</a></td>
	<td style="color: #263c16" class="nick">* jl-</td>
	<td class="msg act ">didn't realize eg was going to be a pandora's box</td>

<tr id="id_l119" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88574"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88574">09:47</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">jl-: All ILS are Pandora's Boxes.</td>

<tr id="id_l120" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88575"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88575">09:47</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">BigRig joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l121" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88576"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88576">09:47</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Right now, we're talking about Voyager data, not Evergreen. :)</td>

<tr id="id_l122" class="new nick nick_mrpeters dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88577"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88577">09:48</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">jl-: this honestly doesnt look like too bad of a migration</td>

<tr id="id_l123" class="new nick nick_RoganH">
	<td class="time" id="i_88578"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88578">09:48</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">No, because if they were Pandora's Boxes hope would still be in the old one after you get the evil out.  I've never seen anything left in the old ones after a migration but despair.</td>

<tr id="id_l124" class="new nick nick_mrpeters dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88579"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88579">09:48</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">such a small amount of data for each item = less work for you hah!</td>

<tr id="id_l125" class="new nick nick_RoganH">
	<td class="time" id="i_88580"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88580">09:48</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">Hope is usually in the new system I've moved them to.</td>

<tr id="id_l126" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88581"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88581">09:48</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">RoganH: Hope quickly turns to despair, no matter the software.</td>

<tr id="id_l127" class="new nick nick_RoganH">
	<td class="time" id="i_88582"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88582">09:49</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">Dyrcona: you do have a point</td>

<tr id="id_l128" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88583"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88583">09:49</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">ats_JC joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l129" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88584"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88584">09:49</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">mrpeters++</td>

<tr id="id_l130" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88585"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88585">09:50</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Yeah, this looks easier than some others I've done.... *cough* TLC *cough*.</td>

<tr id="id_l131" class="new nick nick_mrpeters dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88586"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88586">09:50</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">^^^^^</td>

<tr id="id_l132" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88587"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88587">09:50</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">koha++</td>

<tr id="id_l133" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88588"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88588">09:50</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">jcamins++</td>

<tr id="id_l134" class="new nick nick_mrpeters dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88589"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88589">09:50</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007d5b" class="nick">mrpeters</td>
	<td class="msg ">millenium kicked my ass recently</td>

<tr id="id_l135" class="new nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88590"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88590">09:51</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">hi!!</td>

<tr id="id_l136" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88591"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88591">09:51</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">I should clarify... It wasn't the format of the data so much as the crappy cataloging and records that some were ISO8859-1 and others were some other charset.</td>

<tr id="id_l137" class="new special">
	<td class="time" id="i_88592"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88592">09:52</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">jboyer-isl joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l138" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88593"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88593">09:52</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Good [insert time of day for your locale here], ats_JC!</td>

<tr id="id_l139" class="new special">
	<td class="time" id="i_88594"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88594">09:52</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">denishpatel joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l140" class="new nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88595"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88595">09:52</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">im having problems with evergreen. can you help me :)</td>

<tr id="id_l141" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88596"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88596">09:54</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">ats_JC: Just explain your problem and ask your questions. If someone can help you, and they're paying attention, they will.</td>

<tr id="id_l142" class="new nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88597"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88597">09:54</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">oh thank you sir!</td>

<tr id="id_l143" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88598"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88598">09:54</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">Our library is using athena. We already set upped the server and the client of evergreen, we tried importing the database from athena. I have some questions with evergreen.</td>

<tr id="id_l144" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88599"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88599">09:55</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">Imported items are good, already checked their marcs and their good, I'm having problems with call numbers and barcodes. When I try to search using our assigned barcode from athena or item status by barcode its giving me &quot;SL29123 was either mis scanned or not cataloged&quot;,</td>

<tr id="id_l145" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88600"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88600">09:55</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">the SL29123 is our assigned barcodes from athena</td>

<tr id="id_l146" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88601"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88601">09:56</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">then when I try to search using call number it didn't give any results</td>

<tr id="id_l147" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88602"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88602">09:56</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">How are you searching for barcodes?</td>

<tr id="id_l148" class="new nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88603"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88603">09:56</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">by a barcode scanner</td>

<tr id="id_l149" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88604"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88604">09:57</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Are you trying to scan them in item status or circulation? Are you using advanced numeric search?</td>

<tr id="id_l150" class="new nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88605"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88605">09:57</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">yes\</td>

<tr id="id_l151" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88606"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88606">09:57</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Tell me which one.</td>

<tr id="id_l152" class="new nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88607"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88607">09:58</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">the item status in circulation</td>

<tr id="id_l153" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88608"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88608">09:58</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">the item status</td>

<tr id="id_l154" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88609"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88609">09:58</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">we already checked the marcs and their good on their places</td>

<tr id="id_l155" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88610"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88610">09:58</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">ats_JC: Do you have access to the database?</td>

<tr id="id_l156" class="new nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88611"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88611">09:59</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">i dont have the access right now :) Im from Philippines hehe</td>

<tr id="id_l157" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88612"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88612">09:59</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">hmm maybe tomorrow ill give you some screenshots</td>

<tr id="id_l158" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88613"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88613">10:00</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">ats_JC: Your geographic location should have nothing to do with it. There's this thing called the Internet. :)</td>

<tr id="id_l159" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88614"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88614">10:00</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Nah, don't need screen shots.</td>

<tr id="id_l160" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88615"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88615">10:00</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">kbeswick joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l161" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88616"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88616">10:00</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">I'm guessing you don't actually have any copies.</td>

<tr id="id_l162" class="new nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88617"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88617">10:00</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">hmm</td>

<tr id="id_l163" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88618"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88618">10:00</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">but when we search on circulation its already appearing</td>

<tr id="id_l164" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88619"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88619">10:00</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">When you can get into the database, run this query: select count(id) from asset.copy;</td>

<tr id="id_l165" class="new nick nick_RoganH dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88620"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88620">10:00</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">ats_JC : you may be searching the bib or marc records but there may not be copy records</td>

<tr id="id_l166" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88621"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88621">10:01</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">What do you mean &quot;when we search on circulation its already appearing?&quot;</td>

<tr id="id_l167" class="new nick nick_RoganH dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88622"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88622">10:01</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">ats_JC: you can have many copies for circulation but one bib describing the item</td>

<tr id="id_l168" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88623"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88623">10:01</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">You said before that they weren't.</td>

<tr id="id_l169" class="new nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88624"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88624">10:02</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">when we tried to item status by barcode and searching by call numbers</td>

<tr id="id_l170" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88625"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88625">10:02</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">i dont know why</td>

<tr id="id_l171" class="new nick nick_RoganH">
	<td class="time" id="i_88626"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88626">10:03</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">ats_JC: Athena stores call numbers and barcodes in the MARC, Evergreen uses separate records for those</td>

<tr id="id_l172" class="new nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88627"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88627">10:03</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">oh</td>

<tr id="id_l173" class="new nick nick_RoganH">
	<td class="time" id="i_88628"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88628">10:04</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">That's why Drycona wanted the info from the asset.copy table, that would give more information.</td>

<tr id="id_l174" class="new nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88629"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88629">10:06</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">hmm thanks guys</td>

<tr id="id_l175" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88630"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88630">10:06</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">ill check it out tomorrow</td>

<tr id="id_l176" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88631"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88631">10:06</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">then show some screens :)</td>

<tr id="id_l177" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88632"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88632">10:07</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">its really driving me crazy haha</td>

<tr id="id_l178" class="new special">
	<td class="time" id="i_88633"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88633">10:07</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">kmlussier joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l179" class="new nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88634"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88634">10:07</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">its still possible  even the marc tags on marc records are all present</td>

<tr id="id_l180" class="new nick nick_RoganH">
	<td class="time" id="i_88635"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88635">10:08</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">There is a learning curve with Evergreen especially in terms of complexity if you're coming from an older product like Athena that was just a few steps removed from a flat text file database.</td>

<tr id="id_l181" class="cont nick nick_RoganH">
	<td class="time" id="i_88636"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88636">10:08</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">The marc records can be completely fine but that doesn't mean there are any call number or copy records present.</td>

<tr id="id_l182" class="cont nick nick_RoganH">
	<td class="time" id="i_88637"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88637">10:08</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">Copy records attach to call number records which attach to bib records (basically)</td>

<tr id="id_l183" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88638"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88638">10:08</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">ats_JC: How did you import the MARC records into Evergreen?</td>

<tr id="id_l184" class="new nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88639"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88639">10:09</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">we extracetd the data sets from athena</td>

<tr id="id_l185" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88640"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88640">10:10</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">then we let our IT staff to do the conversion</td>

<tr id="id_l186" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88641"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88641">10:10</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">he followed the steps on the documentary present on the evergreen website</td>

<tr id="id_l187" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88642"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88642">10:10</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">we use linux and postgre</td>

<tr id="id_l188" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88643"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88643">10:10</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">open-srf</td>

<tr id="id_l189" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88644"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88644">10:10</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">I see. Maybe someone from your IT staff should join the conversation.</td>

<tr id="id_l190" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88645"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88645">10:11</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">There's a lot of documentation on the Evergreen web site and some of it should be removed.</td>

<tr id="id_l191" class="new nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88646"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88646">10:11</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">oh</td>

<tr id="id_l192" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88647"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88647">10:11</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">so thats it</td>

<tr id="id_l193" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88648"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88648">10:12</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Well, that's not necessarily &quot;it.&quot;</td>

<tr id="id_l194" class="new nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88649"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88649">10:12</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">ahaha</td>

<tr id="id_l195" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88650"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88650">10:12</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">so its doomsday</td>

<tr id="id_l196" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88651"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88651">10:12</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Depending on the method used to import the records, there are different ways to get the records for call numbers and copies created.</td>

<tr id="id_l197" class="new nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88652"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88652">10:12</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">ahaha</td>

<tr id="id_l198" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88653"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88653">10:12</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">noted</td>

<tr id="id_l199" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88654"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88654">10:13</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">No, you can possibly have them made after the fact if you know what MARC fields and subfields hold the necessary information.</td>

<tr id="id_l200" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88655"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88655">10:13</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">It will take some custom code, though.</td>

<tr id="id_l201" class="new special">
	<td class="time" id="i_88656"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88656">10:14</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">mceraso joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l202" class="new nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88657"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88657">10:14</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">thank you sir. ill try to let him join the conversation</td>

<tr id="id_l203" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88658"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88658">10:17</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">Dyrcona++</td>

<tr id="id_l204" class="new special">
	<td class="time" id="i_88659"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88659">10:17</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">atlas__ joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l205" class="new nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88660"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88660">10:17</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">RoganH++</td>

<tr id="id_l206" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88661"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88661">10:21</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">have a good day!! :) thanks for the time</td>

<tr id="id_l207" class="new special">
	<td class="time" id="i_88662"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88662">10:30</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">kbeswick joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l208" class="cont special">
	<td class="time" id="i_88664"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88664">10:33</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">ats_JC joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l209" class="new nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88665"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88665">10:39</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">hi guys. how can we record new books into the evergreen?</td>

<tr id="id_l210" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88666"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88666">10:41</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Well, you could have your staff catalog everything by hand, but it sounds like you already have the records loaded with copy information in some MARC field.</td>

<tr id="id_l211" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88667"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88667">10:42</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">You need to find out what field has that information and what fields in the asset.call_number and asset.copy tables the subfields correspond to.</td>

<tr id="id_l212" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88668"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88668">10:43</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Then, you need to have someone write a program to extract the information from the marc in the biblio.record_entry table and to create the asset.call_number and asset.copy table entries.</td>

<tr id="id_l213" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88669"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88669">10:43</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Piece of cake! ;)</td>

<tr id="id_l214" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88670"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88670">10:44</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">kbeswick joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l215" class="new nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88671"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88671">10:44</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">oh thank you!!! :)</td>

<tr id="id_l216" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88672"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88672">10:45</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">its really hard when you are from athena where you'll just input those infos</td>

<tr id="id_l217" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88673"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88673">10:45</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">Dyrcona++</td>

<tr id="id_l218" class="new nick nick_kmlussier dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88674"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88674">10:46</a></td>
	<td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td>
	<td class="msg ">ats_JC: If you do need to manually catalog the books, though, you might want to look at the docs at <a href="http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/2.1/html/adding_holdings.html" title="http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/2.1/html/adding_holdings.html">http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/​2.1/html/adding_holdings.html</a></td>

<tr id="id_l219" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88675"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88675">10:46</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">ats_JC: Its never obvious, regardless of the system. Only experience teaches these lessons.</td>

<tr id="id_l220" class="new nick nick_kmlussier dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88676"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88676">10:46</a></td>
	<td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td>
	<td class="msg ">It's for 2.1, but it should still be relevant. It looks like cataloging docs haven't been moved up yet.</td>

<tr id="id_l221" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88677"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88677">10:47</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">And, no, I've never worked with Athena, but I've moved enough data into Evergreen to know what Evergreen expects.</td>

<tr id="id_l222" class="new nick nick_bshum dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88678"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88678">10:47</a></td>
	<td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td>
	<td class="msg ">Athena... ugh</td>

<tr id="id_l223" class="new nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88679"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88679">10:50</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">ahaha Athen....Jurassic</td>

<tr id="id_l224" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88680"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88680">10:50</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">ahahaha</td>

<tr id="id_l225" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88681"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88681">10:53</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">kmlussier++</td>

<tr id="id_l226" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88682"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88682">10:53</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">Dyrcona++</td>

<tr id="id_l227" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88683"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88683">10:53</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">really guys... thanks!!</td>

<tr id="id_l228" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88684"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88684">10:57</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">ats_JC: If you IT folks are decent with Perl and PostgreSQL, they ought to be able to figure out a way to do what I've suggested. It should only take a couple of days to get it right. That will be faster than enter records by hand.</td>

<tr id="id_l229" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88685"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88685">10:57</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">s/you/your/</td>

<tr id="id_l230" class="new nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88686"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88686">10:58</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">ok ill ask him :)</td>

<tr id="id_l231" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88687"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88687">10:58</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">ill show the procedures that you recommend :)</td>

<tr id="id_l232" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88688"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88688">10:58</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">thank you sir!</td>

<tr id="id_l233" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88689"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88689">11:01</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">RoganH joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l234" class="new nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88690"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88690">11:01</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">we are setting up evergreen 2.5.3 version</td>

<tr id="id_l235" class="new nick nick_RoganH dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88691"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88691">11:02</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">off topic: setting up an IRC bouncer finally.  Any recommendations for a good debian one?</td>

<tr id="id_l236" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88692"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88692">11:02</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">ats_JC++</td>

<tr id="id_l237" class="new nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88693"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88693">11:04</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">our IT said that he need to check the links tomorrow hahaha</td>

<tr id="id_l238" class="cont nick nick_ats_JC dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88694"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88694">11:04</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">so faasst</td>

<tr id="id_l239" class="new nick nick_RoganH">
	<td class="time" id="i_88695"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88695">11:05</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">check links?</td>

<tr id="id_l240" class="new nick nick_pinesol_green dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88696"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88696">11:05</a></td>
	<td style="color: #bb004d" class="nick">pinesol_green</td>
	<td class="msg ">[evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP<a href="https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1306176">#1306176</a>: force installation of Business::Stripe from CPAN - &lt;<a href="http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=e8b967a" title="http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=e8b967a">http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=e8b967a</a>&gt;</td>

<tr id="id_l241" class="new nick nick_ats_JC">
	<td class="time" id="i_88697"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88697">11:05</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00ab77" class="nick">ats_JC</td>
	<td class="msg ">dont know thats what he says</td>

<tr id="id_l242" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88698"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88698">11:19</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">lcathenry joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l243" class="new nick nick_dkyle">
	<td class="time" id="i_88699"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88699">11:20</a></td>
	<td style="color: #1d2003" class="nick">dkyle</td>
	<td class="msg ">Regarding <a href="https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1307553" title="https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1307553">https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1307553</a>, what subfield should the bib source go in?</td>

<tr id="id_l244" class="new nick nick_pinesol_green dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88700"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88700">11:20</a></td>
	<td style="color: #bb004d" class="nick">pinesol_green</td>
	<td class="msg ">Launchpad bug 1307553 in Evergreen &quot;bib source should be included in the 901 field&quot; (affected: 1, heat: 6) [Wishlist,New]</td>

<tr id="id_l245" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88701"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88701">11:24</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">dkyle: Subfield s?</td>

<tr id="id_l246" class="new nick nick_dkyle dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88702"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88702">11:27</a></td>
	<td style="color: #1d2003" class="nick">dkyle</td>
	<td class="msg ">Drycona: s is not taken. and should source be saved in the marc 901 only for schema biblio?</td>

<tr id="id_l247" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88703"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88703">11:28</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">dkyle: I dunno. I just suggest s for Source and 901 is a &quot;custom&quot; field so we can do what we like.</td>

<tr id="id_l248" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88704"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88704">11:28</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">If auth records have source field, maybe they should get it set, too.</td>

<tr id="id_l249" class="new nick nick_dkyle dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88705"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88705">11:30</a></td>
	<td style="color: #1d2003" class="nick">dkyle</td>
	<td class="msg ">Drycona: guess I should ask in lp. was wondering what orgs might be using what 901 subfields already for their purposes.</td>

<tr id="id_l250" class="new special">
	<td class="time" id="i_88706"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88706">11:42</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">RoganH joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l251" class="cont special">
	<td class="time" id="i_88707"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88707">11:45</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">RoganH left #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l252" class="cont special">
	<td class="time" id="i_88708"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88708">11:46</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">RoganH joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l253" class="cont special">
	<td class="time" id="i_88709"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88709">11:46</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">mdriscoll left #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l254" class="new nick nick_jl- dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88710"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88710">11:52</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">which record/line is causing this error: <a href="http://paste.debian.net/hidden/bb24a622/" title="http://paste.debian.net/hidden/bb24a622/">http://paste.debian.net/hidden/bb24a622/</a> ? would it be 31?</td>

<tr id="id_l255" class="new special">
	<td class="time" id="i_88711"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88711">11:59</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">ericar joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l256" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88712"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88712">12:00</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">I think that is referring to line 31 of the SQL and not line 31 of the input.</td>

<tr id="id_l257" class="new nick nick_dbwells">
	<td class="time" id="i_88713"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88713">12:12</a></td>
	<td style="color: #090028" class="nick">dbwells</td>
	<td class="msg ">I am off to lunch, but in my judgment things have settled down enough to get 2.6.0 cut later today.  Please consider this a last call for objections, or for any small thing needing attention.  Thank you.</td>

<tr id="id_l258" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88714"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88714">12:15</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">j_scott joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l259" class="new nick nick_RoganH">
	<td class="time" id="i_88715"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88715">12:16</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">dbwells: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHash5takWU" title="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHash5takWU">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHash5takWU</a></td>

<tr id="id_l260" class="new nick nick_dbwells dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88716"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88716">12:18</a></td>
	<td style="color: #090028" class="nick">dbwells</td>
	<td class="msg ">RoganH++</td>

<tr id="id_l261" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88717"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88717">12:49</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">historical question (possibly for eeevil): did the reporter ever restrict anything by library?  meaning, has data ever been limited by like the workstation owning library or somesuch?</td>

<tr id="id_l262" class="cont nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88718"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88718">12:49</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">there are people here who seem convinced that you don't have permission to see other libraries' data</td>

<tr id="id_l263" class="cont nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88719"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88719">12:50</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">I'm convinced that Evergreen has never worked that way, but there are some fierce people who think otherwise</td>

<tr id="id_l264" class="new nick nick_phasefx dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88720"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88720">12:50</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007f88" class="nick">phasefx</td>
	<td class="msg ">jeff: did you ever figure out a solution to memcached key eviction?</td>

<tr id="id_l265" class="new nick nick_RoganH">
	<td class="time" id="i_88721"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88721">12:50</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">csharp: you mean not configured by giving permission to see folders but just working that way?</td>

<tr id="id_l266" class="new nick nick_phasefx dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88722"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88722">12:51</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007f88" class="nick">phasefx</td>
	<td class="msg ">csharp: I think the database is wide open if you can write a report at all, if that's what you mean</td>

<tr id="id_l267" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88723"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88723">12:51</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">RoganH: right - not folders/templates/output but the data itself</td>

<tr id="id_l268" class="cont nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88724"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88724">12:51</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">phasefx: yes, that's what I mean</td>

<tr id="id_l269" class="new nick nick_phasefx dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88725"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88725">12:51</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007f88" class="nick">phasefx</td>
	<td class="msg ">but I'm not 100% sure</td>

<tr id="id_l270" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88726"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88726">12:51</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">ok, that's what I thought</td>

<tr id="id_l271" class="new nick nick_RoganH dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88727"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88727">12:51</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">csharp: Not 1.2 onward but I can't say before that</td>

<tr id="id_l272" class="new nick nick_phasefx">
	<td class="time" id="i_88728"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88728">12:51</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007f88" class="nick">phasefx</td>
	<td class="msg ">I think passwd may be excluded somehow now, from actor.usr, for example</td>

<tr id="id_l273" class="new nick nick_csharp dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88729"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88729">12:52</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">right, but as an Athens user, I can report on Gainesville's circ</td>

<tr id="id_l274" class="cont nick nick_csharp dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88730"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88730">12:52</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">that's what people are thinking was restricted before</td>

<tr id="id_l275" class="new nick nick_RoganH">
	<td class="time" id="i_88731"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88731">12:52</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">csharp: given the general design shape of Evergreen I find it hard to imagine it ever did</td>

<tr id="id_l276" class="new nick nick_csharp dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88732"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88732">12:52</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">possibly in the System That Shall Not Be Named</td>

<tr id="id_l277" class="new nick nick_RoganH">
	<td class="time" id="i_88733"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88733">12:53</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">that would be a nightmare to implement</td>

<tr id="id_l278" class="new nick nick_csharp dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88734"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88734">12:53</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">RoganH: I agree that it would suck</td>

<tr id="id_l279" class="cont nick nick_csharp dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88735"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88735">12:53</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">I don't think it's practical nor desirable</td>

<tr id="id_l280" class="new nick nick_RoganH">
	<td class="time" id="i_88736"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88736">12:53</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">you'd have to look at every data association and tell the system &quot;this org unit isn't assigned to you, you can't pull that&quot;</td>

<tr id="id_l281" class="new nick nick_jeff dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88737"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88737">12:54</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">phasefx: the only solution as i see it, short of throwing memory at the problem, is re-engineering open-ils.auth to treat memcached as a cache, not a persistent session storage mechanism.</td>

<tr id="id_l282" class="new nick nick_phasefx">
	<td class="time" id="i_88738"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88738">12:54</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007f88" class="nick">phasefx</td>
	<td class="msg ">csharp: so you can use suppress_control in fm_IDL.xml to restrict certain fields, but not org scoped</td>

<tr id="id_l283" class="new nick nick_RoganH dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88739"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88739">12:54</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">my lord, if you loan materials like I know GA PINES and SCLENDS do your reports could become a total cluser$%^!</td>

<tr id="id_l284" class="new nick nick_phasefx">
	<td class="time" id="i_88740"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88740">12:54</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007f88" class="nick">phasefx</td>
	<td class="msg ">jeff: yeah, fallback to the db?</td>

<tr id="id_l285" class="new nick nick_jeff dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88741"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88741">12:55</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">phasefx: right.</td>

<tr id="id_l286" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88742"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88742">12:55</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">phasefx: RoganH: thanks for the feedback</td>

<tr id="id_l287" class="new nick nick_jeff dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88743"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88743">12:55</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">phasefx: or &quot;a db&quot; if there are major concerns about it being in &quot;the db&quot;</td>

<tr id="id_l288" class="new nick nick_phasefx">
	<td class="time" id="i_88744"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88744">12:55</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007f88" class="nick">phasefx</td>
	<td class="msg ">jeff: thanks man; I'm going to see if there is some knobs and dials to memcached</td>

<tr id="id_l289" class="cont nick nick_phasefx">
	<td class="time" id="i_88745"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88745">12:55</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007f88" class="nick">phasefx</td>
	<td class="msg ">s/is/are/</td>

<tr id="id_l290" class="new nick nick_RoganH dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88746"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88746">12:55</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">csharp: yeah, based just on the loaning of materials and having to report on the records of others for your own circ I'd say you could dismiss that rumor</td>

<tr id="id_l291" class="new nick nick_jeff">
	<td class="time" id="i_88747"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88747">12:56</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">phasefx: there are some. i'm willing to compare notes but am unable to today.</td>

<tr id="id_l292" class="new nick nick_phasefx dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88748"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88748">12:56</a></td>
	<td style="color: #007f88" class="nick">phasefx</td>
	<td class="msg ">jeff: roger roger, thanks</td>

<tr id="id_l293" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88749"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88749">12:56</a></td>
	<td style="color: #009034" class="nick">* csharp</td>
	<td class="msg act ">wishes it were that easy - the assumption ended up in a requirements doc</td>

<tr id="id_l294" class="new nick nick_kmlussier dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88750"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88750">12:57</a></td>
	<td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td>
	<td class="msg ">yboston++ #Your e-mail made me laugh.</td>

<tr id="id_l295" class="new nick nick_jeff">
	<td class="time" id="i_88751"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88751">12:58</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">we are starting to do &quot;you can only report on YOUR things&quot; in jasper, by essentially chrooting the user to a portion of the org tree. it's a template design thing, not an overreaching db-level constraint, though that's something i've been looking into as well.</td>

<tr id="id_l296" class="cont nick nick_jeff">
	<td class="time" id="i_88752"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88752">12:59</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">since it just came up recently again... anyone here aware of a library using libki for public workstation management?</td>

<tr id="id_l297" class="cont nick nick_jeff">
	<td class="time" id="i_88753"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88753">12:59</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">guess i could expand my question outside #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l298" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88754"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88754">13:04</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">jihpringe joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l299" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88755"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88755">13:14</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">bmills joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l300" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88756"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88756">13:18</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">so in the closed dates editor, 'Apply to all of my libraries' apparently considers 'my libraries' to be ALL libraries in PINES</td>

<tr id="id_l301" class="cont nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88757"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88757">13:19</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">is that expected behavior? or is it supposed to be scoped by org level/permission?</td>

<tr id="id_l302" class="new nick nick_RoganH dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88758"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88758">13:19</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">Ah yes, that's burned us a few times.</td>

<tr id="id_l303" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88759"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88759">13:19</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">RoganH: yikes</td>

<tr id="id_l304" class="new nick nick_gmcharlt dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88760"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88760">13:19</a></td>
	<td style="color: #275d36" class="nick">gmcharlt</td>
	<td class="msg ">jeff: #koha is a better bet for finding libki users</td>

<tr id="id_l305" class="new nick nick_RoganH">
	<td class="time" id="i_88761"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88761">13:20</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">csharp: yeah, nothing good starts with 'Hey Rogan, guess what X did?'</td>

<tr id="id_l306" class="new nick nick_kmlussier dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88762"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88762">13:20</a></td>
	<td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td>
	<td class="msg ">csharp: If it is expected behavior, I would say it's a great candidate for a wishlist bug. Yikes!</td>

<tr id="id_l307" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88763"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88763">13:21</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">wishlist, hell, that's done broke</td>

<tr id="id_l308" class="new nick nick_yboston dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88764"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88764">13:21</a></td>
	<td style="color: #006163" class="nick">yboston</td>
	<td class="msg ">gmcharlt: can you incfrease the WP maximun upload file size to 13 MB from 2 MB so I can update all the confernece slides?</td>

<tr id="id_l309" class="new nick nick_gmcharlt">
	<td class="time" id="i_88765"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88765">13:22</a></td>
	<td style="color: #275d36" class="nick">gmcharlt</td>
	<td class="msg ">yboston: sure, one moment</td>

<tr id="id_l310" class="new nick nick_csharp dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88766"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88766">13:22</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">&quot;Click Apply to all of my libraries if your organizational unit has children units that will also be closed.&quot; - the docs</td>

<tr id="id_l311" class="cont nick nick_csharp dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88767"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88767">13:22</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">which is what I expected to happen</td>

<tr id="id_l312" class="new nick nick_kmlussier">
	<td class="time" id="i_88768"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88768">13:23</a></td>
	<td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td>
	<td class="msg ">That would have been my expectation too.</td>

<tr id="id_l313" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88769"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88769">13:23</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">csharp: Did you do it as a consortial admin or did library staff do it?</td>

<tr id="id_l314" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88770"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88770">13:23</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">library staff</td>

<tr id="id_l315" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88771"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88771">13:23</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">I agree that it sounds like a bug.</td>

<tr id="id_l316" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88772"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88772">13:23</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">we tested it on our test system as a local admin</td>

<tr id="id_l317" class="new nick nick_RoganH dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88773"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88773">13:23</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">did the local admin have all working locations assigned?</td>

<tr id="id_l318" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88774"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88774">13:24</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">RoganH: I don't know who did it</td>

<tr id="id_l319" class="new nick nick_RoganH dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88775"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88775">13:24</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">I want to say the issue for us came up when internal help desk staff who had all working locations did it.</td>

<tr id="id_l320" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88776"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88776">13:24</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">it appeared on everyone's closed dates, though, and it's 2 weeks away (our normal checkout duration)</td>

<tr id="id_l321" class="new nick nick_kmlussier dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88777"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88777">13:25</a></td>
	<td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td>
	<td class="msg ">Looking at the Closed Dates Editor, my expectation would be that it would apply to all the children of the OU that's selected at the top of the screen.</td>

<tr id="id_l322" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88778"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88778">13:25</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">could someone please test after me?</td>

<tr id="id_l323" class="new nick nick_kmlussier dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88779"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88779">13:25</a></td>
	<td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td>
	<td class="msg ">Even if the person using the editor had permission at more working locations.</td>

<tr id="id_l324" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88780"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88780">13:25</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">it may be something local</td>

<tr id="id_l325" class="new nick nick_RoganH dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88781"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88781">13:25</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">I'll test right now.</td>

<tr id="id_l326" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88782"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88782">13:25</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">RoganH: much appreciated</td>

<tr id="id_l327" class="new nick nick_RoganH dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88783"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88783">13:34</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">csharp: just tested with my 2 account.  Account A has all working locations.  Account B only has the locations in one system.  In both cases the closed date applied to all locations where that account has working locations regardless of where in the org tree they applied the date.</td>

<tr id="id_l328" class="cont nick nick_RoganH dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88784"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88784">13:34</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">If the &quot;apply to all my libraries&quot; is checked.</td>

<tr id="id_l329" class="cont nick nick_RoganH dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88785"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88785">13:35</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">If that is not checked it is only applied to the individual library.</td>

<tr id="id_l330" class="new nick nick_jeff">
	<td class="time" id="i_88786"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88786">13:36</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">gmcharlt: thanks! (re: libki)</td>

<tr id="id_l331" class="new nick nick_RoganH dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88787"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88787">13:36</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">In neither case does it go down the org unit tree and apply to child org units.</td>

<tr id="id_l332" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88788"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88788">13:37</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">RoganH: thanks</td>

<tr id="id_l333" class="new nick nick_dkyle dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88789"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88789">13:39</a></td>
	<td style="color: #1d2003" class="nick">dkyle</td>
	<td class="msg ">Jeff: we are testing libki. bott has done a few mods for EG integration</td>

<tr id="id_l334" class="new nick nick_RoganH">
	<td class="time" id="i_88790"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88790">13:40</a></td>
	<td style="color: #040002" class="nick">RoganH</td>
	<td class="msg ">csharp: one of the reasons I never reported it as a bug is I'm OK with it functioning like that.  It means it's not practical for me to set the closed dates for each library system and they have to do it.</td>

<tr id="id_l335" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88791"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88791">13:50</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">jwoodard joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l336" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88792"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88792">14:16</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">mcooper joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l337" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88793"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88793">14:18</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">RoganH left #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l338" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88794"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88794">14:18</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">RoganH joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l339" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88795"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88795">14:23</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">geoffsams joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l340" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88796"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88796">14:34</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">mrpeters joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l341" class="new nick nick_dbs">
	<td class="time" id="i_88797"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88797">14:36</a></td>
	<td style="color: #100090" class="nick">dbs</td>
	<td class="msg ">Dyrcona: finally running your branch with test RDA bibs. Very interesting.</td>

<tr id="id_l342" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88798"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88798">14:36</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">kmlussier1 joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l343" class="new nick nick_dbs">
	<td class="time" id="i_88799"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88799">14:37</a></td>
	<td style="color: #100090" class="nick">dbs</td>
	<td class="msg ">Dyrcona: in the case of record matching (OCoLC)825763702, there's &quot;264 4 ‡c℗2013&quot; that doesn't appear to be displayed anywhere</td>

<tr id="id_l344" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88800"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88800">14:38</a></td>
	<td style="color: #032c28" class="nick">* Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg act ">is in a meeting. I'll look later.</td>

<tr id="id_l345" class="new nick nick_dbs">
	<td class="time" id="i_88801"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88801">14:39</a></td>
	<td style="color: #100090" class="nick">dbs</td>
	<td class="msg ">Also looks like, with more descriptive 7xx fields, we're going to have to revise the added author stuff further (probably picking up from a discussion that bshum and I were having a while back)</td>

<tr id="id_l346" class="cont nick nick_dbs">
	<td class="time" id="i_88802"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88802">14:39</a></td>
	<td style="color: #100090" class="nick">dbs</td>
	<td class="msg ">cool</td>

<tr id="id_l347" class="new nick nick_jl- dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88803"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88803">14:43</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">still getting this error on the last batch ingest for today: <a href="http://paste.debian.net/hidden/bb24a622/" title="http://paste.debian.net/hidden/bb24a622/">http://paste.debian.net/hidden/bb24a622/</a></td>

<tr id="id_l348" class="cont nick nick_jl- dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88804"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88804">14:43</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">any ideas how I can hunt down the record responsible?</td>

<tr id="id_l349" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88805"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88805">14:45</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">okay EDI question... we're seeing that all identifer numbers except ISBN are getting ignored, even though they are an option in the lineitem dropdown - how do others account for this?</td>

<tr id="id_l350" class="new nick nick_dbs dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88806"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88806">14:45</a></td>
	<td style="color: #100090" class="nick">dbs</td>
	<td class="msg ">jl-: I've used a &quot;bisect&quot; approach before: cut your batch in half and try again until you isolate the offender</td>

<tr id="id_l351" class="new nick nick_csharp">
	<td class="time" id="i_88807"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88807">14:45</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td>
	<td class="msg ">(when processing a PO via the PO JEDI reactor)</td>

<tr id="id_l352" class="new nick nick_jl- dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88808"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88808">14:46</a></td>
	<td style="color: #010005" class="nick">jl-</td>
	<td class="msg ">dbs: 1 / 10000 seems like a needle in a haystack</td>

<tr id="id_l353" class="new nick nick_eeevil">
	<td class="time" id="i_88809"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88809">14:47</a></td>
	<td style="color: #006b95" class="nick">eeevil</td>
	<td class="msg ">jl-: bisecting only requires 32 cuts for 4B records ... less daunting than it seems ;)</td>

<tr id="id_l354" class="cont nick nick_eeevil">
	<td class="time" id="i_88810"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88810">14:47</a></td>
	<td style="color: #006b95" class="nick">eeevil</td>
	<td class="msg ">and you can weight your bisections. if it fails fast, just take the first 25% instead of cutting in half</td>

<tr id="id_l355" class="new nick nick_yboston dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88811"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88811">14:48</a></td>
	<td style="color: #006163" class="nick">yboston</td>
	<td class="msg ">gmcharlt: not sure if you were able to change the WP, but you did it still shows 2 MB</td>

<tr id="id_l356" class="new special">
	<td class="time" id="i_88812"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88812">14:53</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">hbrennan joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l357" class="new nick nick_dbs dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88813"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88813">14:54</a></td>
	<td style="color: #100090" class="nick">dbs</td>
	<td class="msg ">Hmm. Methinks the CRA/MVF stuff might have thrown off the schema.org mappings for Book, MusicAlbum, Map, etc; everything seems to be coming up as a generic CreativeWork</td>

<tr id="id_l358" class="new nick nick_dbs">
	<td class="time" id="i_88814"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88814">14:54</a></td>
	<td style="color: #800064" class="nick">* dbs</td>
	<td class="msg act ">will dig deeper</td>

<tr id="id_l359" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88815"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88815">14:55</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">kayals_ joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l360" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88816"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88816">14:58</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">kayals_ joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l361" class="new nick nick_dbs">
	<td class="time" id="i_88817"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88817">15:05</a></td>
	<td style="color: #100090" class="nick">dbs</td>
	<td class="msg ">@later tell Dyrcona dang, the batch of RDA bibs you supplied only has 18 records with &quot;264 ind2=&lt;anything other than 1&gt;&quot; and all of those simply have 264 ind2=4 $c&lt;date&gt;&quot; which doesn't get displayed; that is,</td>

<tr id="id_l362" class="new nick nick_pinesol_green dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88818"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88818">15:05</a></td>
	<td style="color: #bb004d" class="nick">pinesol_green</td>
	<td class="msg ">dbs: The operation succeeded.</td>

<tr id="id_l363" class="new nick nick_dbs">
	<td class="time" id="i_88819"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88819">15:06</a></td>
	<td style="color: #100090" class="nick">dbs</td>
	<td class="msg ">@later tell Dyrcona that is, the test bibs don't really help with testing that part of the patch. Really useful for the added author / schema.org type matching though!</td>

<tr id="id_l364" class="new nick nick_pinesol_green dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88820"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88820">15:06</a></td>
	<td style="color: #bb004d" class="nick">pinesol_green</td>
	<td class="msg ">dbs: The operation succeeded.</td>

<tr id="id_l365" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88821"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88821">15:06</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">dbs: Hmm. sorry. I grabbed records that had all the RDA fields that came up in the IRC discussion.</td>

<tr id="id_l366" class="new nick nick_dbs dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88822"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88822">15:09</a></td>
	<td style="color: #100090" class="nick">dbs</td>
	<td class="msg ">Dyrcona: no worries! if you want to hand-pick a few that have more interesting 264 fields for your patch's purpose, it would be easy to roll those in</td>

<tr id="id_l367" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88823"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88823">15:10</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">dbs: If I can find the ones that I tested with, sure.</td>

<tr id="id_l368" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_88824"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88824">15:10</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Movies seem to be good choices.</td>

<tr id="id_l369" class="new nick nick_dbs dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88825"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88825">15:10</a></td>
	<td style="color: #100090" class="nick">dbs</td>
	<td class="msg ">Dyrcona++</td>

<tr id="id_l370" class="new nick nick_yboston">
	<td class="time" id="i_88826"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88826">15:23</a></td>
	<td style="color: #006163" class="nick">yboston</td>
	<td class="msg ">dbs &amp; Dyrcona : the two Berklee catalogers will start picking RDA records to be added to the EG data set</td>

<tr id="id_l371" class="cont nick nick_yboston">
	<td class="time" id="i_88827"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88827">15:23</a></td>
	<td style="color: #006163" class="nick">yboston</td>
	<td class="msg ">1) I ma sure they will try to pick music related records, any other requests?</td>

<tr id="id_l372" class="cont nick nick_yboston">
	<td class="time" id="i_88828"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88828">15:23</a></td>
	<td style="color: #006163" class="nick">yboston</td>
	<td class="msg ">2) what do I do with the records once they pick them. who do I send them too? the dev list?</td>

<tr id="id_l373" class="new nick nick_kayals_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88829"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88829">15:24</a></td>
	<td style="color: #004287" class="nick">kayals_</td>
	<td class="msg ">how do I configure TPAC to display Electronic Resource field</td>

<tr id="id_l374" class="cont nick nick_kayals_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88830"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88830">15:25</a></td>
	<td style="color: #004287" class="nick">kayals_</td>
	<td class="msg ">in table.tt2 it has a section where it says args.uris</td>

<tr id="id_l375" class="cont nick nick_kayals_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88831"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88831">15:26</a></td>
	<td style="color: #004287" class="nick">kayals_</td>
	<td class="msg "><a href="http://paste.evergreen-ils.org/59" title="http://paste.evergreen-ils.org/59">http://paste.evergreen-ils.org/59</a></td>

<tr id="id_l376" class="new nick nick_kmlussier1">
	<td class="time" id="i_88832"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88832">15:28</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00451a" class="nick">kmlussier1</td>
	<td class="msg ">kayals_: IIRC, you shouldn't need to configure TPAC to display the Electronic Resource field. If the record has an 856 field, it should just display.</td>

<tr id="id_l377" class="new nick nick_kayals_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88833"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88833">15:28</a></td>
	<td style="color: #004287" class="nick">kayals_</td>
	<td class="msg ">in summary.tt2 it shows 856 field</td>

<tr id="id_l378" class="cont nick nick_kayals_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88834"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88834">15:29</a></td>
	<td style="color: #004287" class="nick">kayals_</td>
	<td class="msg ">the record detail page &quot;marc record&quot; shows 856 field</td>

<tr id="id_l379" class="new nick nick_kmlussier">
	<td class="time" id="i_88835"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88835">15:33</a></td>
	<td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td>
	<td class="msg ">table.tt2 is the search results page, right? Using the tpac defaults, I think it only displays the 856 field in the &quot;more details&quot; view of the search results page.</td>

<tr id="id_l380" class="new nick nick_kayals_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88836"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88836">15:33</a></td>
	<td style="color: #004287" class="nick">kayals_</td>
	<td class="msg ">yes</td>

<tr id="id_l381" class="cont nick nick_kayals_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88837"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88837">15:34</a></td>
	<td style="color: #004287" class="nick">kayals_</td>
	<td class="msg ">Electronic resources does NOT show in the search result page but does show up in record summary</td>

<tr id="id_l382" class="new nick nick_kmlussier">
	<td class="time" id="i_88838"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88838">15:34</a></td>
	<td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td>
	<td class="msg ">kayals_: Does it show up in the search results after you click the &quot;Show more details&quot; button at the top of the page?</td>

<tr id="id_l383" class="new nick nick_kayals_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88839"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88839">15:34</a></td>
	<td style="color: #004287" class="nick">kayals_</td>
	<td class="msg ">i know other libraries have their search result page show Electronic Resource listed with links</td>

<tr id="id_l384" class="cont nick nick_kayals_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88840"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88840">15:35</a></td>
	<td style="color: #004287" class="nick">kayals_</td>
	<td class="msg ">we do not use show/hide more details as we removed that tabs</td>

<tr id="id_l385" class="cont nick nick_kayals_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88841"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88841">15:35</a></td>
	<td style="color: #004287" class="nick">kayals_</td>
	<td class="msg ">i can add it and test it</td>

<tr id="id_l386" class="cont nick nick_kayals_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88842"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88842">15:53</a></td>
	<td style="color: #004287" class="nick">kayals_</td>
	<td class="msg ">kmlussier - I added back show/hide more details in the results.tt2 file still no luck</td>

<tr id="id_l387" class="cont nick nick_kayals_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88843"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88843">15:53</a></td>
	<td style="color: #004287" class="nick">kayals_</td>
	<td class="msg ">it does not show electronic resource</td>

<tr id="id_l388" class="new special">
	<td class="time" id="i_88844"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88844">15:56</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">kmlussier1 joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l389" class="new nick nick_bshum dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88845"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88845">16:07</a></td>
	<td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td>
	<td class="msg ">kayals_: URI entries for 856 only appear when making use of the $9 trick</td>

<tr id="id_l390" class="new nick nick_rjackson-isl">
	<td class="time" id="i_88846"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88846">16:07</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00323c" class="nick">rjackson-isl</td>
	<td class="msg ">right and don't you need to be logged in to the branch showin gin the $9 as well?</td>

<tr id="id_l391" class="new nick nick_bshum dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88847"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88847">16:07</a></td>
	<td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td>
	<td class="msg ">Oh hey cool:  <a href="https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&amp;rct=j&amp;q=&amp;esrc=s&amp;source=web&amp;cd=3&amp;cad=rja&amp;uact=8&amp;ved=0CDwQFjAC&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fdocument%2Fd%2F1xhAnKg3CSc2Q7kIQYHnqUtGIxEr97EZhYWc5CjhhR6A%2Fedit%3Fhl%3Den_US&amp;ei=bpFNU862OqbO0gHr7ICQCQ&amp;usg=AFQjCNFbOIRCoVJYxHk18fkbULxnMuxoxw&amp;bvm=bv.64764171,d.dmQ" title="https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&amp;rct=j&amp;q=&amp;esrc=s&amp;source=web&amp;cd=3&amp;cad=rja&amp;uact=8&amp;ved=0CDwQFjAC&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fdocument%2Fd%2F1xhAnKg3CSc2Q7kIQYHnqUtGIxEr97EZhYWc5CjhhR6A%2Fedit%3Fhl%3Den_US&amp;ei=bpFNU862OqbO0gHr7ICQCQ&amp;usg=AFQjCNFbOIRCoVJYxHk18fkbULxnMuxoxw&amp;bvm=bv.64764171,d.dmQ">https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&amp;amp;rct=j&amp;amp;q=&amp;​amp;esrc=s&amp;amp;source=web&amp;amp;cd=3&amp;amp;cad=rja&amp;am​p;uact=8&amp;amp;ved=0CDwQFjAC&amp;amp;url=https%3A%2F%2F​docs.google.com%2Fdocument%2Fd%2F1xhAnKg3CSc2Q7kI​QYHnqUtGIxEr97EZhYWc5CjhhR6A%2Fedit%3Fhl%3Den_US&amp;​amp;ei=bpFNU862OqbO0gHr7ICQCQ&amp;amp;usg=AFQjCNFbOIR​CoVJYxHk18fkbULxnMuxoxw&amp;amp;bvm=bv.64764171,d.dmQ</a></td>

<tr id="id_l392" class="cont nick nick_bshum dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88848"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88848">16:08</a></td>
	<td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td>
	<td class="msg ">Old docs explaining located URIs back from 1.6 days!</td>

<tr id="id_l393" class="cont nick nick_bshum dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88849"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88849">16:08</a></td>
	<td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td>
	<td class="msg ">rjackson-isl: Depends actually, by default yes.  In 2.6+, there are library settings which change how those are visible in different scoped searches.</td>

<tr id="id_l394" class="new nick nick_rjackson-isl">
	<td class="time" id="i_88850"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88850">16:09</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00323c" class="nick">rjackson-isl</td>
	<td class="msg ">bshum++ we are back at 2.5.2</td>

<tr id="id_l395" class="new nick nick_kayals_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88851"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88851">16:10</a></td>
	<td style="color: #004287" class="nick">kayals_</td>
	<td class="msg ">bshum - Do we use the one from misc_util.tt2 to table.tt2</td>

<tr id="id_l396" class="new nick nick_bshum">
	<td class="time" id="i_88852"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88852">16:11</a></td>
	<td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td>
	<td class="msg ">kayals_: I'm not sure I understand what you're asking?</td>

<tr id="id_l397" class="new nick nick_kayals_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88853"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88853">16:12</a></td>
	<td style="color: #004287" class="nick">kayals_</td>
	<td class="msg ">sorry about that</td>

<tr id="id_l398" class="cont nick nick_kayals_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88854"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88854">16:12</a></td>
	<td style="color: #004287" class="nick">kayals_</td>
	<td class="msg ">i see some code with $9 trick in misc_util.tt2</td>

<tr id="id_l399" class="cont nick nick_kayals_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88855"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88855">16:13</a></td>
	<td style="color: #004287" class="nick">kayals_</td>
	<td class="msg ">i am not sure how to use it to display Electronic Resource in table.tt2</td>

<tr id="id_l400" class="new nick nick_bshum">
	<td class="time" id="i_88856"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88856">16:13</a></td>
	<td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td>
	<td class="msg ">The subfield 9 is applied to the MARC records individually.  Each 856 would have a new subfield 9 with the org unit's shortname to correspond to whether you wanted it to display for a given location.</td>

<tr id="id_l401" class="new nick nick_eeevil dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88857"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88857">16:14</a></td>
	<td style="color: #006b95" class="nick">eeevil</td>
	<td class="msg ">bshum: beware, the &quot;exactly like copies&quot; is a bit of a lie in these modern times</td>

<tr id="id_l402" class="new nick nick_bshum">
	<td class="time" id="i_88858"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88858">16:15</a></td>
	<td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td>
	<td class="msg ">eeevil: Indeed :)</td>

<tr id="id_l403" class="new nick nick_kayals_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88859"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88859">16:16</a></td>
	<td style="color: #004287" class="nick">kayals_</td>
	<td class="msg ">got it</td>

<tr id="id_l404" class="cont nick nick_kayals_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88860"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88860">16:16</a></td>
	<td style="color: #004287" class="nick">kayals_</td>
	<td class="msg ">thanks bshum</td>

<tr id="id_l405" class="new nick nick_kmlussier">
	<td class="time" id="i_88861"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88861">16:19</a></td>
	<td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td>
	<td class="msg ">kayals_: Sorry, I had to run out for a bit, but it looks like bshum steered you in the right direction. :)</td>

<tr id="id_l406" class="cont nick nick_kmlussier">
	<td class="time" id="i_88862"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88862">16:19</a></td>
	<td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td>
	<td class="msg ">bshum++</td>

<tr id="id_l407" class="cont nick nick_kmlussier">
	<td class="time" id="i_88863"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88863">16:19</a></td>
	<td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td>
	<td class="msg ">@dessert bshum</td>

<tr id="id_l408" class="new nick nick_pinesol_green dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88864"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88864">16:19</a></td>
	<td style="color: #bf00b3" class="nick">* pinesol_green</td>
	<td class="msg act ">grabs a slice of Chocolate Lava Cake and sends it sliding down the dessert bar to bshum</td>

<tr id="id_l409" class="new nick nick_kayals_">
	<td class="time" id="i_88865"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88865">16:19</a></td>
	<td style="color: #004287" class="nick">kayals_</td>
	<td class="msg ">thanks guys</td>

<tr id="id_l410" class="new nick nick_kmlussier dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88866"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88866">16:20</a></td>
	<td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td>
	<td class="msg ">bshum always gets the good desserts.</td>

<tr id="id_l411" class="new nick nick_kayals_">
	<td class="time" id="i_88867"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88867">16:20</a></td>
	<td style="color: #004287" class="nick">kayals_</td>
	<td class="msg ">:)</td>

<tr id="id_l412" class="new nick nick_eeevil dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88868"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88868">16:22</a></td>
	<td style="color: #006b95" class="nick">eeevil</td>
	<td class="msg ">dbs: looks like it's the metarecord stuff that is causing schema.org pain. specifically, it looks like the opac.icon_attr global flag changing from item_type to, well, not item_type is causing map misses. looks like schema_typemap may want to be (more easily) configurable?  Perhaps a separate template file pulled in by the get_marc_attrs BLOCK?</td>

<tr id="id_l413" class="cont nick nick_eeevil dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88869"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88869">16:23</a></td>
	<td style="color: #006b95" class="nick">eeevil</td>
	<td class="msg ">or, of course, a new table (or column on ccvm) would do</td>

<tr id="id_l414" class="cont nick nick_eeevil dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88870"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88870">16:29</a></td>
	<td style="color: #006b95" class="nick">eeevil</td>
	<td class="msg ">dbs: well, I take part of that back. the &quot;icon sub-project&quot; was mixed in with all three of those (mvf/cra/metarecords) ... in any case, the icon part's lack of schema.org awareness (in schema_typemap) is the cause</td>

<tr id="id_l415" class="new nick nick_hbrennan">
	<td class="time" id="i_88871"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88871">16:31</a></td>
	<td style="color: #420043" class="nick">hbrennan</td>
	<td class="msg ">Just received an official url for my library's future Awesome Box! (pardon the interruption, back to business)</td>

<tr id="id_l416" class="new nick nick_gmcharlt dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88872"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88872">16:35</a></td>
	<td style="color: #275d36" class="nick">gmcharlt</td>
	<td class="msg ">yboston: sorry for the delay; it shoudl work now</td>

<tr id="id_l417" class="new nick nick_yboston">
	<td class="time" id="i_88873"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88873">16:40</a></td>
	<td style="color: #006163" class="nick">yboston</td>
	<td class="msg ">gmcharlt: thanks, it works</td>

<tr id="id_l418" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88874"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88874">17:07</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">RoganH left #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l419" class="new nick nick_pinesol_green">
	<td class="time" id="i_88875"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88875">17:13</a></td>
	<td style="color: #bb004d" class="nick">pinesol_green</td>
	<td class="msg ">Incoming from qatests: Test Success - <a href="http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html" title="http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html">http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html</a> &lt;<a href="http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html" title="http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html">http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html</a>&gt;</td>

<tr id="id_l420" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88878"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88878">17:22</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">mmorgan left #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l421" class="new nick nick_bshum">
	<td class="time" id="i_88879"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88879">18:43</a></td>
	<td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td>
	<td class="msg ">Hmm</td>

<tr id="id_l422" class="cont nick nick_bshum">
	<td class="time" id="i_88880"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88880">18:43</a></td>
	<td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td>
	<td class="msg ">So in Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/circ/checkout.js</td>

<tr id="id_l423" class="cont nick nick_bshum">
	<td class="time" id="i_88881"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88881">18:43</a></td>
	<td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td>
	<td class="msg ">There's stuff in there for auto_override of certain types of events</td>

<tr id="id_l424" class="cont nick nick_bshum">
	<td class="time" id="i_88882"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88882">18:44</a></td>
	<td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td>
	<td class="msg ">Is there any particularly bad reason not to include additional types of events beyond the stock patron penalties?</td>

<tr id="id_l425" class="cont nick nick_bshum">
	<td class="time" id="i_88883"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88883">18:44</a></td>
	<td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td>
	<td class="msg ">I guess other than people not paying attention if they scan lots of things that shouldn't be checked out...</td>

<tr id="id_l426" class="cont nick nick_bshum">
	<td class="time" id="i_88884"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88884">18:44</a></td>
	<td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td>
	<td class="msg ">Hmm, nevermind it sounds unsafe :)</td>

<tr id="id_l427" class="cont nick nick_bshum">
	<td class="time" id="i_88885"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88885">18:45</a></td>
	<td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td>
	<td class="msg ">That said, I think that maybe this would answer the question I was asked earlier today in a meeting about why a circ policy preventing an item checkout would need to be overridden each time you checked out that material type.</td>

<tr id="id_l428" class="cont nick nick_bshum">
	<td class="time" id="i_88886"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88886">18:45</a></td>
	<td style="color: #536916" class="nick">bshum</td>
	<td class="msg ">Like a rule that says no DVDs for kids, but they make exceptions all the time....</td>

<tr id="id_l429" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88887"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88887">19:55</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">kmlussier joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l430" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88888"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88888">20:39</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">Dyrcona joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l431" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88890"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88890">21:22</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">kmlussier joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l432" class="new nick nick_kmlussier">
	<td class="time" id="i_88891"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88891">21:27</a></td>
	<td style="color: #080002" class="nick">kmlussier</td>
	<td class="msg ">dbs++ # <a href="http://opensource.com/education/14/4/evergreen-library-system" title="http://opensource.com/education/14/4/evergreen-library-system">http://opensource.com/education​/14/4/evergreen-library-system</a></td>

<tr id="id_l433" class="new nick nick_pinesol_green dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_88892"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88892">22:41</a></td>
	<td style="color: #bb004d" class="nick">pinesol_green</td>
	<td class="msg ">[evergreen|Dan Wells] Translation updates - po files - &lt;<a href="http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=ab9c784" title="http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=ab9c784">http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=ab9c784</a>&gt;</td>

<tr id="id_l434" class="new special">
	<td class="time" id="i_88893"><a href="/evergreen/2014-04-15#i_88893">23:55</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">zerick joined #evergreen</td>


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