Time |
Nick |
Message |
00:17 |
jeff joined #evergreen |
00:17 |
jeff joined #evergreen |
06:03 |
kmlussier joined #evergreen |
07:04 |
kmlussier joined #evergreen |
07:18 |
jboyer-isl joined #evergreen |
07:36 |
eeevil |
@later tell csharp did I miss your thumbs-up on 2.4.2 smoke testing? |
07:36 |
pinesol_green |
eeevil: The operation succeeded. |
07:42 |
rjackson_isl joined #evergreen |
07:44 |
rjackson-isl joined #evergreen |
07:48 |
eeevil |
jeffdavis: it's not backwards. given (A has_a B) the only side that can be null is the A side (you may have B rows that are not referenced by A rows). you may want to test might_have there, if config.circ_matrix_matchpoint's column is nullable |
07:49 |
csharp |
eeevil: you did miss my thumbs up, yes |
07:49 |
eeevil |
csharp: ahh! good :) |
07:49 |
csharp |
it was in the midst of a lot of chatter ;-) |
07:49 |
eeevil |
in that case ... |
07:50 |
collum joined #evergreen |
07:52 |
eeevil |
@later tell bshum would you like to do the honors of updating the downloads page for 2.4.2? the files are all in the preview dir still |
07:52 |
pinesol_green |
eeevil: The operation succeeded. |
08:18 |
akilsdonk_ joined #evergreen |
08:35 |
mllewellyn joined #evergreen |
08:35 |
mllewellyn left #evergreen |
08:36 |
csharp |
@karma reports |
08:36 |
pinesol_green |
csharp: Karma for "reports" has been increased 0 times and decreased 6 times for a total karma of -6. |
08:37 |
csharp |
@blame reports season |
08:37 |
pinesol_green |
csharp: It's all reports season's fault! |
08:42 |
bshum |
eeevil: poking that momentarily. |
08:49 |
rfrasur joined #evergreen |
08:56 |
kbeswick joined #evergreen |
09:00 |
eeevil |
bshum: awesome, thanks! |
09:01 |
bshum |
eeevil: Is there an updated readme file? |
09:01 |
ericar joined #evergreen |
09:03 |
Shae joined #evergreen |
09:07 |
pinesol_green |
[evergreen_website|Ben Shum] Downloads - Evergreen 2.4.2 release - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen_Website.git;a=commit;h=7908040> |
09:08 |
* bshum |
waits for the inexorable install of asciidoc on my laptop |
09:09 |
csharp |
bshum++ |
09:10 |
bshum |
Sigh, it's what I get for repeatedly wiping out my laptop for fresh reinstalls. |
09:10 |
csharp |
I completely understand |
09:13 |
rfrasur |
jboyer-isl: I'm going through some governance stuff for EG-IN and the lady from Cortelyou Consulting is listed as an SLA representative. Do you know what SLA stands for? |
09:14 |
csharp |
@load google |
09:14 |
pinesol_green |
csharp: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. |
09:14 |
jeff |
first thing that comes to mind for me is the Special Libraries Association, http://www.sla.org/ |
09:14 |
csharp |
meh |
09:15 |
rfrasur |
jeff: that's probably want it is. TY |
09:15 |
csharp |
or "service level agreement" |
09:15 |
eeevil |
bshum: I don't think there was any README change... but it doesn't hurt |
09:16 |
bshum |
eeevil: I just did a quick edit of the 2.4.1 version of the page to make it 2_4_2 |
09:16 |
csharp |
but in this context jeff is probably right ;-) |
09:16 |
rfrasur |
csharp: I'm gonna go with Special Libraries. Fewer implications. |
09:16 |
jboyer-isl |
rfrsur: I think jeff is right. All I' |
09:16 |
bshum |
I would re-run the file a little later, once things are done installing. |
09:16 |
bshum |
But I think you're right that nothing changed |
09:17 |
jboyer-isl |
m able to come up with is Softwre License Agreement, which is what non-MS companies use instead of MS's "EULA" |
09:18 |
rfrasur |
:-) |
09:18 |
collum |
http://indiana.sla.org/2012/07/valerie-cortelyou/ |
09:18 |
collum |
I'm guessing that's her. |
09:19 |
rfrasur |
It is indeed (well, I've not seen her face, that I know of) |
09:23 |
mrpeters joined #evergreen |
09:25 |
rfrasur |
Hmm, kmlussier, what's a concise way to describe MassLNC? Multi-consortia coordinating organization? |
09:25 |
jeff |
superconsortium? :-) |
09:26 |
rfrasur |
the one ring? |
09:26 |
kmlussier |
rfrasur: Hmmm...I'm not sure I ever came up with a concise way of describing us. But I do like superconsortium. |
09:26 |
kmlussier |
Makes me feel like I have superpowers. |
09:27 |
rfrasur |
Okay...well, I'm putting it into an EG-IN exec email...so, you may forever more be known as a superconsortium if you don't say no in the next 30 seconds. |
09:27 |
kmlussier |
Oh, wait, I have an about page that tells me what we are. a collaborative project among three Massachusetts library consortia |
09:27 |
rfrasur |
hah! |
09:27 |
kmlussier |
http://masslnc.cwmars.org/node/2098 |
09:27 |
* kmlussier |
really needs to update that about page. |
09:27 |
* rfrasur |
was really looking forward to outing MassLNC as a superconsortium |
09:28 |
jeff |
i think you all just like saying that word. |
09:28 |
rfrasur |
duh :D |
09:30 |
eeevil |
rfrasur: not that it really matters for your purposes, but "superconsortium" is a coined term (I coined it to talk about different ways that Evergreen and FulfILLment could be used) ... it's not in common use, of course (obviously), but let me find where ESI posted about that on the blog |
09:32 |
rfrasur |
eeevil: I'd be interested to read more about FulfILLment anyway. |
09:32 |
eeevil |
rfrasur: http://evergreen-ils.org/blog/the-evergreen-superconsortium-the-next-stage-in-the-evolution-of-evergreen-consortia/ |
09:32 |
eeevil |
rfrasur: bob molyneux talked about it a good bit |
09:32 |
rfrasur |
cools, thanks. |
09:33 |
eeevil |
http://www.web2learning.net/2010/04/22/state-of-evergreen/ |
09:34 |
bshum |
superconsortium++ |
09:34 |
jboyer-isl |
Wile-E-Coyote, Super-Consort-Ium. |
09:37 |
rfrasur |
kmlussier: The Mike in the email is Mike Rylander from Equinox, correct? |
09:39 |
rfrasur |
eeevil: is that you? |
09:40 |
kmlussier |
rfrasur: Yes, it is. |
09:40 |
rfrasur |
rock on |
09:41 |
kmlussier |
eeevil: Is that term trademarked? ;) |
09:44 |
kmlussier joined #evergreen |
09:44 |
dbs |
Preexisting use in the field of astronomy: "a superconsortium of astronomers" (2006) http://www.sciencemag.org/content/311/5760/453.1 |
09:47 |
* rfrasur |
is going to go do some work with a drill and a level now. |
09:47 |
dbs |
Also apparently used in the library field back in 2001 if the citation from http://eprints.rclis.org/9321/1/KIRLIDOG-BAYIR-FINAL-INTERNET-VERSION.pdf is correct |
09:47 |
* kmlussier |
thinks it would be very cool to be part of a superconsortium of astronomers. |
09:47 |
rfrasur |
<insert Tim Allen grunt> |
09:49 |
paxed |
thanks for the email, kmlussier. i'll forward the email to others here... and i'll have to read eeevil's mail with some thought... but all that can wait for next week. :P |
09:51 |
kmlussier |
paxed: Sounds good to me! :) |
09:53 |
collum |
Also used as a word in 'China Review' 1921 http://bit.ly/18HR2IU |
09:54 |
* collum |
wants to check the OED, but doesn't have a login. |
10:00 |
dbs |
collum++ |
10:08 |
dbs |
collum: OED has no knowledge of superconsortium; looks like we can make a significant contribution! :) |
10:13 |
collum |
dbs: I never actually thought of how a word becomes part of the OED, until now. Something to look up later. |
10:13 |
_bott_ joined #evergreen |
10:16 |
dbs |
First you have to be a lunatic, second you have to live in an asylum... |
10:17 |
kmlussier joined #evergreen |
10:20 |
jeff_ |
...and have shot a man? |
10:20 |
jeff_ |
:-) |
10:24 |
collum |
Ah! The legacy of Samuel Johnson. I don't think he was ever committed for his violence and lunacy. |
10:25 |
senator |
nope. he lived pretty meanly until after his dictionary was published though. |
10:27 |
jeff |
ah. i was making reference to Dr. W.C. Minor. |
10:27 |
jeff |
which is who i thought dbs was referring to. |
10:27 |
jeff |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W.C._Minor |
10:28 |
collum |
gotcha |
10:34 |
* csharp |
highly recommends "The Professor and the Madman" (known in the UK as "The Surgeon of Crowthorne") |
10:35 |
csharp |
I understand there were efforts to make it into a TV miniseries |
10:36 |
csharp |
collum: also, "The Meaning of Everything" by the same author |
10:37 |
* collum |
has placed them both on hold. I had completely forgot about Minor. I'm claiming a finite brain that only holds so much information. |
10:37 |
* eeevil |
reappears |
10:38 |
eeevil |
dbs++ # you librarians and your research skills... |
10:39 |
eeevil |
rfrasur: re "Mike in the email" ... I guess it is, but I'm not shur what email you're referring to |
10:50 |
* rfrasur |
did not die on the rickety 8 foot wooden ladder though it was close. |
10:50 |
rfrasur |
eeevil: regarding the icon project |
10:52 |
eeevil |
rfrasur: ah, gotcha. thanks |
10:53 |
rfrasur |
no worries. I assume people can read my mind (since the NSA can read the whole internet...bah dum dum). |
10:54 |
yboston joined #evergreen |
10:55 |
zerick joined #evergreen |
11:03 |
ElliotFriend joined #evergreen |
11:05 |
kbeswick joined #evergreen |
11:05 |
ElliotFriend |
Hey, All! I'm looking at the "Local Administration -> Patrons with Negative Balances" screen, and nobody shows up. I know I have (at least a couple) patrons with overdue fines. Is there something to configure that I've overlooked? |
11:06 |
rfrasur |
I think negative balances refers to people showing a credit in their account. |
11:07 |
ElliotFriend |
rfrasur: the people that the library owes money to? |
11:07 |
rfrasur |
well...maybe. but yes. |
11:07 |
ElliotFriend |
rfrasur: gotcha. That clears things up. Thanks! |
11:07 |
rfrasur |
It can sometimes be a break down in process...so I wouldn't necessarily just start handing money out. |
11:08 |
ElliotFriend |
rfrasur: fortunately, I won't be the one dealing with the patrons lol |
11:08 |
tsbere |
At least one library I know of puts "forgive" money on volunteer cards for paying overdues with later. |
11:08 |
rfrasur |
ElliotFriend :D |
11:08 |
tsbere |
Or, for that matter, renting DVDs later if they accumulate enough |
11:08 |
rfrasur |
tsbere: wow |
11:09 |
* rfrasur |
would not want to deal with that....and how is that volunteering? |
11:09 |
rfrasur |
I'm pretty sure our SBOA would lose their accounting minds. |
11:09 |
tsbere |
Well, it isn't like they can get actual cash out of the deal. They just get waived fees as a "thank you" for volunteering their time. |
11:10 |
tsbere |
"forgive" payments generate "you can't refund money they didn't pay!" warnings in the staff client ;) |
11:10 |
ElliotFriend |
In light of my newfound understanding of "negative" balances, is there a quick/easy way to look at users with "positive" balances? like, patrons with overdue fines? |
11:11 |
ElliotFriend |
I know I can get a report for that, but I'm just curious |
11:11 |
rfrasur |
It's a gray area here. As a person, I think that's awesome. As a librarian beholden to state taxing stuff, I cringe. We're not technically allowed to waive fines for board members, etc. |
11:11 |
ElliotFriend |
rfrasur+ |
11:11 |
rfrasur |
ElliotFriend: "There's a report for that." I'm assuming that doesn't count, right? |
11:11 |
* rfrasur |
chuckles |
11:11 |
rfrasur |
@whocares reports |
11:11 |
pinesol_green |
csharp, bshum and rfrasur hate reports |
11:11 |
rfrasur |
wow, that's it? |
11:12 |
ElliotFriend |
It does for me, my librarian similarly hates reports haha |
11:12 |
tsbere |
rfrasur: For fun, fines aren't "state library" in this library. Fines are "nonprofit organization called the friends group" officially.... |
11:13 |
rfrasur |
tsbere: ahhhh...gotcha. Here, they're revenue that's counted in our operating budget (so many things wrong with that...but yeah) |
11:13 |
jeff |
wait, so are the fines tax deductible? :-) |
11:13 |
rfrasur |
ElliotFriend: Seriously, I think you have to run a report for that. |
11:14 |
ElliotFriend |
rfrasur: that's what I was figuring. Thanks! |
11:14 |
tsbere |
jeff: That is an interesting way of looking at it. |
11:14 |
rfrasur |
jeff: I can see it now - People purposefully racking up fines in November/December. |
11:15 |
jeff |
please donate. it's simpler. :P |
11:15 |
tsbere |
rfrasur: For added fun, I know of another library where the fine revenue is considered part of the *city's* budget. When fines went down the city demanded the library "fix" it because their budget depended on the fine revenue for other departments. >_> |
11:15 |
eeevil |
hehe ... and then "finding" the books after they file their taxes |
11:15 |
jeff |
(and doesn't tie up materials that others are waiting for) |
11:15 |
jeff |
eeevil: evil. |
11:15 |
rfrasur |
eeevil: exactly :D |
11:15 |
rfrasur |
tsbere: that's WAY wrong. |
11:16 |
eeevil |
tsbere: need an analog of red-light cameras... |
11:22 |
collum |
tsbere: I'm just curious. Is it just fines that go to the friends group, or is it fines, cost of lost items, etc.? |
11:23 |
tsbere |
collum: Never asked. Fines yes. DVD rentals yes. Everything else no clue. |
11:30 |
* rfrasur |
finally reads about superconsortia |
11:35 |
tony_ joined #evergreen |
11:36 |
tony_ |
Would someone happen to know why ejabberd is not connecting? |
11:38 |
tony_ |
I give the command osrf_ctl.sh -l -a stop all and I get the following error::::::: Exception: OpenSRF::EX::Jabber 2013-09-06T15:34:32 OpenSRF::Transport::SlimJabber::Client /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/OpenSRF/Transport/SlimJabber/Client.pm:150 Jabber Exception: Could not open TCP socket to Jabber server: IO::Socket::INET: connect: Connection refused |
11:38 |
tony_ |
Do I have something wrong with my configuration? |
11:42 |
jeff_ |
"connection refused" indicates that the jabber server is not running, or you have an incorrect hostname/port in your configuration. |
11:43 |
rfrasur |
eeevil: That article did answer my question about whether a superconsortium, in terms of Evergreen, would be a fix or fluid entity. The article describes a fluid entity. I guess MassLNC could be a superduperconsortium. |
11:43 |
eeevil |
rfrasur: yeah, in the "cooperating to get stuff done outside an ILS instance" sense, yep |
11:44 |
eeevil |
I agree |
11:44 |
eeevil |
(I wasn't trying to say, earlier, that your use was "wrong", just pointing out that the term's been used ... and, apparently, used for what you want to use it! :) ) |
11:44 |
rfrasur |
It's a good term. |
11:45 |
rfrasur |
oh, no...I got that. I like concise. |
11:46 |
* rfrasur |
also doesn't mind being wrong....generally. It's a good way to learn faster. |
11:48 |
tsbere |
All three masslnc consortia are also part of a resource sharing group (that includes more than just the masslnc members, granted...) |
11:50 |
rfrasur |
right, that's not unusual. We have statewide reciprocal borrowing agreements as well as Indiana Share. Probably similar, I'd imagine. |
11:54 |
tony_ |
Jeff thanks for coming back to me... I've check my opensrf_core.xml a number time to ensure I was correct. Is there another conf I should be concerned with |
12:01 |
jdouma joined #evergreen |
12:02 |
rfrasur |
Holy Gmail spam filters, Batman! |
12:02 |
acoomes joined #evergreen |
12:08 |
csharp |
tony_: what is the output of 'ps aux | grep ejabberd'? |
12:10 |
tony_ |
Hi csharp I got: ejabberd 1392 0.0 0.0 7416 320 ? S 11:53 0:00 /usr/lib/erlang/erts-5.8.5/bin/epmd -daemon root 15256 0.0 0.0 8108 920 pts/0 S+ 16:09 0:00 grep --color=auto ejabberd |
12:11 |
csharp |
tony_: when I run that command on a running test server, I get this: http://pastebin.com/2ZaajJnV |
12:12 |
csharp |
so it's possible ejabberd is not fully up and running |
12:12 |
csharp |
you could try restarting ejabberd? |
12:12 |
tony_ |
I tryied that and get the error that I first posted and I get the error when trying to shut it down as well |
12:13 |
tony_ |
I give the command osrf_ctl.sh -l -a stop all and I get the following error::::::: Exception: OpenSRF::EX::Jabber 2013-09-06T15:34:32 OpenSRF::Transport::SlimJabber::Client /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/OpenSRF/Transport/SlimJabber/Client.pm:150 Jabber Exception: Could not open TCP socket to Jabber server: IO::Socket::INET: connect: Connection refused |
12:19 |
csharp |
tony_: what is the output of '/etc/init.d/ejabberd restart'? |
12:19 |
csharp |
(as root) |
12:20 |
tony_ |
csharp Restarting jabber server: ejabberd is not running. Starting ejabberd. |
12:20 |
tony_ |
as root |
12:32 |
tsbere |
tony_: What hostnames are you using, and what does dig/ping return for those hostnames? Your host file may be incorrect, or if pulling from DNS may not be pointing at your server... |
12:32 |
csharp |
okay - so ejabberd wasn't running |
12:33 |
* tsbere |
finds that sometimes ejabberd won't start with the hostnames wrong |
12:33 |
tsbere |
Or rather |
12:33 |
tsbere |
It *will* start |
12:34 |
tsbere |
But then stops about 10 seconds later |
12:34 |
tony_ | public.localhost public private.localhost private |
12:34 |
tony_ |
also |
12:35 |
tony_ |
This server is behind a firewall |
12:44 |
tony_ |
Here is everything I get when I run the command: |
12:44 |
tony_ |
opensrf evergreen:/$ osrf_ctl.sh -l -a start_all OpenSRF Router not started, but PID file exists, removing file and starting Starting OpenSRF Perl Exception: OpenSRF::EX::Jabber 2013-09-06T16:43:39 OpenSRF::Transport::SlimJabber::Client /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/OpenSRF/Transport/SlimJabber/Client.pm:150 Jabber Exception: Could not open TCP socket to Jabber server: IO::Socket::INET: connect: Connection refused |
12:45 |
csharp |
tony_: if ejabber's not running, there's no point in trying to start opensrf, so I would suspect there's something amiss in /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg |
12:45 |
csharp |
if so, you would probably see errors in the ejabberd logs too |
12:46 |
tony_ |
csharp: I understand but it doesn't happen with I just ask for service ejabberd start it only starts happening when I give the command for opensrf |
12:48 |
raynerj joined #evergreen |
12:48 |
raynerj left #evergreen |
12:48 |
zerick joined #evergreen |
12:48 |
mllewellyn joined #evergreen |
12:51 |
jeff |
tony_: has the hostname (as reported by "hostname" from the command line) changed since you installed and initially started ejabberd? |
12:52 |
tony_ |
that could have changed because I'm doing this remote and my boss is onsite but he is away from the office right now |
12:55 |
tony_ |
jeff: is it possible that the port could be wrong for loclhost: <servers> <server></server> </servers> |
12:55 |
jeff |
that appears to be your memcached port. |
12:55 |
jeff |
unrelated to ejabberd. |
12:56 |
tony_ |
trying anything at this point |
12:56 |
jeff |
ejabberd is intolerant of hostname changes, unless you configure ERLANG_NODE in /etc/default/ejabberd before initially starting ejabberd. |
12:56 |
jeff |
so if your hostname has changed, that's likely the cause of your ejabberd issues. |
12:57 |
tony_ |
hmmmmm let me look at that file and see what it is showing |
12:59 |
tony_ |
jeff: this is what I got #ERLANG_NODE=ejabberd ERLANG_NODE=ejabberd localhost ERLANG_NODE=ejabberd localhost ERLANG_NODE=ejabberd localhost ERLANG_NODE=ejabberd localhost ERLANG_NODE=ejabberd localhost ERLANG_NODE=ejabberd localhost |
13:01 |
RoganH joined #evergreen |
13:02 |
bshum |
RoganH: I'm thinking for Kermit, he's a vendor looking to connect with a system and glean the shortnames off the system |
13:02 |
bshum |
Rather than someone with access to the behind the scenes to see things out of the DB |
13:03 |
RoganH |
I was wondering about that. |
13:08 |
jdouma joined #evergreen |
13:09 |
kmlussier joined #evergreen |
13:11 |
kbeswick joined #evergreen |
13:16 |
csharp |
Kermit's probably confused as hell by now ;-) |
13:16 |
csharp |
short answer: ask the library and have *them* ask us if they don't know |
13:16 |
bshum |
csharp: That's more or less what we told him when he came asking us for shortname info for all our libs. |
13:17 |
bshum |
To have the library working with them contact us. |
13:17 |
csharp |
yeah |
13:18 |
csharp |
in PINES, libraries all know their own and others' shortnames, but that's because of the way our courier services work |
13:18 |
rfrasur |
that's similar to IN...other than we sometimes have to refer to the list since it's a long list to memorize. |
13:20 |
RoganH |
bshum: pick a number between one and five |
13:20 |
RoganH |
bshum: including one and five as possible values |
13:22 |
csharp |
@dice 1d5 |
13:22 |
pinesol_green |
csharp: 4 |
13:22 |
RoganH |
4 it is! |
13:25 |
bshum |
Heh |
13:25 |
bshum |
I stepped away to go chat with folks |
13:30 |
eeevil |
aou is field_safe=true, so they could get the data programmatically |
13:30 |
eeevil |
re Kermit |
13:47 |
RoganH |
This is really unfair but when I see Kermit having problems I just want to sing "it's not easy being green" |
13:47 |
bshum |
Hehe |
13:48 |
rfrasur |
RoganH++ |
13:50 |
collum |
Now I have that going through my head. I might have to combat it with "It's a small world" |
13:56 |
eeevil |
collum: you don't want to have any friends, do you? |
13:56 |
eeevil |
must ... find ... antidote ... to ... small world |
13:57 |
senator |
i thought i'd turn eeevil's comment from earlier into a practical example of how to use fielder, and may have exposed a bug |
13:57 |
senator |
compare: |
13:57 |
senator |
http://demo.evergreencatalog.com/gateway?service=open-ils.fielder&method=open-ils.fielder.cmf&param={%22query%22:{%22id%22:{%22!=%22:null}}} |
13:57 |
senator |
vs. |
13:58 |
senator |
http://demo.evergreencatalog.com/gateway?service=open-ils.fielder&method=open-ils.fielder.aou&param={%22query%22:{%22id%22:{%22!=%22:null}}} |
13:58 |
senator |
(cmf vs aou) |
14:04 |
jeffdavis |
jeff: do you have plans to keep working on that RESTful API project? |
14:04 |
jeff_ |
i do. |
14:04 |
jeff |
i do. |
14:04 |
jeff |
but that's only one of us. |
14:10 |
eeevil |
senator: huh... that's weird ... |
14:10 |
senator |
hrm, .atomic variants of those methods both work |
14:10 |
senator |
for the gateway, as opposed to the translator, there's no session for a request, right? |
14:10 |
senator |
must be that. not sure whether that's a bug or just a... subtlety |
14:11 |
rfrasur |
(600 library card sign up forms folded, sorted and on their way to be put in elementary school Friday folders...time for granola) |
14:11 |
eeevil |
there's always a session, it my just not be persistent |
14:11 |
eeevil |
or, ... huh |
14:12 |
eeevil |
14:13 |
pinesol_green |
[evergreen|Ben Shum] Fix some bad break syntax - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=a9ea03b> |
14:19 |
phasefx |
I didn't think we were still using that almost-JSON-with-comments thing anymore |
14:20 |
phasefx |
just the old gateway/ producing it? |
14:23 |
phasefx |
yeap, osrf-gateway-v1 does the __c:__p thing |
14:26 |
jeff_ |
correct. |
14:39 |
rfrasur |
kmlussier and yboston - is the focus of the DIG hackaway documentation for 2.4? |
14:39 |
rfrasur |
and if I put "Boston area" as the location, is that accurate enough? |
14:40 |
yboston |
to be honest I had not thought about it. By November EG 2.5 five should be out |
14:40 |
yboston |
so we will want to focus on 2.5 |
14:41 |
yboston |
rfrasur: I just realized why I had to be the one to propose dates last time, because I was hosting people at Berklee, and I had to check the availability of my conference room |
14:42 |
yboston |
rfrasur: you might want to run by me the dates that work for you, so I can cross check with my conference room, if I am to again host folks on my campus |
14:42 |
yboston |
rfrasur: we can continue talking by email |
14:43 |
rfrasur |
okay, sounds good. |
14:43 |
kmlussier |
yboston, rfrasur: If the Berklee conference room isn't available, I know C/W MARS is willing to offer meeting space. I suppose that could qualify as Boston area too. |
14:44 |
rfrasur |
alright, for the time being, I'll just put Boston area. That can be refined a little later. |
14:45 |
yboston |
kmlussier: good to know |
14:46 |
eeevil |
senator: re your examples above, osrf-gateway-v1 works for the failing request ... weird but true :) |
14:49 |
senator |
interesting |
15:01 |
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rfrasur |
ah yeah. 30 minutes and this director will be vacating |
15:59 |
kmlussier |
rfrasur: Have a great vacation! |
16:00 |
rfrasur |
Thanks :D. It's gonna be a chill at home vacation...which pleases me well good. |
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17:28 |
bshum |
@later tell kmlussier Did anyone ever test having the 246 alternate title show up as part of browse search? Apparently this doesn't seem to be a presently indexed entry. |
17:28 |
pinesol_green |
bshum: The operation succeeded. |
17:28 |
bshum |
My guess is just tossing it in as another custom index, like variant title or whatnot would do the trick. |
17:29 |
bshum |
@marc 246 |
17:29 |
pinesol_green |
bshum: A form of the title appearing on different parts of an item or a portion of the title proper, or an alternative form of the title when the form differs significantly from the title contained in field 245. (Repeatable) [a,b,f,g,h,i,n,p,5,6,8] |
17:30 |
bshum |
Course it makes me wonder what metabib index 4 is for title:alternative |
17:30 |
bshum |
mods32, sigh |
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22:53 |
pinesol_green |
[evergreen|Chris Sharp] The ILS User reports source branches to an All Hold Requests linked source - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=31b58d1> |
23:07 |
pinesol_green |
[evergreen|Steven Chan] LP1183553 - Default filter option for configuration screens - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=c06c262> |
23:07 |
pinesol_green |
[evergreen|Pasi Kallinen] LP1183553 (continued) - Fix applied filters - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=160d864> |
23:19 |
bshum |
Calling 0825 |
23:23 |
pinesol_green |
[evergreen|Jason Etheridge] reset title variable when looping with biblio A/T - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=8562d2c> |
23:23 |
pinesol_green |
[evergreen|Ben Shum] Stamping upgrade script for biblio A/T title variable fix - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=46a7817> |