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IRC log for #evergreen, 2013-08-21

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
00:22 stevenyvr2 joined #evergreen
00:23 stevenyvr2 left #evergreen
01:04 remingtron_ joined #evergreen
02:01 paxed wth... grargh. fieldmapper doesn't obey locale, once again? (patron registration is in English-only)
03:36 Mark__T joined #evergreen
04:14 serflog joined #evergreen
04:14 Topic for #evergreen is now Welcome to the #evergreen library system channel! | We are publicly logged. | Large pastes at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org
04:17 shadowspar joined #evergreen
04:51 ddddd joined #evergreen
04:56 iti_czech_republ joined #evergreen
04:56 edoceo joined #evergreen
04:57 rjackson-isl joined #evergreen
04:57 iti_czech_republ hello to everyone. i am testing the evergreen right now and i nedd some help..
05:15 sseng joined #evergreen
06:59 timlaptop joined #evergreen
07:12 mrpeters joined #evergreen
07:53 jboyer-isl joined #evergreen
08:22 akilsdonk_ joined #evergreen
08:22 csharp is the content from the old RSCEL site up somewhere?
08:23 csharp "Most of the content from our original website has been archived and handed over to the current Evergreen Web Team..." looking at rscel.evergreen-ils.org
08:24 csharp oh - I see, at least some of it is still up, just not navigable
08:36 bshum csharp: I think moodaepo had asked LBA about it, but I don't recall exactly where that's gone (if anywhere).
08:38 rfrasur joined #evergreen
08:42 csharp bshum: ok - I'm doing some recent historical research on the EG project's growth and was trying for all available resources
08:42 csharp thanks
08:44 paxed @marc 901
08:44 pinesol_green paxed: unknown tag 901
08:44 rfrasur csharp: are you gonna write a book?
08:45 * rfrasur would buy a book re: Evergreen
08:45 paxed hmm... now that conjoined items are supported via 901c, how about 773/774 linking?
08:46 csharp rfrasur: heh - nope - just preparing for a presentation I'm giving in a couple of months at the Georgia COMO conference
08:46 csharp though I would also buy an Evergreen book
08:47 rfrasur well, if you or anyone else decides to write an Evergreen book, you/they have a customer.
08:47 rfrasur and good luck on the presentation as well.
08:47 csharp rfrasur: thanks!
08:47 csharp you may see more from me here/on the lists as I gather data
08:47 * rfrasur had a discussion with an Evergreen antagonist yesterday.  We both survived.
08:48 csharp heh
08:48 rfrasur it was close
08:48 * csharp likes the term "Evergreen antagonist"
08:48 csharp I know a few ;-)
08:49 rfrasur yeah, me too.  And, though I make a little fun, it's good to talk to them anyway.  Good to know what the opinions are OUTSIDE.  Kinda like getting outside the U.S. to understand Americans
08:50 Shae joined #evergreen
08:55 jboyer-isl rfrasur: I'm always curious, was their problem "giving up control," or something different?
09:03 rfrasur jboyer-isl:Well, it was a couple things.  They were apparently involved with a library looking at EG in the EARLY stages of EG-IN, when, of course, there were no acquisitions and when there was also a different atmosphere at ISL.  It was before Wendy was deputy dir.
09:04 rfrasur jboyer-isl: and there are still people bringing up the 2.0 update....which...come on.
09:06 rfrasur so, we talked about how the product itself is being developed...as well as how the consortium has matured...and pros/cons depending on a library's situation, etc. etc., ad nauseum
09:07 jboyer-isl At least it sounds like it went over well. I've heard of discussions that start heated and only get hotter, heh.
09:08 csharp rfrasur++ # boots-on-the-ground advocacy
09:09 rfrasur jboyer-isl: I try very hard to let people know upfront that I'm an evangelist BUT that their perspectives are just as important as mine.  Listening to them can only make EG better
09:10 rfrasur and...if I'm nice...who knows?  Maybe someday our entire county will be EG and we won't EVER have to issue another reciprocal borrower card...EVER.
09:11 rfrasur (and then we'll go to straight up county library districts....and there won't be any unserved areas...and...)
09:11 rfrasur (Evergreen takes over the world...muahahah)
09:14 ericar joined #evergreen
09:16 rfrasur Of course...because of the conversation yesterday, now I feel duty bound to actually use the acquisitions module even though it's probably not necessary for a lib our size.
09:17 * bshum remembers using acquisitions when it was still in "preview"
09:17 bshum Those were the days.
09:17 rfrasur I don't think it's actually even in 2.2 though, is it?
09:18 bshum I think we've been using acquisitions in some form since our 2.0 days.
09:19 rfrasur hmm, I'll look into it.
09:19 rfrasur later
09:19 * rfrasur looks into it now.
09:20 rfrasur yeah, we won't have it until 2.4.
09:20 rfrasur in December
09:21 rfrasur (w00t)
09:21 bshum Must be a local decision.
09:21 rfrasur Yeah, I think so.
09:21 bshum Checked my notes, and sure enough I was writing EDI documentation with folks back on 2.0 days.
09:22 bshum But that's okay.  Sometimes it's safer to wait.
09:22 bshum :)
09:22 rfrasur I suspect much of the mechanism is in our implementation, but it's more a policy and planning thing.  Hard to steer 100+ little libraries into something that they have no concept of.
09:22 * dbs ponders boots-on-the-fingers diplomacy
09:22 rfrasur well, they're not ALL little...but enough of them are to matter
09:23 bshum Yeah, we definitely only rolled acq out to the libs already using it in the past system before we handed it to new libs.
09:23 rfrasur dbs: That's why some are good at building the thing and others are good at selling/advocating for it.
09:23 bshum So less than a third of the libraries in the consortium use acq presently.
09:23 bshum Someday, though.
09:24 rfrasur bshum: yeah...and generally, here...when it gets rolled out, it's universal (with the exception of pilot libraries, of course)
09:27 yboston joined #evergreen
09:27 bshum it's nice to be on the same page.
09:29 * dbs wonders if "TPAC sucks on mobile devices" would be considered a bug (vs "TPAC new feature: support mobile devices!") and thus eligible for post-2.5-m2 commits
09:29 bshum dbs: post-beta?
09:32 rfrasur dbs: I particularly like your wording rather than the vs.
09:32 dbs although it works pretty well on a 1080p 7" tablet as-is :)
09:32 dbs bshum: Yeah, I guess. Not paying as much attention these days.
09:33 * paxed wont bother even trying on his ancient cellphone
09:33 dbs paxed: hell, the JSPAC used to work on ancient cellphones (Windows Mobile 6.1, original iPhone)
09:33 rfrasur It works on my phone, but I'll be glad when the responsive one that jboyer-isl is/has working/worked on is all hooked up.
09:35 paxed dbs: we seem to have a differing notion of "ancient" :P
09:35 dbs "work" vs. "works fast and looks natural" are two different things, of course
09:35 rfrasur paxed++ #flip phone joy
09:35 dbs paxed: well, yeah, if you're expecting WML...
09:36 * dbs considers > 5 years old "ancient" in the world of cell phones
09:36 rfrasur (see?  I even mention "reciprocal borrower" and the universe decides it's time to vomit more recip. bor. drama)
09:39 kmlussier joined #evergreen
09:41 kbeswick joined #evergreen
09:43 bshum dbs: I guess it all matters in how you define the scope of the bug and whether whatever we do can be backported? (though TPAC differences always makes that harder as we go along)
09:43 * bshum wanted to find time at the Hackaway next month to poke at mobile things if it didn't come up sooner.
09:45 Guest12774 joined #evergreen
09:49 mllewellyn joined #evergreen
09:52 rfrasur speaking of the hackaway, yboston, has the DIG not going to be involved with that at all...or is it...or...?
09:53 berick dang, fell down on the job when I cut 2.3.9...
09:53 dbs oh, hey, found a bug in browsing. Browse for a term, then select a facet, then hit "Browse" again and select a different term from the list that pops up.
09:54 dbs In all likelihood, you'll get zero results as the facet you chose still gets applied to the new term, even though the term says there are supposed to be 2 hits or whatever.
09:54 dbs berick: well, if nobody noticed until now...
09:55 dbs Still time to quietly roll a new 2.3.9 and then roll out 2.3.10
09:55 rfrasur @hate facets
09:55 pinesol_green rfrasur: The operation succeeded.  rfrasur hates facets.
09:55 berick heh, yeah, i can feel 2.3 slipping away...
09:55 yboston rfrasur: we have only had one DIG hack-a-way and it ended up being separate front he developers. One reason was to allow the chance for developers to attend both. Int he end bshum attend both. This year we are running with the same separate approach. because no one had pushed so far to make them be a single event.
09:55 pinesol_green [evergreen|Bill Erickson] Copying 2.3.8-2.3.9 SQL upgrade script - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=53c35f7>
09:56 paxed dbs: another thing with facets: after searching, sort the results differently and the available facets are different.
09:56 dbs Arguably the Doc Sprint was another DIG hack-a-way
09:56 yboston rfrasur:  I had sent out an email to the DIG more than a month ago about getting feedback on how we should proceed with planning the 2013 DIG hack-a-way. I will reply to my own email soon
09:56 dbs paxed: heh, that's interesting
09:56 * kmlussier makes a note to reply to that e-mail.
09:57 paxed dbs: i guess that has to do with only loading the X first results, and estimating the rest?
09:57 yboston dbs: you are right, I was not able to attend so I forgot. turns out we actually had two DIG events last year
09:57 paxed dbs: time for a bug report?
09:58 berick dbs: to clarify, the 2.3.9 tarball is fine, I just neglected to copy some stuff around to the other branches
09:58 dbs berick: do we have a release checklist somewhere?
09:59 rfrasur yboston: ty.  That's what I thought, but wanted to clarify.
10:00 dbs http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.​php?id=dev:evergreen:release_checklist - but we also had a wiki document that outlined release tarball steps
10:01 dbs I think that got rolled into the release-cutting script, but obviously not everything can or should be automated
10:01 berick dbs: we have the wiki checklist and I have a bar napkin of stuff that needs to be copied to the wiki..  http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.​php?id=dev:evergreen:release_checklist
10:01 berick indeed, the make_release script needs some patches as well
10:02 berick e.g. unpacking and removing xulrunner exe's by hand
10:02 rfrasur paxed: by the by - There was an interview with Amanda Ripley the other day who wrote "The Smartest Kids in the World" highlighting South Korea, Finland and Poland.  Though to myself, "Paxed might be one of the smartest kids in the world."
10:03 * rfrasur is getting ready to read the book, btw.  w00t libraries.
10:03 dbs thre was an evergreen version of http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.​php?id=dev:release_process:opensrf:2.0 - right
10:04 dbs we need to turn that into a "So... you're the new (OpenSRF|Evergreen) release maintainer? Congratulations! Here's what you need to know / do..."
10:04 paxed rfrasur: ehheh. (i don't think can call myself a kid anymore, but ...)
10:04 rfrasur yeah...well, there's that.
10:04 paxed rfrasur: also, i have no delusions about my intelligence.
10:04 rfrasur ahh...but now the rest of the world will :D
10:04 * rfrasur believes the hype
10:04 paxed hey, that's just good marketing :P
10:05 dbs I think there was some merit to http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=​dev:releases:from_git:miker&amp;rev=1317137730 vs. the current version, even if the script automated some of those steps
10:05 rfrasur hey...I live in a capitalist society.  We live and die by marketing :D
10:05 dbs alternately, put the human git cherry-picking / branching / tagging steps into the release_checklist at the least
10:07 berick looks like make_release does most of what's in dev:releases:from_git:miker
10:07 berick it may have been built from that..
10:07 dbs berick: sure, it was
10:09 dbs but the release script is also close to a black box (long bash scripts, whee)
10:11 eeevil yes, and it tends to error late, not early
10:12 eeevil which means sitting through another 30min i18n build when something goes wrong
10:14 RoganH joined #evergreen
10:14 paxed is there any way to give more weight to newer items in search results?
10:15 RoganH there have been several proposals for relevancy, including taking time into consideration, thrown around
10:15 RoganH I don't know if any have made it into implementation
10:15 kmlussier My understanding was that newness was a tiebreaker for relevancy.
10:15 * berick kicks the tires on 2.3.10, finds it functional
10:16 eeevil kmlussier: pubdate is, yes
10:16 kmlussier But, yes, MassLNC is sponsoring a project for using an activity metric for relevancy. I believe newness will be part of that work. Wont' be ready for 2.5, though.
10:18 * paxed wonders if he could just quickly hardcode something to make his users a bit happier.
10:23 csharp @quote random
10:23 pinesol_green csharp: Quote #8: "<Digital_Pioneer> When life gives you bad hardware, make bricks." (added by bshum at 12:31 PM, May 13, 2011)
10:25 mcooper joined #evergreen
10:25 pinesol_green [evergreen|Pasi Kallinen] Move HTML tags out of translatable strings in toolkit templates. - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=82d65ec>
10:31 RoganH @quote random
10:31 pinesol_green RoganH: Quote #65: "< paxed> #evergreen: wrong questions answered correctly." (added by csharp at 02:27 PM, August 13, 2013)
10:32 eeevil kmlussier / paxed: you know, that algo I shared on the LP ticket would work well for this if item create date were the "event" to boost and age out over time. kmlussier, do you recall the bug number?
10:34 kmlussier eeevil: I don't think it was on LP. It was in an e-mail message.
10:34 eeevil ah ... you're right
10:34 kmlussier http://markmail.org/message/7i352ribf5zl7wz6
10:35 kmlussier RoganH: I don't think my response to your swag survey will be particularly helpful. I'll buy anything with an Evergreen logo slapped on it.
10:36 RoganH kmlussier: that is ok.  that is still a valid point of data.
10:36 graced goats with the Evergreen logo it is, then
10:36 kmlussier OK, almost anything.
10:36 * berick slaps a logo on his old honda civic
10:36 RoganH I myself haven't responded yet but I'm hoping for t-shirts at the least because I'll give them to staff.
10:36 eeevil kmlussier: thanks!
10:37 kmlussier I wonder if there is an interesting way we could use the #egils hashtag in swag.
10:38 berick swagtag
10:45 jboyer-isl Sigh. I've been chasing sed errors for days only to find that I forgot to quote substitutions with spaces in them. Thanks, shells!
10:46 gsams joined #evergreen
10:46 paxed dbs: shall i rebase bug 1196837 branch to master right now?
10:46 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1196837 in Evergreen "Javascript escape() is deprecated, replace it with encodeURIComponent()" (affected: 1, heat: 6) [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1196837
10:47 dbs paxed: sure
10:47 dbs paxed: it looked like the conflicting files could just be dropped out, but I wondered if there were other data: uri uses in play
10:48 dbs paxed: you're using the branch in your test systems?
10:49 * rfrasur agrees with kmlussier - just about anything with a logo.
10:51 csharp @blame the rain
10:51 pinesol_green csharp: the rain musta been an Apple employee.
10:51 csharp @blame it on the rain
10:51 pinesol_green csharp: it on the rain is NOT CONNECTED TO THE NETWORK!!!
10:51 paxed dbs: no, we're not. the conflict is from my previous fix, which i simply forgot was in the "pipeline" so to speak.
10:52 rfrasur oy vey - when people use tables/spreadsheets/database terminology interchangably.  If they were the same thing, they'd be named the same thing.
10:53 csharp too bad "database" means like 5 completely different things in libraries already :-/
10:53 rfrasur csharp: yes.
11:01 dboyle joined #evergreen
11:06 paxed dbs: done.
11:19 zerick joined #evergreen
11:29 leofseige joined #evergreen
11:33 kmlussier I'm reviewing the to-date responses to the conference survey and see very few responses from self-identified developers. If you haven't had a chance yet (developer or not), please remember to fill one out! https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/7LXW35V
11:52 jcamins eeevil: FWIW, I managed to write a grammar for super-simple (aliased) queries: https://gist.github.com/jcamins/6283892 Index configuration is done when loading the grammar via dependency injection.
11:52 jcamins I see why you thought that figuring out bison might be a bridge too far.
11:53 eeevil :)
11:53 eeevil jcamins++
11:54 smyers_ joined #evergreen
11:57 jdouma joined #evergreen
11:58 acoomes joined #evergreen
11:58 jcamins The high point of the experience so far was definitely spending way more time than I should have getting scope working for the last-specified-index-is-new-default rule... only to discover that the result of properly-scoped default indexes is mass confusion because people have very shallow mental stacks.
11:59 jcamins I'm not sure why I never noticed that with QP. I guess I never did queries where it came up.
12:02 eeevil yeah, the common case doesn't include much nesting. but for generated queries (or cannonicalized ones) it's good and important, IMO.  makes order unimportant
12:02 eeevil but ... in practice it's not hardly used. and now I'm running away for meetings
12:02 eeevil jcamins++ # taking the fight to the big, hairy animal
12:29 rfrasur RoganH++ #panel discussion re: ILS migration in Oct.
12:30 phasefx dbs++ # qa feedback
12:30 smyers__ joined #evergreen
12:37 kmlussier I just had a relevancy question come up. I know the coverage density settings has an option for word proximity. But is word order ever taken into account with relevancy?
12:44 bshum I feel like that's changed.
12:44 bshum There used to be something for word order in opensrf.xml
12:44 bshum But I think when cover density came into play things changed a little on that.
12:44 kmlussier The coverage density settings are in opensrf.xml
12:46 kmlussier There was a word order setting in search.relevance_adjustment, but we don't use that because of the performance issues.
12:46 kmlussier Just don't know if word order is no longer a factor or is just covered by some other setting.
12:47 dbs kmlussier: the cover density algo just cares how close the words are to each other, without caring about their order, if I recall the paper correctly.
12:48 kmlussier dbs: Thanks!
12:48 dbs So "open source" and "source open" should deliver the same result rankings
12:49 dbs In theory it should be easy to create a custom version of ts_rank_cd that would care...
12:49 kmlussier Yup, you're right. I'm seeing the same results for both.
12:51 dbs the tsvectors know which positions the lexemes occupy, so if you searched for "lexeme1 lexeme2" it should be able to ever so slightly reward " lexeme1:pos lexeme2:pos+1 " over "lexeme2:pos lexeme1:pos+1"
12:52 * dbs will maybe dig at some C code
12:55 * dbs spies a comment from oleg: "wi - should be sorted desc, don't sort for now, just choose maximum weight. This should be corrected
12:55 dbs " - heh.
12:56 bshum Heh
12:56 dbs That is, of course, one of only a handful of comments in 887 lines of C
12:57 stevenyvr2 joined #evergreen
13:12 mllewellyn Is anyone here who is familiar with serials? I have an item notes question.
13:14 kmlussier mllewellyn: I would just throw the question out there. If there's nobody here now who can answer it, they may see it later and give you an answer.
13:14 mllewellyn THanks, kmlussier.
13:16 mllewellyn I'm playing in the Serials Control View in master_20130716, and tried out adding an item note for a received issue. I checked the box for "public", but I don't see the note anywhere in the OPAC view. Am I supposed to, or is the public box a red herring? I do like the button for editing a note, something the items in Holdings Maintenance don't yet have.
13:19 rfrasur dbwells might know something about this
13:20 mllewellyn I also like the way some of the Alternate Serial Control interface has been incorporated in the Serial Control view.
13:22 mllewellyn And it looks like a baby step to serial claiming..right clicking while highlighting an issue gets a menu that includes "claim". I clicked on it and it said the item was now claimed, and the item went gray in the list.
13:30 senator mllewellyn: the opac doesn't notes on issues yet, but could. it would be a good subject for a launchpad wishlist item. re claiming, you could run reports using evergreen's reports module to find issues that have been marked claimed, and go from there, but that's all there is for serials claiming so far
13:32 mllewellyn Thanks, senator.
13:34 senator specific development proposals to extend how that works would definitely get some evergreen users with thoughts on the subject to speak up
13:36 mllewellyn Glad to see a way to manually mark an issuance as claimed. Would love to see a development of system-generated claims based on expected dates or skipped issuances.
13:38 dbs phasefx: re: oils_header.pl - I had thought the agreed direction back when atz was in action was to build on a proper Perl module (that is, Cronscript.pm) rather than oils_header.pl
13:39 mllewellyn Also, the use of the word "item" when issuance is meant is confusing. It would be nice to see that reworded to "issuance" as in "Edit Item Attributes," "Reset Items to Expected," "Claim Item", etc.
13:40 mllewellyn Guess I'll go spend some time on Launchpad for these.
13:41 senator mllewellyn: issuances and items are distinct but related things in serials, but of course there could be places where the terms are used inconsistently or incorrectly
13:41 senator mllewellyn++
13:42 kmlussier mllewellyn: There was a long explanation in some old IRC log that I still refer to sometimes when people ask me what the different terms me.
13:42 mllewellyn Well, we have the copies/item terminology that was confusing enough for Holdings Maintenance.
13:44 mllewellyn Ediit Item Attributes from the Admin/Local Administration menu is a whole different critter from Edit Item Attributes in Serials Contol View.
13:44 kmlussier mllewellyn: http://evergreen-ils.org/irc_logs/evergreen/​2012-05/%23evergreen.23-Wed-2012.log#line125
13:45 mllewellyn Item Attribute Editor, in Admin. Still close enough to be confusing.
13:45 mllewellyn Thanks, kmlussier
13:48 rfrasur umm, it's been a very long time since I used the MARC create interface.  What's the shortcut to delete a subfield?
13:49 rfrasur n/m.  I figured it out.
13:49 kmlussier I can never remember, but there's a handy link in that interface with all of the shortcuts.
13:49 mllewellyn Shift and delete
13:49 * bshum likes using the basic editor for stuff like that.
13:50 bshum But I'm also probably crazy.
13:50 mllewellyn rfrasur, sorry I was slow, I was checking it. I used the flat text editor myself.
13:50 rfrasur mllewellyn++ bshum++ kmlussier++ #my brain is lacking
13:50 bshum kmlussier++ #joining the bug wrangler team and becoming one of the many.
13:50 bshum *officially joining
13:51 rfrasur I have a tendency to leave behind artifacts in the flat text editor when it's just subfields
13:51 rfrasur <--very reluctant, part-time cataloger
13:54 * rfrasur will have happy, 80s metalhead patrons soon
13:57 dbwells Is the serials discussion over?  Guess I missed it, rats.
13:59 mllewellyn dbwells, you're welcome to resurrect it.  :)
14:00 kmlussier Looks like 2 p.m. EDT Tuesday of next week for the August developers meeting. Thanks all! Lots of people filled out the poll with no additional prodding from me. :)
14:00 * kmlussier has trained you all very well.
14:00 mmorgan joined #evergreen
14:12 rfrasur mllewellyn: am I correct in assuming that you do cataloging?
14:14 eeevil dbs: re custom ts_rank, that's been on my wish list (exactly for adding phrase, first-word and word-order rel bumps) for a long time ... I'm a'feared of 1) yet another new thing to maintain 2) the cost of switching EG USPs to one or more PG extensions (to ameliorate (1)) 3) the complexity of configurable per-bump weights like search.relevance_adjustment supports ... however, I'll happily help work on that as a secondary if you're looking to dig
14:14 eeevil into it!
14:16 mllewellyn rfrasur: yes, out of many things we do.
14:17 mllewellyn rfrasur: mostly bib editing, our original cataloging is done on OCLC, not in Evergreen.
14:20 rfrasur mllewellyn: is it okay to have more than one 505 in a MARC?
14:20 * rfrasur didn't find anything about that.
14:21 rfrasur I know you can repeat some fields...but not sure about that one.
14:21 phasefx dbs: re: Cronscript, sounds sane to me.  I'll look at it
14:22 kmlussier @marc 505
14:22 pinesol_green kmlussier: The titles of separate works or parts of an item or the table of contents. The field may also contain statements of responsibility and volume numbers or other sequential designations. (Repeatable) [a,g,r,t,u,6,8]
14:22 rfrasur ahh, repeatable.  ty
14:25 mllewellyn rfrasur,this is my bible. http://www.oclc.org/bibformats/en.html
14:26 rfrasur mllewellyn: that's where I'm at...but must have overlooked the "repeatable"
14:27 mllewellyn rfrasur: that's what the big R in parentheses after the note name means.
14:27 rfrasur err...yes.  ty
14:27 * rfrasur is mildly ashamed
14:27 mllewellyn ack, don't be!
14:28 * kmlussier has grown quite attached to getting her MARC info from pinesol_green.
14:29 rfrasur kmlussier: I always forget about that.  hopefully, next time, I'll remember.
14:29 jeff_ http://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd505.html would be the source of pinesol_green's information on 505
14:30 jeffdavis FYI if you don't want to consult the bot in-channel, you can send it a private message: /msg pinesol_green marc 505
14:34 rfrasur There ya go Indiana Iron Maiden fans. Live from Birmingham UK - Maiden England '88
14:45 kbeswick_ joined #evergreen
14:49 pinesol_green [evergreen|Dan Scott] Make C unit tests more robust - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=e5a3ee7>
15:04 rfrasur okay, I'm sick of this.  No more cataloging.  Ever.  Until tomorrow.
15:04 * rfrasur is going home.
15:06 csharp marc--
15:06 csharp well, actually...
15:06 csharp aacr2--
15:07 csharp and for good measure...
15:07 csharp "standards"--
15:09 tsbere Don't we have a "standards" factoid?
15:09 csharp ~standards
15:09 pinesol_green http://www.xkcd.com/927/
15:09 csharp tsbere++
15:15 RoganH help my memory, where is the last activity logs in the db?
15:15 dbwells dbs: eeevil: I started poking at a custom C ranking function earlier this summer.  I got as far as getting some of the logic on paper (well, a whiteboard), and also got a stub function to compile, load into postgres, and produce some values, but alas, got pulled away for other things since then.  Based on my limited experience, the potential is certainly there, and I don't think the maintenance overhead would be too bad.
15:15 csharp RoganH: actor.usr_activity?
15:16 RoganH staring me right in the face, thanks!
15:21 RoganH thanks Chris, I'm reading over the search warrant while loading up psql and my brain froze.
15:26 jeffdavis search warrant?
15:29 csharp wha?
15:29 csharp patriot_act--
15:36 RoganH sorry, had to step away.  no not patriot act, just local normal search warrant.
15:44 dbs dbwells / eeevil: cool, and agreed that maintaining it shouldn't be that terrible (in fact, some generic enhancements like "tsquery term order matters!" might be acceptable in postgresql proper)
15:45 * _bott_ enjoys the occasional search warrant's entertainment value
15:48 * jeffdavis looks at action.purge_circulations for the first time in awhile
16:02 rangi hmm
16:02 rangi is RoganH around?
16:05 rangi i see you are on a panel about switching ILS .. also on the panel is someone who has switched to fauxha, you can tell its not the real Koha cos the spell it as if it was an acronym, ill personally post you a chocolate fish https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chocolate_fish if you manage to say something that makes it clear they are running a fork :-)
16:07 phasefx rangi++
16:09 * jcamins will contribute a pound of homemade cookies to the cause.
16:10 jcamins Well... if RoganH is in the US. Home-baked goods are problematic across international borders.
16:12 rangi :)
16:17 jeffdavis Seems like there's a cstore call to retrieve copy location groups from the db every time the org tree is loaded in TPAC, should that be cached maybe?
16:18 jeffdavis s/org tree/org selector/
16:18 dMiller_ joined #evergreen
16:22 senator jeffdavis: quite possibly. do you have a line of log output showing this, or better yet can you point to the guilty line of code?
16:22 RoganH I'm back.
16:23 RoganH Sorry rangi, it's been one of those crazy, drag me out of my office a lot days.
16:23 berick jeffdavis: they're not cached because they are context-dependent
16:23 berick they could be cached, of course, once per context, but they're not today
16:23 RoganH rangi: I will be glad to help make the distinction
16:24 berick but there are a lot of combinations of context, depending on physical location, home location, search location
16:24 berick oh, and locale
16:24 * senator backs away from the copy location group caching question slowly ...
16:24 jeffdavis heh
16:24 berick heh
16:25 * berick throws cache-goo at senator
16:25 * senator melts :-)
16:27 jeffdavis there isn't really a clear log message, I just happened to notice regular calls to open-ils.cstore.direct.asset.co​py_location_group.search.atomic on an unused server
16:27 jeffdavis the timestamps of which correspond to regular nagios polling of the TPAC homepage on that server
16:29 jeffdavis there is a line `self->load_copy_location_groups;` in the load_common function in EGCatLoader.pm
16:30 jeffdavis which I assume is the culprit
16:30 jeffdavis that said, I take berick's point :)
16:34 kmlussier joined #evergreen
16:42 natschil joined #evergreen
16:59 berick jeffdavis: you piqued my interest -- working/user/berick/tpac-cache-copy-loc-groups
17:00 berick i was seriously confused for a minute why the tpac page load routines were running twice
17:00 berick until i realized that was the CSS template
17:01 * berick wonders if we could optimize CSS templates to load from /eg/<not opac>/css/style.css to avoid the full EGCatLoader.pm dance
17:03 jeffdavis \o/
17:03 berick looks do-able, since it's just loading constants and not relying on (as far as I can tell) the tpac context
17:24 mmorgan left #evergreen
18:04 eeevil caching is great, until you change something and it's not showing up... or showing inconsistently
18:07 eeevil IMO, if we use more granular named caches (configured in opensrf.xml) so we can invalidate just what we want then it becomes a simpler issue
18:12 eeevil 'course that means giving up in-process caching too, and doing it all in memcache. but if it works for Facebook...
18:12 gmcharlt eeevil: easier to invalidate one cache than play whack-a-mole with Apache or OpenSRF backends at inconveninet times
18:13 gmcharlt I'm looking at YOU, postal code lookup!
18:14 eeevil exactly. but we shouldn't use the same cache for with and static-ish stuff...
18:15 gmcharlt eeevil: yeah, I meant "easier to invalidate one *named* cache"...
18:17 eeevil maybe I'll make only-cache-in-memcache my next crusade
18:20 jcamins gmcharlt: are we talking about caching in #koha because of the discussion here or vice versa?
18:22 gmcharlt jcamins: spillover -- just one of the glitches of operating the two channels as just views of #kohagreen on FreeOFTC
18:22 jcamins Hehe.
18:27 jcamins eeevil: you're probably leaving imminently, but before you go... where in QP do we configure the facet marker?
18:28 jcamins I'm staring and staring, and I just don't see it.
18:32 eeevil jcamins: are you referring to part of the grammar?
18:32 eeevil I mean, from the wiki page that describes the grammar
18:33 eeevil jcamins: or do you mean the general facet syntax of "blah|foo[value 1][value 2]"
18:33 jcamins The facet syntax. Specifically, the [].
18:34 jcamins I'm staring at the code, and for the life of me, I can't find it.
18:34 eeevil in O::A::St::QueryParser, at line 922 in evergreen master
18:34 jcamins Oh, there it is.
18:34 jcamins Thank you.
18:35 jcamins I was looking further down.
18:35 eeevil np
18:41 pinesol_green [evergreen|Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley] Invoke skull-and-crossbones popup in batch receive for server-side errors - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=21bc541>
18:41 eeevil jcamins: the comment directly above that line doesn't help much ;) "# Build the filter and modifier uber-regexps"
18:41 jcamins eeevil: not really, no.
18:42 eeevil it's not false, just either 1) 3 lines too high or 2) one list element short
18:43 jcamins Probably (2). It does make sense to group them.
19:25 mtate joined #evergreen
20:36 tfaile_ joined #evergreen
22:29 kbeswick joined #evergreen

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