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IRC log for #evergreen, 2013-07-22

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
01:43 RBecker joined #evergreen
03:43 Mark__T joined #evergreen
07:28 collum joined #evergreen
07:36 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
07:50 timlaptop joined #evergreen
07:52 jboyer-isl joined #evergreen
08:07 csharp joined #evergreen
08:18 adbowling-isl joined #evergreen
08:19 akilsdonk_ joined #evergreen
08:21 jboyer_isl joined #evergreen
08:32 RoganH joined #evergreen
08:43 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
09:09 ericar joined #evergreen
09:13 kmlussier joined #evergreen
09:24 kmlussier Happy Monday all!
09:25 mmorgan1 Happy Monday :)
09:25 mmorgan1 left #evergreen
09:26 mllewellyn joined #evergreen
09:27 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:33 yboston joined #evergreen
09:46 dbwells Dyrcona: Just got your chats, was on vacation Friday afternoon.  Room reservations will be handled through me, as I have arranged to provide a rooming list to the hotel.  I'll try to make some changes to the form, and send out a notice to make this more clear.  Thanks for asking.
09:47 kayals joined #evergreen
09:47 Dyrcona dbwells: I've already made a room reservation. I spoke with Erica who said that the notes on the event were conflicting.
09:48 Dyrcona dbwells: One said you'd provide a list of attendees and another said that attendees would pay for their own rooms, which she took to mean that we make our own reservations.
09:51 dbwells Dyrcona: Well, that's fine.  Both those things are true, but her conclusion was not.
09:52 Dyrcona dbwells: Anyway, I should be all set and hope I have not messed things up.
09:52 berick dbwells: curious if you have any thought on bug #1203753 (just opened)
09:52 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1203753 in Evergreen "AuthProxy support for barcode-based login" (affected: 1, heat: 6) [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1203753
09:54 dbwells berick: Hadn't seen it yet, but now I notice that it was posted 44 seconds ago :)  I'll check it out and reply on it.
09:55 * berick thinks dbwells missed my (just opened) comment
09:55 berick dbwells++
09:55 berick thanks for looking
09:56 dbwells berick: yep, missed that.  Got no time for parenthetical statements this morning!
09:58 berick hah.  running at peak efficiency!
09:58 BigRig joined #evergreen
10:05 gsams___ joined #evergreen
10:05 CarrieC joined #evergreen
10:06 dbwells Dyrcona: No worries, you didn't mess anything up.  There's been an apparent uptick in Hack-a-way interest since the survey two months ago, so I am trying to keep a watchful eye on the reserved accommodations, that's all.
10:06 gmcharlt joined #evergreen
10:07 mrpeters joined #evergreen
10:09 gsams___ joined #evergreen
10:12 dboyle joined #evergreen
10:31 mcooper joined #evergreen
10:52 dbs calling 0812
10:52 paxed "Please leave a message after the beep!"
10:53 jeff_ paxed++
10:53 jeff_ (i grinned)
10:58 kmlussier dbs++
10:58 pinesol_green [evergreen|Dan Scott] Support linking to library info from copy display - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=256229c>
10:58 pinesol_green [evergreen|Dan Scott] Wrap upgrade script for TPAC library name links - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=d0604db>
11:01 dboyle joined #evergreen
11:07 paxed dboyle: perhaps the 4 lines, starting from lib_url = .... could be a MACRO?
11:08 paxed ergh.
11:08 paxed sorry, that was got dbs
11:08 paxed got? for.
11:08 paxed i ca'nt has no typikn toady.
11:10 senator i would like a typing toady
11:10 senator could just drink coffee and dictate all day
11:11 paxed i think you'll have to settle for a minion.
11:15 dbs paxed: yes, it probably could be
11:17 jeff metabib.record_attr.attrs->'pubdate' is certainly not unique in that it contains a lot of... interesting data. :P
11:21 berick oops, thanks for the pullreq eeevil (1193473)
11:21 eeevil :)
11:21 eeevil berick: is there an LP bug related to sigterm-graceful-shutdown?
11:22 jeff i need a "do your best to cast this to an int with fallback to null" -- does postgres have something along those lines, or am i thinking of this the wrong way?
11:22 Pibbits joined #evergreen
11:22 eeevil also, a propos: http://devopsreactions.tumblr.com/post/5613262626​5/crap-i-have-no-idea-which-branch-im-working-on
11:22 eeevil jeff: in what situation?
11:23 gmcharlt jeff: something like this, perhaps? http://git.esilibrary.com/?p=migration-tools​.git;a=blob;f=sql/base/base.sql;h=751ce72fdc​a2634b431de6cd1c0d251f3f4eaf4f;hb=HEAD#l630
11:23 berick eeevil: not yet.  still need to do the C bits.  i'll open a ticket, though
11:24 gmcharlt eeevil++
11:28 jeff gmcharlt: exactly like that -- thanks!
11:29 jeff eeevil: situation is "want to exclude records from a select where one of pubdate, date1, or date2 is >= 2013
11:29 jeff special snowflake bib/holding export script
11:29 eeevil jeff: you have something against time travelers?
11:30 gmcharlt jeff: regex_matches may be better in that case, though, e.g., to allow "c2012"
11:30 _zerick_ joined #evergreen
11:30 gmcharlt eeevil: no service for them unless they pay current library taxes, not just future ones
11:30 zerick joined #evergreen
11:32 eeevil :)
11:37 jeff gmcharlt: thankfully, evergreen already has me covered in terms of c2013 and friends in the 260$c -- by the time it gets to mra.attrs, pubdate is never longer than 4 characters.
11:37 eeevil interestingly, there's an index normalizer to do most of what you want: Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql:655, integer_or_null(TEXT) returns TEXT ... mat be faster since it's optimizable
11:37 jeff gmcharlt: and i could explicitly exclude 2013, 2014, and 2015, but then i'd miss 2016 :-)
11:40 jeff eeevil: ah, perfect!
11:40 jeff eeevil++
11:41 jeff gmcharlt++
11:42 Dyrcona À propos a migration from TLC: If you have a column called "TOTALINHOUSEUSES" you should also have "TOTALOUTHOUSEUSES" for symmetry's sake.
11:44 phasefx wipe db
11:47 csharp I've found a problem with circ counts and archived circs in the alternate copy display: http://pastebin.com/bVbmzVG5
11:48 csharp I'd appreciate a sanity check if an SQL person is around before I file a bug report with my proposed solution
11:48 csharp I don't know enough about UNION vs UNION ALL to know the ramifications in EG
11:48 berick both_jasons++
11:49 csharp @quote add < Dyrcona> À propos a migration from TLC: If you have a column called "TOTALINHOUSEUSES" you should also have "TOTALOUTHOUSEUSES" for symmetry's sake.
11:49 pinesol_green csharp: The operation succeeded.  Quote #62 added.
11:49 tsbere csharp: I think you are right on that
11:49 csharp tsbere: excellent - thank you
11:53 jdouma joined #evergreen
11:54 ElliotFriend joined #evergreen
11:54 ElliotFriend I'm trying to get my cronjobs to run, using some of the examples here: http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a​=blob;f=Open-ILS/examples/crontab.example;h=1cd​1db3d7d0658ce53757beafd23694103d37500;hb=HEAD
11:55 ElliotFriend commands run fine if I perform them from shell, but not as a cronjob. Anyone ever run into that?
11:55 ElliotFriend I'm running them from the opensrf crontab, btw
11:55 paxed ElliotFriend: you cron shell is probably not bash, and it cannot execute ~/.bashrc due to the shell differences.
11:55 paxed your*
11:57 Dyrcona ElliotFriend: Sometimes even when your cron shell is bash, you need to specifically source your profile on the command in crontab.
11:57 Dyrcona Here's an example from one of my crontabs:
11:57 Dyrcona 0 3 15 * * . /home/jason/.bash_profile && java -jar /home/jason/bin/NovelistUpdate.jar mvlc
11:58 paxed (i just removed the ~/.bashrc sourcing altogether)
11:58 ElliotFriend that makes total sense! do I change the cron shell in the crontab, or somewhere else?
11:59 Dyrcona ElliotFriend: You can change the shell in crontab near the top. man 5 crontab should tell you all about it.
11:59 Dyrcona paxed: Note that I am sourcing .bash_profile, the login script, and not .bashrc the environment script. I don't think crontab always get a login shell.
12:00 paxed Dyrcona: right - i was just commenting what i did
12:00 Dyrcona paxed: OK. Just trying to make sure there is no confusion. You never who will read the logs later. :)
12:01 paxed whooops. humongous thungerstorm heading my way. i'd better shut down for a bit.
12:01 Dyrcona ElliotFriend: Add this at the top of your crontab: SHELL=/bin/bash
12:01 Dyrcona or wherever bash is on your system.
12:03 ElliotFriend did that, and it sure works now! Thanks!
12:03 acoomes joined #evergreen
12:08 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:41 b_bonner joined #evergreen
12:43 linuxpoet left #evergreen
12:47 bshum @hate office printer
12:47 pinesol_green bshum: The operation succeeded.  bshum hates office printer.
12:47 csharp PC LOAD LETTER!!?
12:47 b_bonner joined #evergreen
12:48 ldwhalen joined #evergreen
12:48 * tsbere once changed a language string in a printer so that "FEED ME" came up instead of "PC LOAD LETTER" <_<
12:48 csharp tsbere++
12:48 gsams___ tsbere++
12:48 bshum csharp: For some reason, my linux laptop never works right and prints garbage to all the office printers :(
12:49 bshum Or periodically decides to do so.
12:49 bshum But anyways.......
12:49 Dyrcona bshum: PS vs PCL most likely.
12:49 csharp bshum: hmm - I use the gutenprint drivers for our HP and Canon printers with no issue
12:50 Dyrcona bshum: Does the garbage start something like %!PS on the first page?
12:50 bshum Dyrcona: It's actually mostly blank pages it spit back to me.
12:50 b_bonner_ joined #evergreen
12:51 Dyrcona Right. That's a typical symptom of postscript going to a non-postscript printer. If you see what I mentioned above on the first page, that clinches it.
12:53 Dyrcona I have fun with the Konica Minolta if no one else has used it or I don't go wake it up, it refuses to print my jobs, although it accepts them.
13:07 stevenyvr2 joined #evergreen
13:07 * csharp *hates* our Konica Minolta printer
13:12 bshum Hmm
13:12 bshum Dyrcona: Isn't https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1203822 a result of settings?
13:12 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1203822 in Evergreen "eg2.4 paying lost bills does not close circ" (affected: 1, heat: 6) [Undecided,New]
13:13 * bshum vaguely recalls library settings to change this behavior
13:13 Dyrcona bshum: Yes, most likely the settings.
13:14 bshum Ah, setting, right.  "Close transaction when lost balance equals zero"
13:14 Dyrcona There are, IIRC, several related bugs, though, most of them fixed.
13:14 bshum Or "Leave transaction open when lost balance equals zero"
13:20 Dyrcona Right, but the circ may stay open if the copy has not been checked in, or maybe that is what the setting was supposed to resolve?
13:21 Dyrcona Been too long since I looked at it last.
13:27 bshum Yeah I can't remember either.
13:27 bshum I would expect it to stay open till it was checked in.
13:27 bshum I guess I could test it.  Maybe after I get lunch.
14:02 ElliotFriend Is it possible in Evergreen to make the "max_number_of_holds" equal to "max_number_checked_out - number_checked_out"?
14:03 Dyrcona ElliotFriend: Not without programming, if I understand your question correctly.
14:03 ElliotFriend Dyrcona: I suspected that would be the case. I also suspect you understood the question :)
14:04 ElliotFriend basically, my librarian wants a checked out limit of (we'll say) 10. If a patron has 6 checked out already, they could place holds on 4 books.
14:05 ElliotFriend I'd imagine it would be much simpler to set them to different/non-dependent numbers
14:07 Dyrcona ElliotFriend: Right. The way it is done now is they are set as independent numbers. It would take programming to do the calculations on the fly.
14:07 ElliotFriend Dyrcona: That's what I figured. Thanks for the confirmation!
14:08 Dyrcona yw
14:12 bshum So tsbere tells me I screwed up bug 1079041 and all the stuff was loaded as "au" instead of "aua" and therefore not working.
14:12 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1079041 in Evergreen ""state" field in patron registration is always required" (affected: 2, heat: 10) [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1079041
14:12 bshum The question is, do we fix the upgrade script directly?  Or should we apply a new upgrade script to replace the bad entries.
14:15 bshum Personally I would have done a new upgrade script to fix the issue I unfortunately introduced.  But then that got me wondering about the final upgrade script when we construct the path from 2.4 to 2.5.
14:15 tsbere We also have to update register.js, but that is easy ;)
14:15 bshum tsbere++ for telling me about my screwups :(
14:16 tsbere change the original update script, then add a new one that does the re-name. If the entries aren't already there the new one won't matter?
14:16 b_bonner G'day folks.  I have a question about an Action Trigger template.  I've been asked to include the item barcode on the receipt printed when a user chooses to reprint their receipt from the OPAC account page.  Can't seem to retrieve it. Relevant bits of action trigger here:
14:16 pastebot "b_bonner" at pasted "Action Trigger - payment receipt printing" (14 lines) at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org/11
14:19 eeevil bshum: IMO, a new script only ... the only time I personally feel OK about modifying an update script is when it's the highest numbered ... this is also why we need to find some community tuits to implement the supersedes/deprecates stuff ... that will obviate version upgrade scripts and make these situations both simple and self-documenting
14:20 tsbere b_bonner: barcode isn't a bib_basics thing. You just want xact.circulation.target_copy.barcode, I believe...unless target_copy is an id. Then you need to tell it to flesh that out to get the barcode field, and target_copy in the bib_basics will need .id added to it, I think...
14:21 bshum eeevil: Sounds reasonable.  Thanks!
14:30 b_bonner tsbere: whoops. didn't mean to include the bib_basics barcode in that paste, that was a remnant of me trying different things. I've tried various combinations of xact.circulation.target_copy.barcode with no results.
14:31 tsbere b_bonner: Then target_copy is likely just an ID right now. In the environment, I think it is, you need to change (or add) one of the circulation entries to include target_copy, then change any bare target_copy entries in the template to include .id because that is what they likely expect.
14:31 tsbere then .barcode should work
14:32 linuxpoet joined #evergreen
14:32 paxed is there a way to get the current locale in canonical (xx-YY) format in opac?
14:32 paxed ctx.locale is xx_yy
14:33 paxed ... i guess i could mangle it in the tt2.
14:38 Phenol With a fresh DB. Why can I not remove Org units from staff client?
14:39 tsbere Addresses, I assume. <_<
14:40 Phenol can they be removed (addresses) from Staff client?
14:40 * tsbere has never tried
14:45 Phenol This is kind of stupid that with a fresh DB you can't delete Org units because of linked Address and can't removed the address from the DB because they are linked to the Org Units
14:47 tsbere cascade delete! ;)
14:48 Phenol isn't that going to cause more harm
14:48 Phenol from all the other tables
14:49 tsbere what other tables? Don't delete the consortia entry and you should be fine, I think...
14:50 Phenol I can't delete anything.. other than a Cascade
14:50 Phenol but thats going to wipe all tables that ref org_unit? correct?
14:51 Phenol http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/2.3/_​organizational_units.html#_remove_o​r_edit_default_organizational_units
14:51 Phenol thats a little misleading considering it tells you about removing them throught the staff client but then you can't
14:51 tsbere Phenol: Start a transaction, delete from both tables? I haven't had to do this for a while....if ever.
14:52 Phenol I can't delete from the tables without deleting from all tables that ref org_unit... so you left the default Org setup in place?
14:53 tsbere No, I didn't set our org units up. Ask Dyrcona how he did it for us. ;)
14:54 b_bonner tsbere++ for helping with my action trigger confusion.
14:54 mcooper Phenol: set the org addresses to null if that's a problem
14:56 Dyrcona Phenol: http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwi​ki/doku.php?id=scratchpad:setup
15:00 Phenol Thanks
16:00 dbwells berick: regarding the new AuthProxy code, I think the idea seems fine and an intial review of the code looks good as well.  I'll try to find some time to actually test it and get it pushed.  Thanks for adding it!
16:00 berick dbwells++
16:00 berick thanks
16:08 SimonHM joined #evergreen
16:08 SimonHM joined #evergreen
16:08 ElliotFriend All of the items we checkout to patrons (currently) have a due-time of 11:59 PM. Is there a setting to change that to 1 minute prior to the library's closing time on the due-date?
16:08 paxed i don't think the time is shown on the receipts ...?
16:09 ElliotFriend it is on the default template
16:09 paxed huh
16:09 ElliotFriend even if it weren't wouldn't eg calculate late fines as though the due-time were 11:59 pm?
16:09 tsbere ElliotFriend: I believe that is only for durations that are multiples of 1 day
16:10 tsbere So if your durations are, say, hourly it won't tweak them that way
16:11 Dyrcona ElliotFriend: I would not be surprised if changing the due time messed with fine calculation in some subtle and unexpected way.
16:12 ElliotFriend good point. easiest solution for us would probably be just to remove it from the receipt :)
16:15 ElliotFriend can i view a user's circulation history from within the staff client (without them having opted in through TPAC)?
16:15 * paxed slays a 3 year old bug.
16:17 phasefx ElliotFriend: you can run a report, but you can't view the circ history as if you were the patron with the same UI
16:19 ElliotFriend phasefx: cool, thanks!
16:22 ElliotFriend for reporting: is it general practice to run clark-kent.pl continually, or to turn it off and on when needed?
16:22 Dyrcona ElliotFriend: continually for larger sites. I have no idea what single instances would do, but I imagine the same.
16:23 Dyrcona ElliotFriend: Are you setting up a consortium, a single system with branches, or a single library?
16:23 ElliotFriend Dyrcona: single library.
16:24 Dyrcona ElliotFriend: Thanks. I thought so, but wanted to make sure.
16:24 Dyrcona I would probably run clark-kent.pl all the time even in that case.
16:24 ElliotFriend I was thinking that's what I'd do.
16:24 ElliotFriend i've got a consortium & system set up, though. mostly because that's how the structure was setup as default
16:25 ElliotFriend though everything really is taking place at the branch level
16:25 Dyrcona ElliotFriend: Yes, that keeps things simple. I've run into trouble when messing wit the various levels of the hierarchy.
16:26 Dyrcona It is probably better now than it was 3 years ago in that respect.
16:26 ElliotFriend i was really excited when I saw that TPAC allowed a custom org unit tree!
16:58 acoomes_ joined #evergreen
17:05 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:52 kayals joined #evergreen
18:03 CarrieC left #evergreen
18:06 kayals joined #evergreen
18:34 sseng_ joined #evergreen
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18:52 BigRig_ joined #evergreen
18:56 dboyle_ joined #evergreen
19:03 sseng joined #evergreen
19:18 dboyle joined #evergreen
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22:31 b_bonner_ joined #evergreen
22:41 stevenyvr2 joined #evergreen
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23:31 stevenyvr2 joined #evergreen
23:31 stevenyvr2 left #evergreen

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