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Results for 2024-08-30

12:04 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:20 jeffdavis What's the trick to avoid hitting the cache when doing a search? Is it "searchterm -randomstring"?
12:24 Bmagic jeffdavis: first I've heard of that!
12:41 mmorgan jeffdavis: Yes! 'cache-killer' "puffins -;on;o;poij'pojp'ijh"
12:42 jeffdavis mmorgan++ # thanks!
12:45 csharp_ "Would you like to upgrade?" NOPE
12:51 mmorgan That should be documented somewhere better than here: http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/evergreen/​search/?nick=&q=%22cache+killer%22

Results for 2017-10-12

14:22 JBoyer Yeah, that metarecord search bug was driving me nuts, but I didn't see any point in letting people see it.
14:22 JBoyer I mean, as far as I know it still is, I haven't had time to track anything down. :/
14:23 JBoyer miker, a simple search that shows what I mean: search Indiana state library for title Bag of Bones (we mainly collect large print for users with poor sight) there are several results that have nothing to do with us.
14:26 miker so, I may not be testing what you're testing, but I just searched for 'harry potter' globally (773 results), went to advance search and restricted to Andrews and got what I expected (77 results) and added added a cache killer, and got the same 77 results. all hav copies at andrews AFAICT
14:26 kmlussier JBoyer: They're all ebooks?
14:26 miker or are ebooks
14:26 khuckins_ joined #evergreen
16:41 Dyrcona There's this: http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/​3.0/_developer_resources.html
16:42 Dyrcona And I have some links to specific tutorials that may or may not be listed there.
16:42 Dyrcona I'm not so sure the support scripts section should be there, either.
16:43 miker kmlussier: I think you may have some brick differences at cwmars ... with cache killers, both of your "beloved world" search variants are working intermittently for me. another possibility: seeing any PG errors? we've seen casting problems before that look like that
16:44 Dyrcona heh. It's probably the different hashes I asked about earlier.
16:44 Dyrcona Perl 5.22 wants to be secure like that.
16:46 kmlussier miker: krvmga and I had talked about brick differences earlier today when we were just looking at the badge display issue, but the problem didn't seem to consistently occur on one brick or set of bricks.
16:48 miker Dyrcona: oh, by "cache killer" I mean appending "-kljaskjldfkjlfwk" or the like to the query string ;)
16:49 miker kmlussier: ah, well, then we'll def want to look at PG logs. thanks for likely crossing bricks off the list ;)
16:57 Dyrcona Well, the brick should be the same, since everything is built from the same model vm and each head and drone has so far had the exact same things done to them.
16:57 Dyrcona I shoulda signed out a while ago.
16:58 kmlussier Dyrcona: Yes, you should have around the time I gave you the MD 20/20

Results for 2015-10-02

16:58 kmlussier The latter is what remingtron referred to when adding some of the live tests with the code.
16:58 kmlussier Weekend? What's that?
16:58 kmlussier Nope. That's all.
17:03 miker Stompro: reingest a record (save it in the marc editor) and search again with a cache killer (put "-sdflkklsdaklsdf" without quotes at the end of the search string)
17:05 miker berick: entirely unrelated to your topic, we can't cause the webstaff to set is_staff in mod_perl today (and cause staff searches in the embedded opac) because it will force an oils: protocol. correct?
17:07 miker well, and because it's currently done via an http header
17:09 berick miker: actually, it is set when a workstatoin is linked to the login session
17:09 berick that was my compromise
17:10 berick though it does look like there may be cases where oils: may still be used
17:11 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:12 miker hrm... ok... thanks. seeing bugs where they don't be. pardon the noise
17:14 miker and, yep. ye olde "no workstation" prob
17:28 Stompro miker, no change after reingesting ~10 records and using the cache killer line.  Thanks for the help though, I'll keep trying various things.
17:29 miker np, thanks for testing
17:34 bmills joined #evergreen
18:06 Dyrcona joined #evergreen

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