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IRC log for #evergreen, 2025-01-16

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
02:27 StomproJ joined #evergreen
02:33 scottangel joined #evergreen
02:33 dluch joined #evergreen
02:33 Jaysal joined #evergreen
02:36 Stompro joined #evergreen
07:50 jonadab joined #evergreen
08:23 mantis1 joined #evergreen
08:24 redavis joined #evergreen
08:29 dguarrac joined #evergreen
08:32 redavis joined #evergreen
08:39 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:40 mantis1 left #evergreen
09:12 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:32 abneiman redavis++ # buildmaster sheet
09:32 redavis Awww, thanks. Just tryin' to think about "tomorrow."
09:35 abneiman now that song is in my head, lol
09:36 berick don't stop
09:36 abneiman it'll soon be heeeere
09:36 redavis :D, at least your DH doesn't break out in Olivia Newton John when you go to the gym. Every. Time.
09:36 abneiman I dunno redavis, that sounds ADORABLE
09:36 * redavis attempts to shift the earworm
09:36 redavis I mean, it is...but is it?
09:36 abneiman hahahaha
09:37 redavis I never stop thinkin' about tomorrow (except during meditation and mindfulness practices)
09:39 * redavis is now thinking about cults and ashrams and gurus and psychodelics and testing documentation.
09:39 redavis You're welcome
09:41 * redavis also pictures Gandalf wearing a Flavor Flav neck chain that has a big gold pendant with the letters "ADHD" instead of a clock as he stands on the bridge over the precipice screaming at the "other things" my brain wants to think about screaming "YOU SHALL NOT PASS."
09:42 * redavis might have had too much caffeine and too little sleep.
09:42 redavis maybe
09:42 redavis or...it could just be Thursday
09:45 berick i was on a flight w/ Favor Flav once.  sadly none of those things happened.
09:46 redavis I mean, just being on a flight with him is something of note. even without LOTR integrations.
09:49 Dyrcona S'OK. I woke up with "Harden my Heart" by Quarterflash playing in my mind this morning.
09:50 Dyrcona That sax riff, though....
09:50 redavis Dyrcona++
09:51 redavis I've had Joy Oladokun's new album on HEAVY repeat, so that's what's ambiently in my head most of the time right now.
10:02 Dyrcona Hmm.. Back to may autorenew thing. I should probably count the notice events, and not the autorenew events. The latter completely failed for us on November 1, so that's a day that's completely missing. I have a program that processes missed autorenewals, but it doesn't make the autorenew event, only the notice events.
10:04 * Dyrcona looks up the target on the AutorenewNotify event.
10:06 Dyrcona Looks like the target is still the circulation, so I just have to change the event_def in my queries.
10:08 Dyrcona Might be useful to actually count both events. Good to know days when they were missed.
10:13 sleary ADHD brain demonstrated through music: https://www.tiktok.com/@patandsea​nkelly/video/7299547286990867755
10:14 redavis sleary++
10:15 redavis That feels very accurate.
10:15 redavis But it's only about once a week for me at this point. That reminds me - I dreamed about a way to clone circulation policies and haven't taken the time to look at it.
10:15 * redavis needs to
10:30 Dyrcona Hm... I think I can do a query to get a count of two events in a single row.
10:33 Dyrcona Meh. copy and paste from two sheets works after I add the missing row to 1.
10:50 sandbergja joined #evergreen
11:09 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:30 mantis1 joined #evergreen
12:03 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:19 mantis1 left #evergreen
12:28 pinesol News from commits: Forward-port 3.13.7-3.13.8 upgrade script <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=27f1b3​9c323ecfa0b381306cf52d2d3cbca650bc>
12:28 pinesol News from commits: Forward-port 3.14.2-3.14.3 upgrade script <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=4c04cd​f021eb0856ace1871b21b68f4883b2204e>
13:58 * Dyrcona thinks we should reboot the utility vm more often.
14:24 berick cd
14:24 berick take me home, IRC
14:25 * mmorgan thought it might be a game of "What's your favorite circ modifier?'
14:30 Dyrcona :)
14:59 jihpringle joined #evergreen
15:50 jihpringle joined #evergreen
15:53 csharp_ berick++
15:54 berick Bmagic: i exported 3k bibs from :dev docker image, no issues :\
15:55 berick docker runing within a VM on my desktop.  not using docker desktop.
16:48 Bmagic berick: go 32k
16:49 Bmagic I haven't tried it on my test docker machine yet, but darn it, I thought that would be a good test to find an error
16:52 berick oh i thought you said 2k was the breaking point
17:06 Bmagic It did seem to not work at 2k. I think we want it to break so we can figure out why
17:07 Bmagic I'm off until Monday but if I have some time, I'll see if I can get some more information
17:08 Bmagic I wonder if it makes a difference that the DB is not on the same machine. ulimit perhaps
17:10 Bmagic Glad you were able to get that docker image working. How was that expierence?
17:11 berick a few hiccups that were my fault.  once i had a suitable vm running and actually read the instructions, it worked great!
17:11 Bmagic Most excellent
17:16 berick well let's see what 33k does on this vm
17:17 berick giving vandelay a workout today
17:19 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:24 jihpringle joined #evergreen
17:48 berick just occured to me though that exporting 32k bibs via vandelay will probably fail regardless w/ chrome gobbling all the ram.
17:52 Bmagic That was the problem I ran into once I solved the redis server by going back to ejabberd, the. The server didn't give up, but the browser did
19:39 JBoyer joined #evergreen

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