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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-12-27

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
09:43 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:47 Dyrcona I am running the cron jobs manually on the test server with the low RAM errors. I think badge_score_generator.srfsh is one of the culprits for causing PostgreSQL to use a lot of buffer.
10:09 mantis1 joined #evergreen
10:12 Dyrcona Looks like just running most of the scheduled jobs is enough to cause Pg to use a lot of buffers/cache.
10:38 Dyrcona Slashing shared_buffers didn't really help.
10:39 Dyrcona Hm.. Guess I could try 32GB.
10:39 Dyrcona I meant 32MB...
10:42 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
14:41 phasefx joined #evergreen
14:41 jweston joined #evergreen
15:17 Dyrcona Interesting: Running a large query causes Pg to free up some RAM.
15:18 Dyrcona Well, temporarily anyway.
15:29 mantis1 left #evergreen
15:38 akilsdonk joined #evergreen
15:38 phasefx joined #evergreen
16:03 Dyrcona Heh. Memory pressure is pretty tight. Some programs don't want to run, like osrf_control.
16:05 Dyrcona Nifty! "Could not connect to Redis server at private.localhost:6379: Connection refused" Wonder if that's because of low memory or because I was trying to run it with sudo.
21:44 book` joined #evergreen

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