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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-11-19

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09:41 pinesol News from commits: LP#2049934: Remove trailing TCN spaces from incoming bib records. <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=eaf3c7​d2a1c70685ab48779f1c8924ace61d3008>
09:48 Bmagic redavis: should that patch go back to 3.12?
09:48 redavis Yes, if possible
09:49 Bmagic I thought so, but it's not targeted that way
09:58 redavis Bmagic++
10:16 berick anyone aware of an issue where a bib rec fails to ingest at create time (no metabib.* data), but ingests fine after editing the record (regardless of what's edited)?
10:19 Bmagic berick: not aware of that issue. I'm wondering if this example issue is where queued ingest is on or off
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10:20 berick this is stock.  pretty sure it's off.
10:20 berick only settings enabled are:
10:20 berick ingest.queued.biblio.insert.marc_edit_inline |       | t
10:20 berick ingest.queued.biblio.update.marc_edit_inline |       | t
10:20 berick ingest.queued.max_threads                    | 20    | t
10:21 berick it's not all records, btw, just some.
10:21 Bmagic perhaps queued ingest is on, and the record came into the database outside of the staff client, it would require the queued ingest tool to be running
10:21 Bmagic any rows in action.ingest_queue_entry ?
10:22 berick nope
10:22 Bmagic dang
10:22 Bmagic how is the record being created? vandelay?
10:24 berick yeah marc batch import/export
10:25 Bmagic welp, we're probably looking at trigger OOP stuff. If you're saying most* of the records are ingested but not all of them, then we can only assume that the trigger mechanism in PG is skipping some, somehow*
10:26 Bmagic it'll probably require some trial and error. If you have an example record, then maybe take that record as your example and see if it will ingest it when inserted alone. Then start adding more records to the batch until PG skips it, and maybe that will help dial in on the issue?
10:27 kworstell_isl_ joined #evergreen
10:27 Bmagic try feeding Evergreen the same marc file via marc stream importer and see if the results are the same. Maybe it's vandelay code and not DB code
10:28 berick i have a sample that reliably fails.  just making sure it's not a known issue before I roll up my sql sleeves
10:28 berick seems like it would  have to be the db since it's triggers, but i'll try some stuff
10:28 Bmagic it's not something I've ran into, but that doesn't mean it's not a known issue
10:31 berick fwiw https://valkey01.demo.kclseg.or​g/marc-no-create-ingest.USMARC
10:32 Bmagic oh boy, I can probably see why
10:32 berick this record has other issues..  on kcls/3.11 it ingests OK after a post-create save, on EG main it ingests with funky chars -- like a double encoding -- after a post-create save
10:32 Bmagic yeah, I'm looking at it
10:32 berick yeah it's a doozy
10:33 Bmagic I'm starting to blame the record
10:33 berick i mean, yeah, it's atypical, but we have quite a few such vendor records
10:33 Bmagic why did early humans have to migrate around the world and develop completely different character sets. Didn't they know we were going to invent computers
10:34 berick they were too busy trying to figure out what time it was
10:34 Bmagic lol, I bet
10:37 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
10:38 Bmagic I wish you luck berick
10:38 Bmagic It'd be interesting to see if this reveals an Evergreen bug
10:40 berick thanks.  i'll report back
10:41 pinesol News from commits: LP2084166 MARC edit keyboard fix: up, down, CTRL-D <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=10d5eb​8c3b733d5978329089fb3386564a687d8d>
10:49 redavis mmorgan++
10:49 redavis bmagic++
10:50 csharp_ early_catalogers_inventing_marc--
10:50 redavis I mean, MARC wasn't really meant for what we use it for now. They were just trying to bring order out of chaos.
10:51 csharp_ <werner_herzog>"Here we see the primeval soup that begat MARC.  Observe how the early catalogers scratched MARC tags onto this cave walls"</werner_herzog>
10:51 redavis_reloaded joined #evergreen
10:52 redavis_reloaded That's funny. I mention chaos and get a connection rest.
10:52 redavis_reloaded reset
10:52 redavis_reloaded chef's kiss to the universe
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10:54 redavis_reloaded Huh. Well, okie. Coffee is apparently needed.
11:01 Bmagic might try pouring some onto your ethernet cable. Couldn't make it worse :)
11:05 berick caf-5
11:05 jmurray-isl Human PoE...?
11:08 Bmagic berick++ jmurray-isl++ # hahaha
11:08 Bmagic if you look under the cable and find a bunch of packets, that's where they went!
11:16 redavis_reloaded lol, it ain't MY ethernet. And, I just needed an excuse for coffee.
11:17 redavis_reloaded (and grind some nutmeg for apple butter and experiment with frothing half and half and all the things people with lowkey ADHD do when they just want a cup of coffee)
11:58 csharp_ redavis_reloaded: frothing half and half has only resulted in warm half and half + tears of frustration
11:59 redavis_reloaded lol, csharp_, it turned out pretty lovely for me.  But my expectations are always pretty low.  I was mostly sad that I picked a too_small mug and so couldn't use all of the "milk."
12:00 berick note to self: ingests can fail with PG WARNINGs instead of ERRs.  i was not searching the logs effectively.
12:03 mantis joined #evergreen
12:04 csharp_ @blame THE LOGS
12:04 pinesol csharp_: THE LOGS is really just another name for autogen
12:04 * Dyrcona wonders if OpenSRF/Evergreen will survive a do-release-upgrade.
12:05 csharp_ @eightball will it?
12:05 pinesol csharp_: _I_ don't know.
12:05 berick ok found the issue.  a 1024 character string in (for example) Chinese can still exceed the max btree byte count of 2704
12:06 Dyrcona Yeahp.
12:06 Dyrcona So, sounds like we need to truncate at 1024 bytes, not characters in the indexes.
12:06 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:07 redavis_reloaded Dyrcona +1
12:07 berick or at around 675 chars
12:08 Dyrcona Well.. we're looking at UTF-8 so that might work....256 would be the safest if everything is 4bytes.
12:11 Dyrcona Oh... I misunderstood the issue slightly.... 675 should be just fine.
12:11 Dyrcona I was thinking 1024 was the limit but it's 2704.... I wonder if that changes in later Pg releases?
12:12 berick maybe.  it's saying btree version 4 for me (on pg 14)
12:12 collum joined #evergreen
12:15 Dyrcona The Pg 17 documentation says "approximately one third of a page (after TOAST compression, if applicable)."
12:15 collum joined #evergreen
12:16 Dyrcona So, 1/3 of 8k ~ 2700.
12:17 * Dyrcona performs do-release-upgrade on a remote VM host server.
12:18 Dyrcona https://www.postgresql.org​/docs/current/btree.html#:~:text=Any%20data%20type%20that%20can,TO​AST%20compression%2C%20if%20applicable).
12:20 berick confirmed changing metabib.metabib_full_rec_value_idx and metabib_full_rec_value_tpo_index to 512 (instead of 1024) fixes the issue.
12:21 * berick will open an LP
12:22 collum joined #evergreen
12:26 Bmagic berick: I'm getting segfaults on my redis utility server when processing action triggers (sometimes). Probably a throughput thing?  opensrf_router[1369734]: segfault at 585face15... - and the whole OpenSRF stack is dead, needs restarted.
12:28 berick Bmagic: hm, hard to guess.
12:28 Bmagic redis is complaining about overcommit_memory is set to 0 when it starts
12:28 collum joined #evergreen
12:30 berick Bmagic: setting aside the router issue for a sec, did you disable persistence in redis.conf via the 'save' config option?
12:31 Bmagic save ""
12:31 berick not that it's 100% required, but i'm just not used to seeing that redis message, and it seems to be related to saving
12:31 * berick nods
12:31 Bmagic that's the config when it broke
12:31 berick is the VM running out of memory?
12:31 Bmagic I think the VM could be running out of memory
12:32 Bmagic but dmesg -H is "Segfault" not "OOM killer"
12:32 Bmagic if it were OOM killer, then it would be more clear
12:33 berick yeah.
12:33 Bmagic the thing is: on ejabberd, the exact same crontab, it was stable. Maybe redis is just more memory hungry?
12:33 berick just to be sure, are you running patch c843a8fc ?
12:33 Bmagic Running main
12:33 berick redis is not more memory hungry in my experience, just the opposite
12:34 Bmagic pretty sure that commit is on main. This server is installed with OpenSRF main as of 2 days ago
12:34 berick in any event, it there's no OOM, it's seemingly more likely just a router issue
12:34 berick yeah, main has the patch
12:34 Dyrcona Segfault usually means an attempt to access invalid memory, not running out of memory, like dereferencing a null pointer.
12:35 Bmagic I was able to make it happen by running a particular granularity action trigger, on a machine that I setup special to just run that one thing
12:35 Dyrcona It could be caused by a failure to allocate memory, but a use after free is more liekly.
12:36 Bmagic total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
12:36 Bmagic Mem:            31Gi        11Gi       1.2Gi       5.0Mi        18Gi        19Gi
12:36 Bmagic I think it's memory
12:36 Bmagic gonna give it some swap and try again
12:37 Dyrcona I doubt it's memory. You've got plenty free.
12:37 Dyrcona Could be bad RAM...
12:37 berick debugging segfaults is a bear...  raising router log level could help narrow it down some though
12:37 Bmagic it might have ran out during the run, and settled back down after the stack died
12:38 berick yeah, kick it off again and watch
12:38 Bmagic what's the best way to "watch"
12:38 berick i just meant watch the ram usage
12:38 Bmagic I understand, but I'm wondering what the best way is to watch it? just top?
12:38 berick in any event... it should not be using more ram unless there's an undiagnosed leak in the new code
12:39 Dyrcona Bmagic: ` top -c` in another console window full screen. sort by ram usage.
12:39 berick yeah, tops fine
12:39 Bmagic top -c, got it
12:40 Bmagic I have other utility servers on redis, stable for months
12:41 Bmagic I think this one just has an exceptional crontab
12:41 Dyrcona Redis seems much more stable than ejabberd in my experience. That said, I've not tried the latest code. There might be a bug somewhere.
12:42 * Dyrcona waits for the upgraded machine to finish rebooting.
12:42 berick Bmagic: anything unusual about this A/T event?  more data than most?
12:42 Bmagic yeah, I think it has a sizable chunk today
12:43 Dyrcona Autorenewals?
12:44 Bmagic no, standard template processing, for print notices
12:45 Bmagic I just ran a query to reset, and there's only 1800 events to process. Imma kick it off and see
12:46 Dyrcona 1800 doesn't sound like that many, unless they're all for 1 user.
12:46 Dyrcona Sometimes staff have these accounts for special purposes and they end up with hundreds of overdue items all due at the same time.
12:48 Bmagic 2090.7 free going down
12:48 berick which process(es) are eating the ram?
12:49 Bmagic OpenSRF Drone
12:49 Bmagic redis-server
12:49 Bmagic ok, well, it finished this time
12:50 Dyrcona Ejabberd would kick the message out if hit the limit.
12:50 Bmagic though, I'd like to mention that after the action trigger process finished, and I got the prompt back, the memory free didn't go back up...
12:51 Bmagic I think I'm going to add swap to the machine, and continue to monitor it
12:52 Dyrcona The drone is probably hanging on to the data. I assume it's a Perl drone?
12:53 Bmagic gotta run for now, bbl
12:53 berick gotta run too for a bit, but keeping an eye out
12:58 * Dyrcona tries do-release-upgrade on an Evergreen vm rather than just build a new one.
13:05 Dyrcona This VM that I'm upgrading is set up with Redis. I'll switch to OpenSRF main and reinstall after the upgrade. See if I notice anything.
13:10 cbrown joined #evergreen
14:11 Bmagic Dyrcona++
14:12 pinesol News from commits: LP2046000: Check for staging dupes and alerts <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=a2fc09​0ab991993aef215c4577773df53b4dc1c1>
14:35 Bmagic I added 8gb swap, reset the events and running 8k events now. Free memory is 619, swappiness is at it's default 60, and the kernel hasn't decided to use the swap yet. But the process hasn't died either
14:37 Bmagic it completed all 8k without using swap. Oh well, time will tell. Maybe the kernel gets more confident when it knows there is swap available, and will let processes use as much as it wants
14:38 redavis_reloaded terranm++
14:42 pinesol News from commits: LP2052742 Assure ou setting resolves before checking canSave() <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=2b5b7d​ba91e1152ef849d4b63fbc600e89651ced>
14:42 pinesol News from commits: LP2045989: Call Number Templates save only changed fields <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=ba05b0​b5a1b0631290e8db2bb3428662c1131ed8>
14:51 redavis joined #evergreen
15:12 pinesol News from commits: LP#2069358 - Avoid a type error if grid isn't initialized. <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=d2c0b8​ef6ed6d668087c099d51986b0f1ebd0133>
15:12 Dyrcona Do we not have to edit /etc/redis.conf for OpenSRF any more?
15:14 Dyrcona Guess not.
15:17 redavis mmorgan++
15:48 Bmagic mmorgan++
15:52 mantis left #evergreen
15:52 Bmagic Dyrcona: weird, I still edit redis.conf with that "save" change, as per the Evergreen 3.12 release notes
15:52 Bmagic I must have missed the memo that it's no longer needed? I think berick just made reference to that, this morning.
15:53 berick Bmagic: that just changed.  editing the file is still fine, though
15:53 berick just simplifies the install process for new installs
15:53 Bmagic it's not needed (now)?
15:54 berick Bmagic: depends on whether the added command is present in your redis-accounts.txt file
15:54 berick specifically: CONFIG SET save ""
15:54 Bmagic I'm rolling redis-accounts.txt cloned from redis-accounts.txt.example
15:55 Bmagic with the password injected during make install
15:56 Bmagic ok, I see. Looking at a fresh installation of OpenSRF (main) - comes packed with that line     CONFIG SET save ""
16:04 Dyrcona berick++ Bmagic++
16:04 Dyrcona I let do-release-upgrade overwrite /etc/redis.conf, so wondered when I didn't see anything in the README about it.
16:06 Dyrcona After doing do-release-upgrade, I `rm -rf /openils/*` and reinstalled OpenSRF main and my test branch of Evergreen base on 3.14.0.
16:07 Dyrcona It's working so far.
16:12 * Dyrcona is also ready for translations and release building tomorrow.
16:13 redavis Dyrcona++
16:14 redavis I don't anticipate there being any more merges unless the issue with joins in the reporter gets resolved in last minutes.
16:14 Dyrcona It would be nice to have that in, but there's always next month.
16:15 redavis There is.  And I just got an email that makes me assume it might not quite be ready.
16:16 Dyrcona Oh. There it is. :)
16:18 redavis Hmm, we'll see.  There's much action going on that hasn't made it quite to git yet.
16:19 Bmagic redavis, Dyrcona: I have feedback from Cardinal that Mike's tree.js patch fixed it for them
16:20 redavis Bmagic++
16:20 redavis Is Llewelyn going to sign off?
16:21 Bmagic I'll poke him to do so, but I doubt it's going to be in the next few minutes
16:23 redavis I have a tendency to play a little fast and loose, so am overcorrecting. merge pause is supposed to be at 5 p.m. ET which is obviously flexible if there's a real chance that this can get in there tonight.
16:23 Bmagic well then, he might beat that time
16:23 Bmagic he's been poked
16:24 abneiman noting that there's a small update forthcoming from eeevil as well
16:24 redavis Not to put it firmly out there, but also to put it firmly out there, if he signs off, are you able to do the commit?
16:24 redavis abneiman++
16:24 Bmagic <-- muah? do the commit?
16:25 redavis Bmagic, yep. If you can. No pressure if you can't though.
16:25 Bmagic :) I'd love to
16:25 redavis Rock on. Thank you.
16:28 eeevil re the reporter, they last "one more failure" test was not related to the problem at hand, but it's also (as abneiman says) fixed, pending testing. LP may not have sent my email to that effect yet
16:29 Dyrcona eeevil: I got the email with your comment. I'm Ok with that going in if someone signs off tonight.
16:30 redavis eeevil, I'm just refreshing for comments anyway :-). I think we're waiting on Llewelyn for the actual ticket. Is there another ticket for the "one more failure"?
16:30 redavis Oh, eeevil, n/m my question.  I see the answer in your comment.
16:30 Bmagic I was about to say
16:30 Dyrcona :)
16:31 Bmagic it seems like we should wait until this tree.js branch receives it's additional commit, and maybe Llewellyn can double check it on his test machine, the same as he did with the first commit
16:33 Dyrcona My answer is it depends on how long we have to wait.
16:33 Dyrcona I would like to get started tomorrow morning.
16:34 Bmagic agreed
16:34 Bmagic 5pm Eastern is 25 minutes away?
16:34 Dyrcona Yeah.
16:35 Dyrcona It's 5:00 PM EST is 22:00 UTC.
16:35 redavis Yep.  It is.
16:35 abneiman I mean. It's not like git turns into a pumpkin precisely at 5pm this evening. IOW, if this can go in /waves hands/ sometime tonight, that will still work with your schedule, yes Drycona?
16:36 Bmagic redavis got me all excited and I was gunho! But it sure feels like it's putting too much pressure on this one bug. It can wait another release cycle IMO. In the meantime, some of us can just cherry-pick the final commit(s) and get them on production without waiting another 30 days
16:36 abneiman (and mine, as I was planning to run release notes tomorrow first thing as well)
16:36 Dyrcona Yeah, I'm ok with that, or even early tomorrow morning.
16:37 abneiman Dyrcona++
16:37 abneiman Bmagic are you and Llewellyn down for that? (final review / merge this evening)
16:37 Bmagic yes, no problem. Though, I've not heard from him since said poke
16:38 redavis lol, Bmagic, please don't be swayed by my enthusiasm ever.
16:40 eeevil sorry, async over here a bit. Bmagic, the followup patch isn't related to tree.ts, just upgrading old templates with "funky" joins. it will be an important improvement for specific cases, but new templates only need the extant patches on that branch (as a critical matter). but, it's also just a 3-line patch that's easy (as easy as report stuff is) to reason about, and I put a comment pointing to the new-template version of the code so we can see how
16:40 eeevil the upgrade code will now do the same thing that the native-angular version does.
16:40 abneiman Bmagic++
16:40 abneiman redavis++ # we love your enthusiasm
16:41 Bmagic eeevil++ # roger
16:41 abneiman eeevil++ # patchin
16:41 redavis abneiman++ #me too :D, but it's not a good gauge for "moderate expectations"
16:41 redavis eeevil++
16:43 Bmagic eeevil: so it's not going to be on the same LP (and same branch?)
16:43 abneiman redavis: it's OK that's why I'm here, with my grumpy reality boots, stomping as needed
16:43 eeevil Bmagic: I'm 100% cool with pushing it to the same branch
16:44 eeevil because, time is short
16:44 Bmagic that's fine, it means we'll wait
16:54 * Dyrcona signs out for the day.
17:01 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:01 eeevil Bmagic: ok! looking at the clock, I'm going to suggest that I push a branch with just (what we've been calling) the followup commit -- it's separate, but discovered during tree.ts testing -- and if you get the signoffs you want/need on the current branch, I recommend we proceed with merging that.  then, if you also like the cut of the new branch's jib, and feel like pulling that in, I'm comfortable with it going in quickly. if it has to sit, I won't
17:01 eeevil cry too hard.
17:02 Bmagic ok then, we have something we can test?
17:03 redavis Bmagic, I think it's the current branch listed at https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Eve​rgreen.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user/mike​r/lp-2087562-dynamic-tree-node-parent-links
17:03 Bmagic that's what I'm looking at. So, roll with that for now, and we'll catch the rest next cycle, is that right?
17:04 eeevil to that end, here's the followup commit on a branch by itself: https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Evergr​een.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user/miker/fix-​virtual-field-link-joins-in-upgraded-templates
17:05 Bmagic eeevil: thanks! And you're not comfortable with that second branch just yet?
17:05 eeevil Bmagic: next cycle, or this if it looks sane to you. I'm mainly trying to get it out there for others to test/use asap
17:05 eeevil oh, /I/ am comfortable, but it's not been tested by not-mike.
17:05 Bmagic understandable
17:06 redavis How about this, maybe Llewellyn signs off on the first branch tonight.. but probably not.  Even if he doesn't, we can get to testing the second branch and have both ready for next month...and for anyone that wants to apply in the meantime.
17:06 Bmagic well, like you said, it's three lines. Seems like we should be able to test that with some humans. Sure wish we had some e2e tests to do the job for us
17:07 * eeevil imagines the selenium script that would drive the reporter to test this ... shudders, passes out
17:07 redavis LOL!!!
17:08 Bmagic yeah, it'd be one heck of a test
17:09 eeevil the test is ... clone a report that uses a might_have link on a virtual idl field and make sure it uses the left-side pkey column instead of the virtual column name in the join
17:09 abneiman I'd be delighted to have the first one go in this evening, for point releases this month
17:09 Bmagic it's radio silience over there at Cardinal. Maybe they'll get back with me before the "morning"
17:10 abneiman but! I've put my finger(s) on the scale(s) too many times on this particular issue so with that imma head out and go swimmin
17:12 Bmagic Llewellyn signed off on the first branch just now
17:12 Bmagic abneiman must be in the Southern hemisphere
17:13 redavis lol, or close to the Y
17:13 redavis also, rock on for the first branch. So, unless anyone wants to stop me (please stop me), I'm going to open a new LP ticket for the second branch to make sure it doesn't get neglected.
17:15 eeevil redavis: this is me, not stopping you! :)
17:15 Bmagic yeah, that's a sane course of action I think. Considering the test is nuanced
17:15 eeevil redavis++
17:15 redavis Excellent! This is also you not smellin' a burning clutch.
17:15 Bmagic digging up an old template that " uses a might_have link on a virtual idl field and make sure it uses the left-side pkey column instead of the virtual column name in the join"
17:19 Bmagic redavis: pushed! eeevil++
17:20 redavis Bmagic++ eeevil++
17:20 redavis As they say, "Bam!"
17:22 eeevil I hope that's a futurama reference. and if not, it is now, in my head.
17:22 eeevil and with that, I'm running away
17:22 redavis LOL
17:22 redavis Have a good night
17:22 Bmagic you too
17:22 redavis It was a Bobby Flay reference, I think.
17:22 * redavis doesn't have authority control
17:23 berick emeril lagasse by way of futurama
17:23 redavis Ohhhhh, that's it.
17:23 redavis berick++
17:23 * redavis DOES have authority control
17:24 berick i got your $0's
17:26 redavis Yeah you do. Thanks. Okay, LP ticket for cloning and upgrading templates with virtual fields incoming.
17:32 redavis https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/2089066 quick and dirty for the LP
17:32 pinesol Launchpad bug 2089066 in Evergreen "Cloning and upgrading templates with virtual fields in the join tree requires inspecting the reltype" [Undecided,Confirmed]
17:33 redavis alright friendly friends, imma head out. Thanks for everything from the commits to the lolz. Have a good evening.
17:34 berick @later tell redavis "friendly friends" is what we call the dogs
17:34 pinesol berick: The operation succeeded.
17:42 pinesol News from commits: LP#2087562: Fix node-parent tracking in dynamic trees <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=9cfa8e​0f3fbaa94c4d07c7b5c5db2cc38336ed2c>
19:05 jihpringle2 joined #evergreen

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