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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-07-30

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
00:50 collum joined #evergreen
01:50 collum joined #evergreen
02:51 collum joined #evergreen
03:52 collum joined #evergreen
04:53 collum joined #evergreen
05:54 collum joined #evergreen
06:55 collum joined #evergreen
07:20 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
07:56 collum joined #evergreen
07:59 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:31 Stompro joined #evergreen
08:34 ian1 joined #evergreen
08:41 mantis joined #evergreen
08:42 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:47 ian1 joined #evergreen
08:54 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:02 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:20 ian1 joined #evergreen
09:20 Dyrcona @decide UTC or EDT
09:20 pinesol Dyrcona: go with EDT
09:33 Stompro That is a new one for me, Mackin gave us a new MARC data file that has 12MB of nulls between record 760 and 761.  Aspen didn't appreciate trying to load that and just gave up after record 760. 9000 records total.
09:37 Stompro marcdump sees no problems with it, very tolerant that marcdump. yaz-marcdump prints an error for every one of those nulls.
10:02 Stompro Shoot, I just looked at my calendar and realized the Release team check-in meeting was this morning.
10:03 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
10:07 Dyrcona Stompro: It's all right you missed the meeting. We discussed the 3.next target and some bugs.
10:07 Dyrcona Also the Perl MARC code tries to deal with bad files like that. Not sure how it deals with that many nuls in a row, though.
10:12 Stompro Dyrcona, if there are any specific bugs that need sign offs or more testing let me know.
10:13 Dyrcona Well, there are 12 signed off bugs in total. I was going to have a look at those this week. If you want to take some, feel free.
10:14 Dyrcona I'm on vacation next week.
10:28 Stompro I'll take a look at them.
10:42 Dyrcona Is it just me or is nodejs.org really slow right now?
10:46 Dyrcona I guess nodjs.org just doesn't like me today. Copied the file from an other vm and all is good, now.
10:47 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
11:00 Bmagic stika says we can disable the patron's ability to edit their email address in the OPAC by creating a file in folder /skins/LIBRARYCODE/opac_config.ym, I grepped the Evergreen code and I can't find a reference to opac_config.yml
11:00 Bmagic my question is: where exactly does this file need to live?
11:00 Bmagic is LIBRARYCODE a reference to actor.org_unit.shortname?
11:26 jeff I'm fairly certain that opac_config.yml is a Sitka specific thing.
11:35 Bmagic that's what I was thinking
11:54 Dyrcona grr. live_t/09-lp1198465_neg_balances.t failed.
11:56 Dyrcona That's on stock rel_3_13 not patches. I'll try again after lunch.
11:57 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:00 ian1 joined #evergreen
12:04 jeffdavis Bmagic: just to confirm, yes, that is a Sitka-specific thing.
12:04 Bmagic jeffdavis++
12:06 jeffdavis Bmagic: however, I think you can use the disable_email_config setting in config.tt2 to prevent patrons from changing their email?
12:07 Bmagic sounds right
12:08 Bmagic yep
12:09 jeffdavis disable_email_change rather, but you've found the right setting anyway :)
12:09 * jeffdavis -> coffee
12:27 collum joined #evergreen
12:37 Stompro Dyrcona, do you have your timezone set, that was the test file that failed for me when I had the wrong timezone set.
13:09 ian1 joined #evergreen
13:13 Dyrcona Stompro: I do have it set.
13:14 Dyrcona Reloaded the db and ran make livecheck again and everything passed.
13:25 cbrown joined #evergreen
13:30 Dyrcona I should not be testing this. I don't know what I'm doing, but anyway....
13:32 Dyrcona Like, how do I  make a new call number prefix in the client?
13:48 Dyrcona Ugh! Lp madness... There's a bug that has ended up with 2 distinct branches that were applied at different times.
13:49 Dyrcona The earlier branch is basically a fix and the latter should have been a new bug, imnsho.
13:49 Dyrcona Lp 1970946
13:49 pinesol Launchpad bug 1970946 in Evergreen "(Angular) Staff Catalog Needs Option to Disable Highlighting" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1970946
13:50 Dyrcona It's also, both fixed released and only fix committed depending upon which branch you're talking about.
14:18 Bmagic thats frustrating
14:33 Dyrcona jeff: I am summarily removing your name from "Assigned to" on bugs you don't appear to be actively looking at.
14:50 Dyrcona Grabbing 1423.
14:56 pinesol News from commits: LP2048425: Increase test coverage for circ limit sets <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=221725​a66032d2087481798db6c77b7bd7b7eccc>
15:00 mantis left #evergreen
15:11 jeff Dyrcona: sounds good. any bugs in particular, or are you just removing me from everything?
15:26 pinesol News from commits: LP2065448 Stamp DB upgrade script <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=0d3061​02f3480042647c92cacf01fde329a0bc6b>
15:26 pinesol News from commits: LP2065448 release notes <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=5cc73a​787b780b6e88d2562398b2307793ae585a>
15:26 pinesol News from commits: LP2065448 self-reg usability <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=22489d​ea4031733adae47811f0a662238eaa3b37>
15:26 pinesol News from commits: LP2065448 self-reg tweaks <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=32e5a8​f4eccb2a83b60a7fd00b81344118ef3411>
15:26 pinesol News from commits: LP2065448 Adjust spacing and font size for DOB fields <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=829ca6​ea9e8b08b47d7b83cffa64bff8611b37d5>
15:26 pinesol News from commits: LP2065448 Wire up the new patron self-reg settings <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=0361ab​3000bfad686aada12a80703aea9700ee24>
15:26 pinesol News from commits: LP2065448 Separate inputs and labels for three DOB fields <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=765097​9dd3216d638cd46aa04f41ddf5bbbc173a>
15:35 Dyrcona jeff: Just the ones that I came across in the list of signedoff bugs. There are a number targeted at 3.next that have you assigned.
15:36 Dyrcona Don't think the Lp advanced search URLs survive getting pasted into IRC.
15:37 Dyrcona jeff: Turns out it is only 1 bug so far.
15:38 SREtds-lib joined #evergreen
15:52 Dyrcona JBoyer | Bmagic: Do you know if anyone is using Lp 1613335 in production? I'm going to test it and if it works, I'll push it for 3.14.
15:53 pinesol Launchpad bug 1613335 in Evergreen "SIP Return Screen Message OK" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1613335 - Assigned to Jason Stephenson (jstephenson)
15:54 Bmagic awesome, I'm using it in production
15:56 Dyrcona Bmagic: Your branch or JBoyer's? I'm going to push the one that makes it optional.
15:56 Bmagic JBoyer's
15:56 Dyrcona Awesome sauce. I'll add that to my comment when updating Lp.
15:59 JBoyer I thought we had customers running it but now I can't find any that are. Bmagic++ Dyrcona++
16:01 jeff that has potential to be a breaking change unless it's behind a config option. sounds like the "one that makes it optional" is promising.
16:01 * jeff looks
16:02 jeff (behind a config option for existing installs, i should say)
16:02 Dyrcona jeff: Yeah, it's a setting on the login element.
16:02 jeff yup, reviewed. :-)
16:02 Dyrcona I'm going to test with two of ours copied from production: one I'll add the setting the other I won't.
16:05 Dyrcona Oof. I might not have my SIP test code on this vm any more...
16:16 Dyrcona Then, I have to modify the script for different file locations.... :)
16:21 Dyrcona And, it works for me!
16:21 Dyrcona After all these years.... :)
16:24 Bmagic lol, an oldie but a goodie
16:24 Bmagic thanks for looking at that!
16:26 pinesol News from commits: LP1613335: Release Note <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=a6a8e4​b0b6a650d96164412bfd5f5e24946dbaee>
16:26 pinesol News from commits: LP1613335: OK in Patron Status Screen Message <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=69ebe7​572fa4b7ccd3fb31bd534505d029560d87>
16:26 Dyrcona I'm going through the bugs targeted at 3.next and triaging them. If I see ones that look easy/good to go, I might just push them.
16:27 Dyrcona redavis++ for making a list/spreadsheet.
16:30 Dyrcona berick: Have you written a SIP2 client in Rust, yet? It looks like you have some server code in Rust and a client in Python.
16:31 berick Dyrcona: oh yeah.   https://crates.io/crates/sip2
16:34 Dyrcona berick++
16:35 sleary redavis++ Dyrcona++ for cleaning out 3.next!
16:36 Dyrcona I'll get to more of them tomorrow. I've got something else to do before the day ends.
16:58 * Dyrcona calls it a day. Tune in tomorrow!
17:06 mmorgan left #evergreen
18:42 jihpringle joined #evergreen

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